7 Ways To Increase Baraka In Your Time | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman

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dear brothers and sisters there's a very famous narration where the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that time the hour will not come until time shrinks time literally shrinks so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that a year will feel like a month and a month would feel like a week and a week would feel like a day and a day would feel like just an hour and the the hour would feel like a burning bush or like the flare of a fire quickly everything goes by so quickly you don't feel baraka in time you don't feel blessing in your time and there's a collective manifestation of that and then there's on the individual level when you start to look at yourself and you say where is it going and i read about people that are so productive in the past and in the presence where is the blessing in my time and the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam in another narration also in bukhari he directly tied the shrinking of time to the decrease of good deeds and the increase of certain types of corruption so he says that time would shrink and so the deeds the output of good deeds would be less and greed miserliness stinginess would be placed in the hearts of people and the prophet saws said and murder would become prevalent murder would become prevalent and so there's a direct connection between the shrinking of time and the shrinking of the output of deeds and of course the battle with time to make the best use of your time is one that even the sahaba felt and most people do not realize the value of their time until things start to become different until you start to get older and still until you start to get busier until your health starts to wither as well until you see some of the consequences of your wasted time later on in life and then you go back and you say subhanallah i should have done things differently and that's why the prophet salallahu of course mentioned he said that there are two blessings that people just do not take advantage of and they are health and free time so what does it mean to have barakah to have blessing in your time the technical definition to be able to do more with less time to be able to do more with less time that doesn't always mean more in terms of quantity but to do more because allah azza says that he tests you to see who will do the best with their deeds not necessarily the most so it's not always something that's quantifiable but to do more with less than one of his one of his wisdoms he says beautiful saying he said that some people live a very long life but bear very little fruit and some people live a very short life but bear much fruit so there are long fruitless lives and short fruitful lives and so if a person is sincere with allah subhanahu ta'ala and takes the amana of time the blessing of time seriously then what they can accomplish in a week is what someone else can accomplish in a day even in a time where overall time has shrunk even now right so this isn't just something that we lament the past and we say yeah they used to be able to read that much quran and do all of these good deeds but they were different than us because even now even now with sincerity and steadfastness and taking your time seriously you can accomplish more with the same amount of time as someone else a person might even in today's world accomplish more at the age of 18 than someone else at the age of 80 right it is still a thing if you take the amana of time seriously the trust of time seriously and so i wanted to just go over seven things that i extracted from the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam about how to have barakah in your time how to have blessing in your time what do we learn from the messenger salallahu about having barakah in our time and the first thing is that the prophet saws was a morning person and that wasn't just by accident he was a mourning person and there is an authentic hadith a companion he said rasulullah sallam heard or i heard rasulallah saying allah bless my nation in its early hours bless my ummah in its early hours put barakah there and he said i didn't just hear the prophet saw it some say this when he used to send out a battalion or an army he always sent them at the beginning of the day anything he did sallallahu on an individual basis and anything he commanded within the ummah he started early in the day are salatwa it was always the morning hours with him sallallahu alaihi wasallam starting with his fajr prayer and the vikir that came after the remembrance of allah that came after the fajr prayer and the conversations and the commands and the work that started at the early morning hours and some other also mentioned that allah swears by al-fajr allah swears by the two timings the beginning of the day and the ending of the day because most people are either waking up or winding down and the believer can take advantage of those times to get ahead and allah has put special blessing in those times of the day so that's the first thing starting early number two avoiding sins and drama and they are interconnected so i'll start with the obvious here with sins when he met imam shafer this amazing child who at the age of eight years old just clearly was way ahead of everybody else one of those kids that would make multiple world records happen that there would be coverage of the brain of a shafter and what he was doing he was clearly a genius he clearly had something special going for him at a young age and his teacher imam rahima says to him listen to me oh young man i see that allah has put a light in your heart he didn't attribute it to his upbringing he didn't know he said allah has clearly put a light inside of your heart don't extinguish that light with the darkness of sin allah gave you something special don't mess it up with sin so whether it's your memory or it is as allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says had the people of the town believed what taco avoided sin they feared allah they avoided sin the the implication of taqwa is avoiding sin then barakah than the blessings of what was coming down upon them would have been present but it was the sins that took away the blessing of what was given to them and so sins decreased the