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hey everybody today i'm going to be teaching you how to get your secret id and pokemon sword and shield and i'm also going to be teaching you how to do your first overworld rng for a static uh encounter so before we get started i'm going to go over the things that you both need in game and out of a game so out of game you're going to need um a program on your computer called sword shield overworld rng gui by lego figure 11. you're also you don't need it necessarily but i highly recommend having a turbo controller i've got this controller by ghouli kit it was recommended to me by greenie faye it's a really really good controller and it acts as a pro controller which leads me into the next thing uh because it lets you remap your buttons which i also think is pretty important so if you go down into uh controllers and sensors and see change button mapping here i have swapped r3 which is pushing in on the right stick here with the button y and i'll explain why i've done that later but i also highly recommend doing that with like a pro controller if you have the ability to remap buttons uh so that is everything you're going to need out of game in game you do not need much uh you need to have a pokemon in your party so if we take a look at my wall ring here i'm going to show this guy as an example so the way you do this rng is you find your initial seed and you find your initial seed by looking at the summary of a pokemon and pushing in on the right stick or in my case i'm going to be hitting the y button because i've swapped y with the right stick and it will cause the pokemon to do a little animation so you can see walrus did an animation now every pokemon has two different animations so there's walraine's other one these occur randomly so now i'm just going to start mashing the button you'll see that there's not going to be any particular pattern to it this is how we determine what our initial seed is we watch the pattern we input the sequence into the program uh the swordshield overworld rng gui and then it will tell us what our initial seed is from there we can do advances and other things to figure out uh what our what our our seed is and what pokemon we can hit et cetera et cetera i'll get into more of that later but for now you just need to understand how to find your initial seed so what i'm going to do uh what i'm going to do is find my seed right now with all of you so we take a look at sword shield uh overall rng gui you can ignore literally everything here when you're trying to find your seed just click the seed finder button and then a big seed finder window is going to pop open now if you notice in the seed farmer window it has zero physical and one special so the pokemon that you use for this i recommend being a pokemon that you can easily tell what is different between physical and special so if we take a look at wall rain here that was the special animation that's when he would shoot ice beam or something like that and this is the physical animation when he would do something like body slam not every pokemon is gonna have such an easy tell so it's one of helpers and that's other calipers you see those are also both pretty easy to tell that's probably physical that's probably special but that one is not so easy to tell because it looks like a golisa pod here is it both of them are claw swipes yeah it's kind of easy to tell but you know it's not the easiest so i recommend you know figuring out which one works for you and if you're unsure of what an animation is you know you could test it by going into battle and watching what animation plays when you pick like ice beam or when you pick body slam or something like that the pokemon you use doesn't matter all that matters is that you are capable of figuring out pretty easily the difference between physical and special because it gets pretty tedious because you have to do this 128 times so i'm going to hit the y button and take a look so that was physical that was special and we just have to do it this is extremely boring but i find remapping the button is very very helpful because it lets you push it a lot faster uh and it lets you like not have to fiddle with the controller to hit r3 or what have you anything like that like i said you have to do this 128 times which is a lot of times but luckily there is no skill there is no timing you do not have to be precise you don't have to do anything you just have to make sure you input every single one of these you just have to make sure you input every single one of these animations that wall rain is doing as you can see i'm almost done and i've got a seed here so once you've found your seed you can click update main form and it will send your seed over to here and you can start searching for chinese or good i'd be pokemon or specific marks or any combination of the three now here's the downside to what's going on right now well if you want a shiny you need your secret id but finding your secret id you can't rng it like you can in earlier gems so what you're gonna have to do is find a shiny and then the program uh has a feature here that says search for trainer id and secret id to where once you catch a shiny if you immediately find your seed it can calculate backwards to figure out what seed you hit the shiny on and what your trainer id and secret id are so we are going to do that now so in order to figure out our secret id we're gonna have to hunt for a shiny the old-fashioned way now if you are not interested in a shiny uh after watching the initial seed portion of the video if you don't care about getting shiners or anything like that you don't have to do this you can skip to the end of the video where i show how to r g manip a static encounter in a quiet area now with that being said if you are interested in orangy manipulating shinies well what you're gonna have to do is first catch a shiny and it can't just be any