The Victims of Roronoa Zoro

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ran Noah Zoro has been slinging blades and snatching Souls ever since he first began his journey to become the world's greatest swordsman from his years as the infamous pirate Hunter to his new career as the most dangerous member of the straw hats where he has committed not one but at least three massacres and if you think I'm exaggerating just watch to the end of this video because I promise you Zoro is even more bloodthirsty than you might think today we'll be taking a deep dive into the before and after of the people that was unlucky enough to find their way into the demon swordsman's bad side but also my evidence back theory on how I honestly think that Zoro is a Serial not a liver although Zoro has without a doubt unived a plethora of people prior to even joining the straw hats during his time as the pirate Hunter the first one we learned about canonically is Mr Seven who fell to zoro's Blade after he was sent on behalf of Baro Works to recruit Zoro to the criminal Syndicate one that was headed by the warlord crocodile Zoro had gained infamy as a brutal but Elite swordsman and Power pirate Hunter some citizens even refer to him as some kind of demon making him a perfect candidate for crocodiles assassination group but Zoro refused Mr Seven's offer responding that he would only join if Baro Works makes him the new boss patronizing the recruiter Mr Seven stupidly attempted to use Force against Zoro and Zoro easily took his life Mr Seven's demise at zoro's hands is confirmed by Mr one in the series and the One Piece Wiki but we never got to see the actual scene visually until the one piece live action and although it's not a one for one remake of the Canon story Oda did oversee the entire project and could have easily had Zoro just knocked him out if it didn't fit his vision for the lore to me this is 100% a body Zoro cult although this fight might not seem that important I'd argue it is because it's one of the earliest examples of zoro's blood lust even though Mr 7 was kind of rude given zoro's clearly Superior swordsmanship he could have wounded wounded him escaped or just forced him to submit instead Zoro basically baited him into a confrontation from the start so he could wet his blade not that I felt bad for Mr seven or anything I mean he was an assassin but this sets the tone for what I feel is zoro's true nature Captain Morgan another reason that the Mr 7 incident is important is because it adds a lot of depth to when our boy Luffy asked Zoro to join his crew though this was under different circumstances given the last person they tried to recruit Zoro was a minated Luffy must have really impressed him since Zoro has such Grand Ambitions for himself he wouldn't work under just anybody when we first entered Shell Island all of the residents and even Kobe Panic at just the mention of zoro's name so it's already implied that Zoro has some kind of dark reputation even though he does have a soft spot for certain people that he takes a liking to the whole reason that Zoro ended up tied to a pole at the Marine base was because he unived or at least knocked out helo's pet wolves to protect protect ra a little girl himo was harassing and if himo didn't leverage the life of RA and her mother he 100% would have been zoro's next body one of the things I found most interesting the first time I watched one piece was that the first main antagonist Captain Morgan wasn't actually defeated by our main character Luffy but by Zoro Morgans was later arrested by the Marines ironically and thanks to the Diary of Kobe Meo cover story we know that Morgan did Escape From The Marine ship that was transporting him him while his son help melpo actually join the Marines himself alongside Kobe who formed an unlikely friendship the last time we saw Morgan was during the D jango's Dance Paradise cover story we see both Morgan and Jango napping on their tiny boats passing by each other without realizing we haven't seen Morgan since then but we do know that D Jango goes on to join the Marines as well after a series of events chapter 17 is the next time we see Zoro defeat an opponent now this fight wasn't that important to the grand scheme of the story but it was the first time that Zoro fought an actual swordsman as part of the straw hat Pirates he was also still a little injured or at least not at his best but he was able to defeat a upper member of one of the strongest crews in the East blue the buggy Pirates it was a great fight for power scaling zoro's level at this time and get a further understanding of his true Ambitions he states that he cannot lose to a swordsman not even once and destroys kabaji with his now signature move on aigiri this was the first time Zoro ever used on giri a move that was named after the only giri R gave him these Donuts are great jelly fil are my favorite nothing beats a jelly fil donut and if you're wondering what happened to kabaji well thanks to him