The Visual Inspection Sticker (What Does It Tell Us?)

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so each year you've got to get a visual inspection done on your tank doesn't matter if it's aluminum or steel and that visual inspection is not as much important for you as you think it would it's more important that it's done for the actual fill operator that's the guy who's actually filling your system and taking it from a low pressure to a higher pressure rating and during that process is the most dangerous time so we really rely on the visual inspection sticker to tell us a lot prior to fill in your tank but what all should be on a visual inspection sticker let's find out together what's up guys this front again from Lake excuse marina and if you are new to our channel take a few seconds and click this little subscribe button over here and ding that little bell as well that way you guys will be notified every time we upload new content now in today's video we're gonna be looking at a custom visual inspection sticker and yes I said custom that's because we use custom stickers here we don't buy from a distributor we don't buy from a training agency we have custom made stickers made for our visual inspection process now I'm not gonna be actually going over the visual inspection process but I am gonna be focusing on the sticker and all the information that's on it this is something that you should have learnt during your open water course but in the event that you didn't we're gonna be looking in depth lis at the visual inspection sticker and what the information means so without further ado let's get started alright guys so I got a customer cylinder here this just got back with a brand new hydro and I've just performed my visual inspection the only thing I have left to do a horse is replace the valve put some air in it throw a new sticker on it and of course the customer can go out and have a good day of diving so I'm gonna go remove this sticker and before I put the new sticker on and stamp it out we're gonna go over each little component here and just try to have a better understanding of what's actually on a sticker and what a feel operator looks for whenever he feels the cylinder so if first of all we do use custom-made stickers we do not buy from a distributor we don't buy from a training agency we like our custom-made stickers and that's what we've been using really since date number one so it's going to have our logo on it it's going to have our phone number and our website as well it just gives a little bit information to either the fill operator if he's got a question or even the customer itself and it's got a little statement here it just says this visual inspection has been performed by psi PCI certified visual inspector and the cylinder is successfully passed its yearly inspection and basically all that says is we are certified through psi PCI to do visual inspections and that of course it meets their their eighteen step protocol moving on down of course we have three different markings here we can either have an air only cylinder we can have a nitrox up to 40 percent pre blend or we can have a hundred percent partial pressure blended cylinder now based off whether or not the cylinder gets Oh to cleaned or whether it's going to be used for nitrox then of course it's going to determine what we stamp out on this particular cylinder it's just simply air only so I'll stamp out air only prior to putting a sticker on moving on down you're going to have a bunch of numbers and a bunch of letters and if you can't already tell the numbers are going to be the year so we had these stickers or when these stickers were produced for us they were made in 2019 and of course they extended out to 2027 we still have several stickers left over from 2019 so we're still using them but it just says 2019 2020 so forth and so on and then of course these are your months at the bottom January February March all the way up to December so today when I do a visual inspection on this tank I would step out air only I would stamp out the year twenty and the month of May it is currently May 26 so once that goes on then of course it says this cylinder is going to be visually inspected until May of 2021 so guys I hope you have a better understanding now of what exactly the visual inspection sticker says and why it's so important to the fill operator not so much to the diver himself yes the diver wants to be safe when he's underwater he needs to make sure his gears in good proper working order and that his boo moaning but the fill operator is the one that's really running that risk during the filling process and he really is going to have a lot of reliance on that visual inspection sticker because if you got any question on visual inspections or visual inspection stickers things like that drop me a comment down below and I'll try to answer your questions the best I can if you want to see more technical related videos like this as well drop me a comment on what you want to see next and we'll try our best to get a video made because I really hope you enjoyed today's video if you did give me a big thumbs up and make sure you share this video as well because as always make sure you follow us on Instagram and Twitter like us on Facebook pin us on Pinterest subscribe to us here on YouTube and as always guys we appreciate your business
Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 1,045
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Keywords: The Visual Inspection Sticker (What Does It Tell Us?), How To Visually Inspect A Scuba Tank, How To Re-certify A Scuba Tank, Lake Hickory Scuba Center And Marina, Instructor Trainer Bryan Stafford, PSI, PCI
Id: xrMeRpa_J4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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