The Taqwa and Manners of the Great Messenger of Allah | Late Night Reflections | Night 28

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welcome again from valley ranch islamic center tonight is the 28th night of the month of ramadan and as you can see we're coming closer and closer to the finish line may allah give us uh the ability to do this with and we ask allah azza to make the best of our deeds the end of them and the best of the days the day when we meet allah subhanahu wa we have a very special discussion tonight because uh after speaking about the quran obviously and its power to change people's lives obviously if you have no obstacles and your heart is the throne of allah's love and marriage and awareness obviously we have learned as well the obstacles can come from the dunya so many of these so many of these obstacles that will we we get busy distracted with and becomes a burden on the heart so you will never be able to find your way and no matter how much you try to help people find that way you can't really guide guiding whatever you wills allah he showed the way to people for people to choose and then they make their own choices and our job is all to deliver and invite people to allah one way to do so and focus of course your focus when on on the path to allah should always be allah azza himself not what you want from him but what he wants from you and uh to top all of this discussion insha'allah we have a very special a very special chapter for you in this book he made a very short chapter really but it's so profound it's so important because this is exactly the manifestation of the discussion how can i do all the things we discussed before the best example so the best example to follow all the past instruction we have been talking about all these previous nights is the example of the prophet salallahu he put a whole chapter on that small chapter he says this is a a beneficial gem as precious gem uh talking about the prophet how the prophet sallallahu wasallam he combined both both qualities the top and the best taqwa and the best and manners he is the best in terms of his taqwa of allah subhanahu wa for consciousness of allah azzawajal and he is the best in terms of his manners so um obviously there is nothing really when it comes to the comparison he is the best example muhammad in sallallahu alaihi wasallam and when we talk about the prophet sallallahu salaam taqwa prophet that's the best example the best model but what is taqwa let's begin with that first what is tawa well i think taqwa is the awareness of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that puts you in a place that you fear his displeasure so it's an awareness of allah that stops you from sinning is an awareness of allah that propels you to do more good deeds so in the case of rasulallah i i i am the most knowledgeable of you of allah he mentioned that he he he knows allah the most uh the one who knows allah the most the one who fears allah the most the one who loves allah the most and in the case of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam you know last night we were really talking about him in tragedy in his hardest moments and if you're going to sin it's usually going to be i mean if you're someone that generally has good self-control your breaking point will either be extreme bliss or extreme hardship right like that's where what might push push you over to fall into one or the other and imam with every type of had every type of state that you could possibly be in allah put him in prosperity allah put him in poverty allah put him in persecution allah put him in power allah put him in a place of being alone allah put him in a place of being surrounded allah made him loved allah made him alienated i mean he went through all of these different states and the beauty of it is that he is consistent he never changes there isn't a mecca muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and then muhammad sallam there isn't a pre fatah muhammad sallallahu alaihi salallahu and you know if you knew him then you were just pleased because he was the same person and he never forgot anyone either subhanallah like you obviously this was my ramadan i was swimming in it you know like honestly like i really and and i just want to make this point by the way that because i know you taught the prophet smile i've taught many courses but i don't enjoy teaching anything like teaching about the the shamal of the prophet saws like there is literally nothing else that is just as joyful as that like it's so fulfilling and the thing about him in this regard is that his consistency of character combined with his loyalty combined with his being so god-fearing and in the title there's a giveaway here by the way that the prophet saws combined taqwa and her is that very important sometimes when someone starts to achieve higher religious states and connections to allah they become more disconnected from the people more judgmental less agreeable harsher right they're not they just can't really vibe with people anymore right like i can't i can't sit with people anymore because i'm i'm getting up there right you know like in idahi wouldn't it be like i'm just going back to my lord so no i don't have time for that like the prophet saws was not inaccessible he was not inaccessible like he could joke with you he could sit with the young and the old in the community he could sit with a person that was far away from reaching the states of perfection that he was at and a person like abu bakker and rasulallah just displayed the most down to earth and beautiful personality that you could ever have and subhanallah i think that's actually like we we need to be very careful especially people of knowledge people of dawah people who want to reach people with this deen like if you start putting emphasis into looking the part right and you know manifesting a sort of a sort of clout and a sort of disconnect and and that's not heba that's a misguided understanding of presence right the prophet salla some had the greatest heba which is they call it heba is like a presence like it's an it's it's a it's an aura that that can be intimidating but it's not intimidating because the person counteracts that with just good character so rasulullah say some had a presence but that presence was not because the prophet saws was dressed a certain way it's not because the prophet saws would not joke with the sahaba it's not because the prophet saws would not do the daily tasks amongst them it was because of his superior connection to allah that transformed his akhlaq that made him the most beloved person to allah and also the most beloved person to anyone that knew him now that i imagine with the story of when he became muslim i mean allah and he was the man who fought against the prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam and uh he was the one that was stood with out there outside of mecca preventing the prophet salallahu and the sahaba from coming for umrah until they did the the peace treaty he was there he was the same man who year after sneaks out with khardun walid to come embrace islam before the prophet salallahu and he when he was even given his shahada subhanallah this is the thing about when he was given his shahada he um he hesitated like he stretched his hand to the prophet salallahu and the prophet saw was about to take his hand to give the dhaba and the pledge i mean the bay'a and the pledge and then ahmed he pulls his hand back and the prophet looks and just like um like are you changing your mind he goes i have one condition like i'm ready to be muslim but i have one condition and the prophet tells what is it he goes that if you guarantee allah will forgive me what i've done like i have so many years so many you know muslim blood in my hand that's what he's saying on my sword do you guarantee allah forgive me that if you do i will i will go in and the prophet saws in this phase it goes don't you know al-islam once you become muslim it erases all that stuff that you did in the in the past like you're done you're gonna clean slate fresh and that's when he became muslim but here's the thing he goes somehow he goes i grew up in mecca and there is no one that i hated most and most detestful person to me than muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam but in the instant he became muslim subhanallah the way how when he came close to the prophet saw like he hated the prophet salallahu based on what what people told him about him he hated him because everybody hid it in there in mecca and it was just like the public the public thing but then when he when he saw how the committee was defeated in mecca and all these obstacles the arrogance and the attitude that it's all gone even the strong ones right now they're hiding like no one wants to fight anymore because we can't do anything about it only then he had this kind of moment like okay so what was going to happen now but then he became muslim subhan he saw the prophet said because he was the most detachful person to me the most successful sight to me and in that moment he says he became the most beloved person to me ever not just that he said wallahi i swear i stayed with the prophet salallahu for this for for the last years of his life for rasulullah i was never able to fill my eyes with his sight like i never had satisfaction of looking at him how much how much the aura the haiba that he saw he's just in the prophet salallahu like he could not fill his eyes looking at the prophet salallahu but then comes what how much the prophet salallahu like was talking to prophet saws was down to earth everybody even the old lady who had something in her head in her mind she would ask that prophet to go there he would go with her sallallahu to help her out but then when amr was he become muslim the prophet sallam he recognized the talent of the people and he knew that amur was a general he's a great military man he immediately assigned him to be the head of one of those uh uh uh you know military pieces and patrols and he discharged him as the head of that that group now here's the thing the people probably who were under amir's leadership right now probably some of them fought against him the year before subhanallah the year before they probably about to kill him and now he's the leader and everybody submitted to it but the law and of course he's so excited how the prophet saws and preferred him over all these people so they were then when they when they came back when actually it was interesting story a marginal story over here he's he one day he one of those moments he woke up juno