barakah of wealth they decreased the barakah of time they decrease the barakah of intellect they pollute everything that they are present within because all of those things those faculties and those those blessings that allah gives to you are gifts from him and he will not allow you to keep those gifts if you tarnish them with disobeying him so the light will be extinguished in your time the light will be extinguished in your mind the light will be extinguished in your wealth also and so many other things some of the scholars also say and this is why i said avoiding sins and drama there is a there is the the hem the the anxiety that sin causes when you're a messy person you get yourself into a lot of messy situations don't you when you're a messy person you get yourself into a lot of messy situations and so you only have a certain amount of head space and a certain amount of heart space and a certain amount of time space and if you occupy that with sins and the consequences of sins the messiness of sins then naturally that's going to paralyze you from being able to be productive with your time because you're always trying to get yourself out of a sin that you committed they're mostly self-inflicted right grudges take up heart space drama takes up time space all of it takes up head space right it just takes away from what time you have and so if you're a person who's not messy who generally avoids drama and causing drama and inflicting wounds and gossiping and things of that sort you likely have a lot more time to focus on what's important rather than always trying to climb out of something that you've inflicted upon yourself so that's the second thing the third thing and there's something very interesting about this spending time with your family you say wait a minute that's why i feel like my time is going right i can't find time to spend with my family i can find time to do all this other stuff but i can't find time to spend with my family narrates that the prophet salallahu whoever wants to be granted more wealth and have their life extended then let them keep a good relationship with their family ties let them establish their family ties think to yourself wait a minute family pulls me away from being able to make money properly i've got to do more in my career and that's why i don't have time for my family i don't have time for my family because i got to do this you still find time for the leisure you still find time for all the but i don't have time for my family because i got to do this important stuff okay and the prophet saws is saying that in the design of allah spending time with your family being good to your family actually increases the barakah of your earning and the barakah of your time and we trust in allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with that and that's why you read about the prophet saws and you say how was he able to balance allah blessing in what the prophet saws did in his time in every way possible and starts with your parents starts with your parents if your parents are alive right it starts with your spouses then your children then you know the closer your uncles your aunts and so on so forth there's blessing that comes from that blessing that comes from the dear out of those people blessing that comes from the rib from the pleasure of those people and so all of us should take that as a sign you know what no i'm not going to relinquish those family ties in the name of what in the name of making more money or making better use of my time because the prophet saws said the opposite is in fact true and subhanallah you look at the the way the scholar scholars pointed to this or explain this idea of the prolonging of life the prolonging of life some of them said that allah blesses your health and blesses your ability expands you in that sense some of the scholars say bill barakati umrihi with allah blesses them by just putting more in their time barakah in their time and and guides them to do actions of good deeds of obedience some of them said and this is beautiful allah extends his life with the good memory that he leaves behind with those people that you loved so they have vikran jameel they have a beautiful way of remembering you and that extends you because when they remember you beautifully then they do things in your name that encourages them to make dua for you and to give sadaqah in your name and that allows for your extension on life to exist and some of the scholars said of course that this is the actual extension of years that allah puts in his books on a person when a person has barak in that sense the fourth thing acts of gratitude allah says if you are grateful i will increase you now is in regards to faith as a whole your perspective but also in regards to the specific thing that you are showing shukur with what does it mean to be grateful with your health allah will increase you when you're grateful with your health when you use your health to work acts of gratitude sadaqa is a means of gratitude with wealth it increases your wealth and so gratitude with your time sparing your time for service to do acts of volunteerism some people think well i can't find time for the volunteerism and doing the acts of gratitude allah extended the years of who worked acts of gratitude and it extends his life ali salam and so a person should always have some notion of sadhaka with their time and so you know i want to be very clear here this is not just swiping a credit card or now whatever you know doing it online and just donating something sadaqa with your time acts of gratitude with your time will put barakah in your time volunteering your time for something good in an act of gratitude will actually bless your time as well number five a daily recitation of the quran specifically surat al-baqarah is where we find the prophet saw some talked about al-baqarah when it comes to baraka in time the prophet saws when you do so you are unlocking all sorts of barakah and to abandon it is a form of regret allah and it cannot be penetrated or overcome by al-batala but allah can can be as as neutral as laziness and as uh as as nefarious as as sorcery and magicians okay it's it's somewhere there as well so some of the scars say that a person who is lazy will not be able to read surah al-baqarah if they have that characteristic of just not being motivated is a condition i just don't feel