The Victims of Vinsmoke Sanji

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vinm smoke Sanji has been chasing chicks and slinging kicks ever since he first began his journey as the firebending cook of the straw hat Pirates and although he would become one of the most controversial characters in all of One Piece if you make it to the very end of this deep dive I promise you I will prove that not only is Sanji the best written straw hat but he is also their most brutal fighter whenever his moral code is disrespected this is the complete analysis of what happens to the people that are unlucky enough to find their way onto the demonic Cook's bads side and tell sanji's many victims impacted the entire story of One Piece sanji's first victims play a much more important role than most people realize in the very first chapter of the BR Arc Sanji beats up a marine who was on a date with a pretty girl the Marine liutenant AKA full body had brought his date to the Oceano restaurant to impress her but he had a bad attitude and even tries to lie about finding a bug in his food Sanji charismatically makes a joke out of full body right in front of his lady friend so in order to get back at Sanji full body does something you must absolutely never do if you value your life he breaks the table wasting the entire meal of food and of course Sanji beats him senseless seeing Sanji in his very first chapter he has introduced beat up a pain customer despite him being a marine who are typically off limits in the one piece world because his personal code was disrespected immediately gives you an understanding of who this man is Sanji is the definition of standing on business he will die or kill before he breaks his moral code but that will become more apparent as this video goes on like how in the next chapter we see him feed again of the creek Pirates breaking a golden rule of the restaurant about only feeding paying customers even if they are near starvation I mean when gu first asked for food and then said he didn't have any money Patty double fisted his ass through a table even with a gun pointed to his head but yeah Sanji eventually does feed again and then Don cre when he shows up with his Fleet because of his previously mentioned code after a series of events and Don Creek being an overall [ __ ] Sanji is forced to fight several of the Don Creek Pirates but he easily takes care of them but when he faces off against Pearl the Iron Wall things get a lot more difficult as this is sanji's first life and death fight with an opponent of this caliber plus Sanji has this other problem where his legs wasn't strong enough to handle the kickback from his own kick shed he had more Talent than he did strength so he was taking damage from his own attacks as well as pearls the fight was honestly brutal and towards the end of it looked like Pearl was definitely going to win thanks to his strange abilities but Sanji wouldn't stop getting up so Pearl asked Sanji when you know you're about to lose your life why do you even bother standing up Sanji replies so for one moment longer this place can remain a restaurant breaking M Gins and ze's heart while also earning Luffy's respect after that Pearl does some heartless trash talk and then assault Sanji again making Luffy so mad he gum gum battle axes aart some of the ship because he can't help because the creek Pirates are holding Ze hostage basically in Luffy's mind even if the creek Pirates win if he sinks the ship they won't have a prize now chaos erupts everywhere Sanji and Luffy are debating about the philosophy of Deb owing and Don King is yelling at the top of his lungs for them to kill Ze and then boom taking advantage of the situation pear attacks Sanji and Luffy with killer intent but then his seemingly unbreakable armor is shattered to bits by Gan the goat shocking everyone Gan had been watching from the sidelines and he realized Sanji was going to keep getting back up until he died and feeling like he owed Sanji his life gin had an epiphany that though he can't bring himself to betray his captain the least he could do was take on the burden of univ Sanji himself gin says quote I'm sorry Don C but after all we both ow Sanji Our Lives I'll send him to the Grave with my own hands genin then apologizes to Sanji and then the battle begins it was incredibly intense but Sanji could tell that g wasn't going all out and then he makes him take it serious unfortunately this leads to the fight ending with gin getting the better of Sanji but seconds before he takes sanji's life he starts crying and he screams to Creek that he can't do it and that Sanji is the first person that's ever showed him kindness and he can't unive him this pretty much ends sanji's involvement in the fights in this Arc because after this Don cre tries to un alive everybody there including G and this is where Luffy's fight begins though Sanji does later save Lu Luffy from drowning so if you like one piece you can thank Sanji that the story didn't end right there I thought it was important to go into so much detail about the gight because I think for a character that had so little screen time he still is one of the better written characters in the series and definitely has one of the best designs all of this leads to Sanji officially joining the straw hat pirates and their crew heads towards Kashi Village nami's Homeland starting the Aron Park Arc in chapter 86 title shivery versus Fish Man karate Sanji fights karobi of the arlong Pirates underwater