The INSANE Scooby-Doo Spinoff You've Never Seen...

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so scooby-doo is a franchise that is near and dear to my heart ever since i was a kid getting dvds in my stocking for christmas scooby-doo has been there we had the original series including the elusive third season the new scooby-doo movies which left me dreadfully confused as to who these people the gang teaming up with were a pup named scooby-doo which left me howling every time fred would accuse red herring and got all those songs stuck in my head [Music] and the perennial classic what's new scooby-doo which i rewatched with my sister time and time again the best episode of that series was the invisible man episode no cap but perhaps my family's favorite incarnation of the series was the one we could watch on tv every saturday morning on the wb kids with sonic x and cubics shaggy and scooby-doo get a clue that's right i said favorite why oh why would you ever admit any of this to another human being i loved it so much i got both dvd releases of the series bought all the other episodes on itunes when i could and watched episodes to death on family car rides on our ipad but now as an adult i want to take a look back and see if this series still holds up to my childhood memories is it as funny as i remember it must be among us or is it pure trash and the worst incarnation of scooby doo no one else on youtube has really talked about it and the only footage of it floating around these days is from boomerang who promoted the show as new a couple years back so let's take a deep dive into this unique show talk with the show's creator review every episode rank every episode and ultimately ask is this show worthy of its legacy as the terrible scooby-doo spit off come and join me on this special episode of the second dimension and let's find out together [Music] so shaggy and scooby-doo get a clue has a very interesting development story much more than you might think coming out in 2006 just one year after the well-received what's new scooby-doo series warner animation was looking to do something totally new with the franchise once a new scooby-doo had returned everything to basics essentially being a modern version of the original series but the only real changes being the 2000s themselves jeepers it's smash mouth and you're steve harwell you're my favorite thanks and much better in cleaner animation but after that warner animation was looking to do something really really different with scooby doo so what happened was i was at warner brothers at the time betsy mcgowan who ran the company at the time from development uh standpoint she told me that i guess they had basically recently done a show called the new scooby-doo and the problem with it was that nobody knew it was new because they couldn't tell it was any different from the old scooby-doo so what i heard which i found strangely flattering was that she i guess said to my friend kim christensen who was the development executive on the show if we're going to do another scooby-doo let's let rey do it because otherwise it will be lame so she basically said do you want to try and develop a show i said sure so i said do i have to do anything buy the book do i have to do anything like any other scooby doo she said no you can do whatever you want so i said okay i'm gonna get rid of everybody but shaggy and scooby because having watched scooby-doo with my own kids that's all they cared about anyway so i thought well what would be a good place to go forward with them and i thought they never have anything they're always scrapping around wouldn't it be a fun wish fulfillment fantasy if they inherited endless riches and so that was just basically where i started from and then my brain just started spinning and goofing around with it and i thought i want the situation to be a mystery because they deal in mysteries so i wanted a macro mystery was what happened to shaggy's uncle and then i got together with matt danner who's a big animator and i love working with him he said i'm not sure if he was high at the time he said you know i keep picturing scooby being like 100 feet tall and like battering like godzilla like monsters and i said i can make that work and he said how and so i immediately thought well what if the envelope disappeared because he had this technology and he hid it in scooby snacks and scooby discovered it so really that was the show and that's where it started and they let me do it and then i knew because there weren't that many characters i needed a super strong funny villain and i've always been a huge fan of kind of scenery chewing kids villains who are 50 for one percent impaired by their own psychological problems and 49 dangerous and so i i created this character kind of after dr strangelove and then um brought my friend jeff bennett in to play the part but i think the entire development process was three and a half days three and a half days i mean maybe wow maybe a week and then warner brothers signed off on it they did they signed off on it because at the time warner brothers had to do shows that they already had a branded ownership of because they were kind of fading because they couldn't get along with time time on cartoon network so the time part of time warner had a network but really really bad development executives and warner brothers had really smart development executives but no network so they had to do things they already owned and you know when they focus tested the idea with kids kids love them so they picked it up if they know you can do a show and they'll the episodes will be good and you'll take total ownership of fixing the episodes when they're bad and they have a budget for it they do it and they like me and they thought it was funny so they just signed off on it and i had pretty much total creative freedom that's amazing the problem with the way that company worked it was sort of a double-edged sword the total freedom was great but their schedule was insane and they had and they had no staff so like when i worked at nickelodeon i had six and seven writers under me when i ran show you know and and you know there it was just crazy you were basically behind from the beginning i don't think i ever had more than three days to write an episode and that's on studio leadership what i would do is i would make sure that before i handed out a script that i had even if it was crazy and staccato and all over the place that i had a really detailed outline that i knew where all the jokes were coming from what story turns were and then if i had to go into a crazy you know marathon writing session you know i could jam it out so knowing how the series was written and developed and with proper context i think it's time that i do a re-watch of the series and see how it holds up to my childhood memories but first we need to talk about the objectively worst part of the entire series [Music] this song is an abomination remember how great the what's new scooby-doo theme was this is the exact opposite of that the singing terrible now [Music] title sequence animation says nothing about the show or characters is messy and lazy the lyrics are impossible to discern the only thing that i know that it says is i'm going to sing this song all day long [Music] please no spare me i skipped the theme song even as a kid it's it's so bad and worst of all it's so so long it just keeps repeating the same lyrics over and over maybe at 15 seconds shorter i'd give it a pass but no no i will not this is the worst scooby-doo theme song in existence fails to capture the show's tone and is annoying in every aspect terrible job mark mother's ma wait wait the mark mother's paw like like the one who scored the lego movie and thor ragnarok well at least he's come a long way from here before starting this rewatch i must say that i really really loved this show as a kid and hopefully with the context of how the series was made maybe a re-watch of the series will hold up just as well as an adult i remember so many specific lines from the series the show's big twist and my favorite episodes being party arty and cruising for a bruising i also remember really enjoying the series finale of the show looking back the thing i always thought was strange about the show was the lack of female characters especially as scooby-doo was known for having a good balance of male and female characters but aside from a few cameos this was an all-boys spin-off i also remember the show having this one episode that actually made me sad which i won't spoil for now and it also was the first show to really introduce me to the concept of serialization at a time when i didn't really know about huge reveals or plot twists or major concepts carrying from episode to episode this show was my introduction to that it really was one of the few cartoons doing it at the time right there with avatar the last airbender that's right i just compared those shows and afterwards mystery inc built on the concept of serialized scooby-doo and the animation well now i can certainly see its flaws but it was always a very stylized show and the character designs allowed for some fun expressions i'll have to see how it all holds up but if there's one episode i remember being pretty mediocre it's [Music] so the pilot episode of shagging scooby-doo get a clue is actually better than i remember as characters it sets up where shaggy and scooby are in life and gives them an inciting event their uncle disappearing and leaving them the inheritance of one billion dollars and then they're tasked with figuring out what exactly the big deal is with his disappearance it does three things a pilot for a series like this needs to do well establish who the characters are and why we should care establish the stakes for the series and give a taste of what the week tweak adventures will be like the mystery of uncle albert's disappearance is a natural thing to explore and the mystery of where exactly uncle albert hit his nanotech invention that the bad guys are after is the main mystery for this episode we also get introductions fitting for the series as regular cast including fives the main villain roby their destructive robot butler agents one and two who are always at five's his right hand and even a brief cameo by fibes's chief scientist dr trebla who goes on to play a larger role in the story later we also get the villain lair of the week concept established with fives's first being a submarine and the scooby snack power of the week for scooby with the first being invisibility oh that's right i forgot to mention it's revealed that uncle albert hid his nanotech formula recipe that fives is after in the recipe for scooby snacks because his formula wasn't yet safe to be tested on humans only animals these plot points will come up in nearly every episode of the series going forward it actually is a rather formulaic shows i think back on it with a serialized overarching story no wonder i enjoyed it the mystery and gang hardly appearing in this episode is important because the story isn't about them they're simply part of shaggy and scooby's motivation it's important to establish that they care about their friends and their uncle that's why they call the gang first thing when they find out they're rich and why they immediately work on figuring out what happened to uncle albert there's also some really solid storyboarding in this episode and the comedy well it's childish i'll admit but sometimes good physical humor is all you need everything with agents one and two made me crack up as did roby's wreckage in obliviousness and i'll admit as a kid this joke got me i don't want to be asian number two you might as well call me agent