I Climbed The MASSIVE Pyramid in ULTRAKILL

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guys I have the urge to climb something I could climb a ladder I could climb League of Legends ranks actually I I kind of enjoy my sanity so maybe not that one or maybe a pyramid yeah that sounds about right I kind of want to climb a pyramid right now all right so in 4-2 God damn the sun which is honestly just a beautiful name if we just walk outside just do a nice little stroll outside there is a um my boys was that really necessary there's a large and when I mean large like extremely large pyramid here we have the um the Leaning Tower of Pisa obviously uh the Mona Lisa and clocksworth from Beauty and the Beast but the pyramid it's just it's massive it's absolutely huge this would be like the size of uh like your wife's boyfriend well we're gonna climb this now being an ultra curl Noob uh I'm gonna have to like concat okay I'm gonna have okay you know let's just okay let's just let's just calm down here I'm gonna have to concoct some methods to get all the way up there but first obviously we're gonna go to the uh what did I call it what was the what was the funny thing that I called this thing I don't know we're just gonna climb the Eiffel Tower all right all right here we go and what the I didn't know this but I guess if you're on the top of something you can see the entire texture whatever I'm not even close to the top like I can't even see the very tippy top just yet that's how far down I am I mean I could try to make my way up there I mean just to show you the scale of three rockets here uh we got we got a ways to go I'd say a couple of feet maybe I don't know three or three or four feet at least this is not gonna work is there any other scheme I could pull I mean this sounds dumb but maybe I can just straight up walk up the thing can is that even possible can I just Spam click this is gonna work I think we're gonna run out of juice oh wait no we're still going up we're still go oh okay this is not uh yeah this is this is not working out very well okay so after a billion hours of research and one phone call to Jeff Bezos I think I have found them y'all need to chill damn they really flew so there's something like an ultra kill called slam storage and what it is is you're just essentially slamming and jumping at the same time and the I think the game thinks that you're continuously falling and then you boost up really high that's just a noobs uh explanation of that I have like 20 hours in this game don't bully me like you guys did last video oh my gosh but yeah that's that trick you can do it vertically horizontally the speed kind of translates whatever way you want it to but it's a cool little trick if you didn't know about it now Jeff Bezos told me that the Mona Lisa clearly the Mona Lisa uh had a secret and a nice little launch pad to it that actually points directly towards the pyramid so uh here I come now that slam storage thing that I was showing you over there it doesn't really translate to this but it it's kind of the same thing I mean he also kill experts here can correct me if I'm wrong but it's essentially doing the same thing uh just in a longer distance so so what's going to happen is I'm going to slide up this thing and it's going to store all that as I'm flying over and that's going to help me climb the mega pyramid and maybe just maybe there is a waifu at the top of that thing you never know we could find something great up there but here goes nothing I'm gonna angle it just right and I'm going to spam click oh my gosh call me Michael Jordan look at this I am flying all right here we go we're about to make a landing I'm gonna Point towards the top please poppy oh my gosh here we go we're going we're zooming do I dare even look down I don't wanna I wanna screw this up I just want to say oh God okay all right we're a little off track here uh okay we didn't quite make it so I'm gonna retry all right we had another horrible execution but I think I can salvage this one just a little bit better um oh God okay maybe not we'll try it out we'll try it out we're not so far away we just gotta do some handy dandy rocket riding and I think I think I'll be fine I can see the tip I can see the tip oh my God oh God okay please this is the most nervous I've ever been in my entire life just trying to get up this pyramid there it is there's the top is there any secret is there is there anything up here can I land here oh okay I want to see if I can get on top oh my gosh it's like you gotta get like a pixel Peak right there all right I'm gonna be doing this like literally all day long I don't think I can land on that one pixel unless unless unless nah that's just too hard well there it is that was the top unfortunately there was nothing up there nothing like worth reporting obviously but yeah as I slide to my demise just be aware of all the comments that uh report on my very accurate naming of these monuments um but yeah subscribe
Channel: Sillyaw
Views: 292,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minos prime, minos prime theme, ultrakill, ultrakill 4-2, ultrakill minos prime, minos prime no damage, ultrakill pyramid, ultrakill secret, ultrakill cybergrind
Id: qq8U3tk78ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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