The WEIRD Version of Scooby-Doo They Wanted to Hide…

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with so many iterations of Scooby-Doo out  there it's extremely easy to not remember   each and every one of them but sometimes it's  not because you couldn't remember it but more   so that the higher ups wanted to bury the memory  of it in general the show itself the art style   of it the changes to the characters and focus of  the narrative are all things to look at for why   some fans of Scooby-Doo could be turned away from  liking this show or giving it a chance in general   but larger decisions from the top of the studios  may have been what kept this version of Scooby-Doo   from finding a grander audience in general today  we are talking about the often forgotten Shaggy   and Scooby-Doo get a clue a series that put the  focus on those two characters first and foremost   to create something new both visually and in tone  for the franchise at a time when trying new things   for legacy properties such as Scooby-Doo wasn't  as easy as just slapping the well-known name on   something and sending it out to the masses as  the landscape changed the shows had to adapt   some found success with this and some end up  in this little bit of remembrance that makes   you question if they even happen in the first  place while Scooby-Doo would later go on to find   more success trying to adapt the franchise in new  ways after this Shaggy and Scooby-Doo get a clue   leaves us with an interesting little take on the  property that is worth exploring a bit so let's do that now Scooby-Doo is a franchise that I feel  the older I get the more I fall in love with   aside from having the handful of iterations  that I love the most I have just grown such   a fondness for the characters in general so  getting to dig into a series that didn't last   too long in terms of the number of episodes  mixed with it then getting shoved aside and   forgotten about to move on with something else  that would be different for the property makes   it all that much more exciting to see if there  was something here that was great on the other   end of that this might add on to the understanding  of why it maybe didn't work and was given up on by   Warner Brothers either way we should get a clue  or even maybe a few in understanding the bigger   picture here the series gets you invested into  the lives of Shaggy and Scooby from the jump   seeing that their living situation isn't the  greatest they don't have much money and thus   they don't have much food to eat when they're  hungry which is always so this brings us the   twist for them in their lives when shaggi's Uncle  Albert ends up missing and because of this Shaggy   is left being the one directly named to inherent  all the uncle had this includes a mansion a robot   Butler a billion dollars and some villains the  other stuff sounds really nice but the villains   part definitely adds on to the mystery of how  or why Shaggy's uncle has gone missing mystery   that kind of gets explained a little bit in the  first episode anyway as it turns out the bad guys   are after Shaggy's uncle's nanotechnology with the  secret of how they're made being baked into Scooby   snacks that now give Scooby an array of different  powers or effects that end up ating in the coming   situation Shaggy and scoo find themselves in  which is kind of like world saving spies on   top of this Shaggy upgrades the Mystery Machine  to be a transforming vehicle capable of turning   itself into new versions of itself to also Aid  in certain situations or just be used for the   most useless things well useless things to many  others of course Shaggy and scoo need the Mystery   Machine to turn itself into some sort of food  making and dispensing device right so it was such   a different concept for the franchise to head in  what helped further set get a clue apart from the   other iterations of Scooby-Doo out there what led  to its downfall and why it kind of disappeared for good hello Shaggy and Scooby-Doo get a clue  was born out of the changing of times where   the series before this one what's New Scooby-Doo  did a great job in bringing the classic Scooby-Doo   formula to the modern day of the early 2000s  but Warner Brothers wanted to do something   new something fresh something that would Breathe  new air for the property we touched on this when   speaking about the series that follows get a clue  Mystery Incorporated but here they were in the   testing ground of what the heck they should do ray  dorantes who had been a writer on cartoons around   that time such as Azie and DXs and Shon Showdown  was tasked with developing what this new version   of Scooby-Doo would be there really wasn't any  set of hard rules to follow in making get a clue   either essentially Ray was given a blank slate to  create something completely new for Scooby-Doo and   not be held by the formula that Scooby-Doo would  traditionally follow this open invite to make   something from scratch had Ray jump to the idea  of just focusing on Shaggy and Scooby having the   most interest in these characters anyway thanks  to seeing them as the main characters I mean one   of them is literally the title Scooby-Doo and the  other is Scooby's best bud the love able hungry   and easily frightened Shaggy but what would  be interesting about following just these two   well Ray figured that giving them this insane  inheritance to play around with gives us a fun   look into the characters who are used to only  having so little and now suddenly have access to   a lot it would be a way to watch these characters  who we often see as being scared or less heroic   now become the main focus as we