The ENTIRE Story of Jimmy Neutron in 52 Minutes

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3 2 1 got a blast in the city of retroville lives a child genius named Jimmy Neutron however being a Young Einstein isn't as luxurious as it may seem especially when your inventions blow up in your face more often than night Jimmy Neutron ran on Nickelodeon from 2002 to 2006 and has solidified itself as one of the most memorable shows of that time the phrase birds of a feather flock together doesn't apply here as Jimmy's best friends Carl and Sheen are definitely not the sharpest in the shed Carl is a lovable dimwitted llama lover with a plethora of allergies Jean is a hyperactive Fanboy of superhero ultral Lord who definitely thinks he's also a boy Genius uh spoiler alert he's not not even close Cindy is Jimmy's School Nemesis who's smarter than the average person but can never seem to be Jimmy he and Jimmy's tumultuous Dynamic is a result of their constant competition and also their suppression of their love for each other Libby is Cindy's best friend with a sassy and fiery personality Hugh Neutron is Jimmy's dad although his head is in the clouds most of the time his heart is always in the right place Judy Neutron is Jimmy's mother and honestly she seems to be the only sane person in the entire show with personalities like these there's never a dull moment in fact we've got got plenty of chaos to look at today it doesn't take a genius to hit that subscribe button so make sure you do that now as we look into the craziest moments in retroville starting off strong is when Pants Attack after hanging out with Carl Jimmy rushes home realizing he forgot to pick up his room when he arrives his mother's already nagging him about his unwillingness to pick up his pants that he throws into a giant pile on the floor Jimmy pick up Jimmy pick up pick up pick up Jimmy she grounds him from being able to go to the movies the next day with his friends after school Jimmy gets an idea to install a microchip into his pants and programs it to make the pants hang themselves so he doesn't have to Nano chips oh wait are those the spicy ranch kind after he perfects this invention he presents his new pants to his parents downstairs and begs his mom to reconsider his punishment and his mother accepts later that night as Jimmy is sleeping his pants seem to be growing in power the next day at school Carl walks in with socks stuck all over him from static cling and Cindy makes fun of him as Carl walks into the classroom the cling is so powerful it even rips their teacher skirt off during Cindy's presentation in class Jimmy begins to involuntarily jolt around seemingly being controlled by his pants with cutting Ed special effects you can't even see the wires of the blue screen it's amazing after class Jimmy tries to tell everybody why his pants were acting up but as he was explaining his pants zap everyone else's causing them now to be unwillingly out of control neon as good as I stoping I'm kicking your butt Jimmy's pants break free from his body followed by everyone else's and the pants all run away on their own I see London I see France Jimmy Carl and Sheen head to Jimmy's lab they use Gard to scope out retroville to find the Rogue pants they spot the pants all running towards a building called the house of blue pants and they realize the pants are seeking even more pants to control they head off to stop the pants from causing mass destruction and taking over the world they find the pants and Jimmy begins to shoot them with his invention that pins the pants to a nearby pole leaving them immobile hey Jimmy can I go play with my pants however when Jimmy tries to shoot his pants the clothes pins have no effect and it runs away hey I got two words for you no pants Jimmy's pants barricade itself inside the house of blue pants and begin zapping all of the other pants inside while Jimmy begins thinking of a plan he notices a dry cleaners across the street and he uses a robot full of clothes cleaning supplies to battle the evil horde of pants he successfully takes down to mob leaving only him and his pants I can keep this up all day neut TR Jimmy runs out of ammunition as his pants continue to grow in power suddenly he has a Brain Blast and he remembers Carl's static cling from earlier his friends bring him a giant rug and he rubs the robot's feet on it until it generates enough static he touches the pants and the static shock causes the microchip to malfunction and the pants become normal pants once again outrageously tall hairo oo he looks oddly familiar which reminds me I've got some laundry to do in the episode normal boy Jimmy tries to show his parents his new invention but it malfunctions and causes more harm than heal per [Music] usual feeling bummed Jimmy heads off to school where he tells Carl and Sheen his qualms about being a man of science and how his genius messes up everything in his life in class the group presents their science projects Carl shows his underwhelming project that consists of a hot dog bun and Jimmy presents his magnetic polarity TV tray which uses magnets to cause the trays to float trying to add Doo Jimmy Cindy attempts to present her papermache volcano but fails to Garner the attention of Mrs foul everyone else in the class begrudgingly ridicules Jimmy for being so smart and making them consistently look bad and Jimmy is reminded yet again of the burden of his intelligence Jimmy Neutron state test scores were the highest in world history he has an idea to make a machine that makes him Dumber after using it Carl and Sheen are delighted to find out it worked and now Jimmy is just as dumb as the both of [Music] them the next day in class Jimmy's teacher and classmates are perplexed by his Newfound student openess suddenly