The Weird Paleontology Iceberg Explained

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paleontology it's a study of ancient life through remains left by the creatures that once roamed our lands millions of years ago with the study of anything ancient you can bet there's a bunch of weird and obscure theories out there so that's exactly what we'll be covering today in this weird paleontology Iceberg this video will cover tier one since this chart is super long anyways without further Ado let's get into the video with the first Ury plastic dinosaurs made from dinosaurs this idea centers around the notion that plastic dinosaur toys contain elements or remnants of real dinosaurs it's a pretty unusual thing to say but it emerged from the association with fossil fuels and dinosaurs while also being adopted by old companies as marketing strategies in the early 1900s basically the term fossil fuels likely lead to assumption that they're directly related to the remains of ancient creatures like dinosaurs and since synthetic plastic is made from crude oil a type of fossil fuel you can basically see where the link was created however the reality is that vast majority of oil and other fossil fuels originate from ancient microscopic marine life such as phytol flankton and algae rather than the remains of vertebrates such as dinosaurs KET laava a well-known American paleontologist also reinforces this fact in an online article I'll link down below by highlighting that the geological origins of oil fields especially the ones supplying the bulk of the world's oil did not align with the presence of dinosaurs Hollow Earth the concept of Hollow Earth proposes that the Earth is not a solid spere but rather a shell-like structure with vast habitable spaces within its interior the idea has been supported by some speculative theories mythologies and fiction historical figures like Edmund Haley known for Haley's Comet wondered about the possibility of concentric shells within the Earth proponents of the theory suggest that there might be entrances at the poles or various hidden passages that lead to the interior World interestingly enough in this interior world it's said that extinct creatures like the dinosaurs actually live and Thrive within the Hollow Earth however this theory was more out there during the early days of geological inquiry and nowadays it's more of a product of imaginative thinking and myth too big to walk the too big to walk idea is about really huge dinosaurs like Argentinosaurus being so massive that they might have had trouble moving around easily these dinosaurs were some of the biggest creatures ever making scientists wonder how they walked around with such huge bodies some experts proposed their size might have made it hard for them to move fast on land their idea is that these Giants might have moved very slowly or found different ways to get around like using water or other tricks to support their weight meaning they be considered semi-aquatic animals although scientists are still learning how the animals moved by studying their bones and muscles the theory is generally considered a fringe Theory but it still remains a fascinating Topic in paleontology so there's not really much about it dinosaurs are dragons during the early stages of Saran fossil discoveries when paleontology was on its rise the findings often shared sh a striking resemblance to the mythical creatures known as dragons this led some to believe that the findings were mythical beasts from well-known folklore and legends due to their physical appearances at that time Concepts such as geological time and the idea of Extinction were not universally accepted or well understood neither was the term dinosaur even coined therefore it does make sense that people would have jumped to conclusions and let their mind wander about the possibilities of the fossil's origin also some believe that the origin of dragons in historical myths and legends might have actually been inspired by encounters or interactions with ancient reptilian creatures such as dinosaurs which were thought to have lived concur with humans nowadays this idea still persists within specific creationist circles creationism creationism is a belief that assar the Universe Earth and all life forms were created by a Divine being typically in line with religious texts such as the Bible's Genesis account in Christianity it pauses that a supernatural entity often referred to as a God or higher power deliberately designed and brought everything into existence according to creationism the origins of life and the diversity of living organisms are a result of a purposeful act by a Creator rather than through natural processes such as evolution by natural selection creationists argue for literal interpretation of religious texts advocating that the earth and its life forms were created in a relatively short period typically a few thousand years as opposed to the vast time scales suggested by scientific evidence de evolution de evolution is a term that sometimes used in discussions about Evolution but holds a different meaning than what one might expect in scientific context the evolution is not recognized or accepted concept within evolutionary biology Evolution typically describes a process of species developing and changing over time to adapt to the environments or changing circumstances which is referred to as natural selection however outside of scientific circles de evolution is occasionally used to suggest a backward or regressive Evolution implying that organisms might actually revert to a simpler or less advanced form there's this thing out there called Tech de Evolution which was pretty interesting to learn about this idea essentially contradicts the basic principles of evolutionary biology which emphasize adaption and the diversification of species over time therefore it's generally considered to be based on a misunderstanding of how Evolution actually works orthogenesis chain of being orthogenesis also known as straight line Evolution was a hypothesis prevailing during the late 19th and early 20th centuries suggesting that species have an inherent tendency to evolve in a predetermined Direction during the Victorian era when Charles Darwin introduced the theory of evolution it clashed with prevailing religious and societal views Darwin's proposition that human shared a common ancestry with other Earthly creatures challenged the notion of humans as divinely ordained Superior beings so you can see how we would have gotten a lot of backlash for it proponents believed that evolutionary changes were Guided by an internal force or pre determined path within organisms rather than slowly driven by natural selection or environmental influences Darwin himself was aware of the potential for his theory to be misconstructed as applying a linear progression toward human superiority he famously described Evolution not as a linear tree with humans at its apex but rather as a radiating Bush emphasizing that humans are just one branch among many in The evolutionary process mythical Beast based on early fossil finds the concept that ancient mythology and folklore might have been influenced by early encounters with fossil remains has been suggested in various forms throughout history this idea has gained Traction in recent times with some Scholars proposing connections between ancient myths and actual fossil discoveries one such example comes from Adan Meer an archaeologist who suggested that certain mythical creatures like Griffins might have originated from encounters with protoceratops skeletons mayor theorized that ancient peoples might have come across the skeletal remains of protoceratops a dinosaur with the beak like structure and Incorporated them into their Legends of griffins however while this idea has garnered attention and interest it has faced criticism and spetic ISM from other Scholars anthropologists like L Ford and paleontologist Mark Whitten have raised serious concerns and identified flaws in mayor's argument regarding the association between porac ceratops and Griffins AA Stones the AA stones are a set of andesite stones that were discovered in the AA province of Peru in the 1960s by basilo Uya these stones are notable for allegedly bearing shallow Engravings depicting scenes of ancient humans hunting and interacting with Dinosaurs as well as illustrations of advanced technology like telescopes and flying machines despite the initial Fascinations surrounding these Stones investigation at scur have revealed them to be forgeries basilo UTA the individual who claimed to have discovered and carved these Stones later admitted to creating them himself the gravings on the stones including depiction of dinosaurs coexisting with humans and technological advancements were revealed to be modern Fabrications rather than genuine ancient artifacts despite their proven inauthenticity the Ia stones have persisted as a subject of interest for certain groups notably among proponents of creationism and ancient astronaut theories Advocates of these ideas have used the AA Stones as perpet evidence of an advanced civilization that coexisted with Dinosaurs suggesting that these Engravings validate their beliefs piltown man the piltown man refers to an Infamous archaeological hoax that took place in the early 20th century in 1912 fragments of a skull and Jawbone were discovered in piltown East susc England purportedly presenting a huge missing link between apes and humans this find was healed as a groundbreaking discovery suggesting that existence of an ancient human ancestor with a large Brain case and aplike jaw for several decades the pilton man was considered a crucial piece of evidence in the study of human evolution however in the 1950s extensive scientific scrutiny revealed that the pilt on man was a forgery chemical analysis and detailed examinations exposed that the skull fragments were from a comparatively recent human skull while the J would belonged to an arut tank these bones were deliberately stained and manipulated to appear ancient fooling scientists and experts for many years chickenosaurus paleontologist Jack corner has been spearheading a project aimed at genetically modifying chicken embryos to exhibit dinosaur-like traits by manipulating certain genes associated with Dinosaur character istics it's kind of like Jurassic Park but with a chicken the idea stems from The evolutionary link between birds and dinosaurs since birds are considered descendants of dinosaurs based on fossil evidence and shared characteristics Warner's Endeavor has attracted attention due to its ambitious goal of reverse engineering features of dinosaurs from Modern bird embryos although there have been claims of limited success within this project such as experiments resulting in chicken embryos exhibiting skull characteristics of certain dinosaur species like the Velociraptor many within the pical community remain skeptical about the Project's scientific Merit and feasibility critics argue that even if Homer's experiments were successful in producing chicken embryos with altered features resembling certain aspect of dinosaurs it wouldn't actually result in any resurrection of dinosaurs so there probably won't be any chicken dinosaurs running around for a while Neo dinosaurs in the context of cryptozoology Neo dinosaurs refer to claims or belief that certain non-avian dinosaurs presumed to be exin for millions of years might somehow still exist in remote or unexplored regions of the world one such example is a case of M MBE a creature often cited in the folklore of central Africa particularly in the Congo region Melo MBE is described in local Legends as a large semi-aquatic creature resembling a sorod dinosaur which traits similar to those of prehistoric dinosaurs like the long neck sods cryptozoologists and some explorers have hypothesized that Melo MBE if it exists might represent a surviving population of dinosaurs specifically sods thought to have gone extinct millions of years ago these claims are based on anecdotal accounts though folklore and alleged sightings by locals and explorers though so they lack substantial scientific evidence it's kind of like the lockless monster and Nessie where there's a lot of accounts but there's no actual real evidence out there therefore the existence of living non-avian dinosaurs such as M MBE or other similar Cryptids remain speculative but just imagining if something like that is actually out there though is terrifying conning the size of those things poxy tracks the poxy River tracks refer to a set of alleged fossilized footprints found along the py River in Texas USA these tracks gained attention due to claims that they provided evidence of both humans and dinosaurs coexisting seemly contradicting the widely accepted understanding of the fossil record initially some individuals suggested that certain prints within the trackway resembled human Footprints alongside larger tracks presumed to be those of dinosaurs this concept became a focal point for those advocating the idea of young Earth creationism which again proposes a literal interpretation of the Bible's account for creation however upon further examination and extensive scientific evidence many of the tracks initially believed to be human Footprints were re-evaluated and determined to be misinterpretations or original features that resembled human-like shapes human self-domestication human self-domestication is a hypothesis proposing that humans through social and evolutionary processes have undergone self-directed selection similar to the domestication of animals this idea suggests that over the course of human evolution certain behavioral and physical traits emerged or were reinforced through societal pressures leading to changes that parallel those in domesticated animals basically it suggests that humans transition from hunter gatherer societies to more settled agricultural communities living together in larger groups became more advantageous this meant that humans would have reduced their reactive aggression increased cooperation and changes in physical appearance for the overall benefit supports of the self-domestication hypotheses point to evidence such as the reduction in cranial size changes in skeletal features and alterations in brain structures over the course of human evolution they argue that these changes might be an agous to those observed in domesticated animals compared to their more wild ancestors cavemen coexisted with Dinosaurs the idea that cavemen coexisted with Dinosaurs is a misconception or an inaccurate belief according to established scientific evidence from paleontology the existence of dinosaurs predates the appearance of modern humans by millions of years dinosaurs which lived during the Mesozoic Era became extinct around 65 million years ago long before the emergence of homo sapiens the term caveman generally refers to early humans such as neanderthals or other prehistoric human ancestors who lived during the Stone Age these early human species evolved much later later appearing tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years ago which is still significantly after the extinction of dinosaurs when you really think about the timeline of events it's actually pretty scary knowing the gap between humans and dinosaurs is so large overall claims suggesting that cavemen and dinosaur coexisted are often propagated in popular culture or certain pseudoscientific ideas but we definitely know it's a misconception all vertebrates are fish this idea or more commonly known as like a joke emphasizes that cladistically speaking the traits defining a specific group are also present in all its descendants technically Ling them as fish as vertebrates evolved from fish-like ancestors they retain certain fundamental characteristics that Trace back to their fish Origins even though they've evolved and diversified into distinct lineages with unique adaptions but you can see how this categor doesn't actually reflect the Practical or everyday classification of animals in scientific terms while humans and other vertebrates share a common evolutionary lineage age with fish they've also undergone a bunch of evolutionary changes that differentiate them from their fish ancestors classifying humans or other vertebrates as fish just isn't that useful for understanding their biology Behavior or ecological roles lamura lamura is a concept that emerged in the 19th century about a hypothetical Lost Continent it was envisioned as a sunken land mass that might have existed in the Indian or Pacific Ocean and became associated with the origin of humanity Ernest Hackle a prominent biologist and philosopher suggested Lura as a possible ancient land where lemurs considered among the closest relatives of humans at that time might have originated some proponents of this concept including certain occult groups also develop narratives and mystical beliefs about lamura Ling it to human evolution from primordial forms to more complex beings the belief in loran Origins has still persisted particularly in West tamamo cultural histories contributing to local folklore and narratives about a lost ancient land if anyone is interested there's also a great book out there called The Lost land of lamura that more dwes into the history and cultural significance of the Lura concept I'll link it down if anyone's interested in actually learning about it baramin bamin is a term introduced by Frank Lewis Marsh a 7-Day Adventist biologist in the context of creationism specifically young Earth creationism abman refers to the concept of created kinds according to Marsha's belief barans represent the original categories or types of organisms created by God Within These banss Mars proposed that microevolutionary changes could occur but insisted that they wouldn't lead to the emergence of entirely new species meaning this would be completely different of what we know of evolution from Darwin Advocates of the bman concept argue that each kind or baramin represents a distinct group of organisms created by God and serves as the fundamental unit of biological diversity the concept of baramin is associated with the rejection of the broader concept of evolution and the idea of common it suggests that while variation occurs within Brader the boundaries of these kinds are fixed and prevent one kind from evolving into another over long periods abiogenesis abiogenesis is a theory that proposes life came from non-living matter refers to the hypothetical phenomenon where simple organic molecules under certain conditions on early Earth gradually assembled and formed increasingly compax structures eventually leading to the emergence of the first living organisms this concept suggests that the transition from inanimate matter to living organisms occurred over extended period through a series of chemical reactions and molecular interactions scientists hypothesized that the conditions on early Earth such as a reducing atmosphere energy sources like lightning or geothermal activities and the presence of certain organic compounds might have facilitated the formation of complex organic molecules such as amino acids and nucleotides these building blocks of life once formed might have further combined and organized themselves into more complex structur structures like proteins RNA and ultimately the first self-replicating entities representing the earliest forms of life and then coming to where we are today as humans prehistoric volcanism in vintage paleontological illustrations a prevent theme depicted frequent and intense volcanic activity during prehistoric times this artistic portrayal often featured erupting volcanoes as a prominent backdrop to ancient Landscapes the idea behind this Trope was roote in the perception that volcanic eruptions were more free frequent and extreme in prehistory compared to contemporary times artists and early scientists believe that these volcanic eruptions were a common occurrence and had a significant impact on the ancient environment this depiction aimed to capture the dramatic and dynamic nature of the Earth's past showcasing erupting volcanoes as a regular element in the ancient Landscapes within paleontological reconstructions however now contemporary scientific understanding suggest a more nuanced view of past volcanic activity recognizing different variations and complexities and the activity behaviors of eruptions throughout Earth's history which basically means it's an Antiquated Theory now microchips and fossils this entry comes from the viral image in 2014 claiming to depict a 250 milliony Old fossilized microt trip found by a fisherman in Russia the image widely circulated online led to speculations and Sensational claims about the discovery of ancient technological artifacts embedded within fossils however upon closer scrutiny by experts in paleontology and GE ology it was determined that the supposed fossilized microchip was in fact a misidentified or misrepresented natural object the image actually depicted a fragment of a kinoid a marine animal related to starfish and sea urchins rather than a technological artifact also there have been occasional unfounded rumors or claims suggesting the discovery of dinosaur bones embedded with microchips or other technological devices within the same Rock Matrix such claims lack credible evidence and are often rooted in misunderstanding misinterpretations or deliberate hoaxes rather than genuine scientific discoveries panspermia panspermia is a scientific hypothesis proposing that life or the organic building blocks necessary for life's emergence might have originat somewhere else in the universe and then spread to Earth or other celestial bodies through comets meteorites or other space debris according to the hypothesis organic molecules or even simple life forms such as bacteria or microbial organisms could have survived space travel within rocks debris or protective materials of celestial bodies these materials could have then potentially reached Earth's surface delivering the necessary ingredients for life or even primitive life forms while paneria offers an intriguing possibility for the origin of life it support to note that it's still a hypothesis and still hasn't been definitely proven the concept raises questions about the conditions required for survival of life or organic compounds during Interstellar travel the likelihood of their arrival on Earth and their potential role in in the emergence of Life on our planet Smithsonian suppression the Smithsonian suppression conspiracy theory is widely circulated among groups such as creationist and cryptozoologists this theory asserts that the Smithsonian institution is deliberately concealing fossil discoveries that would contradict the accepted understanding of evolutionary history proponents of this Theory claim that the smithian actively suppresses evidence that includes giant human skeletons contemporary dinosaur remains and indications of Highly developed ancient civilizations however the Smithsonian institution like other reputable scientific organizations has to operate under rigorous standards of evidence and peer-reviewed research so if they find something that lacks substantial verifiable evidence they aren't allowed to accepted as valid scientific discoveries so while there's no actual documented credible evidence that the Smith sonian actively suppresses discoveries it Still Remains a conspiracy theory out there mitochondrial eve mitochondrial eve is a term used in genic to refer to the most recent common matenal ancestor of all living humans this concept traces back through our metr lineal lineage to a woman who lived in ancient times mitochondrial DNA passed exclusively from mother to offspring allow scientist to trace ancestry and estimate when this common ancestor might have lived however the term mitochondrial eve often leads to misconceptions or misinterpretations some people mistake it to mean that this woman was the only living human female at the time akin to the first woman as described in religious creation stories such as the Genesis account of Eden this misconception is incorrect though cuz in reality mitochondrial eve lived thousands of years ago not in isolation but as part of a larger population she was not the only woman alive during the time but rather the only woman whose matenal line has continued unbroken to the present day in all living humans her contemporaries had descendants too but their maternal lines eventually ceased to continue over Generations while mondra evees line persisted dinosauroid the dinosauroid concept proposed by D Russell in 1982 involve the hypothetical post crous ancestor from theasaurus an extinct dinosaur species Russell stock experiment imagine a scenario where this dinosaur ancestor evolved a tent similar to that of humans lading to a humanoid-like body plant Russell speculation envisioned a creature that was potentially developed a more upright posture lose much of its tail gain opposable thumbs and have a flatter rounder face this concept created a vivid and striking image in popular culture captivating the imagination of many but also evoking criticism for projecting humanlike characteristics onto a dinosaur it was due to this anthropomorphic bias which suggested that intelligence or tool making capabilities would lead to a humanoid body plan that caused it to receive the most criticism over time as studies into animal cognition particularly among dinosaur's closest living relatives birds have become more known has become apparent that intelligence and complex behaviors do not necessitate a human-like body plan geoa geoa represent natural geological formations that bear striking resemblance to human-made artifacts making them challenging to differentiate from ancient human tools or objects within the realm of paleoanthropology the identification of these geoa becomes crucial as they often blur the line between what might actually be occurring formations and intentionally crafted items by early humans numerous instances of some of the oldest claimed human artifacts have faced debates and challenges due to their potential classification as Geo effects particularly certain iconic examples like the Venus of verth RAM and the Venus of tantan both thought to be early human figures created by ancient people have sparked controversies in the scientific Community these figurines is interpretations as deliberate Creations by early humans are contested due to the possibility that it might be natural geological formations complicating the understanding of early human Artistry and cultural development the the distinction between geoa and intentionally crafted artifacts remains a significant challenge in archaeological and anthropological studies influencing our understanding of human evolution and cultural Origins marial monot theasaurus Edward Newman a naturalist and publisher proposed a theory in 1843 that terrasaurs a group of prehistoric flying reptiles were not reptiles but marial bats this theory was based on the observation of toughs or hair in terrasaurus fossils which suggested that these creatures were not typical coldblooded reptiles but warm-blooded hairy animals Newman's theory was a significant departure from the prevailing theories of the time which was largely influenced by the Renown French naturalist Georg Kier who had described the idea of similarities between bats and terrasaurs Newman theory was considered ground baking as was the first to depict theasaurus as warm-blooded hairy creatures his reconstruction of terrasaurs showed them as resembling flying marial a group of mammals known to be of ancient origin Newman theory was also influenced by the work of German naturalist Samuel Thomas juon summering who had previously noted similarities between bats and terrasaurs Mar resar has indeed suggested that terrasaurs were warm-blooded creatures validating aspects of Newman's Theory however it's important to note that while numan's theory was innovated for its time is not supported by current scientific contestes which classifies parasaurs as reptiles and not mammals Japanese pethic hoax the Japanese pethic hoax involving shinchi fujimura a prominent archaeological specializing in prehistoric Japanese culture came to light in the year 2000 revealing a shocking Revelation fujimura was found to have fabricated the majority of his archaeological discoveries over a significant period spanning from at least 1981 and encompassing around 140 dig sites these falsified finds had a substantial impact on the field of Japanese archaeology and paleontology as many of fujimora purported discoveries were Central to understanding Japan's ancient history the extent and longevity of this fraud scheme exposed significant deficiencies in the academic standards of Japanese archaeology fujima forgeries prompted a critical re-evaluation of existing practices and methodologies within the field the Reliance on his findings necessitate a substantial overhaul of Japanese ptic studies highlighting the need for more rigorous scrutiny and verification process in archaeological research fujimura later himself provided an unusual explanation for his actions claiming he was motivated by desire for recog as the man who discovered the oldest stoneware in Japan he also made peculiar assertions suggesting that he was influenced or possessed by a demon attributing his actions to Supernatural forces OS hypothesis the OS hypothesis formulated by the naturalist and Christian Theologian Philip Henry ghost in 1857 posites a unique perspective on the evidence of evolution found in the fossil record go say proposed that God in the Act of Creation intentionally designed the world with the pre existing history including the appearance of a evolutionary timeline evident in fossil