see them Branch  away from the others to really become their own   versions of Heroes how does this change them in  their way of life and on top of that how does that   affect what they do you know solve Mysteries well  it turns out things were changed greatly and much   like the following series Mystery Incorporated  the show had a large overall mystery regarding   Shaggy's Uncle while still having these other  situations to deal with and Mysteries to solve   in the meantime between that from there it was  just Concepts and ideas to play with from having   the main villain being developed in a comedic  yet dangerous tone and wanting to bring forth   something different like nanotech capabilities  for scoo not even a full week l later into the   development of things the show was brought forth  to Warner Brothers and the green light was given   from all that had just been put together Ray  was in a good spot here he was liked by the   higher-ups his ideas were liked by both the  higher-ups and the focus tested groups and now   he could essentially create whatever he wanted  to do with the brand for the series making the   creative decisions on where to take the show and  even go back in to fix things up if certain things   were not liked or needed some tweaking this also  comes at a cost though as there was the freedom   to make anything there wasn't a a lot of time  to make it all happen we all know that cartoons   more than anything get put on such crazy tight  schedules to get episodes produced that it can   often lead to a pretty rough and tiring work  environment for all involved the other problem   with this more specifically in the case of get a  clue is that Ry was left to himself to write out   most of the scripts not having a real writer's  room like most shows would having him spend days   detailing a script to be as great as it can so it  can be delivered with all the right notes to the   artists animators and voice actors as to keep a  solid pacing of produc ucing the episodes for the   series eventually the series premiered on the kids  WB block on the CW September 23rd 2006 and Shaggy   along with scoob have to deal with the evil Dr  F's plans of a long list of evil things he's doing   as we continue to see a cast of characters that  operate within each episode's plots to differing   degrees whether they be The Lovable goofballs  agent 1 and two or Roby and his overly destructive   ways as a robot Butler the main rotation of  characters we'd meet all pretty much had a   nice unique charm to them making more of these  Side characters feel more like a Mainstay cast   thanks to how we explored their characters through  the show the special new thing here in the series   is that thanks to the nanotechnology in which Dr  fibes is after it's used in the secret special   recipe for what would be regular Scooby snacks and  now scoob can transform into almost anything other   than that the show feels a bit empty with what  to do with these Concepts Shaggy and Scooby-Doo   get a clue as a series by itself leaves a lot  to be desired with what they had built up for   the showed to be comparatively towards the other  iterations this one focuses a lot on the comedy   aspect of it all making the focus on what's going  on feel less important than Landing a joke but in   saying that the show does tend to land a lot  of the jokes yes there are your typical easy   to goto lower-end jokes that are Bas level just  gross out slapstick or potty humor but there is   a lot of bits thanks to the characters themselves  delivering them or how the situation presents them   that often feel a lot more thought out you can  see the writing in those moments coming through a   lot stronger versus other jokes that you can feel  were rushed or spent less time developed in order   to meet the deadlines given in production it's a  mixed bag of Chuckles and genuine laughs that make   it feel like there is something more here than  not but depthwise when it comes to furthering   the story or overall plot a lot of it can end  up feeling like filler due to the limitations   given to the show speaking of the plot I think  it's the strongest aspect in many ways offering   a solid through line narrative and figuring out  everything regarding Shaggy's Uncle the growth of   the characters both good guys and bad feels earned  and achieved as they go along and it doesn't end   up feeling like nothing has changed and since the  show has this momentum building main mystery it's   important to show how shaki and scoob are moving  forward how the main villain fives is moving   forward and where the story of it all ends us at  having to deliver a solid conclusion or else what   was it all for and for that it did leave off on  a feel-good note wrapping up the series in a nice   way that acts as an ending to the great mystery  at hand involving Shaggy's Uncle so even if there   was a third season given to the show Ray doesn't  know where that could have even gone as different   ideas of raising the stakes higher adding in new  things about characters we already know Finding   ways to incorporate new or Legacy characters and  more would really just be taking the show to a   new starting point as by the end of season 2 the  Main situation is resolved and it feels concrete   for the most part continuing it from there  wouldn't necessarily break that but it would   make the ending a bit less impactful for what it  was but to even get to this point it wasn't easy   the ratings in terms of viewership was pretty good  so then why did it have to wrap things up and come   to an end and on top of that why was it seemingly  hidden much like Shaggy's Uncle Albert Shaggy and   Scooby-Doo get