Rich & DawnCheré Wilkerson — Make or Break: The Other Side

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dontrey John chapter 21 we're gonna we're gonna do this together tonight which is always fun and uh why don't you read the first six verses to kind of set the stage and then we're gonna jump in this together great starting at verse one it reads afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples by the sea of galilee it happened this way Simon Peter Thomas Nathanael from Cana and Galilee the sons of Zebedee and two other disciples were together I'm going out to fish Simon Peter told them and they said we'll go with you so they went out and got into the boat but that night they caught nothing early in the morning Jesus stood on the shore but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus he called out to them friend Simon tieu any fish no they answered he said throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some when they did they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish and as we kick off this collection make or break we're gonna take tonight the next few minutes to talk on this thought the other side will you bow your heads and pray with me lord thank you so much for tonight thank you for every person in this room thank you for what you're doing in our community you're doing what we could never do on our own this is your story so god I pray that as we look to your word that you'd open up our hearts or at Holy Spirit that you would speak to us tonight we want you we're here for you we love you and everybody said come on everybody said come on 7:15 turn up make some noise if you love Jesus tonight [Applause] tonight we're kicking off a collection of talks and I love the title of this collection of talks make or break why some relationships lasts and others don't matter if you've ever found yourself in that spot before you can have on one hand some relationships that seem to be working so well but on the other hand you feel like your relationships are toxic or falling apart on a constant basis tonight whoever you are where you come from whether you're married divorced single it's complicated whatever your relationship status is the truth is is that we all have some level of relationship and every relationship has dynamics and we have to put ourselves in a position to learn and to grow we actually believe that Jesus said love God but he also said love your neighbor as yourself that he doesn't just want to get us to heaven but he wants us to thrive here on earth relationally Donna and I we moved into this house about a year and a half ago and when we were signing the lease for this new rental home that we were moving into the landlord he said how do you guys feel about us putting in a swimming pool I was like let me pray about it I was like absolutely yes what else can you give me you know it took a year and a half but but about two months ago maybe eight weeks ago the landlord came back it said okay we're ready actually now to put the pool in and so I came home seven weeks ago and when I got to the house like there is a construction zone in the backyard there's tractors and they've dug out this hole in my backyard and when I walked up to the scene I was a little confused because where they had placed the hole well it's not where I would place the hole and I said I said is this it like is this this is it and the construction worker he looked at he's like yeah this is this is this is the hole for your new swimming pool I was like what what are the dimensions of this hole he goes it's 12 feet by 18 feet five feet deep I said that's not a swimming pool that's a glorified wishing well I go probe this cannot be right twelve feet by 18 feet five feet deep like this is just a this is a trap for somebody to drown I don't understand the size of this and why did you put it all the way on one side of my back oh this can't be right they said sir this is the plans this is what we've got the blueprints this is how it's gonna be I said this is not how it's gonna be you can't put a 12 foot by 18 foot five foot deep hole in my backyard well he wouldn't shift for me so I did what any good husband did I walked in I complained to my wife I said - sorry did you see this hole in our backyard I started to complain to her and just classic perfect Don Cherie she said rich why are you complaining she said why don't you be grateful she goes you don't own this house you don't own that backyard you're not paying for that swimming pool she has of what's wrong with you then she has the audacity shields I like it I said this is not up for debate it's 12 feet by 18 feet five feet deep in the wrong place she said you should be grateful I said I'm sorry I have a spirit of excellence so call the landlord and tell him to change this pool around she said I'm not calling this guy this is that's crazy I'm not gonna tell the guy he built his pool wrong I know you should call him so I'm not gonna calm I said you should call him she disobeyed she never called him this week after they now have laid concrete in this hole after they have now shaped it and put pipes into this hole the landlord came to our house for the first time he sent down shreya text he said mrs. Wilkerson I want to apologize for the inconvenience somehow the pool company has placed your pool in the wrong spot not only that the pools dimensions are half the size that it's supposed to be it is now going to extend the project six more weeks please please forgive us for any extra inconvenience don cherie screenshots this text sends it to me and says ha sounds like you were right I'm sorry