poopypants i want to be called something cool and scary like agent agent striking kubra and as an adult this joke got me break it down on the count of three one two three [Music] there's a strong effort made to tie everything in the episode together really well and i appreciate that a lot as it leads to strong pacing throughout without really a deadbeat to speak of now let's talk about why this episode turned many people off first is the concept this just is not classic scooby-doo plain and simple and you're either gonna love it or hate it for that it's just as formulaic as scooby has been in the past but it's a new formula no unmasking villains or splitting up it's silly agent chases wild power fights and a maniacal world conquering villain with a personal vendetta against our protagonists and i was on board with that from the start as a kid who just enjoyed what made me laugh and what was on tv this wasn't an insult to scooby-doo it was a fresh new take on the characters that felt different from any other scooby-doo i'd seen second is the casting people didn't like scott menville's voice as shaggy and i did he sounds fine and he brings his own unique flair to this version of the character in my opinion uncle albert is family we have to do whatever it takes to save him but first we have to eat hashtag fake soccer not fake shaggy all i want is a full feeling in my stomach i'm starving he's got a great range within the shaggy voice and it makes this series feel unique from all the others in addition to the third thing people didn't like the art style look it was the early 2000s warner animation was rushing everything out as they reorganized during their merger and i get it these designs don't really hold an artistic candle to the originals but the redesigns are given features that make them easy to adapt to the new art style overall and are very expressive and consistently pushed within the storyboards and ok i'll give you this the simplicity of the backgrounds is very rough all around those stylistically consistent it's a take it or leave it but definitely my least favorite part of the art style there's hardly a background detail to actually be found here as for weird things in this episode the layer entrance being a slide the first time they used the bookcase and then an elevator later on in the episode always bugged me even as a kid fred's voice sounds very weirdly pitched up wow what a story i guess you two will be working on your own for a while and i always hated the first scene which implies that shaggy and scooby were eating all the food at the expense of everyone else it's quickly subverted but it's definitely not the most likable introduction to their characters and sure there's the plot convenience of shaggy finding the letter from uncle albert but let's be real is that an actual issue people have with the show or just a criticism of something designed to get the plot off the ground and keep the pacing tight and maybe my favorite thing about this episode is that shaggy and scooby actually get to solve a mystery in this episode the mystery of the formula being in the scooby snacks which is a pretty good start to me and then she'd say jankies it all adds up scoob the metal stuff the scooby snack password the fact that the formula is only safe for use on animals but overall regarding the pilot it shows that shaggy and scooby-doo get a clue as a show that brings a lot of new elements to the table and most people abandoned it before it ever had the chance to play with them but not me you want some more fondue i do i do i scooby-dooby okay so i remember why this episode was one of the ones in the dvd that i've barely ever re-watched this agent working for fives who he has in switzerland and her dog carla just aren't as funny as agents one and two they're completely flat one note characters who never show up again in the series and i didn't like that that's not to say this episode is all bad though it does start off strong continuing the serialized nature of the story with the introduction of the new and improved mystery machine which brings with it the running gag of it transforming into the least useful vehicles imaginable for the task at hand there's also uncle albert's first official appearance setting up the regular occurrence of uncle albert alerts from roby that kick off every episode and how nearly every time crucial details in the message are missing for one reason or another vibes's blimp layer makes its first appearance and though this episode isn't nearly as tight as the pilot it does have fun moments and visual gags with this in particular being my favorite okay that was that i could have caused more damage with a magnifying glass on a cloudy day well someone seems to have drained the laser's power sir but how doing wha look at the mountain sir agent number five rules agent six loves betty dog is number one the episode also begins reinforcing the scooby snack power-ups concept which again is crucial to nearly every episode in the series shaggy and scooby are obviously still rookies at detective work and it shows in how they handle a lot of situations here which can make them pretty unlikable the plot doesn't do much to tell you more about fibes and his goals or advance him as a villain as his plan is just to act on a petty grudge against a fellow scientist who called him mad once by melting the snow cap near a global warming conference there's also this quote that hits we're doomed overall this is a really forgettable episode and the most part because of the bland location boring plot and lack of agents one and two that's uh it's kind of disappointing it's already this bad let's hope the next episode is better king of the jungle yet this vicious beast allows me to pet it without attacking do you know why dr trevlov perhaps because you've chained it to the wall and gave it a plate of hamburgers oh yeah this is the show i remember the plot of this episode begins with roby delivering another message from uncle albert that kicks the story off after roby hilariously demonstrates stop drop and roll [Applause] prominently permanent downtown layers introduced a new construction if the set design is to be believed and we're introduced to his true goal for the rest of the series to become immortal and this week he's going to steal actual scientists and keep them in a human-sized hamster pen as i was re-watching this i remembered the scientists names and the show continues to play on characters having wildly confusing names that shaggy continues to mess up over and over you must be doctors spicy ham blintz and vaughn pudding that's eisenhorn and von putin there are a ton of great physical gags in this episode as well as some fun boarding and shading and the expressions start to show how wild they can be the comedic timing is overall very strong even if specific jokes get worn out over time but there's some classics in here for sure hey james park the car and point the way to the buffet my name is not jeeves and you're not welcome here agent two also has his first obsession of the week which becomes a regular thing and this week it's being a ninja the way he plays off of agent one is just brilliant and their dynamic just makes so much of the show for me if this show came out today i guarantee these two would have their own fan base as for the negatives in this episode the backgrounds are still very rough and the humor is still weirdly childish at times but the show has extremely fun editing incredible deadpan deliveries and some of the just most straight out weird things to happen in this scooby-doo series while still playing on the formula they're building for each episode to follow scooby's power of the week is magnetism and it's used to create a surprisingly dynamic fight scene this is a much better example of the show's potential and it's not even firing on all cylinders yet but this next episode is going to be really tough for me to judge objectively because it is burned into my brain as it's my family's favorite episode of the entire series there is one thing in life i say for more than revenge and mayhem dr trebla do you know what that is sir hot hot hot okay even after re-watch this entire episode is laugh out loud funny and still one of my favorites in the entire series the cold open starts with shaggy and scooby's neighbor thurston haven't simp coming over to the house whose name shaggy and scooby just cannot pronounce for the lives of them sounds like you're doing some serious remodeling mr half a shrimp oh mr hemper stinkster handle spouster happy snot mr harry slacks mr h has it in for us he's president of the housing association and files tons of permit violations for everything shaggy and scooby have to get them evicted from their house after their party preparations clearly infringe on his right to have a nice day he singles out robie as being particularly awful and so fibes finds out and sends a new robot named art along with agent 2 to go destroy them filling their needs have a new robot butler at their party this episode isn't groundbreaking in the slightest it subscribes to shaggy and scooby victim blaming their neighbor i'll level with you mr handle spout the robot was sent to get us by an evil madman named fibes he must have known we needed to replace ruby so in a way this is all my fault totally it has a wild amount of shaggy and scooby getting away with things because they're rich but i'll be darned if this doesn't have some of the funniest lines in the entire series well the party is for like a few thousand of my closest friends i have completed my list of chores including mowing the carpet scrubbing and buffing the lawn and ironing the television set which quite honestly could have gone better the front door as you requested nephew shaggy with a man on it things are awesome sir this has got to be the best party ever you really ought to come out bro the character dynamics are in full force here and not a moment is wasted in service of its comedic potential the formula already begins to be subverted his uncle albert's message doesn't get mentioned until mid-episode the shrink wreck comes back from the first episode and scooby uses a robot power scooby snack to fight art before shrinking art down to oblivion then they reconcile with mr havenson by using the shrink machine to make him taller earning them the neighbor of the year award and the show it doesn't take itself seriously at all i love how they didn't have the money to animate an entire party so they find clever ways around it also the musical score in this episode is surprisingly menacing at some points this is what the show looks like firing on all cylinders and i have to stop because there's not much more i can do than say if you watch one episode of the show make it this one it's absolutely hilarious and a perfect example of what makes this show so great all i have to do is roll a five i will forever banish my foe the evil ricky to the fairy caves nay it is i who shall banish thou to the valley of the brutish and foul smelling cyclops come on lucky seven this episode officially marked the introduction of dr fives's techies who are very clear parodies of napoleon dynamite and kip and i rewatched the movie recently for added perspective on this video and the similarities are 100 there it's also just a great movie can we talk for a second about how kip's design in this show is a better adaptation than his actual design in the napoleon dynamite animated series this episode involves fibes wanting to send a deadly computer virus named kevin to the national security facility aka not the pentagon when the virus is intercepted by shaggy and scooby thanks to an early warning by uncle albert before they can