being a part of the buggy Pirates he is now a primary member of the Cross Guild a front runner Alliance for the one piece and an organization that's upsetting the entire balance of the new world so it's fair to say that it's good for kabaj that zorao was a pirate and not a pirate Hunter whenever they cross blades because his fate would have ended very differently moving on we have the surup village Arc where Zoro defeats the meow ban brother simultaneously but with zoro's next opponent he wouldn't be so lucky in the middle of the borate arc drau mihawk floats up as the Saucy vampire God of destruction he is and teaches Zoro a valuable lesson there are levels to The Swordsman life Zoro would lose to mihawk but his bravery to even face such a sure defeat really showed us zoro's character and how he really stands on his morals Zoro had always aimed to defeat mihawk eventually as mihawk is the current welder of the totle world's greatest swordsman and with that being zoro's true dream for himself he knew it was only a matter of time before the two would face off but honestly us and Zoro knew it happened way sooner than he thought it would but this did lead to one of my favorite Zoro moments of all time it is when he knew he was going to lose and he faced the ASA facing forward refusing to flee because scars on the back of a swordsman sh that is just still so hyped to this day although Zoro lost he did gain mihawk's respect being the nice guy he is mihawk decided to just almost most UN alive him so that Zoro could grow stronger and face him again one day this fot taught Zoro just how far the Gap in his power level and the strongest swordsman's is and this is also when he promised Luffy he wouldn't lose again and this fight taught Luffy how dangerous his adventure to the Grand line will be he honestly looked shocked to see Zoro lose the mihawk fight would also impact the entire next Arc and raise a very interesting question if Zoro wasn't still wounded by mihawk could he have defeated arlong himself let me know in the comments what you think I might make a whole video about this question now back to fights Zoro one Zoro versus haon six sword style versus the three sword style which eventually does evolve into the eight sword style hotron was defeated by the dragon twister hotron was not only known as the second strongest Fishman swordsman but also as a Fishman he is several times stronger physically than a normal human but even though hoton lws his story isn't going too bad even though he has had his ups and downs he managed to escape Marine captivity and he even made it back to the Fishman island starting takaoki 8 thanks to Cammy and Pap support I love Hon's Redemption Arc but a octopus opening a takaoki shop is interesting to say the least hotan aside many and I mean many of the other members of arlong's crew wasn't so lucky the arlong park Massacre might have been the first but it wasn't the last Massacre we would see Zoro do with our own eyes on chapter 72 we see that Zoro had began The Battle Before Luffy had showed up and he was was sitting there eagerly awaiting for him to arrive as he was now bored after slaughtering dozens of fishmen their bodies littered all around him later arlong returns to arlong park discovering his crew's fate he screams Brothers as he holds one of them who is nearing the afterlife from faint Whispers he discovers it was the pirate Hunter Zoro who had done this and even the mighty arlong seemed worried asking the pirate Hunter has he come for my head and in case you want to say this is one piece it's possible Zoro just wounded them arlong himself tells Usopp he is looking for Zoro because he quote slaughtered my man while I was out and then for more proof in the same chapter hotron tells arlong if he was there he would have stopped Zoro because quote I'd never let anyone ill my mates confirming at least some of his mates are not alive thanks to Zoro again I don't feel bad for the arlong park victims they had been terrorizing small towns all over the East blue but as this Reddit user pointed out out at the time this happened the fishmen hadn't really done anything that extreme to Zoro I mean he was looking for Nami on Luffy's orders but at the time Zoro didn't even like or trust Nami he thought she was just really shady and also even after the event even Usopp says quote is Zoro nuts he's got no reason to tangle with these freaks the redditor I referenced earlier went on to say that if Zoro did take all the Fishman's lives for such a quote crappy reason he would have rooted for the fishmen While others in the the comments did defend Zoro claiming they are all Pirates and they knew what they was getting themselves into I kind of get both points but either way Zoro being so nonchalant in arlong's chair after the incident demonstrates how unaffected he is about Taking Lives meaning this wasn't his first cleansing I also found it telling that even in the volume cover zoro's blade is drenched in blood zoro's next quaza