after two months of debating you can't screenshot and say huh looks like you were right I mean I didn't tell my side right I guess cuz there's there's the other side our landlord has been so kind to us and so for me I'm thinking I don't have the blueprint maybe he's putting the pool over here because we're gonna have like an amazing deck you know what I mean like maybe he's I don't know maybe he's gonna do something amazing in the backyard so I was just putting my faith and trust in him didn't wanna question it but let me tell you after I sent that screenshot and after Rick's got home from the gym it was a very quiet morning in our home followed by a passionate discussion it it made us think for both of us because in relationships there's always two sides to every story and moments are gonna come in your relational life where the pool gets placed in the wrong spot but if you learn how to at times respond correctly you can get around with pools being placed on the wrong side but you can never allow yourself to get to a spot that your relationship is on the wrong side so often what takes place in our relationship life is that we forget that there's two sides going on we forget that there's two perspectives happening and if you're ever gonna walk in health relationally it's gonna require you to learn the other side our challenge that's before us is that we don't really always value the other side in fact most the time we're really good at only explaining our side yet for many of us if your relationship was a book you're only half way through that book you need to keep on reading to discover what you're missing I know that we're good telling our side of the story because anytime you get into an argument with your spouse with your boyfriend your girlfriend watch how you recount the story to a counselor or to a friend what you do is you always characterize them like they're crazy and you always make yourself look really awesome whenever I'm talking to one of our counselors about dawn shoe and I'm like yo I promise she looked like she was gonna physically hurt me I was scared for a moment but then I responded like Jesus and I say yo girl you who have not sinned cast the first stone because that maybe you know that we we tend to judge people on how we perceive them but we tend to judge ourselves based upon our intentions and tonight it's a really really simple talk that if your relationships are going to last any type of relationship that you're going through you're gonna have to learn how to get to the other side learn the other side if you play golf the whole point of golf is to get this little ball into this little hole but when you finally make it onto the green becomes an important part as you're putting to put that ball in the hole any good golfer knows that as they read the green they're trying to discover where the green is going to break so that they can putt the ball properly but a good golfer doesn't just read the green from one angle a good golfer marks his ball and then walks to the other side of the hole and from the other side of the hole he or she catches a different viewpoint and now when they see it from this side they can see where the ball is going to break I wonder what would happen in our relationships if we would get to the other side maybe we could prevent our relationships breaking in the wrong spot because we got a new vantage point because we got to the other side come on somebody we're gonna help somebody get some freedom tonight and there ships get downstream we talk about the other side the question is always like really simple how do we learn the other side exactly how like what are the handles because there's not one person in this room that doesn't want a whole relationship that doesn't want healthy friendships that doesn't want peace in your home we all want it right the question is how do we get to the other side in this house things always start and end with Jesus and I don't know where you are on I don't know where you're at on your journey with Jesus but I just want to be upfront that for all of us in this room that I have a personal relationship with him he's changed everything about our life the thing that's powerful about the life of Jesus is that He gave His life 2,000 years ago so that our vertical relationship could be healed our relationship with God we now have access to the throne room of God we now get to walk with God have the Spirit of God dwell within us but God came not just so that your vertical relationship could be healed but he came to heal all of your horizontal relationships too isn't that good news that he came to heal all the relationships in your life and that your relationship with Jesus impacts every area of your life and so we're gonna look to the text and we're gonna place it in context John chapter 21 it's a conversation between Jesus and some of the disciples Jesus had lived on the earth 33 years for thirty years he was growing into the man that God had called him to be and at thirty years old he stepped into full-time ministry and everywhere he went crowds would follow the Bible tells us because miracles are taking place the blind were regaining their sight the lame we're learning to walk again the dead were coming back to life truly miracles that the world had never seen naturally a crowd is gonna follow miracles are taking place I want to be there but it wasn't just the crowd that was around Jesus Jesus selected a few men to walk beside him in relationship in friendship camaraderie he allowed these men to be on the journey to him to be his closest friends and those men were known as the disciples