the term omalos refers to the belief that Adam and Eve despite not having umbilical cords due to their creation by God would have had belly buttons and aglish to the concept of an apparent evolutionary history within fossils those hypothesis suggested that the evidence of evolution seen in the fossil record did not represent a real historical sequence of life forms evolving over time instead he argued that God deliberately created the world with the appearance of agent development including fossil evidence to give it an appearance of continuity and history however the unfail hypothesis fac significant criticism and skepticism from both scientific and Christian communities scientifically it contradicted the established understanding of evolution and the geological history supported by empirical evidence dinosaur Tisha claims the interest and counter claims regarding the discovery of soft tissue remnants within fossilized dinosaur bones have sparked controversy within the fields of paleontology Mar Schweitzer a paleontologist gain attention for assertions of discovering possible blood cells within a Tyrannosaurus Rex bone Switzer's findings were initially met with skepticism and controversy due to the unconventional nature of the claims the idea of soft tissue surviving for tens of millions of years contradicted the established understanding that organic materials Decay rapidly over time additionally her methodology involved breaking open or using acid to access the internal structures of the fossils which raised concerns about the potential for contamination or altercation of the specimen however subsequent research by sler and other scientists uncovered additional instances of potential soft tissue preservation in various fossilized dinosaur bones these discoveries while still controversial included findings such as structures resembling blood vessels cells and proteins that that appear to be remarkably well preserved within the ancient bones cul's rule cul's rule named after the American paleontologist Edward drinker cope is a concept that describes the tendency for organisms in evolving lineages to increase in size over time in simpler terms it's like saying that over the course of evolution animals have a tendency to get bigger this trend has been observed in the fossil records with examples such as the increase in body size in the lineage of modern horses over the last 60 million years they've seen that in many cases as a species evolves it members tend to get larger however it's important to note that cul's rule may not apply to all groups of organisms and their exceptions to this trend think about something like the giant sloth and the slot today you know it's a considerable difference scientists are still trying to figure out why this pattern occurs and what factors might influence it so while cop's rule is a useful concept for understanding the history of life on Earth it's not a hard and fast Rule and there's still a lot we don't know about it Reptoid certain cult the concept of reptoids or serpent Cults proposes a theory suggesting a unified root religion in ancient times the revered a superior race of reptilian beings this theory has gained recent popularity particularly through the works of conspiracy theorists such as David Ike propor of this Theory claim that ancient certain Cults found across different civilizations throughout history were interconnected and worshiped a prehistoric race of reptilian entities these beings are often described as an advanc or extral species sometimes referred to as reptoids or reptilian humanoids possessing shapes shifting abilities and exerting control over Humanity from behind the scenes David Ike among others has popularized these ideas suggesting that these reptilian beings are the hidden rulers of the world manipulating society and influencing world events for their own agenda ice Works often combine elements of conspiracy theories alternative history and new age beliefs proposing a narrative where secret Elite supposedly descended from these reptilian entities control Global Affairs and suppress Humanity's true potential Michael keml Michael keml is an author known for his book Forbidden Archaeology which presents unconventional perspectives on human history and archaeology in his book cremma challenges the mainstem scientific view of human Origins by proposing that anatomically modern humans might have existed on Earth for immensely extended period dating back as far as 2.8 billion years ago which is a long time kma's ideas are distinct from traditional creationist literature and that they influenced by Hindu Vic perspective he argues that evidence of human presence in ag geological Strat contradicts the commonly accepted timeline of human evolution proposed by mainstream science keml suggests that there have been Advanced civilizations and ancient beings in human form on Earth for far longer than conventional archaeological and anthropological findings suggest the book Forbidden Archaeology presents a compilation of purported archaeological anomalies and controversial artifacts that according to keml challenge the conventional understanding of human history these anomalies as outlined by keml include alleged discoveries of of human artifacts found in geological layers far older than currently accepted by mainstream science dinosaur mating mystery the mating behavior of large dinosaurs particularly those with massive size and distinctive anatomical features like spikes or plates remain a topic of scientific speculation and curiosity in paleontology for some of the immensely huge quadrupedal dinosaurs such as stegosaurus the mechanics of how these large creatures made it pose intriguing questions the presence of defensive or ornamental structures like spikes plates or horns on certain dinosaur species adds complexity to understanding their meeting Behavior such features could potentially hinder or complicate The Mating process leading to speculation and varying hypotheses among paleontologists given the limited direct evidence available in fossil records concerning dinosaur Behavior scientists rely on indirect Clues comparative anatomy and biomechanical studies to propose theories about dinosaur mating speculation on the mating behavior of large dinosaurs including hypothesis about about mating rituals possible courtship displays and how these massive creatures could have physically maneuvered to mate giant spiders and Carboniferous the freshwater Europe turd megarachne was initially misidentified as a giant spider during the late Carboniferous period the confusion arose due to incomplete fossil evidence and a misinterpretation of its Anatomy orginally believed to be a colossal spider with an estimated leg span of approximately 50 cm megarachne was thought to be the largest spider-like creature ever known I couldn't imagine ever seeing one of those things in real life however further research and reexamination of the fossils later revealed that megarachne was not a spider but a type of ID an extinct group of aquatic arthropods commonly known as c scorpions the initial misidentification led to a misconception that giant spiders once roamed the Carboniferous Landscapes haunting the ERA with their exaggerated large size vintage pale art from that period often depicted the carbis as a Time inhabited by enormous spiders influenced by the initial misinterpretation of megarachne as a spider-like creature these illustrations portray these spiders as significantly larger than any known spiders emphasizing the imagined frightful and monstrous aspect of these creatures fire breathing Paras orifice the claim regarding Paras lorifice possessing a fire breathing capability proposed by creationist dwan T Gish is not really supported by scientific evidence even though it seem super cool and I wish it was true parus a her of V dinosaur with his distinctive elaborate cranial Crest had a hollow tube likee structure extending from its skull this Crest is believed to have had various functions including vocalization regulating body temperature or display during mating or social interactions however the notion of this structure being a mixing chamber for flammable materials and enabling fire breathing abilities in par arice is not substantiated by scientific research or pedological evidence Dish's hypothesis was that parist would use his cranial Crest to SPO flamable materials like a dragon for defense against predators this proposal is considered highly speculative and Laing appal evidence but it does make really cool art orc Cloud the orc cloud is a hypothetical region of space that is believed to exist in the uttermost region of our solar system it's thought to be a vast and diffused shell or cloud composed of icy objects such as comets remnants from the early formation of the solar system the or Cloud if it exists is located much farther from the Sun than the distant cuber bolt extending thousands of astronomical units away from the sun in the 1980s scientists proposed the idea that mass extensions on Earth occurred in regular intervals approximately every 26 million years this Theory prompted speculation about a hypothetical companion star to the sun known as Nemesis it was suggested that Nemesis and its orbit around the sun could pass through the Earth Cloud at these intervals disturbing the comets and causing them to rain down on Earth potentially trigging mass extinctions like the one that happen to the dinosaurs however over time further research and data analysis have led to doubts about the existence of Nemesis and the hypotheses of regular periodic Mass exensions studies on the timing of extinctions have revealed inconsistencies in the supposed regularity of Extinction events occurring every 26 million years hekel Ernest hekel was a prominent influential figure in the fields of embriology zoology and evolutionary biology during the 19th and early 20th centuries he was German naturalist and scientist known for his contributions to the understanding of evolution and embryonic development Hackle ideas while influential and groundbreaking in many aspects were also associated with several controversial and disproven Concepts one of H's most famous bonis theories was the concept of anog Rec capsulate philogen suggesting that an organism embryonic development retraces The evolutionary stages of its species this idea proposed that the sucessive stages of an embryo represent ancest cestal forms from earlier evolutionary stages however this theory has been widely discredited in Modern Biology as a oversimplified and inaccurate as embro development does not precisely mirror an organism's evolutionary history Halo's work Encompass not only scientific contributions but also controversial ideas and theories that linked him to Eugenics and scientific racism his theories on polygenism a discredited notion ofering different human races evolve from separate ancestral lines and it views on racial hierarchies aligned with eugenist thought made his work appealing to groups like Nazi sympathizers moreover heo support for a crystalline origin of Life proposing that life originated from a simple crystall likee forms was another concept that did not withstand scientific scrutiny as not accepted in the Contemporary biology pseudo fossils pseudo fossils are geological formations or structures that better resembl it to fossils but lack any organic origin or biological bases these formations often resemble the shapes patterns or structures seen in genuine fossils leading to confusion or misidentification by observers unfamiliar with geological processes one example of a pseudo fossil is eoon cisin which initially interpretated as the remains of ancient marine organisms it was thought to be fossilized remains of primitive single cell organisms resembling the cellular structures of for Manera but further investigation revealed that yoone cisin was actually a mineral structure formed to geological processes rather than a biological fil piction is another geological structure that sometimes been mistaken for fossils these hexagonal patterns found on certain sea floor settlements were initially thought to be the fossilized Burrows of unknown ancient organisms however studies later indicated that these patterns were likely created through non-biological processes possibly related to sedimentary structures formed by natural forces such as currents or chemical precipitation ceratopsians had no frills the traditional depiction of ceratopsian dinosaurs often includes elaborate fills bony structures extending from the back of their skulls however an alternate reconstruction proposed in John mclin's text arosia challenges this conventional representation mclin's hypothesis suggests that ceratopsians didn't possess Frills in the typical sense but instead had muscular integuments extending from the skull base resembling a bison likee hump according to this alternative reconstruction the so-called FS of ceratopsians were reinterpreted as the attachment sites for extensive mus structures instead of displaying a broad bony FR these dancers might have had thicken areas of muscles or soft tissues that originated from the back of their skulls these muscular structures would have extended outward and backward creating a profile reminiscent of a bison's hump essentially mclin's proposal challenged the prevailing depiction of ceratopsians offering a different perspective on the function and appearance of their cranial features but it's still just a hypothesis though and still hasn't really gained widespread acceptance among paleontologists David Peters David Peters is known for his involvement in paleontological artwork his website repto and his controversial reconstructions of prehistoric creatures particularly terrasaurs peters's work includes creating radical and unconventional reconstructions of theasaurus by using a method that involves tracing scanned images of fossils with direct access to the original specimens this approach has spared controversy within the paleontological community due to its Divergence from traditional scientific methods that rely on Direct examinations of fossil specimen Peters has proposed significant revisions to the reptile family R Tree suggesting unconventional evolutionary lineages such as a direct connection between chassic guilding reptiles like longus and terrasaurs additionally he claims to have identified a new and exotic species including incredibly small insect sized terrasaurs however many of these proposed discoveries have faced criticism and spectac ISM from the scientific Community with concerns raised about misin interpretation of digital artifacts present in the images he uses also Peters does not have an Institutional platform or academic affiliation supporting his unconventional ideas unlike other figures in paleontology such as Jack horer or Alan feducia T-Rex was a scavenger Jack corer a name we just mentioned and also in tier one proposed an intriguing but controversial Theory suggesting that tasor Rex might have functioned primarily as a scavenger rather than an active predator for this hypothesis ch the prevailing view of T-Rex as a fearsome apex predator testing that instead it adopted a Scavenging lifestyle similar to vultures predominately feeding on already deceased animals however this notion faced skepticism within the scientific Community the prevailing consensus is that T-Rex was indeed an apex predator equipped with formidable features such as powerful jaws and sharp teeth indicating its capability to actively hunt and capture live prey while it's accepted that T-Rex likely engaged in opportunistic Scavenging as observed in many modern large carnivores the overarching understanding remains that it was a dominant predator in its ecosystem additionally Homer subsequently revised his original hypothesis clarifying that was more of a thought experiment rather than a firmly supported and substantiated Theory Tully Monster toy monstrum commonly referred to as the tly monster is a mysterious Creature from the Carboniferous period that in scientists du to his peculiar anatomy and unclear classification this intriguing animal possesses a unique body structure unlike any other known creature in the fossil record preserved fossils depict a soft body organism with a resemblance to a fish featuring a tubular body and a distinctive appendage resembling a stiff jointed probiscus near its mouth which ends in a Piner likee structure despite numerous scientific investigation spanning nearly a century the Tully Monster's taxonomic placement remains a persistent mystery researchers have proposed various hypotheses ranging from considering it as a basil vertebrae mollis kodon or arod to even suggesting it might represent a late surviving branch of Cambrian fauna still though this animal continues to confound experts remaining an enduring puzzle within paleontology despite Decades of intense research and scrutiny oop Arts oop art an abbreviation for out ofpl artifact indicates instances where poorly human-made objects are discovered within geological layers significantly predating human existence these artifacts According to some claims challenge conventional timelines and suggest human presence or technological advancement during periods far earlier than currently accepted by scientific consensus examples of ooparts include allegedly anomymous discoveries such as metal objects tools or artifacts found in geological strata dat to a time when humans were not believed to existed despite their intriguing nature these artifacts are often meant with skepticism as they typically lack concrete scientific verification and raise questions about their geological context and authenticity many of these instances have been debunked or found to be misinterpretations of geological processes or modern objects mistakely mixed in with an ancient strata caterpillars killed the dinosaurs Stanley Flanders an entomologist proposed an intriguing theory in 1962 testing a possible role of caterpillars in the extinction of dinosaurs Flanders hypothesized that the emergence of flowering plants an event thought to have occurred during the Cretaceous Period led to the evolution of butterflies and their larv commonly known as the caterpillars according to his theory the set increase in caterpillar populations could have posed a challenge to the existing ecosystem by heavily consuming the newly evolved fering plants this consumption might have affected the available food sources for herbivores dinosaurs and other creatures potentially contributing to the decline like a domino effect in the food chain however this Theory Still Remains speculative and largely hypothetical as we know the extension of dinosaurs is considered a multiv event with various contributing factors including asteroid impacts volcanic activity climate changes and ecological balances while flanders's Theory offers an interesting perspective it lacks comprehensive empirical evidence to substantiate it Nemesis star the Nemesis star hypothesis proposed in the 1980s suggest the existence of a companion star to the Sun hypothesized to be a dim red or brown dwarf the idea stem from a recognized periodicity in mass extinction events on Earth specifically The Proposal that Earth's mass extensions occurred in cycles of approximately 26 million years this led some scientists to speculate that a companion star dubb Nemesis might have an elongated orbit that occasionally disrupts the orc cloud like we mentioned in tier one sending comets or asteroids hurling towards Earth the concept posited that these Cosmic disturbances caused by Nemesis might trigger catastrophic events like asteroid impacts possibly contributing to mass extinctions throughout Earth's history however despite the initial interest in the nemsis star hypotheses subsequent research and observations have found little evidence supporting the existence of such a Celestial body it's not that it's disproven but rather scientists haven't discovered any conclusive proof or its associate impacts on Earth's biosphere also the purported regularity of mass extensions every 26 million years has been challenged as the timing events appears more irregular upon further analysis torosaurus is Triceratops the hypothesis proposed by Jack Horner in 2010 to Destin AT torosaurus and T ceratops represent the same species has generated substantial debate within the field of ceratopsia and dinosaur study horer postulated that torosaurus known for his distinctive fur with large openings was simply the mature form of the more widely recognized Triceratops proposing that Triceratop specimen were juvenile representations of torosaurus central to this theory was the idea that the apparent differences between torosaurus and Triceratops particularly in their fill structures were indicative of an ontogenic transformation meaning changes occurring as the dinosaur aged Horner argued that the holes in the frill of torosaurus closed up as the animal matured into Triceratops however some researchers highlighted notable dissimilarities between torosaurus and Triceratops including variations in skull shapes horn curvature and distinct FR features critics argue that the differences observed were more consistent with the classification of torosaurus and Triceratops as separate species within the ceratopsian family rather in different life stages of a single species human hyper carnivore the idea of early humans is obligate carnivores or hyper Predators is a debated concept within human evolution whil genu accepted that early humans were omnivores capable of consuming both animal and plant-based Foods there's no consensus that they were strictly hypercarnivores the hypothesis proposed that hunting and consuming meat particularly from large animals played a pivotal role in human evolution contributing to the development of human intelligence and culture Advocates of this Theory such as Mickey bendor and ran barai suggest that the high intake of animal protein especially from hunting megap provided essential nutrients that influence both brain development and the evolution of human cognitive abilities despite that though while archaeological evidence shows that early humans did consume meat and engage in hunting activities there's ongoing debate about the proportion of meat in their diet and its direct impact on human evolution other factors such as tool use social interaction and environmental adaptions also play signifant roles in shaping human evolution and the development of intelligence and culture further research and anal Es are needed to fully understand early human diets and their relationship to evolutionary processes calvar skull the calvar skull refers to a purported discovery of a human skull found in the pine age rock formations of calers County California during the 19 century it gained attention as it seemed to suggest that humans had been present in North America far earlier than previously proposed however this finding was eventually revealed to be a hoax the skull was discovered in 1866 by miners who claimed to to have Unearthed it from Deep layers of geological strata it was initially considered a remarkable Discovery challenging the existing understanding of human history in North America however subsequent analysis and research indicated that the skull was actually of recent origin likely planted or placed in the pillen Rock layers by unknown individuals to deceive and generate controversy maybe kind of like a prank despite being debunked and identified as a hoax though by the scientific Community the Calver skull occasionally resurfaces in discussions particularly among creationists who attempt to present it as evidence against established geological and archaeological timelines nanotyrannus Nyo tyrannis is an intriguing and controversial dinosaur species that has been the subject of intense debate in pentology an is she identified as a separate genus it was proposed to be a smaller and distinct cousin of T-Rex discovered in the late 20th century the fossils attributed to Nano tyrannis consisted of specimen featuring smaller body size and different anatomical characteristics than that of T-Rex however scientific analysis and detailed examination of the N tyrannis fossils particularly a skull morphology growth patterns and bone structure have led to prevailing consensus among paleontologists that nanot tyranis specimen might represent juvenile individuals of T-Rex rather than a separate species the features once believed to distinguish non tyranus as a distinct genus are now considered to be more consistent with growth stages of young T-Rex individuals indicating that they were not a separate species but R juvenile specimen of dionic T-Rex the debate surrounding non tyrannus is still ongoing though as some researchers propose further studies and Analysis to confirm its taxonomic status and clarifies relationship with Tyrannosaurus Rex birds are not dinosaurs band the band birds are not dinosaurs movement stands as a minority faction within the field of paleontology dis spearing The wiely accepted evolutionary connection between modern birds and their dinosaur and ancestors led by researchers like Dave Peters and Alan feducia this group challenges the prevailing consensus that birds directly evolve from Manor raptoran dinosaurs a theory supported by extensive fossil evidence and molecular studies the St suggests an alternative lineage for Birds dissociating them from dinosaur ancestry instead proponents of the band movement propose the connection between birds and certain lizard-like thoracic reptiles such as longisa as their potential ancestors they argue that even characteristics found in Raptor fossils are convergent adaptions and not evolutionary links to dinosaurs despite the growing body of evidence that consistently highlights birdlike features in dinosaur fossils and genetic studies supporting the Avan dinosaur relationship the bad movement persists in rejecting this widely accepted view triacid Kraken the Triassic Kraken hypothesis is a controversial theory proposed by penologist Mark magman this hypothesis just the existence of a giant squid or octopus referred to as the trasc Kraken During the trasc period the theory is based on the peculiar arrangement of the shunosaurus remains a large Marine Reptile from the trasc period found in a deposit in Nevada's Berlin iosaur State Park mcmeniman posits that the Kraken itself arranged these remains in Quin Centric circles creating a form of self-portrait the hypothesis is based on circumstantial evidence as octopuses are mostly soft-bodied and do not fossilize well the only hard Parts their beaks or mouth Parts have a low chance of being preserved nearby despite MEC min's confidence in his theory is not getting widespread accepted in the scientific Community cricks argue that the evidence can be explained by less exotic means and without direct or indirect fossil evidence of a kraken the the remain speculative it's often referred to as a p crypted a creature from the past whose existence is not confirmed by the fossil record also let me know if I should cover a pale crypted Iceberg I think that would be super interesting to delve into lamaris lamaris named after the French biologist John Baptist Lamar is an early evolutionary theory that contrasted with Jin's concept of natural selection Lamar proposed that organisms could pass on acquir traits from their lifetime experiences to their offspring the theory suggested that an organism could modify its traits during its lifetime in response to its environment and that these acquired traits could be inherited by its progeny an off-site example was a giraffe where Lark suggested that stretching its neck to reach high branches would result in Offspring born with longer necks while L Mark's original theories have been largely discredited due to the lack of empirical evidence modern Sciences uncovered phenomena such as epigenetic inheritance and somatic hyper mutation these discoveries have sparked renewed interest in the Maran like processes in inheritance demonstrating that environmental factors can influence gene expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence this has led to a Resurgence of interest in understanding how non- gentic factors might impact genetic expression Deen traps kill dinosaurs the decken traps an extensive volcanic region formed during the late Cretaceous Period and was now India might have been a focal point in the discussion of the dinosaur exension event this massive volcanic activity occurred around the same period as the nend Cretaceous mass exension that wiped out the dinosaurs hypothesis suggests that the release of large quantities of gas during the volcanic eruptions including sulfur dioxide and other toxic substances could have contributed to the decline of the dinosaurs either independently or in combination with the effects of the meteor impact the tense volcanic activity of the deck and traps release substantial volumes of gases and particulates into the atmos osphere this release would have led to the formation of aerosols and acid rain potentially altering the climate and poisoning the environment sulfur dioxide in particular could have reacted with water vapor in the atmosphere leading to the creation of sulfuric acid aerosols which could have caused long-term changes in global climate patterns this scenario might have impacted the food chain vegetation and marine ecosystems ultimately contributing to the mass extension of it Alan feducia Alan feducia was a prominent paleo orth an olist known for his controversial stance on the relationship between birds and dinosaurs a view notably adopted by the band fuia fiercely opposed the widely accepted theory of Aven Evolution from therapod dinosaurs arguing that birds did not descend from