shiny that you have lying around you basically have to catch a shiny and then immediately after go into your summary and find your current seed just like we did a moment ago and that kind of sucks because you know finding shiny can take a while but it's okay um what we're going to be doing is the fishing method now if you don't know how to do this i'm going to link a twitter thread by anubis on twitter i believe they are the one who discovered like the fishing method but basically here is the long and short of how it works it stacks two different chances on top of each other the more you ko a pokemon which can be seen by your uh pokedex so if you go into your pokedex and you take a look at the number battled stat so you can see here choodle i have battled 111 of them uh that if a pokemon is brilliant in the overworld which has the yellow glow over it if the pokemon has that yellow glow around it then it will have an increased shiny odds based on how many of them that you have ko'd in addition to that the more successful reel ins and hooks from fishing that you get uh the higher chances you have of a brilliant spawning so if i if i do fishing here what we have to do is hook the pokemon as soon as we can and then all we have to do is ko the pokemon so we have a cheetal here and we just have to ko it as soon as we we have to ko right away basically now if you do this the fishing puddle will respawn immediately and you will be able to fish again this is the only way to keep the fishing chain going and so the higher odds uh or the the more fishing change that you do so it's going to come back the more consecutive fishes you get in a row the higher chance of a brilliant spot forming and it caps out at 25 real ends right then the more kos you have on various pokemon so you don't have to ko you know 100 chudel in a row you don't have to ko a hundred arrow cuda in a row you don't have to ko 100 magikarp in a row is who everything can spawn it's just in total how many of them you have ko'd their odds of being shiny goes up uh in the brilliant spots only so if we keep doing this we will keep getting the higher odds of a brilliant spot and the more pokemon that we ko from this fishing puddle here the higher odds of them being shiny while they are brilliant uh will appear and this is nice because yes you can fish you know this way you can fish for a shiny in this spot but it will also increase any potential over world shinies that you have so what i'm going to be doing is fishing in this spot until uh until i run out of pp on all of my pokemon uh and also make sure that you have some pokeballs with you in order to catch the shiny then i'm gonna go back to the poke center nearest to where i am right now and then i ride my bike back down to here and that's that's pretty much what i do and the reason i ride my bike back down to here is because there are some overworld cheetle that will spawn and you're gonna be seeing a lot of choodle in this fishing spot as well and so i'm gonna be just doing a little bit of that and hoping to get a shiny basically as soon as i can so after chaining for a while uh you know i've gotten you know a lot of kos on different pokemon all the magikarp barracuda and uh choodles here one of the reasons i like this spot is that it is close to a poke center on the map uh and so on the way back from the poke center i can you know heal my guys and then i can ride down and because there's two overworld spawns uh they are also going to be potential chinese as well if i see them as brilliance so it cannot hurt to i it cannot hurt to you know bike back instead of flying to a poke center flying back it just gives me a few more encounters to check and ultimately that is where i'm going to be finding my shiny which is on the way back here so i had had a lot of chewtle kos and i'm going to ride down here and i'm going to see a brilliant choodle so you can see there's lots of choodle spawning all along this path i see several of them in a brilliant one and i'm going to pop in and see that it is shiny and so this little creature here this little guy i can use him in order to figure out what my secret idea is by immediately checking uh what my seat is so i'm gonna catch it as soon as i can and then after that we're gonna go into the summary [Music] okay so now all we have to do is immediately find our seed we're going to need to figure other things out about cheeto later uh but we just need to figure out our seed right now so i'm gonna go to walgreen and i'm gonna show you the initial seed finding process okay so we've just caught choodle and now i have to find my current seed after it now it is just like we did before when i was in the dynomax cavern um where all you have to do is you know do the the physical special thing 128 times and you will be able to find your seed that way so you know it's nothing skillful right it's just clicking the button watching your pokemon picking the animation you just have to repeat that uh and do it 128 times uh and uh there's nothing much else to say about that i'm gonna leave the video here in terms of you know me getting it done uh and then searching for the chudel afterwards but uh there there's nothing unique about this compared to what i've already explained so once we have found our seed from the seed finder section we are going to try and figure out what our secret idea is now there's a few different check boxes you're going to need to to check in order to figure out what's going on but luckily a few of them are going to be very easy to fill out if you have the shiny and marked charm make sure those are checked i do not have either of them then what you're going to do is check this search for tid sid box okay now for static ours was not a static ours is considered a symbol encounter which is just the standard sword and shield random overworld spawns um so it was not static the weather was normal for where i was so if it was for you also