and those 12 men for three years got to travel with Jesus to know his heart for people to know his heart for the Father and to hear the mission from his very lips of why he had been sent to the earth but John chapter 21 it's after the resurrection so this story that we just read was after Jesus was crucified put in the tomb for three days he resurrected but so much has transpired in the relationship between Jesus and His disciples in such a short period of time you see when Jesus was taken in the garden and then when he was taken to his death at the cross the Bible tells us that his very closest friends the disciples the ones who loved him the ones who had stood beside him every single one of them scattered I just want you to think about that for a moment every single person that Jesus had counted on every person that he had poured his life into had close intimate conversations had loved had encouraged had built up had called them from a place of isolation into a community a place to block that when he needed them the most every single one of them turned their backs on him and they ran and not only did they run but the Bible tells us that Peter who was one of his closest friends Peter denies him three times acts like he doesn't even know him doesn't want to be associated with him runs in fear for his own life instead of standing up for Jesus this is what is transpired since the cross and this conversation that takes place between the disciples and the boat and Jesus on the shore somehow Peter Peters found himself back on a fishing boat the same place that Jesus found him three years prior when he called him from the fishing boat and said you're gonna now fish for men Peters full of guilt Peters full of shame because he left Jesus when he needed him the most and now Peter is back fishing let me ask you what is Peter doing fishing again what's he doing back on a boat he's supposed to be on mission he has a message in his heart why is he gone back to who he was before he met Jesus you see disappointment leads us to default and default is what we once knew what we're comfortable with oftentimes when we don't know what to do we go back to what we used to do instead of waiting and trusting God to show us what we should do how many of you know there's nothing behind you any longer that you can strain towards what is ahead you can put your trust in Jesus you can put your faith in God and you can know even when you don't stand that there is more if you believe it can I give God a shout in this house [Applause] for me oh I'm not going back I may be disappointed in others I may feel like I've been stabbed in the back I may have disappointed myself but God's not done with me so I'm not going back to the isolation I'm not going back to the gossip I'm not going back to the old friends I'm not going back I'm done with that old life what was Peter doing fishing he had seen the blind regained their sight he had seen people healed in an instant he had seen the Deaf hear again he had watched the dead brought back to life what was he doing back on the boat how often do we go back because of disappointments in life because she offended me because he offended me because I I disappointed myself I might as well go back to who I was you don't have time for that your destiny is too great the future is too bright Peters there fishing but Jesus comes and he finds him right where he is see as we look at this text we can find truth we can find truth in the text for our own individual situations for where we stand in our relationship tonight such an interesting concept that Peter is back on these fishing boats because you'll find this happen so often in relationships that when struggles come or when hiccups happen or when challenges happen to us many people go back to old habits two wrongs never make a right it was Peter who made the mistake it was Peter who hurt Jesus yet now he feels the guilt in the shame and so the way that he copes with the guilt and the shame is to go back to what comforts him temporarily and tonight as we look at this text we're trying to figure out how do we get to the other side how do we learn the other side how do I see it from Don sharie's perspective and the first thing that we'll discover as we watch Jesus and how he initiates and how he goes after people is the first principle that we discover is that we have to learn this principle we have to fight for us fight for us this is so important if your relationships are going to last that you'll actually take on this perspective that I'm now fighting for us especially in a marriage see in a marriage there must be a paradigm shift there is no longer me it is now we and you always know if somebody is fighting for us based upon the words that are coming out of their mouth moment I got married was the moment I had to stop talking about me myself and I now my actual language must shift to we us our I want to encourage you tonight because so often many of us in this room we never had a good picture of a healthy marriage we never had a good picture of a healthy relationship it's a lot of us we live in fantasy world in the fantasy world is that healthy relationships don't experience pain healthy relationships don't hurt one another healthy relationships don't ever offended on't ever talked bad to each other but that is false thinking and if you keep on thinking that way you're never gonna step in and begin to do the work the work is you got to fight for us every relationship will experience hell but it's a real relationship that says I'm not gonna stop here in hell I'm gonna keep on going through it and we're