where fishmen are even stronger while trying to save Luffy it's a really unfortunate situation because he is underwat there is no longer any power behind his monstrous kicks plus he has to gas for air because unlike his opponent he can't breathe underwater but even though the odds were against him Sanji managed to get out of the situation Alive by attacking kobi's gills Breaking Free and then racing towards the surface to get some air and once they are outside of the water I'm not exaggerating when I say Sanji quite literally kicks his ass like for real Sanji kicks him in the butt the entire fight only lasted one chapter with Sanji ending it with a mutton shot that sends him flying through an entire building and remember fishmen are naturally 10 times stronger than a normal human so even at this point Sanji was already a monster following arlong Park the straw hats arrive at logtown and then they head for the grand Line running into some serious trouble at the very first island they visit whiskey Peak which has a seemingly welcoming community that is actually a front for bounty hunters and Baro work agents that work for the warlord crocodile though Sanji doesn't really have any fights here these events do create a situation for him whenever we get to little garden as there is some high ranked broke work agents causing trouble Sanji still doesn't get another major fight but he does have some awesome moments like when he easily takes out the unluckies Andy also pretends to be Mr three to extract information from Mr zero AKA crocodile and also reports to him that the straw hats have already been killed in order to give him a false sense of Victory stopping him from sending any more agents after them this is what I mean whenever I say that Sanji is a very well-rounded crew member let's be honest Luffy and Zoro would never even think to do something like that also during the call Sanji jokingly claims to be Mr Prince which was God levels of foreshadowing for sanji's True origins in the drum island arc Sanji fought with those lains the large canorous aggressive snow bunnies as well as took on chess and cor Marino but that was honestly lot work it's when we get to Basta that Sanji gets his first major fight as part of the straw hats he is now not only a talented fighter but also has had time to strengthen his body and get an understanding of how dangerous the stakes are whenever you're a part of a pirate Crow who's aiming for the top chapter 187 Sanji fights Mr 2 AKA Bon clay aka the future goat this fight is a perfect example of how Sanji doesn't have just your typical Shan any battle scenes they are usually fun and badass with layers of emotion morals and character develop El plus this one had more foreshadowing for how important okama became to sanji's lore Sanji and Bon clay both go all out leaving both of them bruised and bleeding the swan is no joke and with his Elite kicking kmo fighting style he is the perfect opponent for Sanji similar to how it's good for Zoro to square off against powerful swordsman to get stronger fighting a kicking specialist like Bon clay definitely elevated sanji's own abilities the two continue to trade blows but after a while Sanji begins to overwhelm Bon clay sji even has this cool oneliner about how people are not defined by their faces but by their hearts even Bon clay thought this sounded pretty cool people really sleep on sanji's onliners but we will get more into that later on anyway Bon clay was taken back by this statement but he is also very smart and once he figures out sanji's weakness of not allowing himself to ever hit a woman he activates his clone devil fruit abilities to take advantage of it he uses nami's face and body to be able to get some free attacks off on Sanji without Sanji being able to attack back this turns the fight around in Bon Clay's favor but eventually Sanji does realize that Mr 2 always transforms back into himself right before he actually makes contact with him and now with Sanji been able to fight back the fight turns even more brutal but also kind of beautiful because Sanji has some of the best choreograph fights in one piece you can tell that Oda has so much fun with him though Barn clay was a formidable opponent in chapter 189 sanji's final attack overpowers him this was a phenomenal fight with Sanji even extending his hand by clay after it was over showing he had earned his Respect by the way I know some people hate sanji's whole anti- fighting women thing but I found it respectable about how he always finds a way to win without going against his personal moral compass but this does become a lot harder for him to do in the future so I want you to pay close attention to the rest of sanji's fights because they will keep getting more and more interesting starting with the polarizing skaia Arc the first conflict here is when Sanji Usopp and Luffy have to fight centor of the Forest one of nl's top Warrior priest this guy was Goofy and annoying but honestly he was kind of dominating them at first his job was to punish criminals with the ordeal of balls and no I don't mean how big mom got so many kids this is one of the several sacred trials imposed by NL to judge and eliminate quote criminals cantor's trial only had a 10% survival rate so it was no joke centu himself was very hard to fight because he used a combination of orbs impact dials and was even the first person to straw Hat's fault that had pretty Advanced controlled observation hockey the orbs that were completely