The Voice of God - Rev. Billy Cole

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this will just give you an idea of how the Lord will speak to you to me it is very gently an impression upon my mind to my wife it's very dramatic and the Lord still speaks to her in that fashion you may not be either one of those extremes you may be somewhere in the middle but you can find how the Lord speaks to you we always call it the voice of God but that can mean so many different things when we say the voice of God what we mean when we say the voice of God is how the Lord speaks to you and you're going to learn that through trial-and-error a man the important thing is that once you learn that you have to exercise faith you have to exercise faith in what you have learned this is a problem with some people some people when God speaks to them and they know it's a little voice of the Lord they just don't have the courage to do God's will I remember one time when I was visiting a friend of mine in a in a kind of a vacation type house that he had I had a day off I was doing Holy Ghost rallies at the time a different place different section of a district every night that I had one night off for rest and visiting a friend I decided to call another friend and we were talking and I said to him why don't you come on over we're gonna have dinner here in a little while and we're just going to visit tonight why don't you come on over and of course it was a pretty good drive to a three-hour drive for him to come over and he said I cannot come over because I'm right in the middle of doing some things here that I just can't get away from and I said well alright and then later he said to me is it the will of God for me to come over there I said well I don't know if it's a will of God or not I wouldn't Chuck your company it's a it's my will I don't know if it's God's will or not and I said yes yes it is the will of god I felt that gentle impression of my mind I said yes it is the will of God he said I'll be there in three hours and he came and while he was there the Spirit of the Lord moved upon me and the spirit of prophecy we was in a time of discussion in prayer sitting in the living room and suddenly the spirit of prophecy moved upon me and I prophesied to him he looked like I had shot him with a shotgun and then he said to me there's just one question I said don't ask the question I'll give you the answer and I spoke to him again and he fell over on the floor like a dead man and laid on his face for thirty minutes if I should mention the name of this man it would astound you because he's a distinguished man among us and when he came to himself he said just two weeks ago I was traveling down the highway an interstate highway in my car and the Spirit of the Lord moved upon me so strongly that I've had to pull the car off of the road and park along the side of the road and the Lord spoke to me in tongues and gave me an interpretation and I said to the Lord Lord if this is really you speaking to me you caused Billy Cole to speak to me and say the same things and when you spoke to me you spoke at tentacley the same words to me that the Lord had spoken except for one thing and that's what you added you added that one thing and the Lord spoke to me well the next day he was driving me to an airport so I could go on to my next meeting then for the next night and on the way to the airport he said to me Billy was that really God well I'm a little more diplomatic now and a little smoother than I used to be I used to be very straightforward and I looked at him and I said you make me sick I said I've been around the world I have no idea how many times and God has never spoke to me like that never you see the problem is many times we're not willing to exercise the faith that it takes you have to exit once you learn how God speaks to you then then do it when I get a general impression to go around the world I just go don't no questions asked just do it because I've learned that that is God and we have to learn how to exercise faith in walking with the Lord a man and another thing that I need to caution you about in the Lord speaking to you is that sometimes God will reveal to you what people are doing but that does not necessarily mean that the will of God is for you to be involved now let me give you an example of what I mean my wife was ready to come home from Thailand there was an extreme urgency for her to come home and and I could not leave Thailand at that time I was going to remain in Thailand for a while and the night the last night she was in Thailand she had a dream that was from the Lord and she dreamed that a certain church a church that I would have chosen I would have loved have been the pastor of that church it was a city that if I could choose it would have been the city that I would have chosen to live in all the cities of the world and she said the the church I had a dream last night that that church had an election and elected you as pastor well she made her trip home and as soon as she seen my father and mother my father surely you need to call superintendent so-and-so and he has a message for you and when he calls when she called that superintendent he said last night such-and-such a church had an election and your husband was elected pastor of that church unanimously it would have been very easy for me to said oh this is the will of God it was not the will of God it was the will of God for me to stay in Thailand it was the will of God for me to come home for a short time and go back to Thailand I don't mean to boast but if I had not gone back to Thailand the second term there would not be in a United Pentecostal Church of Thailand it would have dissolved it would have just a absolutely evaporated from the nation there may have been a few people that embrace this truth but they would have been without direction and there would be no United Pentecostal Church in Thailand if I had not have gone back or at least if somebody had not have gone it was the will of God for me to go well what was happening brother Kol that was not the will of God for me God was simply revealing to me through my wife what those people were doing that's not the way God speaks to me God speaks to me in a general impression that's the way the Lord speaks to me and