don't check i don't even know if any random weather can happen on the route that we were doing it on uh i did not get mine via phishing i got mine via overworld but if you were fishing click that uh it wasn't hidden which i believe are those little exclamation point guys uh random held item we can we can figure out if it's got that uh and then shiny locked and q charm lead i didn't have either of those we'll come back to random held item in a second then for the ko count which you can actually do is go into your pokedex and check the pokemon that you just caught so i again had caught a chutel so if we see it had 111 right it said numbered battled that is just actually how many you ko'd not how many you uh like caught or whatever so it's gonna be that now for slot and levels what you're gonna do is click this encounter look up button then you're gonna type the pokemon you're looking for so i'm looking for choodle so it should show up right here and then it's going to show up all of the little guys that i've got so it is not a static so what we're going to be looking for is the route that we were on i was on route 2 all weather and it was symbol uh so symbol is the overworld static or the mods that kind of they stay there you know what i mean but we're gonna click uh this here and then this is gonna auto fill out this uh uh uh it's gonna auto fill out this this information here now i'm gonna uh click x out of that i'm gonna uncheck weather because there was no weather uh and you can see it will it will uh contain that information uh you know the encounter slots the possible ems the levels etc etc right and if it has the possibility for a random held item again if we if we take a look at chutel again uh it says false right um so uh it would have it would have been there uh now the weather checkbox is is not gonna be you know it's not gonna it's gonna check it because it is possible for there to be other weathers and it could be in weather but uh uncheck it so we're gonna we're gonna leave it like that and it fills out all this info for you automatically which is super nice then for these stats what we can do is if assuming you have the judge feature unlocked all you have to do is go into your boxes and take a peek at the pokemon and use the judge stats so i'm gonna do best then i'm gonna do decent and decent and then very good and two bests so we got all the stats input properly for its nature you can just check the summary uh it was timid for shiny ignore because tds id mark uh i don't believe i had any marks on mine i did not so you do ignore for brilliant if yours was in a brilliant aura uh select it if it wasn't select none so i was in a brilliant aura and then after you've got all of this information properly configured to your specifications for what you caught hit search and you're probably going to get several results and if you don't get any results you could increase this advances here but you're probably not going to have to as long as you brought up the pause menu right away now you'll notice that there's two options for my trainer id and secret id so you can see there's several different options here in general um but it's okay because they're just like duplicates it looks like there was a little mini cluster so on 91.99 or 201 i could have had you know different pokemon so let's take a look here so um the first one here is uh 199 frames earlier with the tid sid of five five four six one and five three nine six nine now the animation what that means is if you paused immediately and there was no surrounding noise uh like what this animation would have been that's not gonna be super useful for us it'll tell you what level it was so level seven now brilliant pokemon always spawn at the max level so it's not super duper helpful here uh slot was the chudel we we already pre-configured our slots um nature we pre-configured ability uh they're all the same ability but the big difference here is if you take a look is there's two genders there's female and male and archul is a girl so because these are the only two secret id and tid combos even though you know most of the rest of it looks the same right it's just you could sometimes get two or three shiny frames in a row uh and it could have been either one of these right and because this choodle is a male here we know that this could not possibly be our trainer id and secret id and so it must be 55461 and 53696 now if you do have let's say these were all females for whatever reason if you do have somehow potential multiple options all you're going to have to do is just check for a shiny on both of the trainer ids and whichever one shines will be the one that you're um will be the one that your target was on now with that being said let's get underway to checking the trainer id and secret id by actually doing the rng manip okay so to do our first rng manip where we test to see if our secret id that we've obtained is correct what we're going to be doing is flying to the slippery slope in the crown tundra this is an area where it is fully quiet basically there is no random advancements right lots of areas have random advancements and a lot of people ask what i mean by that when i say noise or random advancements in a video basically when we go into the menu here there's no rng advancements happening right the game only calls them when it needs them and so when i you know go into the summary and i hit the button that causes a random animation to place the rng advances by one so it can pick the animation and it will do that repeatedly right however in lots of instances your character standing still and maybe doing their wiggle animation when that calls that's random in most cases weather can also cause random advancements although snow is an exception to the rule uh random npcs blinking or turning or having different idle animations all of those can also cause random noise so in here there is some level of random advancement