“Law & Grace“ - Pastor Raymond Woodward

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beginning in the opening chapters of the book of Genesis the Bible teaches us the law the commandments that God gave us for our own good if you don't understand that let me point you to your family and if you're a parent or you've ever had a parent which is everybody you know that parents give us rules for our own good these are beneficial rules that show us how to love God in a way that he wants to be loved they're Commandments that help us to shoulder our responsibilities as a new creation as God's people and their rules that help us avoid the judgment that a holy God must pronounce upon sin Deuteronomy chapter 10 in the Old Testament and now Israel what does the Lord thy God require of thee here's all but to fear the Lord thy God to walk in all his ways to love him and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul to keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes watch which I command thee this day for thy good somebody say it's for my good and unless you think that's all the Old Testament Paul picks it up in Romans and he says wherefore the law is holy and the commandment holy and it's just and it's good somebody say it's for my good now to hear some people talk today you would think that God did away with all of his Commandments in the New Testament you would think that when we turned the page from the Old Testament part of the Bible to the New Testament that God did away with all the commands but that's simply not true Jesus himself said that he didn't come to destroy the law but rather to fulfill the law and that's the point folks the law defined sin the law clearly showed us what actions are right and what actions are wrong and that's incredibly valuable information for us to have if we want to go to God's holy heaven we need to know what's right and wrong in here site but the problem is here's the problem and the old testament points this out to us so powerfully the problem is even if you could technically keep all the details every word of the commandments of the law if you could keep it perfectly here's the problem that still wouldn't be enough to change your heart because you can look really good on the outside and be falling apart on the inside you can look really together on the outside and be bound with an addiction on the inside so it kind of goes like this it's not enough not to commit theft if your heart is filled with greed it's not enough not to commit murder if your heart is filled with hate it's not enough not to commit adultery if your heart is filled with lust that's basically what the Bible is trying to tell us so even if you could technically keep the commandments but in your heart you really would want to do it and you have a desire for it and you're just kind of gritting your teeth and holding yourself together and you look the part and you're doing good on the outside your heart hasn't been changed and that is the problem at the Old Testament the first two thirds of your Bible presents to us Jesus he hits this head-on just just like a freight train Matthew chapter five you have heard that it was said by them of old time this is what they used to tell you in the law these are the commandments this is one of Moses Big Ten the Ten Commandments thou shalt not commit adultery but Jesus said but I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her he's committed adultery with her already in his heart and so the heart is the issue Jesus said the heart was the issue in the Old Testament - but the Old Testament couldn't prescribe anything that would change the heart it could only point us the way to go it couldn't give us the power to get there inside only outside in that same chapter Jesus utters those immortal words in verse 17 don't you think that I came to destroy the law don't you think that because we're in the New Testament that we've just thrown out all the commandments of God don't you dare think that God's rules aren't important anymore I didn't come to destroy the law I didn't come to tear up all the prophets and everything they said I am not come to destroy that I'm come to fulfill that I'm come to build on that platform now that God has given us his laws and we know what's right and wrong and we know what pleases him and displeases him and we know what can take us to heaven or what can take us to hell now that we know that I didn't come to tear all that up how ridiculous that would be I came to do something that's so powerful that it's going to change your heart so you can keep God's laws so yeah if you open the New Testament and you read just a few verses here or there you're gonna find out that there are Commandments in the New Testament just like there are in the Old Testament and if you read with an open mind you'll figure it out real quick that the commandments and New Testament are actually higher and harder laws to live than the laws that were in the Old Testament so it seems like that's a pretty hopeless proposition I just need to chew up the last of my hauls starting to bug me holy ghost in halls that got me through all week six services in two camp meetings and if it gets real bad I got one left to go seems like that's a pretty hopeless proposition if nobody could keep the law in the Old Testament and then Jesus comes along in the New Testament and he lifts the law to a higher standard they couldn't keep it here and now he's taking it up to here that's pretty hopeless for after all God's people repeatedly failed to keep his laws in the Old Testament so what's different between the Old Testament where we failed and now the New Testament where we have not only the same rules but higher rules what's gonna keep us from failing and the answer is grace God's grace amazing grace enabling grace empowering grace incredible indescribable grace grace does not remove God's commandments from our lives grace gives us the power to live the commandments of God in our