under his control also had hid inside of them various levels of dangerous items from things like flowers and song birds to poisonous snakes explosives and even bladed weapons he could also combine them into this super attack Dragon thing I'm going to be honest the straw hats were only able to defeat him because they straight up jumped him but Sanji did deliver the final blow and it looked painful sanji's finisher came after St dating he was so sick of sori's constant talk about challenge this and challenge that and that there were some damsels waiting see sometimes sanji's woman thing is a strong motivator after enel's eventual defeat he fled kapia but Satori and the other priest were sentenced to a punishment known as Cloud drifting which I know sounds kind of nice but it is actually in fact very dark cloud drifting is when the sent are placed on a very small deserted Cloud Island which is then sent off into the sky ocean to drift endlessly it is considered a form form of execution after around 200 years the clouds dissolve and their skeletons Fall Into the Blue Ocean so technically Sanji did indirectly un alive the guy but fans hated centu so I doubt many felt B for him now sanji's neck scuffle and scy Pia blessed us one of his best moments in the entire series definitely top three Sanji versus NL look being for real I understand that Sanji had zero chances of beating a nail at this point in the story not to mention that his body was already damaged pretty bad but that's what makes son Sanji even knowing he was risking forfeiting his own life he still showed up just in time to guard Nami and Uso from certain death and before I see anyone claiming this is some kind of L for Sanji remember what we covered in the victims of Zoro and the victims of Luffy videos inel did both of them just as dirty and even though Luffy technically eventually won the fight inel still accomplished his ultimate goal of making it to the moon becoming one of the first one piece characters to achieve his dream people forget how overpowered God andil was compared to anyone we had met yet all right back to sanji's badassery Usopp is about to be killed by Anil and Nami tries but fails to save him but Sanji swoops in and kicks us to safety places the cigarette into his mouth and tells them to go before getting struck with an allout lightning attack Nami is crying for Usopp to turn around but Usopp understands that that would mean that Sanji sacrifice will be for nothing they do somewhat Escape but a nail apathetically says that though they are off the ship don't they realize they are still definitely in my range so that's not really getting away but then he notices that Sanji has gotten up Sanji says Hey God there was one more thing I wanted to say but before that thanks I was just thinking how I needed a light let's go in both the manga and the anime this scene was too badass this is sanji's nothing happened moment and they then ask Sanji what is the other thing he wanted to say Sanji says oh yeah drop dead before passing out I personally feel he did this just to give Nami and Usopp the time they needed to get out of inl's range truly a hero and whyatt goes so hard that Sanji is so stubborn he always accomplishes his goal and if you want to help me accomplish my own goal of becoming the pirate king of One Piece YouTube just like this video And subscribe the like goal for this video will be4 likes moving on to the long Ren lonel land Island we have the bizarre game during the Davy back fight where Zoro and Sanji team up to go against the grogi monsters it's a mess because the two of them can just not work together together as usual but once they finally figure it out at the end of chapter 311 they finish up the fight in just one chapter the next time they work together though they would not be so lucky in chapter 320 the straw hats attempt to take on Marine Admiral akiji their joint attack is easily neutralized by the Admiral and he pretty much just has his way with all the straw hats then in chapter 330 Sanji and the rest of the straw hats Would Rain hell down upon the Frankie crime family for beating up and robbing Uso let's just say they get it back in blood sanji's next fight is super underrated in chapter 369 Sanji fights another fighting cook wanie from cp7 who is all about the noodles both for cooking and as a weapon this dude's whole personality infuriate Sanji besides his gross way of cooking he weaponizes food and kitchen utensils Sanji won't even use his hands when he fights because he respects cooking too much this dude is like the anti- Sanji remember what Sanji did the full body for was in a few plates of food this guy wasts Buffs of food every time he fights but to be honest he's a pretty decent fighter with really good offense and defense that is until Sanji uses kitchen knives and cuts his attacks midair turning them into a pasta platter and then kicking him into submission okay let's take a second to recognize how demonic Sanji was when using knives as a weapon his speed and movements with them were just insane he even explained how he made a rule a while back about not using knives to fight because CU it's disrespectful but because they were in a kitchen and the guy was using food as a weapon he made an deception I think we as a fan base have gotten too used to Sanji only using kicks we don't talk about how this is just a choice he made and if he did use his talented hands and speed in combat he would be even more overpowered anyway this was another