and he didn't make udu so he prayed because he thought you know allah says don't destroy yourself so he didn't do that so the prophet smile because you you prayed you know you let your friends without waldo the idea that then when he came back people were arguing about his leadership they were not happy with it some they were whispering they were this among themselves this and that alma realized the people did not necessarily were not very excited about his leadership but he comes to the prophet sallallahu salaam in front of everybody especially that group he goes you told him who's the most beloved person to you what was he thinking but this is exactly how the prophet salallahu when the prophet saws and treated people each and every individual felt to be that special person to the prophet sallallahu alaihi actually there's something else in the story of that matches with this whole thing but also it matches we're talking about salman after so everyone knows the story of ahmednaz going to abyssinia uh to try to convince najashi to give up the muslims and najashi sends him away right twice a lesser known version of this not version a lesser known addition to this is that after fatehead felt the tide was turning now for the muslims against the mushrikeen so he went back to abyssinia to talk to jasi again to try to solicit his help now and to see if he could if he could figure out like do we have a place of refuge to abyssinia if things get difficult like if we have to become refugees ourselves or would najashi because of that old partnership maybe he forgot that that time that he got mad at me about trying to get the muslims to give up maybe najashi changed his mind when he went to najashi and he told najashi you know hey i need your help with muhammad's on them i need your help you know escaping his wrath if he gains power anyone that watches the first do you know what najashi did he punched him and he said yeah have you still not realized he is the messenger of allah and i'm said wait really you were serious this whole time because to amr this whole thing up to that point this whole thing was just the game of politics right diplomacy ah you found a religion so you can get some power i know what you're doing here well i'll find a religion i'll make your religion and fear to my religion and i'll tell najashi that he doesn't really love they don't really love isa islam this this whole time this was all a game to him but then najashi like punches him at that point like wake up you fool like what is wrong with you all this time you've been when are you going to come to the realization abra says wait are you is he really the messenger of allah like it took you almost two decades to say is he really rasulullah and najashi swears by allah subhanallah he never even met him but like he was so convinced ready to put his life on the line for the prophet saws though he never met him and yeah who was you know fighting the prophet's life from all these years he knew him he's like wake up because sometimes you know we're talking about abu talib was was blinded by his attachment to his forefathers was pure in his pursuit najashi who already overcame the politics of the world he achieved power he didn't even want he he didn't care for it at that point at that point najashev the allah saw power as a tool to allah the allah was still in the pursuit of power once that allure was taken from him then he could see the prophet salaam for who he truly was and he could love rasulullah saison for who he truly was says they say najashi is the only tabbery in history to convert a sahabi it's really a beautiful conversation because that's when ahmed was convinced okay i guess he is rasulullah i guess i really would have not been thinking clearly all this time subhanallah subhana when people stop attaching themselves to the uh to the green that the world they gain and stop loving that exclusively as that exclusive love for themselves that's when all these barriers just disappear and they can see the truth subhanallah i want to read what even allah mentioned about this chapter and we can talk about this from these two points of allah azzawajal and his manners so he goes the messenger of allah he combined these two things together his taqwa of allah his full awareness and consciousness of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and hassan has good between you and your lord that fix what is between you and your creator subhanallah like this is basically what you owe to allah and then good manners on the other hand that will amend for you what's between you and the creation of allah so taqwa is your relationship with the creator and hasn't called good manners is your relationship with the creation of allah what would that result into allah will love you if you're aware of him subhana wa you only see him out of all these obstacles and all this through the cloud you only see that light allah will love you for it and he says good manners will force people will call people to love you when you have good manners with people people love you subhanallah so these are two important things having the awareness of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and then before we go further into the flock of rasulallah let's talk about his taqwa because when it comes what does it mean exactly i mean the english translation usually poorly uses the word fear oh you believed the most common word to translate the word taqwa is fear however when you look into the actual arabic word of taqwa was explaining earlier it is not really that it's not about fearing allah as much as putting a barrier like this is something that you have to have before you even cross the line that will make you so scared for what you've done taqwa is a shield because it comes from the word in the arabic language which is a basically a shield so taqwa is when you put a shield between you and what and that which is displeasing to allah like was supposed to be the guardian the firewall that will protect you from going into the dangerous zone because if you're already there i don't know what that what you're talking about now where is that taqwa that was supposed to prevent you from going there so when you have that taqwa of allah subhana wa ta'ala it's so important when definition of taqwa in many different ways so one of those examples when um was asked how do you how do you define taqwa the awareness the consciousness of allah so he told the one who asked him says have you ever been in a pathway where there were a lot of tones and a lot of you know shrubs and bushes here and there he goes yeah he goes what did you do i will you know hold my thumb and roll my sleeves up and just make sure to watch where i put my foot when i'm walking he goes that's tough this is it you got it but in this case you're not walking into an actual physical path no now you're walking the path to allah which was full with a lot of obstacles a lot of shrubs and and thrones and and subhanallah so many obstacles what you need to do as you walk you watch where you put your your foot and where you put you as you go further into the path you need to be much careful because you can't go backward anymore because as you advance if you go backward probably don't see where you're going right now so make sure to keep going and advancing so that's the kind of definition of taqwa but what the prophet salallahu the prophet salallahu how is it different from the taqwa of other people so in a few ways number one is that i think what's amazing about rasulallah is that despite the intensity of exposure to his life not one like one exposure or scandal or flaw came out of the house of the messenger of allah some like like imagine you know even after he died right now nothing from the allah that condemns him nothing from anas nothing from sauda nothing from um nothing from any of them right it's nothing but praise they couldn't talk about him without adding another layer of beauty to him subhanallah or revealing another layer of beauty to him to the rest of the world which is just that's so unmatched you know like nothing that they said after his death except that it just made you love him more so his fear of allah or his consciousness of allah subhanahu ta'ala kept him consistent inside of his house and outside his house because usually where does the taqwa let loose when you don't feel like anyone else is watching you because the thorns are the praise and criticism of the people not the sight of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so when you feel safe from those thorns right they take they have access to the prohibitions of allah so they consume them but the thorns are allah watching you so allah kept that consistency the second thing with the prophet saw islam is that he was setting his own standards right he had enough praise and love from the people to where he could have he could have taken advantage of it to an extent right i mean he could have done things and could have simply said this is just something that allah affords to me because i'm the prophet of allah he doesn't do that right he sets his own standards and often you find his followers cry over how much the prophet saws denies himself of the pleasures of this world his followers don't i mean like subhanallah the sahabah look at the prophet salallahu allah you should be able to enjoy this you should be able to enjoy that you should be able to enjoy ya rasulullah i mean come on keeps on restricting himself further worshipping allah more maddie he has absolutely no concern for this dunya and then the so so what it looks like lastly you know like when the prophet saws does is all the time sometimes i feel a fog over my heart it's not rana it's not a stain it's not a taint it's not a sin inside like there's a fog so i keep on making istighfar and it clears the fog subhanallah so the prophet salla islam is just ascending and ascending and ascending to where people have never seen so when we talk about taqwa again in english you translate the word taqwa into fear half in arabic and uh in order for us to understand why they do so because the word hauf in arabic what does it mean exactly they say half is when you feel a pain in your heart about anticipating macro in the future anticipating something bad could happen to you in the future like if you hear something outside that a scary sound or whatever and now you're worried about going out why is that because your heart going through this pain of maybe anticipating um hurt or harm if you go out because of something that is out there that is the general health so when you try to put that