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the yonko are the most powerful and notorious group in the one piece world the only reason they haven't completely taken over the seas is because they themselves are enemies there isn't a single pirate or Marine who can stand against these four monsters and today I'm going to rank them but not how you might think because actually ranking the yonko accurately is more complicated than he punches harder than him so let's get into it but before that if you enjoy this video and find my content enjoyable go on and click the like button below and subscribe to the channel your sub lets to know that you're enjoying my content it helps me reach my goal of 1,000 Subs also I'd love to know how you'd rank the yonko in the comments below okay first I want to make it clear that I will not be ranking the yonko purely on power not just because everyone does that who ranks the yonko but mainly because that's not how you become a yonko sure it's a factor but it's not the only Factor otherwise the mihawk would have become a yonko right after the disolution of the Warlords and he didn't the yonko are decided on by the Marines using three main categories their individual strength their crew strength and their influence you need all three to be able to obtain the coveted title of yonko and if you're lacking too much in at least two of these categories you can probably kiss your dreams of becoming a yonko goodbye that being said I'm going to be giving a score from 1 to 10 to each of the categories and then the aggregate of those scores will determine the placement of the yonko in this list so let's begin and starting the list off at number seven have the bombastic clown buggy with the five and power a nine for his crew and a nine for his influence giving him a score of 23 now I'll be honest I thought that by using all the criteria to make a yonko a yonko bugy could possibly move up at least one spot from the bottom but no buggy is just too weak ricking the yonko still requires the raw power and Bucky just doesn't have it his crew though his crew pretty much has the yonko want it literally mihawk is the only character whose Bounty is greater than two yonko and is n a yonko plus at the genius mind and schemes of crocodile and just those two alone would make for a top tier crew unfortunately that's all Bucky has going for him his crew crocodile brought Mr one with him and miog brought no one so Bucky's crew is still primarily the crew he had Mass after leaving impel down there's some strong pirates in there yes but not quite matching the other yonko Crews which is why I can't give his crew a 10 mihawk and crocodile I feel can't push it up to nine though as for influence anyone who places bounties on Marines heads even Admirals has influence the blackbear Pirates a rival yonko crew were even trying to cash in on GARP just this one act has rippled throughout the entire one piece world and is worthy of recognition at number six we have the former strongest man in the world Whitebeard I gave Whitebeard a seven in power a nine in crew strength and a perfect 10 in influence giving him a total of 26 now I know what you're thinking why didn't you give Whitebeard a tin in power well because unfortunately I'm not doing this listing on past ability we have no idea when the yonko system was established it could have been just 6 years ago when Shanks became a yonko or maybe it was during the time of godie Roger and both Whitebeard and Roger or yonko we just don't know and because I'm using the white beard we knew as a yonko old beard the B who fought a marine Ford it kind of takes away from his strength don't get me wrong he was still very powerful just him coming to rescue Ace demanded the Marines to mobilize in Mass he possesses all three forms of hockey and the devil fruit that can destroy the world the gor goromi unfortunately he was clearly sick and not near his full power it's the reason I can't give him a higher scoring power I really think that any one of the three Admirals pres that Marine Fort could have defeated him if they went all out his crew on the other hand is quite powerful Marco's a big standout and wano he took on two commanders alone and was doing fairly well then you have to add josu and Vista the latter of which took on mihawk and earned his respect then you have to add EO another who showed his strength in wano factor in his Allied Crews and you see just how threatening the Whitebear Pirates can be and as for his influence I mean like I said earlier he mobilized the entirety of the Marines even when kaido and big mom announced their Alliance only kizaru offered to go perhaps a bit overconfident but none of that overconfidence was present and white Bear's impeding arrival at Marine Ford plus Whitebear was the first junko we saw who's very name protected an entire Island even Woodling an age and sickness wiper was still recognized as the strongest man when he lived therefore his influence still stands at number five I have big mom AKA Charlotte lylan I've given her a nine for power and 8.5 for her crew strength and a 10 for influence giving her a total of 26.5 you know it's a bit sad to P big mom this low because I liked big mom and the big mom Pirates they were an eccentric bunch of