dinosaurs instead he proposed an alternative ancestor for birds goinging to dinosaurus a trasc reptile with a lizard-like body and a birdlike beak skull as the potential origin according to fedusa dinosaurus evolved flight through tree gliding distancing the evolution of birds from dinosaur ancestry feducia also suggested that many iconic bird-like dinosaurs including Arch opter were incapable of flight and were in fact flightless his views were once influential and impacted the study of the dinosaur bird connection having researched in favor of his alternative theories but over time fed's perspective have been widely discredited and are now considered tudos scientific younger D impact hypothesis the younger D impact hypothesis proposes a controversial explanation for the sudden climate shift during the younger D period and the subsequent extension of the plost meapa the theory suggests that a meteor impact might have been responsible for triggering these significant environmental changes proponents of the hypothesis assert that the impact of a meteor or Comet could have generated catastrophic consequences leading to the onset of the younger dry cooling event and potentially contributing to the decline or extension of various large animal species one aspect supporting this is the proposed identification of a crater in Greenland purportedly linked to the younger D impact event researchers suggest that evidence found in the Greenland ice cores and geological studies hence had a potential impact event around the same time as the younger G onset however the exact connection between this proposed impact Creator and environmental changes remain a subject of debate so despite intriguing evidence this Theory Still Remains a fringe idea esoteric anthropogenesis esoteric anthrop for Genesis is a mystical idea about how humans evolve spiritually developed by thinkers like Madam blavatsky and Rudolph Steiner they suggested that human evolution involves different stages called root races each root race represents a particular phase in humanity spiritual growth and is linked to different times in history Madam blotsky talked about these root races as part of a larger story of human history that mixes myths and ancient beliefs Rudolph Steiner built on these ideas by creating more detailed stories about human Origins he combine unusual theories from the Victorian era with mystical thoughts to craft a complex view of our past according to Steiner human evolution didn't follow the same path as what scientists typically believe he described a sequence where humans went from being formless entities to Giant Aran beings Steiner claimed these ancient Arians communicated through thoughts and lived alongside creatures like plesiosaurs these ideas are said to be based on spiritual beliefs mixing myths old stories and spiritual Concepts to create a different story of how humans came to be arboreal hypsilophodon in 1912 paleontologist aleno Abel put forth an interesting by vent outdated theory about the lifestyle of hypsilophodon a small herbivorous dinosaur Abel suggested that hypsilophodon possessed feet with opposable Toes that could grasp onto tree banches this concept gained acceptance for over three decades influencing many early depictions that portrayed hypsilophodon with a vertical posture a tail used for gripping and an image resembling a Mar tree kangaroo standing on a branch however despite the initial acceptance of this arboreal hypothesis sometimes this be to question its validity due to the absence of other physical traits indicating an aboral lifestyle in hypsilophodon the Turning Point came in 1971 when PM galon published an extensive review that contradicted the aboreal theory gon's research provide evidence suggesting that hypsilophodon had horizontal posture a race tail and feed more so to a grounded lifestyle rather than one adapted for climbing trees alien Grays evolved from Dinosaurs the idea that aliens particularly the Grays and reptiles reported in UFO encounters are descendant of intelligent space fairing dinosaurs is a concept found in some ufological and conspiracy theory literature this idea suggests that these extraterrestrial beings have their Origins traced back to intelligence dinosaurs that according to the theory somehow managed to leave Earth before the meteor impact event which is believed to have caused the extension of the dinosaurs this idea doesn't really have support for mainstream scientific communities though so it's still considered a conspiracy theory the concept combines elements of Science Fiction conspiracy theories and imaginative narratives rather than being grounded incredible scientific research or empirical observation it does make for a really interesting Theory though Shiva hypothesis the Shiva hypothesis also known as coherent catastrophism is a theory that suggests Global natural catastrophes on Earth such as extension events occur at regular intervals due to the periodic motion of the Sun in relation to the Milky Way galaxy this hypothesis was initially proposed in 1971 by William Napier and Victor cloop who suggested that gravitational disturbances caused by the solar system crossing the plane of the milkyway Galaxy could disturb comments in the orc cloud surrounding the solar system this would send comments towards the inner solar system increasing the chance of an impact according to the hypothesis this results in the earth experiencing large impact events approximately every 30 million years the theory was later developed by Michael R rampino and Bruce renamed after Shiva the Hindu God of destruction sapiens genocide all other human species throughout much of our evolutionary past Homo sapiens coexisted with various other human species evidence suggests that at least nine distinct species of humans inhabited the planet alongside Homo sapiens however by around 10,000 years ago all these other human species had become extinct while the exact reasons behind each Extinction event are complex and localized there's growing evidence that Homo sapiens played a role in the demise of these close relatives William golding's 1955 novel The inheritors Painted a moving picture of a small Neanderthal group facing complete Annihilation suggesting the theory that homo sapiens might have deliberately contributed to the extinction of other human species this novel helped popularize the idea that our species may have been responsible for The Disappearance of these human relatives additionally the book hinted at a then Fringe Theory proposing interbreeding between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals initially considered to the science this idea has since been substantiated by genetic research Mar genetic Studies have shown conclusive evidence of interbreeding between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals indicating that these two species definitely had contact and intermixed at various points in history Goblin toos and snake tongs all right just judging by the name you can see how the deeper we're going in this Iceberg the entries are definitely getting weirder I'm excited to get into the final tiers so expect part three very soon anyways and in English folklore during ancient times certain fossils found by people were identified and given weird explanations for instance ammonite fossils which resemble spiral-shaped cells were believed to be goblins as toenails in folklore these ammonite fossils were viewed as mysterious objects often sparking Supernatural tales and stories in local communities people would come across these peculiar shaped fossils and attribute them to mythical creatures like goblins creating Fantastical tales about their Origins similarly fossilized shark teeth were referred to as snake tongues in folklore these fossilized teeth with their sharp and peculiar appearance were thought to resemble the tongues of snakes by people who are encountered them they became part of folklore and were used in stories or folk beliefs beyond the role in folklore though these fossils also found practical use in ancient times they were utilized in traditional medicine believed to possess healing or magical properties additionally they were also commonly displayed in curiosity cabinets collections that showcased various different Oddities and artifacts attracting interest by people due to their unusual shapes and appearances aquatic AP hypothesis The Aquatic AP hypothesis is a speculative idea proposing that at some point in human evolutionary history our ancestors had a semi-aquatic phase that influenced our physical traits and behaviors this hypothesis suggests that certain human characteristics such as hairlessness bipedalism Under the Skin fat distribution and the ability to hold breath voluntarily may have been adaptions acquired through a period of living and a semi aquatic or aquatic environment the hypothesis was initially proposed by marine biologist Alistair Hardy in the 1960s and later popularized by writer Ela Morgan propor of the Aquatic ape hypothesis suggest that our ancestors might have inhabited Coastal or aquatic environments potentially forging for food or taking refuge in aquatic settings supporters of this hypothesis argue that traits like a relatively herited skin which differs from other primates could have evolved as adaptions to an aquatic environment eating and swimming or regulating body temperature additionally characteristics such as our upright posture and the location of her nose are also cited as potential aquatic adaptions it's an interesting take but this Theory Still Remains pretty controversial sex Lakes the concept of sex lakes in relation to dinosaur extinction is a theory proposed by Brian Ford testing that dinosaurs were at least semi- aquatic creatures and that the rapid depletion of mating Lakes was a significant factor leading to their Extinction according to his theory these bodies of water term sex Lakes played a crucial role in mating and reproduction of dinosaurs Ford proposed that a sudden drying up or depletion of these vital Lakes resulted in a catastrophic decline in dinosaur populations ultimately contributing to their Extinction the term sex Lakes has since become a meme though used jokingly to refer to unconventional or less scientifically supported theories regarding the extinction of dinosaurs the idea has gared detention for its unusual premise and has been associated with ill-considered or Fringe theories about dinosaur extinction especially in popular culture and online forums dinosaurs killed by inertia the theory proposing that dinosaur extinction was caused by evolutionary inertia was once a popular idea rooted in Old perceptions of dinosaurs as excessively large slow-witted creatures the theory suggested that dinosaurs became excessively large and intellectually limited resulting in their inability to adapt to changing environments ultimately leading to their demise the concept was influenced by orthogenetic thinking a belief that Evolution follows a predetermined confined path towards an inevitable outcome in this case self-destruction in the past this theory was presented in many dinosaur books painting a picture that dinosaurs had become too unwieldly and inefficient for survival Paving the way for the extinction and allowing mammals to take their place in the ecosystem however this Theory had several shortcomings for instance it Overlook the fact that during the Jurassic period considering the Heyday of dinosaurs many large and successful species thrived conturing the notion that large size alone led to a downfall functionalism kuar George's kuar referred to as the father of pentology significantly shaped the early scientific understanding of our prehistoric life he's credited with pioneering the concept of spe species Extinction and developing the method of comparative anomy however kuier fiercely opposed the idea of transmutation of species or Evolution engaging in famous non-evolutionary functionalism debates with Scientists like Lamar Kier perspective asserted that different species appearing in various geological layers were not the result of evolutionary processes but were separately and fully formed through distinct creation events at different times he argued that each species remained unchanged until its eventual Extinction according to kvr every species was meticulously designed to serve a specific function and even minor changes could render it non-functional his authoritative St and influential position in the field of paleontology halted serious scientific inquiry into evolution theories until after his death kier's strong opposition to the idea of species transformation basically hindered the acceptance and exploration of evolutionary Concepts during his lifetime kier's non-evolutionary fictionalism though influential in his time eventually gave way to that advancement of evolutionary theories proposed by scientists such as Charles Darwin that are accepted now archaeology archology sort of seen from the name is a field focused on searching for evidence related to Noah's Arc as described in religious texts particularly the Bible archaeologists seek to find physical remains or artifacts believed to be associated with a legendary vessel that according to a Biblical narrative preserved Noah his family and pairs of animals during a catastrophic Global flood Mount Ararat in turkey has been a focal point for claims about the possible location of Noah's Ark with some enthusiasts and researchers conducting Expeditions or investigations in this region in pursuit of evidence supporting the ark's existence during the early development of geology as a scientific discipline flood geology significantly influenced interpretations of Earth history this perspective Rudin religious beliefs and the biblical Narrative of a worldwide flood shape many early geological interpretations flood geology contribut to the emergence of terms like anti- deluvian meaning Before the Flood and influenced prominent early geological theories such as neptunism and burnit sacred Theory these theories propose that geological features were the result of Supernatural or cast events aligning with the idea of a global flood described in religious text monadology monadology is a philosophical concept that regards the fundamental building blocks of existence as individual entities called monets this Theory suggests that these monads are made of divine or absolute substance which is infinite and omnipresent the idea attributes a universal substance to God or the absolute describing it as a substance whose Center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere according to monadology individual entities whether organic such as living organisms or inorganic such as objects are all composed of these monets each possessing its own unique characteristics unlike vitalism which attributes specific vital forces to living beings monadology views both living and non-living entities as arising from the same simple substance this includes thoughts ideas perceptions and species all conceived as manifestations of these monets before Darwin's theory of evolution the concept of species rising and falling based on the nature of the originating Monet held prominence in scientific and philosophical thought Richard Owen a prominent biologist and Darwin's contemporary was a proponent of monadology Owen opposed Darwin's idea of species adapting or going extinct due to environmental changes according to Owen Extinction was an inevitable consequence of a species reaching old age similar to individuals dying when their living energy had reached its natural limit however Darin's theory of evolution by natural selection published in On the Origin of Species offered a completely different perspective also let me know if you guys have read that book I hav't read yet but I really want to edcan Garden the edcan Bata a group of ancient organisms that lived around 635 to 541 million years ago presents a fascinating mystery in evolutionary history these organisms found in fossil records from the ocran period exhibit diverse and peculiar body plans that differ significantly from any forms present on Earth today they display unique features such as fractal growth patterns asymmetrical spiral shapes and even internal structures resembling actions of salt which some researchers speculate may have served as a type of rudimentary skeletal system numerous hypothesis have been proposed to explain the nature and identity of the edrine organisms these range from suggestions associating them with lein fungi algae sadarian like jellyfish or sea anamon or even considering them as abiotic traces mistaken for organic fossils one intriguing hypothesis proposed by Mark McManaman introduces the concept of the edrine garden this hypothesis suggests that the ocin were an entirely unique group of organisms referred to as PA animals which emerged as a crucial evolutionary intersection between plants and animals McManaman proposed that these organisms represented a distinct evolutionary Branch displaying characteristics reminiscent of plants by exhibiting behaviors Lifestyles more similar to animals sort of like a plat animal dinosaur psychology in the field of dinosaur Behavior often termed pilio ethology there attempts to reconstruct the behavior and interactions of dinosaurs based on available evidence such as fossilized trackways nesting sites and Bone structures these Clues can provide insights into local amation social interactions nesting behaviors and even potential hunting strategies of certain dinosaur species however figuring out non-material aspects like cognition emotions or cultural behaviors from fossil evidence remains a significant challenge while modern animals' behavior can sometimes offer perels for speculation accurately attributing specific psychological States or cultural practices to extend creatures is highly speculative some paleo ethologists draw upon evidence from animal behaviors observed in modern birds and reptiles which are evolutionary descendants of dinosaurs to make educated guesses about certain Behavior pharmaco pantology pharmacal pantology refers to a belief or practice of using fossils in traditional or are called Medical Treatments In some cultures including presentate China there exists a belief in the healing or mystical properties of certain fossils for medicinal purposes fossils like ammonites or shark teeth may have been historically used in traditional Chinese medicine associated with specific health benefits or remedies this practice might stem from cultural beliefs or folklore regarding the perceived medicinal properties of these ancient remains similar in English folklore there beliefs in the therapeutic or magical qualities of certain fossils for instance like we talked about in early entry amones were occasionally referred to as snake tongues and fossilized shark teeth were identified as Goblin toils these fossils were sometimes incorporated into medicinal practices or considered items of mystical significance luckily due to their unusual shapes and appearances saltationism saltationism is a theory and evolutionary biology that proposes species evolve through sudden and significant leaps or jumps referred to as halations rather than gradually through the accumulation of small incremental changes as proposed by derian natural selection this concept suggests that new species arise rapidly through the occurrence of hopeful monsters or individuals with sudden and substantial mutations that seres as a foundational for new species to emerge additionally presented as an alternative to Darwin's theory of natural selection saltationism posited the idea that major evolutionary changes were the result of these abrupt and substantial mutations despite its initial dismissal some Scholars such as Richard Goldsmith and later Stephan J gold reintroduced certain aspect of saltationism into evolutionary theory they proposed the concept of punctuated equilibria suggesting that evolutionary changes occur in relatively rapid bursts during periods of stasis followed by long periods of stability in species this idea HED episodes of Rapid speciation or evolutionary change supporing the notion that significant evolutionary developments can occur relatively quickly in geological time scales archo Raptor the archor Raptor fossil became a notable case in pantology due to its status as a fabricade fossil representing an attempted hoax to depict the missing link between dinosaurs and birds this composite fossil was created by combining the body of a bird likee dinosaur known as microraptor with the tail and high lengths of a bird possibly from the species yanornis in 1999 the quote unquote discovery of arch Raptor was published by National Geographic magazine highlighting it as a significant evolutionary find leaking dinosaurs and birds however suspicions arose regarding the authenticity of the fossil but some penologists reing concerns about possible forgery or manipulation of the specimen subsequent investigations revealed that the arpt fossil was actually a composite forgery artificially created by combining unrelated fossil parts to give the appearance of a transitional creature between dinosaurs and birds it was an attempt to portray a missing link that did not actually exist in the fle record the publication of the Archy Raptor findings despite warnings of potential forgery led to comparisons with a Pelton man Affair if anyone remembers it from tier one a notorious case in which a fraudulent fossil was presented as an early human ancestor in the early 20th century old way man the old way man refers to a complete skeleton discovered by German paleontologist Hans Rec at oldi George Tanzania in 1913 initially W believed the skeleton to be a middle place toy in Homo sapiens a claim that if true would have really altered our understanding of human evolution this was because of the skeleton's location in a geological lay known as bed II which wreck dated to more than 150,000 years ago meaning it would have been the oldest known skeleton of homo sapiens however by 1932 this theory was largely dismissed the skeleton was reassessed and determined to be a modern homo Sapient buried around 20,000 years ago rather than being from the middle Pine ERA this conclusion was supported by the lack of other similar remains in the geological lay so while it was an exciting find it was generally based on misconceptions of its actual timeline Toba eruption caused genetic bottleneck the Toba eruption a massive super volcano event that occurred around 74,000 years ago in present day Indonesia is often linked to a theory of a genetic bottleneck in human evolution the theory basically suggests that the eruption caused a severe reduction in the human population due to its impact on the global climate potentially leading to to a 10-year volcanic winter that destroyed food sources this events thought to have reduced the human population to between just 3,000 and 10,000 individuals however some researchers argue that the evidence check doesn't really support a significant population decrease coinciding with the Toba eruption for instance ancient stone tools found in Southern India both above and below a thick layer of Toba Ash suggest that the local population might have actually survive the eruption also advancements in genomics and climate modeling as well as new P Environmental examples have led to Alternative explanations for the genetic bottleneck that was observed one such example is the founder effect which basically says genetic variation can also be caused from small populations creating their own groups from pre-existing large ones leading to a genetic Bott neck that might have been observed there venutian dinosaurs the concept of dinosaurs on Venus comes from the early days of astronomy when Venus was shrouded in mystery due to its dense cloud cover this led to a bunch of wild speculations about its potential habitability some imagined Venus as a swampy dinosaur filled World an idea that found its way into various science fiction stories for instance Gustavus W pp's 1985 novel Jour to Venus depicted a lush venutian landscape inhabited by dinosaur-like beasts this idea was also popularized in March 1950 issue of the Coronet magazine which features a story about a family vacationing on Venus visiting a zoo filled with dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures however these speculations were put to rest when the Venera ey I and Mariner 5 probes landed on Venus in 1965 revealing the planet's true inhospitable nature while the idea of venutian dinosaurs is scientifically unfounded it Still Remains a pretty cool Concept in science fiction bruhat chaurus bruhat kosa surus meaning huge bodied lizard is a potentially enormous dinosaur discovered in the cedu formation of India initially classified as a theropod it was later identified as a titto curonian sorod a group of long necked herbivores dinosaurs the dinosaur size is a subject of debate some estimates suggest it could have been longer than 35 M and weighed over 80 tons its tibia or leg bone is believed to be 30% larger than that of Argentinosaurus another massive dinosaur if these estimates are correct brosaurus might have been one of the largest land animals to ever exist rivaling the size of the blue whale however these estimates are based on fragmentary remains and the original fossils have reportedly disintegrated some researchers have even suggested that the bones might actually be pieces of petrified wood this combined with a lack of comprehensive documentation of the original Discovery has led to some controversy and mystery surrounding the dinosaur's true existence and size vitalism vitalism is an ancient philosophical concept dating back to at least Aristotle's era proposing that living organisms possess a distinct essence or vital force that separates them from inanimate matter vitalism was widely influential in medieval Europe serving as a ring belief about the nature of life it was further developed during the emergence of modern science in the 16th and 17th centuries as a contrast to The mechanistic View on life vitalism asserts that the functions of a living organism cannot be explained by physical and chemical forces alone suggesting that life is in some part self-determining in the 18th and 19th centuries vitalism became a topic of debate among biologists vital biologists propos hypothesis to show inadequacies with mechanistic explanations but their experiments failed to provide support for vitalism today biologist consider vitalism to have been refuted by empirical evidence and it's often regarded as pseudoscience nuclear tees tees are glassy objects shaped like pebbles or droplets believed to form when meteorites strike the Earth's surface these impacts generate immense heat and pressure causing the surrounding Rock to melt and eject molten material into the atmosphere this material cools as it travels through the air solidifying into Tech ties before landing back on Earth the mystery surrounding Tech ites as origin combining with their glass-like appearance L to various theories about their formation one such intriguing Theory arose from the resemblance between Tech ties and a substance known as desert glass formed during atomic bomb tests some theorists drawing connections between Tec ties and the glass created by modern Atomic detonations speculated about the possibility of prehistoric nuclear explosions created by an advanced ancient civilization the speculative idea suggested that ancient people might have possessed advanced technology and use nuclear weapons in the distant past however current geological and scientific studies of tech ties consistently support their formation as a result of meteor impacts however current geological studies show their formation as a result of meteor impacts rather than an ancient nuclear explosion so it's still just a theory out there saluan hypothesis the saluan hypothesis is a thought experiment proposed by astrophysicists Adam Frank and gav schmidtz in 2018 explores the possibility of an ancient civilization existing on Earth before humans and if it did how we'd be able to tell if it actually existed or not the hypothesis is named after the saluran a fictional series from the BBC series Doctor Who who had an advanced civilization before Humanity the hypothesis questions modern science's ability to detect evidence of such a civilization which could have existed several million years ago the most probable accuses of finding such a civilization could be carbon radioactive elements or temperature variation however finding direct evidence such as technological artifacts is unlikely due to the Rarity of fossilization and the constant changes of Earth's surface the curan hypothesis also considers the kinds of signals our own civilization would leave if we disappeared and someone looked for a civilization 10 or 20 million years from now the researchers conducted that a probable impact on the planet will be detectable but in some ways hard to distinguish from other various events in geological record let me know you guys' thoughts on the experiment since it's pretty fascinating to think about paleo microbes currently dethy all right this one's kind of like straight out of a movie basically because of human induced climate change the melting of polar ice caps poses a potential risk of ancient viruses being released from their Frozen State these viruses known as paleo viruses have been trapped in ice for thousands or even millions of years the concern arises from the possibility that as the ice thaws these ancient viruses could be released into the environment this could potentially lead to unforeseen consequences including the introduction of new viruses into the ecosystem causing risks to both wildad life and human health the