gonna go through it together I wish I could get a witness at the 7:15 turn up who won stood I'm gonna make it through this thing but what's coming out of your mouth weeks we were on talked about the fact that our mouth holds our miracles and there are some words that should never ever be uttered out of your mouth if you are in a marriage you don't use the word hate you don't use the word divorce why would you give the devil a foothold into something that is so special and sacred you got to learn how to fight for us I love it because John chapter 21 let's just get this picture in our mind because I don't want to just move past this too quickly Jesus Christ the author Perfector and finisher of our faith he has just gone through the craziest sequence of events he's been betrayed by those that he thought loved him he has been stripped naked he has been beaten he has been kicked a crown of thorns has been put on his head he has been stretched wide hung high and put on a tree there he died on Calvary's Hill and they put him in a tomb that wasn't even his and now after he has resurrected from the grave now after everybody has scattered and left him the picture we discover of Jesus is that he is on the seashore seeking out his friends for not looking for him he's looking for them he's calling them friend this is the gospel Jesus always goes first Jesus always comes looking for us because Jesus is a relational God and he's not all about me he's all about we and you need to get it in your heart tonight I don't care what you've done I don't care how far you think you have gone there is a God in heaven who comes to you and he calls you friend and he says I have grace to spare for you come on somebody we've got praise in this place if you're thankful that he came and found you when you weren't even looking for him all that can preach all night that he came and found me when I was even looking for him I got a sense of my spirit tonight that somebody showed up to this middle school at 7:15 p.m. they weren't looking for God they weren't thinking about God one of your friends convinced you to walk into this room but you have no idea that God has been looking for you and here he is tonight and he said this time to come home I have a plan for your life come on somebody even in the balcony tonight why don't you go ahead and give God some praise comes and finds us because he fights for us this is the God that he is he fights for us and here he is and he's coming he's seeking them out they're not even looking from their back in their default mode fishing and here's Jesus hey I just conquered death hell and the grave but I still want you I wonder how do you respond when the people closest to you let you down how do you react when you feel offended because understand if there was that for somebody who could be justified with a victim mentality it would be Jesus if there was that for somebody who could ever just say yo everybody's turned their back on me and I think I'm just gonna go and throw my own party it could have been Jesus but I wonder what is your reaction do you sulk in silence are you still thinking like a preschooler I won't forgive them until they come and apologize to me see how long that will last in a marriage you never gonna conquer if you don't actually get past these passive-aggressive defense mechanisms ignoring your spouse that's a passive-aggressive defense mechanism the silent treatment that's a passive-aggressive defense mechanism cursing until you actually just raise the roof in the house and scream it all out and let enrage that's a passive-aggressive defense mechanism that you learned along the way and it's causing you happiness for a moment you feel like you're getting relief but I'm telling you you will not conquer that way listen to me you cannot be victorious if all you ever do is play defense every boxer knows yeah I gotta play defense but I will never win the fight if I don't ever have an offense if I don't ever swing a punch watch Jesus he shows us what offense in a relationship looks like Jesus doesn't just wait for them to come and find him he says no I will initiate I will start the conversation I will come back and get this relationship back on track you need to be a person that you don't wait but rather you go first and say let's solve this thing let's get back together let's make this thing work we don't have to let this thing break us apart Jesus goes and finds them not to fight them but he goes and finds them to fight for them are you just fighting your wife are you fighting for your wife you're just fighting your husband are you fighting for your husband are you just fighting your kids are you fighting for your kids listen what you project people will reflect back to you and if you don't ever fight for your relationship and if you don't ever fight for us don't expect for anybody else to fight for you but if you will make a decision right now to say you know what I got to get to the other side I got to see it from another perspective I got to learn the other side when you declare I will fight for us you're gonna reap that blessing back to your life come on if you believe in somebody give God some praise tonight we got a fight for us I think when it comes to us really trying to walk out fighting for us the challenges is that us doesn't come naturally because every single one of us in this room we're used to knowing our side like I know my side I know my side so well I know why I did it I know the motivation behind it I know the circumstances surrounding it I know my background I know my history I know every blade of grass on my side everything