poetic fight by Sanji that doesn't get referenced enough next in any's lobby Sanji has a few more major fights first he briefly gets jumped by the cp9 agents on the sea train while trying to say then later he faces off against Khalifa but as you can imagine this was a very difficult fight for Sanji with her being a woman and all though he can't bring himself to hurt her this is one of the few times Sanji actually threatens a woman because he really needs to hurry up if he wants to save Robin he then flexes his power a little bit but then stops right before actually Landing a blow Khalifa is shocked by his speed but calls him soft and then kicks him right in his little Sanji so technically he doesn't win this fight but it's pretty obvious Sanji could have won easily if he tried in the current story we all know just how far Sanji would go to not hurt a woman but this was the first time we really get to see just how much of a strangle hold his trauma has on him in chapter 403 Nami and Chopper find and helped Sanji questioning his decisions with Sanji replying that he would rather die than kick a woman and that this was drum into him as a kid but we will talk more about sanji's trauma later his mental wounds Run Deep In chapter 413 Sanji would return the favor saving Nami and sniper King from Jabra leading up to Sanji versus Jabra sniper King is being held by Jabra in full wolf form seemingly about to be chumped on before Sanji swoops in and kicks the drawer out of his mouth sending him flying and then leaking blood on his hands and knees Jabra asks who are you Sanji replies the hunter boom again with another cold line after he gets up their fight is just vicious both of their attacks look lethal jabra's sharp nails and teeth versus sanji's kicks and Flames that are burning hotter than ever it's like a melting iron rod on flesh you just hear thumps and sizzling Sanji starts to get the better at Jabra so Jabra tries to trick Sanji with one of his Infamous lies he throws the key Sanji needs right at his feet and tells Sanji that he needs to go save Robin right now because Robin is his little sister and that they have got separated at Birth it's total nonsense but his goal is for Sanji to let his guard down but remember Sanji is one of the smarter straw hats so he pretends to believe the lie and as he bends down to pick up the key Jabra attacks but Sanji uppercut kicks him and says haven't you heard about the boy who cried wolf damn he really can't be stopped with the bars the battle heats up even more with even more extreme attacks but when Sanji hits him with a spinning diabl jambe that was so hot that even in wolf form and with iron body Jabra says that even his bones were burning Jabra tried to go for All or Nothing attack thinking he had caught Sanji slipping but Sanji was now the one who was tricking him and finishes the fight with one last demonic kick and then stands over the scorched wolf and says God may have created food but the devil created spices that's it I'm ready for the Sanji mixtape drop it this line is delivered differently in the manga anime dub and sub but all variations of it just sound so cool I think this is one of sanji's most underrated fights but let me know in the comments what is your favorite Sanji F or maybe your top two favorites if it's too hard to choose just one now let's take a look at Sanji versus Absalom which might be kind of hard given his devil fruit oh brother this guy stinks but being for real his devil fruit is just one of the several sins that would bring the Wrath known as Sanji down on his head toop his first major sin was him trying to forcefully marry Nomi which would already be a de sentence if Sanji finds out but after Sanji discovers that Absalom has eaten the only devil fruit he has ever wanted things get ugly the devil fruit in question is the sukii n me a devil fruit that turns you completely invisible I do not need to explain to you why Sanji would want this power Sanji easily destroys Absalom and free Nami though this fight was quick it did give us some more Sanji lore and foreshadowing with invisibility power becoming relevant again in the future Sanji also played a big role in taking down ores helping with various combo attacks and even kicks the leg out from under the ancient Giant and then whenever Kuma shows up before Zoro has his nothing happened moment Sanji attempted to trade spots at sacrifice Zoro does what he has to do to stop him and then after Sanji wakes up he is the first one to search for Zoro and even though we didn't see it I'm positive he helped him out with his wounds in some way which may have just saved zoro's life oh and after threr bark Sanji has a quick fight when the straw hats run into dval and Sanji winds up kicking his face handsome the Sanji ex Deval Sanji wanted poster gag is one of my favorite in the whole series Sanji has one more fight before the time skip if you can even really call it a fight it was more like an allout war between the straw hat side and the Marine side the pastas and Admiral kizaru and just like whenever they fought Admiral aiji this situation was truly hopeless Sanji even tries to protect Zoro from a past aista since he is one of the only ones that know how damaged Zoro truly is from the nothing happened moment but ultimately the straw hats were destroyed in this fight this acted as one of the most heartbreaking scenes in all of One Piece you can literally hear the pain Luffy's voice as he realizes he can't save his crew and that they