lives law and grace are not against each other law and grace actually point us to the same destination and they actually work together for our salvation this is very simplistic but let me give you this the law says there's the destination you can't get there on your own now that's really important to know that you can't work enough you can't be good enough you can't do enough you can't be a nice enough person you can't receive enough awards or accolades you can't have enough popularity or friends or money or status you can't get to heaven on your own and we need the law to tell us that there's a lot of people that are trying to get to heaven on their own and so the law comes into our lives and the law said uh-uh look at how you failed here and you failed here and you failed here so the law does this a favor and says that's the destination but you can't get there on your own and then thank God for grace because grace comes into our lives and says that's the destination you can't get there on your own but if you live for me and if you'll obey me I'll take you there I'll let you go with me I'll live my life through you see this is in the New Testament you have to watch the balance because if you listen to some people today you would think that Christianity was basically just a mental assent Jesus is Lord and then I go on with life and nothing changes that's not true Jesus told the woman taken in adultery that she was forgiven by grace but now she needed to go and keep the very laws of God that she had been breaking before so grace wasn't an excuse to go back and keep living in adultery he said you're forgiven neither do i condemn you now go and sin no more because you've been given grace you now have power to go back and keep those laws that you couldn't keep before Jesus told the rich young ruler that the way to salvation required keeping God's commandments but he took him out when that guy started bragging I kept them all Jesus said you've just kept them all on the surface you need a heart change and jesus answered the Pharisees when they said what's God's greatest commandment he did not say oh the commandments don't matter anymore he said here's the greatest commandment and the Apostle Paul he absolutely thundered against the preposterous idea that God's commandments are no longer important here's what he said in Romans 6 for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace Wow good free-pass know what then shall we sin shall we keep on living the same way we always used to live because we're not under the law but under grace Paul said god forbid that we would think that way god forbid that we would do that grace isn't the excuse to get you out from under God's commandments so you can go back to your old way of life and destroy yourself again grace is the enabling power of God that lifts you up and gives you an internal power to live those same laws and yet with all that said Paul does say that grace does something for us that the law could never do relationship with God does something for us that rules could never do grace is the most popular definition they've defined it a thousand ways but it is God's unmerited favor in other words you didn't deserve grace and God gave it to you we get grace before we deserve it we get grace before we even know enough to ask for it we get grace before we even understand it fully and that grace lifts us up to this new level of living that we could never have experienced before so the law of the Old Testament and the laws of the New Testament they point us in the right direction they're absolutely necessary and absolutely the will of God and we're blessed when we keep them but only grace can do an action in our heart that lets us keep those laws out of God's power and not just our own effort only grace can change our hearts Paul said in Galatians I don't frustrate the grace of God I am NOT gonna work at cross-purposes to God's grace I am NOT going to now become some image-conscious rule keeper that I'm just concerned about what you think of me Paul said I'm not concerned about what you think of me I'm concerned about what God knows about me I'm not concerned about my image I'm not concerned about my reputation I'm concerned about my character and my integrity before God so I'm not gonna work at cross-purposes to the grace of God if righteousness comes by just doing good stuff by just doing the law then Jesus died in vain Jesus died so we could still keep the law of God but not in our own strength that we would do it now through his power that lives in us the law tells us you're doing wrong you need to know that you must know that but grace tells you that you can do right because of what Jesus has done romans 5 one of my favorite chapters in all Paul's writings and we did this in the series we did in Romans a few years ago and and this chapter just man it's just so phenomenal romans 5:20 Paul says moreover the law entered not because it was wrong or deficient not because it was some misstep not because God planned playing the law plan a and then it didn't work and so he went into emergency mode and gave us Grace Plan B that's not true God planned the law from the beginning the law entered in the will of God in the purpose of God why so that the offense might abound so that you would know you're not doing right so that you would know you have no hope of pleasing God so that you would sometimes read the Bible and think oh my goodness could a person like me ever actually go to heaven because I messed up there and I messed up over there and I messed up back there and I don't know if I can make it and God says good that's why I gave the law so I could set a standard of holiness to get you to heaven and you would look at it and say it's hopeless that's a good thing because there's a next sentence in that verse Paul said but where sin abounded where I figured out oh my goodness I'm a sinner where I figured out I'm horrified because I've sinned here and here and over there and back