I must not forget that I must not forget that or I will miss God so sometimes the Lord simply reveals to you what people are doing does it necessarily mean that that you ought to be doing that very thing or involved in that thing a man faith faith to take action you have got to remember that we are the children of God we are his children not his servants we are his children praise the Lord and the child reacts to a king different than a servant reacts to a king in Thailand we had we had a king and the servants when they came before the king they would never ever be before the king unless they were on their knees even if they were carrying a tray of food or something to drink they would get down on their knees and walk on their knees up to the king and they would never ever speak to the king unless he spoke to them and what he said to them demanded an answer otherwise they would never ever speak to the king and when they walked away from the Kings they would have to walk away on their knees and back up they would never ever turn their back to the king never and furthermore when they was on their knees their toes must not touch the floor they had to lift their feet up off of the floor when they were walking on their knees it's quite a trick you ought to try ought to try it sometime but the king's son had an entirely different relationship with the king they would embrace they would talk the King would tell his son the secrets and he would impart unto him the leadership of that nation a man there was a total different relationship and we have to develop a relationship with the Lord that we are the children of God my daughter Brenda I adore her she is so precious to me and she loves me enough to die for me if it were necessary we have a wonderful father/daughter relationship only had one child and I thank God for her she's never give me a minute's trouble when she was a young girl she loved to serve she loved to carry something to drink or something to eat to where you were sitting he just enjoyed doing that my daughter served me and my daughter was also obedient to me she obeyed me in fact we just had kind of an understanding that when I told her to do something and I was absolutely sure that she understood what I wanted her to do and she didn't do it well there was be a little discomfort involved in that and she learned that very young in life a man and so my daughter Brenda obeyed me and she served me but she was not my servant she was my child and so you have to develop with the Lord a child father relationship not a servant father relationship it's true that we serve the Lord let me read you something to to prove that to you a man we if you'll turn with me in John chapter 15 and verse 15 let me read to you a very interesting scripture Jesus said this is the words of the Lord henceforth I call you not servants for the servant knoweth not what his Lord do it but I have called you friends jesus said I'm not going to call you servants anymore turn with me to Galatians and the fourth chapter and verse 7 and let me read it for you wherefore thou art no more a servant but a son and if a son then an heir of God through Christ and listen to this in first John in first John the the 3rd chapter I believe it is and verse 1 and 2 beloved what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God therefore the world knoweth us not because he knew it him not beloved now are we the sons of God and it does not yet appear what it shall be but we know that when we shall see him we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is beloved now are you the sons of God we have to have that child father relationship not a servant father relationship so get up off of your knees so to speak lift up your head exercise some faith you have got to have some faith in what the Lord wants you to do have faith in the voice of God and when the Lord speaks to you do it praise God get aid clear-cut direction from God your greatness lies in your visions but they are great only to the extent to which it inspires you to trust God to work and strive towards doing the will of God if your unmovable if you cannot be moved God can speak to people you know sometimes God will speak to people and even when we pray you know I've had a little trouble with this 6 6 a.m. in the morning prayer means some of you and and I can't relate to some of the things that we do now I can relate to worship on the Lord for an hour but I can't relate to praying an hour or two just praying and asking God the same thing all the time you know we get up and and we go through this moaning and groaning and and praying and and asking the Lord the same thing every single day and the Lord says okay go ahead and the next morning we get up and ask him the same thing ask him the same question and the Lord says okay and the next morning we get up and asking the same thing and finally God says okay we need to take some action on what the Lord says there's a time to ask there's a time to pray and there's a time to stop praying get up off of your face and do something it takes faith to do that hey hey man we must be able to respond it's got to got to move us it's got to move us I never shall forget one time when a young man was really seeking the Lord he was seeking God for power with God he wanted God to use him in order to be used of the Lord to help people receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and I was doing Holy Ghost rallies in his particular district and was coming to his church and God gave him a great experience and when I arrived the former district respirator had driven me to his house to this new pastor's house for them he was going to be the hosts of the meeting and as soon as I got out of the car this young preacher come running up to me old brother Cole I know that God has sent you to me today he has a message for me through you I said well if he has a message for me to give it to you he hasn't given it to me yet I don't believe in saying thus saith the Lord if the Lord hasn't said anything well he had to go to the grocery store to pick up a few groceries for his wife and and he wanted me to ride along with him he said I want to tell you what God has has done and and the experience I've had I said I am very very very interested please please tell me all about