they noticed an asteroid heading towards Earth you have to help us destroy it BL realizing Jimmy is their only hope of saving the Earth Cindy has Carl and Sheen take her to Jimmy's lab where they try to find his helmet and try to turn him back to normal you're kind of cute after successfully getting his genius back Jimmy sets off to build a rocket ship using his magnetic polarity from his science project to combat the metals in the asteroid he sets off in a ship towards the asteroid and successfully drives it away saving the Earth next is birth of a Salesman Jimmy presents his new invention to his friends book gum which allows whoever choose it to automatically know the contents of whatever the book gum represents oh R I don't know nothing about birthing no babies the gum works as planned but he warns them that chewing more than one at a time is dangerous later in class Mrs fon announces a chocolate selling contest with a prize being a free VIP trip to the town's amusement park retroland Jimmy and Cindy go head-to-head to see who can sell the most boxes each convinced they can outdo the other you have the power Eye of the Tiger however as Jimmy tries to sell his chocolate he finds that his intellectual and fact heavy approach doesn't entice anyone into buying Cindy on the other hand finds Success Through her un truthful approach to selling the candy if you buy some candy you also Dandy to buy some candy today Jimmy realizes that although he isn't a good salesman he can just build one after he sets his invention loose Jimmy sales go through the roof and he gloats in Cindy's face however he wasn't aware that while selling the chocolate the salesman robot was also giving away Jimmy's inventions and Chaos ensues when Jimmy goes to try and stop the robot the robot grabs him and begins to auction him off on come on we need more money NE is mine thinking quickly about what to do Jimmy remembers his book gum and offers it to the robot for free unable to say no to such a strong sales pitch the robot takes the gum and chews it all at once causing him to malfunction at school the winners of the contest are revealed to be both Cindy and Jimmy and they be grudgingly go to retr land together in the episode robot Jimmy tries to hang out with his friends but all of them are too busy doing their own thing as he solemnly walks through the park he spots a pair of brothers playing together and realizes that if he had a brother he would have a built-in friend and a labat at dinner with his parents he proposes the idea of adding a new member to the family but this quickly is shot down by his parents he decides that since he won't get a brother the natural way he'll build a robot himself that's enough lower it g her yes ma the next day he presents his brot to his parents who don't know what to think they headed out to play and Jimmy quickly realizes that robot's superhuman abilities far surpasses Jimmy's normal human ones making games unenjoyable to play together Carl and Sheen are impressed by brot's impressive skills I like him more than you I I mean I Cindy and Libby show up and are also quickly woed by robot's personality I think he likes you what no he's lying the others leave Jimmy to hang out with robot Instead at home Jimmy notices that even his parents seem to prefer robot over him the little one um Jimmy yes thank you brot after a night full of being bugged by brot Jimmy decides to try to get rid of him however no matter how hard he tries brot keeps showing back up right as he was about to accept defeat Jimmy realizes that brot would do better with a family of his own he builds him a mom bot and a pop bot and they set off for their fulfilling robot life together on the moon siblings you got to love them next is Jimmy on Ice Jimmy Carl and Sheen plot of ways to keep cool under the sweltering heat of the Summer sun they have to admit that girls are better than boys in every way ever in all history and forever in the future when Carl reapplies his sunscreen Jimmy gets an idea they head to his lab where he creates a rocket full of SPF 9000 to shoot into the sun they release the rocket and it successfully blocks the sun causing the heat wave to be transformed into a snowy day and they all enjoy the nice cold weather as Jimmy goes to bed that night he explains to Gard that the SPF of the Sun will dissipate over the course of a few days and everything will go back to normal however when Jimmy wakes up the next day it is even colder than the day before and he finds that he's actually caused the next ice age warning do not quantumly enhance contents may cause second ice AG Jimmy arrives at school and finds out Carl and Sheen told everyone that he was the one who caused the weather to change and he's chased by a mob of students that want to sacrifice him as he's escaping he hides in Carl's Igloo as they talk Carl tells Jimmy that because of his sweat his sunscreen is worn off realizing that Carl's sunscreen isn't waterproof Jimmy sets off to find a source of weather that isn't completely Frozen which proves to be a lot more difficult than he thought sweetie eat your Caribou before it gets hard and I see M he has a Brain Blast when he determines that because it doesn't freeze as fast he would need to use a significant amount of sweat to wash the SPF off of the sun he gathers retroville best sweaters and they manag to gather a significant amount of perspiration Jimmy fills up a giant spray can with the sweat they collected and sprays it into the atmosphere successfully clearing up the snow clouds and bringing summer back in the battle of the band Mrs F announces the school talent show at lunch Sheen Carl and Jimmy explain their ideas for their talent act but are interrupted by Cindy who comes over to brag about her and Libby's River stomp