there and I've got a history of failure and false and being fickle and and I'm so feeble what am I gonna do Paul said good I'm glad you got to that place because this sin where sin abounded where the law told you where you were a sinner where the law revealed to you that all these things you thought you were doing that were so great actually they were just pride and puffed up ego and you weren't pleasing God at all but where sin abounded where the law convinced you you were a sinner that's when grace can step in and say now that you've come to the end of your little religious adventure now I can step in and I can do a work in your heart then you can go back and obey those commands but this time it's not just trying to hide your deficiencies this time it's not just trying to fake it till you make it this time it's actually going to be my spirit living my laws through you this amazing thing the law shows us what disobedience looks like grace shows us what obedience looks like the law shows us the terrible toll of spiritual bondage but grace shows us the incredible privilege of freedom you know we came to God there's so many people here at CCC that came to God and we still you know depending on when you came to God if you came to God 80 years ago you're probably not driving the same car but we came to God we go back to the same place we go back to the same job we drive the same car we go to the same grocery store in so many ways it looks like life hasn't changed but in all the important ways life has totally changed grace allows us to be spiritually free the law shows us the penalty of eternal death but grace shows us the promise of eternal life so yes and you got to get this we needed the law stop listening to people that tell you just check out all the rules that God gave because we're under grace they don't know what they're talking about so we need the law because without the law you'd get pretty smug pretty fast and you'll start to coast pretty quickly because you'll be thinking everything's okay while you're still dabbling and all the stuff that destroyed your life the first time when you were out in the world so stop listening to people that tell you the law isn't of any consequence we needed and need the law but we need grace much much more so God's law and this is New Testament by the way God's law is not a burden to our lives it's a blessing to us first John chapter 5 for this is the love of God that we keep his command you want to prove you love God don't come to church and jump around and wave your hands you want to prove you love God don't don't do something religious or go do some good deeds that everybody puts on Facebook and says what a great neighbor they are if you want to prove you love God keep his Commandments and then John adds the punchline and by the way his Commandments aren't Grievous to me they don't chafe me they don't burden me I don't get mad our God is a good good father and we have the privilege this morning of being his children beginning his family I've said it many times before God's family is not a dysfunctional family the church is our home it's like God's home and in this church his this father loves his children unconditionally just like you love your kids unconditionally but at the same time just like you you love your kids unconditionally but you still teach them certain standards of behavior because you don't want them to turn into an ax-murderer basically and so just like you can love your kids unconditionally yet still expect a certain standard of behavior our good good gracious Heavenly Father he loves us unconditionally and if you failed fallen or messed up God will be the first one in the line to welcome you home and hug your neck and forgive your sin but just because he loves you unconditionally doesn't mean he's gonna let you coast and hurt yourself morally spiritually or eternally and so God still expects certain standards of behavior it's just like any loving human family every home has rules and when kids fail to live by those family's standards the parents lovingly correct the children and require them to change their behavior it starts very young in life if you're doing it right the children are always loved but they're also guided through life by the rules of mom and dad God's laws far from being something we should mock or throw out discard or talk against God's laws are simply the household rules for his children's behavior God loves us unconditionally yet at the same time God's going to guide us in how we live for him and when we fail I did not say if we fail when we fail somebody say when not if because you failed and I failed when we fail to live by his laws God corrects us and he challenges us and requires us to change our behavior that is not child abuse that is good parenting that's what that is we have a wonderful Heavenly Father that's not child abuse that's love and the ultimate goal for every parent in this room is to have your child do right out of relationship not out of rules God's goal is the same his ultimate goal for you is not to pass you a booklet of rules or a Bible full of rules his ultimate goal for you is for him to say this is how its best to live on your father I'd know this is what I'd like you to do I'm your father I care this is how you should live and this is what you should aim for I'm your father I have your best interests at heart and God's ultimate goal for you is like every parent in this room your goal for your kids that we would live according to his rules not out of the rule only but out of relationship and we do it out of love and honor and respect for him not out of just rule keeping God wants us to keep his laws because of grace oh that's let me run that one by he wants us to keep his laws but he wants us to do that because of His grace now that's a whole lot of kind of loose theology so let me maybe nail it down with a couple of stories cuz stories hit our heart theology hits our head and here's an odd little story in