The VGC WORLD CHAMPIONS TEAM took HOW LONG to MAKE? Now I Understand Hackers...

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lately online i've seen a lot of discourse about professional vgc players who hack their teams in uh this has been brought to a tension by k phonics who is a prominent data miner and pk hexdev he and a lot of his supporters criticize pros for hacking when it's extremely easy to build a competitive team in gen8 but why do all these pros still hack and why is this an esport where you can just ignore a fundamental part of the game well i think it goes all the way back to the birth of competitive pokemon in gen's four or five you see in modern games there's multiple accessible ways to get either like a good iv ditto for breeding or a legendary pokemon with perfect stats but gen's four and five do not have these features and without these accessibility features it becomes unreasonably time consuming to produce a team with good ivs and so back then it became the cultural norm in the community to just hack in your teams to demonstrate this i'm going to recreate the world championship team from 2011 without any hacking at all on a freshly completed save file in pokemon white for fun i'm also going to get every single one of these pokemon shiny even if on the original team they weren't shiny everything else from nature to ivs to evs it'll all be perfectly identical i will also do my best to minimize any aid i would get from having other games so what is allowed then well me being me i'll rng manipulate everything possible to make this as quick as i can even with rng everything is still going to take a really long time but it definitely will help in addition some items in pokemon are unobtainable without the dream world a defunct online service that would allow you to get berries or unique pokemon or hidden ability every item or pokemon i have to get this way i'll tackle when i come to it but just know this is not a hurdle they would have had to deal with in 2011. this safe has completed the entire story and done what i assume are reasonable post-game casual play such as finding all the items in andela bay's dive puzzle to get a bunch of money getting all the good rewards from the entry and the past powers and i've done the six sages post game quest i haven't done the battle subway for bp and i have not gone out of my way to pick up any tms or special items so i'll have to get those two if i didn't find them along my journey naturally last but not least i'm gonna be keeping track of how long this entire process takes i have a timer in the corner of the video and after every task i complete i'll say how long it took me and add it to our total amount of time this timer is in real time as i recorded literally everything i did for this video and have all the vods for it so without further ado let's start the setup the first thing i'm going to do for this will take the longest i'm going to need all of the power items for ev training this is nothing more than a grind in the battle subway it sucks because in order to constantly win you're gonna need to have a good team but without all these items it's hard to get a good team and there's no way to acquire them otherwise i could just use the macho bracer but that would take a bit longer to train every pokemon this way and if i wanted to train more than one team or pokemon getting the power items will actually save a lot of time this is extremely time consuming after all and said and done this took me five hours of bp grinding just to get these items five hours this is a huge barrier of entry for competitive play and dozens of items are locked behind this mode but with all these items acquired we can start catching pokemon now before i actually start getting the pokemon i want we're gonna need to do some prep for breeding and rng manipulation the first thing i'll need is two chat ups who are a dream world exclusive pokemon i could have just traded them up from a generation four game but i thought it'd be more in the spirit of gen five to get what would have been a dream world pokemon now i just used a save editor to put them into my entry forest and i didn't have to but i thought it would be more fun that way to have them in dream balls this is the only time i'll be hacking or using a save editor at all i did it for more thematics than anything else it wasn't necessary like i said i could have sent it for my heart goal once i have my two chat outs i'll need to grab a flame body pokemon to expedite egg hatching so i just caught several litwick until one had flame body as a quick aside for those who do not know how to rng manipulate in gen 5 i'll do a very brief explanation of the steps of it and what i'm doing so you can follow along a bit easier so the randomness in gen 5 is for the most part determined by the date and time down to the second when you launch the game then from there it's split into two parts and only called upon when needed such as when an npc moves in a random direction or something like