because there are random particle effects there's random npcs blinking doing different idle animations stuff like that and so what we want to do is be in a fully quiet area where there is no chance of npcs messing with us or any random noise happening and right out here if you just fly to slippery slope you're gonna get no random noise at all which is perfect for a test like we need to do now in addition to that when you walk straight ahead a pokemon will spawn and that is this little guy right here it it'll be different for you there's two pokemon actually there's another one right over here uh but what we're going to be doing is aiming for the pokemon that spawns first which is whatever pokemon is usually in this amorous spot so as you can see i'll walk over here again and the more will show up now this is amore is a static encounter and these static encounters they change uh i believe they change at midnight and they also respawn at midnight so yours is gonna be you know whatever whatever else but you know it could it could be a ton of different things uh and what we're gonna be doing is finding our seed and then trying to get a shiny amora to confirm our secret id was correct now when we are here there are a few different things that can cause rng advancement uh and i'm going to talk about what they are uh and how we can advance so this little idle animation here this is an rng advance this won't happen while the menu is paused or anything like that getting on and off the bike does some amount of rng advancements so this is these are ways to cause advancements to happen faster if i had turned around and i went back into there and i just waited uh in the dynomax adventure cavern that will also cause some amounts of rng advancements just passively over time these are all ways to move the rng forward once we know exactly what we're able to do and in addition one of the most useful ones is here now as if you notice when i hit the button to cause the animation it'll happen here as well the reason we don't find our seed on this screen is because um the reason we don't find our seed on this screen is because every single time you hit it so you can see i'm mashing y here to cause these animations it actually advances one for every single time i hit the y button which is crazy uh and this is one of the you know easier ways to do advancements and that's why i recommended a turbo controller because what i could do is hit the button and hit y at the same time so i've hit my turbo button and y at the exact same time you can see i'm not holding anything and it is just mashing the y button uh i forget the rate that it's smashing this at you would have to figure it out you'd have to do another test again to see how many advancements you do but if you're trying to do really far advancements this is very very very useful for you okay so with those method of advancement down what we're going to do is find our seed using wall rain as i like to do so i'm going to click the seed finder button and we are going to find our seed so this is just like i talked about before and just like we did during uh you know both the beginning of the video and during the um the finding our seat after we got a shiny so we just have to you know get all of the physical special stuff going on here here we go special physical all right so i have found my seed again all i'm doing is hitting physical when it plays the physical animation and special when it hits the special animation i'm going to click update main form now make sure you type your trainer id and your secret id that you found into the tid sid box if you have the shiny charm or the mark charm check those boxes as well you can leave initial advances and you know the plus advances you know you could leave that blank you could leave those as they are default then because we are going for a static encounter click static now everything else here we're gonna leave make sure you don't have uh a cute charm lead ability and that the pokemon isn't shiny locked or anything like that then what we're gonna do ignore everything else here we're just confirming our secret id right so we don't wanna care about anything else here we could get into the more you know picky stuff when we're we're actually going for our shiny but what we wanna do right now is confirm that we have a shiny so in the shiny box there's a few options there's no which means don't get a shiny don't even try then there's square then there's star and there's star square which means i have no preference for star or square which is what we are going to pick then what we're going to do is hit search so as you can see there is a square shiny 5000 advances away this is extremely far this is going to be you know this is going to be quite the weight so what we can do to advance our you know what we can do to to advance the frames i've talked about a number of ways right we could either have it spamming the turbo button here or i could get on and off of my bike or something like that right so what i'm going to do is i think the fastest way is going to be to walk into here and i'm going to wait i'm going to set a timer and i'm gonna wait for one minute to see how many advances are gonna occur in this place all right so the minute's up i'm gonna walk back out i'm gonna pause and i'm gonna go over to my pokemon now what i'm gonna do is go back into the sword and shield over world rng gui and i'm gonna you see there's retail advances tracker it says zero to ten thousand there's no way we advance ten thousand frames so i'm going to click generate pattern now what we can do is do our input sequence for our wall rain to see what our current our current position is and we're going to do the input uh you know input sequence here it says zeros physical and one is special so let's do that is that zero zero zero one so as you can see it says possible results are gonna go down every time so that was zero again so there's 