consequences of this microbial waking are still not fully understood though and scientists are working to learn more about the potential impacts it does sound really scary though knowing that viruses are out there that could potentially awake after thousands of years hump back Spinosaurus Spinosaurus was initially thought to have a hump on its back similar to a bison this theory was based on the discovery of tall thick spines on top of the dinosaurs vertebrae the first partial skeleton of Spinosaurus was found in 1912 in Egypt and the paleontologist Ernest Stromer described it as a spine lizard from Egypt due to these distinctive spines he theorized that these spines formed a fatty hump a feature never before seen in a carnivorous dinosaur at the time however in 1944 the fossils were destroyed during a bombing raid leaving much of the original Spinosaurus remains lost the hum back theory was later challenged with some scientist proposing that spinosaurs and other dinosaurs with similar spines were not sail backed but humpbacked this idea suggested that if Spinosaurus had a thick hump it probably walked on all fours instead of balancing on two legs like other large therapods however this Theory still is ongoing and hasn't been really universally accepted Omega point the mega point is a concept that envisions the universe's future trajectory where the entirety of the cosmos moves to a final point of unification this idea was proposed by the French Jesuit Catholic priest Pier [ __ ] dearden he described the Omega Point as a theoretical event marking the culmination of the universe's Evolution where all existence converges to a singular unified State tar dearden's concept of the mega Point has been associated with the idea of Singularity where the use of Science and Technology will significantly enhance the human State leading to a leap out of our biology in simpler terms though the mega point is like a destination at the end of a journey where everything in the universe comes together it's kind of like a grand finale of a firework show some people have also connected the mega point with the idea of beings reaching a level intelligence with they transcend time and space this concept has sparked various interpretations and discussions and it continues to be a thought-provoking idea in fields like philosophy science and theology dragons are genetic memories of dinosaurs the idea that dragons are genetic memories of dinosaurs just sounds like a really cool Theory just from the name the theory popularized by pop science writer Carl San in his book dragons of Eden suggests that Dragon mythology stems from a genetic memory imprinted on the brains of our merilan ancestors who lived in fear of dinosaurs the theory proposes that the ancient legends of dragons found in diverse cultures around the world could be based on real life encounters with Dinosaurs by early humans some proponents of this idea point to the similarities between the descriptions of dragons in various mythologies and the physical characteristics of certain dinosaur species they argue that the sheer number of names given to dragons or dinosaurs worldwide builds a strong argument that Dragon Legends reflect encounters with real creatures additionally carving sculptures paintings and other forms of art from various cultures depict creatures that sort of resemble specific dinosaurs 36,000 year cycle the 36,000 year cycle as proposed by Plato represents the early understanding of geological time Plato's notion of a looping 36,000 year Golden Age followed by 36,000 years of Destruction and Chaos influenced cosmological theories until the 17th century the cic view of time was prevailing in many cultures before the widespread acceptance of a linear understanding of History like we know now the transition to a linear view of Earth's history as exemplified by James users's dating of the creation to 404 BC marked a significant shift however there were flaws in ushers dating that became apparent and so cyclic visions of Earth's history came back as the main thing even Charles Lyle prominent geologist talked about the psychic nature of Earth's history suing that the age of dinosaurs like a clock would come again in the future with techniques now though like radiometric dating to determine the ages of fossils were properly able to establish the linear timeline of its history I wonder what people would have thought back then though when the idea that dinosaurs might have come back was introduced Captain bu cler's prehistoric horse haunting this entry is about the interesting story of Captain bu cler encountered with the alleged ghost of a prehistoric horse while visiting East over Hall Captain buer apparently stumbled upon fossilized horse bones within a cave on the estate's ground according to his account that very night he experienced a terrifying encounter with what he believed to be the haunting Spirit of the prehistoric horse buer claimed that the ghostly presence chased him causing him to faint from Fear when he went to return the bones to the original resting place in the ancient cave the ghost didn't appear again when people went to investigate this VAR species of giant fossil horses had been discovered in Europe but the exact type of horse mentioned in bu's narrative remains unspecified and unconfirmed leaving it as a mystery in both folklore and pentology abiogenic oil the abiogenic oil Theory suggests that oil is not formed from prehistoric organic matter but instead originates from deep underground microbial communities called The Deep hot biosphere this idea doesn't really have any academic support but instead it's been used by the fossil fuel industry as public relations to obscure the causes of climate change the theory proposes that oil is formed inorganically deep within the Earth rather than being the result of slow transformation of animal and plant matter into hydrocarbons allil compies use the abiogenic oil Theory to their advantage by emphasizing their competitive advantage in oil and gas production this approach is basically intended to maintain the relevance of their fossil fuel businesses by pring the idea that o is not slowly derived from prehistoric organic matter these companies seek to downplay the urgency of transitioning away from fos fields which we know has advocated a bunch for to prevent climate change from rising William Denton William Denton was a 19th century geologist who gained Authority for his un dox approach to geological research he was known for incorporating occult spiritualistic methods particularly the practice of psychometry into his work psychometry is a technique that claims to extract Knowledge telepathically from objects Often by touch according to dtin he or a fellow sensitive would hold a fossil object in their hands and supposedly receive Visions or insights about its deep history and the Earth's ancient past Denton claimed to have experienced intense Visionary episodes where allegedly witnessed the rapid unfold buing of the Earth's history as well as moments of uncovering precise details about specific rock strata even went as far as authoring several textbooks on geology based on these unconventional methods Lost World in deep sea before the 1960s there was a widespread belief that life in the deepest parts of the ocean nor as the benic Zone was extremely sparse some scientists even thought that the creatures found there were just temporary migrants from shallower depths there was also a theory suggesting that due to the harsh conditions and the B exhaust life forms there evolved at exceptionally slow pace early Explorations like those conducted by HMS Challenger and naturalist BB's byosphere Expeditions revealed strange and unique creatures from the deep sea this led to the idea that the deep ocean might be a sanctuary for prehistoric life that become extinct elsewhere some speculate that organisms from periods like the Carboniferous or Cambrian might actually still exist in these depths Ernest H also proposed the existence of a primordial form of life called a monora on the sea Flor suggesting that new species occasionally evolved from this Mass nowadays the concept of Abyssal lost world has been debunk though since as we know the deep sea hosts a more active and diverse ecosystem than previously thought Hector's iosaur the story of Hector's Ur tells of a potentially gigantic vertebrae that was lost in a shipwreck off the coast of New Zealand according to Hector's estimates this iosaur would have been significantly larger than any known iosaur possibly surpassing even the size of the largest known one shastasaurus if Hector's estimates were correct this iosaur could have been a contender for the title of the largest animal ever to exist unfortunately though due to the loss in the Shipwreck further study and verification of its size and existence became impossible so it's basically a mystery out there some sources suggest that it might have approached the size of a blue well meaning it really would have been a massive creature to trap tricks William BB a prominent American naturalist proposed the concept of a four-wing glider or CH trapx in 1915 the theory suggested that the earliest bird was a four-winged ancestor depicted as a dino bird who lived in the trees according to BB this stage represented a traditional phase in which the Wing Bones increased in size the handb infused and the fingers became covered in flesh and tendons this stage was envisioned as an intermediate step between non-avian dinosaurs and modern Birds depicting a creature with four wings B's hypothesis was largely the Mist at the time however with the recent paradigm shift in bird Evolution and the discovery of the four-wing micro Raptor BB's tet raptorx concept has now gained renewed attention and support the idea of a four-wing stage in bird Evolution has now been Revisited in light of new evidence bearinger Stones the buringer stones were a collection of limestone pieces that were carved into the shape of various fictious animals and other unlikely objects they were discovered in 1975 by Professor Johan Bartholomew Adam Binger who believed them to be fossils some of the stones bore the name of God in Hebrew leading Binger to suggest that they might be of divine origin buringer a Royal Physician and Dean of the faculty of medicine at the union of wgur published a manuscript on discovery of these remarkable fossils which depicted all manner of unlikely things from copulating frogs spiders in their webs tiny mermaids and again the Hebrew script spelling the name for God he concluded that the fossils were signatures of God or possibly artifacts carved by anti- Delian pagans the Revelation that the stones were fake led to a huge Scandal and beringer's reputation was irreparably damaged he went as far as even suing the perpetrators which actually ended up being two of beringer's colleagues Jay Ignat rodri and George Von ekart atlantian mammoths in a speculative Theory explored by Robin Collins In the book did Spacemen colonize the Earth Mammoth fossils discovered Marine deposits are linked to the legendary Lost Civilization of Atlantis Collins put forward an unconventional interpretation assessing that these Mammoth remains could be evidence associated with the fate of Atlantis according to Collins these mammoths were potentially domesticated by the inhabitants of the lost underwater city he also proposed some wild theories that these mammoths were actually the result of genetic experimentations conducted by malicious aliens under sophisticated outer space Laboratories Collins also extends his theory to propose a connection between the extinction of dinosaurs and the activities of these Ancient Aliens he suggested responsible for the dinosaurs extinction by using powerful Atomic weapons cariously ending up in the eradication of dinosaurs this ringe Theory essentially offers a controversial narrative combining elements of prehistoric creatures mythical civilizations and alleged extraterrestrial intervention Bond stegosaurus proposed by an early paleontologist bonds portrayal diff significantly from the widely accepted understanding of sto stus unlike the traditional image of a four-legged dinosaur with distinct plates on his back and a tho Miser at the tip of its tail Bond stegosaurus depict the creature in a notably different light this depiction presented stegosaurus as a semi bipedal animal suggesting a posture more similar to that of a Panget an animal known for its armored exterior in Bond's representation the tago Miser horns usually found only at the Tail's end were extended along the entire length of the body creating an unusual and striking appearance this depiction introduced a novela perspective but it greatly contrasted with the subsequent and more scientifically grounded reconstructions of Stegosaurus Bond stegosaurus is a noteworthy example of how early interpretations and pentology sometimes diverged from later more accurate representations as the field developed and new discoveries were made EO canid Dan The eone canid Dan initially described by John William Dawson in 1865 was a peculiar finding thought to be a massive shelled protozone considered by many as the earliest known life form ever on earth the fossils were believed to have been Unearthed from Limestone blocks and redeemed a vital Discovery and understanding the planet's ancient life forms and was a pretty big deal entering the name the dawn animal however the interpretation surrounding oone cense and went a great shift in 1894 further investigation revealed that these structures were not actually traces of ancient life but were instead formed by recent geological processes it was determined that these features were not remnants of an ancient organisms but rather patterns created by the interaction of magma with limestone a mineral formation known as fossils like we touched upon before spinal catastrophism spinal catastrophism is a concept that correlates the evolutionary history of organisms with the structure of the spinal column this Theory suggests that various segments of the spinal column represent different epics in evolutionary development miring evolutionary events such as mass extinctions Advocates of this Theory propose that different vertebrae along the spine correspond to specific periods in evolutionary history symbolizing significant Milestones or transitions in the species's lineage moreover propor of the spinal catastrophism including Scholars like bulk and Owen extend this concept to the skull considering it as an extension of the spinal column they interpretated certain highly modified vertebrae as conturing to the formation and structure of the skull this Theory implies that the entire skeletal structure particularly the spinal column in the skull encapsulates The evolutionary journey of an organism Thomas moan book titled spinal catastrophism deles into the historic trajectory and development of this Theory tracing its Origins Evolution and the various perspectives behind it I'll link it down below if anyone's interested in learning more about the theory big paleo big paleo is a phrase used by certain groups nobly creationists and individuals who doubt the existence of dinosaurs to criticize what they perceive as the intentional concealment or suppressions of evidence related to creationism the presence of Giants or the existence of living dinosaurs according to propor of this belief a select group of influential PL ologist refer to as big paleo actively suppresses or overlooks evidence the contracts established scientific theories particularly within the field of paleontology the alleged motive behind the suppression is to maintain the dominance of mainstream scientific narratives and prevent The Wider spreading of information that challenges these established scientific views it's kind of similar to the concept of Smithsonian suppression that we mentioned in tier one which again alleges that the simonian institution engages in similar activities of intentionally concealing archaeological discoveries Tetra ptoo human origins in South America Tetra ptoo was a term coined by Alice Hera who claimed to discovered six distinct prehistoric human species in Argentina each of these proposed species was named according to their numerical position in a sequence supposedly leading to modern humans ttoo was attributed as the fourth in the sequence Hera's assertions outlined in his book attempted to argue for the origins of humans in South America based on these fossils however subsequent research and Analysis by other scientists contradicted Hera's claims later investigations revealed that the fossils identified as ttoo and other species were actually remains of modern Homo sapiens there's no credible evidence to support the existence of a new or distinct species the initial conclusions drawn by Hera were found to be inaccurate leading to rejection of his proposed species sequence Owen's archetype theory in Richard Owen's 1849 lecture titled on the nature of Limbs he proposed the concept of animal archetypes to explain the similarities observed in the limb structures of various vertebrates according to Owen these shared characteristics such as the comparable bone structures found the flippers of dolphins the wings of bats and the hands of humans were not evidence of a common evolutionary ancestor instead he suggested that they represented different manifestations of a transcendal or idealized form he termed the vertebrae archetype basically for Owen the presence of similar skeletal elements in different creatures was not indicative of evolutionary relationships rather he conceptualized these shared features as different expressions of a fundamental blueprint or original archetype this archetype according to Owen was a metaphysical or Divine Design that served as a blueprint for the structure or vertebrates limbs emphasizing form over function and the explanation of anatomical similarities among different species Planet X kill dinosaurs the neuro hypothesis is a speculative idea suggesting that a puror of hisory planet named Nuru sometimes referred to as Planet X periodically passes to Earth's orbit within a Sor system according to his theory as neiro approaches is gravitational effects cause significant disturbances leading to cataclysmic events such as mass extinctions including the extinction of the dinosaurs this concept draws parallels with other hypothesis like the Shiva hypothesis and Nemesis linking celestial events with major Extinction events on Earth however like the other Celestial event theories we touched upon before the Su remains part of pseudoscientific ideas about Earth's history and Cosmic events Earth atalian petrifying fluid the aristot Alan theory of petrification fluid was an ancient idea attributed to the Greek philosopher Aristotle leading back to early observations on the nature and explanation of fossils in Aristotle's worldview fossils were mysterious remnants found within rocks and minerals believed to have been formed through a unique process he proposed the existence of a mysterious petrifying fluid that the parent capability to gradually transform the organic matter of deceased organisms into stone over long periods this fluid According to Aristotle speculation was responsible for the petrification or lithification of once living creatures eventually giving rise to the preserved structures that we now know as fossils despite Antiquity and eventual impact on early pical thinking this hypothesis steeped in metaphysical ideas ultimately proved to be an oversimplified explanation for the complex processes involved in the fossilization of organisms nowadays we know of different processes like mineralization sedimentation and tectonic activities occurring over extensive periods to create fossils France Vilan Bata the France Vilan biata also known as Gambon are among the oldest multicellular life forms discovered by French geologist Abdul razak Al abani in gaban they date back approximately 2.1 billion years marking a significant milestone in the history of life on Earth these organisms have a peculiar shape resembling two rounded discs with features such as tube structures and pedal-like extensions despite their underwater habitat understanding these ancient life forms has proven challenging though leading to various interpretations some scientists suggest that they might resemble seafloor mats K to algae While others compare them to slime mold or early ancestors of later ediacaran creatures with similar appearances the most intriguing aspect of these creatures lies in their time period isolation after their appearent Extinction there's an insane gap of 1.5 billion years until the appearance of the next known examples of multiserial life during the edcan period this separation implies that the gamban might have been unique experiments in early multicellular life that vanished long before the emergence of modern life forms Marine regression killed dinosaurs this story suggests that during the late Cretaceous Period there was a significant drop in global sea levels causing the exposure of vast portions of the continental shelf this event led to widespread Marine extinctions due to the sudden reduction in underwater habitats additionally this sea level regression likely resulted in sudden climate changes causing extreme weather conditions such as increased aridity and higher temperatures on land some proponents of this Theory even argue that these environmental shifts caused by the sea level regression were responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs the theory is still ongoing though in scientific research so it falls as more of a fringe theory in this Iceberg chart Arch opter faked oil Fred Hoy a noted astrophysicist presented a controversial argument sessing that the iconic Arch opter fossils were faked in his book ho pointed out what he interpretated as cracks indicating that bird skeleton had been attached to a dinosaur skeleton suggesting potential forgery similar to the pilone man huls this accusation challenged the authenticity of one of the most significant transitional fossils in paleontology commonly regarded as a critical piece of evidence for the evolutionary link between dinosaurs and birds also Hil in his later works ventured into more radical ideas proposing an alternative to evolution he theorized that organisms underwent rapid mutations caused by viruses that were born in space instead of gradual evolutionary processes in this unconventional concept he suggested that these viruses had facilitated the transformation of dinosaurs into mammals at the end of the Cretaceous Period however these ideas went against widely accepted scientific understanding and lacked evidence positioning H's theories as outliers in the field of evolutionary Biology LE and margules controversial theories Le argulus a prominent microbiologist introduced a bunch of scientific theories that were met with skepticism and controversy during her career her notable Theory symbiogenesis or endosymbiotic Theory initially considered Fring science proposed that complex life forms evolve from the symbiotic merging of free living cells into collaborate communities margus proposed that cell organes like mitochondria and chloroplast were once independent organisms that gradually integrated into cells through symbiosis additionally marculus was an early proponent of the Gia hypothesis which suggests that the Earth functions as a self-regulated system this theory is evolved into mainstream Earth systems theory contributing to our understanding of the interconnectedness and regulation of Earth Systems however marulas faced considerable resistance and criticism for other unconventional ideas throughout her career leading her to be seen as a scientific Rebel later in her career her views became more controversial for instance during the AIDS epidemic she controversially proposed that the disease was not caused by a virus but was a misidentified strain of cilis a position that contradict the prevailing scientific consensus additionally she was involved in publishing a controversal journal article saying that larval and adult stages and insects had evolved from entirely different organisms these viewpoints were largely criticized and also considered outliers in the scientific Community Cosmo zoa richer in 1985 a scientist named richer introduced an interesting idea known as kosmosa this theory proposed that microscopic spores or protoplasm existed within Cosmic dust floating through the vastness of the universe according to richer these tiny entities named kmoo were believed to have seated Earth during different periods in history it's kind of like the idea of piperia which we talked about before which suest that life exists throughout the cosmos and can be distributed between celestial bodies such as planets via comets meteorites or other space de breath similarly Cosmo zoa proposed that these microscopic life forms travel through space within Cosmic dust and eventually found their way to Earth potentially contributing to the origin or evolution of Life on our planet this concept was ahead of its time and foreshadowed later ideas and science such as Fred h space virus Theory which also proposed that life's Origins might have Cosmic connections while Rich's theory of Cosmo was definitely interesting scientific understanding and evidence regarding the origin of Life have evolved a bunch since then sorod trunks the concept of sorop PODS the super long neck dinosaurs like Brack his aurus having a probiscus or trunk similar to Modern Elephants or tapers is idea proposed by some paleontologists this hypothesis stems from observations of certain features in the cranial or head anatomy of some sods evidence suggesting the possibility of a trunk likee structure in sorod comes from the nostrils located on the top of their skulls these nostrils are placed higher up on their head compared to most other dinosaurs similar to the positioning of nostrils in elephants and tapers which have trunks additionally some sor poods possess elongated downward curving teeth that might have been used for grasping or plucking vegetation hitting at a potential function similar to what a trunk would serve the absence of direct fossil evidence for such a soft tissue structure makes this idea speculative though soft tissues like trunks rarely fossilized leaving scientists to rely on Clues from Bones and other cranial features to basically make educated guesses Martian pentology in 1984 scientists discovered a meteorite on Earth known as alh A4 0 1 believed to have originated from Mars this particular meteorite was formed during a time when Mars likely had liquid water on its surface upon examining this meteorite researchers identified tiny wormlike structures called nanoes in 1996 a NASA research team suggested that these nanoes might be evidence of ancient extraterrestrial life on Mars This assertion sparked a bunch of excitement and debate within the scientific community and the public about the possibility of life beyond Earth the mum contests among scientists though Le towards the belief that these nanoes are more likely to be inorganic or non-biological in nature the skepticism arises because similar microscopic structures resembling nanoes have been found in other Martian rocks located outside the habitability Zone periods when Mars had no liquid water even present additionally various natural geological processes can create features that resemble biological structures these can include mineral formations chemical reactions or other non-biological mechanisms that might mimic the appearance of ancient microbial life underground ocean capillarian title Theory the concept of an underground ocean often linked to the capillarian title theory is mostly like a planetary science theory but also has some Pio aspects to it in an 1858 article named The Tides it said that Johannes keplar a German astronomer who you all might know from his laws on planetary motion once speculated that the tides on Earth were influenced by its respirations as if the planet were a living animal he even went as far as to say that humans were like insects feeding on the Earth back one of the adding on theories he entertained was that the tides were caused by the ocean's water circulating in and out through a large hole at each pole which communicated from a subterrane passage to the Earth this Theory suggested the existence of an underground ocean keplar proposed that the existence of this underground ocean could account for the finding of fossil shells in places Far From Any sea such as the Summits of mountains which is explained in Martin Rick's book the meaning of fossils he proposed the theory that shellfish from one area of the ocean may have been carried by the subsurface title systems elevated into streams that flow through the mountains and then deposited on the mountain side in the end though keplar ejected the subsurface ocean explanation of Earth's tides and instead correctly suggested that the moon's gravitational influence was the source of the tides waka's butterfly creature the wakaa butterfly creature is a pretty mysterious organism from the Cambrian Period a Time known for its rapid diversification of life and often referred to as the Cambrian explosion this creature which isn't even properly named yet is an arod that lived in an aquatic environment millions of years before the first true butterfly even though it's not considered a butterfly since those came after 24 million years its unique appearance greatly resembles a butterfly this is because of its bolv like shell and a pair of wings extending from its body despite the high frequency of fossil remains found in the wesa lager State fossil site in Wisconsin the creatures classification is still a mystery making