a clue we're living large scoop  after two seasons the show was over but so was   the kids W block on Saturday mornings on the CW  as it would transition from Kids WB to the CW   for kids not making the cut when the rebranding  happened to continue on where only a few shows   did as new shows would find their way there but  with all this happening the show didn't get to   go anywhere get a clue didn't even get reruns on  places like Cartoon Network or Boomerang leading   to the show feeling non-existent and forgotten  about for around a decade until 2018 where the   entire show would be made available on Boomerang  streaming service giving it a small little bump   for Scooby-Doo fans to find again or discover for  the first time outside of a couple DVD releases   again the freedom to create something brand knew  was there and that was nice but having a tight   production schedule to produce the episodes and a  limited budget that led to many animation errors   or just more stiff animation in general really  held the show back from being what it could have   been more time overall would have led to the show  having a chance at larger ideas and even bringing   in the rest of the Scooby-Doo gang more often but  now these only exists as what ifs and wants it's a   shame when that happens because it wasn't for the  lack of wanting to do more but for not being able   to do more as far as the art style of the the  show it definitely has a very uncanny feeling   originally the idea was to have the main cast of  Scooby-Do characters have a larger resemblance   towards their liveaction movie counterparts a  point to which I don't think they necessarily do   all that much but the real question is why do that  in the first place I know brand recognition is one   thing but usually aside from small changes here or  there the Scooby-Doo characters whether cartoon or   liveaction all follow the same base mold of how  these characters look and dress plus here it's   mainly just Shaggy and scobo the rest of the cast  are Side characters that don't really play into   much here at all Shaggy himself looks the most  different giving him a new shirt that for some   reason reminds me of Joey Wheeler's battle City  fit but that's just me regardless the look of the   show definitely goes in another direction from the  usual Look hanab Bar Bara had for the characters   giving it one of the most distinct looks for the  franchise outside of A Pup Named Scooby-Doo and   the eventual be cool Scooby-Doo other Scooby-Doo  shows had slight variations on the art style but   here I think it's the most drastic to where  it truly feels nothing like Scooby-Doo while   still kind of feeling like Scooby-Doo if that  makes sense it's it's hard to explain because   it looks so different but yet I am familiar with  what I am seeing I feel that this point the the   way that the show looks is the biggest indicator  for those who gave the show a chance and those   who didn't want to look at it on top of that Ray  didn't have any control over how the show looked   he had control of the ideas the writing Etc but  not what the actual show would end up looking   like even saying that he isn't necessarily  a fan of how the final product looked while   Eric romsky known best for his work on Batman the  Animated Series was the one designing the look of   the show and created a unique look for it all it  just wasn't what Ry had envisioned When developing   his ideas becoming a part of the show that he  just had to go with to me at least I don't mind   the look and in many ways I get this fun Venture  Brothers vibe to it thanks to people like agents   1 and two here it by far isn't my favorite look  for the Scooby-Doo world but I don't think it's   bad or doesn't fit I wish the property would play  more into trying different art styles in general   between the different series more than they  have the essence of Scooby-Doo can be brought   out through the characters the art can help create  a new canvas for their stories so I'd love to see   that on a larger scale they're not always going to  be for everybody but I always get excited when a   property such as this try something new Shaggy and  Scooby-Doo get a clue isn't a perfect show but it   had some fun ideas to play around with focusing  on just Shaggy and Scooby while being fun at   points doesn't work for Scooby-Doo as a whole as  much if anything it makes this iteration of the   franchise feel like the definition of a spin-off  rather than a brand new series Scooby-Doo for me   works best when all the players are involved  the majority absence of Velma Fred and Daphne   is felt and to not give them any real importance  makes the show feel a lot more empty than it is   however it's not a long show only lasting a total  of two seasons totaling 26 episodes making it a   pretty easy breezy watch through it just might  turn out to not be your cup of tea for the same   reasons I don't consider it the best offering  from the property but who knows you may just   end up loving it for those same reasons but as  far as Shaggy and Scooby-Doo get a clue that's   it for this short live series it lives on as  this little moment in the legacy of Scooby-Doo   that some remember some love and some have never  heard of but if you remember it let me know your   thoughts on this version of Scooby-Doo do you  think it should have had more of a chance tell   me in the comments I've been Jordan Fringe thanks  so much for watching like And subscribe later w
Channel: Jordan Fringe
Views: 121,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JVJ0gu-I1XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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