about it I know my side so well some of us in this room we love personality test right anybody with me personality tests are all about discovering more about my sides tell me more about me I want to cultivate my side I want to make it grow I want to make it healthy but there's there's a whole other side what's on the other side because the only way to have wholeness in your relationship the only way to truly have a thriving beautiful friendship with the one that you love is to realize that it's not all about you that is not just my side it's the other side and I gotta learn the other side see there is the other personalities there's the other love languages there's the other dreams there's the other aspirations there's the other backgrounds there's the other motivations there's the other wounds there's the other tough times there's other family dynamics there's the other upbringing issues there's a lot of other for you to discover there's a lot of other for you to discover the question is are you gonna value the other side I actually gonna take the time to get to know the other side would you rather be right or hole would you rather stand your ground or actually have peace in your home would you rather be in a self-serving relationship where everything is about you or could it be that the greatest joy in your life could be from speaking life and love over the one that you walk beside watching them thrive watching them grow watching them step and faith and grow and take leaps that they never thought were possible but you believed and you spoke it so they stepped out could that be the most fulfilling part of your relationship I don't know you'll never know until you get on the other side you'll never know till you get on the other side see when it comes to make or break relationships we have to fight for us but secondly we have to listen to them we have a listening problem in our society always feigning for consumption what do I need what am i searching for God's given you two ears in a mouth for a reason that's not something we tell kids this is the beauty of the creation that God has given us it's a sign to every single one of us that we should value listening that our journey in relationship it starts with listening before we speak some of us in this room tonight we're looking at the person that we love and there's disagreement there's discord at our home there's issues that you can't get past because you don't understand the other side let's be honest when you look at the other side you say I just don't see their side makes no sense to me they don't have a side he doesn't have a side I don't get it I don't understand it can I tell you you'll never see the other side until you hear the other side it's only when you hear the other side that the other side even becomes visible because you have to hear it from the heart of the person who occupies the other side rich and I have been in so many disagreements we've been together 17 years over the years they've been so many arguments that we've been in that rich was speaking and I wasn't listening to one word he was saying as he was speaking because in my mind I was having this internal dialogue and I was getting ready for the moment that he shut his mouth because I had a whole other round of ammunition baby I was ready because I was looking at it us as a fight between us instead of fighting for us and I had to learn to listen I had to learn to open up my ears when he was speaking not so I could be understood but so that I could seek to understand him so what is your approach when it comes to listening are you taking the time to listen to the person you love are you just waiting for them to finish so that you can show them your sign we see this picture in the text after they catch this unbelievable harvest of fish like beyond belief can't even pull the Nets up Jesus shouts to them from the shore he's like hey come on - short for breakfast how many of you love it when somebody makes breakfast for you let's go come on at all I'll have a little bit of bacon I'll have some pancakes I'll have the let's go all in let's just make it a memory Jesus says come to the shore I've got breakfast waiting for you they come to the shore he takes some of the fish he's already got some things grilling and cooking the Bible says that they sit down and they have a meal that Jesus has prepared for them and then Jesus the one who knows all the one who doesn't need to ask a single question doesn't have any questions in his mind decides to listen he looked across at Peter and he says Peter do you love me and he allows Peter to articulate how he feels Peter says I love you Lord he says and feed my sheep he asks him again Peter says I love you says feed my sheep he asks him again and he listens each time allowing Peter to express how he really feels Jesus could have walked in to that conversation ready to accuse him he could have walked into that conversation ready to condemn him ready to let him know that he did have a plan in the greatest mission in history but because of his actions he had put has pushed himself aside but instead Jesus walks in with love with compassion and he decides to listen and Peter is able to talk can I just can I just show you a picture of what real relationship looks like Jesus set a table and chose to listen I think if we apply this to our relationships it would bring more peace and restoration than we could ever imagine he set a table and then he listened he prepared a meal he served the one that he cared about he decided to take the time listen this is not a text message war this is not a shouting match