it one of the most incomprehensible of the Cambrian fauna some scientists have suggested it might be related to stations but that's still a topic of debate out there sacred theory of Earth bernet Thomas Bernett was an English clergyman and geological theorist who is best known for his work sacred theory of the Earth first published in Lion in 1681 and later translated into English in the speculative cosmogeny Bernett proposed The Hollow Earth with most of its water inside until Noah's flood at which point mountains and oceans appeared he suggested that Earth was originally a perfect sphere and that a series of divine catastrophes including flooding and Earth earthquakes led to its current uneven and mountainous state that we see now Bern's theory was an attempt to reconcile the mechanical explanation of the Earth's formation as proposed by Ry Descartes with a Biblical account of Creation in Genesis Descartes has suggested that the Earth was once a star that crusted over and Berna expanded on this idea by explaining how natural processes could align with the scripture such as the timing of the earth cracking open to release the waters for Noah's flood Burnett's work was controversial though because it used natural cause to explain biblical events traditionally conceived as Miracles which attracted a lot of negative attention at the time despite this his the was influential and became a standard against which many geological theories were measured for over a century as writers felt compelled to adjust their scientific explanations with the biblical creation story Bernard's Theory while not scientifically accurate by modern standards Still Remains an important step in the history of geological thought though and they attempt to understand the Earth's past ancient armored whales the idea of armored whales specifically the prehistoric parody Wells known as zadon or basilosaurus was based on an interpretation of basilur vertebrae by Dames and abble they proposed that these ancient whales were covered in armor plates similar to the giant Oceanic armadillo the theory was further supported by embryological discoveries by Richard leer a well-known British paleontologist the supposed armor plates were found in association with zlad rains link to the belief that these wheels had a dorsal bony dermal armor the three spark debates about why ancient had been covered in armor and was incorporated into many discussions about basilosaurus however these armor fossils were later debunked by Frederick a Lucas In 1902 who identified them as misidentified leatherback turtle remains despite this references to the armored stage in will Evolution still persisted up to the 1950s also bernon Heavens often referred to as the father of crypto zoology suggested that A Relic armor plated zadon could have been the identity of many fin sea serpent sightings even though this theory was later disproved the idea these whals having armor was still pretty significant in the early description and understanding giving way to the things we know now M fragilis rumors the story of ail colias fragilis is a pretty controversial chapter in pantology Edward Drinker cul a prominent penologist described this dinosaur species based on the discovery of a single enormous vertebra that stood over a meteor tall according to cop's description this vertebra suggested the existence of an exceptionally large sorod potentially the biggest one ever known however the f of ucol fragillimus described as extremely fragile has since been lost or misplaced this loss of the fossil has caused some specis and debate about the existence and size of the dinosaur many researchers question whether the species even exist or not or if cop may have exaggerated its size based on limited evidence controversy surrounding ocol fragilis mostly comes from the lack of fossil evidence though Beyond cop's initial description and a single drawing the drawing has been scrutinized extensively by paleontologist with VAR interpretations and Analysis arguing both for and against the dinosaur's massive size kennyth Carpenter among others has advocated for the accuracy of cop's original Dimensions supporting the idea that the sorot could have been one of the largest ever known based on cop's descriptions penen go pterodactyl the legend of the penin go pterodactyl came from reported sightings of a large terrasaurus likee creature in the penin hills region of West Yorkshire in 1982 wi is claimed to have seen a mysterious ghostly presence res a giant pterodactyl flying in the area according to the accounts the creature was described as wispy and translucent giving an ethereal or ghostlike appearance one of the witnesses Mike Priestley managed to capture a photograph of the alleged creature however as is Pretty common with sightings of Cryptids or unusual phenomena the photograph turned out blurry and inconclusive when this got to the public some people were fascinated by the idea of a prehistoric creature seemingly appearing as a ghost in the modern world to be honest I personally would be terrified of the thought I remember seeing size comparisons of pterodactyls with humans and it's pretty terrifying to say the least however the lack of concrete evidence along with the blurry photograph and the nature of the reports LED most scientists and experts to regard the settings as unsubstantiated and likely a result of misidentification hoaxes or optical illusions like other crypted tals out there it's still pretty much a mystery bad iight kill dinosaurs Croft the hypothesis proposed by opthalmologist LR Croft in 1982 regarding the enace extinction event links it to poor eyesight in dinosaurs crof suggested that global warming led to wise PR cataracts in dinosaurs ultimately resulting in their Extinction he theorized that many dinosaurs including species like ceratopsians attempted to protect their eyes from the tense sunlight by developing horns and crests however these adaptions were in affected in shielding their eyes from the damaging effects of the sun leading to Vision apparment Croft imagined a scenario where dinosaurs gradually became blind as they mature with the majority losing their vision before reaching sexual maturity this idea though is highly speculative and hasn't really gain traction within the scientific Community there's pretty limited evidence supporting the idea the dinosaurs suffered from Wise pet cataracts due to global warming Additionally the notion that most dinosaurs were rendered blind before even reaching maturity also lacks empirical data or fossil evidence D Metron as human ancestor D Metron the famous saback Creature from the peran period is commonly misunderstood as a direct ancestor of dinosaurs or even humans in popular culture culture the reality is though dimetrodon is classified as a snapsit belonging to a group of animals known as mammal likee reptiles these creatures are dinosaurs but rather are part of a separate lineage called synapsis synapsis are pretty important since they eventually give rise to thsis a subgroup within which modern mammals evolved although jron is a distinct relative within the snapsid lineage and she has an ancestor with mammals it doesn't necessarily mean it's a direct ancestor of modern humans or even dinosaurs gatron lived long before dinosaurs and human appeared on Earth it represents a branch in The evolutionary tree that eventually led to mammals including humans but it's more like a distinct cousin rather than direct ancestor a lot of the traction of his theory basically comes from some popular science Outlets or media representations glacial cosmogeny this entry is about the concept of an ice wall surrounding the earth and is often associated with various theories and Fringe beliefs including some interpretations in the Flat Earth community and the concept of an ice ball earth flat Earth supporters propose a model where they believe that Earth is not a sphere but a flat disk-shaped plane and they argue that an ice wall or a massive wall of ice encircles the entire dis preventing people from falling off the edge of the Earth on the flip side though the ice ball Earth hypothesis in scientific terms proposes extreme ice ages in Earth history suggesting periods where the planet was almost entirely or largely covered in ice like in the Ice Age movies this idea is based on geological and paleoclimatological evidence whereas the other is still more of a theory and a fringe belief abyss of time Hutton James Hutton an influential scars geologist from the 18th century made significant contributions to our understanding of Earth's history and the concept of deep geological time his observations particularly at SAR Point cliffs in Scotland led to a great shift in our scientific understanding at SAR Point hun noticed rock formations arranged in layers at steep angles he recognized that these Rock layers had been deposited horizontally then subsequently tilted and eroded indicating long periods of time and gradual slow geological processes hun realized that the time required for these geological processes to occur must have been far greater than the few thousand years suggested by the biblical accounts of Earth history which were commonly accepted at the time Hun's insights challenge the prevailing idea of a young Earth with a relatively Short history and a series of catastrophic events shaping as geological features instead he proposed the principle of uniformitarianism this principle suggests the Earth's geological processes occur slowly and consistently over vast spans of time Hun's concept of time often described as a dizzying abyss of time introduced the idea of an earth with a super long history potentially millions or even billions of years old also Hun's ideas challenged the notion that Earth's history had to include constant human presence or Creations leading to humans he proposed the view of an earth that existed independent of humans operating under its own natural laws and processes for vast spans of time before human existence these concept really changed our scientific perspective on Earth's ancient history like we know now heterogenesis CER Ker's concept of heterogenesis was a theory proposed within the framework of saltationism a departure from Charles Darwin's Progressive view of evolution through natural selection heterogenesis suggested a mechanism of evolution where new species emerge rapidly from the birth of noticeably distinct individuals termed heterogenic unlike Darwin's theory of evolution which talks about gradual changes over time due to external environmental pressures and natural selection heterogenesis proposed that the process of species transformation occurs internally within organisms basically in this Theory the emergence of a new species was believed to be triggered by the sudden appearance or birth of an individual that was completely different from its parent species this new individual was considered to be the fundamental departure or leap from its ancestor leading to the rapid emergence of a new species the concept of heterogenesis is pretty similar to saltationism which Suess The Evolution occurs through abrupt significant changes or saltations rather than gradual modifications both these theories propos mechanisms that involve sudden and substantial shifts and trades leading to the formation of new species in a relatively short period venomous dinosaurs in 2009 ugong proposed a hypothesis suggesting that sinosaurus a small terapod dinosaur might have possessed grooved elongating fangs sessing a venomous bite this hypothesis speculated that sonorasaurus could have potentially use Venom to immobilize or stun its prey the basis for this hypothesis primally stemmed from the examin of the skull and Teeth of santh thesaurus particularly the presence of long Gro fangs resembling those found in some venomous snakes however later analysis and further studies including those conducted by empu gang himself raised doubts about the initial idea of venomous dinosaurs specifically San thesaurus additional research and reevaluation of the anatomical features observed in these dinosaurs provide alternative explanations for the structures interpretated as venomous adaption the grooved elongated fangs initially thought to be for delivering Venom might have had other purposes some researchers now proposed that these teeth could have been used for grasping and holding on to prey rather than delivering Venom others suggest the grooves in the teeth might have served a different function such as channeling blood or sensory adaptions rather than Venom delivery it's a pretty cool concept thinking that dinosaurs who are already so powerful were equipped with Venom but it's still just hypothesis evolutionary polygenism the polyynes theory prevailing before and after Charles Darwin's time proposed multiple Origins for different human races often arguing that different races emerg from separate ancestors or creation events the theory contradicted Darwin's monogenesis idea which posited a single common ancestor for All Humans proponents of polygenism including georgees carier and lisis ages used their own interpretations of science to argue that various human races were fundamentally different and had separate Origins they sometimes even question the humanity of non-white races reflecting prevailing racist beliefs of their era following Darwin's publication of evolutionary theory some individuals basically misused or misinterpreted Darwin's ideas to basically reinforce their pre-existing racist beliefs scientists like Henry fairford Osborne Ernest Hackle and Carlton [ __ ] attempted to support the polygen view but suggesting that human races were too distinct to have descended from a common ancestor they proposed that different human groups evolve from different primate ancestors a perspective inconsistent with growing evidence supporting a shared human ancestry these viewpoints were flawed and ran counter to accumulating evidence in fields such as anthropology genetics and paleontology which consistently supported the unity of humanity attempts to reconcile this flawed Theory LED some researchers into some pretty dubious pths one such example was Carlton Coon's private belief in the existence of Bigfoot to explain the origins of native North Americans which lacked scientific bases Shaver's Rock boots Richard CH paver was an author known for his unconventional and highly imaginative stories published in a Amazing Stories magazine during the mid 20th century he gained Authority for the shaver mystery a series of stories that suggested to be true accounts of an underground World inhabitated by abandoned Luman ruins devolved atlantans and evil robots that abducted and tortured humans from the surface according to shaver he received telepathic communication from an underground luran which revealed the existence of this hidden realm and its inhabitant these stories end up interesting a bunch of readers with their Fantastical elements and mysterious narratives later in his career shaver delved into what he termed Rock boots in which he interpretated various natural mineral formations which are geoa as containing images and text relate to his Atlantean beliefs he claimed to discern faces and symbols within rocks and stones which he interpretated as evidence of this ancient Atlantean civilization despite the unconventional nature of his work Shaver's rock images have gained some attention in the realm of Outsider Art or folk art due to intriguing and sometimes haunting visual qualities exell pathology kill dinosaurs the idea proposed by HK Urban in 1979 suggesting that dinosaur extinction was caused by eggshell pathology at the KT which is the Cretaceous paleogene boundary is an intriguing but controversial theory in the study of dinosaur extinction Urban identified a sequence of dinosaurs from the KT boundary that exhibited various pathologies some eggs displayed near solidified characteristics While others had abnormally thin shells based on these observations Urban hypothesized that these eggshell pathologies were indicative of a widespread environmental changes that led to the extinction of dinosaurs the theory proposed by Urban suggested that changes in the environment possibly related to factors like climate change changes in vegetation or alterations in atmospheric conditions could have negatively affected the quality of the eggshells these weaken or abnormal eggshells might have led to reduce hatchability rates and increased vulnerability of dinosaur embryos ultimately contributing to their Extinction however the hypothesis is not widely accepted within the scientific Community as a primary cause of dinosaur extinction Jefferson's Mammoth Thomas Jefferson had a deep interest in Natural History including a fascination with mammoths in 1787 he wrote a detailed report disputing the theories of French naturalist buffan who suggested that American species were inferior to those in Europe Jefferson used the discovery of Mammoth fossils in America to counter buffins claims highlighting the size and significance of the American Mammoth as evidence of the continent's unique and impressive Natural History Jefferson fascination with mammoths extended to his beliefs about their current existence he was skeptical about the concept of Extinction and entertained the idea that mammoths might actually still roam the unexplored regions of the Americas some accounts suggest that Jefferson considered the thought of mammoths as carnivorous creatures capable abounding across the land in great leaps influenced by The Fringe interpretation of the Evangelical George Turner this belief suggesting a surviving population of mammoths was not uncommon during Jefferson's time as there was limited scientific understanding of Extinction many naturalists and thinkers of that era speculated about the possibility of living remnants of ancient species existing in remote unexplored regions Frozen dinosaur claims rumors and tales of Frozen dinosaurs preserved in ice similar to the famous discoveries of frozen mammoth carcuses in Siberia have been part of crypto Zoological lore and speculative stories within pop culture these accounts often Center on the idea of discovering intact dinosaur remains in icy environments one notable case in cryptological literature is the story of the the glacier Island carcass reportedly describing the discovery of a giant lizard-like reptile that thaw in Alaska in 1930 the story circulated in speculative narratives sugesting that the creature was a relic of the dinosaur age preserved in ice while the discovery of well preserved btha remains and Frozen environments like Serbia has indeed occurred and contribute to our understanding of prehistoric life the likelihood of finding intact dinosaur remains preserved in ice is pretty low this is primarily because dinosaurs lived during the Mesozoic Era tens of millions of years ago and the remains are typically found as fosite bones or traces rather than as Frozen specimen the geological time gap between dinosaurs and the more recent Frozen environments where Mammoth carcasses have been discovered makes the existence of Frozen intact dinosaur specimen highly improbable but who knows maybe in the future a discovery might change at all Haley's inner Earths Edmund Haley a prominent 17th century scholar proposed a unique theory about the Earth's structure assessing that was not only Hollow but also filled with a bunch of smaller coin Centric spheres similar to a Russian doll he Bas his theory on his observations of periodic magnetic pole ships according to Haley these inner Hollow Globes rotate independently of each other producing what he termed as the Deep music of the ruling World a seismic music that he claimed to have detected and transcribed it is manuscript on the subject despite the initial interest in this Theory later scientific discoveries and advancements led to the discrediting of Haley's proposal the concept of a hollow Earth including Haley's ideas has since become a common element in ition and folklore Haley's theories while ultimately disproven remains intriguing part of the history of scientific thought and the ongoing human quest to understand the mysteries of the natural world astrop pentology astrop anology is the hypothetical study of fossils of extraterrestrial organisms a term for coined by John amage this field is part of the broader discipline of astrobiology which focuses on the study of the origins early Evolution distribution and future of life in the universe the primary goal of astrop biology are related ated field is to locate and interpretate evidence of former life requiring a multidisciplinary approach that includes scientific efforts from various Fields while the concept of astrop anology sounds pretty interesting as of now there's no confirmed evidence of extraterrestrial life and the study of fossils of extraterrestrial organisms remain speculative despite this the field has attracted attention and has since been the subject of discussions and research particularly in the context of astrobiological applications Ray Stanford's occult links Ray Stanford was an American amateur paleontologist known for his significant contributions to paleontology and his remarkable fossil discoveries he gain attention for his impressive abilities and fighing fossils and Gathering a vast Private Collection however his views and practices often made him a controversial figure within the scientific Community Stanford was known for being critical of what he perceived as scientific gatekeeping and was sometimes hesitant to share detailed information about his discoveries with the wider scientific Community this reluctance to the Clos his findings led to some skepticism and controversy surrounding his work within the field of paleontology additionally Stanford held unconventional beliefs in the field of ufology the study of unidentified flying objects and claimed to have been encounters with extraterrestrial beings he asserted that these encounters had granted him psychic abilities including the purported ability to find fossils Stanford attributed his success in finding fossils to these alleged telepathic Communications with extraterrestrial entities rather than simply relying on traditional paleontological methods permanent darkness in dinosaur times Thomas Hawkins was an English fossil collector and dealer particularly known for his work with iosaur and plesiosaurs he published several texts between the 1830s and 1850s with his two best known Works being Memoirs of osori and plasui and the Book of the great sea dragons hawkins's writings were characterized by a hyper milonic style which is very prosaic and dramatic one of the more unusual and persistent claims across hawkins's work was the idea that osaurus and pterodactyls lived in complete darkness he speculated that the Sun's light if it existed at the time could not penetrate the atmospheric layers of smok which maintained a permanently nocturnal surface on Earth if anyone wants to read more about hawkins's work Rafa Connor's book the Earth on show fossils and the Poetics of Popular Science 18021 1856 is a good one out there that delves into it this book explores the portrayal of the geological past to the public and examines how new ideas about deep time and Earth's history were communicated during the early Victorian era spiral arm causes cyclic mass extinctions this entry is about the idea that the sun's Galactic spiral arm led to cyclic mass extinction events on Earth this hypothesis suggest a connection between the Earth's position within the Milky Way galaxy spiral arms and major Extinction of it such as the peran trasc extinction which occurred around 252 million years ago proponent of his theory just that as the solar system moves to the Milky Way spiral arms it encounters varying levels of cosmic radiation different gravitational forces or altered distributions of interstellar matter these encounters is theorized could potentially trigger disturbances in the Earth's environment and contribute to catastrophic events leading to mass extinctions the concept proposes that during specific periods when the Sol system is positioned further from the galactic habitability Zone there could be increased risk of disruptions to Earth Systems including climate change increased Cosmic radiation exposure or other Cosmic influences that might negatively impact life on Earth the geological record does show evidence of major Extinction events throughout Earth's history but attb these events slowly to the sun's position within the Milky Way spiral arms is challenging to confirm theasaurus could not walk this theory proposed by CD bramall and gr Whitfield in 1974 assess that terrasaurs were incapable of supporting their body weight on the ground and instead became Airborne by sliding off cliffs on their stomachs their hypothesis was based on the atomical structure of theasaurus specifically their limb proportions and Wing structure they proposed that due to their bi mechanics and proportions of their limb teror might have faced difficulties in walking or taking off from the ground according to his theory instead of taking off from a standing position teros might have used alternative meths such as launching themselves off cliffs or elevated surfaces the idea was that they would rely on gravity and momentum sliding down surfaces to become airborne somewhat similar to the way Penguins on land use their bodies to propel themselves forward whilst true that terrasaurs had unique atomical features the idea that they were entirely incapable of walking or taking off the ground is isn't really accepted bird stem hemother the concept that birds and mammals share common ancestor classified as stem hm or stem amonite is a minority of speculative view in evolutionary biology Richard Owen a prominent 19th century biologist and paleontologist propos a taxonomic category called hemia which Encompass birds and animals suggesting certain similarities between these groups however modern evolutionary biology and paleontology have since established that birds and mammals evolved along separate evolutionary paths from different reptilian ancestor the idea of a shared ancestor between birds and mammals resurfaced though in the late 20th century nobly in the work of scientists like San lrop Brienne Garder and Philip janir these researchers propose the concept of a stem amonite that could have given rise to both birds and mammals in ancient evolutionary history this hypothesis suggests the existence of a hypothetical ancestor group that preceded the diversions of birds and mammals within the larger context a vertebrae Evolution the stem amanite was envisioned as a creature possessing certain characteristics or features common to both birds and mammals which later evolve into the distinct lineages we recognize today this illustration by Philipe janir represents a speculative depiction of what such an ancient creature might have looked like based on evolutionary relationships fossils and European devil or in European folklore and historical beliefs there were instances where fossils and certain natural phenomena were associated with super itions and beliefs involving the devil and Witchcraft basically fossilized creatures or unusual geological specimens sometimes played a role in cultural narratives and were linked to Supernatural or demonic explanations during the medieval and early modern periods when scientific understanding was limited and superstitions were common people often encountered fossils and unfamiliar geological formations these discoveries were often misunderstood or interpretated within the framework of religious beliefs folklore and superstitions which were present at the time in some cases unusual fossils or ancient remains found in Earth were perceived as straight up monstrous or mysterious creatures of the past there beliefs that associate these remnants with devilish activities attributing their Origins to mythical beings or demons such interpretations were sometimes incorporated into artistic depictions or stories reflecting the prevailing cultural beliefs an example is the witches Sabbath with reconstructed skeleton of Monster by Mar anonio rimondi which is an artistic representation from the the 16th century that reflects these beliefs in this artwork the illustration depicts a scene involving witches and a reconstructed or assembled skeleton of a monstrous creature gasosaurus Madness gasosaurus named after discover Aman's gesley is a genus of plaur and sopot morph dinosaur that lived during the late traic period around 214 to 204 million years ago the story of gresle osaurus intertwines with a tragic tale of its discover Gresley a Swiss geologist and penologist who made significant contributions to the field of stratis gy and paleoecology he introduced the use of the term fasis in geology and is considered one of the founders of modern statgraphic and paleoecology gley worked as an assistant to lisis a guesses and made important geological observations in the Jura Mountain unfortunately though Gresley suffered from mental health issues and not only that but gases betrayed Gresley and stole some of his fossils causing him to live a reclusive life before being institutionalized in Asylum in 1864 his friend and fellow paleontologist Oswald here visited him in this Asylum and later wrote that Gresley and I'll quote what he said was agonized by the thought that he had transformed into this gresia Source it's a sad story but it goes to show the close relationship some scientists can have with their work to the extent that it becomes a defining part of their identity tongue hole Doo Lis Doo a prominent Belgian paleontologist justest the presence of an opening in the lower jaw of a guon believing it to be an adaption for the tongue he