The Virtues of La ilaha ilAllah Wahdahu La Shareeka Lahu | Live Reminder

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not done with this dua and inshallah just a quick recap we talked about this allah as an extension of the best vikr that exists and what is the best zikr what did the prophet saw some say is the best form of zikr the best form of remembrance is and the best form of dura is al-hamdu lillah we talked about what said that hemd is the price of every nirma in this life alhamdulillah is the price of every narama in this life and is the key to al-jannah and as we went through the meaning of this dua just to recap he alone is an affirmation once again of the word of taheed he has no partner so he is one in his essence he is one in his names and his attributes and he is one as well in that no one shares in his duties with him he needs no one he is dependent upon no one subhanahu wa ta'ala he has no partner in anything that he does to him belongs that means everything is everything that is possessed the entire dominion the possession of all time and place and everything in between the known and the unknown allah mentions the surah that is named after this word of the dominion that he is the one who controls life and death the one who possesses all of the dominion all of that which is to be possessed you give to whom you will of that possession and you withhold you take from those whom you will to is that's also part of allah subhanahu ta'ala's honor is a part of his mulk you give honor to whom you will and you humiliate whom you will and in your hands belongs all good subhanallah one of the things that's very beautiful about this is that we know that allah controls everything right but from the adap of the prophet salallahu and especially when we are making dura you attribute to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala good is all in your hands and evil is not to be ascribed to you because we're calling upon allah asking him for the good of that right and to protect us from the evil of those that transgress is praise is it has both the praise of allah subhanahu ta'ala and then gratitude to allah upon all things so we covered how this dura is to be said every morning 10 times or 100 times what is the reward of saying it 10 times this is just to move on now to the rest of our discussion what's the reward of saying it 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening to free four slaves four slaves in sha allah brother wants to make them five inshallah if you increase it will be more of it and if you recite it and particularly the prophet saws to free four believing slaves and we said the reward of freeing a slave is that every part of you is freed from the fire every part of you is free from the fire so the reward is the reward of freeing for slaves and if a person says it one hundred times then what would be the reward it is like freeing ten slaves the prophet salallahu a person says it 100 times it's like freeing 10 sleeves a hundred blessings will be recording recorded for that person 100 good deeds will be recorded for that person a hundred sins will be removed from that person and it will be a herz it will be a protection for that person from the shaitaan for the entire day subhanallah like in a fortress that cannot be penetrated is a prison it's a fortress the shaitaan will have absolutely no access to you throughout the day he will not be able to penetrate this fortress that you have throughout the day and no one will be able to do anything better whatever and no one will be able to accomplish anything better than what you've accomplished for the day except for someone who recites the dua more than you meaning don't limit yourself to a hundred if you want to do it a thousand times a day i know that sounds a thousand times a day but subhanallah reading it a hundred times takes you less than ten minutes reading it a hundred times takes in less than ten minutes so if you were to to say that you're going to say it 200 300 400 times you're going to accomplish more in one day then keep on reciting it now we move into the next part of this inshallah which is how this dua is used in other situations and it's it's really uh powerful because you see more rewards that come out of it as well and when we say tahil is the best form of zikr i want you to remember a very easy analogy insha'allah the best form of istikhar the best form of seeking forgiveness from allah subhanahu ta'ala is the chief the master of seeking forgiveness right it even starts off with of course the affirmation of tawheed oh allah you are my lord there is no god but you wanna [Music] but this is called sayudur istifa the master of seeking forgiveness the best way to seek forgiveness now here's the analogy i want you to remember this why because everything that is said in say the istighfar is already embedded in it's already embedded in it's embedded all of the meanings of seeking forgiveness from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala are already embedded in that short form of zikr allah but this elaboration allows those meanings to take greater root in your heart as well so it's it's you know elaborating or it is affirming within your dura as well so you are extolling allah's virtues further you're praising allah more you are affirming the meanings of those more but they're also taking greater root in your heart likewise the meanings of that are really all embedded in la ilaha but just like say that is more virtuous because every phrase of it is dikkit then simply saying in the same way this entire dua is more virtuous than merely saying so the first thing the hadith of the alaihi allah said whoever says subhanallah 33 times and says