The Value of Being Disliked | Robin Sharma

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[Music] hi it's Robin Sharma author at the leader who had no title founder of the Titan Academy and welcome to this mastery session this mastery session is all about the value of being disliked so here's the brain tattoo I want to offer to you with great love and respect you can be a change maker you can be liked by everyone around you you don't get to do both we live in this society that loves to be liked we seek likes on the social media we want people to follow us we want everyone around us to applaud us we have this deep-seated fear of conflict now this is a neurobiological wiring it allowed us to function in a community in the days when we were out on the Savannah and if we strayed from the tribe we would be eaten by saber-toothed Tigers this neurobiological instinct allowed us to continue when if we strayed from the herd we would starve okay but now we are in the modern world we want to innovate we want to be a players we want to own our craft we want to bring on our best and yet we have this deep need of rising above the cult of average and we live in a world right now where there are so few people willing to be disliked here's another idea I want you to wire in as a core belief every visionary was once ridiculed before they were revered I'm going to repeat that again because I believe it's so important for you as an a player every visionary was initially ridiculed before they were revered I mean let's look at someone like an Elon Musk or a Steve Jobs or a Vincent van Gogh or an Edison or a Jonas Salk or a Henry Ford or the the creator of Amazon or Google or we could just go on and on and anything that has Moo the needle in society came from a brain of a person who was initially laughed at I mean the impossible is generally the untried but here's the thing when you are a visionary you have these brave ambitions you get this incredible idea your instinct says this is going to make history and then people start laughing at you and you start getting ridiculed because the very nature of innovation and a beautiful idea means you're going to disrupt the marketplace or you're going to disrupt society and at a deep level that causes fear within people when they see a new idea when you challenge the status quo which is really what leadership and being iconic is all about disrupting the status quo whether it's in your marketplace whether it's in if you're in your in your field of skill you're going to be a disruptor and so that threatens people it makes them scared and what most people do is they laugh at you they dislike you they some of them even start to hate you and if you're really disrupting the status quo they will kill you Martin Luther King jr. John F Kennedy Mahatma Gandhi so my point is simply this I know you're with me in this mastery session because you want to live a legendary life you want to own your game in your professional life you want to live a beautiful personal life you want to have a giant know let's say gargantuan impact on humanity please do the interior work required to get to a level where the negative opinions and the chattering voices of the cynics do not knock you off your ambition they do not knock you off your vision they do not deplete your game you see that's the interior capability and capacity that's required from someone who wants to really be a history maker you have to be so strong in your own skin then when people dismiss your ideas or they don't understand it or they laugh at you you simply keep on going until they start to see the brilliance of you do I mean look at a lot of the innovations out there I mean look at the inventions out there at first no one thought they would amount to anything they were they really were ridiculed and laughed at and now they're ubiquitous every one of us use them every single day when we turn on an electrical switch we we don't sit there and go wow that was genius but even the lightbulb Edison was mocked he was so misunderstood but now it's so ubiquitous so commonplace we take it for granted and we don't really see him as a genius every visionary is first ridiculed before they are revered so also remember related to everything I've shared with you leadership is a pretty lonely sport and every great genius every great producer spent a lot of time alone and the reality is you know you can be part of the majority you can be busy being busy you can watch all the TV shows you can be like everyone else or you can play in the rare era of world class but to have the results only 5% of the population have you must be willing to think be and produce in a way that only 5% of the population think be and produce and when you do that you're going to leave the majority you'll leave the herd and you'll be called eccentric be okay with being eccentric because all world changers were eccentric they were considered strange they were called weird they were laughed at they didn't fit in but it was worth it so I hope I've been a value in this mastery session I hope I've given you some insights deconstructing your journal later tonight before you go to sleep please remember transformation lives in the awareness as you develop more awareness about what it takes to rise to mastery outright leadership becoming a tight enough of your industry your behavior starts to match the new awareness so I wish you all green lights thanks for being with me in this mastery session I hope a bit of use I'll talk to you soon this is Robin Sharma I hope you received great value from this mastery section if you'd like to receive potent training videos blog posts learning tools and information on my two live events personal mastery Academy and my flagship 4-day experience the Titan summer go ahead and visit Robin Sharma dock
Channel: Robin Sharma
Views: 312,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Robin Sharma, Mastery Sessions, Being Disliked, The Cult of Average, visionairies, personal mastery, kanye west, usain bolt, steve wozniak, woz, apple, industry leaders
Id: vNiLHA3KuJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
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