proposed that this opening might have accommodated a retractable Comm likee tongue that Iguanodon could extend to reach vegetation Do's idea was an attempt to explain the feeding behavior of Iguanodon based on the fossil evidence available at the time later scientific investigation and closer examination of Iguanodon fossils revealed that the supposed opening Doo described in the lower jaw was actually an artifact or crack in the fossil rather than a natural anatomical feature of the dinosaur so subsequent studies and reexaminations of Iguanodon demonstrated that Do's interpretation regarding the tongue hole was incorrect despite the ER in Do's interpretation his idea was incorporated into several textbooks and scientific illustrations before it was corrected [ __ ] psychical research griffinfly cenes an important pomologist made significant contributions to study of insect evolution in the early 20th century he also had a lifelong interest in the ult which intersected with his scientific Pursuits till fascination with the flight mechanics of giant Griffin flies Le him to visit mediums in attempt to observe the behavior of these prehistoric insects in spiritual form despite his interest in psychical research [ __ ] maintained a skeptical stance when a medium predicted his death in a car crash within the next 10 years tillard expressed skepticism about such psychic foresight however in a tragic turn of events tillard was killed in a car accident in 1937 his involement in psychical research and his scientific work reflect the complex and multi fa nature of his interest and Pursuits comatus fins the claim that ktis had flippers instead of grasping claws was initially described by Alan badar and Gerald toml in 1972 they proposed the existence of a new species comag natis Coral estris with modified dolphin-like flippers envisioning it as a semi- aquatic animal however it was later determined that the fossil had been geologically distorted giving the appearance of flattened flippers when in reality it wasn't part of the actual animal the this discovery debunked the initial claim but not before it it influence some popular paleo art and media representations creating some pretty cool depictions of what it looked like essentially the idea of complexus having flippers was based on a misinterpretation of the fossil evidence and it has since been corrected in scientific understanding Who Lies sleeping Who Lies sleeping is a book by Rex and re Stanford that goes into unconventional and speculative theories regarding prehuman civilizations and suggest the existence of a soran prehuman Society this book presents hypothesis suggesting that this ancient civilization was capable of advanced technology and might have bet its end through nuclear warfare also it suggest the existence of a secretive National likee ruling Elite or cable that might still have influence in modern times the ideas explored in Who Lies sleeping touch upon speculative Concepts such as Sor and humanoid species often referred to as dinosauroids which we introduced in the 1 theories of ancient civilizations predating recorded human history and the potential connection between dinosaurs and certain Concepts found in fringed theories like UFO lore and archaeology the speculative Concepts include Notions like bioraptor ISM which are described as predatory creatures resembling dinosaurs AV sapiens that suggest bird-like intelligent beings and the idea that dinosaurs might be linked to alleged extraterrestrial or Supernatural entities such as Grays or reptoids if anyone remembers that entry I'll link this book down too if anyone wants to explore more of these conspiracy theories picon the camine period approximately 541 to 485 million years ago is best known for the camarine explosion a significant diversification of life forms during this time mysterious fossil traces resembling hexagon a Honeycombs known as paleo Dion have been found on the caban seabed these mysterious traces have sparked some scientific interest and debate seemingly recent examples of these traces have been discovered which brought a suggesting that live specimen could still exist today however the creature associated with these traces also remains unknown linked to two main theories the first Theory suggests that the traces of the direct bily imprint of something like a poly op or sponge while the second theory proposes that there are tunnel systems or burls for an as of yet unknown animal Additionally the possibility that Pelon is an abiotic formation know as a pseudo fossil has also been suggested so basically the study of peladon and the ongoing debate surrounding its Origins is still a mystery of the ancient world pedm caused by preum civilization the Pine EOS thermal maximum or petum was a period occurring around 56 million years ago known for its significant global warming event during this period there's a rapid release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere link to substantial warming ocean acidification and changes in EOS systems some theories such as sorian hypothesis just the possibility of ancient prehuman civilizations that might have existed in deep time even during periods like the petent per points of this hypothesis have suggested that the sudden increase in fossil carbon during the pettin could potentially be attributed to carbon fuel use by an ancient civilization similar to a humans use fossil fuels today and remember how the thought experiment also says that finding direct evidence such as technological artifacts is unlikely due to the Rarity of fossilization and the constant changes on Earth's surface therefore the sudden increase in fossil carbon during the pettin could for sure indicate the use of carbon fuels by an ancient civilization but right now there's no strong evidence to support this claim so it remains an interesting Theory out there noo Genesis the concept of noo Genesis is associated with Pier tilhar dardan a French philosopher paleontologist and Jesuit priest who proposed the idea of an evolutionary process that involves the emergence and development of Consciousness in the universe to her de chartan was the one that introduced the concept of the mega point which again represents the theoretical end point or culmination of cosmic Evolution according to his theory the universe is evolving toward a complex State of Consciousness and unity which he termed the mega point noo Genesis refers to a evolutionary process through which Consciousness emerges and evolves to hard toart in argue that Consciousness particularly human consciousness is not merely an accidental outcome but an integral part of the universe's Evolution he proposed that as life evolved Consciousness emerged leading to the development of the noosphere the noosphere refers to a sphere or realm of human thought and Collective Consciousness encompassing the entirety of human intellectual activity knowledge and interconnectedness to dartan Envision the Noah spere as a stage in the evolution of Earth where human consciousness and communication become increasingly interconnected and influential according to tart to Chan's philosophical and Theological perspective the noosphere representing the collective human consciousness would continue to evolve and eventually converge into a higher level of unity and spiritual fulfillment known as Crystal Genesis this concept suggests that the evolutionary process leads to a Transcendent stage of unity and spiritual realization which you can tell from the name he associated with the teachings of Christ Dark Matter killed the dinosaurs Lisa Randall Michael rampino and Michael ree among other scientists have explored ideas linking Dark Matter to a mass extinction events in Earth's history including the extinction of the dinosaurs Dark Matter a mysterious invisible substance that doesn't emit or interact with electromagnetic radiation makes a significant portion of the universe's Mass however it's only been observed indirectly through its gravitational effects on visible matter the proposed hypothesis suggests various ways which Dark Matter might have affected Earth potentially leading to mass extinctions one hypothesis proposes as the solar system orbits the Galaxy it might periodically pass through regions of space containing dense clumps or concentrations of dark matter these encounters could potentially disturb the orbits of comets or asteroids in the OR Cloud leading to increased impacts on Earth and triggering mass extinction events other speculative ideas suggest that Earth's orbit might intersect with specific regions or planes of Dark Matter causing gravitational disturbances that could disrupt the stability of the source system or lead to increased Cosmic impacts alien space viruses cause evolution oil sir Fred hoil a prominent astronomer and cosmologist proposed some unorthodox ideas about the role of extraterrestrial viruses in the evolution of life on Earth poil along with Chandra W singi were the ones that developed the hypothesis called panspermia which again suggest that life exists throughout the Universe and is distributed by comets meteorites or Interstellar dust carrying microorganisms including viruses their life Cloud Theory speculated that these Cosmic agents such as viruses or other microscopic life forms continually rain down on Earth from space they proposed that these extraterrestial vir particles arriving from cosmic deliveries could have influenced the course of evolution and played a significant role in the development of Life on our planet ho and rck mingi suggested that these spaceborn viruses could have triggered rapid mutations in organisms upon arrival potentially leading to evolutionary changes and even mass extinctions they proposed that viral infections from space might have caused the transformation of certain ancient life forms such as dinosaurs or terrasaurs into different species including mammals and birds particularly during significant Extinction events like the end Cretaceous Extinction that marked the end of the Dinosaurs the neosphere the concept of the neosphere was proposed by Rand Kirkpatrick a spongology in 1912 Kirk Patrick's Theory suggested that the Earth's crust was formed from the accumulated remains of millions of years is worth of Forman fer shells specifically a type of large dis shaped foropera known as Nyes foropera are a diverse group of single- cell organisms often with shells made of calcium carbonate that are abundant in Marine environments nites are a specific genus of large lens-shaped form and ofera that live during the palene and E ogene epoches and are known for their distinctive coin-like appearance Kirkpatrick proposed that the vast accumulation of numales over immense periods of time formed layers of sedimentary rock contributing to the structure of the Earth's rust he envisioned that these ancient form and of Farah through their continuous deposition and accumulation played a fundamental role in the formation of geological strata and the shaping of the planet surface overactive pituitary gland kill dinosaurs France bobsa an influential and somewhat Ecentric figure in paleontology proposed an intriguing theory about the potential role of overactive pituitary glands in the extinction of dinosaurs nosky suggested that dinosaurs may have suffered from conditions related to the pituitary gland leading to Giant sizes and resulting in evolutionary disadvantages that contribut to their demise noa's theory of evolutionary inertia basically suggested that the pituitary gland responsible for secreting growth hormones might have been overactive in certain dinosaur species according to his hypothesis this overactivity of the pituitary gland could have caused dinosaurs to grow to exceptionally large sizes which in turn led to certain psychological and ecological disadvantages he theorized that the disproportionately large sizes of some dinosaurs might have hindered their ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions making them less flexible or agile compared to smaller species to be honest the first time I heard this I really thought about T-Rex and his arms compared to his body maybe because of all the memes out there I remember when some of my friends would poke at this one friend for having small arms calling them T-Rex arms anyways noska essentially believed that this evolutionary disadvantage combined with environmental changes and other factors could have contributed to the extinction of these giant creatures in his research noska examined various fossilized brain cases searching for evidence of an enlarged pituitary gland in dinosaurs although his theory was really unique and interesting it lacked empirical evidence and the study of internal structures and fossil remains was pretty limited during its time flying to Metron peirs all right to be honest I couldn't really find anything on this entry when searching it up besides like a Reddit post and I don't really know the whole context behind it but from everyone's responses I'm guessing it was like a joke or like an April fools thing but yeah that's pretty much all we have about the entry so next entry also of the witness to the delu Johan Jacob sweder a Swiss nationalist scholar and physician published the book in 1726 titled homoi test man witness to the deluche in his book seser described what he believed to be the fossilized remains of a human suggesting that was evidence of a person who perished during the great flood described in the Bible sester saw is basically the historical proof of the biblical flood this interpretation aligned with his religious beliefs and his his attempt to find scientific evidence supporting the biblical narrative however when his claims were eventually analyzed by scientific research it revealed that the fossilized bones he identified as a human actually belong to extinct giant salamander the misidentification was corrected in 1811 when the French an animist georgees kuvar correctly identified the fossil as an ancient amphibian sw's case is often brought up as an example of an early Mis interpretation of fossils because of religious or preconceived beliefs God zillis the Godzilla's fossil is a mysterious discovery that was Unearthed in Northern Kentucky by amateur paleontologist Ron fine the fossil which dates back 450 million years was found in the Cincinnati region which was once covered by shallow Seas making a faval location for fossil discoveries the fossil is approximately 3 and 1/2 ft wide and 6 and 1/2 ft long making a significant and unusual find the fossil is an unusual texture created by a directional pattern on its surface and was found with small animal fossils attached to it known as tribul lights which may provide clues necessary for the fossil's eventual identification Discovery is stumb scientist though and believe it or not they're still trying to find its identity the fossil has been subject of scientific study and debate and its unique characteristics have led to various theories and speculations about it and to be honest the first time I heard this fle I thought it was going to be like super huge like scary monster like Godzilla but yeah it's not really the case Earth periodically restocks extinct animals this entry is about the theory that Earth periodically stocks extinct animals as proposed by John Michael and Robert Rickard the three attempts to explain the rediscovery of certain animals thought to be extinct like the example of the Bermuda petrol which was thought to have been exterminated in the 17th century only for a colony to be rediscovered in 1951 Michael and record extend the theory to cryptological appearances of sorons and Apen suggesting that creatures now extinct contain the hot regions and Fantom form with occasional real physical appearances until the time comes to reestablish themselves this this Theory while not supported by scientific evidence still raises some pretty interesting questions about Extinction and the rediscovery of species theory of periodic reach talking of extinct species although speculative goes to show the mysterious nature of the fossil record sometimes and how new discoveries can change things in an instant it's pretty cool to think that for 100 years a creature could be believed to be extinct and then like randomly Discovery proves that we were all wrong bioraptor and evolutionary biop paranoia the concept of bioraptor M lini as proposed by John mlin in 1984 is a hypothetical creature that pretty much goes beyond mainstream science and into speculative fiction mclin's idea of a bioraptor envisions a creature resembling a sent Raptor or dinosauroid which he presented as a more reasonable version compared to previous Renditions he described it as having a soran appearance while still possessing an other worthly or alien-like quality mlon used this hypothetical creature as part of a thought experiment discussing lost prehuman civilizations during the mesic era era his broad Theory termed evolutionary biop paranoia mlon suggested that civilizations including hypothetical ancient ones are short-lived on geological time scales and leave minimal evidence of their existence he proposed that these civilizations like the hypothetical bioraptor Society might have led to their own downfall through actions such as mass agriculture excessive mineral extraction environmental segregation and even nuclear warfare ultimately causing their own Extinction the idea of lost prehuman civilizations leaving minimal Trace the geological record has been brought up a few times actually in this Iceberg chart but with all the theories out there it's still largely speculative STK Fontaine cave psychometry the sterk Fontaine cave psychometry is about the involvement of a psychic Jeffrey Hudson in an archaeological research project at the Stark Fontaine caves where the bones of the first discovered ostropol were found Jeffrey hotson a member of the theosophical society performed psychometry on the fossil remains at the caves we introduced this topic earlier and for a quick recap it basically involves obtaining psychic Impressions from an object hson claimed to have recorded ghostly sounds imprinted on the fossils which he interpretated as the horrified screams of a caveman's final moments this dual collaboration between a psychic and a paleontologist concerning it was of such a significant archaeological site led to some interest in discussion since it Blended both science and the Paranormal it comes up sometimes in the ongoing debate about the role of psychics in archaeological and pical research vascular plants evolved from inside out Legions Peter aed's 1988 hypothesis proposing an unconventional origin vascular plants offers a pretty interesting departure from the mainstream understanding of plant Evolution ASA suggested an alternative idea challenging the prevalent view that modern land plants descended from algae instead he proposed the concept involving the symbiotic merger of a majority of algae with a mineral Scavenging fungi component resulting in an ancestral organism with disin characteristics or other otherwise an inside out structure where the majority of the organism was algae and the interior contained fungi this idea suggests departure from the typical understanding of lens where fungi dominate the symbiotic relationship basically at's proposition presents a reverse scenario where the algae constitute the primary component contrasting with a commonly observed structure of monans the hypothesis opens intriguing possibilities regarding the complexity of plant Evolution and the potential for different symbiotic relationships to have played a role in shaping the characteristic of early plant ancestors longisa feathers were just leaves the mysterious Reptile longis from the TRC period has intrigued scientists due to this distinct feature that being long featherlike structures along its back these structures resembling elongated hocky shaped quails or scales has sparked a few Fringe theories about their nature and purpose one of these theories presents an alternative explanation suggesting that what appears to be feathers on longus were in fact leaves or plant matter accidentally preserved with a fossilized remain the argument primally relies on the observation that only just one fossil specimen are the presumed feathers directly associated with the animal's body in other cases the featherlike structures were found separately not in connection with the animals remains so you can see how actually does make a reasonable Theory like if I was a paleontologist I probably think the same However the fact is though this interpretation Still Remains controversial for several reasons firstly the mode of preservation observed in Lisa fossils is inconsistent with the Pres a of plant material additionally attempts to identify these supposed leaves with any known plans from the traic era have not been successful casting dealt on the theory La subter erosion Theory Claude Nicholas laat a French surgeon in the 18th century proposed an unconventional theory about the Earth's structure and its eventual fate in 1744 laat introduced the concept of subterranean erosion suggesting that Earth was gradually collapsing inward due to erosion occurring beneath the surface according to his theory this ongoing erosion was would eventually hollow out the Earth entirely lacat hypothesis implied a cyclic process reflecting his belief in reoccurrence or reputation in natural phenomena he visioned a future where the Earth would collapse inward completely and result in a hollow interior following this complete collapse laat believed that the Earth would reemerge restarting the process of erosion and collapse once again the theory presented by laat was really unconventional for its time and so as a great contrast to the prevailing scientific understanding of geology and the Earth's structure his theory and end up getting not much traction within the scientific community over time advancements in geology and Earth Sciences have provided alternative evidence-based explanations for the Earth's structure and processes which again don't align with lat's Theory dinosaurs were going extinct before the me year the study led by Fabian lamine and colleagues in 2021 presents a really interesting perspective suggesting that dinosaurs might have actually been experiencing a decline even before the famous meteor impact event which everyone knows about the stud's findings challenge a long held assumption that the meteor impact was the sole cause of the demise of non-avian dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous Period conom mind's research points to a significant decline in herbivores non-avian dinosaurs towards the end of the Cretaceous Era they suggest that this decline might have been influenced by specific factors such as the dominance of hydrosaurus a type of herbivores dinosaur potentially edting other herbivores leading to a reduction in overall diversity among herbivores dinosaurs also the study suggests that the risk of Extinction among these dinosaurs might have been associated with the age of species during this decline this finding implies that certain species might have been less adaptable or lacked evolutionary novelty necessary to cope with changing environmental conditions thereby making them more vulnerable to Extinction preformationism preformationism is a historical idea about the development of organisms mostly in medieval and early modern times it proposed that all living beings were preformed during the initial creation of the earth existing in miniature form within their parents this concept suggested that within each being res desired a fully formed and Tiny version of themselves which would grow and develop through maturation rather than originating from an embryo or seed the notion of preformationism had historical roots with some early proponents including the poet naturalist lucus from the late Roman Empire who knew people were interested in paleo even back then lucus formulated a theory that all species didn't evolve but were born directly from the Earth's surface he proposed that the earth when young and vigorous could give birth to myria Giant and exotic creatures according to l is the seeds or atoms of every conceivable creature were stored within the Earth's womb and as Earth aged it lost its Vitality to produce large creatures resulting in the emergence of smaller ones directly from the soil this early concept resembles a form of preformationism where the existence of organisms was thought to be pre-ordained and inherent in the Earth's composition from its Inception it attribut the origin and development of living beings to a predetermined blueprint within nature rather than through the process of embryotic development or evolutionary change terrasaurus couldn't fly so this is a pretty wad claim that terrasaurus could not fly as was suggested by katsufumi sat's research sat studies use exom attached to the wings of albatrosses to calculate the necessary wingspan to weight ratio for flight and he concluded that even conservative reconstructions of large terrasaurs such as quo katas were too heavy to fly or Glide however those who argued against this Theory claimed that the comparison to albatrosses is misleading and arbitrarily selected recent Studies have provided new insights into terrasaur flight capabilities for instance an international team of scientists used Imaging techniques to uncover details of terasa soft tissue and their modeling suggested that certain terrasaurs had the capability to launch themselves from water also quantitative tests have been used to assess the flight potential of hatchling terrasaurs with some studies suggesting that even little hatchlings well maybe not little considering the insane size of parasaurs had the capacity for sustained far-reaching Glides but the unique flight related anatomy of of parasaurs such as their long tapering wings and hollow bones is still being researched therefore the debate over terrasaur flight abilities still continues breeding Stones this idea is about the concept of stones fossils or minerals engaging in a form of reproduction or birth that's existed across some historical and cultural context this notion known as breeding Stones proposes that these geological objects have the ability to copulate or generate Offspring like organic life forms in the 18th century Michael Valentini as scientific authority of that time proposed the theory that Stones could breed or reproduced deep within the Earth similar ideas were also persistent in folklore and cultural Traditions across Europe for instance in Irish and English folklore there are beliefs surrounding revered Boulders known as rock mothers these Boulders were thought to possess small hollows from which smaller Stones were believed to be born the belief was that these smaller stones in turn could produce more Stones symbolizing a form of reproduction within the natural world when I was working on my ancient structures video a while back Stones were actually pretty common in the entries like the Easter Island statues so after researching a bunch of those topics I can see how people of ancient times could attribute these beliefs to rocks or Stones Harley garbani ESP Harley garbani an amateur fossil hunter was Renown for his exceptional ability to discover unique fossils he attributed his success to a heightened sense of intuition which he believed guided him to these finds even professional paleontologists were amazed at the effectiveness of gan's intuition with some suggest that boarded on what could be considered as actual telepathic Insight or extra sensory perception or other words ESP like the entry says gbani discoveries which include significant dinosaur finds were hardly regarded in the pical community his work has left a lasting impact and his prime fals of findes are in display and his prime FAL of finds are in display at prestigious insulations some of these include the Natural History Museum at Los Angeles the University of California Museum of paleontology and the Museum of the Rockies in Boseman Montana even though he was an amateur gabi's work was the Envy of professionals and he was revered by scientists who spoke in near mystical terms of his ability for fighting fossils lyia cheetah the lyia cheetah also known as asinex cortini was a shocking discovery of a primitive cheetah skull from China the fossil was initially reported to be one of the oldest cheetah fossils ever found with an estimated age of approximately 2.2 to 2.5 million years Discovery was published in the journal proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America which was a pretty big deal however the authenticity of the fossil was soon called into question by other scientists who alleged that the skull was a hoax with parts composed of plaster even though there's a controversy the article was not retracted until 2012 and the authors maintained that they didn't mean to deliberate hoax anyone the case of the lynia cheetah in turn helped highlight the real problem of fakes and the murkiness of the fossil Supply chains especially in the black market Fossil trade to be honest I didn't even know there there was a black market Fossil trade the fossil was ultimately accepted as a forgery in 2012 and is now considered a discredited specimen Primal Universal ocean Abraham Warner's concept of the universal ocean proposed in 1787 was a significant idea in the field of geology during its earlier years wner a prominent geologist say that the Earth's surface was initially covered by a vast and all inpassing ocean termed the universal ocean according to W's Theory this ocean was responsible for shaping the Earth's geological formations the neptunism theory put forward by wner proposed that the various geological strata observed on