The Video Game Hoaxes and Rumors Iceberg Explained

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all right so welcome back to the channel and today we've got a very special and interesting Iceberg to cover created by Blastoise underscore for the win on Reddit we have the video game hoaxes and rumors Iceberg which if you know me or have seen my GTA myth videos you know I'm a huge fan of video game urban legends myths rumors hoaxes and basically anything in between even if it is just something that's been made up by the community there's still something just so interesting about the legends that are created and how they spread throughout a certain games community and sometimes even tend to take on a life of their own surpassing all expectations of the creator of said hoax or rumor and I'm sure some of you guys can relate talking about how to summon Herobrine at school or how to find Bigfoot in San Andreas or even how to spot Sparky the dog in FNAF I mean it's these tall tales and rumors that keep us interested in some of these games hunting for secrets and investigating Mysteries even if they turn turned out to be fake so I mean maybe the bigfoots were the friends we made along the way stupid line anyways without further delay let's jump into some of the most well-known topics before we delve deeper into the more unknown and uncharted waters this is the video game hoaxes and rumors Iceberg explained [Music] tier one Shang long so this is actually an ongoing hoax and joke in the Street Fighter fighting game series because starting in 1992 The Gaming magazine electronic gaming monthly described a character called Shang long in the game Street Fighter 2 as an April Fool's joke and even suggested that the character was unlockable despite the origin of this character just being a mistranslation of one of the victory quotes from one of ryu's special moves that being something like quote if you cannot overcome the shoryukin you cannot win but in English it was translated to you must defeat Shang long to stand a chance so Shen long not Shang long is actually a dragon from Chinese mythology who is also the basis of Shenron from Dragon Ball but that's off topic and this made people believe that this was not actually a move but rather a character and possibly reuse Master anyway people thought this was real for a while and the myth kind of spread around I mean they didn't really have the internet back then to backtrack stuff so it was carried over to even Street Fighter 3 which egm also did another hoaxon in 1997 with a complete appearance and backstory he even also appeared in a street fighter comic book series from 1993 and despite it being known as a hoax now the legend of this one still lives on and in Street Fighter 4 a character was added called goken which is about as close as we're gonna get to Shang long at least for now that is polybius [Music] okay so this is a really well-known one I've talked about it before and I'm sure most of you have heard of it so I'll just give a brief rundown in case somehow you haven't heard of what might be the biggest gaming urban legend of all time so back in the early 80s it was said that there were these rare arcade cabinets called polybius which were only around for a short while and had an asteroids type of game but in reality they were some kind of government experiment possibly related to MK Ultra most notably said to have occurred in Portland Oregon with government agents wearing black suits taking data from the machines and Gamers that played it were said to experience psychoactive effects such as seizures insomnia hallucinations and more however of course no such game exists but it is a really cool urban legend and one of the first big gaming ones which likely started in the 90s through word of mouth and early video game forms to be honest there really is no hoax quite like this this one when it comes to gaming definitely the most documented one here and it's become a piece of internet and gaming culture with it appearing in various TV shows and even other games and of course people have made their own versions of this Infamous arcade cabinet L Israel 2401 so yeah it's crazy but for a while this was just a rumor a lot of people even thought it was just a hoax but L really was real all along well I mean he existed but you can't unlock him in the game as some people thought so that part is a hoax but I'm getting ahead of myself here if you're not familiar with Mario 64 this is referencing the theory that Luigi is actually in the game and could possibly be unlocked somehow through some elaborate Easter egg now that part is untrue but even so many people gave up hope that he was even planned to be in the game at all but in 2020 there was a huge Nintendo leak including a leaked beta of Mario 64 which did actually include Luigi's model also if you're wondering where that strange entry name comes from it derives from a sign found in the game which has some hard to make out text that some believe reads as real2401 as some sort of hint that he was in the game or possibly how to unlock him well at least we now know at some point he was playing to be included Triforce in Ocarina of Time so because it's a Nintendo game and also Legend of Zelda no doubt there were theories on a few secrets and potential Mysteries hidden in the game including the Triforce and similar to Mario 64 this game also had a ton of hoaxes and crazy rumors but this time on how to unlock the Triforce which ranged from finding a hidden final Temple throwing bombs into lava pits or beating Ganon with certain restrictions basically anything you could think of really but in the modern era the game has of course been data mined and no such Triforce was ever found Madden Curse this is a really interesting one so the legend goes that if an athlete appears on the cover of a Madden game then they will suffer a brutal injury in the next season or some unrelated bad thing will happen to them now it's just a Superstition but it's worth noting that out of the 22 players to appear on the cover since Madden 99 16 of them have had their Seasons cut short due to injuries I mean maybe it's not that weird considering how physical the sport football is but I don't really know anything about football so don't ask me still it's definitely interesting [Music] Mew under the truck so this rumor is from Pokemon Red and Blue and can be found near the ship in Vermilion City and this is the truck right here seems innocuous enough right well I mean it really is there's nothing here but many players thought there was some sort of secret hidden under the truck for some reason the most popular of these was the Pokemon Mew so either by trading a Pokemon with surf or by throwing a battle on the ship and getting sent back to the town so that it would stay there players were actually able to use the Ability surf to go around it and get to this small island but yeah like I said there's nothing under the truck sad face however most likely as a nod to this rumor in future releases a rare item was actually hidden there [Music] Herobrine well well well now here we have one of the most nostalgic for me and I'm sure a lot of others the alleged ghost and Dead Brother of Minecraft creator Notch we have the one and only Herobrine I remember the heydays of people saying how he existed posting sightings and even making tutorials on how to summon him good times anyway this guy has been around for a while now it started on forms with screenshots and just grew from there to having like Creepypastas and stuff now at first Mojang and Notch denied his existence but later on they made a couple of jokes in update notes where they would put removed Herobrine honestly at this point I don't see why he hasn't been officially added into the game as some sort of rare encounter or boss fight or something I think that'd be pretty sick Reviving aerith okay so here's another really big one especially For You Final Fantasy fans out there speaking of which yeah a bit of a spoiler talk here for Final Fantasy VII really old game but yeah I thought I should