this and he said to me that I've been praying I've been fasting three times a day a three times a week three days a week I have been fasting every week for six months and I've been praying for God to use me and empower me to help people receive the baptism of the holy ghost I said oh that's great he said well let me tell you what happened the other morning I was getting up from my time of prayer and fasting and I walked into this room that was very dark and suddenly the room was very bright and I could see the Lord I seen a vision of the Lord and it was the room was so bright and he said I would just overcome by this and I just fell down on the floor before this vision and worshiped the Lord he said what do you think of that I said I believe it I've never had such an experience but but I believe it happened to you but I still don't have a message from the Lord for you well he got the groceries we went home she cooked the meal and we were sitting down to the meal and they had a little girl sitting in a highchair or their only child and I noticed that there was a plate sitting there a setting at the table for his wife and for me and he sat down at the table but there was no plate no silverware or anything for him I said aren't you going to eat he said eight he said no I'm fasting I said did you say God sent me here to give you a message he said yes I did I said well I just got the message right now the message is eat God has already spoke to you what are you fasting for God's already spoke to you God's already answered accept the answer take action on the answer my god he like a hog he was so hungry I thought he was gonna eat the plate too but that was a message for him there is a time to fast and pray I believe in that and I'll be talking about that in a later a video for you of a in spiritual warfare and intercession there is a time for that but when God speaks to you it is time to rise up and take action on what the Lord has said so the faith is involved in in discovering will of God you know you're safe as long as you're praying if you're always on the altar and you're always weeping and crying and you're laying on the altar and you're weeping and crying and saying all God make me to know your will nobody's gonna criticize you unless it's me you know you're safe you're safe no matter how many times God talks to you as long as you're doing that you're safe nobody's gonna criticize you they're gonna say you're wonderful oh they are so wonderful they pray all the time hey there's some of you praying that needs to get up and do what God's told you to do amen praise the Lord well my I hope you survive that and let's go on there are some things that hinders your faith there's times when you know things that hinder your faith I know there's some people is just so full of unbelief that many times there's capable conscientious people that just ever we're being held back and unable to do their best because of their lack of confidence in God it's not confidence in yourself it is confidence in God you don't have confidence in your own flesh Bible says don't put confidence in the flesh but you have confidence in your contact with God you have confidence of the fact that God is in you with you directing you and helping you and going to be with you that's where your confidence is at a man now there are some things that I want to talk to you and will talk to you about three things that will hinder your confidence a man number one is the lack of preparation or the lack of education sometimes when there is great revival you will be thrust into a position that you're not prepared for you Bible school students and you that are sitting in front of these videos and studying videos and studying the Bible you are not wasting your time it is very important that you prepare yourself for the work of God but there will be times that you will be thrust into a position before you're ready for that position now there's something that you need to do because that will stagger your confidence yeah hi and and some people don't know what to do in a situation like that you need to humble yourself and go to someone that knows how to do the job and say hey I don't know how to do this will you help me nobody is going to think little of you when you do something like that unless you've lied about your qualifications and that might be a problem but if you go to people and say hey I need some help I need to know what to do here can you give me some instructions you know some people just bulldoze our way through and even rat churches churches because they won't ask someone for a little bit of advice and counsel there's been many times the devil has been blamed for destroying churches when men who didn't know what they're doing have destroyed churches many many times and there's times when we're thrust into a position maybe a sunday-school teacher maybe it's a youth president maybe it's this or that of the other it doesn't have to be a pastor or a superintendent but it can be a lesser position that we're thrust into you simply need to ask for guidance and how to do it I remember when I was working in the powerhouse of the were't and steel when I was young they had a machine that run on a rail track like a like a like a train track and it was a powerful machine and it poured ground-up coal into a pin that they fired the boilers and furnaces with to make power and a fella didn't show up one day for his job and the boss came to me and said Cole can you run that machine I said sure I can run that machine the truth was I had never seen that machine before in my life I had never seen it and I went up there without asking anybody how to do it and started running the machine I didn't know how to start it I didn't know how to get it to rollin the problem was I didn't know how to stop it it was a powerful machine it was a heavy machine made of steel and it was big and I grabbed up four by fours would the four by fours and started throwing under the wheels of that machine and it would chew those four befores up like they were toothpicks it would just break them and splinter them and keep right on going and that machine run off of the tracks and run right straight through the wall of the factory right outside I had the mill rights in a screaming rage but nevertheless it would