with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala most likely this happens because a person is probably ignorant like you don't know how allah subhanahu wa is probably and that's why when people fear allah subhanahu wa ta'ala why some people fear allah azzawajal because of what because of their ma'asi their sins their sins their mistakes their errors so they're afraid of allah because of their wrongdoing and they should no doubt about it allah mentioned in the quran that he should right they should fear allah for that but there is little better than this is called and that is the half of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala feeling but because of what because of his beautiful names and high attributes which means because you know who he is they never given allah subhanahu wa the proper estimate they don't know who he is properly because if they if they do they will fear him at least they will have that sense of hashia and that which allah subhanahu wa he praised who with he prays that the knowledgeable people he says those who truly have allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the scholars because their fear of allah is a conscious fear based on knowledge not just because of what they do it's because they don't know who who who he is and he deserves to be subhanallah i feel in that fashion meaning you have that hashtag of him that that health that provoked basically it this level of fear besides that the first category of fear prevents people from many things hashia actually promotes so much good things to do as a result of that which is why imam kasalani in his book when he speaks about the different categories of people he goes he says that is a trait for the average believer having that conscious fear of allah is for those of us those who are aware scholars with proper knowledge and awareness of allah like they know who he is and there's so much awareness having that sense of awe of allah because there's so much in love with him like they went beyond the they're beyond knowing who allah like they're melting into their their love of allah right now and then he goes when they get to that level of allah and i don't know how to even translate the islam but is for almo foremost the closest to allah you know typically his majesty right so it is it's it's love because of his attributes and then love because of his authority combined together right so you recognize his attributes and you also love him subhanahu ta'ala for his attributes and you recognize his authority and those two things combined so his jad there's isla of him it's like okay like those two those two feelings are in you know constantly ahead of me right so i love allah and then i fear allah i depend on the mercy of allah and i know the power of allah so i'm i'm just you know going between these two thoughts and that's islam of allah before people ask me he says how can i go you know through all these categories of allah continues actually a statement he goes the more you know allah subhanahu wa and the more that translate into full awareness of him subhanallah like you're always consciously as if you see him as if you see him so you you're not going to do anything that will displease allah and that constant state of mind and heart obviously you will get you'll gain fear all the way to khashoggi as much knowledge and awareness you have of allah subhanahu wa because sometimes we have the knowledge but guess what we don't act upon it that doesn't translate into marifa you don't have the awareness anymore you just have the knowledge but you don't have the awareness and the more you translate that knowledge into awareness knowing who allah is but how would i even have that unless i learn his beautiful names and attributes getting to know allah azzawajal allah subhanahu wa allah subhanahu was mercy allah ability to punish and being merciful and being compassionate all these things if you don't really know them well how would you have this awareness of him subhanallah and if you have that sense of awareness like we talked about it the other day no matter what happens no matter what happens you are in love with allah azzawajal so whatever happens in your life ya allah help me understand what you want me to do here i know i'm going through hardship right now i know you have wisdom in this i can't see it help me go through it i want to know what you want from me instead of always whining about you know their needs they're thinking about allah how is that how does this translate in the life of the prophet saws because he's the one who says foreign of all of you to allah and the most have the most of allah how do you translate that so with the prophet salallahu you know go back to what we're talking about in the very first lesson the receiver the heart the vessel that receives the message the cause the quran and then the life and the light that that gives and how that spreads and expands throughout the chest and then overtakes a person's limbs in the case of rasulullah sallam no one had more knowledge about allah clearly because the revelation came to him and no one acted upon the revelation more than the messenger salallahu you know sometimes the prophet salla islam said that sometimes the listener understands something better than the one who says it and applies it this is when it comes to the scholar and when it comes to a student by the way sometimes the islam says something right the one who's teaching the knowledge the teacher says something and someone because of the purity of their heart and thought and the way they're paying attention receives it not just with its correct meaning but with a deeper understanding of it and so when they practice it and then when they go on to convey it they convey it with not embellishments or innovations no a deeper contemplation a deeper to that but on a deeper understanding because their receiver was more pure so with the prophet sallam there is that doesn't happen right no one's going to understand what the prophet saws had revealed to him or preached better than him no one's going to act upon it better than him sallallahu now the benefit of it for us where we can take to connect these meanings for us in a practical way we've been talking about that simply you talked about that simple bedouin time abdullah or and that person who talks about it is a traffic jam of blessings all he knew was the way that they clung to what they knew of allah expanded their fitrah to encompass the other meanings that they did not yet learn here okay for example when he's being tortured and he's saying he doesn't know the 99 names of allah but he believes allah is jabbar he just doesn't know the name yet he believes allah is rahman he doesn't know allah's name he believes allah that he believes allah is just that's one of the main things pushing him to embrace this religion he just doesn't know that name yet he believes allah is a sustainer so the the receiver is so pure that it ties that meaning and then that expands the fitra as well to encompass what hasn't yet been received here with the statements of many many one of them of course in the pursuit of knowledge sometimes you get yourself into certain paths of seeking knowledge like go into philosophy and and scholastic theology and go into all these sectarian divisions and all the stuff and so on and subhanallah you could just get lost through all that stuff and you lose your compass and use where you're going with all of that so there was some reporter remember when he was dying after you know go through all this path when he was asked so what do you say about all that stuff right now he says i hope i will die i would love to die following the same aki the same belief of the old women of nisabur like you know what those women who are in the village who don't even know how to read and write they probably when they make guden pray barely they could recite you know that the surat al-fatiha he goes i would love to die like on the fitra of these women like birth was never corrupt what does that tell us here is that when it comes to the subject of knowledge and awareness of allah you don't have to have a phd degree in sharia or islamic studies just to get to that level of jihad like some people they go on the path to allah subhanahu wa and they keep going from one level to other level for manchester pursuing something that's probably under their own nose it's just right there but their pursuit is not the right thing and and rasulullah was this person the difference between the prophet and the sahaba is that rasulullah islam his knowledge of allah azzawajal like we said he because he knows who he is it's not just his fear of sins or or mistakes or errors like everybody else the prophet saw was infallible all right so there isn't maybe a sin to be afraid of so what would make the prophecies the most fearful of allah subhanahu wa is his knowledge with who he is his beautiful names and attributes and everything that we know about allah the prophet has the top there but that was not to put it to to become an obstacle of doing anything good in his life it was actually what it would even it would provoke the prophet saw to do even more and more and more so when he prays not because he's looking to to um to expect his sins he's praying because he knows i owe it to allah i owe it to allah no matter what i need to seek forgiveness not because i made mistakes it's because he is deserving of me seeking forgiveness from no matter what i do that's that level from the prophet salallahu the level of khashoggi of the rasulallah of the prophets of allah which is why when the prophet salallahu you see his life you would tell yourself i mean if i had the hope of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala i would go nowhere i was staying home crying all my day and night because i don't want to make any mistakes i would stay home but going out teaching giving dawah buying and selling you know living with his life and so and so which is why when this sahabah the three sahaba went around the house of the prophet salallahu asking about his level of worship and when they were told how the prophet saws of worship what did they say like they believed that and then they gave the excuse they said you know what i mean he's forgiven all his sins why would he need to do anything but for us we have to do a lot and when the prophet saw somebody heard that that's what he said i am the most fearful of allah subhanahu than all of you and i have the the the the highest level of taqwa however he says however i eat i i fast and i break my fast i pray and i go to sleep and i