fully shut him down kevin takes over their house and antics in suit fibe senses techies to retrieve the virus but notably doesn't send them any lunch money so after scooby uses a shrinking snack to plant an antivirus in kevin the techies send the virus back to fives in the meantime shaggy and scooby have put out an ad for a new chef which roby answers despite his questionable cooking abilities chef roby what is that brussels sprout and limburger cheese oatmeal with chunks of something the grocery man called mystery meat and questionable skills when it comes to judging how much others are enjoying his food happy day you're moaning with pleasure now with a clear mind i can clean the toilet of course an actual chef chef francois shows up and gets caught up in the mayhem during the episode but at the end chef francois decides to stay and make food for them but by far the funniest bit in the episode is this interaction between fives and the security general after fives thinks he's sent the virus we're in complete control of our systems now take your wussy metal hand and crawl back into your wussy gopher hole it's lunchtime and i'm taking our boys out for sushi my rusty metal hand as you call it is an advanced computerized weapon thanks for the wussy clarification and for giving us time to lock onto your wussy location we just fired a missile your way was he [Music] he's bluffing absolutely comedy gold overall this episode isn't as good as party already but it works as a solid introduction for the techies as well as offering more good comedic timing throughout but overall kevin as a villain is rather one note and perhaps more menacing household objects then the vacuum cleaner could have made the stakes higher still though there's some cool boards and lighting in this episode and once again we're left with so many questions like why fives returned to his submarine inside the whale and how does he have a lot of a bit in there my hate list [Music] my first impression on re-watching this episode is that it fully shows the scale fibes schemes can reach the cold open focuses entirely on fibes giving his agents and us as the audience an important part of his backstory he was involved in a failed science experiment as a child which was the cause of most of his noticeable traits including metal hand hair and inability to walk outside without getting struck by lightning so of course in turn he's going to force the whole world to be covered in a never-ending storm starting with shaggy and scooby so they're off to space to fight fives and scooby has to face his biggest fear lightning it's a nice character arc for scooby to have since you know he's a dog even if he does have super speed powers when he ultimately overcomes his fear there's some fun recurring gags in this episode such as vibes freaking out over the word lightning and aliens don't ever say that word what word lightning lightning and of course agent two's thing of the week is his devotion to intergalactic peace so when shaggy and scoby disguise themselves as aliens of course agent 2 and his club wait on them hand and foot roby is going through a service functions phase created by getting struck by lightning and there's also some great fives poses in this episode i feel like by this point the backgrounds have gotten just a bit better but that might just be that it's outer space and of course now we've established all three of five's goals for the series pursue immortality petty revenge and getting uncle albert's formula which also is a potential solution for immortality if i remember from here on out the show only gets wackier and wilder let's see where it goes dr minky has not been seen since the making of this documentary and the jungle mama sets he so dearly loved and cared for have dwindled in population to a small solitary troop it's only a matter of time before the marmara sets like so many species before them will vanish forever this episode takes a step back from outer space and takes us into the rainforest if nothing else the show gives the sound design artists a real challenge this was the episode plastered over a ton of the dvd marketing and it's easy to see why it's above and away one of the most visually interesting episodes of the series so far even if it still suffers from pixelation issues from time to time but the plot is that fives is destroying the rainforest in search of immortality from the rare species that thrive there and instead of an uncle albert message shaggy and scooby actually deduce it for themselves it's a nice change of pace and there's also a really sweet scene of shaggy and scooby crying as they realized the rainforest is being lost at the beginning really setting up the stakes for this episode including a nice save the cat moment later on then there's five's new jungle thugs bruce and bruce who served little purpose more than being the australian agent one and two this episode builds on the continuity of the past few episodes shaggy and scooby know the techies leading to this great interaction hey techies what's up and the techies once again turn on vibes when he mistreats them chef francois still at the mansion at the start there's some funny bits between dr treble and fibes and the animal animation is honestly stellar with the big twist being that instead of scooby eating the snack this episode the marmosets eat the snacks and fight fives in his goons leading to some hilarious shots but overall despite a strong beginning and strong end the middle of this episode amounts to little more than an overlong jungle chase scene which means it's gonna go lower in my ranking there's just not much there although bruce and bruce are far more interesting than that girl and her dog from episode 2. all right on to one of the show's more famous episodes scoob do you see who this is i need to start by saying that this episode features a character named chad chattington watch this episode for any and all clips needed of shaggy and scooby praising legendary detective chad chattington you are a great detective chad chad chattington actually complimented us got it chad good one chad leaning more into the mystery aspect of the show shaggy and scooby are invited to a party as nominees for the mystery solvers of the millennium award and for what the episode didn't spend on animating the party it absolutely spent on great character designs for all the other nominated mystery solvers there's also some fun perspective shots in this episode which you don't normally see but onto the story after leaving uncle albert's message behind in a race to get to the party hosted it none other than the house from the what's new scooby-doo intro the mystery solvers start disappearing one by one so shaggy and scooby have to navigate the house to find out who's behind it obviously it's fives this the show has no other villains but the episode leaves good clues even for those who couldn't read straight through the voice modulation the incomparable inspector chad carrington but perhaps what this episode is most known for is canonizing the events of the three early 2000s scooby-doo movies in the series's timeline the loch ness monster the monster of mexico and the pirates ahoy movie with the different animation styles and everything it's a very surreal moment but it does give a good sense of these characters as history within the story and why learning to solve mysteries by themselves is a big deal and a story and character arc worthy of its own series there's also a great joke about hitchcock the greatest detective in modern history and there's a clever setup and payoff for how they ultimately defeat fives and his agents the episode is really fun and certainly feels like a genre episode in the context of the series as a whole i must say for such a limited budget it's amazing how many new locations they visit in this series on a week to week basis alright on to the next one [Music] here are the raging cajun peppers with this spicy six sausage stew that is unedited it actually holds on that pose for that long so yeah chefs of steel it's an episode and as an episode it does have one of five's more creative plans he's going to send shaggy and scooby to their favorite tv show and using a mind control hibachi extract uncle albert's formula before disposing of them he hires one of the world's best chefs to be on the show chef tsuki sukihari but just as it might have worked they get a message from uncle albert alerting them to not go and they choose to go to the show anyway fives is forced to deal with his agents that he commanded to act like animals as an initial demonstration of the hibachi throughout the entire episode as they um act like animals agents eight where do we go twinkle and there's some fun back and forth between shaggy and scooby and sukihari as they're on stage together but it's a good thing that shaggy mispronouncing names is a recurring joke in the show because in this one episode it could definitely be misconstrued as racist it's pronounced smoochy hoopy suzuki my we are touchy today overall yeah representation for women and people of color in the show is not the strongest for sure scooby's sonic wave defeating the hibachi was a nice finale but it's really hard to root for shaggy and scooby being so awful in this episode of sukihari when they literally could have stayed home and saved the world here's the best joke in the episode and in the center former personal chef to several deposed dictators and overall this one wasn't as fun as i remembered there's still some cool boarding and it is a new location but the way sukihari is handled as one of the few characters of color in the show is just really disappointing still though this isn't worse than that second episode okay let's see who those ghosts really are [Music] shaggy all right for those who know anything about shaggy and scooby-doo get a clue this is the episode known for being the other one where the mystery ink gang shows up so a larger number of people watch this episode than many others my main takeaway from this is that this episode works great as a surprise within the series but not as your second episode watching the show but i'm gonna talk about it in the context of the series the cold open isn't great it's a fairly standard mission beginning with a decent action scene through the sky where you meet mr sheep vibes plans to steal weapon from the national security defense place not the pentagon by sending agents one and two using his invisibility ray to make them almost ghosts ladies and gentlemen we got him one thing i love about this episode is that we really see how broken fibes has become by shaggy and scooby at this point to the point that he's hallucinating it's kind of dark not gonna lie i'm sorry but i am really freaking out right now don't watch out for the invisible desk sir but i also love how his invisibility ray doesn't have a target limiter like so many cartoon rays it just turns anything in the ray's general target area invisible leading to a huge hassle for fives some great gags and also some backgrounds that look like someone just feathered the edges also there is a legit media offline frame in this episode in the lightsaber fight no joke but let's get to the twist of the episode the mystery inc gang is working with general mcardle to solve the mystery of the ghost reports at the not pentagon so they accidentally trap shaggy and scooby it's a really sweet reunion and it goes to show how much shaggy and scooby have changed since they went off on their own partially being due to scooby's powers but also just being smarter overall despite shaggy not being able to pronounce disintegration ray distinction ray you mean disintegration ray that's what i said it's a