Genesis chapter 29 and a friend of mine an older Minister named JH Osborn we got to have him here some time he's a great preacher and he's a storyteller and he does this hilarious sermon on this little passage because this is actually a really weird story in the Bible Genesis 29 and Laban had two daughters the name of the elder was Leah and the name of the younger was Rachel Leah was tender eyed tender eyed is an expression that theologians have debated over for literally thousands of years probably but everybody finally comes back to the agreement that there's some kind of deficiency and her it ranges all the way from weak in the eyes physically to really really ugly so somewhere in the middle you can pick whatever okay and and so Rachel or Lena is tender i but rachel was beautiful and well favored and Jacob loved Rachel and he said to his father-in-law his future father-in-law Labe and he said I'll serve you seven years for Rachel the pretty one I'll serve you seven years for Rachel your younger daughter and Laban said it's better that I give her to you than I should give her to another man so abide with me stay here and work for me for seven years and watch this this is and Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed unto him but a few days why because of the love he had for her and then Jacob said to Laban it's the he's counting down he's got his little sundial there and it's coming into the last hour and he said Laban it's been seven years to the day so he said give me my wife my days are fulfilled I've worked for you for seven years give me my wife for my days or fulfil that I may go unto her and Laban gathered together all the men of the place they made a feast and it came to pass the evening they took Leah his daughter tender eyed Leah he took Leah his daughter and he brought her to UM this is not good what's happening here he brought her to Jacob and Jacob went in unto her now this is kind of the crux of brother Osborne's message he said there's a lot of things in the Bible that I have you know you'd struggle to believe you know a big fish swallowing a man you'd struggle to believe that but if the Bible says that I believe it a man walking on water the Bible says that so since the Bible says I struggle but I'll believe it and and fire fallen from heaven like I've never seen that I wasn't there but if the Bible says that I believe it and and he goes you know I've never seen all that there's some stuff in the Bible I struggle to believe he said but I believe it because the Bible said that he said but this he said I really struggle here now the only thing we can possibly even think or fathom is that it was the custom of the day they didn't have electricity and it's the custom of the day to Veil the bride that must have been some thick veil and we really need to bring brother Osborne here to preach this because this next part came to pass the evening you know he took Leah and he brought her to Jacob and Jacob went in unto her and and and then a couple verses later it says in came to pass this is the funniest verse in Genesis I think it came to pass that in the morning behold it was Leah that says it all right there like she never said anything that tipped you off there's a song we used to sing in Pentecost all night long I don't know how he didn't figure it out anyway I think I might need another hauls and so Jacob comes to his father-in-law and he said did I not serve with you for Rachel why hast thou beguiled me and Laban said you know you could have told me this seven years ago it must not be so done in our country to give the younger before the firstborn well hello how about seven years ago you give me that little piece of information so he says fulfil her week and that must have been tough on that guy because when what that means is they had a week-long party so Jacob is sitting next to tenderize all week long at every kind of banquet and feast and festival and people are toasting them and people are bringing them gifts and people are parading them around and people are talking to them about their future and he's thinking I don't love her and so for a whole week he goes through that fulfill her week and then we will give the this also for the service which thou shall serve me yet another seven years and so that's what Jacob did he didn't have a whole lot of choice he fulfilled her week they had their Bridal week their honeymoon back then they did honeymoons in the presence of a few hundred of your closest neighbors and friends it's kind of weird and then he gave him Rachel his daughter - wife also the Bible says in verse 30 and he went in also under Rachel and he loved also Rachel more than Leah and served with Laban yet seven other years that's a long kind of weird story but there's a beautiful point in there buried among all those ancient that we don't understand and all those weird things we we just simply don't want to understand leah is a pitcher of the law you work for seven years to get your reward that's a picture of the law you work and you work and you work and you work and you do when you do when you do and if you do it right and if you do it enough and if you do it perfectly you work and then hopefully you get your reward that's law but Rachel she's a pitcher of grace you get your reward you'll get to marry Rachel now but then because Rachel's your wife you'll work for another seven years and it will seem like just a few days because you're so in love with Rachel Rachel's a picture of grace I think that's so phenomenal I'm not here this morning because I have to be here I'm here because I want to be here I don't pray and worship and serve God and try to live godly because he makes me and it's not a drudgery that I think oh god not again it's a privilege till they forgot and so I'm working for him I'm making effort to keep his Commandments but not because if I make enough effort then I'll get my reward no no I already have my reward my reward is eternal life that isn't gonna pop