enjoy my life with my wives and he says this is my sunnah you should follow it otherwise you're not a true follower muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam so what we mean by that is that the knowledge of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the awareness of allah azzawajal shouldn't be a deterrent for you to do better it should be actually to promote you to do better so focusing too much on what i've done instead of focusing on him subhanallah becomes another obstacle and rasulullah sallam he was the master in this field he knew all of this never stopped him from doing the best thing we could do in iba of allah so when someone asks here today right now for us okay but i'm still a human i'm not a prophet how can i balance this the fear of allah and my desire to do better well realize the prophet saw some condemned those three young men lay samini you're not from me so you can't be him you can be from him you can't practice like him at the same level but you can practice in accordance with his methodology sallallahu so the idea here is that it's not unreasonable allah set a standard for us and the standard is as clear as night and day and that gives us something to strive for in human perfection islam in each one of these things and that's where your pursuit to allah subhanahu wa is going to be so what we learn right now in regards to the the taqwa rasulullah is obvious is not because he was afraid of allah because of sins he committed no that level is called the full awareness of allah because you know who he is you know his beautiful names his high attributes and this knowledge is what causes to get to that level of awareness of who it is when you walk around you're aware that he sees so you watch what you do when you talk to people you're aware that he hears so you watch what you listen to and what you say and when you when you try to do something you know that he he can he he can register all this subhana ta'ala his qadir to stop you so you make sure that you use what he blessed you with in a way that is pleasing to allah that is the level of awareness that makes you have that level of hashia like don't worship allah simply because you're afraid of the punishment should also have to have that love for him subhana wa for who he is and also hope for the reward that allah promised you let's talk about that so his relationship with allah azza was the best no doubt about it he has a relationship with the people how does that uh translate or how does that even possible in a human being let me put it this way subhanallah the first thing by the way is just like with taqwa and taqwa is to abandon sin hassan is to excel when it comes to al-muslim the muslim is the one who the other people feel um that people feel safe from their tongue and from their hand you know sometimes it's like you know have you ever had someone in your life where they're not the sweetest talker maybe they're not as great in terms of courtesy but you know they'll never betray you you know they won't stab you in the back you know they're trustworthy people you know you can depend upon them so you kind of you start to like it becomes endearing to you that that person is such a straight shooter such a just whatever like at least i know that person's not gonna let me down right now the reason being is that you know sometimes we don't trust good manners because we're like why is he being so nice why is she being so like oh i wonder if there's something that's going to betray that right like because sometimes people that are overly nice are you know are are hiding something with over or with the overly niceness whatever i'm trying to think of the words you guys will forgive me for the words inshallah but the point is that so the basis of his is first and foremost that you don't have anything that would betray the people or hurt the people you don't hurt the people you don't betray the people you're trustworthy who he was ameen sallallahu we trusted him right so that's the first thing then the good character the good manners the the treating people right the asking about them the serving them the inquiring about them right that's exam that's the next level of excellence right so with the loss of taqwa is abandoning sin is going above and beyond to pursue his pleasure with the people the basis the equivalent of that and holuk is the avoidance of all negative traits betrayal and and deception and cruelty and bad-mouthing and gossip and then the son is speaking to them beautiful words and treating them with beautiful manners and inquiring them about them with beautiful attention and serving them with beautiful service so that's ahsan towards the people and the prophet saws mastered that as well when it comes to uh um obviously doing the the good things in ibadah why would people willingly come at night to worship why would people willingly wake up for federer to make their salah why would people take a break during busy day and just to take a break for some quran and so on if there isn't that that really love for allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then we have a problem with our rival and we see that the prophet saw allah had his love for allah that promotes him and makes him do all these you know high profile about that for long nights and every single night and so on fasting regular salah love for allah and what makes the prophet salla do so much good with the people honestly his love for the people that even allah azzawajal when he spoke about him in the quran first of all about the non-believers okay allah subhanahu wa is telling us on behalf of the prophet when the blind came to him and he frowned and he turned his face off and why did he do that for he was so keen on the other people to become muslims because this one i guarantee already let me just walk on these people i want to save these people his care his compassion his love for to save the people made him sacrifice so much that even allah subhanahu wa probably take it on himself are you going to destroy yourself because they're not going to believe you allah are you going to kill yourself to draw yourself if they're not going to believe in you like allah says the prophet saws and take it easy it's okay you don't have to go way and beyond you just deliver the message you don't have to guide them guidance is with us so that tells about the prophet salallahu with everybody else now with the believers allah described him also with what being what would come to the believers he's very compassionate he's rauf he's he's loving salawatu so those who would like to have a healthy i would say standard of manners they need to start shaking the relationship with people are you a people's person or not those who have extreme individualistic characteristics like in our culture today it's all about me it's all about you know promoting self-promotion all the stuff and so on they will less likely have compassion to people to others and as a result when you deal with them that is kind of conditional but here's rasulullah according to the hadith they say an old lady hashem she lost it up there like she is not there she comes and asked to prophesy him to come and help her with something probably even she didn't even recognize that it was the prophet hand of another any salallahu she she found there on the street help me with that thing can you can you carry this from me and the prophet says absolutely and he would walk with him so even if the sahaba tried to intervene he would let them stop them stay away and he would walk with her until he fulfilled her knee whatever she wanted at that moment and he comes back sallallahu to continue his business with the people so has good manners with people requires from you first of all to check inside you are you a people's person or not what do you say about this yeah i think there's a difference between a people's person in regards to just a people pleaser or someone who's in searching for something from the people and someone that is serving the people because they just have an expanded chest of of just love and empathy that allah gave to them right so i think sometimes people misunderstand the notion of love for allah it's like you know if you tell someone i love you for the sake of allah like that's it is that the only reason you love me you know and just like um you know when it comes to the way that allah mentions we feed you for the sake of allah what that means is we don't want from you anything we don't want from you jaza or shukura we don't want you to pay us back nor do we want to be thanked and so i love you for allah that means that i'm not seeking it there's no there's no catch to the way that i love you there's no it's not like i'm trying to get something out of you right and so even in the hadith of the angel coming to the man who's going to visit his brother to go visit a brother of his for the sake of allah what does the angel say when he stops him he says are you going for some something else does he owe you money are you trying to just kind of show up in his face like hey you know is is there something you want from him like is there an ulterior motive and he says no um i just love him for allah and that's when the angel says to him that know that allah loves you as you loved your brother right so with the prophet salla islam the expanded love for the people the more he loved allah the more he loved the people not that his love for the people narrowed no the more he loved the people and so the more you fill your heart with the love of allah the more it expands to include other people not seeking anything from this world because most relationships in this world are transactional it's a transaction you want something and when it comes to allah and loving people for allah i really don't want anything from you and how's that going to translate into a marriage for example what that's going to translate into a marriage for example is i'm not always trying to gain the upper hand and trying to get something else out of you okay i will forego some things here or there so that i can be compensated by allah so i know that allah is going to fill the gap and so i'm going to keep showing exam give more demand less because i know allah fills the gap and i'm not going to try to just cheat my way or get something get something out of you so there's something one of you also might misunderstand the way when it comes to hasn't hollow see you're dealing with people in that manner not because you owe it to them it's because you owe it to yourself because dealing with people is a reflection of who you are not who they