combination of both shows formulas the plan and trap from the original doo with the superpower finale of this show what makes their cameo genius though is that it's well over halfway into the episode you can tell the team wanted this to be a surprise and it worked so well in that context if you watched this episode for the mystery inc gang you would be really disappointed and the fact that it's not the season one finale or a big special makes it all the more surprising were there any restrictions on how much you could use the other characters in the show uh no no i had no restrictions it was fun episode you know the thing is i would have brought them in more if i had more time to think the thing is that shaggy and scooby were always so so subverted as such idiots and part of the reason i brought the gang in was to show how much scooby and shaggy had grown they were really full-on characters now and they could do as opposed to just bumble around run back and forth and scream on a completely unrelated note i love how fibes has rehired his techies after two betrayals at this point it's just hilarious overall this episode had a weak start but a strong execution of fives as planned endearing interactions among the entire cast and a great ending put this higher up on the list than i expected going into it i've never been on a road trip will unless you count the time i was stolen by vandals and forced to work as a jukebox in a biker hangout all right this episode is right below partyardy for me which means i really liked it this is another episode that is insanity from moment one the plot is that fives is going to launch an emp where emp's even invented when this episode came out from the north pole by sending it with his agents in a race that goes to the north pole by shutting down the entire world's electricity he will be the only one left with modern inventions letting him rule the world it's insane and wild but this episode has a twist when shaggy and scooby inevitably win it's actually a win for fives he placed a second emp with them roby dies fives wins and trevola looks like he's freaking out but shaky and scooby use a super speed snack to go back in time and stop themselves from bringing the emp which is actually foreshadowed the first time around as you see their second selves driving the car but if that wasn't wild enough this episode is call backs galore five's new hamster two places mentioned and bruce and bruce from don't feed the animals show up in the race but most of all this episode is hilarious [Music] trust me dr trebler trust me feel me love me i do try sir how was that for cool huh oh that was great very cool oh oh oh my leotard's riding up oh not cool it's been a tight race so far ed but uh not as tight as dr speed's leotard well i better hurry i got a whole lot of nose hair to trim yes you do dad that's right we casually learned that dr fives's dad is agent 13 in this episode there's also the strongest foreshadowing yet that treble is really uncle albert when oh did i mention that yeah uh uncle albert is actually dr trevlov i guess i forgot to mention that but when fibes wins trebla seems nervously suspicious and yet again the episode cleverly works around the low budget by reusing shots through time travel but the most interesting thing about the episode by far is the insight into dr fives's character he wants to capture scientists to pursue immortality but all he wants inside is a friend someone to share his mission you know what this means dr trebler somewhere out there i must actually have a friend oh this episode is great it's funny well boarded well paced creative insane and subversive for the show's formula i like it a lot do you know how i feel right now dr trevor well sir it's gotta be pretty hot inside that bubble so i'd say pretty hot i mean emotionally i suppose angry is a safe guess actually i am filled with joy albeit a brooding vengeful spiteful kind of joy that would be anger sir okay you win i'm angry all right big trouble is the bring back robot scooby episode five's his plan is to upload himself into a massive robot basically making himself say it with me there's a good bit of fun here with fives needing to be outside his lair for the transformation so he remains in a hamster ball for most of the episode and there's an absolutely great bit where we're reminded of this act as a result of a freak accident dr five's body chemistry has been permanently altered so that he cannot venture outdoors without the orb even on a sunny day without being struck by lightning there's some fun foreshadowing in there with the movie they watch at the beginning being an indicator of how the robot fight ends but overall this is a pretty standard episode it's not a standout but it has all the elements that make an episode of the show work and some great interactions between treble and vibes as usual bring on the season one finale and last but certainly not least dangerous a geneticist turned bodybuilder and genetically enhanced sociopath a hulking madman known simply as menace all right it's season one finale time fives is up to his most diabolical plan yet one focused on taking down shaggy and scooby for good he brings together a group of the world's most diabolical villains and he gives very little information to the group except for menace who he was always counting on but shaggy and scooby intercept menace on the way to fives's lair where they all meet and fibes drops that he thinks there's a mull in his organization we meet the world's greatest villains cat lady invisible man and of course menace or should i say scooby disguised as menace the episode involves shagging scooby racing home after scooby's identity is discovered only to be pursued by the villains who they defeat by asking roby to help them paying them off or cleverly asking robbie to help them at least this awesome interaction with agent 2 as well dog and hippie boy it is i your nemesis the deadly agent two hey you hide your fear well that said i will now destroy you and collect the million-dollar bounty that is on your heads you uh you want a little snack first oh you bet i do there's also some nice payoff as their bmx track mentioned earlier in the season is finally built and we finally have a villain who notices scooby eating the snacks leading to perhaps the biggest status quo change in the entire series vibes finally gets his hands on the nanotech formula that they've been trying to keep away from him all season as menace comes away from fighting shaggy and scooby with a piece of the scooby snack i dr phineus fives will finally become say it with me important and as five celebrates his victory we end on a closing shot of his metal hand reflecting dr trebla's name tag revealing officially to the audience that dr trevla is uncle albert that's right sir some may say this goes by too fast to be counted as the official reveal but knowing that this is the season one finale this is just the perfect time to reveal it and even as we go into season two i'm pretty sure it just gets more and more overt so is this episode good yeah it starts with higher than usual steaks the scooby snack action is there from the episode's start with the cloning snack and the cold open involving shaggy and scooby chasing a mouse is crucial to both robie's involvement in stopping the villains later as well as the final fight scene here's one particularly great shot showing how everything in this episode comes together at once i'd say it's in season one's top five for some great jokes high stakes and unique plot structure with a seasoning twist that actually has lasting implications for the plot of season two i dig it alright here's my ranking of all the season one episodes revisiting this first season was an absolute nostalgia trip given that i owned the first eight of these episodes on dvd these definitely got the most re-watches from me as a kid more so than season two but so far i have to say i think the series holds up there's certainly some things that haven't aged well but there were far more episodes i enjoyed this season than not party already still reigns supreme for me just being an absolute riot of an episode oh and i like that structurally the season works with a build to reveal that dr treble is uncle albert with teases of it early on leading to the reveal as the final shot of the season it's well paced the show does a great job of maintaining continuity as well as establishing character motivations creating funny relationships and even having one or two heartfelt moments the formula is fun and predictable and even gets broken a couple times the animation doesn't hold a candle to the other scooby-doo series but the storyboarding is consistently engaging through and through oh and maybe my favorite thing i realized on rewatch is just how talented these voice actors are i know they all voiced like two or three characters because the studio wanted to save money but dang they do an absolutely fantastic job of it jeff bennett is hilarious as agent two and fives you'd never recognize scott menville as dr trebla and frank welker is as scooby as ever the performances elevate this show so much but now that fives has the nanotech formula the show's game has changed how exactly will this change the show and will it be for better or for worse let's find out wait i just i just realized i lost my wallet don't you just hate when that happens you're just like jumping from one dimension to another and you just leave it behind well thankfully today's sponsor extra wallets is here to ensure that if that happens to you you'll never have trouble finding your wallet with the nifty tracker add-on all i have to do is ping the wallet for my phone and it'll ring and even cooler i can see its last known location on a map which is like perfect when i don't know which dimension i lived in as for the wallet itself i went with the steel blue parliament wallet and as you can see it just looks really slick all i have to do is push this little button and all my cards are right there absolutely no fumbling required and it's all rfid protected so nobody's gonna be skimming any information out of here and as a special offer for you to mention hoppers extra is offering up to 40 off your purchase when you use the link the second dimension thank you so much to extra waltz for sponsoring this massive video and be sure to check out the link in the description to upgrade your wallet experience today now on to season two we've tried a bunch of variations on the new formula but everyone seems to backfire in a different way the last batch turned agent 7 into a frog well what happened to agent nine he was the fly until just now hey dr fives i have a joke why was agent six afraid of agent seven because seven eight nine [Laughter] all right this is such a solid season premiere it addresses nearly everything you could want from the last season's finale and sets up the grand stakes of season two story perfectly with dr five's techies working on adapting the nano formula for fives to eventually try using all of five's agents as guinea pigs for the project vibes is positioned in a temporary layer underneath shaggy and scooby's new theme park that's right shaggy and scooby built an entire theme park about themselves and during the construction presumably when fives was building his lair uncle albert stayed quiet until the park's opening day when he decides to warn shaggy and scubia fives his plans but it's not like fives is any better he waited until today to have agents one and two put the controller devices on all the attractions needless to say it's an action-packed romp around the park as shaggy and scooby get things ready for opening day agent 2 just so happened to get one