characters and the most unusual family in the history of families but the mono Arc unfortunately didn't give either leg up in power big mom is a monster let's get that out the way the number of individuals that can directly fight her and win are very few probably only two maybe three characters out of the entire one piece could defeat her her Soros soron Nomi is one of the most powerful fruits revealed in one piece and is particularly dangerous in her hands fear her just a bit and that's it you're dead her fruit gives her the AB ility to create homies with three special homies giving her fire and lightning abilities as well as a length changing sword that can also just set herself on fire and like most on this list she possesses all three forms of hockey she is very very strong her crew on the other hand is lacking in a few areas you do have the standouts like katakuri and periso but we saw so little of smoothie I don't even know how powerful she truly is and poor cracker got low di by aliji of the blackbear Pirates the crew is powerful far more powerful than any other crew but when comparing them to other yonko Crews they leave much to be desired that said her influence is one of if not the greatest among the yonko if the fake wedding of Vin Mok Sanji and Charlotte pudding is anything to go by her connection throughout the underworld is vast and like kaido include the world government through Stussy indirect as it is she has a vast intelligence Network which probably includes leaders of Nations military and other pirate Crews due to strategic marriages of her children and the fact that she's been a powerful pirate since the time of rocks means decades to build her infamy throughout the Seas at number four we have the most calculating pirate on the Seas Blackbeard Marshall D teach for Blackbeard I gave him a nine for power a 10 for crew strength and an eight for influence giving him a score of 27 teach is powerful more powerful than I think he's given credit honestly him simp possessing two devil fruits already makes him broken but when those two devil fruits are the girl girl Nomi and the yummy yamy Nomi then it's just cheating with one hand he can destroy the world and with the other he can nullify any opponent's devil fruit plus he has powerful hockey and an unnatural durability to add to it now his crew is where Blackbeard shines I'd argue that Blackbeard has the most powerful crew out of the yonko even Shanks mainly because of this guy iiji and an admiral who fought the current Fleet Admiral for 10 days and made short work of cracker a commander of the bigmom Pirates when they invaded totland at the remaining prisoners of impel Downs level six and his old crew all powered up with extremely powerful devil fruits and you'll see how there isn't a pirate crew around that can match them his influence however isn't as grandiose in fact he doesn't have a lot of influence at all sure he has your average amay yonko bow down to me influence but because he tends to work in the darkness pun intended he seldom gets credit for anything a good example is impel down he broke into it the same time Luffy did Luffy got the credit he killed Whitebeard and stole his power yet the main focus in the news reporter from that war was Luffy he's not as deep in the underground networks as big mom and kaido he's not meeting gor and ending Wars like Shanks he's not putting bounties on Marines heads like buggy and he's not tilting the balance of power like Luffy his influence in the world needs some work but I'm sure by the end of the series his carefully crafted plans will be made known to the world but right now it just isn't it and here at number three is where we find our main protagonist the straw hat yonko heling from the East Blue Monkey D Luffy I've given Luffy a nine for power a nine for crew strength and a 9.5 for fluence giving Luffy a total of 27.5 that's not hesitate to talk about how powerful the this rubber kid has become he started off being proud of having a fist as powerful as a bullet to grabbing lightning at his wh Luffy is a master of all three forms of hockey with particularly strong conqueror hockey due to his near indominable will this coupled with his gear fith Awakening easily pits him among the upper tiers of the verse when it comes to power the only thing holding him back is his stamina which is the only reason why I can't give him a perfect tin in this category his crew is second to very few Crews the straw hatch are one of the few Crews where both the captain and the first mate possesses all three forms of hockey and to add to that both Luffy and Zoro possess the advanced form of conqueror's hockey then add a warlord of the sea and a germer prince that can tussle with an admiral and jimbe and Sanji and with just four of these monsters they can stand up and defeat the majority of sub yunle pirate Crews by themselves the rest of the crew is also nothing to scoff at either being relative to other yonko officers as well Luffy also has a 5600 member Grand Fleet and is allied with the minks the fisherman and wano Samurai all in all the forces behind Straw Hat Luffy will give any world power a difficult fight and finally we have Luffy's influence while not quite as high as others on this list as Luffy continues on his journey his