are and if someone decides to disobey allah and the way they treat you you can only obey allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala in the way you treat them back if you think about it this way you realize right now that your treatment of people is an extension of your fear of allah subhana wa like i can retaliate but i'm not i'm not going to do that like when the prophet saws told the man who asked me rasulallah give me an advice what did he tell him don't get angry and it was too short for the man he goes can you tell me some more the prophet says don't get angry the man probably is getting angry right now right so he asked allah can you help me out one more he goes don't get angry and that's when the man realized okay so that's what it is then it is about not being angry but what does that exactly mean i mean sometimes you know people do things that will make you just lose it and you can and wouldn't be impressive if you respond in that fashion because that's expected of you but what is not expected is when you don't when you don't release that anger for the sake of allah but however people might say does that mean i'm going to just be a doormat to everybody just because i'm the righteous one i fear allah azza but they don't no no one is asking you to do that instead part of hustling is to know when to put the stick versus the current like one time the prophet says i'm the nicest person you could ever imagine to be with people right he was making tawaf around the kaaba and that was in mecca in the first few years so the people of mecca they were sitting down sitting around there and as the prophet saws was going on the direction of the section where they can see him they would start loudly kind of like provoking the prophet saws they start insulting him saying bad things about him allah like they start insulting him and the first time the prophet saw the first round he didn't say anything second time they did the same thing he kept moving he didn't pay attention the third time when they did that the prophet saws stopped his tawaf and went straight to that gathering straight to their into their faces he goes yamashara i can make a bloodbath over here i swear i can finish you and who was speaking to them i mean the truthful the trustworthy if you said something it's true so what happened to the people of mecca they start shaking and they go they're all the elderly who maybe were not paying attention to the foolish who were saying this thing about the prophet saw they woke up and he goes please please they're just the foolish amongst us just go go it's okay you're right you're fine and the prophet continued to make his tawaf again and they kept quiet the entire go off afterward so what i'm saying is that yes being nice and kind and gentle it doesn't mean you cannot be firm but you do it properly in the right way and again follow the example of the prophet salallahu the most gentle person right he fought in veteran uh he put double armors when he was firing it doesn't mean that you just cannot become a free game for everybody but when you do things remember it's not about your personal uh um ego you're doing things truly because you fear allah first and forem awareness of allah and good manners they go hand in hand i can anticipate a lot of questions coming so i'll just say so how do we then balance women takahama enough the prophet saws have never avenged himself uh a lot of them for example they speak about that hadith that when the prophet saw islam did that he was not doing that because his ego got i mean there were times they insulted him with far worse and did far worse to him but the prophet saw some saw that there was a wisdom to putting some fear in their hearts in that moment right maybe because of the way they treat the believers as whole maybe because they were uh maybe they were starting to think that their the way they were getting away with this stuff was a fitna for them like oh we must be above allah now because clearly like we can do whatever we want and nothing happens so it was to put fear in their hearts for their own good as well and i think that that's the first thing that they're in that much and the second thing is that the flip side of this is when you look at the seer of the prophet salallahu you don't apply the exceptions as norms and norms as exceptions and sometimes people do that they become very harsh to say because rasulallah saw islam like no no hold on all those other instances and you just constructed your entire methodology on that that's that's you've gone astray right so the prophet saws was wise calculated and one thing that i think is very important is that because your norm is gentle your norm is a rift right when you depart from that it's very it's taken very seriously someone who's a loudmouth who's always just blowing you know has a hot head always tempered like people just step on you know they don't want to step on their toes they kind of just leave they're always walking on shells around them no one takes that person seriously anymore they blow steam all the time they're hot-headed they scream they're foul but no one's taking them seriously people are just like oh whatever we just we don't want to deal with that person's mouth yeah yeah they want to avoid the person's mouth so they don't even give them advice anymore it's a scary position to be in by the way when someone is so bad mentioned this man that the prophet saws didn't give him nasiha and was surprised like you know he needs it and the prophet saws said the the worst of people are those that people don't give them advice anymore because they don't want to deal with their mouths like the prophet saws didn't feel like dealing with his temper just go khala's like you know what you're like you've become a lost case so sometimes people go that route the other side of that may allah protect us the other side of that is a person who is not the soup forbearing very forbearing you you fear the anger of the one who's generally forbearing you know the your mom is is the one that usually doesn't get mad when she gets mad okay i really messed up the friend who typically does not get offended but they really got but they got offended they said something okay that must mean that i've really crossed a red line because that's not a person that typically draws that line so the fact that that person felt driven enough to draw a red line means i must have really really messed up to overstep that so i'm going to really go back and think about my character and what i did to provoke that type of response from that person that remind me with the an example of the person who has this helm this forbearance you know and reached that level of mars but at the same time when they are firm they are firm some are like awkward or requested used to say we could tell the crying of umar from the weeping of akrasadeh when our workers was very soft person which is why when the prophet says to the sahaba muru are working for you give the order of salah in his absence so aisha was kind of trying to you know arrange a different thing she had a different reason why she said why don't you ask ahmad because he's a very kind of like a very soft person and and if he christ is going to if he praise is going to start crying and no one won't hear anything and the prophet insisting this very soft man when the prophet saws and passed away the people lost it including umar he lost he couldn't believe the prophet is dead and he kept holding his sword in the masjid warning the people whoever says the prophet dead i'm going to finish him no he didn't he went to meet his lord like like musa did and he'll be back you'll see that's umar his love for the prophet salla subhana he blinded him his emotion took the worst out of in that moment he could he didn't want to believe the prophet saws dead that soft man he would be the one who's supposed to be weeping the most probably because he's his friend his closest ally and friend and the companionship the journey we had together subhanallah if anyone deserves really to cry the most would be him but he wasn't present when the prophet saws and passed away so they called him they they brought him all the way from from afar when he arrived he entered the house of the prophet salallahu he was lying down there covered in that moment every time i read it subhanallah it just it it's something you start choking you know just he he un you know kind of like uncover the prophet salallahu's face and then he puts his hand on on the prophet saws and he kissed him on his forehead and he goes yeah you're so good whether you're alive or dead you're always good and he covered him back again but in you there's business to be taken care of right now there's message a legacy the prophet saws have left behind the deen of allah who's going to take care of it now requires business so he comes out and he was a whole different man transformation and he's telling sit down quiet stop it and then he went on the member and everybody's just like waiting and they were fighting some crying some are weeping some just somehow lost it they don't know what to say what they do and then he started with a very famous quote but he goes to the people listen to know something if you worship muhammad he's dead and if you worship allah he never dies and that was a moment of truth that even um when he heard the ayah about the prophet saw muhammad allah muhammad a messenger like everybody else they died before him remember he says i lost my feet i couldn't feel my feet my legs from the knees down they're gone and he jetha so he went down straight on his knees when he heard that he said it was like first time i hear the ayah like suddenly he woke up and then he realized he's gone so the point here is that someone like brooke said very soft but when there is a like when the truth comes when the moment critical moment required from you to be aware to be you know yeah full there with full faculty they have it so that's what it means being with hustler doesn't necessarily mean that you uh you're weak people will take advantage of you no if you allow people something you're doing it out of your good manager love for allah and because you can because you cannot because you want to are you allowed to say no to the people yes you can would that count as being rude uh depends on the circumstance obviously but we say yes you can and you can stop stop people from being rude to you no trust one of my favorite incidents i i love the relationship between abu bakr and i love that relationship i feel like honestly that could be a whole lecture series of course uh