up one day after my funeral I've got eternal life working in me right now and because I have that relationship with God I work for him and it doesn't seem like a drudgery it goes by like a few moments because of my love for him I'm not under law working for a reward I'm under grace I already have my reward I serve Him because I love him Cathy come on back if you would if anyone in the Bible showed grace it was a prophet named Hosea at God's own action Hosea married a girl named Gomer who had been a prostitute all because God wanted to teach Hosea and Israel and all of us a major lesson the early days of their marriage were beautiful and wonderful as their love began to blossom and God bless their union with a son how Hosea's heart must have swelled with joy to hold that little baby boy he was convinced that his marriage regardless of gomers past would be better than ever with this little baby boy named Jesu el to brighten up their lives but it was after the birth of Jezreel that Hosea noticed a change in Gomer she became restless and unhappy kind of like a bird trapped in a cage Hosea started to notice the gomers absences from their home grew more frequent and more prolonged and soon Hosea was wrestling with feelings of suspicion and worry and anxiety he lay awake at night and he wrestle with his fears because he didn't have any evidence still he knew Hosea was prophet so he would preach with a heavy heart during the day and then agonize every night and his suspicions were confirmed then Gomer got pregnant again it was a girl this time and Hosea was convinced that the child was not his at God's Direction he named that little baby girl LaRue Hama which means unloved and no sooner had little LaRue Hama been weaned than Gomer conceived again it was another boy Hosea said it's probably not mine and God told Hosea to call him lo a me not my people the children born in Hosea's house weren't even his it was all out in the open now everybody in that little community knew about gomers affairs and while this entire second chapter of Hosea's prophecy describes God's relationship with Israel with his unfaithful people it's difficult to escape the feeling as you read it that it's not Hosea's heartbreaking and aching it's difficult to escape the fact that what God is saying to Israel is what Hosea wants so desperately to say to Gomer if you read chapter 2 you'll see all the emotions that God has and all the emotions that Hosea must have he pleads with her he threatens to disinherit her but still she runs off with her lovers because they promised her lavish material things he tries to stop her sometimes but she continues to seek out her companions and sin and ignore the one man who really genuinely loves her Hosea would take her back and forgiveness and they try again one more time but her repentance would be short-lived and soon she'd be off again with some new lover and then the final blow came Hosea I'm leaving for good this time I found my true love I don't have feelings for you anymore I'm never coming back how Hosea must have suffered he loved her deeply and he grieved for her that day as though she had died his heart ached that she would choose a life without him a life that he knew would ruin her and hurt her Hosea's friends were probably saying to him hey Hosea good riddance now you'll be through with her adulterous cheating ways once and for all but Hosea didn't feel that way he loved Gomer he just wanted her to come home and one day probably through the grapevine word came that Gomer had been deserted by the lover who had promised her so much and to survive she had sold herself into slavery and it hit absolute rock bottom the last straw the most humiliating thing that could happen to anybody surely now hosea would forget her and wash his hands and move on but his heart was so big he said absolutely not I can't give her up I love her and it was then that God spoke to him hosea 3 then said the lord unto me go yet go one more time hosea love a woman beloved of her friend yet an adulteress toward her friend go get her go love her according to the love of the Lord toward the children of Israel Gomer was still beloved of Hosea even though she was an adulteress even though she had mangled and messed up her life and God wanted hosea to seek Gomer out and prove his love to her how in the world could anyone that misused and still love that deeply well the answer was right there in that verse Hosea you go do to Gomer what I've done to my people according to the love of the Lord because it doesn't matter how far you've gone how bad you've been it doesn't matter that you walked out slam the door in God's face and said I'll never be back I've found a better way it doesn't matter that you sowed the seeds of your own self-destruction it doesn't matter that you shook your fist in the face of God cursed him walked away it doesn't matter that you've spent months or maybe years and just spiritual no-man's land lethargy not so bad as to think anybody would call you a sinner but not good enough to be a child of God it's a Hosea just like God he began his search driven by his love a love that bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things a love that never ends and he found her ragged torn sick dirty disheveled destitute chained to an auction block in a filthy slave market a repulsive shadow of the woman she has won had once been we wonder how anybody could love her now but Hosea bought her back from slavery brought her home and restored her as his wife God used Hosea's supreme act of forgiving love Hosea's supreme act of unmerited favor to melt gomers heart and change her life and that my friends is Grace in Chapter two of the book of Hosea God speaks these prophetic words about Israel's restoration and gomers restoration and their family's restoration you'll miss it if you don't notice say ye unto your brethren a me and to your sisters ruh-huh mah wait wait a minute they named him lo a me they named her lo loo Hama God said