the Earth's surface were formed as the universal ocean gradually receded over extended periods as the water diminished it revealed the underlying sea FL and left behind layers of sedimentary material we now attributed the creation of these geological strata to the accumulation of loose mineral materials that were deposited due to the actions of waves and storms within the universal ocean W's neptunism theory was foundational in the early discourse of geology creating debate and serving as a contrast to the competing theory of plutonism plutonism advocated by James Hutton and others proposed that geological formations were primarily a result of volcanic activity and the Eternal heat of the earth rather than the actions of water spermatic theory of fossils the spermatic theory was a historical concept centered on the idea that fossils particularly fossilized animals or the remains found in rocks were formed by the impregnation of inanimate matter like rocks or minerals by some form of organic seeds or material similar to sperm this Theory emerged in a time when scientific understanding of geological and biological processes was super early the concept was based on a belief that the existence of a Amic Earth or Earth womb a notion that the Earth itself had reproductive Powers similar to living organisms according to his theory it was suggested that the Earth possessed generative qualities and that under specific circumstances mineral substances could incubate or Foster the growth of organic material resembling seeds or germs and which would lead to to the formation of fossils within the Rocks the term spermatic originates from the belief that these organic entities could give rise to New Life forms or that they contain the potential for life however this concept was a speculative and non-scientific explanation for the origin of fossils it was proposed in an era when the study of geology and biology lacked much research a lot of these old theories I feel like people could have made movies out of since they're pretty creative in my opinion humans equal Pig chimp hybrid all right so this one I could definitely say belongs on this weird pentology Iceberg chart Eugene McCarthy a Genesis with a PhD has proposed a controversial Theory suggesting that modern humans are the result of interbreeding between pigs and aplike animals millions of years ago this Theory also know as the chimp Pig Hybrid Theory say that multiple hybridization events took place at different times producing different homade species that we now know Mardi provides a list of anatomical evidence to support his theory he points out similarity seen between humans and pigs like our high INF ility compared to other animals are stomach valves and hairlessness he also connects that humans and pigs share similar organ and skin structures McCarthy's Theory isn't really based on genetic sequent comparisons though and inste simply anatomical this theory has been met with a bunch of criticism as you might presume and skepticism from the scientific Community one of the main criticisms is that pigs and chimpanzees have a different number of chromosomes making the idea of a pig chimp hybrid not possible critics also argue that the theory requires interbreeding between sep orders of animals which is highly unlikely Ki apan Seance in 1919 during a seance which is basically like a meeting for people to try to talk to spirits which was held by franic kuski a well-known medium there's a claim of an unusual presence KUSI was actually reputed for summoning ghostly figures during the spiritual sessions in this particular Seance a figure representing Pac anthropus appeared P anthropus was once thought to be a kind of missing link between humans and apes and it was said to look like a Gibb like apan with Shaggy coarse hair according to a witness coold nurur okola whisk thetion was remarkably strong capable of moving heavy furniture and lifting people while seated in their chairs despite intimidating appearance and behavior The Entity was reported to be non-harmful often showing Goodwill and Readiness to obey the PAC anthropist is essentially an outdated term that was historically used to describe what we now know as Homo rectus an extinct species of early humans the term was coined in the late 19th century by Eugene dubus after discovery of the first Homer rectus remains in Java Indonesia the story of the paganus TPA is an example of the early 20th century spiritualism and the fascination with the possibility of contacting Spirits or entities from different times ausus fish dream Louis aesus was a Renown 19th century scientist who encountered a challenging fossilized fish specimen that was partially obscured by rock as he was struggling on how to extracted without causing damage ausus experienced a series of Dreams over three nights in these dreams he saw the complete form of the fish with all its features initially he couldn't remember the details upon Awakening but on the third night he was prepared with a pencil and paper by his bed after dreaming of the fish again he quickly sketched what he had seen in the dream the next morning he found that the sketch including details he hadn't consciously realized were possible for the fossil using the sketch as a guide ausus was able to carefully chisle away the stone and successfully reveal the fish fossil which matched the image from his dream this fossil turned out to be a really important Discovery and was later included in his significant work on paleontology that's poison fossils published in 1843 to be honest that is actually pretty wild thingy a dream was the ultimate reason for the proper carving of the fossil I don't know too much about Neuroscience but I think we still don't really know too much about dreams so accounts like these make the mysteries about it even more cool Nessie is a giant Tully monster Lochness Monster is a really famous Cryptid I'm sure everyone has heard of also on the topic of Cryptids after this series is done I'll definitely try to look around for a good good Iceberg chart I could cover so expect that very soon I got yall anyways Ted holiday a former angler unlocked this monster who transitioned into a passionate investigator of the mysterious creature known as Nessie proposed an intriguing theory in his book The Worm of Loch Ness he pull forward the idea that the mysterious Lochness Monster was in fact a colossal Tuli monster a prehistoric creature F referred to as the Tuli monster hdi's theory about Nessie being a toy monstrum was quite unconventional also it gets even more interesting where speculate about the possibility of underwater time portals suggesting that the creature could pass through these portals in the depths of the lock Nest as holiday's investigation progressed his viewpoints even evolved over time he started to see Nessie as more of a supernatural entity than a physical being Supernova kill dinosaurs the Supernova Theory proposing the extinction of dinosaurs was suggested by Dale Russell and wills Tucker in 1971 they speculated that a nearby exploding star or supernova might have been responsible for the demise of dinosaurs this idea again attention when scientist discovered higher than usual deposits of aridium on the Cretaceous pelene boundary strata about 10 years later the background on idium is basically it's relatively rare on Earth's surface but it's found in high concentrations in objects like asteroids and comets the theory held promise as the ridium deposits seem to support the idea of a massive Cosmic event such as a supernova explosion CAU bring to Extinction however the theory later fa challenges a scientist expected to find plutonium another element associated with Cosmic events alongside the ridium deposits when researchers failed to find the anticipated plutonium it casted doubts on the validity of this explanation as a result the Supernova Theory while fascinating lost his credibility as a primary explanation for the dinosaur extinction audin stole giant brains in 1925 a remarkable Discovery in a Moscow Co quarry near adosa railway station made headlines two objects resembling giant fossil brains were found Dr n gregorovich initially identified these as unusually large human brains a claim supported by French Anonymous BK hiny trigging widespread curiosity and debate the suggesting that these objects could be human brains from the Carboniferous period intrigued many scientists the idea of brain tissue veliz over such an extensive period would have been extremely rare so it's kind of like a miracle as the news circulated the scientific Community grew increasingly doubtful about the identification questions arose about how soft and perishable brain tissue could survive millions of years some sienes propos alternative explanation jesting that the specimen might have been misidentified element brains or plant matter with resemblance to brains chiu chenu a Malaysian researcher G attention for his unconventional claims in paleontology he asserts that he is identify numerous baby dinosaurs by interpretating rocks with shapes that resemble juvenile reptiles Guru refers to this unique approach as petrified embryology a self-proclaimed New Field and penological study however goo claims have not gain widespread acceptance within the scientific Community many penologists are skeptical of his methodology and findings as they often lack scientific evidence or contestes to support his interpretations the interpretation of rock formations as representing embryonic or juvenile dinosaurs requires substantial and verifiable evidence which Go's work has yet to provide so yeah that's basically about the entry I didn't really find too much on this topic on the Internet besides like a Blog from Chiang guu explaining how he's still trying to get evidence in stuff for his theory p Genesis gulus P Genesis was a theory proposed by Charles Darwin to explain the process of heridity before the discovery of genes Darwin recognized the importance of environmental factors and random variations in The evolutionary process but he lacked a clear understanding of how traits were physically transmitted from parents to offspring in an attempt to bridge this Gap he formulated the provisional concept of pangenesis Darwin postulated that the body cells share gules or living atoms containing herity information that circulate throughout an organism's body and eventually gathered in the reproduced Warriors these gules were then believed to be passed down to the Next Generation determining the trait of The Offspring despite Darwin's efforts pesus faced skepticism even among his contemporaries Darwin himself had dealt about the theory and it was never fully embraced by supporters or the scientific Community commentary Earth theory William won's new theory of Earth proposed a unique explanation for major historical events aligning them with literal interpretations of the Bible in 1696 Wiston suggested that comments were the primary cause Beyond catastrophic occurrences in Earth's history his the attribute significant events show as the fall of Man described in Genesis to specific Comet impacts according to WIS 10 a comet striking the Earth initiated the rotational motion mentioned in the biblical Narrative of Humanity's descent he further linked commentary impacts to the biblical story of Noah's flood and other historical events like the plague of Egypt remarkably he even Associated everyday weather events such as rain with the influence of comets despite his elaborate connection between comets and historical events won's ideas were considered heretical during his time his contemporaries including the Renown scientist Isaac Newton did not fly Embrace his theories Weston's work for out a Concepts that would emerge in later centuries like the Shiva hypothesis the Nemesis and Neo theories and the works of Emmanuel Vilan kovski aquatic teras in 1784 Kimo alesandro Kini reconstructed terrasaur fossil andest that these creatures were aquatic envisioning them as animals that swam using their wings as paddles this idea persisted until around 1830 during this time Johan George wagler proposed a theory that group terrasaurs osaurus and plesiosaurs together as ancestral monot monotes are egling mammals like the Platypus and aidus wer speculated that these ancient mons eventually evolved into Marine creatures such as whale and dolphins moreover wag specifically proposed that terrasaurs were Direct ancest of dolphins suggesting a close evolutionary relationship between these flying reptiles and marine mammals this the represented a significant attempt to understand the relationships between different ancient animals based on their anatomical features and habits however with advancements in paleontology and the discovery of new fossils scientific understanding has evolved over time presently the idea that terrasaurs were fully aquatic creatures like dolphins is not widely supported in scientific Community instead modern research and findings suggest that terrasaurs were flying reptiles that sort through the skies rather than swimming through the waters scrotum humanum the first scientific description of a dinosaur fossil dates back to 1763 when Richard brookies examined a Megalosaurus femur bone back then without knowledge of dinosaurs brookies believed this bone belonged to a giant human he correctly identified as a femur noting its resemblance to human testicles and humorously labeled it as scrotum humanum the original name given by brookies for Megalosaurus and by extension all dinosaurs raised an interesting debate in scientific naming conventions however the international commission for Zoological nomenclature ruled against retaining the name scran humanum for Megalosaurus some pedologists like Bill sergeant and Bley Hallstead along with historians of science like MJ rudwick amusingly agree that dinosaurs should have by rights retain the less dignified and comical original title given by brookies they see this as a departure from the Norman scientific nor clature Jackalope spider hooks the Jackalope spider was a clever hoax on the internet to create a con but entirely fabricated story in 2015 a photoshopped image starts circulating online depicting a creature that appeared to be a combination of a spider and a jack rabbit dubbed the jackp spider the showed a creature with the body of a spider but with the head and ears of a jack rabbit leading many to believe that such a bizarre creature existed however the image was digitally altered merging different animal features to create an entirely fictional creature well the Jackalope itself is a mythical creature from American folklore across between a jack rabbit and Antelope the idea of a jackob spider was a completely invented concept intended to amuse and deceive people online The hoax quickly spread across social media and various websites capturing the attention of many intrigued by his peculiar appearance however experts and fact triers soon debunk their Mage clarifying that was a digitally manipulated creation and not an actual living creature suminia civilization so suminia is a snapsit from the peran period approximately 260 million years ago the thing that makes it weird is its well preserved fossils reveal characteristics that were unusual for its time nobly adaptions for an arboreal or tree dwelling lifestyle this feature is particularly significant as most synapses of the perent era were adapted to life on ground also a striking aspect of suminia is its hand structure the Foster show hands capable of grasping and clinging Trace reminiscence of those seen in modern primates these adaptions suggest a lifestyle that involves climbing and maneuvering through trees a rarity among creatures of its time the civilization part of this entry comes from specula theories about CIA because it resembled primates that are really similar to the ones we evolved from they became theories about a loss civilization of itelligent humanoid cinia the most I could really find this theory was a Reddit post and people in the comments suggest that referring back to solian hypothesis the law civilization might have left no trace for us to know if they really existed or not aural problem in paleontology the actal problem of paleontology introduces a thought-provoking idea about how we understand fossils in evolution itest that because there are so many different fossil species and because scientists often use certain key fossils to figure out the age of other fossils we might end up seeing patterns of evolution even if evolution didn't actually happen the idea isn't saying Evolution isn't real instead it's questioning how we interpret fossil evidence it argues that in science especially in studying fossils there's always a chance of making connections that might not actually be there simply because of the huge number of fossils and the methods used to study them this approach differs from traditional scientific methods which usually focus on proving something wrong a principle known as papan falsifiability to test if it's true spino forus is accurate spino forus was actually initially designed as a parody created by Adrian Wimer it depicts Spinosaurus a well-known dinosaur in an exaggerated fully aquatic form resembling a seal with a priscus this creation was meant to humorously critique the sometimes over enthusiastic nature of speculative palear where artists and scientists imagine what prehistoric creatures might have looked like what's really interesting though is the joke took a turn when recent studies particularly those by Ibrahim and colleagues began to suggest that spinosaurs might have actually been more aquatic than previously believed these new findings included evidence of a ly compressed new tail and other streamlined features that support the idea of a Spinosaurus being well adapted to water this new scientific perspective of Spinosaurus unexpectedly made the concept of a spino forus sort of believable the exaggerate features of spino forus while still being far from being an accurate depiction of Spinosaurus ironically aligned somewhat with his recent scientific Revelation this overlap has led to an interesting phenomenon where some have mistaken the arworks of spin forest for serious reconstructions of the new aquatic oriented Spinosaurus humanoid chyo theum initially on Earth in TR CLC sandstone in Germany in 1934 and later in England the chyan footprints B an ancy resemblance to human hands complete with imposed thumbs the debate over these mysterious prints was intense with various theories proposed about their origin initially some believe these prints belonged to a mupo bear ape or even an early human ancestor the most weird Theory out there says they were from an amphibious frog like ancestors of humans living in traic swamps this idea captures the public imagination and influenced various works of fiction and conspiracy theories it resonated in Carl cap war with the NES the Gil Man From the Black Lagoon films and even more conspiracy theories about reptilians the mystery began to clear in 1842 when Richard Owen identified the prince as belonging to a giant amphibian labyrinthodontia suggesting an awkward cross-legged G as depicted in Charles ly's reconstruction eventually though by the late 1800 the contestant shifted to tracks being made by the sudo suan called kyum resembling a bipedal Cayman using its thumbs for traction on mud flats fossils Vis plastia during the medieval and early modern periods a popular theory about the formation of fossils was centered on the concept of Vis plastia this notion suggested that fossils were formed by mysterious shaping Force within the Earth the idea was in line with the religious and philosophical views of the time which are hesitant to accept that fossils could be remains of extinct organisms as would apply imperfection in God's creations theologians argued that a perfect God would not create species destined to go extinct so fossils were explained as a result of this plastia rather than being remains of once living organism supporters of V plastia believe that the sequence of fossil formation was from Rock to mineralized Fossil to unmineralized Fossil they contended that was unlikely for pess in the rocks to produce forms similar to living organisms like shar's teeth or sea urchins without Divine or mystical intervention Siberian catosaurus the Siberian catosaurus is a story that came from Soviet newspapers in the early 20th century in these reports living packs of catosaurus which are likely a mistaken reference to catosaurus a genus of carniverous dinosaurs were discovered in and Kamchatka leaving distinct tracks the story was added with details such as the foot of a recently killed catosaurus allegedly large enough to enclose a man's head and supposedly captured in a photograph that however never made it into English language newspapers the New York her's coverage on the story on December 17 1922 reflects the context of its time the newspaper expressed concern over potential use of these supposed live dinosaurs as biological weapons by the Soviet Union this would actually be really scary imagine dinosaurs As Weapons this fear mirrored the broader anxieties of the Cold War period though where advancement in science and technology by one superpower often sparked paranoia and speculation on the other this Narrative of living downers in Siberia while intriguing doesn't really have any scientific credibility period of Far Eastern mini creatures konos okamura a Japanese amateur paleontologist propos a unique and Ecentric theory in paleontology in the 1970s he claimed to have discovered fossils from the cian geological period that include Minature animals ranging from dinosaurs to humans he reported more than 1,000 extinct Min species each less than 0.25 mm in length and contended that there have been no significant changes in the bodies of humankind since the Solan period except for an increase in size from 3.5 mm to 1,700 mm ok's findings and theories however were not accepted by the mainstream scientific Community his presentations at Japan's pentology conferences in the 1970s were met with skepticism and his approach apart controversy it was even rumored that an elderly pist became so angered by aura's lecture in 1978 they suffered from high blood pressure and died prematur early following these incidents the pentology conference changed his rules to ban amateurs and Nakamura turned to overseas colleges and self-publishing for his research in 1996 okur was actually awarded the IG Nobel Prize a satrical prize that honors unusual or trivial achievements in scientific research Birds came first Theory the birds came first theory is a complete reimagining of dinosaur evolution challenging traditional views on the relationship between birds and dinosaurs the theory has been most notably advocated by George olsky who proposed that all dinosaurs descended from birdlike ancestor capable of flight according to his theory the common ancestor of dinosaurs were not a traditional large reptile likee creature but rather a smaller flight capable a bird over time following cul's law which suggested Tendencies for species to grow larger over evolutionary time these birlik ancestors evolved into various forms of large flightless dinosaurs this perspective turns the conventional understanding of dinosaur evolution On's head suing that features like feathers and other birdlike characteristics were not just the present in a few dinosaur species but were fundamental H to all dinosaurs Gregory Paul another proponent of a bird Centric view of dinosaur evolution identified archeops a well-known transitional fossil as a key link between traic birds and L dinosaurs like dinkas this interpretation positions Arch opcs not just that traditional form between dinosaurs and birds but an intermediate stage in the evolution of certain dinosaur species from birdlike ancestors goes ahead meura this entry is about the story of goad a Crow Medicine Man and is encountered with a dragon fly like creature in 1870 during his vision quest in the Wolf Mountain go ahead reported encountered a large serik creature with four wings this being transformed into a birdside dragonfly and died as feet he then preserved the creature's body adorning it with jewels and carried it in a satchel everywhere he went including to the infamous Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876 in 1900 however upon his baptism he felt compelled to discard the mummified creature though carving he made of it survived this carving represents a tangible link to the mysterious creature from his vision quest historians like Adrien Mayer and John L have explore the Intriguing possibility that the creature go had encountered could have been a meura or a similar giant Griffin Fly meano were prehistoric insects from the lake cerous period resembling giant dragonflies with wingspans reaching up to several feet I would personally be terrified ever seeing something like that the idea that a mean a long thing could have appeared in the 9th century is ultimately a source of Fascination and speculation dinosaur bones on the moon the dinosaur bones on the moon theory is an urban legend of Diner bones found on the moon this Legend has taken various forms with some VAR interesting discovery of of alien or giant humanoid Bones by NASA missions and others claiming the bones were clad in denim the most interesting version involves dinosaur bones often referred to as lunar cryosa this particular version of The Legend was given a semblance of credibility by the independent Oran Observatory of Santa monicaa in Patrick Moore's book Kenny speak venusian it's mentioned that the observatory published a paper interpretating photographs taken by the surveyor lunar probe as showing their remains of dinosaurs on the moon while claim is not supported by mainstream science is contributed to the Legends persistent the idea Downer bones could be on the moon is not entirely without scientific Foundation though it remains highly speculative H green and other scientists have discussed the possibility that the asteroid impact that caused the KT Extinction of a might have ejected debris including dinosaur remains into space the moon with this minimal atmosphere and geological activity could theoretically preserve such remains initial bipedalism initial bipedalism is an unconventional theory in the field of evolution biology it pauses that all vertebrates are ascended from a bipedal humanik ancestor a concept that contradicts the wellestablished scientific understanding of vertebrae Evolution according to his theory the original ancestor of all vertebres was a mine homus a creature that evolved directly from Marine worms this organism supposedly adopted a bbal posture by floating upright in the water with a boyant dome at the head end keeping a flow and body danging beneath over time this head bubble is said to evolve into a skull with the development of small feel- likee arms and legs performance of his theory suggest that these early humanoids eventually moved on to land and from these portal humans all the vertebrates are believed to have descended or as the theory suggested devolved the theory implies that a transition to a four-legged posture and later vertebrates led to a loss of intellectual capacity inherent in the bipedal ancestors fossils are from the future the idea that fossils might originate from the future is a concept explored in paranormal and conspiracy literature presenting two intriguing theories the first Theory revolves around the out ofpl artifacts or oarts JY cited as the evidence of ancient Advanced civilizations or extral activities this perspective suggests these artifacts are not remnants of the past but rather left behind by time travelers from the Future IT proposes that these Travelers have visited prehistoric Earth leaving behind objects or fossils that we found today thereby reversing the conventional archaeological narrative what we perceive as ancient might actually be evidence of future human activity the sign Theory deles into reverse chronology a concept popularized by Terence McKenna it challenges their understanding of time and casualties sesy at time flows backward towards the Big Bang which is actually in the future in this framework the fossils discovered today are not relx of past organism but precursors of creatures yet to evolve from the current forms the theory reimagines the fossil record as a window into the future rather than a ledger of the past these theories are further elaborated in science fiction notably in Brian eld's novel and age where such alternative concept of time and Casualty play a central role which I'll link down below if anyone's interested in Reading Von Hartman's evolutionary theory Edward Von Hartman a German philosopher in the tradition of philosophical pessimism offered a unique interpretation of deran evolutionary theory in his 1869 work philosophy of the unconsciousness Von harman's perspective on Evolution was deeply mixed with his pessimistic philosophy focusing not on the growth and optimization but the concept of suffering as a driving force of evolutionary change according to Von Hartman the primary motivation in evolution is not the pursuit of improvement or efficiency like a plant growing upwards to better capture sunlight but rather an attempt to escape the inherent suffering of existence in this model each evolutionary step rather than leading to a better State results in more complex and nuanced forms of suffering for example in Plants the growth towards the sun is seen not as a positive development but as an attempt to escape a fundamental straight of distress Von harmer applied this concept to human evolution as well he proposed that the development of the human brain and the elaboration of the spinal column into