no one else steal it maybe i'll do it one day inshallah and just the stations between every situation between abu bakr and um because it always pops up they had such a beautiful friendship it was so powerful the best example of two brothers after the prophet saws and that example that i always go back to it's one of my favorite narrations is when the sahaba had an issue with osama bin laden a 17 year old kid is going to lead our conquest against the byzantines the most powerful army in the world and we have saddam and we have we've got people in this you know seniors veterans and you're going to put a kid here to lead us and so they knew um who's closeness to abu bakr allah i know they said you go talk to him so they went to the house of abu bakr they appointed omar to go inside talk to abu bakr um who goes in and he says you know some of the people don't like what they're hearing about uh osama bin laden then they feel like you know he's young and we're not really sure abu bakr all the alarm who grabs them by the shirt pulls them down and he says you want me to disobey the messenger of allah may your mother lose you and ahmad delano says no that's it like not like let go of my shirt and you know he didn't like break something even though um this is the paul bunyan from a size perspective it was a habit he could have like broke something or threw a tantrum but when abu bakr pulls him down and says may your mother lose you want me to disobey the messenger of allah they allah and i just said no like i'm sorry i forgive me i'm going to walk back out the house abu bakr allah who was a skinny man with physical statures nowhere it's the opposite of um he went out smacking the sahaba yes and that's actually what happened when he came out not smacking them he came out they were all waiting looking at um so what happened he said may all of your mothers lose you i said he said you made me make abu bakr matt and i hate making abu bakr man i don't like to upset abu bakr now why wasn't umar overcome by ego because he knew abu bakr had no ego with him he knew that abu bakr was giving him nasiha for allah that abu bakr's anger with him at that moment was for allah not because abu bakr was trying to get one up on omar so omar's ego did not come into play because abu bakr's ego was clearly not the motivator there because abu bakr was not an egotistical man or the allah he was not someone who was angry and used to you know go on power trails and remind people i'm the khalifa you better listen to me he knew that wasn't that wasn't a power move by abu bakr that was a prophet move remember rasulallah we're going to abide by the prophet slice in them so that that's a beautiful friendship that is a beautiful friendship right that those two brothers could be that way with each other because they knew it was always for allah and the messenger alaihi if i want to add one story between them and we add in all these stories right now that shows um that this position of sadiq is the one to follow because um he tried before and he was wrong and he knew sadiq he was better than him and he's in these positions it was during the hadith time so when the prophet salallahu he had that treaty with the people of mecca and that the provisions of that treaty sounded for the average person to be unfair to the muslims like if someone becomes muslim the meccans will not return them back if someone becomes muslim the prophet will send him back to mecca but if someone announces islam the meccans will keep him and almost says why and that we do this and we do this so he felt it wasn't right he couldn't handle it so he went to the prophet salallahu sallam to complain why do i have to accept you know the lower hand here why this why that we're more powerful than they are right now and the prophet saws and even umar he said i was walking with the prophet holding his top and the prophet says telling him let go stop it and then he wasn't it wasn't enough he goes to the back of sudden and that's the moment over here look at this man subhanallah this man his love for the prophet saws and his trust in the prophet saw his his level of knowledge of the prophet salallahu it's just unbelievable so when um he tells him are you okay with this are you working with this deal how do you accept something like this he goes listen listen he says don't you know he's the messenger of allah he goes yeah because do you believe him yeah i do because just like the seams of your toe you know how when you put the needles through he goes whatever he sells for you just follow it like no question omar took the answer back today and he thought maybe it was passive he didn't have any anything with the prophet salallahu subha he says on the way back he was boiling but as all these provisions are unfolding one after the other one to be in favor of the muslims remember he realizes oh my god what i've done to myself he said kept saying i've kept seeking forgiveness for years for my position even even doubting the prophet saw muslim and then after that so when about when he came to rebecca he says uh can we you know swap osama with somebody else and and rebecca graham was like really you're asking me to untie a banner the prophet sallallahu he gave usama with his own hand is that what you asked me to do because no i'm not sorry i withdraw because he knew he tried it before and omar was wrong and rebecca was right so inshallah we'll take a few questions it's a it's a topic that really we can't stop speaking about like he said inshallah i'm thinking about it so give me some time insha'allah to do some research and i'll we'll do a series on the brothers inshallah all the situations between the two of them if anyone has a question raise your hand so they can give you the microphone insha'allah until then let me read the question from here is ask and she said hold on your vest do you guys see this just can we take a moment before we get to questions just to appreciate it and say masha'allah it's about it looks like it's like texas i feel like you're gonna ride a motorbike maybe like the the bicycle that we you know from the e.t movie to the skies like i don't know what's going to happen but masha'allah like what are you jealous just a little bit masha'allah i'll get you one you mentioned if i understood correctly that islamic knowledge doesn't necessarily mean having more fear of allah but isn't it the purpose of gaining knowledge what do you think so every time you pursue knowledge you should find a way to implement it and that will be a means of solidifying the knowledge and allah giving you more that's why as is not the gathering of narrations it's a light that allah puts in your heart and that light allows you to absorb more knowledge the more you act upon it the more that it will stay the more allah will bless you with more so yes you you learn to gain a greater closeness to allah the minute that you start learning to do for for other motives and other purposes is the moment that you're gonna you're going to maybe even do the contradictory [Music] they really care about the information but again some bedouins some average person illiterate people wallahi they will have so much profound a proper awareness of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala more than people who have uh went on the path of volumes and studies and that's why when someone used to memorize a book for example like back then not like our days alhamdulillah we have all the books you know digital format in your pockets already but they have to memorize these books so when someone when they announce um someone mashallah someone memorized so one of the one time he was told about this you know like he added an extra copy in the market that's all like i don't know how this is going to translate into his life that's what he's meaning by that yes knowing the book itself doesn't make you bukhari himself it doesn't make you the rasulullah you memorize all his stories is what are you going to do with all this knowledge that's what matters so the subject of knowledge is important but not the information is what's the outcome of that knowledge if it doesn't provoke you to start really having this consciousness of allah and awareness of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then the bearers will stay there as a matter of fact sometimes that knowledge becomes a bearer of its own like how many people you know that they're knowledgeable but corrupt unfortunately and and in the party it says who really ruined the this dean for us except for tyrants king who corrupt who wants things on their own to be their way knowledgeable people who are unfortunately corrupt and who are not so knowledgeable but very soft but they're they're they're misled basically so may allah so i have been watching your series and like why the two questions number one why if there is a whole salah about selling like after the name does they have to be made every time the prophet's name is mentioned or can it be made at the beginning of the sentence and then just talk about the prophet without salah or salam or salam and another question is uh what would somebody what we need to do when somebody like disrespects the prophet sallallahu alaihi the same way that uh it was done in the certain country just a couple of months ago thank you yeah so um the first thing is that how often do you need to say salallahu at least once within the capacity of a dialogue or within the capacity of a discourse at least you establish it in the very beginning however the more you say it the better you can't say it too much and so to say it over and over and over again and honestly it should be natural for the believer because you should love him every time you hear his name you don't even have to be reminded it's a natural uh response when you speak or write or hear his name sallallahu alaihi wasallam so free good deeds easy good deeds and and it's a means of our love and the prophet saws said do you know who the bahil person is the bankrupt person is it's the one who my name is mentioned and they don't say sallallahu alaihi wasallam one of the people that prays against and similar to ramadan and you know a parent so jibril islam prays against the person who ramadan comes upon them and goes and they're not forgiven because like allah gave you enough to be forgiven throughout the year but even with ramadan you still sin do you still maintain the distance from his mercy your parents maybe when you were a kid you didn't get it but now your parents are old you're older you should understand you i mean you still don't get it you're not achieving jannah through them and