Paul Wesley - Vampire Diaries - Panel/Q&A - SLCC 2017

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It's funny how used to being compared to Ian he is. :D

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ammaross ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 22 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He is hilarious. I wish they asked him more elena related questions.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/nonoiseplz ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 23 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He's actually quite funny, idk why but I expected him to be a bit more reserved and serious?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 23 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen Paul Wesley [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] thanks guys was a nice compilation video nope I don't know where they pulled some of those clips it was pretty funny they had one from this movie I did called Roll Bounce for a have is wearing like a sparkling leotard that was funny with the dramatic music playing how's it going dramatic music and sparkling the attack hi guys doing today do you ever get used to the girls screaming like this is that can you guys is that weird okay the girls there's no decent guys [Music] [Applause] and I'm talking about there it is some manly men out there you top men so I always got the pleasure of asking the first question so if Vampire Diaries wrapping up how do you feel about how your characters storyline ended oh I feel good about it because I was the one who really pushed birds in that way I was like begging them to kill me in the finale I really was and I was so happy when they told me Ian was pissed I was we both wanted to die to be honest it's a you know it's the heroic ending right like you know you kind of want to go down in flames if you're gonna kill eight million people throughout the eight years you know what I mean they're like that it's like I felt like it had to happen so much of blending yeah logical exactly for a very logical show we'd like to keep it in the realm of believability uh yeah sure let's go to our first question right here hello we were wondering what was your favorite scene to film in season wonderful Vampire Diaries Season 1 [Music] how's eight years ago kid help me out here you know okay oh you know it was pretty good well oh yeah yeah yeah do you remember the scene in the kitchen fire was it a kitchen I don't know somewhere and Elena like God there was like some veins appearing on my face and where was I was out of the kitchen that's nice that was nice you know what I'm talking about you don't know doctor you yeah that's the one hello played pranks of each other I couldn't like prank something he'd cry you know he's very very sensitive guy every time I play a prank on him just cry he in his pants embarrassing for everyone delayed production had to treat him very sincerely the whole time thank you for your question with Julie flak announcing that the originals is ending after the season do you know if she has any plans for you or any of the other original are the Vampire Diaries appearing on the last season of the originals oh well I don't know if she has plans or not but I retired Stefan Stefan's retired I have no plans I I just think he ended in a very nice way and I'd like to keep him in there in that metaphorical coffin slash purgatory slash have where is he what's he doing can someone explain that anything to me please I'm kidding I'm kidding I loved it Thanks hello why it's a good question I think personally I like season 2 3 because I was able to play the Ripper girls are a little young - the Ripper was a mean man not they're like yeah the river what's going on here hi hi oh when you were playing Stefan was it easier to play him when he was a vampire when he was human I think initially I had a hard time with the vampire thing because I thought that he would have to be like I don't know I I don't know more quiet or stoic and then I got the hang of it because I realized that it didn't I didn't think there was really much of a difference in terms of like I wanted to make the vampire Stefan a little more human anyway so it was kind of similar to me so I guess the vampire Stefan was easier after so long I forgot how to play human which one was more fun to play sorry yeah the mean vampire yeah hello hi so my question is is with your daylight ring after the show is that it did you get to keep it and if so what is it telling there's a ghost what it's following what is that is that a teakettle no again because they probably call me [Music] crying because he wasn't invited what has happened it's Stephan haunting me yeah it's my career escaping the building question oh yeah you know I actually have here I kind of think I have it should I'm sorry I stole it for sure be sure I through to my book bag and it's somewhere here locked up somewhere so it's in this building stay away Thanks so my question is towards the end of the season you know Stefan changed a lot from you know losing his humanity killing Enzo trying to redeem himself so what was the most challenging thing for you to play that role I mean anytime you seven would get emotional it was always just like all the time it was always challenging because you know you want to make it authentic and it can be a little exhausting emotionally it's the Utah you know I lived in I stayed in Utah for like six months or something like that you guys remember Everwood yeah I really liked it here I was skiing and staying in Park City hey whoa no way yeah so crying and stuff yeah like you're the hospital just personalized [Applause] [Music] my question is can you see what you win the winning three look if you were like a real vampire in your life how do you think good fill the die what be great like a bad trip hey my name is Albie how are you good how are you good thank you oh and by the way your jacket is very soft I just wondered what was the biggest fly we didn't like about Priya's character line um ha ha Anita Anita as a human being or an Elena not in so many years as a human being there's character can't talk about am buying this bag candy I can't do it oh what's that just the end he's flawless come on come on you are the good guy he was the bad guy yes there must have been some I don't know II got a little smirk II sometimes that you think [Music] [Applause] that's his biggest fun I'll take thank you so what did you think about the love triangle between you for you we had a love triangle I'm not being funny yeah can I be on I don't even remember who did I love her oh so I loved her oh wait Oh back in the day coming to the modern day I was like I didn't really did I love her in the water [Music] I loved her in the older day well that's how the whole thing happened isn't it yeah she's you really reminding me you know I think I'm back in high school you know and they're like give you an old math equation you're like and you're like oh yeah that's how you divide the numbers too many star lights to keep up yeah how do I feel about it I feel good about it I feel strong yeah I was wondering what new projects you're working on and what you're really excited about within those projects yeah thanks for asking I most recently the last two things I did was I shot a miniseries a war miniseries where I played a soldier that'll be coming out on Netflix then I direct I wrote a film and I shot it and directed it and wrapped in about a week and a half ago I'm very excited about it so I made post-production on it and then and then I'm gonna go do this little movie with a few people in early October in New York and then after that I'm gonna direct another episode that Shadowhunters just doing some things that interests me yeah it's the latest thanks hi follow me my name is Lexi and I think we should be BFFs Oh BFF best friends forever oh yeah forever and ever and ever hey is that what these - right on the the yearbook today he would go on have ages my question is if you could be any supernatural creature or being what would you choose something with like nine tentacles like some monsters that goes what yeah every one of us still want to be friends but you're so tired about answering questions about the Vampire Diaries but also wondering what you miss most if anything about work if anything no you know what I do miss a lot of things about it I really do actually you know I really was after here's ready for it to come to an end I think everybody was maybe a few people was but with that said you know I had to really I don't know I miss the sense of community there I felt like I got really really close with a lot of people sort of fell in love with the little city it's not a little city but it felt like a little city to me Atlanta I just yeah I kind of yeah you know it's like you know I feel like I've entered a different chapter in my life but I enjoyed the that you know those eight years a lot and obviously did so much for me I mean I look at like photos or something or you know pictures that someone who will bring and like it'll remind me of like a trip that me and Nina and Ian took to like London or something to do some press sir and I was like man and I would like to think about what my mentality was like back then and the experience and it definitely brings back a sense of nostalgia and you know so I definitely miss the people for sure yeah when you went to in an interview and when you went to send you at your come upon me you and Candice Accola said you guys we're gonna come out with this airline hand sanitizer is that true well it does sound like if you saw a product called steroline would you buy it if it was a sanitizer I would sounds clean sounds like it's gonna do the job so I haven't done it yet but if you want to do this with me go 50/50 on this thing we can even just take pure pure out seven pure x bottles and just slap a sticker on them sell them on the streets that's what I think [Laughter] [Music] Thanks all right so obviously we're halls we all loved those shows you've already done and they're all super excited about the new work but what I'm curious about is where do you want to see your career going where is her animated I don't have an endgame I really don't it's a good question I you know it's a really good question actually you know I really haven't good answer this sincerely it's this is gonna sound a little pretentious but I look for moments of inspiration I swear and if what a little thing hits me I go within and like for example I was like I have to write drag something and then it just hit me and I like had to go I was like a train and I couldn't stop and then I did that now editing that and then I want to just get hit with little moments of inspiration so I don't want to have a plan as to like what to do I want to just be able to get hit with things that inspire me so I'm trying to be open to that with that said I would like to find a really interesting Cable role as a cable series you know but something really interesting and a little bit more like something mature like over my chair character or my agent on Stefan he's like 12 like what's that yes no he was 17 160 but he was still 17 imagine being 35 - 17 year-old are you kidding me Ian's like 49 and he's like thank you he and not so much but I look someone's