of the prototype nanotech pills which has given him magical hair powers driving everyone insane and leading to some disturbing action scenes and of course everyone is about as clueless as usual amusing bark it may be in code and menace is back apparently eating part of the nanotech he brought back raw worked for a bit but has now turned him into a smiley kitten loving good guy scooby and shaggy have to make the devastating sacrifice of giving away free food to keep the guests off the rides as fibes's plan starts to succeed leading to this hilarious moment and overall the episode is just full of great comedic bits really playing off exactly how these characters interact and their relationships as we've seen them but on top of all that the episode ends with fives trying the first real nanotech formula pill now give me the pill [Music] no oh [Applause] it's a brilliant moment playing off the relationship between fives and the techies and a perfect capper to the episode also there's some more fun teases of dr treble's identity if you didn't catch the season 1 finale as he nearly loses his wig and hair getup in this episode overall this is one of my favorites and not just because i love theme parks it's chaotic character focused and raises the stakes of the series like never before i think it's top three for me [Music] [Laughter] this episode is amazingly another one of the best so far i didn't remember how good this one was from watching it as a kid it's got heart action incredibly high stakes and it's hilarious shaggy and scooby are throwing a dog show and naturally this is when vibes needs to retrieve an additional chemical compound from their house to complete his nano formula to make it so that his powers aren't limited to those of a cat which comes with some very bad drawbacks first off i am spontaneously driven to use poor doctor trebler as a scratchy post secondly i am easily distracted by the likes of yarn and cat nip mice [Laughter] but no doubt most humiliating of all whenever i am startled my adrenaline kicks in setting off an internal nano backfire which causes me to suddenly transform into her where is my kitty menace is still hanging around now a full furry convinced that fibes is his personal kitty and even when he gets ejected from the ship he still makes me laugh so five says to infiltrate the house during a dog show and just every bit of tension this is worth it is fully milked for there's something menacing about the first real fight shaggy's had with vibes in person in the series but there's also an added layer of tension over shaggy initially taking a liking to fives as a cat when they don't know its fives scooby and shaggy are put through the classic we won't talk it out over keeping a cat at home especially during a dog show and forced to make up once it's revealed the cat is fives scooby eats vibes there's some sweet reflection oh and how could i forget this is the grand introduction of sparky to the show roby's new robo-dog he's absolutely adorable and a fun addition to the cast of the show oh and agents one and two are here disguised as a dog in an attempt to be back up for fives and of course agent two is invested in winning and then scooby is the judge of the dogs at the talk show this is like a human fashion show where humans judge other humans it's wild and strange and this episode is hilarious it breaks new ground it follows up right where the last episode left off and it's a sweet look at shaggy and scooby's friendship and not to mention as of the episode's end fibes now officially has the working nano formula since shaggy and scooby actually lost meaning it only gets wilder from here the status quo has once again shifted in episode 2 and i am 100 here for it gentlemen prepare yourselves if that's indeed possible for the new nanopowered doctor phineas vibes [Music] officially has the nanotech formula and the show continues to follow its overarching story for the season of course fives has consumed so much of the formula that it's turned him into a beauty king with one of the most disturbing character designs to ever grace the television screen beauty vibes is certainly i'm fabulous of course shaggy and scooby's mission is to go inside five's body with an anti-nano formula sent by uncle albert but when they get that message they're more concerned about getting gingivitis at the moment meanwhile fibes's new goal is to be the most beautiful human on earth so he asks his mirror on the wall kevin who we haven't seen since season one who informs him that these octuplets named the nifties are more beautiful than him in addition to shaggy and scooby so fibes invites them to a party where he plans to send them into the sun it's as wacky as ever and you really feel the stakes with fives now being able to fly shoot lasers out of his eyes and much more he's basically superman but as shaggy and scooby fight the bots he keeps applying more nano deodorant to keep him busy this leads to some wacky and wild high jinks all the way up until the bots are gone for the time being it's a fun premise and the animation for the inside of five's system is surprisingly well composed cg for 2007. there's also this one gag that i just love why are they there it's great overall though what kills this one in the rankings for me is that it just isn't that rewatchable but it's a decent episode of the show and it fully explores the premise of what if vibes but beautiful it's also consistent with the pacing of the season which i appreciate oh and there's also this really cute animated part where the characters are drawn chibi style it's just so fun gentleman mccardle it's been a while yeah well not long enough woody and of course am i could a wussy turn a lump of cowl into a diamond by crushing it with his bare hand apparently i wish he could now fibes is fully stabilized in nanopower and his uncle albert reminds us and he's set on bringing about global winter by detonating one of the world's only super volcanoes but only if the governments of the world don't bow to him first after calling general mcardle he's ready to blow everything up mcardle uh take it you have spoken to the president yes i have and he and i agree that you're too big of a wussy to blow up your wussy volcano you're a prophet bluffing am i well aren't you sir well yes but not anymore meanwhile shaggy is dealing with imposter syndrome since scooby is always alone with the power of saving the day he's discovered one of uncle albert's old super suit inventions and it's almost as faulty and dangerous as roby so while shaggy bumbles through the mission trying to prove his usefulness as the suit fails at nearly every turn he has to learn that he's cool just the way he is no need for the suit and zoinks man persona this episode is a lot of fun it feels like early season 1 more than season 2 so far we do get confirmation that the reason 5's hasn't had to do with lightning this season is because the nanotech healed him of that curse but the real humor in this episode comes from agent 2 who as usual is just absolutely goofy as he spreads the legend that the volcano is guarded by a bat-like creature named the kichiwa this leads to some great gags with the agents as they run in fear of shaggy whose suit suspiciously has bat wings agent one of course gets upset at all this thinking he's the only voice of reason leading to some great moments guys listen to me dr fives is right there was no such thing as kooky loopy kitschy huppo whatever there's no such thing oh yeah then what is that and shaggy ultimately gives up the suit to use it as a diversion to save scoob who got captured earlier in the episode unrelated but sparky makes breakfast in this episode it's it's super cute pop em up boy good boy also one of five's agents is just entirely an alien now i have no idea what's going on but i love it ultimately fives is chased out of the volcano presumably to think up his next dastardly plan but all the dynamite was left inside the volcano i hope that doesn't accidentally slip or something good morning nephew shaggy good morning i see you've lathered your faces with beans and cheese yeah and i see you're dismantling the house dismantling oh why yes i am fibes has begun to take over the world using his evil clones now a new nanotechnology of course the clones each embody a different aspect of fibes's personality be it playing peekaboo panting him being a pirate the clown kung fu or the biggest threat in the world evil 5. it's time to get down to business people is there an echo in here who is this trapping devil that's evil vibe sir evil fire really that seems redundant let's hear your evil cackle [Music] roby has also begun to dismantle shaggy and scooby's mansion as part of spring cleaning it's a fun visual detail that leads to seeing a lot of the mansion throughout the episode in a state of disrepair which is kind of cool we're introduced to the new concept of scooby's snacks no longer working once he's had too many something that fibes has learned from his own use of the nanotech and of course evil fives is a big deal shag and scooby win this episode by turning evil vibes against regular fives as they challenge each other to who is boss but before it gets there this episode also has one of the darkest scenes in the series thus far as vibes intrudes on their home no more snacks and even if you could it wouldn't do you any good jeff bennett's voice acting is also absolutely insane here the difference he gives to evil fibes versus regular fights is so subtle and yet so important and good and it becomes clearer and clearer that fives is getting harder for shaggy and scooby to be overall it's a really strong episode and i do remember that the clone's plot is followed up on later and not abandoned keeping in line with season two's more plot driven nature this is andy he wants to give you an ink blot test to see how crazy you are what do you see a dog how about this one a hippie boy duck hippie boy doc hippie boy i'm bored next patient this episode is one of my all-time favorites fives and shaggy and scooby are all tired of fighting so much this season so they both decide to take a vacation on a cruise the problem is it's the same cruise and so the chaos ensues you have a deal hippie boy truce [Music] annihilate them this episode is perfect in every way nearly every joke is character driven agent two has to fill in for fives as therapists at the start of the episode and starts a word association game where he never answers fives directly which continues throughout the entire episode i trust you've opened the ballast hatch marble cake what idiot put agent one on the line he also has a sock puppet named andy throughout the episode who initially appeared as a helper during his turn as a therapist the location design of the ship is really cool as it looks like a sombrero and the comedy is just off the charts bonkers go to sleep go to sleep it is me you idiot i was asleep go back to sleep goodbye get out i remember feeling really disturbed and bad for vibes in this scene as a kid and yeah the episode ends with vibes telling andy he's going to take his own vacation basically trying to drown him and shag and scooby once again make hot dog tacos just like in the pilot this is one of my all-time favorites it's just so funny and i i think i cracked up laughing harder at this than any episode so far the boarding is great too with some really fun shots and this is the episode responsible for turning scooby-doo into a dolphin super snack just turns him into a dolphin he even makes dolphin sounds good luck this is another one of those that if you don't watch any of the other episodes of the show check this one out [Music] after last episode's fun detour it's