this is a picture of truly caring for someone for fighting for us choosing to listen what would happen if we did the same I believe we would see God heal our relationships really like never before I think sticks out to me about listening is that listening is powerful and the reason why it's powerful is because listening will always create empathy in your relationships and empathy is one of these like lost words that we don't use very much and many reasons for that but one of the reasons why we don't really understand empathy is because we think empathy is sympathy and sympathy by definition is me feeling for you or me feeling bad for you yet empathy goes further than sympathy empathy is an understanding or a capacity to understand why you feel the way you do empathy requires you to put your feet into somebody else's shoes and to try to see the world from their lens it takes immense emotional capacity and while some are more gifted at than others all of us can get better if we'll open up our ears and seek to understand before we seek to be understood we need empathy this is what makes Jesus so powerful I don't know where you come from the night I don't know what you know about God but this church vu we worship a god named Jesus and one of the reasons why we worship Him is because he is an empathetic Savior we don't just see a God up in heaven who's just counting down the days to judge us and condemn us but rather we see a God who put on human flesh and he came to this world and according to the book of Hebrews he walked the same paths that you and I have walked he's experienced the same trials and the same temptations and tonight when we cry out to him and when we speak what's going on in our heart he understands where we're coming from he didn't just save us he chose to empathize with us before he saved us I wonder how many relationships could be saved if we would choose to empathize with the person we love first see the result of empathy is always compassion we know that Jesus is compassionate Luke chapter 7 tells a wonderful story about Jesus and he approaches a funeral procession where he sees a woman who has just lost her one and only son the Bible says that Jesus full of compassion the woman ever speaks out she never worships she never gives her tithe she doesn't pay any money but rather Jesus who's full of empathy now becomes full of compassion and because he has compassion he comes to the woman and heals her son because sympathy is a feeling but compassion is an action and when you choose to listen to the people you love empathy is the result but from empathy you moved to compassion and from compassion you moved to forgiveness and from forgiveness you moved to reconciliation many of us in this room were on the verge of breaking but it doesn't have to break if you would just listen and let empathy rise up in your heart it's talking to a friend of mine a couple weeks ago he's 40 years old pretty successful guy and he was talking about some counseling that he's been doing recently at vous church we believe in the power of counseling we believe that many times we've got some stuff going on up here and some stuff in here that if we don't get out it's gonna end up just getting out one way or another and so he was doing some counseling about his childhood and this was some intense therapy and it required some roleplay and he was going through a scene a scenario with his dad when he was about eight years of age and how his dad had heard him and so the counselor said okay I'm gonna play your dad and I want you to play the eight-year-old version of yourself and they started a dialogue back and forth and as they went through it he said I want you to tell your dad what you wish you could have told him so they had this conversation going and my friend he talks about it he says 10 20 minutes and he was really feeling really good he's like how that was that was awesome I feel a whole lot better the counselor said no we're not done yet he said now now I'm gonna play you when you were 8 years of age and I want you to play your dad my friend he tells the story so beautifully he said something shifted in that counseling session because as he started to play the role of his dad all of a sudden empathy is what resulted and because for the first time in his life he ever saw from his dad's perspective the result was compassion and from compassion he was able after many many years of living bound up with a broken relationship to forgive his father and now today there's been reconciliation in our home come on somebody give God a shout of praise this is about getting to the other side when I listen to them empathy is the result how we have to fight for us we have to listen to them but lastly tonight we're asking this question how do we get to the other side get over yourself now I'm not gonna tell you to turn to your neighbor why don't you just point at yourself and say get over yourself see to get to the other side lastly we have to get over ourselves we see this picture of Jesus taking strides forward to show love but Peter had to do something too Peter had to do something to restore the relationship we see the picture that we opened up with tonight the Jesus appears on the shore and he shouts out he says friends don't you love that he starts with friends friends have you caught anything tonight and they say no and Jesus says throw your net on the right side of the boat and as they throw their net on the right side of the boat there comes the harvest of fish so large that they cannot pull the net up that's out full to the brim the net is with a catch throw your net to the