gotta help that guy poor guy it's a shame yeah so that's it that's my answer thank you I appreciate it that it's very nice hello different people for different reasons like I really liked working with like Michael malarkey I love the acting opposite benzo I loved I don't know he's a theater guy you know so he's always prepared he knows his lines gets through the scenes does a little volleyball we kind of do you know I liked working with him just we were bounce and it was kind of like Matt Davis was fun to work with he's a great actor he's also just sort of someone who's I don't know spontaneous didn't like working with Ian no I'm just kidding and then he and I love working with Ian because what we did was laugh the whole time honestly we did we really laughed a lot and I had a good we had a good time yeah those are my top top three hi my question is how long did it usually take them to do your makeup how Oh I mean like four and a half hours like [Music] no ah you know me I'm not just saying this pretty quick I was pretty quick guys I did have to shave every morning that was the thing so I had to shave my sensitive skin right to do the thing moisturizer and it going hated it this is what's happening I think I don't have to do it anymore you know 30 minutes it's a lot how long did it take you to do your makeup [Laughter] ten Jesus to say thanks for embarrassing hi I'm Lexi how's it going don't be nervous you're a great name thank you my question is what do you like best about Stefan hmm not much it's a trick question because it seems like one it's like saying what do you love most about a hurricane nothing you know what I mean you know what I mean hello hi what was your favorite being like your most favorite thing to direct to be honest the thing I just directed I hate to say really liked it because nobody could tell me what to do that was my own boss that I liked I was able to say yeah that line doesn't sound good say something else or just drop that or you know and let's do it this way let's do that I could do whatever I want I like that that was fun hi I may not remember but what was your favorite part about working on the OC oh you'll see I do remember they are same you know I became really good friends with Ben McKenzie he's still a really good friend of mine so that was fun my my episode I was like ridiculous I don't know if you remember I was like yo what up bro somebody put that kid in acting classes yeah putting a hard-ass and I guess meeting Ben I guess you know that's about it Thanks hi my name is Ellen how are you pretty good so my question is did you read the books and if you did did you do you feel like you portrayed Stefan like you as other folks probably not that probably didn't portray him like he was you know it's not exactly true when I got the part I ordered all the bars and that's know and I read a lot of the first one and that was it for me I was like I'm good here and yeah and I enjoyed it I did I didn't I don't run that a be honest with you I don't really remember what what was he like in the books was he different so I did it perfectly pop quiz so I did it perfectly I'm amazing thank you we're not breathing hello how old are you what's your name you're so cute what's your question your doppelganger whoa okay sorry can you ask a question again good question very good question but mean I'm in a really tough spot here I see what you're doing kid trying to create it divide I get it I prefer I think I like Elena better because your team stuff like that sure yeah I knew it good job you did a great job asking a question you know that really really good job because it's kind of scary so I just want to let everyone can we give her a round of applause I'm Sabrina hello Mike start as a director or an actor um the directing was difficult it's well I think the acting is harder in the period it's very difficult because you have to overcome a lot of like insecurities and you have to sort of allow yourselves to be vulnerable in front of people allow yourself to be rejected a lot oh how people have criticized you and I've got a tough skin whatever with the direct that you can hide a little bit more but with that said you have to learn a lot of technicalities and you have to kind of understand mechanism of it in a more sort of logical way I would say the acting is just a little more difficult in terms of having to put yourself out there hi I'm Alyssa hello I'm so the in the fan base there's a lot of divide between team Stefan and Damon of who's the favorite I was wondering if you and Ian ever get competitive or jealous of each other's fan base I mean I get jealous jealous right now you know I think about Ian and I think no I'm good no we don't we think it's funny hi I'm Lexi and my question is what advice would you give to someone who is going to start vampire it's like what's your warning or honestly I personally feel like you have to get past the pilot I'm not saying the first episode the first episode is kind of is it's good it's fine but it's like a bit of a setup and then it doesn't really get good until like episode 3 I think or 4 but so like the first of everyone's like oh I'm gonna watch the show I'm always like first step just get through the first episode it's just a setup and then it gets good that's what I would say hi hello I was wondering how emotional it was to end Vampire Diaries very but you know in a weird way I went a little bit numb the last day he grabs reaps finish shooting and I was kind of like like I didn't really kind of went a little bit it was really weird I feel like I'm still no now I yeah it was very strange it was very very strange [Music] situation you know yeah I