that the first part it's split into is called the iv rng which basically never moves unless you're in a battle but since a pokemon is generated before you battle it we just aimed for frame one of this to have 31 in all of its stats because it's really annoying to advance it forward any other way the second part is called the personality id rng which is very easy to manipulate having a chat out with the recorded chatter advances this by one every time you look at its summary and it is what determines the pitch of shadow's crop this is both how i control the personality id rng and how i determine if i hit the right seat so with that explanation out of the way the next thing i did was to prepare for ev training by getting myself okay russ for those who don't know poker us is a permanent status condition that doubles the amount of eb's you get but it's super rare it's like a 1 65 000 chance to get i did this using rng manipulation because without it it would take forever lincoln lm wrote a python script telling you what iv rng frame ending a battle with will cause poker us to occur this is a little trickier than most black and white rngs because while in battle the iv rng advances at 120 frames per second with two pokemon on the screen and 60 frames per second with one pokemon on the screen so i have to first ko the wubat and then end the battle using both 1 60th of a second precision this means this is a double frame perfect trick but after a couple of tries i got it i then spread the pokers to as many of my pokemon as possible and put some of them in the pc for later because poker us will fade in 24 hours if you do not store a pokemon in the pc the final preparation step i did was getting a 6iv ditto for breeding dude it was only found in the giant chasm and so i headed there and saved now rng in this game without sweden scent is a bit of a pain but you can't use sweet scent where fog is however you can do a little trick to remove the fog so if you're saving the giant chasm change time to be one month forward and load the game up and get into a battle when you leave the battle the fog is gone for some reason even if you save and reset the fog stays gone until you leave the giant chasm so i do that trick i save then i rng the ditto it's a quiet nature but it has six ivs and the nature doesn't particularly matter since getting any nature that you want from breeding is pretty trivial i believe that's all the setup done i have the chats i need to rng a flame body pokemon for hatching poke rust and a ditto with that i'll move on to what i had to do to obtain each of the individual pokemon for my team all in all this setup work took a total of six hours and 49 minutes and i haven't begun to get any of the actual pokemon for my team oh boy after a lot of research and asking ray rizzo himself for clarification i've got my team here is the poke paste i think the easiest part of this team will be getting tarakion since it won't require any egg moves or anything like that so the first step will actually be to catch kobaleon i haven't done this so i have to make my way through the cave and rng him real quick catching kobaleon unlocks the other two swords of justice so after i got him i go for tarakion tracheon is simple and i actually used the exact same frame and method as i did for cobalion both of these pokemon have the exact same ivs nature and pid there's nothing super hard about black and white rng but i did have to do about 340 chat out flips to hit my target so i certainly had to be patient tracheon added another 37 minutes to my goal so now we're at 7 hours and 26 minutes of team building time after tarakian is caught i'll be moving on to the breathable members of this team i'm putting off doing thundurus because roamer rng is notoriously difficult in gen 5 and i don't want to do it yet so first up is timber i set out to catch a brave timber as the first parent i thought the easiest way to do this would be to catch a brave synchronizer and then run around and use that to catch a timber that was brave to breed with my 6iv ditto this is where you might notice if you look at the pokey paste that kung helder is in fact not brave but adamant during this timber breed i made a comical amount of errors because i did not do the proper research on how to breed this so i'm going to take you through every stupid mistake i made on this section you see i thought timber needed two egg moves mock punch and draining and after a lot of searching i realized the only way to get drain punch and mock punch on a timber at the same time was from a hitmonchan and gen 4 that had learned drain punch from tm and mock punch via leveling so i bred my brave timber with the 6iv ditto making sure the egg was a 6 iv female timber then i got a hitmonchan i had in gen 4 and used tm-60 and a heart scale on it so it learned drain punch and remembered my then i traded that up to gen 5 using poke transfer after that i did another quick egg rng and ended up with a beautiful 5 iv shiny timber that was brave and