mention it anyway even though you know the title kind of spoils already but whatever anyway this refers to a really old urban legend that somehow you could revive the character aerith who gets killed off later in the game I guess this just hurt people so much that they became delusional and thought there was actually some elaborate Easter egg to do so but that unsurprisingly was never found although there were plenty of hoaxes and rumors associated with this such as having to use the underwater Materia or even picking specific dialogue options but both of these were proven false Ermac so the iceberg says for the century Ermac fight but I assume this is just referring to the rumored character from Mortal Kombat possibly the title could be referring to a secret fight which would unlock the character if beaten but this is a long-standing myth in the series so much so that he was actually added into later titles which is really cool but the origin of this character is in the original game sometimes the word Ermac would be displayed which wasn't actually a secret unlockable character like some people thought this is actually just an abbreviation of macro error once again though electronic gaming monthly created an article with this image claiming he was a secret unlockable red ninja blowing into carts so this is more of a general thing back from when video games were on cartridges remember those days me neither actually I do I used to play some NES games like punch out back in the day and I actually remember my dad doing this I think basically it's supposed to help the game work if it's not running properly or possibly make it run faster or something I'm not quite sure but at least I thought it would help clear debris and Gunk and whatnot out of the pins but this kind of reminds me of something else little side tension but I grew up on games for the like PS2 and Xbox 360 and when games didn't work for us we for some reason put toothpaste on it and like rubbed it in and that should actually work don't ask me how but yeah tier two stop and swap I've talked about this a billion times to this point but stop and swap is a mystery found in the original Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie because there are six of these strange eggs that can be found as well as an ice key what's so special about these items well they are shown in a cut scene if the game is completed with 100 Jiggies collected meaning that these are for some sort of secret but it actually can't be accessed as the feature was never finished or fully implemented and the only way to acquire these items were actually through cheat codes but unfortunately they don't do anything despite there being theories on what this big secret and mystery could be but it was eventually revealed that Nintendo planned for what was called the Stop and swap feature which was a pretty novel yet strange Concept in which players would have to swap to another game to presumably collect the items but this idea was abandoned at some point in development because not only would it be a difficult thing to do but it could also potentially damage systems although this was eventually implemented into the Xbox Live arcade ports of the games hidden Palace Zone this refers to a cut Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2. it is one of five zones that ended up being cut and it was even shown off in a screenshot for a Gaming magazine at some point but when the game released the level was nowhere to be found so when the game first came out some believed that it was in the game but it was just a hidden level although it turned out of course that this wasn't the case and the level just simply went unused although it could actually be accessed through a Game Genie code and the level was officially released in 2013 in the remaster of Sonic 2. Mount Chiliad mystery now this is an insane Rabbit Hole when it comes to GTA 5 and is definitely the biggest and most elaborate myth in the game and there's just so much to unpack here and really it's not a hoax or a rumor or anything this is actually a full-on Easter egg by Rockstar however it may not be fully solved which I think is why it appears on this Iceberg because many believe there is more to this mystery and what it could mean so first of all there's the actual map painted on the wall on Mount Chiliad which is the basis of this whole mystery and there's some symbols here as well and these are understood as the sunken UFO the alien egg and the Jet Pack the sunken UFO can be found in game and the jetpack and egg are both featured in GTA Online and the other stuff is thought to relate to getting 100 completion in the game with the mural relating to the GTA online doomsday Heist but there is definitely more to look into here with this mystery Bigfoot in San Andreas should I even talk about this or should I just move on I'm just kidding but if you've been around the channel you know I've discussed almost every notable GTA myth that there is in all of the mainline games including San Andreas which was the first one I covered and of course you know we talked about Bigfoot one of the greatest gaming urban legends of all time and definitely the biggest myth in any Rockstar game not just GTA but I'll explain if you don't already know the lore but I mean go check out that GTA video there's some pretty cool stuff there anyway so when San Andreas came out back in 2004 almost immediately people began reporting strange creatures and phenomena throughout the game's darkest corners one such myth was Bigfoot it was said to be found by players in the countryside around Bako Beyond or Mount Chiliad and it kind of snowballed into a huge thing with people coming up with methods to allegedly summon him via an Easter egg or how to just find him in the game but sadly the myth is actually false there is no big that's been found in the files or otherwise despite years of searching still it became an iconic part of the GTA Mythos and he was eventually featured prominently in GTA 5 so there is that at least and of course there are quite a few mods for San Andreas to actually witness the legend Bill's Secret Garden here we have another gaming hoax from Pokemon Red and Blue this one is from Bill's house as there is a small area behind it that is normally inaccessible and you know what that means some people thought there could be some super crazy secret back here like a rare Pokemon or possibly the other starting Pokemon that the player didn't choose but sadly no when you hack the game and get back there there's nothing there's also a creepypasta though from way back in the day related to this called Pokemon leaf green beta but this rumor probably came well before that thank you Super Mario Galaxy DS this hoax originating from a 2007 YouTube video showed how a port of Super Mario Galaxy for the DS was accessible from an alleged elaborate Easter egg hidden in the Wii version which would lead you to finding a golden DS item that would basically allow you to download the DS game and honestly for the time that it was made it's a really well made hoax video however pretty recently there was a real fan project revealed bringing a DS version of Super Mario Galaxy to life which is pretty cool and it even has a demo currently available for download Tomb Raider nude code so apparently this was a pretty huge gaming urban legend back in the day I'm sorry if you were one of these dudes trying to get these cheat codes because these guys were down bad I mean look at these polygons bro like what even is this this almost looks like Minecraft or something actually what am I saying pretty sure people are actually into that all right I'm get I'm getting off track let me stop anyways if you haven't heard of this it's basically what it sounds like a rumored code for the 1996 action adventure Tomb Raider that would make the protagonist Lara Croft become naked obviously these don't work but still this rumor persisted for years and years through the various new entries in the series and apparently this rumor was also teased and perpetuated by the devs