opponent is tashiki which is a very complicated opponent for Zoro because of her similarities to his childhood best friend inspiration and rival kinaa in chapter 97 Zoro is looking for a new sword kashiki shows up and starts nering out about all the swords because she is like this super sword Enthusiast and it's made pretty apparent that she knows way more about the specifics and history of Swords than Zoro as she recognizes the W ichimonji instantly and the short keeper ketsu however zoro's innate ability to feel a sword's energy and basically talk to it are far superior than tashi's as seen when he rised losing his arm in a bet with the curs blad I another badass scene by Zoro when tashiki finally realizes that Zoro is the infamous pirate Hunter and a member of the Sha hats as a marine she is forced to attempt to stop him with her blade but the duel barely lasts a page or two similar to the mihawk fight this encounter was short but important it let us dive into zoro's past a little bit more and we learn how he does carry a lot of trauma and depth behind those demon eyes this pretty much wraps up zoro's fots in the East blue but as we enter the grand line we immediately get to see zoro's inner demon rear its head again with a even bigger Massacre than his arlong Park Rampage we have now reached the whiskey Peak incident and I will be going more in depth in this segment than the others one because it's one of my favorite and underrated arcs but also because I think it's very important to the concept of this video zoro's rolling one piece in the overall story so please stay with me to the very end because I promise it will all make sense the first island the straw hat stumbl upon in the grand line is a tuck off Island known as whiskey Peak which is a lively place where all the people love to party and have a good time or so it seems in reality the town has a dark secret it's actually a front for Baro works the aformentioned crime group the goal of the whiskey Peak operation is the people of the community lure in unsuspecting Pirates and capture them as the residents of the welcoming town are all either assassins bounty hunters or Associates of the crime syndicate and given how much the straw hats love to party this trap was tailored built for them so the crew quickly fits right in eating drinking and flirting the night away before eventually they all pass out being the two that can handle their liquor the best Zoro and Nami actually fak being passed out which led to Zoro thoring the surprise attack the town had planned and Nami negotiating one of Baro Works targets rescue after we get to see that all the straw hats are passed out we see Mr eight and other named agents discussing how the straw hats have fallen into the abyss which is what they have named their trap some of them get shocked at just how valuable Luffy is after viewing his wanted poster Mr H staying calm says never judge a pirate by their looks that next they should take all the valuables from the straw hat ship and then to them up because if they have to not alive them their value drops 30% because the government wants to execute them publicly to make an example but very unfortunately for them there was a even more demonic force that was perched above them listening to every word the being spoke sorry but would you let them sleep a while longer they're tired from The Voyage shocked Mr a asked how you were passed out the demon replied a true swordsman never drinks herself into a stoer and a d of bounty hunters can be a dangerous place looks to be about a 100 bounty hunters here I'll take you all on Baro works this flabbergasted the Assassins even more how could Zoro know the name of their secret organization even their most guarded details Zoro explains that he learned about all their dirty little secrets back when he was in their line of work and Mr s tried to recruit him implying that he had made Mr Seven spill the beans before his life was taken it's chilling to think of what Zoro did to him to make him talk Mr 8 says that this is very unexpected but if you know about our secret organization then you must be not alived he says hauntingly one more Tombstone to Adorn the cactus rocks we pan over to thousands if not tens of thousands of tombstones that previously appeared to be the needles that give the location in the appearance of the giant Kile meaning the town is responsible for taking the lives of literally thousands of pirates one of the darkest and also kind of cool references in one piece Mr eight yells ilh him pointing at the evily grinning Zoro on top of the building who looks almost excited but then as if he had teleported he is gone they look around trying to find him but Zoro was now behind them helping him look for himself they attack but Zoro is too fast and they only hit themselves with their own bullets Zoro disappears again and he is now behind Mr eight and says wouldn't you prefer a dozen new tombstones Zoro escapes the gunfire and they begin to look for