allahu akbar 33 times and says 33 times and then seals that with after every single prayer what is the reward does anyone know the prophet salallahu said that allah will forgive that person's sins even if that person's sins equaled the foam of the sea think about all of the foam of the seas the prophet salallahu said saying subhanallah 33 times alhamdulillah 33 times 33 times and then saying it is as if that person's sins are entirely forgiven even if their sins encompass the foam of the sea we go on to some of the other hadith where the prophet saws is narrated to have said this dura after every salah but there is more to it so the prophet saw some would increase and sometimes the the text prior to the hadith is enriching so in this particular hadith which is also authentic who wrote a letter to al-mura even when he asked him to share with him something that he learned from the prophet saws that was very impactful right share with me something you remember from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam a habit that you took something that you act upon on a regular basis so a sahabi talking to a sahabi and saying give me something rich that can benefit me for whatever is left in this world so he wrote back back and he said that the prophet sallallahu alaihi was he would say after every thorough prayer after every obligatory prayer allah so this is obviously an elaboration that the prophet saws o allah no one no one can stand in the way no one can withhold that which you have given no one will interfere what you're going to give no one's going to stand in the way of subhanallah so beautiful and this is again when the prophet saw islam is teaching us how to make dua you you make your with certainty with certainty in what you are asking allah for and these meanings if you don't believe this then what's the point of making dua if you believe that someone can stand in between what allah subhanahu ta'ala decrees for you of good and what you receive then what's the point of saying it so the affirmation has to come from a sincere place no one gets in the way of that which you are going to give me so when i'm asking you whatever i'm asking you for that i know that no one is going to forbid it there is no one that's going to nullify what you're going to give me okay and no one can give me what you have forbidden to be given to me so if i try to get something and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has nullified it or has put a barrier between that and me then no one is going to be able to give that to me the riches or nothing can avail a wealthy person against you so subhanallah the power of that is that if someone possesses something that they think gives them some sort of immunity in this life generally speaking as you go on if you have more power more access you know more important or influential people you have more wealth you have more possessions you have more anything right more authority the more that you gain of this life the more that when bad things happen you start to think that you know i'm going to be able to get myself out of this right that's one of the things that was humbling about a pandemic right is that it couldn't protect everybody right what you had did not necessarily protect you though of course disparities you know still show in everything right but the point is is that nothing's going to avail me when i stand before allah subhanahu wa ta'ala or in my standing before allah no matter what i have no matter how immune i am starting to to feel nothing can avail a person with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala so this is one way that would hear the prophet saw i saw him say after there is another narration from abdullah ibn zubair and his son is saying that i heard him aladmin i heard him giving khutbah and he was saying that the prophet salallahu this is the interesting usage of the words and the scholars say either what he's saying is that the prophet saws would still say this at the end of every salah or as the prophet saws is leaving his prayer so if the prophet saisam is walking home this dikket is still with him i don't expect everyone to memorize all this by the way by salah unless you truly have morning memory masha'allah so we'll we'll find a way to post them inshaallah today or by tomorrow so the prophet says some would say once again the dura and then he would say la ilah that we are sincere to him in our devotion even if the disbelievers hate it that we will remain sincere in our devotion to the oneness of allah it includes subhanallah so much of this because hamd is so encompassing but again the elaboration to allah belongs all blessings all bounties and that we are sincere in our devotion to him even if the disbelievers dislike that the next narration is when the prophet saw some taught her every single night to say as she goes to sleep subhan allah 33 times alhamdulillah 33 times allahu akbar 33 times and in one narration the prophet saws and seal it with this dua so you have after every prayer and then you have at the time of sleeping as well obviously we covered last week that the prophet saws would say this in a safa well as well however what i'm about to share with you all very interesting even though dallas is a very flat place the prophet saw sallam was narrated to say this in two other places in a way that resembles the suffolk one is after a battle after a battle the prophet saw some would say this dura and when the prophet saws found himself on a high place okay so if he is on a high place obviously when a person is on a high place when they're standing on a mountain or a hill and the riddamas say this is not restricted to asafoet marwah in general a person could could