The VR80 12 gauge shotgun can rock a chicken at 50 yards!

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[Music] hey guys you all may remember a video that we put out maybe of year so ago on the Rock Island armory VR 60 box bed shotgun this was a cool shotgun I liked the fact that I could utilize this for hunting self-defense I especially liked the fact that it was box fed because while most semi-auto and pump shotguns give you the benefit of being able to put as many as five and sometimes more than that if you get the extended to magazine you know the issue especially for myself to fit standpoint is the reloading of it you know you've got a box head magazine here and I can make pretty fast reloads of a five-round magazine a whole lot faster than I can loading it into my magazine tube on a semi-auto or pump shotgun so that's where the first attila tee that came into play the second thing i liked about it is that it was based on your standard frame of an ar-15 style weapon one that many of us are very very familiar with so having familiarity when it comes to knowing where all of your controls are knowing the ergonomics of the weapon whenever you're trying to use it is a big help because what you're dealing with in a high-stress situation is you're dealing with a little bit of a loss of muscle memory to a certain degree because of adrenaline and things flowing like that that's where the benefit of these types of weapons come into play why am I saying all that about an old video because I now hold in my hands in my sweaty little shivering excited hands the VR 80 by Rock Island armory everybody's gonna want this thing when it comes to shot show we got our hands on this thing very very early I cannot tell you how excited I am to run this beast if we're trying to compare the VR CC with the VR 80 there are a lot of similarities but there are equally as many things that are different about this shotgun for one you'll notice that the upper and lower receiver are both constructed this time from 7075 t6 aluminum only old VR 60 there was a lot of polymer on that particular weapon and the VR 80 has changed that again we're dealing with some aluminum just like the 16 the VR 80 also has the very familiar controls of the ar-15 so again we're not trying to rethink and relearn all of our economics and our operations again in a high-stress situation it comes standard with two five round magazines but you can get nine round magazines and I'm pretty sure if I'm not mistaken I'll have to get back with you guys on this it will also run 19 round magazines that are also available it'll run two or three quarter and three inch shells I like the fact that you can use to read shells in this thing it comes with a patented buffer bolt system very very smooth operation this thing I didn't find that it had any kind of friction inside of it it's almost like the bolt is floating inside of the receiver it comes standard with these front and rear flip up sights that is nice because you're gonna pay a lot of money for some aftermarket sights and in a lot of cases you're not going to get those than many weapons out there in this particular type of configuration the fluted barrel shroud is an unbelievably fine touch to this weapon you talk about topping this thing off with a cherry on top by adding that some things that I feel really inclined to point out to you guys is the very fact that you've got this rail on top again I like that set up I'm going to put actually a hull son optic on top here shortly to show you how that is they relieve a little bit of the weight right here because they took the Picatinny rail off partially down the handguard here that's nice because again we're dealing with aluminum on this one as opposed to the polymer that we had on the V R 60 so by reducing that picketing rail that you're really not going to use because no one's putting anything right there they minimize that weight that you're going to be carrying on this thing they do have picatiny rails on the end on three different sides so it comes standard with a sling attachment on here but you can put some other things on there I see this side over here being a good place to add on a weapons light because it's gonna be within your reach of pull right there so you're gonna be able to access that thing with no problem whatsoever one of the things that's kind of curious and also very eye-catching is this whole buttstock pistol grip attachment thing that you have here this is technically a thumb hole yes that is a thumb hole my thumbs are a lot smaller than what the size of this is but it was done like this on purpose I spoke to one of the lead gunsmiths over at Rock Island armory and Shawn told me that there was a lot of back-and-forth that went on with the ATF in Rock Island this gun itself is an import as with the Saiga shotguns of old which sets a whole different story from what was done with Barack Obama not allowing any of the import of Russian weapons but the same concept before all of that went down was that there was a quote sporting purpose necessary for things like shotguns to be imported a certain way this shotgun is being an import is subjected to the same type of scrutiny that those shotguns were because it needs to be a sporting purpose there's a whole litany of things that I'm not going to go into that apply to this weapon but if you'll notice this is not adjustable and again we have our thumb hole thumb hole laser this right here don't let it turn you off let me tell you what just like the way the Sega's were you can modify this however you want once you get it what I mean by that is they had the foresight to set this thing up to accept this thumb hole / non telescoping stock to meet these sporting requirements of the ATF for importation purposes however you can change both of these out they simply disassembled just like any ar-15 does if you take this off and this off actually it's going to come off two separate pieces you can put a standard ar-15 grip on this thing just like any other ar-15 or AR ten that you already own as well as a telescoping stock if you so choose that's perfectly legal for you to do as the new owner Rock Island armory simply can't import this thing in that particular