him we see Zoro standing behind a building grinning at the fact he will get to test out his new swords 100 bodies will go them a quote good workout a group of the Assassins attempt to Ambush Zoro but he easily snatches their souls only being sad that he spilled some saki after he was attacked with a barrel of it and he had to cut it assassins disguised as a nun and a small child attempt to trick Zoro into letting his guard down but Zoro sees right through it defeat them saying that they should quote use that sorry trick on someone with a Kinder heart for the next few chapters we just see bodies after bodies dropping the first agent to land even one hit on Zoro is Miss Monday but a second later Zoro is pming her skull mocking her proclaimed strength after she falls Zoro licks the blood from his lips and asks if they can keep going that he likes to finish what he starts Zoro continues to eliminate them one after another until they attempt to take the sleeping Luffy hostage in hopes of calming down the demon but after a series of events Zoro finishes the batter clearly the winner of the whiskey Peak incident chilling on top of a building Zoro celebrates his victory with some more saki and enjoys his now quiet night until more stuff happens and Zoro gets dragged into a money-making scheme by Nami to save and transport the undercover princess that would go on to be known as Princess viie it's all going pretty well until Luffy wakes up and it's shocked that all the nice people he had been partying with have been unived and their bodies have been scattered across the village meanwhile Zoro is now face to face with Mr five and Miss Valentine Mr five asked Zoro quote so you're the one who's been illing our people confirming he had been Soul snatching this whole time so I don't want to hear any this is one piece he probably was just knocking them out anyway before a fight can break out Zoro hears Luffy screaming his name Zoro happy to hear Luffy's voice and that he finally woke up hey bro you don't got to get involved in this unless you owe money too I got it but little did Zoro know that Luffy was on go mode and he says I've had it with you we're going to fight confusing the crap out of Zoro Monkey D Luffy vers versus ran or Zoro yes technically Luffy is zoro's next opponent but I wouldn't dare call Luffy a victim in fact their fight was actually quite even and Luffy's own words the town's people welcomed them fed them and showed them kindness and Zoro quote chopped them up Zoro tried explaining what was going on but as we know Luffy is not a great listener and wasn't trying to hear it he just wanted smoke Zoro is forced to give it as all because if he doesn't he might get unived himself because he realizes Luffy is serious and dangerous the funniest part of about this whole fight is Zoro and Luffy managed to defeat several named officers in the middle of their fight with each other like it was nothing just because they interfered or got in their way Luffy and Zoro going all out versus each other was so awesome but scary even at this point there were monsters this is the closest thing we get to a sky split this early in the one piece and if it wasn't for the almighty Nami punch that broke the fight up who knows who would have won so what do you think at Zoro and Luffy's whiskey Peak power level who do you think would have won let me know in the comments to wrap up this segment even though they deserved it Zoro took the lives of countless broke work agents that is at least 100 plus now from just the ones we know about in story in the next Arc little garden Zoro fights and defeats Mr five again then in alabasta Zoro fights the second strongest agent in Baro Works Mr one AKA dobon which was so impressive it was used by smoker as a testament to zoro's strength while he was talking to tashigi about Zoro also during Zoro and Mr one encounter Mr one refers to Zoro as the person who not alived 100 of them during the whiskey Peak incident which is more evidence confirming at least the majority if not all of them did get unived by Zoro zoro's finisher against dos bones in chapter 195 is one of the top rawest panels in the entire series and thanks to this fight Boro is on a mission he does level up significantly and is even able to cut Ste now the two even have this cheeky dialogue where where bones asks Zoro if he's going to learn to cut diamond next and knowing Oda this is definitely some kind of foreshadowing after the defeat by the straw hats bones and crocodile get in prison and impel down but they escape with Luffy they even wind up helping during the palmal war currently dos is also a part of the Cross Guild since he opted to stay loyal to crocodile following Alabaster we're now in mock town where Zoro might have personally carve Bellamy in half if it wasn't for Luffy telling him not to because Luffy felt it wasn't really a place for battle mirroring the shanks and Mountain Bandit incident that took place when Luffy was younger in makima bar then in scapa