themselves and with troll players by providing some of these now Infamous codes themselves Mash a to catch this is crazy because reading on this I thought I was the only one who did this just reflexively I guess not even really thinking about it or anything kind of like moving your controller while steering a car in a racing game what am I talking about well you might have guessed by now but basically the idea that if you mash the a button while trying to catch a Pokemon it increases the chances of it being caught and apparently a lot of people did and still do this and there are even other variations on this myth such as it being down b or down a or even both L and R at the same time or pressing a certain button right when it shakes I mean essentially any other button combo you can think of I guess but of course none of these are actually true as far as we're aware [Music] 17th Colossus so the PS2 Classic Shadow of the Colossus has 16 total colossae found in the game which are basically the main bosses however since the release of the game players believed there was a 17th hidden Colossus there were many different variations and stories for which one this could be some claimed it to be a boar called Sirius who would appear Atop The Shrine of worship While others claimed it to be some sort of dragon and others said it was a kind of sea serpent that appeared in the ocean well while there is no 17th hidden Colossus in the game it is true that there were planned to be much more in development in fact 48 colossi were planned at some point and quite a few of them we actually know a bit about which is probably where most if not all of these rumors came from including Sirius the boar which was actually one of these cut colossi tier three Marty the swamp so in Mario Kart 64 on the track Bowser's Castle there can be found a lone green thwomp locked behind a cage and this was seemingly just a background prop for the map but players actually nicknamed The Swamp Marty because I don't know he looks like a Marty I guess and some took it a step further and began to spread rumors that he was actually a secret unlockable racer in the game and the way to unlock him was by some sort of Easter egg that would free him from his cage and to do this you would have to select Bowser on this specific stage then do this crazy method of going around the Bowser statue three times then glitching yourself to drive the whole course backwards and then Circle the statue again in the opposite direction and then go back to the cage and Marty will be freed and become a playable character but unfortunately this method as well as any others are just simply hoaxes [Music] Diablo cow level back in the original Diablo from 1996 there was a rumored hidden level dubbed the secret cow level which could simply be accessed in the tri-stream area by clicking on a cow a certain amount of times which would unlock the level of course it's on this Iceberg so this wasn't a real thing but in future installments blizzard went out of their way to include many references to this myth including a real secret Cal level in Diablo 2. Silent Hill ambulance ending so like with many other games and basically any piece of media that has multiple or alternate endings there are bound to be theories and speculation on other secret endings and the first Silent Hill game is no different having a total of four endings but a rumor quickly spread on gaming forms and such about a hidden fifth ending and this was quite the elaborate hoax as according to rumors you would have to beat the game on hard difficulty with at least a 9 out of 10 ranking and then start the next playthrough where you would have to find various new items that spawned which will allow the player to create an explosive device that could be used to open the traffic gate near the hospital after this you acquire an oil can and use this at a gas station to fuel an engine which you then take to an ambulance at the hospital and then drive away through the town but yeah sadly this ending is not real 10th class all right so here's a good one this is referring to a rumored 10th playable class in the co-op shooter Team Fortress 2. and with this one there were actually quite a few different hoaxes first of all there's the scrapped civilian class which would have had the lowest health of any of the characters and not been able to attack at all and most likely would have had a VIP role in certain Maps similar to Team Fortress classic but there were other fake rumors about additional characters such as the guard dog which was a part of the guard dog update hoax which has a German Shepherd that had a machine gun strapped to it that was also said to be able to carry around Health packs and ammo for teammates [Music] Luigi hangs this here is a rather Infamous one from Luigi's Mansion where sometimes due to the lighting and shadows displaced during flashes of lightning it can look like Luigi is hanging in his shadow which is most easily seen when he answers a call in the telephone room however this was all apparently just a glitch and not some sort of creepy Easter egg by Nintendo as in the 3DS remake this no longer occurs Waluigi and Super Mario 64 DS alright so you've heard of Luigi being unlockable in Mario 64. and here we have a pretty similar Rumor for the DS version This Time With Waluigi because Wario Luigi and Mario were actually playable in the game so why not Waluigi now for this one there were a bunch of faked screenshots and hoax methods for unlocking the character some involve the blank switching room others suggested catching a purple rabbit seen in the beta screenshots because you know he's purple too I guess some thought you would unlock him upon 100 completion but that was no good some believe the secret was hidden in some sort of black box which might have just been some sort of glitch and there was also an Infamous April Fool's joke called Purple prizes which suggested that if you collected all the stars and found a secret switch then you could unlock Waluigi yeah that was quite a bit and I'm sure there's more that I didn't even mention just know Waluigi is not actually unlockable in the game so far as we know that is poke gods so this is a bit of a broad term for quite a few fake Pokemon that circulated around in the late 90s as some thought there were actually more than previously thought this most likely got started because of Mew and the myth with the truck we discussed earlier because back then it was one of the most mysterious Pokemon and as time went on more of these so-called poke God rumors were spread around about rare and hidden Pokemon and Evolutions just a few examples of some of these were Trickett doomsday or Doomsday apocalypse flareth peekabud Mew three and much more this whole thing is a huge Rabbit Hole worthy of its own Deep dive Sonic and Tails in melee once again egm is back at it again with their crazy hoaxes this time for April fools they had a short article about how Sonic and Tails could allegedly be unlocked in the Nintendo Arena fighter Super Smash Bros melee if the player could defeat 20 enemies in the cruel melee mode which if done would spawn both Tails and Sonic to fight the player at the same time but like I said earlier this was just another one of electronic gaming monthlies hoaxes although at some point Sonic was actually considered to be in melee during development and he of course does appear in later installments of the franchise Keck Rock uh good old Keck Rock So this little gem of a lost media hoax was said to be an obscure game for the Sega Genesis released in 1993 starring this crocodile guy who would run around with a plunger as a weapon and yeah this is the iconic box art along with the only alleged sound from the game it was also said to have multiple ports to things such as the NES game boy and even MS-DOS but it seems this rumor was spread on 4chan initially with the image of the box art and it has since had an actual fan game made on it as well as an iceberg covered by sewer reviewer Sparky the dog so this is possibly the most infamous and