routine no way you girls will definitely win in an attempt to one up Cindy Jimmy blurts out that their band will be performing after the girls leave Sheen and Carl Panic trying to figure out how they'll learn how to play instruments in just a few days they head to Jimmy's lab where he's made the neutral on synchronous mind instruments which allows the user to think of any tune in their head and grants them the ability to automatically be able to play it they begin rocking out bringing in crowds of fan girls which causes them to feel even more confident about the talent show my fo is tapping Li we got to get out of this place however this new confidence causes the gang to start butting heads as they argue about their positions and solos in the band we have to be better we are the mistresses of dance faster living the day of the talent show arrives and the group still is at odds with each other Sheen refuses to go on unless all of his outrageous demands are met and Carl now speaking in a British oent becomes increasingly difficult to work with I paid 125 bucks for these tickets H this is a free school function they all begin fighting and In the Heat of the argument Sheen takes the instruments and throws them out the window right before they're about to perform they hurriedly try to figure out something to do for the show they announced that they won't be playing as a band anymore yeah I want my money back not that I paid her anything and instead they hop on Carl as he begins to blow a giant snot bubble that floats and lifts them up above everyone else it pops covering everyone in boogers and they Place eight place out of seven X now next up is my son the hamster Carl brings his new hamster Mister to Jimmy's lab while Jimmy is showing Carl his new teleportation device a godded fires a laser into the hamster's cage and chases it around Jimmy goes inside one of the machines and the hamster runs into the other Carl accidentally presses a button causing the machine to swap Jimmy's Head onto the hamster's body and the hamster's head onto Jimmy's body Jimmy's dad comes to visit Jimmy to spend the day with him and he walks off with the mutant Jimmy one twitch for yes two Twitches for no meanwhile hamster Jimmy gets chased out of his lab by Goddard and runs into Carl and Sheen he begs them to help him find Carl's hamster so that they can switch their bodies back his friends agree but Jimmy is quickly snatched up by a hawk what a bunch of Scaredy p i dip the front car the hawk drops in in his nest and Jimmy runs to a satellite dish to call for Goddard who chases the bird away and finally realizes that the hamster is actually Jimmy Harry taught me this one's a knuckle ball ready Goddard and Jimmy search for Jimmy's dad and the hamster and finally spot them Jimmy comes up with the idea to build a giant hamster tube to lure the hamster back into the lab and it works they both go back into the machine and successfully switch their bodies back I just hate when I accidentally switch bodies with a rodent it really just throws off my whole day in Journey to the Center of Carl Jimmy creates a patch that makes whoever is wearing it sick but completely normal when you take it off oh Jimmy you poor baby you're sick as a dog he uses this patch to trick his parents into letting him stay home from school and soon all the kids at his school learn of this invention and convince him to give them one I miss them all oh so much except Shane everything starts out fine but as the children spend more time at home with their parents and become subject to at home remedies they begin to miss school relax Cindy only 678 more needles to go however when they go to take off the patch they find that it has dissolved into their skin leaving them permanently sick in order to get better Jimmy must go into someone and extract the mitochondria of the virus to create a vaccine Jimmy and Sheen decide to be the ones to shrink down and enter Carl's body they enter through his nose pass Carl's PE brain and go down into his stomach where they find a germ you're supposed to play with the toys and the silly meals not e them Jimmy captures it but it calls for help and a mass of other germs begin swarming him Jimmy instructs Sheen to cry since germs are attracted to Sal and while the germs are distracted they successfully Escape get out of here through the nearest exit as they begin to make their exit they are sneezed out by Carl and they managed to make a vaccine to cure everyone honestly when I remember that the mitochondria is the PowerHouse of the cell I feel like a child genius too we meet one of the main antagonists in Professor calamitus I presume after finding a half-eaten jelly donut Mrs fou realizes that one of her students finnbar calamitus has returned to retroville after disappearing for years out of his embarrassment over not being able to finish anything he starts despite his scientific genius while Jimmy is at school a robot knocks on the door of his house and is let in by his father after telling him he's a chimney sweep the robot asks to see gard and sprays gas all over Hugh who passes out while Godard is K kidnapped when Jimmy comes home he panics when he realizes that Gard has been taken Jimmy flies off in one of his machines to search for Gard and quickly locates where he's being kept we'll sit tight here in the candy bar in case the guy who stole your dog comes in for a snack of he sneaks in through an opening into window and frees him when they try to escape the doors and windows become sealed shut the robot emerges and introduces himself as finnbar calamitus and reveals his plans to trap Jimmy to make him his scientific slave to finish all of his inventions and take over retroville to get revenge on everyone who laughed at him calamitus complains