like doing anything and the other and then you have a narration from uh what i was taught is that refers to asahara the sorceress so it's a protection of the house and we know the prophet saw isaac told us to read through in the home as a means of protecting it from anyone that tries to cause you harm and so the scholars say in regards to walked here in regards to time here right the longest surah of the quran is al-baqarah if you read it the blessing that it unlocks in your life is significant a significant and so there is a general rule here that if a person has a daily recitation of the quran it will increase the blessing of their time and specifically of course here surat al-baqarah that has been given to us and it is as long as it is subhanallah as long as it is you will find many people able to memorize through the baccalaureat can't memorize the whole quran but you will find many people that were able to memorize suited baccarat and that's something that allah subhanahu has placed within it as a bushra as a glad tiding that it's not as hard as you think to approach the quran with memorization it's not as hard as you think and when a person memorizes it in the night it will unlock much barakah much blessing for them number six incorporating remembrance into your routine into your actual routine the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was once walking with the companions he said that we reached a mountain on the outskirts of mecca called jumdan so the prophet saws is a mountain that's all by itself it means frozen right so it's it's all by itself there's nothing around it and it's it's it's it's a staple there so the prophet saw islam is saying go those who have lived a life of being alone have preceded al-mufaridun have gone ahead al-mufaridun have gone ahead and have gone ahead so they said ya rasulullah what do you mean the loners what do you mean they've they've proceeded they've gone ahead of everybody else and he said that the men who remember allah frequently and the women who remember allah frequently now there's so much to take from this the prophet saw some mentioned this in the context of what they've they've gone ahead they have succeeded they've beat the bunch in the race they're ahead of the lines and what the utima say here is the emphasis of the prophet saws right if you look at his life is that vikir was not something that was isolated to a place or a time of worship vikir was in the prophet's gatherings his tongue was moist with it vikkir is when you're cooking vikir is when you're walking wikir is when you're working out wiki is when you're doing anything that is not haram you don't want to be doing viking while you're haram unless you're doing it to get you out of the haram zikr is something that you incorporate into your daily life and you set those goals you don't have to separate like i can only do viking in the masjid after salah vikir is something that you bring into your routine and that's when you find the story of the baker and the time of imam whose were all answered why because as he was baking his dough subhanallah allahu akbar the output in the dunya that you saw was some loafs of bread the output in the site of allah subhanahu ta'ala was a bunch of palaces and trees in jannah at the end of every day and answered to ask for him so for the brothers and the sisters incorporate wicked into your actual routine don't just relegate it to a place and that will increase what you earn in the hereafter as well as what you bless in this life the last thing dear brothers and sisters keep the company a productive people righteous people are of categories but specifically productive righteous people keep their company where allah is keep the company of those who are calling upon allah night and day seek patience through them keep yourself resilient by their company and there is a story i'll end with here it's the story of a bin abbas one of my favorite stories of a young man who had a vision the cousin of the prophet saws loved by the prophet saws he used to sleep in the home of the prophet saws used to be behind the prophet salaam on his camel and on his horse he was always with him sallallahu sallam from the age of 10 to 13 shadowed him brought his wadu it was very traumatic for him when the prophet saw some passed away but he also had an eye and he had a heart that was looking for the pleasure of allah so when everyone came back to medina after the death of the prophet saw islam all these sahaba that had gone on journeys were all there in madinah tells his friends 13 year old friend 13 year old ibn abbas he says hey the ashab the companions of the prophet's life some are everywhere today let's go seek knowledge from them they're all here in madinah let's go ask them to narrate us their hadith their time with the prophet saws let's get something for them and his friend is narrating the incident he says that i told him you know you go ahead and do that i'm going to keep playing and you know and relaxing let's go play with the pigeons instead he said i let him go i left him i went and i started to sleep on the doorsteps of the companions of the prophet saws collect a hadith collect their knowledge their jurisprudence years later they've grown up and that man is walking by and he's still playing with the pigeons as an adult and even has become the first university in the history of islam they're saying you know that young man knew better than i did he got it it clicked keep the company of productive people keep the company of people that are goal-oriented keep the company of people that are trying to get ahead work with them together we are all in loss except for those of us who enjoying one another push one another towards the truth push one another towards enjoining good and forbidding evil and patience and prosperity may allah put barakah in our lives barakah in our time baraka in our wrist and our sustenance barakah and our deeds to be embedded with his pleasure with us until we meet him and we enter into paradise in the company of his beloved prophet salallahu um [Music] foreign you
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 845,050
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Id: 4YTfDUqGlZs
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Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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