Delete Your Past | Ramadan Reminder

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[Music] the brothers and sisters in the interest of sincere advice the reflection that i want to give tonight i want you to look inward insha'allah and let's think very deeply because we're getting now into crunch time the most important 10 days of the most important month of the year so bismillah i'm going to ask you all a question first on the day of judgment what are the barriers to your good deeds being accepted the prophet saw some said that there is a specific moment that a person is bankrupt on the day of judgment rendered muflis bankrupt on the day of judgment despite their prayer despite their fasting despite their qiyam what are those deeds i can't hear anybody [Music] what is that uncle bad manners what else the rights of the servants anything else one of the sisters said something brothers okay we know the hadith of the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam that a person comes on the day of judgment and they have their prayer they have their fasting they have their siam can you imagine how many leila turkatas they have caught a lifetime a lifetime of seemingly doing the good deeds but a different hadith different narrations of the hadith those things are in different order but the point is despite all of that you cursed this person you backbited this person you slandered this person you hit this person you denigrated this person basically you had a nasty tongue so the people that you hurt line up and they take your good deeds until you have nothing left can you imagine is better than a thousand months a thousand months and let's say that a person called for 50 years 50 000 months of good deeds gone why because of the people that you hurt with this it's a warning from the prophet saws the barriers to our good deeds being accepted or being profitable on the day of judgment now that's not what i want to talk about tonight i just want to establish a premise for a moment that as we're getting into the last 10 we need to make tawba from those things that might take away everything from the last ten shakyasir talked about salah prayer taking the most of our prayer and honestly i appreciated the reminder because it wasn't a feel-good reminder it was a warning usually you hear the good things about prayer it was a warning not to be forgetful for your prayer right with your prayer and lose out on your prayer this is beyond that this is your good deeds going to waste because you're not reforming your akhlaq you're not reforming your manners and so if you want your ibadat to be accepted you have to reform your can you all remember that if you want your ibadat your acts of worship to be accepted you have to reform your what your your manners if you want your acts of worship to be accepted you have to reform your manners may allah allow us all to reform our manners and to perform our acts of worship this is the time to do it in this life there is also another prominent aspect of these next 10 nights which is dua to allah constantly making dua we have lists that we go to allah with you've been asking allah for all this time is the night of decree so you want something to happen in the next year that's your night that's the night that your next year is going to be decreed in the next 10 nights your next year is going to be written down think about the the consequence of that including by the way those who plan to go to hajj may allah write us amongst them i mean so in these next 10 nights something is going to happen with your decree right and what is the barrier to your accepted and that's where i want to stop for a moment and think about the surahs that we just passed surta nur allah talks about the ideal society that got polluted by some of those bad akhlaq those bad manners gossip until they did not spare our mother our mom our mom was slandered you love your mother you're reading about the story of your mom being slandered with the worst type of slander our mother was slandered by people we also love not the hypocrites have been obeyed and said fell into the trap passing it right and left they took it and took aspects of it and passed it and allah forgave the companions not the hypocrites but what did allah subhanahu ta'ala say that's a strong warning i'm warning you never to go back to this again nothing like it the remnants of it don't you ever go back to anything like that episode ever again allah let you off with a severe crime and yes there were some people that had to pay the penalty of slander and there were others that allah knows they they passed the slander but they were not amongst the main slanderers but allah offered an amnesty but a warning with that amnesty don't you ever go back to that way again let there never be an episode like hadith in the society of medina again like the slander of our mother in the society of medina again that's a strong warning honestly if you're reading that ayah the strength of it it is such an admonishment the strength of it like it's not even allah does not even talk about what the consequences are it's just allah is warning you i'm warning you do not ever go back to anything like that again don't let that happen in the society of medina again just like don't let the disobedience of uh happen again and they never did right the sahaba never had another uh episode and the sahaba never had another episode alhamdulillah because they were people who took the quran very seriously and then you see in surat al-furqan the servants of the most merciful and allah mentions their toba their repentance why because all of you will sin all of you will sin all of the children of adam will sin all of us will fall at times but allah ta'ala mentions in the qualities of the servants of the most merciful illamantaba except for those who repent and they believe and they work deeds of righteousness and allah re-emphasizes that by the way mantada wa'amila the one who not only repents but who puts in the place of where they used to sin a good deed instead to hold that place they cut off the means to sin and they now have the means to good deed they now have means to a good deed with allah and for those people you bet allah says how merciful is allah allah switches their sins to good deeds now surat nur was a warning to society as a community don't mess up like that again you don't get to hadith you get one you messed up as a community make taubah to allah and learn the lesson as a community is very individual when you messed up turn back to allah and put in the place of your sin a good deed why do i want to build on this insha allah ta'ala tonight because just like there are barriers to our good deeds having any weight on the day of judgment the barriers to our du'a having any weight in this life is our insistence on sin so the insistence on poor make our ibadat meaningless the insistence on sin render our dua's void how do we know the hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam a person calls out to allah and says o my lord o my lord o my lord but look at your dress look at your food look at your sustenance you're insisting on haram and then you're insisting on allah to answer your duas how does that work yes allah answers to us but what kind of effort are you putting in you're insisting on your ways and then you're insisting allah answer your supplications it doesn't work that way with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and no use on what basis are you going to be responded to you you're not willing to reform your ways but you want allah to answer every one of your supplications why because i listen to the you know mahatma i think tomorrow's friday it is tomorrow tomorrow's friday right yes tomorrow is friday my quota tomorrow will be about making the most of things of that sort right so i followed the tips i i read the dua i i said allahumma nikkaful went to hibern i prayed the entire night i caught taraweeh but my duas look for myself and for you ramadan resolutions means difficult difficult difficult sacrifices and what i want to really advise myself and all of you i'm a light comes from a sincere place i hope for myself and for you remove the the means that are causing you to constantly fall in the sins over and over and over again you know for some people that means scrub your social media if you're not going to do it in ramadan then when are you going to do it you need to delete your social media for some people that means i need to exit certain whatsapp groups or i need to delete whatsapp altogether for some people that means i need to delete certain contacts honestly there are certain friends in my life that just provide a constant avenue to sin for me for some people that means i really need to consider at this point if i'm in a haram business or i have a haram level of earning i'm going to cut it off now for some people that means reforming your dress for some people that means reforming your food for some people that means reforming your sustenance but every one of us has to look deep deep deep deep deep because when you show allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that you're going to insist on these ways and you're not willing to make those sacrifices that is the barrier between you and your supplication your duas become mechanical at that point how beautiful is the dua of a person that says ya allah i'm changing ya allah i'm taking the next step in my journey to you ya allah i'm looking at myself and i'm not going to be the i'm not going to insist on these things no matter how minor they are remember the prophet saws beware of the minor sins some of you are planning weddings right now for after ramadan how are you planning that wedding to be think about it right every single aspect of your life you know what are you thinking about doing right after ramadan every single one of us look deep in the mirror as we go into these 10 nights and say how do i delete my past because i want allah to do tadi to switch my sins to good deeds but in order to do that i need to switch the means to my sins with the means to good deeds and allah is merciful enough to where he will clean the slate but am i going to clean my own slave am i going to turn my own page i trust allah the most merciful to clean the slate if i sincerely turn back to him but will i fill it with good and so while we're talking about ramadan resolutions we're less than two weeks left in ramadan if you weren't going to make the change in these next two weeks if you're not going to do it in ramadan when are you going to do it if you're not going to reform your earnings and the things that the prophet saws are barriers to when are you going to do it and if you start thinking about well but that would mean i have to change this and i have to change that you know how the shape on i'll end with this you know prophet salam said when you're about to give charity and i'm not going to fundraise yet okay there's no fundraiser right now you're about to give charity the shayat lean open their mouths and they tell you what poverty poverty poverty poverty poverty vacation trip this this this this that they hold you back from your charity that's with every good deed you're about to turn the page with allah but what about your friends well wait a minute what about this what about that what about your social gatherings what about your family what about these people what about those people what about this factor wait a minute but if you get this out of your life oh but wait a minute maybe you'll need to communicate with that person again the excuses shaipan just wants to make sure the means are still there he's going to come out of his chains with a vengeance after ramadan we all know how he feels on the day of he will come out of his chains with a vengeance he just wants you to maintain the pieces in place the means so that you go back to those things let's hold ourselves accountable and let's make some difficult sacrifices and that's how you get your jaws answered just like we don't know how the sins affect our lives they devoid they make our lives devoid of barakah they bring in our lives they bring in our lives trials and tribulations that we don't even trace back the same thing dear brothers and sisters with our duras to purify us from the sins and from the shortcomings that cause our duas to not be answered and we ask allah to purify us from the sins and the shortcomings that cause tribulations to descend upon us and we ask allah subhanahu ta'ala to purify us from the bad characteristics and manners that cause our acts of worship to not be answered not to not be accepted we ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to fill our hearts to fill our eyes to fill our minds to fill our limbs with that which is pleasing to him and to purify us from all that is displeasing to him we ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to allow this ramadan to be a moment of a turn page with him and we ask allah subhanahu ta'ala that for anyone we have harmed that allah subhanahu ta'ala allow us to be forgiven by them as well we ask allah subhanahu ta'ala to correct our affairs in regards to the hereafter and correct our affairs in regards to the dunya and we ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make us amongst those who catch laylatul and who do not have laid it invalidated on the day of judgment oh allah accept it from us allow us to catch it and allow us to see it on the day of judgment and do not let it be amongst those vedas that are invalidated to you
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 487,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yaqeen institute, islamic research, islamic lectures, islamic studies, islam, faith, iman, omar suleiman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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