well-known hoax from the indie horror hit Five Nights at Freddy's as back when there was only the first entry in the series the game was a lot more mysterious and not everyone knew all there was to know about the game's world and such also there weren't a million Theory videos and so for a while there was rumored to be a rare sixth animatronic that could occasionally be found in the pizzeria that being this one known as Sparky the dog and some found it rather convincing but eventually the creators of the hoax revealed that the screenshots were indeed fake [Music] Reviving Leo so in a similar vein to the Reviving aerith rumor there was a hoax that circulated for a time for the title Final Fantasy VI where after the death of General Leo the player could add him back into their party somehow Reviving him now it can be done through cheat codes which might be why this rumor started in the first place with some believing that there was some legit method with most of them being rather complex and there are some glitches that do actually work but only for a very limited amount of time toad in melee so here we have another hidden character hoax for Smash Bros melee this time toad which had a rumor spread around online that he could be unlocked by getting a perfect score during the credits by shooting every single name that passes by which is almost impossible and then beating adventure mode after that which was said to unlock the character but of course this was all false [Music] tier 4. Noki Bay book so in Super Mario Sunshine there is a strange and rather mysterious object that can be found in the level Noki Bay a book dubbed at the Noki Bay book it's hidden behind a door that you can't enter so why is it here what even is this really most people do believe that it is some sort of piece of cut content but there was a rumor that the book actually had a message written in Japanese basically saying you have no life signed Shigeru Miyamoto but the textures on the book don't actually have any readable text so we don't necessarily know what this book is meant for whether it's just a weird super hidden Easter egg or something related to a cut Mission or something [Music] Deku Butler's son so the Deku Butler is a character featured in The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask who actually talks about his missing son and can even be seen mourning him in the credits which led to a rumor that there was some alternate ending where you could return the Deku Butler's son using the song of healing which was said to be possible through glitching past a blocked path but nothing can change this scene and the song of healing does nothing for the Deku Butler's son yosuke's eye so I was a little late on the Persona train I will admit but Persona 4 is definitely one of my all-time favorite RPGs now the actual rumor here concerns a strange eye that can be seen sometimes on yosuke's Persona screen in rare instances and many made theories as to what this could mean such as it being an indication that his Persona wasn't at max level or on the other side some believed it could only be obtained by maxing out yosuke's social link on his birthday in game however it turns out that all of these rumors were false and this is actually just a weird glitch one that's not even present in the original Japanese version of the game upside down sinners so here we have not so much a hoax or rumor but an actual piece of pretty disturbing cut content in World of Warcraft as there is a locked location that the player can't normally enter called The Forgotten Crypt however by using exploits players did manage to get in and were pretty creeped out by what they saw what they call the upside down Sinners basically bound dead bodies missing their hands and eyes in this flooded torture chamber or prison or whatever this is either way it seems blizzard decided to cut it due to its graphic and disturbing nature master hand playable back at it again with the playable melee characters this time the infamous myth that you could play as Master Hand now this one is a little bit more credible and understandable because not only is Master Hand in basically all of the games as the final boss but also because there is a glitch that kind of lets you play a zit in melee it's a pretty complicated ordeal though you basically have to put your controller into slot 3 then hover over name entry Press A and B at the same time release a but still hold B then move over to the name entry thing again and press a and if you do it correctly you will spawn as Master Hand and can actually perform moves although you can actually move around the stage normally and if you do end up winning it just crashes the game so yeah there is no real method of unlocking Master Hand they didn't even really make a playable version of him there's only this glitch [Music] GoldenEye Island so GoldenEye Island also just called Golden island is a location that can be seen in the first mission of GoldenEye 64. but normally players cannot actually access it and you know what that means this led to rumors that the island possibly contained some sort of secret weapon like the golden gun or some kind of secret with some players even claiming that you could get to the island through a secret boat which could only be unlocked by completing all the missions including the secret ones on all difficulties and then return to this level kill a guard and take the key to said boat however there is no key or boat at all and the only way to reach the island is through cheats and when you actually get there there's not much at all to see and no secret items or weapons or anything although it does seem like this was going to be used at some point in development for some sort of mission before it was scrapped 97th exit this is also referred to as the 97th level which is a rumored secret level in Super Mario World and this one is kind of weird because there's not even close to 96 levels in the game although there are 96 goals or Gates whatever you want to call them because some levels have multiple and I guess it was rumored that there was a secret level that contained the 97th and last goal post but it doesn't actually exist surprise surprise although the suggested methods involved collecting only certain coins in a specific order which was said to make the floor drop at some point with Mario falling into a pit for the secret level in question golden warthog all right Halo 2 is an awesome game and despite its short development cycle it has quite the fair share of Secrets Easter eggs Mysteries and cut content and of course it had some rumors and myths one of those being the golden War hog which comes from Billboards in the game would show it and I gotta say this one is pretty believable like it wouldn't be the craziest thing that Bungie put into one of these games but it does get a little ridiculous once you get to the method of actually acquiring it which was that you would have to go on the multiplayer map headlong destroy some banshees go into the yellow building destroy all the fusion coils in there then go back outside find the carbine go back into the building go to the second floor find the hippo on the wall shoot it six times break the window opposite the hippo then get onto the top of the building get the rocket launcher get to the hanging metal attached to the crane and then blow yourself up with a rocket launcher then go to where the beam rifle is and the golden War hog would spawn you got all that yeah unfortunately this doesn't actually do anything and there is no golden warthog in the game [Music] Silent Hill boat ending another rumored ending for Silent Hill similar to the ambulance one from earlier although this time it was rumored that there was some way to escape using a boat because when you interact with the ship's wheel the protagonist Harry says don't worry about that now keyword now so some players thought you could return here once you find a way to fix the ship or something or once you got to a certain point in the story but yeah this one is a lot less known than the ambulance