right side of the boat throw your net to the right side of the boat Jesus always leads you to the right side we can play Church and act like everything is okay but we all find ourself on the wrong side from time to time we find ourselves in the place of bitterness we find ourself in the place of offense we find ourselves at a place of isolation of jealousy of greed of bitterness but every time we listen to the voice of Jesus he leads us to the right side and you know it's found on the right side forgiveness is found on the right side restoration is found on the right side healing is found on the right side joy and peace and the love of the Father is found on the right side Peter couldn't see it with his own eyes he had to trust there was so much beneath the water he just had to trust and obey and drop his net and there was a harvest but he had to get over himself so what do you mean well it would have been so easy for Peter after a long night of fishing to look back at the man who was yelling at him from the shore and say you know what man appreciate the wisdom but I've actually been fishing my whole life I know all there is to know about fishing my dad fished before me my grandpa fish before me this is what we do thanks for the tip but I've tried everything there is to try tonight there's nothing to catch and he could have come to shore with nothing in his hands but he decided to get over his own knowledge to get over his own past experience to get all over his own current situation and to get over himself and walk to the other side and just by choosing to trust even when he didn't know what was gonna happen there was a harvest greater than he could have ever imagined Jesus was just waiting I've been holding this for you you can try all you want on your own to manufacture it you can try to glue the pieces of your broken heart back together you can try to heal your home you can try to manufacture peace you can try to stir up joy but your hands will only be left to empty but the moment you trust me the moment you listen to my voice the moment you do what I say you can't create it but it's waiting for you more than you can hold more than you can take there's a harvest and it's not based on what you've achieved it's based on how much I love you it is my joy to provide for you it is my joy to care for you I've had my eye on you all alone we should get over yourself this is make or break this is make or break we have to get over ourselves we have to go to the other side so often in relationships we are our own worst enemy and the only thing that's blocking you from blessing is yourself here's Peter as he listens to the voice of Jesus the thing that they had been working on all night the thing they had been wanting so desperately the thing that they could not find in one moment they discovered it I think relationships look like that so often we go from relationship to relationship thing to thing I can't I find what I'm looking for maybe it's because you keep trusting yourself instead of trusting the one who has everything that you need you got to love Jesus because it's from that catch it's from all those fish he says I'm gonna make you breakfast I want to cook you some food and what does he do he sits there with Peter he's been fighting for us and now he's listening to Peter and he says Peter do you love me do you know many times he asked Peter do you love me he asked Peter do you love me three times I don't know why exactly he did it but I just think the reason why he asked him three times is because Peter had denied him three times and it wasn't that Jesus needed a here Peter recount for his sins three times the amount of his sins it was that Peter needed to unravel himself Peter needed to come to the end of his mistakes the end of his error the end of his will the end of his effort he needed to come back to this place of saying oh my goodness you're telling me that my future is not going to be dictated by my past you're telling me that my history is not in control of my destiny and I can see Jesus gone I've just been trying to get you to this place from the very beginning for you have forgotten who you are Peter you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my house in the gates of Hell shall not prevail but you got to get out of the way what what happened the night if we could just get to the other side some of us were spending our entire relationship complaining about 12 feet by 18 feet five feet deep life is gonna be full of these moments but how you respond to these moments it's one thing for your pool to be placed in the wrong spot it's another thing for you to be on the wrong side of your relationship the only way you're gonna get to the right side is by listening to the voice of Jesus and the only way is by you Sam will fight for us and I'm gonna listen to them and watch this the quicker you get on to the right side is the quicker that you're gonna be on the same side when you're on the same side that's where power occurs it's the same side that you become affected it's the same side that you become efficient the same side when you find happiness it's the same side where you find joy it's the same side that you discover everything that you have been looking for tonight we all learn the other side do you believe that tonight come on foo church can we go ahead and give God some praise in this place
Channel: VOUS Church
Views: 33,269
Rating: 4.9501867 out of 5
Id: Nc4i6vkqJh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 48sec (2808 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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