315 possible results we got to keep going there's one there's one there's one if you notice every time i do an input it drastically shrinks the amount of results remaining zero again one one one zero zero zero so now we know uh now we know exactly how many advances so one minute in there was 235 advances so we can click update states here and it'll send it all the way back over to this and then if we do another search for a static shiny you can see uh you can see it's down to 5026 so we could go in there and we could wait for a while or we could do something else right so what i'm going to do is do it again so we're going to hit generate pattern again and we're going to do zero click generate powder uh okay so what we're gonna do is do the bike to see how many advances the bike is gonna occur all right so let's check wall rain again uh so as you can see the bike advanced around 20. so getting on and off the bike it's not going to be super duper efficient now what i could also do is do the button presses you know over here via the uh via the thing i don't think it's gonna be as fast as the um i don't necessarily think it's going to be as fast as uh the uh like my turbo i don't think it's gonna be as fast as waiting in there could be but we could check it there's no reason not to right so we're gonna delete that and then click generate pattern again okay and so now what i'm gonna do is uh hit y and my turbo button all right so now it's going i'm going to set a one minute timer so i'm gonna stop my advances after the minute has passed and we're gonna go back in and we're gonna check so uh like i said we've generated the pattern and let's see what this is one so it looks like that actually advanced a little bit faster that was at 362 advances in about a minute so we can click update stage here and so as you can see if i do a search here we only have 4 000 uh frames left and if you also notice that i've actually got two shiny frames in a row which are which is pretty nice now we are going for namura who you know it's not like it's the best pokemon so it's fine you can see that from time to time you will get clusters like this where there's like one or two or three frames in a row or something like that i think that you know they tend to be the best to aim for uh but what we're gonna do is go back uh over here and let's figure out how long i'm gonna have to wait here so four six four one uh so we're gonna aim for that so if it's 362 advances in about a minute so let's get a calculator open all right so we got the standard windows calculator here so we advanced 362 in one minute so 362. so and if we just do that so that's two minutes three minutes four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12. so we could do 13 minutes is going to be too far we could do like 12 and a half minutes i don't want to overshoot it so i think we will do that we'll go for like 12 and a half minutes and then we'll figure out where we are at so yeah it's a long wait and you could instead reset uh you could reset your game and not have to wait that long but i think this is fine and if you don't have a turbo controller just walk into the walk into the dynomax uh adventure cavern right there and that was 268 you know per second or whatever right so i'm gonna do that and now when i hit y it's just going to go off and i'm going to set a 12 and a half minute timer here we go all right and now i wait all right my events are about done so now we're going to try and figure out how many advances happened and if i overshot it's okay you know you don't want to overshoot right that's why i aimed you know a bit under but hopefully i'm within a few hundred at this point uh on top of that luckily i have another one you know a few hundred away so if i could get that that'd be fine too okay so i'm going to delete my pattern here make sure my current state is correct and click generate pattern now i'm going to do my input sequence as i did before all right it looks like it advanced three seven seven three so we're probably still a little bit over a thousand frames away let's see here oh let's send that over to state zero and one and search so yeah we're about 868 away which is fine uh you know it is not an exact science i'm sure my controller is not you know super duper perfect so what we're gonna do is do probably like if it was 362 on one minute uh two minutes uh [Music] two minutes is going to be 724 that's yeah i think two minutes we could probably go like a two minute and ten second timer uh give that another whirl all right we are done again and let us try and re-identify so let's delete the pattern generate give it another go zero zero one one one one all right 674 were advanced so let's update the states and hit search so now we're only 194 away which is you know it is not very far so i i mean the bicycle was doing about 20 per what i could do is like three bikes and see how that goes one two three let's see all right so we have already updated that delete that regenerate the pattern and let's see we get all right that advanced about 42 doing three bike inputs so let's see again so we're really close 42 doing three hmm i could do like six more one two three four five six all right let's see hopefully i don't overshoot when you get this close you gotta be really careful about overshooting so i could have done so you know what i mean all right that advanced 77 so we are really really close now so what i would do at this point is i'm going to do 60 advances so i'm going to open up the calculator again i'm going to go back out into the other menu and i'm going to do 60 advances uh so we're going to do one plus one and the way i do this is just i just repeatedly add one for every time i hit the button so that's one two and then i'm just gonna go 60 all right we're at 65 advances now so let's go back into the summary and so we should only have 10 left and so uh i could do the calculator again uh actually