finally time to return to the clones arc evil fibes has kicked regular vibes out of his lair so he goes to the only non-evil people he knows shaggy and scooby despite mild trepidation shaggy and scooby decide to let five stay with them after fives uses the phone to send prank calls and the spirit of revenge evil fibes decides he must out evil original fives by actually using the doomsday machine a machine fives only ever intended to have to use as a bluff this happens through this shocking sequence of events whatever you do don't mention the doomsday machine asymptote oh oh you should use the doomsday machine [Music] i like the sound of that of course now shaggy and scooby have to work with vibes to take down evil vibes it's a really fun concept for an episode and there's also a message about treating your employees right it turns my agents against me by promising them a better dental plan through the weekly movies or not what about movie night there is no movie night there never was no [Applause] dr treble is of absolutely no help in this episode and presumably the rest of fibes's clones are now permanently disposed of also evil fibes now has narcolepsy and a very severe case of it in fact they ultimately win the day by shutting down the device using the journal 3 activator and by the end despite all of shaggy and scooby's help fibes is once again evil considering all you have done for me i will give you one minute to escape no you wouldn't overall there's some really funny moments in this episode it's massively confusing that their time travel adventure episode is playing on their home tv and shaggy pulls the plug on five says cell phone calls by pulling out an ethernet cable there's some wild cartoon logic happening here and in the end evil fives is trapped in that stupid hamster ball from season one something detrimental for a person with narcolepsy overall this was a really interesting concept and it did flush out the world with other super villains and the idea of supervillain retirement but it just doesn't hold a candle to some of the other ones this season as far as how funny it was like i've been waiting for this all day scoob doc's dvds enjoy your movie and now we're back to an episode that feels straight out of season one only my name is is uh jeff oh zachary what are you doing vibes's lair is the only thing that's new it's the hanger that he apparently keeps his blimp in that we've just never seen and the premise is this vibes is sending a special hd dvd to shaggy and scooby's house that makes the monsters in the movie real to torment them well it was supposed to be evil agents but the techies wanted monsters instead it's all fine and dandy until he realizes he wants to copy the disc to spread the monsters around the world so he sends agents 1 and 2 to retrieve the disc the plot amounts to little more than a game of keep away for the early story and courtesy of agent 2's a new trailer for his family film bacon the pig also emerges from the screen bringing the most fart jokes this series has ever seen it's so so bad looks like chocolate covered raisins give me the toast too it's a joke overall it's it's just a mediocre episode in every sense of the word even the resolution of scooby just turning into a scary monster is weird it's weird that shaggy and scooby are scared of the monsters in the first place and they kind of call that out the animation and designs are nice and there's some fun banter between fives and the techies as usual and this bit with the mummy is pretty great [Music] inappropriate touching he's looking for the lost treasure from his tomb sir [Music] but overall it's just not one of the better ones and a real letdown for how great season two has been so far or maybe just a letdown for the series as a whole i do remember the next episode being pretty great though that's our roby he's a terrible cook a rotten butler and an even worse training partner in fact he's not very good at anything [Music] this episode runaway roby deals with the premise of roby miss hearing shaggy and scooby talking about him negatively and running away to find other employment see shaggy and scooby have been meaning to get in shape so they asked roby to help train them but he takes it a bit too far what's on the menu ruby nutritious soy jerky [Music] it's not nearly as bad as it looks and it's got more fiber than a palm tree of course when he runs away to work at the tough guys bar and restaurant he's discovered by holy cow is that agent won an agent two dressed regularly they of course bring him to fives inspiring his new evil plot but before that phipes is having a rough day we finally see fibes's morning routine good morning little birdie [Music] [Music] there's something so funny about this image five's eating moop or pops for breakfast while his dad opens the fridge to drink prune juice right out of the carton like we'll get to see more of this in the season finale but i love the idea of all of five's agents just living in his lair 24 7 and like before the take it started they're all just milling about the kitchen anyways vibes as usual wants to be pure evil but the best evil plan he can think up is rerouting an internet webcam so that people see a naked mole rat instead of a new baby panda when they click so yeah he's pretty excited to get that call from agents one and two roby gets taken in and we learned that fives has decided to turn good he hasn't he just wants to get robbie's info from his brain this leads to some amazing gags and we finally learn about fibes's mother i need you to help me brainstorm ideas for my new career something my mother could be proud of your mother is a bank robber agent one smack him but ultimately shaggy and scooby rescue roby and the experiment goes haywire putting agent two's brain inside of fives his body and fibes his brain in agent two's body it's extra funny if you know that they're both the same voice actor i've always wanted one of these good job and the episode ends with a really wholesome reconciliation between roby shaggy and scooby it's definitely one of the more heartfelt episodes of the series and it's the one that i remember actually getting sad at when roby decides to leave since he actually cries and leaves his most important pieces to sparky even in little kids animation stuff if you don't have heart somewhere it doesn't really resonate that much and i'd rather have it be super funny and have a little bit of heart but but still parts parts important and so but occasionally i'd say is there a way to get a little more in and that was really the intention this episode goes towards the top of my list for subversion of the formula hilarious comedy and most of all just a really heartfelt story about the relationship between shaggy scooby and ruby [Music] dr trebler yo-yo oh i got a yo-yo sir okay that is not going to help agent one contains a leak i need a funny hat my head is shrinking agent two hand me the nano formula get it you're so bad hey oh no not that stupid sock puppet again we start this episode in the middle of another adventure and fights his hangar from super scary movie night shaggy and scooby inevitably defeat vibes there's a great bit where five spheres the authorities have shown up which is really funny when you remember his primary layer is in downtown with its own government-funded mile sign it's the authorities throw your weapons but i digress vibes decides the reason he's consistently losing against shaggy and scooby is that he isn't smart enough so he has a new nano formula developed by dr treblott that makes him smarter and makes his head look very strange and disturbing needless to say his grand plan is to make the entire world dumber so that he can rule it distributing stupid gas into the airstream testing it leads to this great gag with agent two question one how many sides does an octagon have that's trick question octagons don't have sides they have tentacles yes [Laughter] it works he's a total nimrod actually sir the gas isn't on the nozzle appears to be stuck and wouldn't you know shaggy and scooby inevitably defeat vibes with a super smart snack aside from the wide assortment of their dumb jokes in this episode i think i like how this explores the idea of fives having various superpowers via nanotechnology like yeah sure he's nanopowered but how can he use it to manifest specific characteristics like scooby i think it's a really smart direction to go at this point in the show overall though this episode is middle of the road not bad not good just a fun time also andy returns for a hot minute and it's a hilarious callback [Music] all right we're in the home stretch now the final three episodes this one is about five's revenge on his hometown where he spent his childhood as a young forward-thinking inventor in a town of hillbillies a place suspiciously reminiscent of a cowboy town though i don't know why he has such a thick german accent if he grew up in texas texas they treated him poorly for being interested in technology and now fives is going to use mutated animals with mixed features a la jurassic world to trample their entire town festival agent 2 is of course all in on the cowboy vibe with his new nickname big red and agent one is as annoyed as ever and of course five says techies have multiple failed versions of the animal trait mixing experiment including perhaps the funniest joke in the episode the bumblebee turtle which consistently knocks people out it's a fun outing and some of the location design for the western town is great the episode also makes me considered what barbecue pudding would actually taste like if anything this episode's worst part is shaggy dressing as a female cow to lead the bulls back to destroy fox's lair i suppose it works in context with scooby painting the building red but it's like just just no there is a hint at five's getting even more agitated that shaggy and scooby somehow just constantly know his location even as he continues to build entirely new layers but overall this episode just slipped out of my mind as soon as i watched it i think you can tell that rey was being pushed by warner brothers to finish these quickly as these last few episode concepts didn't have a chance to be fully fleshed out beyond jokes pretty basic to the premise it's just what if episode formula but on a dude ranch and in that sense it works there's many laughs to be had but as a whole this episode just isn't as memorable also it has the series his first political joke i'm a decider and i've decided that this barbecue [Music] hey dude your evil paddles like it totally out of sight peace oh yes very lifelike is going to fool everyone this is the best you could do for 1.8 million dollars as the penultimate episode of the series this episode does a lot to really focus on shaggy and scooby's relationship and why they're such a perfect pair of friends fibers evil plan this week is to actually split up shaggy and scooby and drive a wedge between them so he can destroy them as he thinks they're unstoppable together and it actually adds a fun bit of lore to the show shaggy's catchphrase zoinks actually comes from the name of his first dog when he was a child but we were playing fetch one day when i accidentally threw his ball onto a boat headed for bolivia [Music] somehow he made it back so five sends robot replicas of shaggy's former dog zoinks and scooby's former hippie known as groovy dawn to their house each being used to drive the other insane with as fives describes it angry skulls dirty looks awkward silences oh i could watch this all day as tensions rise and uncle albert's message is unable to get through to them fibes revels in success but ultimately he plays his cards too soon revealing that