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Gamer's Phase Clan has been suffering it's it's very disheartening to see but today we're gonna raise their stock from two cents to to four cents we're gonna trick shot some enemies so in this mod you do a lot of damage with the sniper you can scope in it's pretty cool but if you hit 360 no scopes hit trick shots crane shots you do like pretty much double damage it's it's crazy so let's just start off with your boys I call this one the the phase uh ladder stall I missed shoot hold on hold on we got this we got this oh this is not good I'm trying to phase it up man oh God he's an optic Clan he's an optic oh my gosh Lun 1080 1080 maybe hold up that was BM every man knows that if it's last shot trick shot you don't Barrel stuff that was definitely a disappointment V2 is definitely not gonna stand a chance I don't understand like this thing does Max damage and it can't break glass what is this kind of rubber bolts are being used here hold on let me pull out a more weak weapon thank you are you too scared because I'm about to put him in a clantage a quick scoping montage foreign Ty does not scale when you Scope in that's what's throwing me off oh my God we're about to hit a crane shot on high rise here hold up let me get up there kill him that was kind of uneventful but it was kind of cool at the same time we get a glimpse of the sheer power that this this sniper does still didn't get us to okay I know this isn't a boss level but Bridge Burner is perfect for hitting strict shots I gotta hit one let's do this thing holy guys I'm hitting the turbo 9000. oh oh my gosh we hit it we hit it I'm hard scoping sorry guys that was a hard scope or more oh my gosh oh my gosh the Aimbot there's one thing FaZe Clan told me it's to never be afraid and miss all the shots you take let's do this thing what's up bro I'm in Phase Clan face silly that's what I thought buddy that's right back oh God he's really angry we still angry still angry buddy I thought man I love the medals it's like no scope Bank Shot perfect it's this just a beautiful mod put the skull in about to hit a YY ladder stall here actually YY 720 ladder stall uh she doesn't know what to do he's crying oh God he doesn't like the clantage kill him but you're getting put in the Montage oh oh he did not like that he did not smash the like button that was definitely him smashing the dislike button oh here we go let's try it again why why ladder stall oh bro fisted me oh mom get that she got the camera what's up guys today we're doing a trick shot off with sword Gabriel I believe his gamer tag is he recently transferred from optic gaming so I don't think he matches anything against FaZe clean I'm gonna be honest I don't think he stands a chance but here we go let's do this thing oh God okay he's unlocked the intervention for sure foreign that was last shot trick shot but I fumbled the bag I can guarantee V2 here is going to disconnect we won't even get a phase 2 fight I'm calling her right now this thing's just too powerful if you get the no scope it definitely does a lot more damage well that actually almost hit come on everyone hit your Xbox record that's ready oh let me set up bro one of these shots has to hit please just just hit once man oh oh cry cry you Rage Quit easy dubs I can already see the headlines guys phase silly crypto scammer merch enjoyer and your favorite Ultra kill trick shatter watch this all right guys face cilia versus fish who's gonna win I fear no fish or man when the intervention is in my hand damn that kind of rhymed oh God oh oh this guy's beefy okay all right I think one more shot maybe and then he'll be last Barrel stuffed terrible trick shot one out of ten that's not Mom get the camera worthy at all that's Mom set me up for adoption I'm so sorry guys that was I'm better than this I really am well well well if it isn't another phase five Contender well let me tell you something buddy you're not winning and if you really just want a 1v1 let's just take this to rust what are we doing here bro pull the intervention out what are you doing Snipes the hit no way hold on the heaven shot have we tried we tried no I can do better I I swear I can get a better ladder stall or something oh I gotta change to the dsr50 this intervention is not doing it Battlefield oh Mom twice mom guys today we're going to be interviewing an x-faze Clan member we gotta go to hell though we gotta find them in the depths they're in a very dark place and I'm gonna challenge them to a trick shot off I really hope this goes in my favor but first we gotta fight his henchmen is it gonna be enough it's gonna be enough oh my gosh get out this guy looks like he's about to expose the corporate side of FaZe Clan oh here he is it's a bad day for FaZe Clan the Stock's going down a little bit further and further every day I actually can't hit this guy oh okay there's big damage this time I'm not trick shotting he doesn't deserve that huh oh give me my children dude that's what phase Tico said after he left face well that's Pinos that just means one more person one more X phase member face Sisyphus scares me I don't know if I'm ready for this I don't even have Damascus camo and my sniper yet that's how much I'm not ready for this fight before I introduce face Sisyphus I gotta say he got gold camo in every sniper day one I don't know if I'll be able to do this but we'll see oh God a shot didn't hit Escape second shot hit okay so I think what's happening is it's Bank shotting and the bank shot does like I don't know a bajillion damage we are now top tier FaZe Clan member hopefully the face stock will go up after this video is released I'm really hoping it will but hey if you guys want to try the phase mod out it's in the description and um it's pretty fun I'm not gonna lie it's uh pretty interesting brings me back to the good old black ops two days when Call of Duty was a good game sad but yeah that's all for Jay subscribe
Channel: Sillyaw
Views: 198,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, ultrakill game, ultrakill gameplay, ultrakill ost, ultrakill review, ultrakill sfm, ultrakill act 2, ultrakill memes, ultrakill p-2, ultrakill meme, is ultrakill good, ultrakill gabriel, ultrakill montage, ultrakill v2, ultrakill new update, ultrakill ps5, ultrakill 2-s, ultrakill p-1, ultrakill 5-s, ultrakill edit, ultrakill act 3, ultrakill wrath, ultrakil, ultrakill speedrun, ultrakill status, ultrakill sillyaw, ultrakill p1, sillyaw, ultrakill sniper
Id: hjMWi7hBGXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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