are just not strong enough eventually Kuma would send all the straw hats to various Islands in which they would spend the next two years training following the time skip the strw hats return to saot archipelago but this time things go much differently they face off against the same pacifistas but easily destroy them with Sanji and Zoro even one-shotting one of them together as they try to outdo each other now I know the frequency of the fights has decreased Post Time scope with them having to be more strategic with the level opponents they are now having to face but what if I told you that Sanji has actually had more fights than Zoro post time skope during the fish man island arc Sanji shows us that not only has he been working on his fighting power level but also his roast power after he destroys wumi AKA large monk with one of my favorite attacks from Sanji while wumi Is Burning Alive Sanji says haven't got much guts have you though that suits me just fine because removing the poison his guts is the toughest part of cooking puffer fish Sanji also shows off that he learned CP 9's airw walk technique taking out several Fishman by himself to protect princess shiroshi sanji's next shiver feet is in chapter 680 during Punk Hazard when Sanji saves tashigi from Virgo this fight is cut short so we never really got to see what would have happened but I'm confident Sanji would have found a way to come out on top Sanji would have another short but bad ass moment and dress Rosa against the infamous fashionable Heavenly demon Sanji tro sing like a curly Crow hero to save his crew mates once again he clashes with doofy screaming when my crew is crying that's your cue to stay the hell away such a dope moment and sanji's kicks were so powerful that even though doofy blocked it Sanji earned his respect with the doy saying ah finally a tough one people forget what a monster doofy was with a large part of dress Rosa just being people strategizing about how to jump him he was a problem and Sanji was able to hold his own I really like how Sanji does his next victim because it's always nice when he really flexes his strength basically in chapter 795 or episode 739 Brooke is facing off against some Beast pirate members to protect Nami and the Soul King is holding his own but when Sanji shows up it's over in seconds one kick and the guy sent flying into a burning Hill ball after this sanji's life would become an emotional roller coaster of the highest highs and the lowest lows as we have now arrived at H Island where the entire Arc is focused around Sanji and his trauma like how sanji's first violent encounter here is with his own father we don't get much context to what started the fight but Sanji does say that judge was the one that attacked first Sanji also fight that out with his brothers as well finally standing his ground and then a lot happens and we arrive at one of the hardest scenes to watch in all of One Piece titled Luffy versus Sanji this might be even more heartbreaking than the Luffy versus Uso fight as Luffy here refuses to fight back the entire time even when Sanji kicks Luffy over and over and over and over again with everything he has Luffy never Fights Back even once he Bears it all Nami even begs Sanji to stop but Luffy yells at her to not interfere with her do Sanji himself points out this is not a do Luffy is just taking abuse it reaches a point where Sanji goes all out just to end it Knocking Luffy unconscious but even after all of this Luffy gets back up and scream begs for Sanji to come back that he knows deep down every time Sanji kicks him Sanji is the one that is hurting there was so much emotion in every single moment of this scene like Luffy can't understand or believe that he might actually lose Sanji like this Nami slaps Sanji by and as Sanji rides away he is crying tears down his face as his brothers just laugh at Luffy Luffy screams at Sanji you are the Cook for my ship and I will never eat another B unless you're the one that cooks it I will sit here starving so make sure you come back we all know how much Luffy values his food so this was just heartbreaking then Luffy drops the emotional bomb that without Sanji he cannot become the pirate king ending one of the best written sequences of events ever written in a story this fight popularized the question in the one piece Community what do you think zorao would do if he found out what Sanji did to Luffy on hul cake let me know in the comments what you think would he understand would he make him catch a fade or would he attempt to do even worse even Nami barely forgave him and said he's out of the crew if he ever does something like this again after they all get on the same page Sanji would have some more insane Feats before whole cake was over in chapter 886 he jumped in attacked oven and saved chafon so fast that nobody even noticed him a straight goon this was crazy for scaling Sanji speed it looked like instant transmission from Dragon Ball another thing he did smoothly was Dodge katak cor's Bullet at the wedding getting around katak cor's creatures hot during the totality of hul cake Sanji brought several other big mom Pirates like periso Def fuku and some fod Pirates but but that's it for all his major battles I love hake and feel like it's so misunderstood but this now brings us to wanokuni although we all thought this was primarily going to be Zoro AR Sanji still had some insane Feats the first people to taste sanji's shoes are the Ruffians from the kashiro family