about the lack of a bathroom in his robot suit and emerges to take care of business revealing a stout old man he shows Jimmy his disintegration machine and Jimmy agrees to help him finish it after some quick work the machine is complete and Jimmy uses it to disintegrate a hole in one of the walls Falls to allow him and Goddard to escape calamitus gets back into his robot and follows them in Hot Pursuit Jimmy and gdd fly all around retroville but can't seem to shake him Jimmy has a Brain Blast and remembers calamitus never got a chance to use the bathroom so he heads to the candy bar where he Mak sure all of the bathrooms are full and unusable after being unable to relieve himself calamitous flies away but promises he will return to get his revenge next up is beach party mummy after Carl's pet fish dies Jimmy attempts to bring it back to life with his Electro life device but [Music] fails they arrive at School hoping that it will take Carl's mind off of things but Mrs foul reveals that they're watching a 997h hour documentary about mummy and Egypt thank you after being bored out of their minds Jimmy comes up with a brilliant plan to take his friends to Egypt instead of being stuck in class they make it to Egypt and search for the Lost tombs after hours of searching and no luck they decide to make light of the situation and have an Egyptian beach party Thea but their festivities are quick Ally cut short by a sandstorm when the dust settles they realize that the storm has revealed the Lost tombs and they decide to explore it as they go deeper into the tomb they find ancient drawings of an Egyptian goddess who Bears a striking resemblance to liby had a VCR but wanted a DVD and the God sent munchkins to hit they find hieroglyphics on the wall stating that whoever disturbs the tomb will suffer a terrible curse but they remain unfaced and continue exploring while leaning against the wall Carl accidentally discovers a hidden door and becomes separated from the group The Rest try to reach him but are unable to figure out the door and Carl finds himself surrounded by snakes Jimmy finds spice jars and concocts an explosive mixture to blow the wall open and save Carl they find the Queen's burial chamber where Carl gets startled by mummies and runs into Jimmy causing him to drop his torch Carl remembers an Electro life thingy of Jimmy that he has and Powers it up to give him some light and relight the torch the electricity shoots out from the device and flows through the mummies making them come to life the mummies begin to chase them hey guys I'm related to your queen and the kids find themselves at a dead end they hide to buy themselves some more time and Jimmy has the idea to dress liby up as the queen in order to trick the mummies into obeying her commands yo dead gu your queen orders you to cool it the mummies are tricked by her appearance and she commands them to sleep for 10 trillion more years Jimmy realizes that he shouldn't alter life and death and decides to leave his Electro life device in the Tomb forever the gang heads back to school and Carl runs back to Jimmy's lab to find that his fish had come back to life after all I hate to admit it but I guess that was a pretty cool adventure Neutron jumping into C two we have Jimmy for president Mrs fou announces that it's time to hold an election for the new class president and Jimmy Libby Sheen and the new transfer student Balby strowski try to run for president no Balby they all announced their ideas for their presidency to the school including bal's idea to integrate his unique cultural dance into everyday lives if I'm elected I promise you 15 minutes I'll B every day they make their way around their neighborhood to campaign and Carl who's easily swayed by each candidate struggles to find where his loyalties lie in order to get his vote Cindy acting as Libby's campaign manager bribes him with money when Sheen approaches Carl he threatens to blackmail him with an embarrassing photo of him unless he votes for him one she's a female two she's not a boy and three and most importantly she's a girl yeah then Jimmy asks him to vote for him since they're best friends leaving Carl even more distressed slap slap slap clap clap clap after analyzing his stats Jimmy realizes he's ranking dead lasts and needs to change his campaign approach he decides to go the complete opposite way ditching his scientific talk for a giant spectacle performance by scantily clad women when the results are announced it's revealed that Libby and Sheen are tied but soon they realize that a vote is missing Carl admits he didn't vote and he's pressured to make his decision he goes to fill out his ballot but instead breaks down in front of everyone revealing Libby's bribery Sheen's blackmail and Jimmy's manipulation the staff decides that all of the candidates besides bulby engaged in unethical campaign practices so he is crowned the winner # slap slap clap clap clap in Sheen's brain Sheen horrifically bombs his history test and Mrs foul warns Sheen that if he fails his math test the following day he will be held back that's what it says in the ultr website wait didn't you write the ultralord website Jimmy and Carl determined to help Sheen pass attempt to help him study however after multiple failed attempts at getting Sheen to focus they realized that his stupidity is not something you can fix overnight night and Jimmy has the idea to adjust one of his inventions to possibly give Sheen a higher IQ after using the helmet Sheen becomes a genius and they all [Music] celebrate the next day at school Sheen passes his test with flying colors but Jimmy and Carl notice a change in his behavior deciding it's time to change Sheen back Jimmy goes to his lab to adjust his helmet again and heads off to find Sheen at