condition it's totally totally legal to do that I'm not telling you something that's gonna get you in trouble so one of the first things I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do another video after this one with that whole process I'm gonna change out this buttstock I'm gonna put a nice telescoping buttstock corner I'm gonna put a really cool organ amelie friendly and grip on that thing now I will say this after shooting this thing quite a bit there's absolutely nothing wrong with this for me it fits my style it it fits where I want to be in terms of my controls and my length of pull everything look if you're in California or some of these non free states maybe this is the thing for you maybe this is well I doubt California will ever see one of these but some of these states that are kind of weird about their gun laws this may be the way it has to be kept all the time however I live in the great state of Louisiana I'm a real big fan of this massive charging handle all like the way this thing sticks out it's got the holes in it that are going to give me a little bit of grip in the event that I'm wearing gloves or our hands are wet I like that I like that a lot because that's something that again we're talking about high-stress situations if you're using a shotgun for defensive purposes that's one thing that you're not gonna have to think about you're not gonna have to look at this little bitty peg that sticks out you've got something that's going to work good also how does that come into play also from a beneficial standpoint three gun matches this thing is ideal for running three gun that's gonna accelerate your charging of this bolt another thing that's going to help you out is this catch over here it's very oversized paddle that's going to give you the opportunity to really get in there and not have to focus on where you're going whenever you're sending that bolt forward you just slap the side of the gun and it's going forward but how does it shoot let's find out one thing that I would like to point out in terms of loading your rounds is that as with anything else there's always kind of a new trick obviously your first round going is very easy your second round going in I like to push my thumb down just to give it a little bit of a start and then that brass goes in but if you'll notice the front of your brass is gonna hang up on the lip of the the next round below it back in there the easiest way to get past that and it just I will put my magazine base on the floor like on the actual table or my surface like that and if you push down gently it'll actually ramp that thing up what's happening is it'll hit right there and then when you push down gently on the back it'll allow that lip to jump over that brass I know that's a minor thing but it will actually ill frustrate you if you sit here and try to struggle with these rounds going in as opposed to just doing that little bit of a nice little tug that you have right there again it'll hit the brass and you just push the bottom down like that and it hops right over that piece of brass and loads a whole lot faster all right full magazine goes in very nicely you see my bolts up next round that's ready to go the cool thing again is the fact that I have this massive paddle on the side of there I like the fact that again if I'm a high stress situation just a matter like that boat goes forward everything is good to go on safe again we do have ambidextrous controls if you're a lefty you're gonna like that I also like the fact that if you're one of those kind of guys who just likes to work you're your safety selector switch from the trigger finger that's fine too it's plenty big on the left hand side also so your thumb is gonna reach it perfectly again those are things that are important to me when I'm dealing with a high-stress situation tired of hearing me talk [Applause] alright guys took the jacket off starting to get hot out here starting to get fun out here what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to do this exercise that you see me do a lot of times with shotguns I'm somewhat simulating the self-defense nature of a shotgun along with these sporting nature's a hunting nature of a shot I've got to deal here each time I hit one of those torso shaped steel it's gonna launch a clay pigeon let's keep up into the air so it's gonna it's gonna force me to change my static shooting because obviously even a shooter that shoots as poorly as me is going to hit all three of these pieces of steel however can I change my direction and my complexion of how I'm shooting and what I'm shooting at that quickly to go from a torso to a flying object that's much smaller than that steel and can I do it with a shotgun with a ar-15 style sights that in itself lends a little bit of a challenge again from a self-defense standpoint that's to be expected but this is going to be a little bit different whoo sheets excuse me who shoots skeet with flip up sights style for me or 15 I am alright I got two magazine fully loaded five is five my back pocket here that's gonna give me 10 rounds to shoot at six different targets but hope I don't need 15 rounds because I don't have it so [Applause] what do I do there's no way I'm gonna make this shot I'm four for four right now I've got one round left I know I can't change fast enough let me try that let me see if I can let me see if I can drop my bag oh I know I couldn't retrieve over my back pocket fast enough but let me see if I fee no there's no way there's no way cuz I got to send the boat forward to let's give it a shot guys it didn't drop all right well since I screwed the pooch on that one see my five bottles over here let me give those a shot you fought to knock all them down I usually miss more than one shows you how much fun this thing is you see how fast it is let me show you real quick a lot of people worry about outrunning the gun we can pull triggers pretty fast you and I can in a lot of cases I have found that when dealing with especially when you deal with say like the Bonelli's for the Remington's that have like the double piston system that's an amazing system for taming recoil and we have someone similar to that here because as you see it's