one oh purple Yoshi in the 1997 N64 platformer Yoshi's story there are quite a few different colored Yoshis most of which are playable but not this Infamous purple one which can be seen in early footage of the game as well as in the opening cutscene which led players to speculate that he was in the game but that he was a secret unlockable character who you possibly got if you collected every coin in the game among other methods but none of these actually work and everyone brings up purple Yoshi but what about the brown one because he's also a scrapped character seen the demo that is not playable in the full version Justin Bailey this one is pretty interesting so in Metroid there are codes that the player can enter for a bunch of different things like getting to certain parts of the game having infinite ammo invincibility a bunch of stuff but one code that puzzled a lot of players back in the day was Justin Bailey which when typed in would spawn Samus without her suit so immediately this led to a lot of speculation and theories as to what this even meant with some thinking it was some sort of slang term or possibly the name of one of the developers but none of these were true it's kind of complicated how this code system works but basically a lot of codes were discovered because of how the system would recognize a quote-unquote correct password I don't even really fully understand it to be honest but the theory is that some kid probably with that name might have found this working password by entering his own name or possibly just guessing but that would be a pretty crazy coincidence but like I said this isn't actually the only working password for this but it is one of the most well-known ones for sure Ocarina of Time Sky Temple so because in Ocarina of Time all of the sages are hidden inside of temples except for the sage of light rumors began to circulate that actually there was a hidden Sky Temple that was just hard to locate and of course it involved a super convoluted method in which the player would have to somehow pause the day night cycle and then defeat hundreds of style children which would spawn a giant skeleton monster which when that was defeated would create a portal to the sky Temple which to stack hoaxes on top of each other was said by some to also contain the Triforce but neither of these myths are real tier 5. Roblox hackers [Music] so this is more so a broad thing I guess rumors about people hacking Roblox such as an account called one by one by one by one who was said to be involved in an Infamous hacking incident that took place on April fools of 2012. however this was debunked and I guess there are quite a few of these fake Roblox hacker hoaxes [Music] play as nitrous oxide in the racing game Crash team racing from 1999 a spin-off car racer of the Crash Bandicoot series it was alleged that the main antagonist of the game nitrous oxide was an unlockable and playable character now where have I heard this before there were a couple of rumors on how to unlock this guy including codes which actually did work although it's only in certain courses and it wasn't actually a planned feature or anything according to the devs some also believe though that he could possibly be unlocked by beating him in a race and then all of the entropy ghosts and the nitrous oxide ghosts in some sort of specific order and then entering a code on the main menu which would unlock the character but yeah this doesn't actually work although in the 2019 remake crash team racing Nitro fueled nitrous oxide is actually a playable character Brutus the Bulldog so in the original Animal Crossing game for the GameCube released in 2001 there were rumors that circulated about an evil villager called Brutus or sometimes apparently he was called burtis which is my preferred name I don't know why that's so funny to me anyway it sounds just like a creepypasta if you're way too long The Story Goes that he will show up in your town to do a bunch of weird and creepy stuff and make the game start glitching out but yeah shout out to burtis I guess [Music] GTA 4 rap man ah rat man talked about this guy plenty of times now but we'll do it again for Old Times Sake so this is definitely the most infamous myth from GTA 4. a half man half rat creature said to be found in the tunnels and Subways of Liberty City said to even attack the player on site if seen with this image being basically what sparked this whole rumor and trust me many people back in the day went looking for this guy I'm pretty sure like 10 year old me even looked around a bit but sadly nobody actually found him because of course like many of the urban legends in the GTA games it was just a hoax albeit a fun and pretty interesting one at that and even without ratman those subway tunnels in Liberty City can be pretty Eerie to explore ghost cars now it looks like this entry says ghost cats on the actual Iceberg but I'm pretty sure this is referring to ghost cars because if you've seen my San Andreas video you know this is a pretty widespread phenomenon in that game and one of the most notable myths in San Andreas now the interesting thing about this one is that it's actually real at least in the form of a glitch basically sometimes in the woods of bako Beyond these cars can spawn which appear to be moving despite there being no driver which led many to believe that these cars were actually haunted and possessed by spirits but in reality it's just a glitch where the cars spawn in and begin to roll down the hill due to the game's physics thank you all bonds developed by Rare in 1997 as a tie-in to the James Bond film of the same name we have the FPS for the N64 GoldenEye and in the game there was a popular rumor that once again was started by egm where it was stated that there was an all bonds cheat code meaning that it would allow the player to unlock and play as any one of the actors that had portrayed James Bond such as Sean Connery George Lazenby Roger Moore or Timothy Dalton and while this one had a little more truth to it than some as this was at one point a planned feature as models for all four were found in the files foreign alright so back to the first five nights at Freddy's in the game there is a custom night which lets you set the difficulty of the four animatronics and because of well was that The Bite of 87 a rumor started that if you put the number 1987 you would unlock a special custom night or ending to the game but in reality nothing would happen that was until this rumor really got around and the developer Scott cawthon decided to put in a little Easter egg for those who attempted this which was a golden Freddy jump scare that would then forcibly close the game GTA 3 Ghost Town so this refers to a normally inaccessible part of the GTA 3 map of Liberty City that is only found in the opening cutscene and the only way to get there is to actually no clip but there were some initial theories on possible ways to get there as some believed there could be Secrets hidden there and it was one of the earliest myths in that game although it's basically just one street used for the cutscene and there's not really anything of note here Rockstar themselves even stated they just built it for the opening and wanted it to be separate from the main map and just hit it thinking no players would ever find it foreign Ty so similar to Fatality and Babality and whatever other talities exist in the immortal combat games there was a rumor that there existed certain finishing moves that would turn the opponent nude because of course there was apparently there was actually a game though called tattoo assassins which was basically a Mortal Kombat clone which actually had this which is probably where this rumor comes from or it was just people misremembering and thinking it was from an actual Mortal Kombat game [Music] Luigi in sunshine my boy Luigi is always out here getting shafted so this rumor also known as Super Luigi Sunshine basically states that like in Mario 64 it's possible to unlock and play as the green brother himself the main method was that after you collect