the candy bar Sheen becomes more and more aggressive and his head seems to be growing in size when Jimmy tries to convince him to change his brain back Sheen becomes combative and refuses and he escapes to wreak havoc Jimmy and call returned back to Jimmy's lab to analyze Sheen's brain growth pattern and they discover that his IQ is growing so rapidly that Sheen's head will explode meanwhile Sheen takes Libby as his Queen to accompany him as Overlord of retroville Jimmy and Carl disguise the helmet as a crown to trick Sheen but as they try to give it to him Sheen reads Carl's mind and realizes it's a trap Jimmy and I disguise The Brain Drain helmet as a crow after multiple attacks from Sheen Carl and Jimmy decide to change their approach they find a giant ultral Lord and control it from the inside like a robot approaching Sheen and attempting to convince him to comply and revert his brain back to normal this anger Sheen and he shoots the robot with his brain electricity destroying the ultral Lord and sending Carl and Jimmy flying seeing his friends injured by his actions Sheen realizes he's gone too far and decides that it's time to go back to normal he puts the helmet on and drains his brain and apologizes to his friends for getting so out of control at school Sheen goes back to being his normal stupid son however since he passed the math test from the previous day he avoids being held back so mission accomplished I guess my name Professor Shen next is the junk man cometh after receiving a concerning message from robot Jimmy Carl Sheen and Goddard all set off to the Moon to help him when they arrive they find that robot lied about being endangered because he wanted Jimmy to come play with him they frustratingly tell him the story of the boy that cried wolf and decide to leave 3 2 1 robot wait off I knew it however when they're about to head back home brobot follows them in a panic saying that the junk man kidnapped his parents and has them on his ship thinking that this was another attempt to get them to stay the gang ignores him and flies off back to Earth they don't get very far before they're unwillingly beamed up into a ship after they explore the ship they find the junkman and his dog Roxy who has some really strong chemistry with GED oh baby the junman explains that he abducted them to steal their rocket to sell for scrap metal on the intergalactic black market after Jimmy and his friends object the junkman imprisons them and takes Godard and brot's parents away just when all hope is lost I wish I could see liby's smiling face one more time I wish I could see Jimmy's mom smiling robot reveals that he was hiding on the bottom of their rocket when they got abducted and is ready to help he frees Jimmy and the Gang and they make their way to find godded and save robot's parents they find the junkman mama I couldn't put a price on you so I took the best offer who's about to turn brot's parents into Intergalactic toys called gravid discs brobot distracts the junkman and Jimmy and his friends manag to free gard and brot's parents the junkman tries to get Roxy to attack them but she turns on him and protects Godard and Jimmy oh baby while brot's parents handcuff him the junkman manages to break the steering wheel off of the ship sending all of them hurling towards the moon they decide to free him so he can fix the ship and save them but he escapes leaving them to their Doom just as they're about to Plum it to their death brot uses his his head literally and saves them all it's true forgive me Judy things get super crazy in the mighty wheezers while Jimmy's parents go to attend the burning duck Festival Jimmy stays with Carl's family for the weekend however his exciting weekends with his friend soon takes a turn when he realizes that the Weezer household is not as fun as he thought it would be because of their comprised immune system numer ous allergies and food restrictions Jimmy is subjected to extreme sanitation protocols and disgusting mush for meals later that night he tosses and turns unable to sleep due to the heavy snoring that shakes the entire household Jimmy escapes to his lab to create a super Health pill to cure the wheezers of their ailments for the weekend just enough to make his stay there enjoyable he feeds the pill to each of them as they sleep and by the morning they wake up with superhuman capabilities delighted by their new abilities the Weezer family gallivant around retroville engaging and dangerous activities Jimmy becomes worried that the effect of the pill will wear off while they're doing something crazy and that they'll hurt themselves so he asks Sheen to accompany him as he tries to stop them Jimmy tries to explain that their new abilities are only temporary but the wheezers ignore him and instead decide to climb Mount incredibly un stable which also happens to be where the burning duck Festival is taking place the wheezers take off towards the mountain and Jimmy and Sheen follow close behind in Jimmy's hover ship the wheezers managed to successfully climb the mountain but as they begin their track down the effects of the pill wear off and they immediately start to panic like the name implies the incredibly unstable Mountain begins to collapse and Jimmy manages to save the family just in time the debris continues to hurdle towards the festival and Jimmy realizes that if he doesn't stop it his parents will be crushed as Jimmy attempts to save his parents he fails to exert enough power to stop the Rocks as more and more dust continues to be stirred up the Weezer family begin to fall into an aggressive sneezing fit the power from their sneezes along with Jimmy's efforts combined to successfully stop the debris from crushing the attendees of the festival in the end although the wheezers return