not much recoil but in a lot of times you can outrun the action you can outrun the bolt so let me see that real quick I'm just curious because again if we're talking about a self defense or even a hunting situation I want to know if I can outrun my bolt I want to know if I can outrun the action of the gun because it's let's face it I don't want to shoot that fast if I know that I'm gonna be ahead of myself of sending that next round going forward so let me load these these next five rounds up and let's try that okay once you buddy I'll see this up close I'm going to do my best to outrun this thing I'm gonna pull this fast I can you got hot I can tell I'm right near where every all the all the good stuff has taken place I didn't have a consistent trigger pull so I'm gonna load another one up real quick but the first I guess two or three rounds I couldn't outrun the action all right second round with this let's see again I'm just trying to outrun the action as best I can I think what threw me is the recoil kind of knocked my head gear my ear pro back a little bit so it kind of paws me a little bit but I'm not trying to go as fast I can't all five rounds I can't outrun it maybe the Jerry Miculek of the world can but I can't make this thing hiccup by pulling trigger as fast as I can most folks who know me know that I'm a pretty nice guy I never used the word hate I hate the Texas Star folks like Max Michelle and Jay terracotta they make these things look about as challenging as playing the late playing with LEGOs is to me I know you guys like to see me miss when I shoot this might be your chance well it helps when three of them fall off when you shoot this thing would be perfect for three gun shooting I've got a bottle left over there thank you and nothing else to shoot at I got the cow head now I'm empty this thing would be ideal for three guns shooting changing position is very very simple with this thing it again it's got a good feel to it just a familiar nature of the ergonomics it's probably the biggest benefit that I see if the V already at this point now as we all know shotguns can in our use on a regular basis to take big game to take game in general what I've got here is I have some 12-gauge Winchester PDX one mean-looking one out slugs that I'm going to run in this Rock Island armory VR 80 I got a chicken sitting out there a little white chicken about 50 55 56 yards away I am no crack shot but I think this gun is capable of hitting 12-gauge slug at 50 yards [Applause] missed it with the first shot it's hitting something it might be hitting that tree right behind it [Applause] that hit steel that hit the chicken I [Applause] [Music] got one left [Applause] this obviously is a chicken hunting machine if you so choose that's pretty cool that is very cool one ounce Winchester 12-gauge shotgun slug I'll step it off but it's about 56 yards the last time I checked I rocked that chickens world one thing from a purely tactical standpoint there's a lot of guys with a charging handle on the right hand side like that again you're speaking of like an A this is the one thing that's more shotgun related that's more like an ak-47 versus an ar-15 where your charging handle is right here on the top and you slide it back so you usually have access with it with your left hand simply charge this thing like you would an ak-47 if you like doing it from top that's fine but it's not quite as tactical but if you dropped your magazine and simply looks at your hand around you have easy access to the bolt so you're Matt you may be shooting like this dump your mag reach-around charge the thing and you're right back right back in action again what I probably don't recommend is dropping your magazine taking your hand off the trigger and the grip charging it and going back there's too many range of motion things that can go wrong right there keeping this strong hand on the pistol grip and right near the trigger don't you have to do here get you back in shape and position and then to fight a whole lot faster well guys I pulled a ran out of time run that at daylight right now I'm back at the house and I got to tell you this is a pretty cool gun this VR 85 Rock Island armory is something that I've probably been looking forward to quite some time and when it finally came out I was excited to be one of the first guys to actually get my hands on one you've got to try this thing guys this thing is so much fun to shoot it's so easy to handle you're not gonna have an issue with the thumb hole and the buttstock combination although again like I said earlier you can't change it out this is probably one of the nicest 4-inch you're gonna find any weapon let alone shine the Shroud is a to touch the flip-up sights the Fox spent capability along with five nine and nineteen round magazines the versatility of this weapon is the reason why you're gonna want to get one again as I stated you're gonna like it for home defense if you shoot competition for a gun if you hunt there's so many things you can do with this I'm excited to see Rock Island armory step outside the box I know they have their na PP their map guns that are kind of delving into the whole polymer world that as we know it that's gonna be interesting I'm gonna get my hands on one very soon and I'll be able to show you guys but we know them from The Rock Island of 1911 seeing them step out of their comfort zone and jump into shotguns it's refreshing to me because it shows me that they're not scared to pass their quality on to something else that's outside it again of their comfort zone the VRA T by Rock Island armory you got to try one if you get a chance to get your hands on one do it if you're in the southeast texas southwestern Louisiana areas look me up shoot me an email poll illegal North America calm you're welcome to shoot mine kits after you shoot mine you're gonna buy one [Music]
Channel: Legally Armed America
Views: 1,059,237
Rating: 4.8827534 out of 5
Keywords: legally armed america, paul glasco, rock, island, amory, shotgun, 12, gauge, vr80, vr60, rock island armory, armscor, chicken, Vr 80, Ria, 12 gauge
Id: 1LSbmIuIL9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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