to Hosea tell your brother whose name means not my people I'm changing his name to my people tell your sister whose name means unloved I'm changing her name to loved that my friends is Grace Paul picks it up in Romans nine as God said also in the book of Hosea I will call them my people which were not my people and I will call her beloved which was not beloved and it shall come to pass in the place where it used to be said unto them you are not my people that they're here they shall be called the children of the Living God that's us that's him that's grace that's here's the attitude that had to change not in Hosea he was already okay he already loved her here is the attitude that had to change not in God here was the attitude that had to change in Gomer and the attitude that had to change in the nation of Israel so they could be saved by grace like graciously look at this wasn't here - and it shall be it that day saith the Lord Gomer Israel CCC it shall be at that day thou shalt call me is she and shalt call me no more Bailey let me translate that for you God said here's what's got to change Gomer here's what's gonna change Israel here's what's got to change young person senior here's what's got to change busy family here's what's got to change in that day you call me husband and don't call me anymore master see Gomer had seen Hosea as her master it's easy to walk away from master but God said Israel in that day you will look up and be terrified of breaking rules and call me master you'll call me husband you want to keep my laws because I've loved you so much when you didn't even deserve it and now you love me so much Hosea Gomer Israel CCC you got to come home and live out of love instead of living out of obligation that is the hearts response to the grace of God I love him because he first loved me I know what you're thinking I want I wonder who pastors reaching for this morning I wonder who pastors preaching to this morning I wonder who he thought would be here that would need that let me answer that you because every one of us have messed up failed befallen every one of us have done self-destructive foolish things every one of us have walked away from God gotten cold in our experience every one of us is this such a privilege that not only do we get to come back to his house with everybody if you don't have to be at his house to come back to him you can be in your car [Music] it can be sitting on your couch it can be hollowed and you can say god I made a fatal mistake I've been serving you marginally because I thought you were a master a rule maker honestly god I thought sometimes you're a little bit of a tyrant because it seems so hard sometimes god I want to come home under a different paradigm I don't call you master I call you my husband I don't serve you out of obligation I serve you out of love I don't worship you because I'm scared of Hell I worship you because I'm excited about heaven [Music] crazy [Music] thank God [Music] oh bugger this grace that this play I wish you'd stand like a big choir of singing will thank God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] would you please bow your heads close your eyes just a moment of reverence for God for each other Lord Jesus I thank you for your word the beauty and the power of it thank you for these stories that they sound so familiar because they are so familiar fallible fickle people just like us but God you forgave and you restored and you brought back God you can do that for anybody and everybody Jesus I just want to stand here and say I serve you because I love you but I'm serve you out of obligation I don't serve you because I'm scared I don't serve you because I think if I break the rules you will hurt me I serve you because your grace entered my life and changed everything for me and I thank you for grace today so I approach you not into fear but it love I approached you not in shame but in love I approach you God not anxious or worried or fearing your rejection I approach you knowing that you love me before I even do enough to love you so I come to ask your forgiveness to ask for your strength to ask you to minister to me and turn me around and give me more grace to live I thank you Jesus that when I couldn't keep your lawn you entered my life and the life which I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God it should be Jesus capital Community Church I need every person that calls this your church home to get your voice in the air first your hands are good too but get your voice in the air and just pray for a boat with the power of the Holy Ghost is it this room the restoration of God's Spirit is available in this room write this down God can forgive anything God can give you the power to step over your past and to step on the devil and a step above sin that God can do it he loves you enough to do it His grace is strong enough to do it could we make it easy for everybody this morning and could we just kind of get up and walk it mass to the altar this morning and we come as a body as a family as God's family as his people and that would make it easy for somebody that they really need this this morning but they don't want to walk out here alone or first but if we all come and if we all pray and if we all reach out for God that somebody can get what they need from God this morning and go home different than they walked into this room today Jesus so beautiful so powerful folks if we come out of the aisles a little bit make room for everybody that wants to come that face [Music]
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 8,405
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: pastor, raymond, woodward, preaching, preach, sermon, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, apostolic, christian, pentecost, law, and, grace
Id: dw6T5PMoUIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 33sec (2913 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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