to their normal fragile state they prove to be heroes after all that's how I start acting when I remember to take my multivitamin once every two weeks so I get it kicking off season 3 we're looking at lights camera danger Jimmy and his friends see an advertisement promoting a contest to write a screenplay that'll be directed by movie director Quenton Smithy if you can read this sign you too can write a movie when discussing their plans to enter Jimmy's friends make fun of his lack of creativity in an attempt to spike them Jimmy goes home to write a screenplay but after hours of sitting in front of his computer screen he fails to come up with anything he then gets the idea to watch all of the greatest movies of all time in hypers speed so he can find what the scientific equation to a great movie is they all submit their scripts and eagerly await the winning announcement my movie is about a beautiful older woman named Judy hey isn't Jimmy's mom named Judy later at school Jimmy receives a phone call from Quenton Smithy informing him that he's won the competition Smithy arrives and announces that he plans to shoot the movie in retroville while also casting residents in it to act Jimmy and his friends all get selected to star in the movie and filming Begins the next day Hugh attempts to be cast in the movie but is given the job of donut boy and is repeatedly sent off to do mundane errands you look 10 years younger in this makeup what I don't want to look one Jimmy Carl Sheen Cindy and Libby all get attached to wires on a crane to shoot a fight scene on a roof but as they begin filming the crane swings over the edge of the roof and the hooks connecting them to the wires break they begin plummeting towards the ground but luckily Jimmy's rocket shoes save them just in time BBY say move people time is the money they continue filming at an amusement Park on a roller coaster but as the scene progresses they notice that the tracks are broken and they're about to fly off the ride they all manag to jump off and land safely oh are you okay oh man I'm so sorry heads were roll well see you tomorrow bring Smiles they begin to have doubts over the validity of Quenton Smithy and the project safety but Jimmy begs his friends not to quit his movie unbo to them Quenton Smithy is actually revealed to be Professor calamitus who is seeking revenge and planning to destroy Jimmy and his friends the following day they resume filming this time working on a big musical number as they perform their custom bowler hats turned into flying circular saws that chase them around this time Jimmy's friends decide to quit the movie for good but after some intense begging they agree that Fame is too good to pass up and are convinced to continue filming but we'll do do it for the fame and fortune and the monkeys as they begin to film the last scene Professor calamitus makes sure that Jimmy has no means of saving himself and he releases a giant mechanical snake to attack the gang just as the snake Corners them Hugh arrives back on set seeing this as donut boy's big heroic moment he attacks the snake and throws Donuts in its mouth causing the wiring the short circuit ruining Professor calamitus PL land yet again in the tomorrow boys Jimmy crafts a new chemical called Megalo manum which causes whoever comes in contact with it to become mad with power Carl and Sheen visit his lab where he reveals that he's also invented the Chrono Arch which allows them to view and travel into the future build homes for the needy and filter out unwanted phone calls can somebody help me to my car with the pleas before they eagerly travel to explore their amazing lives 15 years into the future they have to drop off presentence at Libby's birthday party Jimmy asks Carl to wrap his present for Libby but Carl accidentally grabs and wraps the mallam manium instead they drop off the presents and rush back to the lab to use the Chrono Arc however when they arrive in the future it's nothing like what they had seen before hey it looks like I'm famous instead of The Savvy futuristic Utopia retroville has turned into a dystopian regime ruled by an evil dictator who turns out to be Libby after being caught on the streets without permission a robot cop tries to catch them but they escape my mom says we should trust policemen they brainstorm how the future could have changed so drastically and realized that Libby was accidentally gifted Megalo manum which caused her to become the dictator of the future in order to prevent this future from happening they determined they must go back to the present day and stop her from getting the present so they begin their search for Jimmy's lab well maybe this is a fingerprint analyzer when they arrive they meet future Jimmy who much to Young Jimmy's dismay is married to Cindy and has abandoned science in order to tend to Cindy's mom's feet which require constant care Cindy can you not call me nerron now that we're M future Jimmy also reveals that he had lent the Chrono Arch to Future Sheen who arrives at that moment future Carl is summoned and he is found hanging upside down on the Chrono Ark because of his back problems young Jimmy and future Jimmy work on repairing the ark while Sheen and Carl keep a lookout for the robot cop who's still pursuing them the jimmies successfully managed to fix the krono ark right as the robot cop finds them they leap through and go back to the present day but the cop follows them the trio heads to Libby's party but when they arrive they find that all of the presents look the exact same so they begin opening all of them angering Libby and causing them to be kicked out out of her house the RoboCop finds them and Corners them some boys can't hold their punch but becomes distracted by the party music using their opportunity to