all 120 shine Sprites then Waluigi would appear in Delfino Plaza as a secret boss fight and upon defeating him you would actually unlock Luigi as a playable character but unlike Mario 64 nothing in the code or anything suggests that Luigi was even planned to be playable at some point [Music] totaka's song locations so this refers to a piece of music called totaka's song which is a track that is hidden in many of Nintendo's games as it's basically a kind of secret signature or calling card of the composer Kazumi totaka and most of these have been found although not every game he's worked on has this piece in it at least that's been found which has led to many searching for this track in other titles where they may or may not still be hidden [Music] tier VI Ocarina of Time desert pyramid more Ocarina of Time here so this is actually yet another alleged secret dungeon that people thought could be accessed as when you play the song of storms in haunted wastelands a lightning flash can appear revealing this desert pyramid in the background however there is no real way to reach the pyramid but if you do actually no clip there there isn't anything secret waiting for you no hidden dungeon or anything dragon another Final Fantasy VI urban legend here a secret boss called the Czar Dragon which is hinted at a couple of times in the game but never actually appears despite there being some alleged ways to summon this boss such as collecting all 26 pieces of magisight before fighting the other dragon bosses in the world of Ruin however this doesn't work in the original game but this was actually planned at some point and is a piece of cut content which was revealed via data mining with the Sprite labeled as Tsar Dragon actually being found and this was even further enforced with the Game Boy Advance version of the game which includes a very similar boss called the Kaiser dragon solving baldi's math so baldi's basics in education and learning is a horror game actually inspired by old 90s education games and didn't it you're actually chased by various figures but the main one is this guy Baldi who gets progressively more aggressive as you fail questions which you have to answer after collecting no books around the school now the thing is is that every third question is actually unanswerable all the text is jumbled and it is impossible to give a correct answer in order to make the game more difficult however many fans have theorized and even spread rumors that it is actually possible to get these questions right however this has never actually been proven Pikachu hates Sony this one is pretty funny so in 1998 Nintendo released a Pokemon virtual pet game called Hey You Pikachu for the N64 which actually utilized a microphone as Pikachu would react to the things you said well at least out of a bank of about 200 words and the Rumor goes that two of these were PlayStation and Sony which would make Pikachu get angry because of Nintendo's rivalry with Sony at the time however this is not the case and these words aren't even recognized in the game although it is possible that the game might have recognized them as other words and reacted that way foreign ER man so this alleged entity inspired pretty obviously by SlenderMan was circulated around in the game block land basically a lego-like Sandbox game and yeah it's your standard Creepypasta Affair complete with low-res screenshots and everything he's also said to have multiple forms and even sometimes goes by the prepper or something I guess either way it's all just a myth [Music] cake ending here's another rumored secret ending one for the classic valve title portal one where in the end you actually receive the cake that is Promised for basically the whole game but currently the only way to actually get to it is you guessed it by no clipping and nothing really happens but some have theorized that there was some alternate ending where you actually get it but it required some very specific steps like super convoluted I won't even get into the method here but it involves a lot of complicated portal steps as well as using the Companion Cube to like block the robot arm that takes out the candle of the cake but yeah there is no secret ending for doing any of this crazy stuff unfortunately the laser suit this one is pretty wild so once again in Super Mario World there was a rumored secret warp pipe in the top secret area which when you go through it would take you to a hidden level called simply question mark question mark question mark and would spawn the secret laser suit power-up which gave you a Cape Feather as well as a laser gun however this whole thing was a hoax and the video made of it which was made in the mid-2000s was using a hacked game [Music] foreign bill so in the Left 4 Dead 2 canonical version of The Campaign the sacrifice a fan favorite character from the first game bill is actually killed while sacrificing himself to restart a generator to let the others escape and in the sequel campaign the passing Bill's corpse can actually be found which led to rumors that he could actually be revived possibly with the defibrillator as you can do with real dead teammates in the game however this obviously didn't work so rip bill I guess evil Auto kills evil Auto is a rather well-known and Infamous character from an arcade game called berserk because as the legend goes it has the potential to actually kill those who play it and has done so in the past such as the case of a player who died of a heart attack after playing in 1982 and this sparked a ton of intrigue and mystery around the game starting urban legends of the game's character evil Auto killing players that beat the high scores with other alleged accounts of people dying after playing it although most of these can't be proven and even in the case of the real fatalities supposedly linked to the game his death most likely had nothing to do with the game itself and rather was from an underlying heart condition Webkinz killer now this here is a truly fascinating gaming urban legend one that came about in an online children's website and game called Webkinz world where you take care of virtual pets or Webkinz as they're called and in the seemingly innocent game a rumor spread about a certain character an in-game serial killer called the Webkinz killer that would attack and kill your Webkinz in graphic fashion with one of the most popular versions of this being the character Dr quack who was identified as the killer some even further theorized that he was put in the game by a disgruntled employee or developer but none of this is actually true and Gans themselves confirmed in 2008 that nothing in the game can actually harm their pets [Music] tier VII The Running Man back to Ocarina of Time again and this refers to the idea that you can actually beat the Running Man in the race and Hyrule Field which is normally impossible as the game only expects you to beat his time not actually beat him in the race even by cheating and breaking the game by boosting the player's speed or even teleporting right to the Finish nothing really works it's impossible to actually win the race because there is no programmed scene or dialogue or anything for this to happen Hunter ghost this one here could either be some sort of cut content from Luigi's Mansion or simply a misinterpretation by some players what I'm talking about here is from the October 2001 issue of Nintendo Power which has an article promoting the game's release and one of these paragraphs gives an interesting description it reads quote when your ghoul-busting mission takes you to the trophy room proceed with caution if you meet up with the ghost of a hunter he'll want to add Luigi to his collection so some believed that either this Ghost Hunter was cut from the game or it was just something that nobody had discovered and theories arose as to how to actually find it however it's more likely that this is actually just a description of the Safari room from the game Stanley Parable undiscovered endings more rumored endings quite a few on this list already and this one is