it had both mock punch and drain punch at this point i just needed two tms rock slide and protect i didn't have protect it's a reward from professor juniper after seeing a certain amount of pokemon but luckily i had already met the requirements and snagged it and a few other tms from her notably hidden power as i was putting the final touches on this timber i double checked the pokey pace to make sure i haven't missed anything and lo and behold timber has detect not protect detect is also an egg move and it normally wouldn't matter since they both function identically however there's this move called imprison it causes the user to prevent all opposing pokemon from using any moves that the user also knows as long as the user remains active in the field in singles this isn't a very good move but in doubles this is a move with a definitive niche protect is almost on every single pokemon in the format and running detect over protect is superior because less pokemon will have that move and it will lower your chance of being stopped by imprisoned luckily this is an easy fix hitmonchan also learns detect by level up so i can just use my same father hitmonchan after leveling him up a little bit i use lucky egg and the exp point power up from the entry to make things go as quickly as possible once that's done i repeat the exact same breeding process for another brave 5iv shiny timber this time with all three of the proper egg moves and now i only have to teach at rock slide it's not until i upload the picture of this timbre to twitter that user gavin lee 999 notices that brave 31 iv and speed doesn't seem to make much sense i respond i'm just following the pokey paste i rechecked the pokey paste it's adamant i got the nature wrong i want to die so finally after repeating the rng a third time because i didn't do any research and pay any attention i get the right timber it's adamant it's got 5 31 ivs it's got all three required egg moves and it's shiny with that done i can move on to breeding dino timber took a total of three hours and 34 minutes making my new total team building time 11 hours and 11 minutes at least we're at 2 pokemon now with dyno i had learned my lessons from timber i did all my research in advance and knew i would need to breed it with an arbok from gen 4 because for some reason this darkness dragon does not learn dark pulse by level up luckily that was the only move i had to worry about so i set out to catch a wild five iv female dino with a modest nature to be the mom after a few hundred shout out cries i catch a female 5 iv dino and once that's done i get a random arbok from gen 4 buy some dark pulse tms and teach it to it once again i trade it up from gen 5 to serve as the father then i repeat the breeding process and after 89 shout out advances i've got my 5 iv modest shiny dino first try this time and it feels awesome even though i got it first try it still took 1 hour and 29 minutes because of all the extra stuff i had to do via gen 4 and catching a different parent aside from the ditto now with dino complete i'm at 12 hours and 41 minutes total onward to chiroblast this is the first pokemon i'll be breeding that i can get everything i need with just things from gentile i'll first rng the father a venipee i need megahorn as an egg move so the male parent needs to be scoloped with that move after i r and g manip the venipede i grind levels using more past powers until it evolves into scolopee it actually learns megahorn via the move relearner since scolipine learns megahorn at a level that's impossible for it to be a sculpey app so i have to show the girl in driftvale a pokemon with work up to get a heart scale then i teach scoloped megahorn then i randomly catch a female kerablast to be the second parent it's a cool 177 shout out chatters away and upon hatch i have a shiny adamant 5 iv good bug karablast was actually really seamless this took 42 minutes on the dot and my new total is 13 hours and 23 minutes and for my final breed i need a ghadita to start i'm playing pokemon white and gothita is only found in pokemon black luckily since i have multiple ds's and both black and white versions i can trade with my stealth instead of my friends gothita actually has no egg moves at all so it ends up being the only pokemon i absolutely needed ditto a cool 94 chat outflips later gets me a calm five iv shiny hot topic luckily all of gothita's required moves are tms i already have psychic and substitute then it's just a quick trip to the nimbasa pokemart to get thunder wave and safeguard gothita also went really smoothly and it only took me 42 minutes as well now i'm sitting at 14 hours and five minutes as you can see the more i do breeding the less mistakes i make and the faster it goes and the smoother it goes now for the pokemon i have been dreading the entire time thunderous i said in my brief rng explanation that the personality id is easy to control and this is mostly true however this becomes untrue during weather events and no weather is more difficult