the one who hears the name of the prophet salallahu and doesn't say his doesn't send salawat upon him you should send salawat upon him without a conversation about him as a means of dua as a part of your daily habit but even when allah gives you the opportunity and his name is mentioned and you don't say sallallahu alaihi was right so say it as many times as you can but the the the obligatory is to mention it at least once in the capacity of a discourse the second thing about disrespecting uh the prophet salallahu there are different courses of actions for different situations the the general rule is that we teach about him we use it as an opportunity to teach about who he actually is because when they insult him they want us to respond in a way that they can use to reinforce the image they're trying to portray about him right there's a racism and there's a prejudice and there's there are political reasons as well embedded not just in the way they insult the prophet and how they insult the prophet saws but the undertones of those insults right are those nasty claims because then they try to extend it that if we can portray him as violence if we can portray him in this way then that means by extension all muslim men are like this that means by extension it justifies a foreign and domestic policy that is based solely in securitizing the muslim community and taming muslim men because they follow this man sallallahu so don't give them the image that reinforces it so there's what that means is that we respond with dignity we teach about him we refute however there are different there are different uh courses of action so for example in france uh the the insulting of rasulullah says we can we can respond with protest we can respond with um pointing out the inconsistencies and and the bigotry behind those things but that also translates into policy there too and the shutting down of muslim organizations and the humiliation of people and the you know their history of colonization so i think that you know boycotting the french for example making them feel the pain of what you know hey you know what your freedom of expression you claim freedom of expression we have the freedom to boycott you and the freedom to make you economically pay and politically crumble for your insults of the prophet salallahu there are different courses of action and different scenarios but we should never depart from a dignified response because then that would be counterproductive and it would actually you know be something that is not befitting to the prophet salallahu as well we have so many questions and i was expecting anticipating that obviously many people from different you know many questions and combine one if a family member keeps hurting you obviously and some they say what if it was a parent and what some say other things and so on and say um and you try your best to uh look away and let it go um but still eventually kind of they keep hurting you so does that justify if you cut ties with them what do we do in this case when do we stop and say you know what enough is enough why don't you try and give it a shot it's your domain i'll give it a shot inshaallah i think that um you know there's no harm and there's no reciprocating of harm to stay in an abusive situation not only puts yourself in danger in a hurtful situation it enables that abuser to hurt other people as well and so that's the point when the prophet saws we said that sometimes he he you know did things that you know put some fear in the people right when someone is abusive like actually abusive and you don't do anything you actually put other people in danger as well an abusive husband an abusive parent an abusive sibling an abusive friend i'm talking about the very clear elements of abuse right so those types of things should not be tolerated because they become dangers and threats to more than just yourself even as far as you know annoyances infractions things that that are just sometimes to be anticipated in the capacity of these things these are things that we have suffered with we have patience with these things and when you're calm you know if you feel like that annoyance is bordering on abuse on a next level where it actually does become abusive then in times of calm and when you feel like the message can be delivered you try to deliver the message about something that might have been said or done that was hurtful to you or you have someone else maybe deliver it that would have a better chance of delivering that so that's when it's still in the realm of annoyances and still in the realm of some of the the natural consequences of relationships but when it comes to abuse when it comes to harm uh a person should not tolerate it in a way that would enable it uh to it to become a greater threat the first thing i want to remind the people who are asking the question is that safety come first number one safety come first which means if nobody is involved in the relationship doesn't matter who uh the other person involved in this relationship if you feel physically threatened you or anyone that you know loved ones and so on you don't wait until something you know worse could happen you need to talk to somebody if you cannot talk to the authority talk to someone that you can trust where they can help you but safety will always come first once we have you in a safe place then we can start negotiating whatever comes after that so that's i want to make sure that people understand this inshallah now regarding dealing with people who are relatives to you obviously and they're hurting you and so on here's what allah subhana says about you and your parents he says he says and if your parents they tried they strived in order to turn you back turning from allah away from allah which means they put every possible effort mental games probably abuse this that and so and so everything to turn you away from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala what are the prophets allah said to us boycott them right he says no no no he says don't obey them which means don't follow their ways but keep good companionship with them and these are non-muslim parents what about your muslim parents still though again like we said there's levels safety come first no matter who the person is even if it was a parent even if it was your spouse or your child if there's you feel that you're you're you're sent your insanity is affected your iman is affected and so and so you need to go and seek help can you say no can you disobey can you put protest i mean it's a case by case these questions to be honest with you you can't give a blanket answer to it because we're talking about they call it they call them um basically it's in its exclusive scenario it's exclusive it's a situation that you live in so it's always better for you to talk to somebody who can help you insha allah give you an answer based on your personal situation because the general answer might not be fit in your situation and answering him might not be equal to the same as she will get and vice versa so therefore make sure that you have inshallah someone you can trust to discuss this matter with them but yes you are allowed to say enough is enough but you're going to have to make sure they do it properly inshallah any question from the sister side okay so here can we get the microphone here having good uh assumptions of allah leads you to have a better relationship with him like you said having good assumptions of people you know because before you meet the people sometimes we already making an obstacle in front of them by having you know bad assumptions of them and then when we meet them it becomes too faced or in sincerity so as allah as well just says you have a good assumption of good people of people um what are examples the process had on him cleaning his heart before he meets people so he can meet them in the best way and the good and the best assumptions sure you want to answer this there's an example actually of uh when the prophet saw was one time he uh was with ayasha and then they told him someone wanted to meet with him so the prophet saws of eternity goes like he's not the best person i would like to see i i just i don't know i just don't want to see him however he allowed the men from so he spoke nicely to him and then when he left like you said about him what he said about him and then this is how you speak to him like nicely this and that and that's when he told him uh that you avoid them because of you know their bad mouth i don't want to deal with their bad mouth basically so here the prophet saws could let his ego come in between him and be rude to him but he didn't he just kind of completely let it go and let the man come to him like he made himself available for this person if it was for him he would say i don't even see him but i'm the messenger of allah people that want to meet with me they want to talk to me i have to let them have some the same equal opportunity so that's how the prophet saws always deal with these people in that fashion and uh even even in mecca even in mecca when he took the upper hand sallam and now it's not one or two three people talk about thousands of them under his mercy sweet revenge in that moment but he stands up in front of everybody he goes what do you think am i going to do to you now i was at the expectation is what punishment he goes you're all free and when he said that that's when the people of mecca they realized this level of forgiveness this level of tolerance is out of this world no human being you can imagine come to this moment would have this level of forgiveness no matter what sweet revenge but because he wasn't after them he wasn't after their their money their homes their this he wasn't after all that stuff and that's when they realized he is really after something out of this world he must be the messenger of allah which is why in massive numbers they become muslims subhanallah so again when you deal with people have a good assumption but at the same time you be careful like with experience we know someone through experience that people dealt with them differently then in this case you deal with them also cautiously but always keep your heart clean yeah i'll just add to that um numerous examples also come to mind was one of them like the prophet saw some put him as a general and it's it's still fresh he could betray right but but putting his faith in him that way is something the story of tied up in the masjid and you know as a prisoner and the prophet saw some says what is it oh mama what what do you think and he would say you know if you kill talks with adam