let me move it over here to you so we only have 10 advances left and you can't do it the fast way here but in my experience finishing your advances in this menu cause it to be slightly more consistent so i'm gonna i'm not sure if that's true or like an you know a myth or what have you but i find that it's a bit more consistent when you end here so part of the problem is closing the menu causes sometimes a random amount of advances to occur and in my experience closing the menu starting from here rather than the sub menu of the party causes it to be a little bit more consistent so we're going to aim for a 75 here and see what we got now you can't know typically how many advances you're going to be getting when you close a menu like this you just you just can't know so you're just going to have to test and miss for yourself your first time if you're getting any at all and then you could just adjust next time you knew okay i got three last time so you know i will aim three early etc stuff like that right so and if we could see here it says animation one so frame 75 should be a special animation so let's see so i'm going to land on 75 so and one more all right so 75 was a special animation so now what we're going to do is close the menus and just run without biking directly up to amora and if we did everything right it could be shiny and there we have it a shiny amora this both confirms our trainer id and secret id were correct and taught us how to do an rng advancement now like i said this area is fully quiet there is no uh there is no what's it called like any random advancement right like i've talked about going into the you know the cavern back there would cause some amount of random advancements um but this area doesn't have them but a lot of areas in the wild area do and pokemon existing in general can cause some random advancements right uh and because of that um let me actually switch to a pokemon who can catch this guy uh and because of that what we're gonna have to do is work on uh uh we're gonna have to learn how to deal with that when we are encountering our you know our actual more important targets than just a random shiny amore and i'm going to talk about how to deal with that in a new video where i'm going to cover all of the ways that you could potentially deal with you know noisy areas basically and i'm going to cover each wild area i think and you know a few different routes but first i want to catch the amora to confirm that we did in fact i didn't get just insanely lucky and we did in fact catch the correct uh pokemon so let's take a look at omora's summary so amore is male which if you can see down here um is the gender m we are looking for a com nature that is what it is it was a square shiny as we talked about uh it ended on animation one and if we take a we we can't see the stats here um but it doesn't have a mark either i don't believe and so as you can see this is this is certainly the amour we've got that means my trainer id and secret id that we found was fully correct and we've successfully learned how to do the overworld rng so now you can tackle more interesting targets or anything like that that you that you could want right you could you could we're going to be able to do more um advanced rng manipulations in this game we know how many advancements occur in different areas and stuff like that so what we're going to do uh is have another video dedicated just to how to deal with random advancements in the overworld uh and you know how to catch pokemon in some busier areas so i hope this was a useful guide for all of you if you enjoyed it and if it was helpful for you please consider subscribing or becoming a channel member by clicking the join button down below it's only 199 a month it gives you access to my videos early and it gives you access to a special section of my discord and it gives you access to emotes that you can use in my youtube comments or in my youtube live streams um if you guys are uh if you guys enjoyed this i'm going to be live streaming some sword and shield over world rng on tuesday so please a tuesday the uh tuesday the 14th so look out for that um and if you have any questions or anything like that please leave them in the comments below or join my discord where uh i or other people will be able to help you all right thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you next video bye-bye i want to do a big shout out to all of my channel members thank you guys so much without your support i wouldn't be able to put out as many videos as i am i wouldn't be able to stream as often as i am and i wouldn't be able to have the quality of videos that i do with your guys's support lets me put out as much as i have been lately and i want to do a big special shout out to shadowblitz56 the blissed god tier member you are an absolute goddamn legend thank you so much if you guys want to support the channel in this way you can click the join button down below it's only 199 a month you get access to my videos early and you get access to a bunch of other perks like special room in my discord special emotes that you can put in the videos or that you can put in the youtube chats and other content such as like scripts or bonus content or anything like that thank you guys for watching and i will see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: im a blisy ._.
Views: 54,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, nintendo, smogon, rng, shiny, shinyhunt, full, odds, random, number, generator, imablisy, blisy, im_a_blisy, imablisy._., pikachu, sun, moon, black, white, omega, ruby, alpha, sapphire, 3ds, diamond, pearl, platinum, gameboy, advanced, color, gba, gbc, ds, nds, wifi, battle, oras, OU, uu, nu, ru, red, blue, yellow, gold, silver, crystal, emerald, firered, leafgreen, fire, leaf, green, black2, white2, omegaruby, alphasapphire, ultrasun, ultramoon
Id: CLbW96E-9YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.