have been a whole lot better to say I'm willing to run the machine but I don't know how to run the machine if you show me how to do it I'll be glad to do it and many times we are thrust into positions that we're not prepared for you are not spinning your wheels when you are preparing to do the work of the Lord that is important it is important and you will be able to call upon those things a man a second thing that will hinder your faith that will stagger your faith that will cause you to falter in your faith in doing the will of God is the lack of familiarity or the lack of experience you there's only one way to get experience and that is just to jump into it and do something if you're going to get experienced as a swimmer you're gonna have to get in the water you're gonna have to learn how to swim amen by getting in the water you can't learn how to swim by sitting on a chair you've got to get in the water and so it is and there just only one and you you're going to break a few dishes if you're learning to wash dishes you know you're going to break a few dishes and and someone's gonna have to put up with that and you have to give place for that and hopefully you're with someone that doesn't love the dishes more than they love you when you're learning how to wash them you know and and we're willing to teach you and it comes through experience a man and the third thing that I want to talk to you about and it's extremely important don't forget this one it'll knock you down to your knees if you're not careful it will stagger you and that is the lack of recognition the lack of recognition sometimes leaders do not know how to compliment sometimes pastors withhold compliments from the Saints because they fear that they may get the big head and get out and left field somewhere or something sometimes superintendents won't compliment pastors or district board members and and on and on and on and maybe Sunday School teachers won't a compliment their helpers and this type of thing they just don't know how to compliment and and there's times when you're doing a good job then no one will tell you you have to be very cautious of this will knock you down it will discourage you I'm going to say what I really believe I know that there are times it's let me say this first it's very easy for me to compliment I just go around compliment in the Saints I passed her all the time I pat him on the back and tell them I don't know how I would pastor this church without your help they don't get the big head they're encouraged and it's easy for me to compliment it's also easy for me to correct I don't hesitate to call someone in and talk to them about what they're doing wrong as well but if you're going to tell people what's wrong you have to tell them what they're doing right or they will become so discouraged someone says they'll get the big head exalted and they they will fall because of being exalted let me tell you something for every single person that falls from being exalted there are ten that fall because they're discouraged and we we withhold we withhold compliments we withhold words of encouragement even people that are famous even people that are district superintendents even people that are popular count meetings and so I don't care who they are everybody not everybody equal but everybody needs a compliment once in a while someone they need someone to say hey you're doing a good job and we get discouraged if we never hear it if we never hear it no matter what the job may be but let me give you a word let me give you something that will protect you if nobody recognizes the good job that you're doing this this will help you if you will keep your attention right on Jesus Christ and everything you do do it as unto the Lord don't do it for the sake of men though you love me and respect men do it as unto the Lord and the Lord will always reward you openly it may take time he may bear with you a little while but even though he bears with you a little while there will be a day that he will reward you openly and bless you for your faithfulness praise God so do it as unto the Lord hallelujah now these things are so important it's important what I'm talking to you about today on this video because it is possible for you to carry bricks to a tower that will never ever be built and you will have wasted your entire life that's exactly what they did in fabulet they carried bricks to a tower that was not finished and you don't want to do that I don't want to do it find the will of God a very untalented uninteresting person who is very ordinary in the will of God can accomplish more when he's in the will of God then a very talented skilled educated person can accomplish out of the will of God God will work with us you must find his will remember that God's will is all around us the scripture says lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they are white already to harvest well brother Kol I've quoted that and heard that what in the world does it means it means look and see what needs to be done and do it and if there's too many things to do it means start choosing what is the priorities start setting priorities start governing your time you can't do everything so you choose what is priorities what is the most important thing a man hallelujah we have to learn that the will of God we have to submit our will to God God cannot make us do his will we have to submit to the will of God and the Bible says whosoever will may come and and when you're praying for someone they have to submit their will to God God cannot make anyone serve him because God has put within us a god-like will we are not gods but we have a god-like will that has to be submitted well why do we pray for some wayward child why would we pray for some wayward son if that being true well because every time we pray for that person God will knock on the heart of that person and draw upon them but he can't make them serve Him unless he'll submit their will to the Lord and let me bring this thought to you it was first given to me by brother JT Pugh years ago as having just a little conversation with him over a sandwich and a cup of of glass of coca-cola or something and he made a remark to me that has remained in my thoughts ever since I didn't hear him preach on it but he just made a