we don't really get too much Zoro action he does defeat om one of the four priests it was a decent fight but honestly the most action Zoro got in scaia was getting watched by anel or Ino or whatever you call him but then again so did like everyone else so we can't really hold that against them by the way did you know what happened to M and the other priest after the conflict was over we know that inel escaped to the moon thanks to our Monkey D victim's video but did you know his priests were sentenced to a punishment called Cloud drifting sounds pretty nice doesn't it but it's actually an extremely dark punishment Cloud drifting is a punishment where the criminals are placed on a small island Cloud which is then sent off into the sky to drift around the world indefinitely it is very much an execution Because unless you can fly you have no way to survive it and will of course pass away eventually after like a couple centuries the clouds dissolve and the corpses of the criminals fall on to the surface world so in a very roundabout way I guess you can say that Zoro ultimately did cause Al's demise after skia we have now arrived at the water 7 and in lobby arcs during this Saga Zoro catches some W's and some L's his losses were to Admiral riji and Rob Luchi and his major wins included Marine Captain T-Bone and of course Kaku Rob Luchi second in command chapter 371 is where Zoro defeats T-Bone which gives us not one but two glorious double spreads the first is where Luffy tail Zoro simply cut it when referring to a speedaway detached train car and even though he has done nothing like this before without hesitation Zoro replies gotcha and slices the detach Trend car in two with one swift move leaving everyone draw droppingly dumbfounded the second double spread is him finishing t-ball with a ship cutter attack this chapter was amazing but out of all the straw has victims I feel bad for T-Bone he really does seem like a sweet guy and is one of the few Marines I respect at the end of the day he was just doing his job and landed in straw Hat's way as for Kaku him and Zoro might have had one of the most underrated fights in one piece everyone talks about Luffy versus Rob Luchi which was a great fight but Zoro versus Kaku was also very good and it even had a really cool ending Kaku was the number two of cp9 and thanks to him pushing Zoro in this fot Zoro manifest Ashera for the first time proving how formidable of an opponent Kaku was Kaku also was a powerful swordsman so Zoro defeating him was an oppressive swordsman feat which does help Zoro achieve his own dream just following Luffy to the one piece doesn't guarantee Zoro will accomplish his own dream of becoming the world's greatest swordsman he does need to also defeat a lot of powerful swordsman along the way and if you want to help me accomplish my own dream of becoming the world's greatest one piece YouTuber just like this video And subscribe the L goal for this video will be 194 the Zoro versus Kaku fight ended with a another awesome moment from Zoro where Zoro tells Kaku that they are fir from galila the next major fight for Zoro would happen in Thriller bark during this Arc Zoro fights up against the corpse of the sword God of aruma and yes I know this one doesn't technically count as a body for Zoro since Ruma did pass away long ago and is a zombie but Zoro was responsible for ruma's second death it should be noted by the way that vuma was limited by Brook's power level that he was given through Mora's powers and couldn't use his full potential for when he was alive so he was clearly not at his Peak and even Zoro says that he wishes he could have fought him at full strength either way Zoro did still earn ruma's respect and was even gifted one of my favorite swords from him shishui next in the same Arc we have zorao versus Kuma this one was more of a test than a fight but still managed to be one of the most badass anime moments of all time basically Kuma tested zoro's loyalty and character by offering him a chance to spare his Captain's life if he could take all of Luffy pain and given that just a particle of the pain sent Zoro into an anaphylactic shock Kuma said that taking all of Luffy's pain would definitely not alive him and given recent events in the manga this event was even more important for the straw Hat's fate than even Zoro or us realized Sanji would step up and try to volunteer at sacrifice but Zoro would knock him out and request to do it somewhere else away from the crew leading to the iconic nothing happened moment after Sanji finds Zoro barely clinging the life Zoro would have to face up against Kuma again with the rest of the sh hats on saot where he was overpowered and sent to mihawk's Island this is where he would properly heal and spend two years of Hell fighting countless fights with overpowered monkeys and mihawk himself after swallowing his pride and asking mihawk to make him stronger so he can be at the power level Luffy needs to become the pirate king through