who knocked Sanji saw ball out of oto's hand he messed them up quick but Sanji would get a tougher fight in chapter 9:31 when he faces off against pagean and we get to see Sanji use his raid suit for the very first time this suit comes with quite a few perks besides looking cool similar to the other raid suits it enhances the user strength speed has bulletproof and fireproof features and has flight capabilities but also the different suits have specialty abilities this one can blend into its environment so well that the user becomes invisible that's right Sanji is one of the first straw hats to achieve one of his major dreams W in the chat for curly brows man I was so happy for him when I seen this law Frankie and Uso was mesmerized by the suit I'm pretty sure even like Hawkins and like maybe X Drake was is also an awe of it in chapter 944 and 945 we see Sanji clash with ex Drake in the flower Capital to protect oo at first the fight looked pretty even ex Drake even tells Sanji not to confuse him with that weekl in page one and anger Sanji by referring to him as a VIN smoke but then unfortunately for ex Drake Sanji hears hiori scream from afar and with his observation hockey or more like his beautiful woman spotty senses he locks onto her and is flabbergasted about how gorgeous she is and that she is being attacked so he immediately goes demon mode and I'm not joking when I say all it took was like 10 seconds for him to destroy X Drake let me put this into perspective Sanji dropped a captain of the worst generation in just a few seconds after he decided to actually try Sanji wasn't even a named Supernova but he just folded one like it was nothing put some respect on his name during the raid of onigashima it gets kind of hard to see who's opponent or who because everybody's like switching opponents and like jumping each other but Sanji still has some of the best stand out moments in the entire raid like when he clashes with King in chapter 988 after freeing Momo with his invisibility power but not all fan memorable moments are good ones enter Sanji versus black Maria I have never seen so much Sanji hate in my entire one piece simp life then when he was refusing to fight black Maria after he was captured he was literally tortured by her and by her subordinates but he was still able to stand on his morals refusing to attack her even when it started looking like he was about to lose his life he was ultimately only saved when he decided to put his faith in niik Robin Sanji is able to be who he is and be as strong as he is because he lives his life on his own terms it's like that famous saying if you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything in this moment Sanji showed his faith in his crewmate and Robin delivered swooping in and pimp slapping Maria blackle Sanji versus queen the plague sanji's encounter with Queen starts after Chopper have been holding Queen off the best he could Queen goes in for the kill on Chopper But Here Comes Sanji again swooping in at the perfect moment to save his friend and literally carrying Zoro on his back he hit Queen so hard it sent his head spinning causing a combo hit on periso he tells Chopper he did good before taking over the fight during the fight Oda weaved in a lot of important lore in chapter 17 Queen calls Sanji judge's son Sanji gets mad as expected but this leads to them discussing and dropping the name mads a illegal scientific research institute led by Dr vager Punk both judge and queen were a part of it back when it was active the fight keeps getting increasingly intense meanwhile King is looking for Zoro so he can eliminate him before he gets treatment and peros Sparrow is still trying to kill Sanji with an arrow for not marrying pudding toward the end of chapter 1022 Sanji and Zoro have their most badass simultaneous attack yet striking king and queen while having that amazing quote about how if they are able to win this battle they will actually have a glimpse of Luffy becoming King of the Pirates they're some more fighting and then Zoro asks Sanji about how he is feeling and Sanji admits that ever since he wore the raid suit he failed to little off it's a full-blown war with Sanji and Zoro fighting back to back there's Flames kicks swords lasers and wacky dinosaur attacks everywhere at one point during the battle Queen starts begging Sanji to show him his raid suit because Queen is like a super tech nerd and also he wants to prove that his Tech is better than judges but Sanji ignores him saying something is definitely off eventually Queen launches at Sanji in his Dino snake form wrapping around his body and an attack that queen says no one has ever escaped from then because of a series of events Sanji gets free but he looks all broken and bent I remember reading this chapter when it first dropped and I was flabbergasted but then Queen takes advantage of sanji's confusion and launches a full powered sword attack from behind in an attempt to cut Sanji in half but Boom the sword shatters Sanji is quite literally built different he has now officially awakened his dormant Powers Sanji has a full-on panic attack and runs away genuinely worried that he might lose his Humanity he finds his way into the pleasure Hall and blacks out and then is a accused of hitting a woman he says that is something he would never do but with all that is going on with this transformation neither us or Sanji is 100% sure he didn't do it all Sanji remembers is the fear in the woman's eyes as she stared