passing remark that just took root in my heart many years ago and I've never forgot it and these are the words that he said men can in fear interfere with God's will God does not overrule the will of men very often and that may be true in your life what you're going to do in such a situation when men overrule the will of God and God respects their wills don't you think for one second the scripture says when two or three agree on any one thing it shall be done I want you to know that God respects the will of men and you cannot ignore the will of men and you cannot bulldoze down the will of men many times and maybe they're godly men or women will make a decision that will affect your life and may even put you out of the will of God what you're going to do the important thing is that you do not become bitter once you become bitter no matter how right you are and how long they are you're finished when bitterness enters your heart you're done it's all over for you when you're bitter now I didn't say hurt it's very possible for you to be hurt and wounded in your spirit without being bitterness but when hurt turns to bitterness you're finished it's all over for you I don't care what the future would have been you're done when you're filled with bitterness amen let me give you an example in the Bible where the will of men overruled the will of God many times but because this individual trusted in God they finally came into the will of God in spite of men and that is the beautiful character of Joseph it was the will of God for Joseph to be the prime minister of the whole known world of that day but it was the will of men to hate him his brethren hated him when he came to see them while they was working some fifty miles away with the sheep herd when they seen him coming those brethren didn't say oh here comes our wonderful young brother that's not what they said at all it isn't they didn't say here comes our brother that is so blessed of the Lord and he has great visions and dreams for the future that's not what they said they said here comes the dreamer and they planned his death they were going to kill him it was the will of not only men but of his brother to kill him and to destroy him and one of those men talked him out of it so they decided just to isolate him to put him in a pit and not have nothing to do with him until he died on his own does that sound familiar of course it does to some of us isolation sometimes men will not kill us they won't take the responsibility of killing us or destroying our reputation they're just so totally idle and isolate us that we suffocate and die on our own that was the will of men but it was the will of God for him to be Prime Minister Joseph did not become bitter it was the will of men to sell him to a bunch of Egyptians as they were going along the way it was the will of men to make him a servant for him to scrub floors and to clean toilets if you please and carry garbage out of the house that was the will of men it was the will of God for him to be prime minister of the whole known world what did Joseph do he was the best servant that Paulo fir ever had he was such a good he was such a good servant that he made him manager of all of his business he was promoted he did such a good job he didn't become bitter it was a will of Potiphar's wife to seduce him but Joseph had something in his heart to protect him and because of her wounded spirit she lied against Joseph Potiphar didn't believe him didn't believe her if Potiphar that captain of the of the army would have believed what he was saying what she was saying that she had made a pass at his wife he would have killed him but he didn't believe him but he had to do something with that raging woman of his so he put him in prison did Joseph become bitter no was he hurt you be sure he was hurt you be sure that he wasn't over there having a party but he was not bitter and he was the best prisoner they ever had over there he was such a good prisoner he always did his best in any given circumstance that he was in that's all you can do do your best in the circumstances that you're in if you're not in the will of God do the best in the situation you're in if it's cleaning the church be the best janitor and custodian they've ever had him in the history of that church and he was the best prisoner and they made him the assistant warden if you please the warden liked him so well he put him in charge of the others and then God continued to work with Joseph God never first up Joseph men were frustrating the will of God but God did not forsake Joseph and so it was that he was able to prophesy to a couple of prisoners it was in their and their prophecies and his prophecies became true one of them was killed and hang and the other was restored to the household of the king and Ferriero but he forgot Joseph Joseph lingered on in prison for three more years after that hurt he was hurt he was wounded but he was not bitter and because he never allowed himself to become God ventually brought him to be the prime minister of the whole known world and whatever the will of God is in your life and men frustrate that will don't become bitter because when you become bitter towards your leader when you become bitter towards your pastor when you become bitter towards your presbyter or the district they may be 100 percent wrong and it's not impossible that they're wrong not impossible I don't care what they say it's not impossible that they're wrong men are wrong sometimes dead wrong sometimes I've been so wrong I've been right and I have been wrong and I've had to say I'm sorry I was wrong and there's some men won't do that there's some men that are so arrogant that they will never admit that they're wrong and sometimes good men godly men righteous men are wrong but don't you dare become bitter towards them if you become bitter towards your leader you're not gonna make it God will not be able to do in your life what he wants to do when men slam a door shut if you will not become bitter if you keep a sweet spirit God will open another door for you and you say how they shut that door too that's all right don't become bitter he'll open another door and if they slam that door shut God will open another door and he'll keep opening doors until you get in the will of God as long