to control than tornados and thunderous in gen 5. this advances the personality id rng extremely quickly and i have to use a timer to make sure that i always hit the exact right frame it's about a 1 60th of a second precision and it's never really exactly consistent the first time i did this rng a few years ago it took me about a week of attempts however i've since done much more difficult rng manips and i guess all that practice paid off because once i found a seed to hit which was a journey in and of itself it only took me two attempts of over 700 shout out flips to get the 5 ib shiny bold thundurus with hp ice after it was all said and done thundurus took me on its own two hours and 37 minutes making my new total time 16 hours and 43 minutes but with all six members of my team captured or obtained it is time to move on to evie training leveling and attack completion in this section i'll be covering eevee training leveling up and getting any attacks i don't already have in vgc this gen you need to be at or over level 50 because it will level you down to 50 if you're over it but not up to level 50 if you're under it in addition some of my pokemon need moves that are level up and also a lot of them evolved be a level up now for a quick overview of how easy training in gen 5 works first of all any stat can have up to 255 evs in it but since evs can only give you one stat point per four evs gained that's wasting three points you could spend elsewhere so the actual most amount of evs you should ever give in a stat is 252. that means it's extra important to keep an accurate count of how many evs you have when going to 252 because if you accidentally go over you're wasting points now there's three main ways of gaining evs in these games vitamins wings and ko and pokemon i will be ignoring wings since they're a bit of a shorter grind for and you only get one ev per win they can be useful i just didn't utilize them vitamins give 10 evs per use and you can only use 10 on a given stat for a total of 100 evs per stat with a given vitamin this is useful for cutting back on pokemon grinding they can be expensive so before any training i'm going to use the bargain pass power to buy the vitamins i need at a much cheaper price 4 900 poke dollars as opposed to 98 which is a big discount i just looked at the poke pace to see roughly the amount of vitamins for each pokemon i would need and bought them now this saves past orbs so i don't have to use the bargain power more than a few times lastly is the kaoing pokemon method every pokemon gives you anywhere between 1 and 3 evs when you ko it and the amount that you get is based on a pokemon's species in addition if you have poker us this doubles the amount of eevees you gain when you kill a pokemon so 1 becomes 2 2 becomes 4 and 3 becomes 6. finally there are items that boost how many evs you get when you kill a pokemon these are the power weight power bracer power belt power lens power band power anklet and the macho racer all of the power items add four ed's to every pokemon ko and can be doubled by poker us as well so if i kill a pokemon that gives me one ev while holding a power item and i have poke rust i gained 10 eevees instead of two this is 12 for pokemon that give two evs and 14 for a pokemon that gives three evs the macho bracer just doubles the total evs gained when you kill a pokemon so with one ev poke russ and macho bracer becomes four two becomes eight and three becomes twelve between all of these items it becomes really easy to exactly customize how many evs you gain in a specific stack it's also important to find good locations where a pokemon that only gives one stat spawns at a high rate for efficient training here's the pokemon and locations of them that i used route 8 surfing gives you a 100 spawn rate for stun fisk who give two hp evs each dragon spiral tower has a 100 percent spawn rate for gallaudet who give one attack ev each i also used route one after realizing both pat rat and lillapup give one attack evie each at a way lower level wellspring's cave has a 50 spawn rate for rock and rolla who give one defense evie each celestial tower has a 100 spawn rate for litwick on floor 2 who give one special attack eevee each driftvale city has a 100 frillish spawn rate who gives one special defense ev while surfing and route 1 while surfing has a 100 spawn rate for masculine to give two speed evs each lastly i think it's important to mention the way i kept track and eb trained in general tracheon and thundurus were powerful enough at the start that they could ko all the pokemon they needed to by themselves i made sure to give them a move that had high pp and used its remaining pp to count the amount of kos i had left for example hidden power has 15 pp if i needed to kill 12 stun fisk i'd use hidden power which is in one hit ko on stun fisk with my thunderous and then i would use the move until i was at 3pp remaining for the other pokemon who are all level 1 since they were bred i'd have to switch train them by leading