miss remembering the last day actually we're like there was like video crew it was just like a very fuzzy activity there's a lot of activity and it was the last scene of the show so it was me and Ian and and I was trying to be emotional I was trying to do this emotional scene but I knew that it was like like that you know so it was like a combination of like have being aware of like everyone being in the sound stages like every person was there like hundreds of people and like video cameras and then me also trying to act well so this is a weird kind of thing yeah that's how it felt hi hello my name is Jen you wonder woman yes I just wanted to tell you that my husband and I are like original fans of The Vampire Diaries and yes I'm almost 40 but that's okay right I'm almost working on it so he's in his late fifties so like literally when we first started watching it we would go around the house and yell and try to scare each other it's not very scary but my real question is who's your favorite superhero just being on stage why do I have to have you know I know I've never I didn't see Wonder Woman the new movie [Music] should I see it you're much no no I like Wolverine I saw Logan on the plane I mean the movie not the good okay mom you wouldn't have gotten to secure thank you hello [Music] and how old are you I'm eight years old nice to meet you stop interrupting you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know there's so many ways I can answer this so many roads I can go down aren't there aren't there no but the truth is when I look into those blue eyes I'd be lying if I said you [Applause] thank you for that really appreciate hello um so I first have to say thanks to my sister Sarah because she dared me to come up here she didn't think I read it look at you my question for you is wait you of them do you have like one of the fear of public speaking no but I can write a lot better than I can you do are you gonna wind you up and then you go yeah if I can write it down then I can great alright so sorry no it's okay so my question for you out of all the places that you've traveled whether for fun personally or professionally what's been your favorite place you'd go into and what culture do you feel like you've learned from the most so really your question you know I love Europe my family's from Europe there's a sort of you know the thing I liked about Europe is sure there's think there's people everywhere that were like I'm not a huge fan of but all in all there's a sense of sort of family in Europe there's a sense of kind of no value that I like I was in Italy and I rented a car and I drove all throughout Italy I was there for like two and a half weeks driving maybe in three weeks and went to all these old farms and bring out all these families and they all just seemed to be very happy they don't really want they're not looking for more and I was a lesson you know we live in this consumerist consumer sort of driven environment and I sometimes you know you watch TV or use products and enjoy just forget simple things so I like simple you know and I think you could find that anywhere in America wherever but I'm in Italy learn there was a lot of that so that's thanks hello I'm well on you so I'm wondering what it is about actin that you why you got into it essentially my parents were immigrants and I felt I don't know I guess I was a bit of a half half immigrant so I was born here but I spent a lot of time in Poland I I think I spent a lot of my childhood trying to fit in with everyone even though I kind of fell a little different and so I found myself kind of imitating a little bit or putting on and then when I was forced into a theater program it just came out so easily no really we had yeah we have to was required in our school everyone had to join the theater program I was so like oh this is the worst so elementary school and or something and then and then I like I don't know like just I just it just came out like it just like I fell in love with the idea of performing and acting and have being able to pretend you know and then the direct thing is something you know anytime I watch film but my whole life I always look at the directing I was looking to the point of view the camera movements the what what the what's the tone of it was the narrative what's the what are we doing what are we telling I was fascinated by it so yeah sorry really not time for one more question that this better be good don't ask me beans cute I don't want to hear it asked me if I liked the lantern David Banner don't tell me what just make it good this is a big deal all right we're all waiting how do you fourteen how don't mess this you can ask me about Damon oh yeah that's a good question because I got a lot of those minute left so God well I had to quaff my hair every morning now I don't have to but I still do it know what else quaffing they're crying and like crying okay I don't want to cry anymore okay I'm interested in crying anymore well you feel like his voice was a little like serious that's anything like that that's it let's leave it there but there's things I loved about it - okay a lot of things I loved about I think you guys loved things about me [Applause] No [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Ammaross Danan
Views: 263,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fan Experience, Salt Lake Comic Con, comic con, AmmarossDanan AmmarossDanan494, panel, SLComicCon, FanX17, SLCC17, Vampire Diaries, Paul Wesley, Stefan Salvatore, Paul Wesley Interview, Stefan Interview, Vampire Diaries Interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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