could feel a sense of greatness right they've conquered something great they're standing on top of a mountain i'm looking out to the world but the higher you get the more you need to remember how low you actually are right you need to humble yourself and remember who you are when allah blesses you with something when allah grants you something when allah gives you victory then a person needs to remember who they are and this is very important to understand for a moment inshaallah because the best of hardship is what la ilaha do i have there is no better thing to say in a time of hardship okay subhanak is to declare the perfection of allah and i was amongst the wrongdoers and the reason why this is important is that there it mentioned that indira tesbir usually comes in a time of hardship in a time of seeing something that is displeasing in a time of seeing something that is hard upon you or something that is displeasing to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala subhana how perfect are you how perfect are you that imperfection be ascribed to you how perfect are you that my own wrong doing right would have any effect on you how perfect are you that you would would be able right that you are able of course always fully able to lift me when i am down because subhanak right subpanic when someone is amazed by something satanic so the point is is that tasmiyah usually it's not limited to that of course but usually comes when a person is in a place of hardship alhamdulillah comes when a person is in a place of gratitude allah has bestowed upon them something alhamdulillah allah has given them something alhamdulillah so this also comes in the secondary portions of the dura so obviously this is after the prophet sallallahu alaihi s when the prophet saws was on a high place on the earth or when he came back from a victory he would say la ilaha alhamdulillah in complete submission worship of our lord hamidon and praising our lord so the prophet salla islam would encompass all of that as he was standing on a high place and he would remind himself what sadaqa that allah has fulfilled his promise and allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has supported his servant and allah subhanahu ta'ala has removed the confederates all by himself another way we say from the prophet we see from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is that the prophet saw some said if you say this dura one time so now is the easiest one no additions to it just that if a person was to say it one time that it would ward off when a person is feeling lazy so you're getting tired throughout the day you're starting to slack off you're yawning a lot and you're starting to feel like you're not so productive this is a dua that would energize a person once again okay so subhanallah if a person just says this throughout the day as they start to feel instead of just i'm tired and i didn't have my caffeine today and whatever it is right away program yourself of course you say you say is it would ward off laziness two more times that we find this one narrated that the prophet salallahu whoever is disturbed or they wake up during their sleep so you know a nightmare woke you up obviously there's this there's a person seeking refuge in allah so these things are not in contradiction rather they are in addition a person wakes up at night for any reason though you have a hard time sleeping you have a crying baby you have you know it's raining hard outside the light is bothering you just something woke you up it's hot it's cold but the point is very encompassing in that regard you woke up in the middle of the night and a person says okay because this is easy to remember inshallah you woke up at night you're having a hard time going back to sleep before you pick up your phone and say let me scroll and just watch some videos or something like that or start texting or catch up on messages these are the phrases we always say subhanallah the prophet sawsan said whoever says this in one narration he also added oh my lord forgive me he said whatever dura you make at that time you will be answered okay and he says and if that person goes even further and he gets up and makes and prays two rakahs then their prayers are definitely accepted so subhanallah what do you ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for ijaba so at that time if you just wake up and you don't even get out of bed but you say that subhanallah will be accepted and then if you get up and you make wudu and you pray your tahajjud your qiyam is certainly accepted as well right and abdullah um if i knew that allah accepted from me one i would wish to leave this world at that point because that's the value of an accepted prayer from allah so the prophet saw is saying do this and your dua's and your prayer will certainly be accepted so the next time you wake up at night insha'allah this is how you respond the last thing is very common but still very profound and i hope insha'allah now with a fuller appreciation of this diket as a whole this dua makes a little bit more sense to you the prophet salallahu says and of course this hadith is one that is subjected to great dispute dispute not because there is a fabrication in the chain or there's any severe weakness in fact it's an authenticated hadith according to many of the great of hadith and it has a chain but just because it sounds it sounds incredible you know sometimes when you hear a hadith or you hear it and it's like the rewards are are written in such a way and and usually that is a sign of a fabricated hadith when it's like say this and it's as if you have two million moons and i don't know why anyone want to have two million ones but it's as if you have