with them and then switching to a stronger teammate who could get the ko i'd always start ev training with the highest level opponent for example on kerablast i need to start with attack since gaulets are in their 30s uh this gave kerables enough exp so that when it came time to train any of the other stats it was a high enough level to take pokemon like rock and roll and wellspring kvon by itself i do this because switch training takes a slightly more amount of time so i'd like to save as much time as possible by planning my eevee training routes out this way since you now know my general eb training process i'm gonna break down what vitamins each pokemon took how many pokemon i needed to ko followed by how long each pokemon in total took so i did rocha the tarakion first and its spread is 20 hp 212 attack 12 defense 12 special defense and 215 speed so i used 2 hp ups 10 proteins 1 iron one zinc and 10 carbons then i had to ko 13 gaulet 16 masculine one rock and roller and one frilish this took about 25 minutes which wasn't too bad cider the thundurus was up second and its evs were 244 hp 156 defense eight special attack 80 special defense and 16 speed so i gave it 10 hp ups 10 irons eight zincs and one carbus after that i had to ko 12 stun fisk 8 eight ragnarola four litwick and two masculine this took about 20 minutes from start to finish those two were pretty easy because they could do all the kaoing by themselves now on to the babies hot topic my gothito was third on the ev training list her ev spread is 252 hp 156 defense 20 special attack 12 special defense and 68 speed i started by giving her 10 hp ups 10 irons two calciums one zinc and six carbos then i ko'd 15 stun fisk using the swap method after all the stun fisks were done hot topic was strong enough to take on the eight rock and rollers one batch guillen and one frilish on her own this was the shortest one yet taking only 16 minutes i think this is a consequence of having lots of eb spreads across many different stats meaning i evied hot topic with vitamins more than i did with pokemon chaos dragon the dino was up next for the gym his final spread is going to be 244 hp for defense 132 special attack 12 special defense and 100 texting speed so we start with 10 hp ups 10 calciums one zinc and 10 carbos then we use the swish method to ko 12 stun fisk after that kragen is strong enough to kill the two masculine one frilish four litwicks and one dragon roller on his own overall this took 20 minutes total a little bit slower than hot topic but the pokemon are still blazing by as i eevee train them joe the timber is up next and his final ev spread is going to be 252 hp 12 attack 20 defense 164 special defense and 60 speed this means i start with 10 hp ups one protein two irons 10 zincs and six carbos after that we move on to ko15 stun fisk and seventh relish using the swap met once those are done joe can ko the one pat rap by himself without any help this whole process took about 18 minutes in total and i think despite using vitamins entirely for two different stats the switch training really bogged it down finally we have good bug the kara blast her final eb spread will be 252 hp 212 attack for defense for special defense and 36 speed so i start with 10 hp ups 10 proteins and three carbos from there i move on to ko15 stun fisk using the swap at that point goodbug is strong enough to ko the 12th power rat and lula pup on her own to get to 212 attack then iko the one vasculin to get to 34 speed and one per loin to get to 36. lastly we just ko one rock and roll and frilish to finish off our eevee training and that took about 19 minutes total in total the ev training added one hour and 58 minutes to our clock bringing our grand total to 18 hours and 41 minutes so now we're going to be leveling up in these games this is something that can take a while but there are a few things i can do to speed it up and make sure it goes smoothly first of all we need the lucky egg item you get this by playing the story and it gives the pokemon holding it a 150 increase in exp gained the next important thing we need to do is use the exp pass power from the entry this grants me an additional 200 increase of my exp gained the last thing we're going to do is make sure i'm fighting audino's as much as possible this pokemon gives me the most exp in the game that's easily repeated also since we're in gen 5 you get less exp the higher level you are compared to the pokemon that you're ko so we want to fight the highest level audino possible this led me to my grinding spot the giant chasm interior where you can find audino up to level 55 and shaking grass patches so my general strategy was to run around until a shaking grass spot appeared put a repel on use a pass power and then run into the grass patch and ko the pokemon that spawned which hadn't like an 80 chance to be an audino i'd also have to do a lot of switch training with the weaker members of my team i think despite the fact that you have to switch into another pokemon to get the