as you do not become bitter when you become bitter I didn't say hurt it's human to be hurt you cannot be human and not be hurt when men frustrate you and and and destroy the will of God in your life you can't help from being hurt but there's a difference between being hurt and being bitter what is bitter it's when you hate that person when you start hating that person you are bitter and you finished you're done unless you can get that bitterness out of your heart and if you can keep that bitterness out of your heart eventually God will keep opening doors for you and they'll slam them shut and God will open another door for you until eventually you'll come into the perfect will of God and he'll make all of them know that it was a will of God for your life and they were wrong and they will humble themselves if they are what they ought to be praise the Lord and we need the strength of the Lord I talked to you about that in the video just before this on having the anointing of God the Bible says that Jesus prayed in the garden not my will but thine be done and the scripture says and there appeared an angel unto him from heaven and strengthening him there will be times that you will think that the Lord has forsaken you but he will not and it's not the end of the road for you remember that when Jesus died on the cross he cried Eli lama sabachthani my God my God why hast thou forsaken me and if Jesus said that there'll be an experience in your life some day that you'll say it but don't let those thoughts linger in your mind he will not forsake you he will strengthen you he will help you he will be with you remember when you have the baptism of the Holy Ghost what happens is in an omnipresent God a God that fills the universe takes a part of himself and puts it right on the inside of you enough to fill you up and we call it being filled with the Holy Ghost you are in fact filled with holy God God is with you and God just doesn't leave you and come back and leave you and come back he may become silent but he does not leave he will stay with you until you literally drive him out of your life you have to drive God out of your life and that is possible but he is not going to leave you he is there with you praise the Lord and I hope that this will help you define the will of God in your life trial and error until you find out the way that God speaks to you when you realize you were wrong admit you were wrong hey have a reverse gear some people only have a forward gear and they're constantly running into brick walls and smashing their car you need a break and you need a reverse and just simply say I was wrong we'll do this again we'll start over there are people that are in positions and the church today that has been out of the will of God for 15 years and they'll die there that doesn't mean they'll be lost but their works will be burned up because they're out of the will of God amen the Lord bless you and keep you until I see you in the next video amen don't be discouraged by different fields this is something that you have to be course yourself as well as other things that I have mentioned today on this video there are times you must understand that there are different fields and the ground is different the ground is not the same you can plant the same seed and give it the same care in one area and you reproduce a certain amount of fruit but then you can plant that same seed and give it the same care in another area and it will produce maybe more food or less fruit than what you did somewhere else so you want to keep this in mind and and so it is with people and nations and areas the ground is not the same the point I want to make to you there's no such a thing as an impossible place however I am remembering that in the scripture that Jesus told the disciples that if a city would not receive them just to shake the dust off of their feet and leave so that evidently means that there were places that even the Apostles could not produce much or perhaps any results at all I like to believe that every place is possible but every place is not equally the same you can go to some areas and and and it is very very difficult then you go to another place and it would seem to be that the people are so hungry and their hearts are so fertile for the things of the Lord so keep this in mind also when you're seeking out the will of God just because the place that you're in is difficult that doesn't necessarily mean that you're out of the will of God because God indeed wants all men to hear this gospel however if you've went for a very long time three four or five years without results it certainly is worth examination and don't make the examination yourself get some professional help get someone to help you that is sensitive to the Spirit of God gifted in the spirit to help you to re-examine and perhaps give you some new direction I remember one time I went to a whole missionary it's a home where he had been endeavouring to start a work for quite some time he had spent several years there and he had two good families and and he was concerned about the future I said drive me through your city and he drove me through the city I said sir my dear brother you have reaped the harvest of this city you have reaped it now what you need to do is let's go to another city nearby endless since out that city and so we went and I said oh there's a great Church in this city if we can persuade the two families you have to move with you into this city then God will give you a great Church they were persuaded they in fact moved the people that was with him actually didn't have to move that far because they was already in that direction in their housing and so they moved with him to that new city and within just six months time he had fifty or sixty people he reaped a great harvest from a new area so this is something you have to take into consideration also when you're doing the will of God remember the ground is not always the same god bless you in Jesus name do the will of God in your life
Channel: Daniel Carlisle
Views: 26,179
Rating: 4.857482 out of 5
Keywords: Billy, Cole
Id: kkNJJs4m8XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 52sec (2992 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2012
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