they're both disguised weapons and shaggy and scooby end up getting back together to defeat them at the end they reminisce on the great times they've had together it's really sweet and honestly one of the most heartfelt episodes of the series i remember being kinda disturbed by melted hippie dawn as a kid though and there's a great gag about vibes getting hit with lasers in this episode it's definitely one of the series's most interesting concepts and the execution is really good this one goes pretty high up on the list dr trevla you now my dear dear friend are simply beyond suspicion of course do you have any idea who the informant is sir no this is it the serious finale and i remember loving this one as a kid and after a re-watch it definitely holds up warner brothers was basically going on here right so i knew there wasn't going to be a season three yeah and they had sold the building to devry university uh and then later amazon came in and took some of the offices i remember i had friday saturday and sunday to write it and i went in and i had a story and the people from that had bought the building were literally jack hammering my wall this is no joke so i put in um big wax earplugs into both ears with some with some noise cancelling headphones over them and i sat at my desk with literally things vibrating off the wall falling onto the ground things vibrating across my desk and i just wrote the episode fives has decided there must be a leak in his organization at this point so he's shut down his lair to interrogate his agents one by one no one goes in or out agent 21 if you were an ice cream flavor what would it be well without a doubt it would be mocha almond fudge thank god how did you know he was the snitch sir i didn't his file says that he was due for a raise i'm not made of money you know in his trust circle is of course the techies agents one and two and dr trevla this episode does a really great job of playing up the tension as treble is terrified of being discovered despite fibes having the least suspicion for him of course shaggy and scooby are alerted to uncle albert's plight but before he can explain who his identity is he's cut off this leaves the episode as a mystery for shaggy and scooby to solve initially they check all the agents for his distinctive mole but when they finally realize uncle albert must be in fibes's inner circle they switch to another strategy overall this episode is great shag and scooby are immediately called out by fives when they break into the lair and agents one and two are sent to follow them since fives is also curious who the informant is but more than that we get to actually explore five's lair in this episode he raises money for schemes with a large army of telemarketers asking for small donations of 12 thousand dollars he has a core power center with these weird magnet thingies his agents sleep on a hanging conveyor belt and there's a weapons testing facility it's just really good world building all the way down to the very end and of course agents one and two are put through heck and back trying to follow them all while agent 2 is suspicious of agent 1 being the informant this whole informant thing has really got me freaked out i mean it could be anybody it could be you no no i can't believe it it's not me that's exactly what you'd say if it was you man traitor you disgust me dr fives i have no proof or anything but i think agent one is the mole i see agent one smack him and then there's this great visual gag where fives cracks and then a minute later the techies are seen taping him up in the background there's lots of clever stuff like that in the storyboarding of this episode it's it's all done very well you can tell everyone working on this episode knew exactly what the finale was trying to do and they made it as epic as possible everyone worked hard to convey the drama at play here take for example this scene it's fascinating to watch because we know everything who the mole is why shaggy and scooby are here that fibes knows it's shaggy and scooby but that scoob and shaggy don't know fives is aware of their identities it's all a farce and the grand reveal of treble as albert is perfect sorry dr vibes oh my good work uncle albert you had a severe peanut allergy and you're the only one who didn't eat his sandwich five's his reaction the fact that the agents and techies are all congratulating uncle albert and the escape vibes does he really is in agony over this betrayal so much so that he just wants to run away presumably to come back in the next season i also really appreciate the fact that this episode takes a moment to address the relationship between dr phibes and uncle albert throughout the season and that uncle albert has recognized that there is some good in vibes i'm sorry dr fives you know working with you these past two years i've come to realize that despite your creepy diseased mind you do have a good side [Music] but before that he sets his lair to self-destruct this leads to one final action scene as scooby rescues all of fibes's agents from the lair it's a really neat way to tie the episode together given that we've been seeing all these agents throughout meanwhile shaggy tries to follow fives on his rocket but ultimately gets pushed off with fives declaring that he'll return more evil than ever so the snackbot that was set up in the first scene of this episode that i completely forgot to mention is used to help break his fall roby reunites with uncle albert in a really touching scene and everyone is happy for the time being with fives now having lost his entire workforce it ends so perfectly uncle albert robbie oh i've missed you so we did it scoob what do you say we take uncle albert back home and celebrate scooby dooby [Music] and then the final shot of the series is fire trucks showing up with dark music why didn't they just cut the seconds earlier why the sudden shift in sound design here let me fix it [Music] but yeah other than that last funky editing choice this is a perfect episode of the show and a great season finale it never forgets the show's tone it knows where it is in the story and has by far the most dramatic tension of the series the storyboarding is wonderful character conflicts pushed humor on point and resolution to the show's biggest mystery plot perfect i love this episode alright here's my ranking of all the season 2 episodes so is season 2 a step up from season one and the sense of dramatic tension absolutely the plot progresses on a more regular basis and fibes is a far more real threat here but on the whole i'd say each season has a few duds that didn't land and with more of those being at the end of season 2 it does make me think of season 2 a bit less but i think overall the show improved and grew which is what any good second season should do and the characters are more developed leading to episodes like cruising for a bruising which are absolutely hilarious so yeah i think season two is overall a better watch than season one but only by a smidge the season premiere and finale are leaps and bounds better than season ones for sure having re-watched these episodes less it was fun to unlock memories of episodes like scooby dudes and zwinks the wonder dog that i had almost completely forgotten but overall the entire show is a good watch it holds up but now with all that context let's dive into the series as a whole to see how it does in various categories okay so before we dive into commentary on the show as a whole i wanted to take a look back at this weird dvd mini game from the very first dvd i remember playing this as a kid i remember it's some kind of like shaggleford hedge maze decision thing i don't remember the animation of being good but i have not played this in like actual years so we're gonna play this together and we're gonna see just what in the world the poor people who got paid to make this dvd put together unless there was some other browser game i think this is the only game that was like ever actually made based off the show so yeah we might start it and then dive into some commentary and then dive back into the game i don't know how this is gonna edit but let's get started okay right off the bat this this intro screen this must be like an early draft of the concept darks like you can see the final on the cover of the dvd but this looks like like what is even happening was it the coloring on the on the wheel uh man this yeah this must have been the first draft of the art style and nobody communicated all right here we go shaggy and scooby's crooked capers this is the only playthrough of this game on all of youtube [Music] all right here we are welcome shag and scooby-doo on the hunt for fives and his henchmen here's your chance to help them out do well and check your score at the end so there's three games game one do you know me game two bite size bad guys in game three hide and go seek which i think is the one that i remember alright so let's go ahead and go check the security footage to find out who was caught on tape all right let's press go security control oh here we go we that's that's five that's fives all right yes all right now who's in this one who's in this security footage that's that's that's uh that's having some heaven soon yes yes okay uh um uh this is blinky that's blinky blinky blinky yes yes all right i got it above and away the audience's biggest critique of the show the designs are unlike any other in the scooby franchise with an art style that departs from literally everything else designed with the very early 2000s look that i mistook for being adobe flash until i sat down to write this video and honestly i can't fault it for that it was the time now supposedly the designs were supposed to resemble the live action movies at the time and if so like they kind of missed the mark heck even ray has complaints about the art style i did not particularly love the look of the show i thought it was uh i thought it was a little on the dark side you know in terms of the color palette but i really honestly they just assigned those people to me you know unfortunately in that business it's a weird thing the people who are the sort of sometimes the unit production managers who literally are the the only people in the production who have no skill set are given this sort of leeway to drive people crazy and do things and torture people and there was a little bit of that on that show and um eric granomsky who was on the show who's a good guy you know just did what he wanted i stayed out of his way and i can't deny the backgrounds of this show are muddy and often lifeless but on the good side the characters are really expressive designs for characters like fives agents one and two treble and robie are very strong and designed to be pushed the techies well they didn't have to do much work and personally i like the designs of shaggy and scooby overall i'd honestly take this art style over be cool scooby doo's if i had to pick a favorite thing about the animation though it would be the color palettes the red brown and black combination and vibes scenes and the lighter green white and blue of shaggy and scooby scenes makes for a very nice contrast but i can't deny the animation budget leads to dozens of errors throughout the show from pixelation to miss layering to basically anything else you can imagine but hey at least the show credits its animators something very few animated series today i actually do [Music] aside from my rant on the theme song at the start of this video the music in the series is actually quite good series music by mutato muzika is excellent and while i can't pinpoint a specific moment i felt the music do more than compliment the scene well you do recognize