escape they head back to Libby's house and begin destroying all of the presents when Cindy finds them they beg her to tell them where Jimmy's present is and she takes them to a different room the RoboCop finds them and Jimmy throws his present at him which he blasts with his laser RS effectively destroying the M galom manum chemical and the future that he's from next is my big fat spy wedding Jimmy is summoned by btso the big top secret organization to help them monitor beautiful gorgeous Professor calamitus is daughter who had been released from jail on good behavior just a couple weeks after Jimmy had successfully put both of them in bars I'm prepared to cry and beg I'll take the case good call and Sheen tag along and they find beautiful gorgeous in a store with jet Fusion btso top agent they see beautiful gorgeous going to attack Jet and they leap into action to stop her however beautiful gorgeous and Jet Fusion admit to them that they're planning on getting married and they asked Jimmy to be the best man shocked that jet Fusion would marry his own mortal enemy Jimmy is skeptical Jimmy this is baring yeah I can watch my parents do that at home home but after multiple failed attempts of trying to catch beautiful gorgeous doing something evil he finally accepts that their love is true yeah she's almost as pretty as your mother unbeknown St Trio beautiful gorgeous hypnotizes Jet Fusion to attack whoever says the phrase I had the ring which she previously told Jimmy to say at the wedding before the wedding jet meets up with Carl Sheen and Jimmy and Sheen says I have the ring triggering jet into attacking him after stopping jet from pummeling Sheen to Pieces Jimmy realizes Something Fishy is going on and goes off to find beautiful gorgeous he confronts her but she traps him and erases his memory and Jimmy heads off to the wedding completely oblivious Sheen and Carl see the whole thing happen and try to stop beautiful gorgeous we hurt everything give up and we'll go easy on you yeah please but she traps them in a cage and leaves them for her wedding Sheen uses his special monkey call to summon monkeys who helped free them from the cage and they escaped to stop the wedding right as Jimmy is about to say the trigger phrase Carl and Sheen burst through the doors and expose beautiful gorgeous' plot to have Jimmy killed and Jet Fusion thrown in jail for assault Sheen it's not you have the ring it's I have the ring the wedding guests break out into song repeating I have the ring over and over again until the disoriented jet Fusion breaks free from his hypnosis Landing beautiful gorgeous back in jail next up is who's your mommy while exploring an alien planet Carl gets covered in a mysterious alien substance they return to Jimmy's lab and successfully remove the foreign body off of Carl's face later they notice a change in Carl's mood and appetite to think of it as Jolly not you want to talk big head but I guess we are after spotting a mass on Carl's backside they returned to the lab for further testing and find that Carl is pregnant with some sort of alien energy instead of fearing for his own safety Carl Embraces motherhood with open arms and decides he wants to keep the alien and raise it as his own despite Jimmy's frantic attempts at convincing him otherwise Carl's uh baby bump begins to become larger and more prominent and the girls invite him over to throw him a baby shower we also got the 20 leg expansion pack in case it's born with more Jimmy spots a giant alien flying through the sky and realizes that it's the mother of the alien baby inside Carl and tells Sheen to distract Carl while he figures out a way to get rid of it my counselor was right all I needed to curve my anger was a hobby right when Jimmy is about to electrocute the giant alien Carl stops him realizing that the baby would be with its true mother Carl quickly delivers it and sends it on its way Carl then goes on to write the wildly successful book What to Expect When You're Expecting I'm kidding but he definitely would have in flippy Hugh picks up the hobby of ventriloquism to present to Jimmy's class for career day but Jimmy is afraid of his dad embarrassing him not so good some bees tried building a nest at me this morning no really in an effort to try to improve his dad's jokes Jimmy implants a funny chip into flippy his dad's puppet the Chip's function is to connect to the brain of whoever is controlling the puppet in order to make their jokes funnier the next day Hugh arrives at Jimmy's school and performs amazing jokes and everything goes successfully can't you just smell the learning wait a minute that's Butch later that night flippy begins to function on his own and by the morning he has begun to drain Hugh's brain Jimmy discovers that flippy is using his dad to become sentient until he can be fully Mobile on his own Carl Sheen and Jimmy try to stop him you're selling Neutron's telescope for a quarter I'll give you a nickel a dime done done but he becomes too powerful and Escapes in a car with Jimmy's dad the trio rushes to find them and save Hugh they arrive at a cliff just as flippy as about to throw Hugh over the edge realizing that because Flippy and his father are essentially sharing the same brain he uses his father's love of ducks to successfully distract flippy Carl and Sheen pin flippy down and Jimmy removes the funny chip and saves his dad at this point I think we've learned that making creepy dolls become sentient beings never really works out well to end the season 3 and also the series we have the double episode Special the league of villains all of Jimmy's enemies joined forces together to form the league of Villains The League consists of the leader King Gobot followed by beautiful gorgeous and Professor calamitus who both escaped