ko switch training is still faster than using an exp share because you gain so much more exp by holding a lucky egg for rocha i had to get to level 73 to get close combat and i also made a stop in relic castle to get the tm for earthquake since i didn't already have it in total this took me about 34 minutes of grinding from level 42. next up was hot topic she is level 23 and needs to be level 50 and to be a gothitel she already has all her moves from various tms so this only took about 15 minutes and 43 seconds she ended up getting to level 51 just because she got so much exp off the last audi cider was up next and only needs to be level 50. just before leveling i took the time to give him the three tms he needed in substitute thunderbolt and thunder wave which i already had then we got to grinding this only took 6 minutes and 32 seconds including giving cider the tms to get to level 50 which is insanely quick that's the power of only needing nine levels without switch training though i guess good bug doesn't just need to level up but she needs to evolve so i'll do that first i have a copy of black with a shellmet i'll trade with quickly and now she's a lovely ass cavalier now i need to get her to level 50 from 21. i switch trained at first but once she hit level 42 she was able to solo ko the audino without too much effort all in all evolving and leveling up took about 18 minutes and 46 seconds with just the trading to evolve taking five minutes dragon has to get himself from level 21 to 64 just to evolve i was dreading this but it actually wasn't so bad but why wasn't as bad as i thought well because once he hit level 50 i just dumped 14 rare candies into him and i never looked back he also gained his final move dragon pulse during this level grinding session all in all this took about 16 minutes to get him to level 64. but blissy i hear you ask where the heck did those 32 rare candies from in short i got them while grinding for pp ups but i'll cover that in more detail in the next section i promise lastly we have joe who is level 23 and needs to be both level 50 and evolve via trade first thing i do is give him his final move via tm which is rock slide then after nine minutes he hit level 50 and was a girder after a quick trade aka four minutes and 16 seconds he evolved into a concalder and our entire team is complete it only took one hour and 44 minutes making our grand total 20 hours and 25 minutes to get all our pokemon at the level they need to be and have all the moves they need surely we're done right well not quite as i alluded to with dragon we actually have to grind for pp ups because every single one of ray rizzo's pokemon has the max pp for every move which means he either used a pp max or three pp ups on every single attack for every member of his team this was the most daunting and grind heavy section of the entire team building process why well it's because there's a limited quantity of maxes in the game and there's no easy way to get more however while pp up is repeatable it's not exactly easy or quick to get a lot of them in total i would need 72 pp ups three for every move the first way to get pp ups is via pickup with a pokemon that is level 81 or higher you have a four percent chance to get one after battle and not really easy the other way is to trade a man in annaville town star pieces one star piece gets you one pp up from this guy so i hatched a plan i prepped my team of lanoons and i did this by cloning a bunch of rare candies and emeralds catching a la noon with pickup and then using the rare candies to get it to level 81. then i cloned that lanoon a bunch of times and traded the squad all the way up to pokemon white to begin my pickup grind my strategy was to go to the route north of vandella town where you can find wild starmies or star use while surfing they have a chance to carry a star piece i would teach my lanoon's thief and then ko starmie and staryu with the hoping for a star piece from thief and pp ups from pickup i grinded as much as possible i would do it every day at work during my 15 minute breaks and my lunch i also did a few recording sessions at home when i had time to kill just to have nice game foot as you can see even with six la noons i often got no items from pickup at all and star you and starmie were not even that common and when they did spawn they only had a five percent chance of holding a star piece i began to feel like this would take forever after several days and probably like three three and a half hours total of grinding i had eight pp ups and five star pieces i understand this isn't really that bad but i began to wonder if there was a faster way and sure enough youtube user dope frog made a video about how to rng manipulate the results of pickup and i got to work learning the methodology it's really easy but there are some limits and the main one is that you can really only rng three at a time but after searching for a seed i eventually found one that gives me three pp ups after the battle ends this