these trials and tribulations zoro's power level grows astronomically and he becomes really close to the Ghost Princess perona so it wasn't all bad she even helps him Escape inside of OD and refers to Zoro as her boy toy I guessed her ghost wasn't the only thing she was calling Buu after the time skip even though it's implied that him and mihawk had plenty of rematches Zoro admitted that he never beat mihawk once also during the return of sabba ODI archipelago in chapter 601 there is this sick panel of Zoro and Sanji simultaneously one-shotting A Pas aista showcasing how strong both of them have gotten given that the pacifistas used to be a serious threat pre- time scope after this during the Fishman island arc Zoro fought Jose and hodi hos is the number one strongest Fishman swordsman the one whom hotan was talking about previously Zoro easily defeats him and to me this wasn't even a serious fight Post Time skip Zoro is a completely different animal he really is allergic to taking na heck Zoro even literally defeated hodi in water the main antagonist of this are yeah he lost to Zoro underwater with one attack let me rephrase this so I make sure you understand Zoro a human one shotted one of the most powerful fishmen underwater where they're even stronger and the dude is even addicted to popping Magic Fish steroids on the regular both of these opponents wind up rotting in prison because of what they did and punk Hazard Zoro fights Monae of the D Flamingo Pirates this is another one that's barely a fight Zoro gives both her and tashigi PTSD with the way he cuts her in half to me this was more foreshadowing of zoro's use of conqueror hockey or whatever zoro's demonic version of it is because he has this like Ora attack thing that makes people feel like they got not alive or they're going to be not alive soon if they keep fighting him or something I don't really know what it is but the same thing happens whenever he's gambling in wano against those people who try to cheat him I hope this will be explain later because I definitely feel like there's something to it again I feel like it's like a darker more like demonic version of conqueror hockey by the way mon the harpy is one of my favorite designs in one piece too bad she unives herself at the end of the arc andrees Rosa Zoro technically goes up against Fuji Torah an admiral swordsman but it doesn't lead to a proper fight I would like to see the two really throw down though especially as zoro's current power level zoro's most impressive fight in this Arc was against Pik and I'm sure you guys can guess how that went P was just another opponent humiliated by Post Time skip Zoro Zoro never really struggles at all until we get to wano I honestly have a theory that like this is the reason why Oda has to keep separating Zoro and Luffy because they are so strong that if they was always together there is no reason they shouldn't be dog walking most of their opponent so he has to find creative ways to separate them like in the entire Arc of hake Zoro wasn't really involved in the a story but luckily for Zoro fans the entire next and longest one piece Arc was basically Zoro fanic we have now made it to wano and do you remember how wano started just when you thought I forgot about my whole Zoro on a theory The Arc from the beginning was supposed to be dedicated to us getting to know Zoro and so the arc begins featuring Zoro who has been condemned to commit some puko and the magistrate who sentenced him to it on accusations of committing murder is holding zoro's sword sishui in his hand but then right before Zoro plunges the blade into his stomach he smell Blood on the magistrate he realizes that the magistrate is the murderer and was trying to frame him so Zoro takes the same blade and launches a longrange attack that not allows the magistrate and he takes out his Samurai that attack him after that's right another Massacre our boy had another one in him I even forgot about this one until I was researching this video I remember he took out the magistrate but I completely forgot he Soul snatched so many of his Samurai I tried to count how many of them he merked but I lost counting 18 but the scene ends with more Samurai surrounding him so I'm sure the number is much higher wano becomes a wasteland for zoro's victims and his opponents and chapter 937 he fights iller a fellow Supernova but we didn't know his true identity at the time Zoro eventually defeats him but I would like to say this is one of my favorite Zoro fights I love 's fighting style toi did such a phenomenal job with this animation and the way zor ended the fight again was awesome he was a very strong opponent and at the time Zora only had two swords needing a third one to fight comfortably he let himself be hit with a direct attack back so he could pull out his opponent's side from his shoulder and finish him off with this famous three sword fou then in chapter 997 Zoro defeats another Supernova AO not all of Zoro F and wano ended up being a