the themes as you watch the show and they help create the show's very unique tone no complaints here it's a perfectly serviceable musical score alright next game all right bite size bad guys use the portable shrink grater a capture henchman will run amok on the shaggleford estate be quick the ray runs out of juice fast all right so okay cool uh so i i actually have mobility with the windows system all right here we go nope come on come on gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha no no ray don't run out of juice i swear i'm trying come on got him got him nope nope is he gonna appear next i guess i just like try and be somewhere no i still could not win got zero points oh oh here we go you know i'm just gonna wait for him to come back here cuz i know he's eventually gonna make his way back here and when he does i'll be ready to strike i will get at least one hit in on agent two yes yes come on no no no why why okay this game this game is this game is clearly not not for not for the web of heart yeah no i i failed that one pretty miserably all right all right oh that's right we got the third one we got the third one uh go go go go come on come on it's it's not working it's not working i can't catch him i can't do it no this is outrageous all right you know that's totally my fault totally my fault that i couldn't win the game this is where i think most people are wrong i know comedy is subjective but to me this show is absolutely hysterical if you can accept that dr fives is gonna be the main villain and get invested in the relationships between all these new characters as well as shaggy and scooby you're gonna have a great time there are certainly times it stoops low for fart jokes five saying tinkle or even some gross out humor but i'd say 90 of the show's comedy only works if you know the characters the funniest episode cruising for a bruisin is entirely just character comedy so i think most people fail to get past the pilot and give these characters a chance which is why it wasn't funny at all i mean let's be real the show lands far more jokes than your average episode of what's new scooby-doo or even the original series because that's what it is a formulaic comedy i gave plenty of examples of funny moments going through the episodes but there's just so much here to love smart visual gags clever wordplay humor with editing and cartoon sound effects it's all here this is perhaps the most overlooked aspect of the show since maybe ten percent of people who checked out the first episode made it to season two they never got to see the mystery of uncle albert's disappearance unravel or fives grow from a silly threat to a true villain for a cartoon in the early 2000s there's impressively strong character continuity plot continuity and even a structure that makes the season finale's important and relevant plot episodes uncle albert alert is such a rewarding episode to watch after following all these characters for so long and i remember as a kid being so excited for each new week's events there was a promo right before season 2 debuted that i noticed sparkion and i was so excited to see him introduced and he's in multiple episodes throughout season 2 after his introduction there was a saturday morning hype to this show for my family and i and with the show's central mystery constantly being teased and pushed forward it was a delight to watch and i think that aspect of the series holds up well it reminds me of phineas and ferb in a sense where there was a formula established for what a typical episode looked like and then once it established that it worked to subvert it for me it was really the perfect serialized comedy i also feel that having 22 minute episodes really allowed you to get to know these characters vibes could have a 5 minute rant just because there was time for it and i feel that leads to just a really great sense of both place and character in the show it was almost like a spy movie every episode i felt like i wouldn't have time to do big stakes if i didn't have 22 minutes but yeah this was the show that introduced seven-year-old jonathan to the concept of serialization and from there i never looked back do you have any idea where you would have gone had you got picked up like no i have no idea no none at all i mean i would have had to have step back and look at it all but you know i was looking to have it be a victorious ending you know i don't know what i would have done beyond that i really don't i mean it's probably would have needed to amp things back up somehow in some crazy way you know yeah um you know off the top of my head i may have had dr five's been smart enough that he had some sort of a chip in all of his agents that he could control them that kills shaggy and scooby they were like friendly one minute and like it'd be activated by a bell or something you know so they lived they were living in a place where everyone tried to murder them but they didn't know and i don't know what i would have done beyond that but obviously it would have had to have been amped up again because you would have to have re-empowered fives in some way i would have loved to see how the show's dynamic would change with uncle albert back living with shaggy and scooby or would he kick them out of the mansion would the gang return would agents 1 and 2 be loyal to shaggy and scooby after they were saved i think the show had a lot to explore in another season but ultimately we'll never know but hey i still would have loved to see it alright this is it this is the garden maze we're finally going to play the garden maze we've been waiting forever for this let's see how it goes hide and go seek five's his men chased scooby-doo into the garden maze and you must rescue him be careful trouble abounds all around shaggleford estate garden maze oh boy all right what do we do we go left or right what do we do i say let's go right what no no i didn't start again what no all right all right i'm not gonna let this maze beat me alright guys we are going to start with the left we're gonna go left gonna start with the left here we go all right we got a water can so the watering can now let's go right all right so that was good right it's good so left then right let's switch up and take a left no no not again and why is it always asian too all right all right we got this we got this all right first we go left then we go right then we go right again oh now we got nothing nothing here i'm gonna say it can't be right three times let's take a left yes all right left do i say right right or left ah let's go left yes all right so two lefts i think i saw that's a dead end so we're gonna go right this time yeah i found scooby-doo we're there we made it that was an incredible game oh oh it does so it does keep track of the points all right so shaggy and scooby i'm a new partner i'm shaggy scooby-doo's new partner i would be uncle shackleford's new heir if the second game actually worked this was amazing honestly i love it i love that they actually took the time to make this fun of the game for the dvd it's so stupid honestly i like it i like it it's so much fun let's go ahead and wrap up this video i think i know why this show is hated after a re-watch it's really quite clear here's how an average scooby-doo family watch the show they watch the pilot and give the show a chance it's an okay episode but there's a lot of weird bugs and it doesn't do a lot with the mystery ink gang so it didn't really win over fans let's say they stuck around for the second episode that one is literally the worst episode in all two seasons completely forgettable if i was a scooby fan and i didn't like the art style that would have been the nail in the coffin for me i'd stop watching and mark it as the worst series but then the gang was brought back late into season one so let's say you go check out that episode as a fan of scooby-doo to see if the show's gotten better and as i discussed earlier in the video not only is that episode middle of the road but it only works if the gang shows up as a surprise they're not even in the first half of the episode and without watching the other episodes you've missed shaggy and scooby's character growth the techies and so many other elements that you'd need to understand to make this episode fun and then after that scooby-doo fans left the show alone it was not good and labeled as the worst scooby-doo iteration because it was just too different the show shouldn't have been about shaggy and scooby et cetera et cetera et cetera all the complaints but as a kid growing up and being in the show's target audience airing on a channel where it was decently promoted i had a blast again i had the eyes of a kid so i didn't care that this wasn't faithful to the original series i just thought it was hilarious these characters were fun and it was just as enjoyable if not more so than the other scooby-doo series and honestly i might be in the same camp as all the haters had i not grown up with it but i'm so glad i did this show is a fundamental part of my childhood and whether or not you agree whether or not it's objectively good or bad whether or not anyone else remembers it it'll always be incredibly special to me and i'd like to thank everyone who worked hard to make this show what it is y'all did absolutely wonderful so to answer my original question no i don't think the show deserves the legacy it's had so maybe this video will be the first step towards changing it party already is still my favorite episode though no question alright time for a speed round of things that i noticed while editing but didn't have time to put in the video casey case from shaggy's original voice actor actually voices uncle albert in this series there's this weird logo change from the first dvd to the second dvd to i guess help emphasize that scooby-doo is a part of this they actually took the time to write out rob's letter in the runaway roby episode and it 100 feels authentic to what roby would write this is casey kasem's wife's gene kasem's final known acting role as cat lady and yet it's not listed on imdb this is my second favorite show to have a lead character named phineus and finally there's this really cool promo preview of the storyboard of shaggy and scooby world on one of the scooby dvds the link in the description but at the end it implies that the wb kids logo is the one storyboarding the entire show i don't know that that just seems cruel we gotta get back to finishing this episode kids wb logo back to work now of course i wanna hear from you dimension hoppers did you see the show growing up or are you an older fan who was jaded towards the show did i change your opinion or do you still think the show is hot garbage and of course thank you so much to rae for coming on to talk about the show this video wouldn't have been the same without you man thank you so much for watching and i'll see you back in dimension one [Music] you
Channel: The 2nd Dimension
Views: 450,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video essay, scooby doo where are you, scooby doo, Scooby-doo, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo Get a Clue, Shaggy and Scooby Doo Get a Clue, Dr. Phibes, Dr Fives, Uncle Albert, Video Essay, Retrospective, Shaggy and Scooby Doo Review, Get a Clue Review, Shaggy and scooby doo get a clue theme song, shaggy and scooby doo get a clue fred daphne and velma, fred, daphne, velma, Cartoon Retrospective, Worst Scooby-Doo Cartoon, Shags to Riches, Uncle Albert Alert, scooby doo mystery incorporated
Id: xoqPWpD0aUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 28sec (5968 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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