the skull were attempt to escape suffering however this Evolution only led to heighten awareness of suffering through complex thought according to Von Hartman this awareness of suffering is a source of profound distress in a radical astion of his theory Von Hartman even argued that humans with their unique ability to recognize the roots of suffering and act in ways not determined by Instinct have the means and even responsibility to end suffering he went so far as to suggest that this responsibility extends to all life forms even those on other planets in Von her's view the ultimate solution to end all suffering would basically be the destruction of the universe which is pretty dark Cardiff giant Pelton Man sightings the concept of sightings of humanoid entities resembling the Pelton man and the card of giant ties into a fascinating a of crypto zoology and paranormal Theory British crypto Wes Nick Redfern and Carl shucker have compiled accounts of such sightings which add an intriguing Dimension to a study of Cryptids and paranormal phenomena the Pelton mountain is a famous pical hoax from the early 20th century which we mentioned in tier one involving fragments of the skull and Jamon purported to be remains of a previously unknown early human it was later revealed to be a fabrication as we know combining human skull pieces with an aran's jaw the Cardiff giant was another well-known hoax a 10ft tall purported petrified man founded in New York in 1869 which was actually a carved gypsum statue red Forman Shucker's collection of stories involving sightings of entities resembling these hoaxes presents an unusual twist in cryptological lore rather than suggesting these entities are real physical beings red poses that these sightings could be topal like manifestations aopa a mystical traditions and paranormal theory is a thought form or a being created through the power of the minor Collective belief this theory suggest that the entities people report seeing may not actually be prehistoric or undescribed creatures but manifestations of what the witnesses expect or believe to see this idea ties into broad discussions about the power of belief expectation and Collective Consciousness in shaping human experiences of The Unexplained God is a genetically engineered Spinosaurus Dragonic chronical theories the Dragonic chronical Paradigm is an unusual and elaborate theory that merged from internet message boards bling elements of conspiracy theory religious interpretation and science fiction the central figure behind the theory known as Dragonic chronic proposed that dragons far from being mythical creatures are real entities that have significantly influenced human history and evolution according to this Theory these dragons are not only real but are also the beings referred to as God or the Creator in VAR religious texts around the world however the theory proposes that these dragons are not true gods in the traditional sense in said they are liking to demures or Gatekeepers serving a higher power this high power is described as interdimensional aliens who genetically modify the ancestors of these dragons specifically Spinosaurus transfering them into God likes Dragon forms this transformation was part of a transcendental master plan orchestrated by these aliens the Dragonic cloner Paradigm is a prime example of how internet culture can give rise to and propagate complex and unconventional theories despite lack of scientific credibility the three gain a degree of notor and discussion on various online platforms it represents a fusion of different genres and ideas from paleontology and theology Theology and speculative fiction fosses a son photograph heilo memory wjt Mitchell a cultural Anthropologist and art theorist presented a thought-provoking idea connecting the process of fossilization to photography drawing on the notion that photographs are fossilized light M proposed that fossils could be viewed as Earth's primitive attempts at image preservation this concept suggests that just as photographs capture and preserve moments in time through light poses preserve remnants of the past through geological processes mit's idea can be seen as metaphorical interpretation of how fossils and photographs serve as mediums for memory and history alate through vastly different processes and time scales while likely meant in just Mitchell's Theory Echoes earlier pre-enlightenment ideas about the formation of fossil images One such belief was the concept of Helo memory of solar particles according to this notion the sun's rays were thought to have the ability to remember the forms of objects they touch imprinting these forms unto rocks as fossils this belief attributed a sort of photographic quality to the sun's Ray suggesting they could capture and preserve images of objects in the natural world polar reversal causes mass extinctions the theory that polar shift caus Extinction of dinosaurs is not really widely accepted in the scientific Community po ship refers to a sudden changed in the relative positions of Earth's North and South poles which could potentially led to cataclysmic events however there's no concrete evidence to support the occurrence of Rapid polar ships in Earth's history instead polar wander has been observed which is a slow follow gradual shift of the poles over millions of years with a concept with more scientific backing is that geomagnetic reversal where the positions of magnetic north and south suddenly flip some researchers have suggested that these reversals could be linked to Extinction events but evidence for this has been elusive a study led by Yang way of the Chinese Academy of Sciences suggested that the geomagnetic reversals could have played a role in the traic Jurassic mass extinction 200 million years ago where up to 84% of all species on Earth perished the team concluded that geomagnetic reversals could have stripped a significant amount of oxygen from the atmosphere contributing to Extinction however the US Geological Survey states that there's no evidence of a correlation between mass extinctions and magnetic pole reversals study reported a large and fast true polar wander tbw event that occurred 450 to 440 million years ago which could have triggered severe glaciation and mass extinction however this event predates the extinction of the dinosaurs which occurred around 65 million years ago feralization the concept of calization as proposed by Dutch anatomist Lou bulk vers the idea that humans exhibit juvenile or infantile characteristics well into their adult hold BK's observation was that humans retain certain physical traits and features that typically associated with the juvenile stage of development in other primates he saw this as an evolutionary advantage and suggested that humans are essentially fetal Apes who are born prematurely compared to other primates bulk theories closely related to the concept of neony which is a retention of juvenile traits into adulthood in a species in the case of humans both believe that are overactive endocrine glands responsible for the creation of hormones played a role in keeping us in a prolonged state of immaturity compared to other primates this concept of feralization has contributed to the understanding of human evolution and development it suggests that our extended period of growth and development including a longer period of childhood and Adolescence may have provideed advantages in terms of learning adaptability and socialization ultimately contributing to our success as a species tyos tropism Auto H slend wolf a prominent German paleontologist proposed a theory of typos tropism which pauses that evolutionary curs due to periodic CYCC motion of evolutionary processes they are predestined to go through a life cycle dictated by factors internal to the organism this theories modification of bolts Theory and is also known as progenesis his theory essentially suggests that all macro evolution is eternally directed through this life cycal process he proposed that new types of organisms occur in sudden leaps a concept known as saltationism which we introduced before according to this Theory all the traits of a new type of animal would emerge in a fetal version and an original immune individual of a pre-existing type is a bird born of a lizard egg these traits would then not further evolve but be simply recognized through subsequent speciation so new's theory is divided into three stages typog Genesis typo status and typis typog Genesis refers to explosion of new species typo status refers to maintenance of these types A typ losis refers to a splitting of types or degeneration however his theory has not really been accepted in scientific Community Kirks argue that theory lacks a generic explanation for the salination phenomena it describes also the theory is considered non sexist and saltational which contrast with the modern synthesis of evolutionary thought that is dominated by natural selection despite this criticism shind Wolf's theory has drawn attention to fundamental problems of evolution and has influenced the field of patology sacral skull the concept of the sacral skull is intriguing historical idea in the field of anatomy and pantology lorence Oaken an 18 century naturalist philosopher proposed the theory that skull is essentially an extension of the spine according to Oaken both the skull and the sacral pelvic bones develop from the growth of a veritable column originating from a central point where the structures were originally fused this idea was later revived and Modified by Richard Owen a prominent 19th century biologist and paleontologist Owen Incorporated this concept into his archetype theory of vertebrae horology where he sought to establish common structural patterns among different vertebrae species in the RM of Ponty the notion of a sacral vein or Pistoria beIN case was applied to certain large dinosaurs such as psych storus by OC Marsh this concept suggests that these dinosaurs had a concentration of neural tissue in their pelv region which was connected to their spinal cord interesting in 1914 German paleontologist Willam Von branka proposed that humans retain the vetical remnant of the sacral ban in the form of solar plexus nerve clusters basically the solar plexus is a complex network of nerves located in the abdomen and bom branka s that may have evolutionary connection to the sacral brain seen in certain dinosaurs dromeosaur as parasites the theory that dromeosaur a group of therapod dinosaurs were parasites is hypothesis proposed by Garnet Fraser in a 2014 paper titled bizarre structures point to drosa surus as parasites and a new theory for the origin of Aven flight according to this Theory drom sords were opportunistic parasites that would climb up the backs of large herbivores Hold On Tight feed and then Dismount phases suest that the bizarre structures seen in many dous species such as ceratopsia on necs lambur Crest hydrosaurus skills caurus plates and others may have served to defend against these parasitic dorsal attacks from riding doosa he also proposed that the frequent Dismounts of large living dinosaurs may explain the origin of feathers gliding and and Aven flights however this theory has not really been accepted GS argue that the theory lacks a generic explanation for the parasitic Behavior describes also the theory is considered speculative as not supported by substantial fossil evidence despite these criticisms though phases theory has drawn attention to the potential for diverse feeding strategies and dryosaurus and other therapod dinosaurs all right on to tier seven Neanderthal deep State geratis dinosaur Suzuki a Polish artist known for his diverse work encompassing writing illustration and sculpture developed a unique and controversial compy Theory know as hermetism this Theory pauses that neand tals which are referred to as yetis have subjugated Homo sapiens since the pic era and continue to exert control over Humanity according to saski the descendants of ancient human Neal inter breeding form a ruling class that governs the world in plain sight zermatism is an extreme example of the deep State Trope explaining the concept of hidden power structures into a deep past of human history however it's crucial to note that saski theory was deeply rooted in racism and anti-semitism he basically employed a RI form of phology a debunk and discriminatory pseudoscience to identify supposed neol blood Ling among human populations these ideas end up finding resonance in some Ault in conspiracy literature for example British author Colin Wilson and his book Mysteries controversially echoed these Notions Wilson claimed that Jewish people are a magical race with their supposed magic driving from a high degree of Neal ancestry such claims perpetuate harmful stereotypes and unfounded scientific theories Soviet Avio Genesis 1972 the Soviet APO Genesis Theory refers to a claim surrounding the so-called chudov air of 1972 this Theory revolves around an alleged experiment in which Soviet scientists supposed to revive 250 million old worms and algae from mineral deposits in the Euro mountains theory proposes that this event was not merely a case of Reviving ancient life but was a successful demonstration of abiogenesis which is a spontaneous generation of complex synthetic life abiogenesis in a scientific context usually refers to the natural process by which life arises from non-living matter such such as simple organic compound however the Revival of an ancient complex organisms like worm and algae from a darant or fossilized state will not typically be classified under [ __ ] Genesis instead it will represent an extor case of biological Resurrection or survival The credibility of chav fear is Highly Questionable there's a lack of followup reports or peer-reviewed scientific Publications to substantiate the claims made in the initial report the absence of corroborating evidence and the science that follow the initial announcement have to many doubt whether the experiment took place at all dinur psychic Warfare the concept of dinosaurs engaging in psychic Warfare as the cause for the extinction is an imaginative and unconventional idea origin from a personal account of hallucinatory experiences shared by an aoy user named dcto in this 2012 report the user describes the DOR induced hallucination in which they visualize the history of the universe through patterns and fallen leaves during a rainstorm according to his account the hallucination revealed that dinosaurs were part of a morphic field a concept in which members of a species are connected to a shared Collective Consciousness in this video Vision the dinosaurs were not only psychically linked but also engaged in psychic battles with each other the user narrated that these psychic conflicts became so intense and competitive that they ultimately led to destruction of the morphic field resulting in the extinction of the dinosaurs morphic fields of dinosaurs rupit sheli's morphic resonance Theory also known as morphic field theory is a hypothesis that proposed a form of natural telepathy or Collective unconsciousness connecting all living things kind of adds on to the last entry but this concept while not widely accepted in the mainstream scientific community a unique perspective on biological and ecological interconnections in his 1980 book The Presence of the past Shadrick explores the idea of morphic fields as a kind of collective memory for species he raised the question of what happens to the morphic fields of extinct species like dinosaurs according to his theory the morphic fields of dinosaurs still exist in some form but lack a physical medium or tuning system to manifest in the case of dinosaurs this would be something like a living dinosaur egg that could resonate with the Das or Mark field shess that through a process of atavism sometimes refer to as de Evolution it might be possible for creature to be born that could tune into the morphic frequency of the dinosaurs this creature by resonating with the dinosaur morphic field could potentially lead to the reappearance of dinosaur-like traits or behaviors cats evolve from therapod dinosaurs wh balo's 1920 article science finds the father of the cat presents an unconventional and scientifically unsupported theory about the evolution of cats in this article Balo claimed that catosaurus a genius of large therapod dinosaurs was a direct ancestor of Modern Cats accompanying this claim was a striking reconstruction of an 18t tabiat towering over a human meant to illustrate the supposed evolutionary connection catosaurus are kous dinosaur from the leg Jurassic period was indeed a therapod but there's no scientific evidence to support the idea that was directly related to Modern felines therapods are more commonly accepted as ancestor of birds not mammals like cats the evolution lineage of cats as understood by contemporary science traces back to early meman ancestors that were small nocturnal creatures living in the shadow of the dinosaurs not dinosaurs themselves B Theory reflects the early 20th century fascination with and sub specular approach to pentology and evolutionary biology during this time the field was still developing and many ideas that were proposed lack Rous standards of evidence and testing that are common place in modern scientific practice stegosaurus could fly the claim that stegosaurus could fly by flapping its back plates as proposed by W Balo in an article for the Ogden Standard Examiner is a striking example of early 20th century scientific speculation that Strays far from Modern penic understanding although it does sound really interesting I'll be honest Balo known for his writing in both the AG standard examiner and Scientific American shows that the large bony plates along the back of Stegosaurus function as Wings enabling the dinosaur to fly this idea however is completely found in scientific evidence and contradicts what known about stegosaurus and its physical capabilities stegosaurus was a large heavily built her Force dinosaur from the lake Jurassic Period characterized by a distinctive rope of spinal plates and Spike tail these plates far from being aerodynamic structures are believed to have served functions such as th regulation display or defense the notion of a massive ground wiing dinosaur like stegosaurus Taking Flight by flapping his back plates defies basic principles of anatomy physics and biology Not only would the size and weight of Stegosaurus make flight impossible but it place also lacked any structure or muscular that would enable flapping or any form of powered flight while B's idea never getting Acceptance in a scientific Community it did find a place in popular culture norly in the Tarzan and pelter novels of Edgar Rice Burrows in these fictional works the imaginary concept of a flying St Source adds to the adventure and fantasy elements of the stories baby pterodactyls on the black market the urban legend or conspiracy theories about baby pterodactyl being sold on a black market is a fictional concept seemingly originating from the realm of internet based speculative fiction particularly thep Foundation Universe the story titled SCP 346 in the SCP secure contain protect series which is a collaborative fictional project features a creature resembling a baby pterodactyl in this SCP narrative various anomalous entities objects and phenomena are cataloged and contained by the fictional SCP Foundation SCP 346 specifically refers to a small teror likee creature that's kept and studied within the foundation's facilities the SCP series is known for its creative and often Eerie fictional entries blending elements of horror science fiction and urban legends the notion of B pterodactyl being traded on Black Market has no basis in reality pterodactyl are more accurately terrasaurs were flying reptiles that live during the time of the dinosaurs and went sted around 66 million years ago there's no SCI ific evidence suggests that they have survived in the modern era or that living specimens could be available for trade fossils of sculptures made by Lost Civilization in the early modern period when the understanding of fossils was still developing various intriguing theories were proposed to explain their Origins once this Theory came from French quman as documented in Robert depal de lon's 1782 work on fossils during this time the distinction between organic fossils and other mineral forms such as crystals was not yet clearly established the keran provided lemonon with a selection of fossils including a modern looking key he theorized that all these fossils even those resembling animals were actually sculptures and carvings created by an ancient civilization this idea suggests that rather being remnants of past life forms fossils were artistic creations of a lost sophisticated Society lamon while intrigued by this notion disagreed with the idea that could explain the appearance of fossilized animals he observed that these seem too naturalistic and detailed to be human M artifacts MJ rudwick a storian of science L suggested that the collection given to lamon and fabricated or composite pieces created by the quman himself the Quan's Theory gained some attention partly because they aligned with the then popular belief that humans existed since the creation of the earth a similar hypothesis was proposed by Johan Binger known for the bringer Stones hoax Binger initially believed that the carved Stones he found were jine fossils but later concluded that they were not the work of each of pagans especially after finding stones with h inscriptions bring the name of God Birds evolve from flying fish in T's 1993 publication some new discoveries about the groups of pical geography of xiong and the study of them presents a controversial and unconventional theory about the evolution of birds in this work tah described a fossil that interpretated as a transitional species between a fish and a bird this fossil according to T High possessed a fin-like wing sesting an evolutionary pathway where the guilding leaps and fish gradually led to development of power flight in Birds he also speculated that fish skills might have evolved into feathers over time the series stands in St contrast to Wi accepted scientific contestant that birds evolve from therapod dinosaurs a group of bipedo mostly carnivorous dinosaurs the transition from theot dinosaurs to birds is well documented and supported by substantial fossil record including iconic transitional fossils like archeops taho's interpretation of the fossil as a link between fish and birds is unique but not been widely accepted in the pical community other paleontologists have critiqued his interpretation assessing that the fossil in question was a regular fish that had been distorted by decomposition decomposition can significant alter the appearance of fossilized remains sometimes leing to the Mis interpretations of the original form and structure of the organism human intelligence evolved from brain and cult the beginning was the End by Oscar M mirth presents a highly unconventional and controversial thesis regarding the evolution of human intelligence mir's Central claim is that human intelligence did not evolve through natural selection or environmental adaption but rather result from ritualistic cannibalistic practices specifically the conception of human brains according to Merit over several thousand years a braining cult among early humans led to an increase in intelligence and vity he pauses that consuming the brains fellow humans resulted in a significant alteration of the brain's development and functioning in those who practice this scandalism merth also claims that this dietary practice had a detrimental effect on innate telepathic abilities suting that early humans were telepathic before engaging in these rituals Mer's ideas however are not supported by critical scientific evidence or accepted theories of human evolution even though it sounds really interesting the scientific consensus holds that human intelligence evolved due to a complex interplay of genetic environmental and social factors this includes changes in brain size and structure the development of language and Tool use and the ability to adapt to diverse and changing environments also they claim that eating human brains increasing intelligence contr established knowledge about pron diseases such as Kuru which are linked to brain degeneration and are known to have been transmitted through cannibalistic practices all right we're now on the last tier tier eight dinosaurs were mammals velikovsky Emanuel velikovsky known for his controversial works like worlds in Collision proposed a highly unconventional theory about dinosaurs in his 1978 article brontosaurus was a mammal for corn magine vov theor died significantly from accepted scientific understanding by suggesting that dinosaurs were not reptiles but mammals specifically resembling eggling mons mon such as platypus and Aida are a unique group of mammals known for laying eggs rather than giving birth to live young are characteristic shared with reptiles and birds butovsky theory posited that dinosaurs like mams were eggling mammals and that some of these dinosauring mammals eventually evolved into the modern mammals we see today however valik kovsky reconstruction of dinosaurs as mammals is not supported by pical evidence the scientific consensus based on extensive fossil records and advanced research techniques classifies dinosaurs as a diverse group of reptiles the classification is supported by numerous anatomical and psychological features found in dinosaur fossils including characteristics of the skeletal structure reproductive methods and metobolic processes also The evolutionary lineage from dinosaurs to Modern Birds is well documented with birds being the only surviving lineage of thod dinosaurs the transition from non-even dinosaurs to birds is evidenced by a plethora of transitional fossils such as AR opcs which we mentioned a lot which demonstrate a gradual accumulation of Aven features over time Spinosaurus was bombed by the Allies deliberately The Conspiracy Theory testing at the Ali bombing of Minas paleontological Museum in 1944 was a deliberate attempt to destroy Spinosaurus fossils is a rare and speculative claim with no substantial evidence to support it the theory pauses that the Allies aware of the significance of Spinosaurus as the largest known therapod dinosaur aim to eliberate the fossils to prevent the Axis powers from boasting the possession of the biggest and most impressive dinosaur specimens in reality though the bombing amich including the pical museum was part of the broader allied strategy during World War II to Target German cities and Industrial centers the loss of the Spinosaurus fossils along with many other valuable scientific specimens was a tragic consequence of the widespread destruction during the war rather than a targe of effort the theory reflects a blend of historical evidence and imaginative speculation characteristic of many conspiracy theories it suggests a patriotic or nationalistic motive behind scientific Endeavors projecting a competition protological Prestige onto the wartime context however this perspective overlooks the more likely reality that the destruction of cultural and scientific Heritage such as Museum collections was an unfortunate byproduct of the bar military objectives and the chaotic nature of War all right now on to the last final entry Gog Magog are dinosaurs the French Theory interpretating Gog Magog Yu and maju in konic texts as dinosaurs is a unique combination of religious astrology and pical speculation in traditional Islamic astrology gagam MOG are often depicted as primal tribes or demonic forces that will play significant role in the events leading to the ultimate apocalypse the Quran describes them as being contained behind the massive barrier which when destroyed will unleash them upon the world leading to cataclysmic events this ringe Theory diverges significantly from mainstream interpretation just now goaga Magog are not tribes or demonic entities but rather dinosaurs that have been contained within the Earth similar to the Greek Titans according to Performance of his theory like ran Resa these demonic dinosaurs are separated by toic force located at the equator and ancient megal and structures such as the Great Wall of China Rec constructed to keep them maintained Muhammad Alami extended this Theory by suggesting that these dinosaurs currently exists in the form of eggs and deep pits waiting for the right conditions to emerge the overlap of the names goam Magog with the British Giant Legend of Gog Magog which has sometimes been associated with fossil bones might have contributed to the development of this Fringe theory in some British folklore Gog Magog refers to a giant or Giants and Foss bones discovered in the past were occasionally attributed to such mythical beings due to the lack of scientific understanding of py at the time all right so that concludes the end of the video it was a really awesome series I really had fun making this and I learned a lot and I hope you liked it too cuz you're commenting like feedback or anything it would help the video out like liking the video and stuff and anyways thank you for watching and hope you have a good day bye
Channel: Zoanfly
Views: 114,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weird paleontology, iceberg, fossils, prehistoric creatures, dinosaurs, dino, mesozoic, jurassic park, evolution, theories, mystery, iceberg chart, iceberg explained, iceberg video, raptor, t rex, spinosaurus
Id: q9QJUQK58X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 59sec (13019 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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