clear winner or loser with the onosha maray being an allout war and more of a group effort people were swapping out opponents and even jumping people frequently but Zoro did pull off some of the most oppressive solo Feats in the entire story so far like when he blocks a fusion ultimate attack from two yonko's big mom and Cado two of the strongest Pirates to ever resist one/ half of the four strongest living Pirates cabine an attack and Zoro blocks it this deserves the hype it gets then in chapter 110 he leaves everyone speechless by becoming the first person since Odin to leave a permanent scar on kido's skin and depending on if you watch the anime or read the Manga this is where it's confirmed that Zoro does have conqueror hockey but keep in mind that kadoo was never really zoro's main opponent zoro's main op in the raid was King the Wildfire the gorgeously Beautiful Vice Captain of the Powerful Beast Pirates if we fast forward to chapter 135 we have a chapter titled zorao versus King one of the best choreographed and animated fights in the series both the Manga and Anime did amazing during this fight Zoro ultimately won but King did live up to his hype and honestly for a while things were looking pretty grand for Zoro and I don't mean because he literally came face to face with the grand reaper himself Bea pushing itself too hard during this fight to put into perspective how long and Grand Zoro versus King was their fight lasted 57 manga panels across 19 chapters though the onigashima raid was cultivated in a way where it's kind of hard to measure time just in chapter length alone this fight was longer than some arcs during the fight King lost his reproduction capabilities and even his wing after the fight he was so weakened by Zoro that both him and queen was detained by Green bull rather easily some people debate if we should call King of swordsman but he is definitely talented enough to earn the title he just doesn't bound himself by swordsman's rules and Honor Code but this was still zoro's biggest feat yet towards his own personal dream post wano we arrive at the legendary island of Egghead while writing this video I noticed that Egghead kind of feels like a way for Oda to Showcase how strong the straw hats have gotten it parallels a lot of the previous arcs and even share some of the previous antagonists for example in water 7 Luchi was matched up against Luffy as the primary opponent and their fight often ranks as one of the top fights in the entire series but now on egad Luchi was allocated to facing off against Zoro after it was made clear he wasn't anywhere near Luffy's current power level so far in Egghead Zoro has faced off against Kaku es hul and is still currently fighting Luchi and I'm not going to lie their trash talk towards each other is Elite and although Luchi couldn't defeat current Luffy he has leveled up a lot and even awakened his devil fruit so the outcome of this is still uncertain but I have faith in our favorite mosses the Egghead incident is rather complicated for wins and losses as similar to on gashima people are switching opponents frequently plus there's a few betrayals mixed in a few team ups and then more betrayals even in all the chaos of egad Zoro hasn't really caught another body but I do still feel comfortable considering him a Serial not Alver the FBI defines them as a person who not Alives three or more people in the same manner in a period of more than 30 days with a cooling off period between victims the reason it's worded like this is because if a person just blacks out one time and un allows a bunch of people they are just emotional with impulse control problems serial UNS on the other hand are often calm cold and those Sinister can survive in various environments but they often find themselves in situations where they have to or wanton to un allot people besides all the body Zoro has been catching I honestly think Zoro likes the thrill of the hunt or battle or whatever it is and I also think if he hadn't joined the straw hats he would have way more bodies what do you think mostly pirate ones but still I think his connection he feels to the straw hats has actually calmed him down a lot but even still he is the darkest Straw Hat by far besides sense of humor Zoro is constantly surrounded by demon dark evil and Hell symbology from his moves to his dark Aura these days the only time he smiles is when he's in an intense battle or whenever he sees Luffy some people on Reddit have even went as far as to ponder if Zoro is evil but I wouldn't go that far I actually love Zoro plus I'm really glad that he's on our side but I'm even more glad you made it to the very end of this video Drop lemons in the comment so I know you're a real one
Channel: Pirate Diaries
Views: 111,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, pirate diaries, anime, one piece theory, manga, rise and fall
Id: oLdoWykDw7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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