kind of vague so I won't spend too much time with this also because I don't really want to spoil myself on this game I haven't played it yet even though I wanted to for quite a while but anyway this game already has apparently 19 different endings but I don't know I guess maybe that's not enough [Music] Final Fantasy VII hidden party members guide so we're getting a little more obscure stuff down here because this is something I could only find thanks to a comment left by the creator of the iceberg where he said that it's some sort of website he found that contained some rumored methods for unlocking secret characters for your party in Final Fantasy VII two of which he remembers being a fighting Chocobo and a boxing Goblin type character which is interesting Miss all right this one hit me right in the Nostalgia what can I say I kind of grew up on Creepypastas so seeing this on the list definitely put a smile on my face but to be honest I didn't know this was a hoax or that people thought it was even real or anything but basically the story is a game called which is hidden and only accessible through other Game Boy games which introduces some sort of demonic entity that guides and challenges the player and even causes them to experience Misfortune in their real lives after playing complete with its own Sonic.exe inspired I am God screen yeah it's not the greatest Creepypasta ever but hey it was fun back in the day rocket so for Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire there was a rumor surrounding the rocket in Moss Deep Space Center that being that for some reason if the number of launches got up to something like a hundred then the player would suddenly be able to ride it and actually go into space where they would then be able to fight and catch two legendary Pokemon those being Deoxys and Jirachi and this all sounds completely wild and fake which it is but in the 3DS remakes you are actually able to go into space and catch Deoxys although this time with the use of the Pokemon Rayquaza [Music] Goldeen horn drill so out of the Pokemon that can be summoned in smash melee one of the worst and considered a dud Pokemon is Goldeen who basically just flops around and does nothing of actual use but there were theories that there was a rare chance that Goldeen could instantly KO your opponent in some instances using the move horn drill this is because in the trophy description for the Pokemon it reads quote goldeen's horn drill is so strong that it can KO an enemy with one strike if it connects so it literally seems like Nintendo is telling you about this move because it's in the game right as just some ultra rare thing but sadly no I guess they just included that because this Pokemon can do that like in the games but yeah definitely misled people back in the day and further deep dives into the game's code confirmed that no such move is in melee [Music] Reviving Palam and Purim sorry if I mispronounced those names but again more Reviving character rumors this is an interesting Trend I mean I guess some people just can't let some of these characters go fair enough I guess we're again in Final Fantasy but this time with the fourth entry with two characters Plum and Purim who get petrified but later saved so why is this even on here well it's basically because of the fact that the game allows you to use items on them while they're in this state leading many to speculate that there was a way to free them earlier although nothing actually works on them so that's that [Music] tier VII Houlihan room so I had never heard about this before and it's pretty interesting so Nintendo Power actually held this kind of strange contest in which basically people sent in pictures of them finding like a rare Final Fantasy boss or something and then whoever was chosen would then get a special secret room made for them in the Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past that is named after them yeah it's kind of random but anyway the winner was a kid named Chris Houlihan which is why it's called the Houlihan room now this is all real mind to you so I'm not really sure where the rumors or hoaxes come in maybe there were some other alleged methods of how you could get in the room or something but I don't know foreign Doom wad oh boy this one again so I won't take too much time with this I've talked about it before and it's a pretty dark gaming urban legend as it concerns the perpetrators behind the incident at Columbine High School in 1999. this myth states that one of the men responsible Eric Harris actually created a version of their high school as a doom custom level or a wad as he was known to make these but this particular level has not been found so it's unknown if it really exists or not creepy Castle pillar so this refers to a certain pillar that does absolutely nothing in Donkey Kong 64. although it really does seem like it should be for something at least and it's located in the level creepy Castle but it's just the pillar which does nothing and a purple balloon so what's the story here well some believed that it did actually have some hidden purpose possibly having something to do with stop and swap which we talked about earlier but in the actual game it does nothing and despite knowing that it was likely planned for something at some point of development we know nothing else about this really Final Fantasy 6 hidden party members guide so yeah you can guess what this is very similar to the one with Final Fantasy VII but this time was six and once again according to the icebergs Creator it was a joke document that had a bunch of wild characters that could supposedly be recruited into your party including Ryu from Street Fighter and Mario so uh yeah there's that scrupulous finger so this is kind of a more recent hoax which is really interesting about an alleged cut enemy from new Super Mario Bros referred to in the game files as scrupulous underscore finger and most notably it was said that any reference to this character to Miyamoto in an interview or anything would make him upset and he wouldn't even answer any questions about it on top of that there were also some fake Sprites and models that were created of this rumored character but it was eventually revealed to all just be a hoax [Music] Dragonite evolves into Yoshi now this is just wild so in the old school Pokemon games red and blue apparently a rumor slash hoax was started by a magazine called expertgamer possibly as an April Fool's joke that there was a way to evolve the Pokemon Dragonite into Yoshi from Mario and the method involved having both the red and blue versions of the game with all Pokemon in each version and then the red one would have to trade a Dratini to the blue then evolve it to Dragonite on the Blue version and then trade it back then the player in Pokemon Red would have to go to the basement of the unknown dungeon surf to the spot where Mewtwo can be found and then use a fire stone on the Dragonite to evolve it into Yoshi yeah pretty crazy hoax but I guess a fun April Fool's joke [Music] tier 9. Woody's Workshop released for the PlayStation and N64 Toy Story 2 Buzz Lightyear to the rescue was a 1999 platformer that had a rumored secret level known as Woody's Workshop where woody would actually give the player various different cheat codes to use in game the problem with this though is that the coin counter maxes out at 99 and you can't actually get to a hundred even using cheats and also Andy's house only has a total of 97 coins making this whole thing a hoax Punch Out secret boxers so this refers to another specific website which lists a bunch of supposedly hidden boxers in punch out for the NES as well as how to unlock them and the website now has a box stating that the secrets are fake stating quote okay here are some cool secrets to the game that are 100 fake except for Mr Dream and Von Kaiser before I revealed that I had a Fred's cool punch out hack I had a bunk Secrets page that showed how to get fake characters I meant it as a joke because a real Punch-Out fan would not be fooled by my quote-unquote