you know unlocked the keys of this and this and this and that three thousand times and if you say this 24 times usually those types of hadith especially when they are on whatsapp even if in parentheses it says bukhari and muslim usually it's a sign of a fabrication however this hadith the prophet saws in a hadith from even abdullah that abdullah and he is ever living and he does not die okay so this is the only addition to the dua and he is powerful or he has power over all things the prophet saws allah will write down for that person one thousand by one thousand hasanat which is a million the word million is not a real arabic word okay so alf elf a thousand times a thousand is a million a and allah will remove from him a million sins a thousand by a thousand sins and allah will construct for that person a palace in paradise this is upon entering into the soup upon entering into the marketplace now this hadith if you look at this narration again it just sounds incredible it's like well if that's the case let me just spend my day going to the soup over and over again walk in walk out walk in walk out walk in walk out until they call the police on me at target right let me just keep going in and out saying that you're that's not the practice of the salaf right to just go to the marketplace and go in and out because this is an incredible uh narration but there it might mention many wisdoms for this number one the prophet saws says that the most beloved of places to allah are this is the easiest answer ever the place you're sitting in right now the masjid these are the most beloved places on earth to allah and the most hated places to allah on earth are al are the marketplaces now i could go into further detail in that regard because there are of course places that are more exclusive to some of the fawah some of the evil that traditionally could be found in the marketplace but are now just entirely you know places that are dedicated to that evil and that sin so what is what is the hadith mean the place where people are most likely to remember allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the message masjid the place where people are least likely to remember allah is when you get into the marketplace and truly subhanallah those of you that have been to certain countries or you might even be from those countries originally the marketplace is a loud place it's a place where immediately right when you walk in people start to bombard you i mean it's a very hard place to remember allah okay the traditional right people are making all sorts of oath people are trying to throw whatever product in front of you and get you to that product right so just imagine yourself as you walk into this now obviously you walk into the marketplace it's quiet go get your shopping cart no one's there um to mess with you except for maybe the the store attendant who greets you as you walk in right or you do online shopping which let's have let's have hope and allah that that counts too as soon as you open your online shopping shop and i'm not joking about that by the way say it when you open your online marketplace you know what the least that could happen the worst thing that could happen is that you meet allah on the day of judgment and you just get the reward of that dura without which we've already covered incredible form of right and maybe you would have had lots of dua that has been unlocked to you good of this world that's been unlocked you as well now why you where you meet he gives life and he gives death and he is ever living and he does not die because when a person sees the dunya in front of them and they remind themselves there is no real life except for the life of the hereafter then that means that they are not allowing anything to distract them from allah subhana wa so you're reminding yourself where true life is and where death is and who the actual giver of life because you go to the marketplace to get something of this world and some people find the meaning of life in products that they own right so you're reminding yourself of who allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is and what the value of this life is so when a person enters into the marketplace and they say this allah will write down for them a million hasanat removed from them a million a million sins and allah will build for them a palace in paradise how generous and merciful is allah subhanahu wa ta'ala how generous and merciful is a lost pentaho someone says how is that even possible don't do math with the mercy of allah it's incredible yes it's a lot subhanallah but we're dealing with a lord who is more merciful than we can comprehend who is more generous than anything that we have ever seen of generosity from anyone else and that's the point but call upon allah while you are certain in the response so that is why we hope in the night even when we stay here after salat al-fajr remember allah until the sun rise that allah would write down hajj for us complete witness because we're dealing with a generous and a merciful lord may allah write it down for us fully may allah allow the the brilliance of this diker the beauty of this decade to take root in our hearts for it to be frequent on our tongues for it to be manifest in our deeds and for us to find the entire reward on the day of judgment [Music] muhammad at least about 10 15 minutes with the nighttime and then everyone can pray their two records without
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
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Id: S5Vrr9OJ_l8
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Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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