drastically sped things up and it got to the point where i wasn't even using eon timer to hit my seed since i had to hit it so often i would load up the game at 46 seconds listen to chat out nine times and get into a battle with the wubat and ko and i would have my three pp ups i repeated this until i had uh way too many for some reason i got 146 of them i think i did a random piece of math wrong and i thought i needed more than i did however it was pretty fast once i figured out how to rng them in total this took me about 6 hours and 32 minutes counting both the rng and the regular grinding but not counting the fact that i got double the amount that i needed uh whoops after the pp ups were over 24 hours we're now at 26 hours and 25 minutes over one full day but we're in the home stretch now we just have to get the items the final thing my team needs is their items i need a citrus berry for hot topic chardi berry for cider a choice scarf for rocha a choppel berry for dragon an aqua berry for good bug and a leftovers for joe joe is easy you can find leftovers using the dowsing machine on village bridge however i didn't even need to do that i have 12 leftovers from my pickup grinding so that's already done i'm not even gonna count any time spent since that would have been done during the six hours of pickup grinding i did the next are the berries and i guess i'll start with the simplest the citrus citrusberry there's an npc in driftvale who will give you a basculin for a manchino and his masculine just has a citrus berry on it so i do the trade and give the citrus berry to hot topic and what do you know there's seven citrus berries in my bag i guess i must have gotten them from pokemon rangers who give you berries when you win i don't know i didn't even think to check oh well that only took 2 minutes and 43 seconds anyway the next berries up are the damage reduction berries and i'll start with the easiest of these which is the chapel berry this berry is unobtainable in pokemon black and white it was dream world only and so i spent a lot of time thinking on what i should do for this maybe i would grind up join avenue in black and white too or maybe i would use the entry link editor again and get it that way ultimately both of these choices felt inorganic so i put out a tweet asking if anyone had chapel berries in black or white and sasha mitral on twitter responded that they did so we used alt wi-fi to connect and use a wi-fi trade where they gave me a chapel bear i asked them if this was a black and white one game or a black and white two game and they confirmed it's from the black and white one dream world and they got it years ago which is exactly what i was looking for ultimately i could not get this one without help from someone else in the community but i think that's one of the strengths of pokemon there's always someone out there willing to help you trade which harkens back to the original mentality of the series a game freak exec getting a rare drop in dragon quest he wished he could have given to his friend this trade just took about five minutes to complete i won't count all the asking and waiting on twitter towards my time back in the day this would have been a completely different amount of time using the dream world anyway next up is charlieberry and i'll be rng miniping for this one too it's pretty easy and it's the value of the 32-bit upper 5 frames after your current pr and g frame shifted to the right by 32. this will give you a value between 0 and 99 and for items like the chardi berry that are only a 5 chance we need a value between 60 and 79 if we have a pokemon with compound eyes in the lead slot so the first thing i'll do is catch a pokemon without ability this took like two minutes literally the first jolta guy caught had it once that's out of the way we can do the rng i basically just picked a random seed until i found a five percent item on a relatively low frame with the pokemon i needed being five frames before it so it's just a normal rng minute with two shadow flips and then i use thief on the swellow to steal the charty berry in total this rng took about 2 minutes and 30 seconds after the shardy berry was the aquaberry which is literally the exact same process on a mall while in challenger's cave i couldn't use the exact same seed but yeah it's the same process do a few chat outflips get into a battle steal the berry this took about four minutes and 10 seconds and literally half of that was the travel time onto the final most daunting item the choice scar there's actually two ways to get this one is to have pokemon from 30 different original trainers and a person in the castelia city pokemon center will just give you the item the other is to get 48 bp in the battle subway and while it's certainly possible to do this using the 30 different ot method whether it be my own games resetting over and over just trading the starter or by going onto the alt wi-fi gts i decided to do the bp this is partially because i thought it would be a bit faster and