and when tuna and tuna if you kill then your blood will all blood will already be spilled and if you uh show gratitude or goodness then gratitude will be shown to you and the prophet saws leaves him three days as we know the full story he keeps coming to him until eventually he lets him go and then you know to mama goes out and becomes muslim because he realized the prophet's islam was was testing him but also that the prophet saws you know saw something in him so he saw it in himself and there were times that you find i mean look the people that slandered allah no one was hurt by that after i showed more than the prophet saws right he forgave them they lived in society they still were very influential companions the story of uh of hathub betrayed the prophet salla sent a no i mean almost compromised the entire mission of fatih who was making excuses for him with the rest of the companions rasulullah right like it was a weak moment he was vulnerable he you know obviously look he's a veteran a better he he fell but there was a path back so rasulallah was careful he was guarded he was not naive but the prophet saws you know had a hassle in a person that they turned things around and that they were capable of turning things around and he did not place a barrier between someone and they're excelling in toba especially because a lot of times the reason why we don't have hair snowband is we we immediately resign other people to their past when allah says let them forgive in part and don't you want allah to forgive you we don't want allah to resign us to our past and we shouldn't do that to other people as well and so we we resign everyone else to their past like no they anytime they show a sign ah there they go again the prophet saws wasn't like that like he was dealing with people that did some pretty horrible things to him and otherwise but the prophet saws gave them a level of trust put them in positions and how did it not flourish the way that it did yeah i'm sorry but this is actually to break away from the answer your comment on the um on the vest is making people make some comments on their rights as well too so hosni is saying your all brown outfit today is fire masha allah [Laughter] i think he means the color problem agreed personally okay so a question comes from the sister side what are practical ways we can develop the emotional intelligence to approach and and deal with people in the way the prophet salallahu i would like to recommend that the book of brother mikhail smith actually on the intelligence of the prophet salallahu intelligence of the prophet salallahu look it up inshallah hopefully you can get some insight on the subject within but if i want to suggest something very pragmatic and practical over here i would i would say um you need to create something called emotional inventory and emotional inventory is part of self-awareness what does that mean you need to know how what are your what your feelings are what are the signs and how do you respond to these kind of feelings usually what's your what's your behavior and then try to be aware of this so you can create intervention after that what does that mean when someone when you when you're angry you need to think about a sit down brainstorming when you're angry how do you know that you're angry you start shaking um short of breath probably your heart starts pounding um i don't know you know my eyes this i get studs feeling you know hot my cheeks my ears those are all biological signs that you can't you you can't hide them because they come out naturally in response to the stimulus that you get from outside obviously now that you know that you're getting angry what was uh what provoked you to get angry write down the thing that makes you angry someone said something to you you saw something you thought about something an event in the past all the events start provoking you right now okay now think about what your response would be or what you usually do most commonly people some some people are passive so what they withdraw they go to their room they close the door they start crying other people are actually aggressive they respond back they talk they might turn physical this and that and so and so on why did you do this for what's the what are you trying to get out of this response anyway feeling good humiliating the other person to win the the battle what is it that you're looking for now when you think about what reward you're looking for this is when you start you're changing what you're looking for what is what i'm supposed to get out of this this behavior am i really seeking something for myself or for the sake of allah and then obviously once you get to that realization you start creating an intervention to help you change the way you behave because you realize if you keep doing the same thing over and over again over and over again hoping for a different result to come out of it you're dreaming it's not going to happen so you need to start thinking why am i behaving this way and if what you're asking for is something that is legit something is good but still doesn't bring you what you're looking for the only variable in all these things that you can really control is yourself so you start changing your behavior and hopefully you find good examples from the life of the prophet salallahu sallam in response to all these things let's take one last question and shout out to allah from here and this bismillah go for it so the first question and i want to to progress and like as you're like getting more uh learning more of the quran having better relationship with the quran and better uh knowledge of the prophet sallallahu i said i'm learning more about the prophet to some degree the attachment becomes at some level to the quran and to the prophet sallallahu alaihi said them in part probably because they're pretty tangible you know the quran you're always listening always reading always in relationship with the quran the prophet there's always a you know where he did hear this he did that he said this in this in this situation in that other situation to to what degree that becomes um so so it feels like sometime that that becomes sort of an obstacle because that's what you're attached to rather than going toward so with the divine to what degree that is okay and how to move that relationship to make the attachment actually to the divine rather than to what is supposed to be a vehicle to that attachment and that's the first question the second question one at a time that's one loaded question take it easy i maybe maybe you have a different perspective on this so but i don't think you can love the prophet saw islam too much or love the quran too much i think that the tangible way that it becomes a problem is when you get attached to the recitation devoid of the meaning when you're talking about the quran and with the prophet's life and when you start to assign divinity to him right and start to turn him you know the prophet saws said don't exaggerate and in the praise of me the way that the christians did with their sub number um with jesus peace be upon him so what that would mean is assigning lordship to himself or giving him you know attributes of allah or assigning to him attributes of allah or celebrating him in a way that's inappropriate to himself and that's something that the prophet saws like when he heard someone say in poetry that he knows what happens tomorrow like he'll stop the prophet said no only allah knows what will happen tomorrow so i think that with the quran it's when you when you turn the quran into just recitation without meaning and with the prophet saw someone you start to assign lordship to him but i really i don't think you can love the quran too much to where it becomes a problem and i don't think you can love the prophet saws i'm too much to where it becomes a problem unless those two things occur i'm not sure how you feel about this no matter how much we try to seek knowledge for anything besides allah if you get the proper knowledge it will force you to do it for the sake of allah so if you read the quran more often with the devil no matter how much you read the quran it will never be a vehicle only because you write these the words of allah subhanahu wa that in itself is actually a goal that need to acquire and achieve really i would increase your iman uh similar with knowledge when you seek knowledge and that knowledge subhan develops hashia for you obviously even though you want to just to be there to get a degree to get the fame in the name but if that knowledge subhanallah changes you obviously then the effect is a proper inshallah but if someone sees themselves attaching themselves too much to the knowledge maybe that knowledge they're studying is not the right knowledge for them what does that mean like some people they want to study the arabic grammar so they can understand the quran and they they fall in love with the grammar they never get out of it so they just keep studying the arabic language but they never really translate that into understanding the quran itself so that becomes a distraction over here some people they want to study and they start effect day and night to learn the fifth right but their heart becomes dry because in essence is really is the interpretation of people to the quran the son of the prophet sallam so some people become so rigid on the letter of the text of the first rather than the purpose and the essence of why we're doing this for so there's always a secret even for the ham and and that we follow so by focusing on these secrets of these rules hopefully you can get what you're looking for insha'allah allah there's many actually too many questions over here that people want to ask but we need to take a break insha'allah in a few minutes just i want to actually make this quick comment on a question right here because i think it's important someone is saying here it was mentioned that we should focus more on what allah wants from us rather than focusing on what what we need from him how can we do this when allah may not need anything from us i never say focus on what allah needs from you because allah doesn't need anything from you i said what allah wants from you so when allah says pray fast that's what allah wants from you for you so you do what he asks of you subhana wa ta'ala and should be fine insha'allah
Channel: VRIC
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Id: wq2NO4LS-sA
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Length: 93min 14sec (5594 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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