prison baby Eddie Jimmy's infant Evil Genius cousin Grandma taters a secret evil alien the junkman used to strike a snobby British boy and the space Bandits zix travoltron and T they bonded over their common enemy Jimmy new R and begin plotting to destroy him once and for all I am used to stretch and I could buy and sell you all make me an offer back on Earth Jimmy reveals to his friends his newest invention the N Essence which allows them to gain back superpowers they once possessed I fell in love with the most beautiful woman in the eager to experience their superhuman abilities again his friends attempt to use it but Jimmy stops them stating he only made them for them to use in absolutely extreme emergencies meanwhile the league of villains approaches Earth and prepares to capture Jimmy grandma ters and baby Eddie track down godded and disable him to prevent him from coming to Jimmy's Aid Eustace visits the candy bar and plays a CD that causes everyone to dance without the ability to stop rendering Sheen Carl Cindy and Libby trapped and useless the space Bandits locate Jimmy's lab and seal it off to prevent him from being able to access any of his inventions the league of villains finds Jimmy and abducts him but Sheen manages to stow away at the bottom of the junkman ship Libby breaks the boom box and frees the rest of them from the dancing spell you're the one who fell I tripped to save us you little twerk don't call me out on the ship King Gobot reveals that the villains are putting Jimmy on trial for blocking the spread of evil and ruining their diabolical schemes Professor cous beautiful gorgeous Z trt how come he said my name last the jury finds Jimmy guilty but right as they're about to sentence him Sheen bursts through the doors to save Jimmy but fails miserably and both of them are imprisoned while trying to figure a way out Jimmy realizes that they can contact Carl and asks T to borrow his electrad to ride out their Wills while the rest of the villains plot on how they do away with Jimmy M his head on a wall barbaric let's eat him oh now you're just being disgusted Sheen and T talk about the unfair treatment te receives from the other villains and start to bond but Jimmy disapproves of Sheen's fraternizing dear di Jimmy's mom looked breathtaking today in her green summer dress Jimmy manages to get in contact with Carl and tells him to get Cindy Libby and the N Essence and try to fly to the junkman ship on Jimmy's rocket 1 s squiggly line Carl haphazardly grabs the Essences why does nerron have a picture of Betty quinland in his lab and also accidentally grabs the pheromone 976 J AKA The Love Potion and the rest of the group sets off to save Jimmy hi Mrs Neutron you look lovely we're going to rescue Jimmy from the W of V Hugh and Judy go into Jimmy's lab to see if they can find anything to help and and they find Jimmy's gravitational Wormhole generator and activated sending the entire town of retroville 75 million years in the past the villains go to fetch Jimmy and Sheen so they can blast them into deep space but when they arrive they find that they've escaped T takes Jimmy and Sheen and they all pile into a pod and escape the junman ship just as Jimmy's other friends arrive yep that's them all right Carl's talking liby's rolling her eyes and sending is driving the villains fire a missile at Jimmy's rocket and his friends begin to plummet towards a random Planet I found another photo of Betty quinland what is he obsessed and Jimmy turns their pot around to save his friends meanwhile the people of retroville try to adjust to their new prehistoric lifestyle what do you got Sam Rock Burgers Rock dogs and Rock Lobster with a side of rock Jimmy and his friends reunite but are interrupted by the league of villains you broke my heart I'm going to break face and the Gang each take the essence to gain their powers back but since Carl mixed up which one belonged to who they struggle to effectively use their powers to their advantage the villains take this opportunity to blast Jimmy and his friends into a deep crater right as the junkman is about to smash them all with a boulder Jimmy uses the love potion to make the junkman and beautiful gorgeous fall in love which distracts all the villains and allows them all to escape holy sh smoke oh my get off I want to see when they re-enter Earth's atmosphere they're sucked into the giant Wormhole that's over retroville Jimmy begins working to try to get them back to the present day while the rest of the group uses their powers to fend off the dinosaurs oh Jimmy you're safe I'm safe too Mrs Neutron dad what happened here the league of villains returns to earth in search of Jimmy yet again zix and travoltron get trapped by a giant snake and T pleads Jimmy and his friends to use their powers to help save them you can't see me but I'm bring you grateful for their help zix and travoltron also join Jimmy's side their superhero Powers begin to wear off so they quickly work on taking care of the Wormhole Jimmy shoots the evil members of the league of villains with a force field right as they fix the Wormhole leaving them in the past to fight off the dinos while Jimmy and his friends return to the present day I'm guessing the league of villains will have their hands full for quite a while with that grand finale it's time to say farewell to our friends in retroville jimy get S she getsy and you know what I [Music] get thank you so much for coming along for the ride I hope you tune in to our other videos and keep a lookout for our new ones I'm a God of blast and find Jimmy's mom yeah
Channel: JarToon
Views: 379,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 33sec (3153 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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