partially because i wanted to give my team a test on the double battle subway now luckily i'm not starting from zero since i had done some battle subway before the power item i have a grand total of one bp so with my one bp i first made my way to subway boss emme which took a streak of 20 battles to get to this wasn't too bad however it only granted me a total of 17 bp after 21 wins but this was only to unlock the super trip this would both let me fully get used to using my new vgc team and earn more bp than i could before on the regular doubles train you earned 3 bp for each streak of 7 you get until you get to 21 then you earn 10 for beating the boss but on the super doubles train you earn 5 for your first 7 and then 6 and then 7 and then 8 and 9 and so on and 30 if you beat the boss ultimately i made it to a streak of 30 before failing after which i had claimed a total of 43 battlebots it's funny despite that one bp seeming like a joke it actually saved me seven battles you see winning seven here now grants me five bp again and that lands me on exactly 48 bp exactly the cost of the choice scarf if i had zero bp i would have had to win seven more battles to get more bp and with that our journey has come to a close i did this entire battle subway section in one sitting it took me one hour and 44 minutes total to get this one single item that is a lot of time for just one item guys all in all all five items took me a total of one hour and 58 minutes to get and almost all of that was the joy scarf so after all is said and done we're sitting at 28 hours 58 minutes and 48 seconds of real time play to get this team holy cow that's a lot of time investment just to make one single team i have been keeping a secret from all of you both my capture ds and my ds light that i take on the go have a mod chip installed but let me overclock my ds i can't and have been playing these games nearly the entire time at 1.7 times the speed normal people can play them this means my final play time if i had done everything at a normal speed would have been 49 hours and 15 minutes i mean i think i played and built this team with reasonable efficiency and that's an insane amount of time for one team the only time i really even screwed up badly was timber and that shows by adding a huge chunk of time to the process but man so much of this was just spent grinding for pickup or doing the battle subway just monotonous boring stuff i didn't have rng manipulation i literally cannot even theorize how long it would take to build a team in this game you just couldn't go for a pokemon with any more than three perfect ivs reasonably it'd be impossible i am truly glad gamefreak has made team building way less ridiculous this kind of stuff is definitely why all the pros resorted to hacking a lot and i think it is unfortunate that that culture of hacking that culture of needing to make a team quickly has stuck around despite how accessible the games have gone and while i really like rng manipulation it shouldn't be mandatory to make a team right it's unfortunate that this is how it used to be and it's unfortunate that because of how things used to be it is encouraged hacking to this day um hopefully this has provided you on some perspective why hacking is so prevalent in pokemon but i hope it's changed and i hope it continues to get easier i think gen 8 is really great in terms of how easy things are and i hope gen 9 is even easier than jenny if everyone enjoyed this video and this idea please let me know i'd love to do it again let me know what gen and what metagame you'd like to see a team build i will do any vgc or smog on metagame that isn't gen 1 or 2. i'm personally the most interested to do a bgc 2013 video because of a certain korean magmar but i also think smoke on meta games are hilarious too because of how many insane old moves you'd have to get for a pokemon to be good thank you for watching everyone and have a great day i want to do a big shout out to all of my channel members thank you guys so much for supporting me it means the world to me currently i'm trying to get to 75 channel members so if you enjoyed this video and if you enjoy my live streams please consider hitting the join button down below and a super special shout out to arlitz and shadowblitz56 my bliss god tier of members thank you guys so much for your generosity and support [Music] [Music] you
Channel: im a blisy ._.
Views: 310,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, nintendo, smogon, rng, shiny, shinyhunt, full, odds, random, number, generator, imablisy, blisy, im_a_blisy, imablisy._., pikachu, sun, moon, black, white, omega, ruby, alpha, sapphire, 3ds, diamond, pearl, platinum, gameboy, advanced, color, gba, gbc, ds, nds, wifi, battle, oras, OU, uu, nu, ru, red, blue, yellow, gold, silver, crystal, emerald, firered, leafgreen, fire, leaf, green, black2, white2, omegaruby, alphasapphire, ultrasun, ultramoon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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