directly at him laying on the floor bleeding and crying the lady also had a pet mouse which is symbolism for Sanji having a pet mouse as his only friend when he was a child this event leads to Sanji having an existential crisis in the middle of a war enough is enough he has to make a choice he so searches for the answer to what kind of man does Luffy need or prefer him to be quote tell me Luffy which would you prefer the regular Flesh and Blood me who turns into a helpless wreck whenever I face an opponent who's a woman or a cruel cold emotionless Warrior of science who can crush even monsters like him as long as you give me the order which one's going to be more useful to the king of the Pirates I am not exaggerating when I say this monologue gave me chills 1,000 chapters of character development all baked into one single decision also another reason I liked it was because Oda made it very clear that Sanji is self-aware of how his personal morals decisions and Trauma do affect the goals and dreams of the entire crew I really believe that Sanji is one of the best written characters of all time Sanji then recognizes that if he uses his raid suit anymore it will push his genetic enhancements past the point in no return but he will gain the power he needs to definitely beat queen queen notices that it looks like Sanji is actually going to put it on but then Sanji throws the Canon on the ground and stumps on it saying bye to both his germa trauma and to his woman's Bast fantasies since he just seemingly sacrificed the visibility Powers he had always dreamed of Sanji gears up to give it everything he has against Queen but he understands doing this will have a similar effect as using the raid suit he will most likely transform fully turning him into a cold heartless monster so before he begins the fight he radios Sanji on a denen Mushi leading to my favorite Zoro and Sanji interaction Sanji tells Zoro they are going to beat the Beast Pirates soon but after he is done finishing off Queen if he isn't himself anymore he wants Zoro to kill him Zoro is confused but understands he is serious and agrees telling him not to die before then which is zoro's version of good luck bro Sanji is trusting Zoro with his ultimate request and secret knowing he is the only one in the crew with the wethal to carry out something like this all jokes aside they really do share a special bond this whole thing may seem extreme but from sanji's perspective he would rather not be alive than live his life being one of the same monsters that tormented him as a kid for just not Awakening any special powers with his mind stronger than ever Sanji returns to the fight the fight is just chaos with Queen Now using all the powers that sanji's siblings can use which is just filled with so many similes and metaphors and just overall just so symbolic sanji's whole life had refused anything to do with his father or his Tech but now he has to fight a version of it in his greatest battle yet but then Queen surprises Sanji that he can also mimic sanji's Ru Powers as well going in bu but Sanji shows he ain't sweet and goes invisible as well without his suit that's right our boy never stops leveling up with both of them invisible out of nowhere that previously mentioned woman that Sanji supposedly hit and her Mouse is noticed by Queen who gets mad admitting that he is the one that hurt her earlier because apparently she had curved him many times then Queen makes the dumbest mistake of his entire pirate career he heads to attack her again leaving Sanji an opening for a free attack with sanji's new exoskeleton increased muscle and speed armament and an overall tougher body his leg can now support drastically hotter Flames than ever before burning a bright blue white and he uses it to its full advantage launching an insane combo attack on Queen consisting of all of his strongest attacks ending the fight sending Queen through several castle walls and off of onigashima this fight was so outstanding not only did sanji's fighting style just look so cool Queen was such a dope opponent he is smart crazy strong and surprisingly Nimble and fast for his size not to mention mention he is so kind that he stays big on purpose because if he was thin he would be too popular Sanji folding Queen was his most impressive beat yet but he also showed that he has much more potential in him as well I don't think Sanji has reached his Peak yet this brings us to Egghead Island where Sanji has already had some awesome standout moments he saves Nami from SAR with his raw heat strike in chapter 177 in the next chapter he flexes his durability by tanking a straight up fish Manara punch from a sarapin straight to the face but the most impressive is when he holds off demon Elder Saturn and Marine Admiral kizaru in chapter 114 he defends Kuma and Bonnie by deflecting Saturn's attack creating an opening for Frankie and in chapter 117 Sanji saves Bonnie Again by kicking away a laser beam attack from Admiral KERO like he was at soccer practice I'm so proud of Sanji because he made it a long way in life but I'm more proud you made it to the very end of this video Drop limes in the comments so I know you're a real one
Channel: Pirate Diaries
Views: 47,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, pirate diaries, anime, one piece theory, manga, rise and fall, Anime explained, Manga creator, Manga genius
Id: EUGjACqCl9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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