infamy within the world government Rises the gor they themselves have deemed Luffy a threat that must be eliminated no matter where Luffy travels he builds and makes allies along the way allies that spread his influence around the world I'm sure before the series concludes Luffy's influence will surpass that of the pirate king himself now at the penultimate ranking at number two we have the aour dragon himself kaido for kaido I've given him a 10 in power a nine in crew strength and a 10 in influence giving the king of beasts a total score of 29 kaido has the power and presence of aono being a proficent user of all three forms of hockey and complete Mastery of his devil fruit it took a scattered combination of seven powerful Samurai five supernovas kaido's own son in yam Luffy Awakening one of the most ridiculous devil fruits by going gear fifth the strongest power up we've seen in the series by far and Kido honestly giving up the fight check out my video conquerors versus conqueror for more information on that and that's what finally took kaido down there's a reason green bull said the only reason the world government never attacked Wana was because of kaido regardless kaido is ludicrously powerful then in addition to his raw power his crew is very powerful and ruthless the entirety of kaido's 30,000 Beast Pirates are a devilish force to be reckoned with any crew that can sit back and watch the atrocities committed in wano and not just laugh about it but take part in it is a crew you don't want to cross among the 500 Zan fruit users you have the topi Ropo six powerful pirates with ancient Zan fruits and on top of them you have three billion Berry each men in Jack queen and the near invulnerable lunarian King the Wildfire at their height before the defection of yamuto and Drake the Beast Pirates would have easily matched the strength of any other crew on this list and finally kaido's influen is also second to none by taking control of wano kaido was able to build weapons and work with underground Brokers and even the world government itself during his Reign the extent of kaido's influence spanned from the first entrance to the straw hats in the new world at Punk Hazard all the way to kaido's fall in wano that is some influence and finally we reached the top of the list and to no one's surprise the Crimson Master of the sword red-haired Shanks stands at the Pinnacle for Shanks I've given him a 10 for power a 9.5 for crew strength and a 10 for influence giving him a total of 29.5 just half a point shy of a perfect score you know it's always funny to me how Shanks tops these list because of all the unle on this list we know the least about Shanks in all three categories but what we do know implies a lot is he powerful yes he took out kid and killer with virtually zero effort even if you say it was a surprise attack that was an insanely powerful surprise attack he did this to an admiral from miles away and he clashed with Whitebeard and split the skies and he was a rival to the greatest swordsman in mihawk so yeah he's powerful is his crew powerful a weird combination of yes and no which is why I didn't give him a perfect score here his core crew was stated to have the highest bounties of any crew and masters of their skills lucky Ru was pretty confident that they could handle the kid pirates with no problems even without their Captain's involvement mind you the kit Pirates had just defeated big mom yet his ally Pirates are complete fod even though there are some big names among them at least that's what killer said they did make it very clear it's because they're allied with Shanks but Shanks is also allied with the Giants so does the father matter when you have a nation of giants behind you I don't know we'll see in the coming chapters and is he influential another yes I will say Shanks has a relatively hidden influence but not nearly as hidden as Blackbeard you really just simply don't know how influential he is until he needs to flaunt it take Marine Ford where he stopped an entire war that mind you the Marines were winning at that point yet soku said he'd end the war specifically because it was Shanks this means if kaido had pulled up they would have just continued fighting and Marine Fort would have ended up worse than Punk Hazard and we can't forget his meeting with the girl say there isn't another pirate who could get an unannounced audience with those five and and even though this influence is behind the scenes and very subtle it's still the most outstanding display of influential might we've seen in the series thus far so yeah Shanks gets a perfect scoring influence and that's the ranking if you agree with my rankings leave a like below and if you don't agree with my rankings leave a like below and don't forget to subscribe to the page also I want to know how you rank the yonko taking their power crew and influence into account I'd love to hear it below to next time I been the blank face and I'll see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: TheBlankFace
Views: 15,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yonko, Luffy, Shanks, Mihawk, Kaido, Blackbeard, One Piece, One Piece 1111
Id: gBbrI-2jZUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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