secrets however there were a lot of people who were completely fooled and tried these and emailed me back bitching about it even still to this day even when I had click here before you try these secrets on the top and bottom of my page and people still give me harassing emails some of those emails were quite amusing well to be honest straightforward all of these secrets below are 100 fake some of these characters are only available people on my Fred's cool punch out hack and the ones that are hacked appear over the original characters and their strategies are still the same too and the rest of the characters are 100 fake sad but true but there is no way to play against the dragon lord doc Lewis or Mario Bros so yeah on the list there's a bunch of wild stuff I'm surprised anyone even bought this at any point in time I mean the guy put himself in the list but yeah like he mentioned there was Doc Lewis and Mario but there was also some other crazy stuff like a ninja a robot and actual scribbles yes Chocolate Factory level so this was a myth that started when an author named Jeff rovin published a guidebook called how to win a Nintendo games which included a suggestion that there was a secret level hidden in the game that was a chocolate factory and although he stated this was a rumor and didn't give any way to actually get to it fans of the game still tried to find it but were ultimately unsuccessful as it could have just been made up by rovin or just been some kind of playground rumor that he heard kill switch here's one I remember from way back in the Creepypasta days basically it concerns a game called kill switch that was said to have only a very limited number of copies made and once you play it and die in the game it erases itself from your system and it's unable to be played again which is an interesting concept for sure however as it turns out this game is actually from a short story written by author Catherine M Valente and was published in a short story collection called The Melancholy of Mecca girl El puerco and we're back to Ocarina of Time Zelda fans are eating good today I guess anyway this is a rumor of a secret bore enemy that supposedly can be encountered in the graveyard during the race however this seems to be just a hoax to Cryptid as there's no evidence of said boar or El puerco ever existing trick it [Music] so remember when I mentioned the Poke Gods way earlier in the video well this is one of them and one of the more reasonable ones but once you get to the crazy unlock method then it gets a little wild because the rumor went that you had to have a Caterpie Metapod butter-free Weedle cocoona and Beedrill in that specific order then empty your PC box go into the Safari Zone and then it just gets crazy you have to catch a bunch of Pokemon in a specific order again then defeat the Elite Four using only bug types have the Pokemon at certain levels as well and then talk to Professor Oak and eventually you'll unlock this poke God needless to say this is fake but the initial design seems like it could actually be real Lickitung evolves into Luigi so much Luigi stuff on here and yes you heard the entry title right this was actually an April Fool's prank done by Nintendo themselves on their official website in 1999 where they posted an article about how to unlock Pokemon number 160 in the Pokedex which was the plumber type Luigi who had moves including Ranch cower and mustache slap it was stated that to get him you first need to catch a Lickitung with an Ultra Ball then stand where Snorlax usually blocks the bridge in Vermillion City then turn the Game Boy upside down and feed the Lickitung rare candy at which point it will evolve into Luigi pretty wild stuff [Music] tier 10. wrinkles the otter originally published in the UK edition of Sega magazine there was a real article that suggested that there was a secret character in Sonic and Knuckles that was a green otter and also Knuckles sidekick and the article also further stated that the first person to find wrinkles in game and screenshot him would win a million pounds however once you get to the end of the article they clarify that it is just a joke but many people either didn't get that far or still believed he existed which led to speculation on how to unlock him the unlocking Geno video this is a really obscure one that for a while Blastoise underscore for the win couldn't even find but luckily he actually did in an unlisted re-upload and basically it shows the character Gino from Super Mario RPG legend of the Seven Stars in Smash Bros brawl and for whenever it was released it was apparently pretty convincing also allegedly Sakurai did consider putting him in the game at some point due to the character's popularity [Music] you want fun so I'm pretty sure this is in reference to the infamous Wario Apparition as his famous quote is but this Wario Apparition is just from some well-made hoax videos that spawn the legend and many other series and videos like it including grenio's Super Mario 64 classified also I've done a deeper dive on Mario 64 myths and conspiracies in this video right here if you want to check that out after this I solved the Stop and swap okay so this is pretty much what made me create this video not because this is such a crazy entry or anything really it isn't but it's because this was on a lost media Iceberg I'm covering and led me to this Reddit post which actually showed me this awesome Iceberg so yeah shout out to this but basically this is just another video described by the Creator that he hasn't been able to find which is of a guy explaining how he solved the Stop and swap mystery going through a bunch of steps and multiple N64 games just for it to be a Rick Roll at the end classic [Music] Nimbus Tara all right I'm gonna chill out with that name because you know how YouTube is with their uh their demonetizing so uh yeah anyways electronic gaming monthly is at it again with their hoaxes and I just realized I guess people never learn I mean they're known for doing this at this point but anyway this is about another supposed hidden character but in Mortal Kombat a kickboxer named Nimbus uh yeah who was said to be exclusive to the Genesis version of the game and apparently this wasn't even an April Fool's joke so you can't blame people that much I guess as it was revealed in a December 1993 issue all game hoaxes are real ah yes I should have known all game hoaxes are actually real and all games are personalized well maybe it's an alternate universe I guess anyway it's just a joke entry but that's about it for this Iceberg I know at this point there is getting to be overlap with some of my videos and even some icebergs I've already covered but still there were some interesting entries that I definitely had never heard of and piqued my interest but let me know were there some entries left off this list what rumors and hoaxes do you remember from your childhood or some that are still just as captivating to you today and if any which of these do you think might actually have some truth to them but that's all for now from me Breaking Bad video coming soon hopefully also check out the second Channel Source Route 2 for some other content not found on the main Channel I only have one video up right now for my Most Wanted pieces of lost media but definitely expect some more stuff on there in the future oh and if you're looking for more video game Iceberg content I've got a three and a half hour one on Cut content so there's that if you're into interested anyway that's it for now it's been me Source brew and I'll see you all with the next video take care peace out foreign
Channel: sourcebrew
Views: 1,084,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg explained, iceberg, gaming iceberg, sourcebrew, sourcebrew iceberg, sourcebrew lost media, lost media, video game hoaxes, video game rumors, video game hoaxes and rumors iceberg
Id: fzDj5jUWVAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 45sec (4305 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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