This Completely Broke ULTRAKILL

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guys the inevitable has happened no no I'm not getting canceled I've become a a Ultra kill mod YouTuber because it seems like recently I've been uploading a lot of these videos about Ultra kill mods but I just can't get my hands off of them I just can't stop touching them maybe I am gonna get canceled okay so this one's called uh Rat mod or Ultra rat or something with rats pretty much it adds weapons but like rats rat weapons so I I don't know how to explain it besides showing you um yeah so so this is rat number one he's like the generic rat he's got uh the Glizzy he's a left-hander though and I I gotta respect it I'm a left-hander too man so let's test out how powerful this this clock is wait there's no there's no gun sound effects so it just kind of silently happens but uh okay it's got seven bullets it does it does damage like everything else but it doesn't do too much damage so this is more of like the taking out the the smaller enemies kind of gun next we got red rat what does this one do what is that foreign actually what honestly is that it's just it's just a green ball it's literally just a basketball and it takes a thousand years to land can we just keep shooting these okay this is probably gonna be op I mean I guess it depends on how strong this explosive is okay we'll do a play through with this obviously last but not least we have green rat my Glizzy says it's ready for firing what does that mean what does that actually mean what is oh God Mike Wazowski what's up homie what the f is this a turret hold on that's kind of sick if it is let me Spawn this dude in is this a turret wait what the fresh power comes fresh murder is this actually a turret okay that's kind of clean I'll be honest I don't know how I spawned this thing okay so it's the right click does this thing just smash enemies [Music] okay yeah that's what that does Jesus so there's only one thing left to do play the game and maybe just maybe beat my record on the Cyber grind which I don't have high hopes for I'll be honest for the amount that I play this game I haven't fought Gabriel in I can't remember the last time it was I think I did it in Clash mode last which was maybe a week ago I think I'm just a failed Ultra kill gamer I don't know what do you guys think gotta say my confidence with this rat in my right hand I'm at an all-time high however who drew this [ __ ] art this art is beautiful all right here we go here we go wait dude how powerful is this thing so so wait does This Thing One Tap every boss in the game I hold on hold on I was expecting somewhat of a fair fight but that was just taking candy from a child and then eating the candy and it's putting it back out stomping on it the candy then gets run over by a car and but but you're also in the car I'm just gonna shut up all right here we go V2 can you survive this thank you so let me get this straight we killed him in the first room but not only did we kill him in the first room we did so much damage to him that we didn't even have to slide down the pyramid I get that the uh the the right click is supposed to be an insta kill but I wasn't expecting it to be that bad where's that things oh it's on the ceiling nice sweet easy peasy guys all right at the moment of truth I got my boy out he's right he's locked and loaded dude he's ready dude no way okay so um the rap mod is a bit broken but that's all right how about this that's more like it guys all right can we one tap this homie like where should I actually shoot for right there foreign wow listen if this was how it was intended this ability you know it totally fine the mod's great but I I have a feeling that this is not how you should play this like why even use this guy the the rat with no um sound effect or this one when you just have this guy he's op you could probably do a whole play through and not get touched with this thing he's even got the turret on this gun the well if you want to call that a turret how about the Leviathan can we can we spawn him in here we can I don't know why he's not making any sound maybe it's something with my game I don't know surely this won't kill him she gotta be kidding me dude okay yes everything is a work in progress but there's something called turret orb that summons a rotating orb above V1 which fires a shot at the nearest enemy every frame uh okay where is this thing at I gotta check it out oh my gosh there it is so it's just is it God mode what does this thing do I guess there's only one way to find out here it's it's Aimbot it's actually Aimbot okay that was supposed no way every enemy even these days do I dare do I dare break my computer here how about this big guy I've been intrigued guys I gotta play a level with this thing on what's a really difficult level uh shot in the dark yes I don't like this level I I really don't like it we're just gonna light the fires and play play the game normally like nothing's happening around me yes just pure skill come on dude this defeats the purpose of playing the game but it's kind of fun oh my gosh wow I'm so good at this game guys watch this one of the most annoying rooms in the game is this a world record right here is that it okay there we go with these guys with these and we still got we still did not pre-rank it that's kind of sad we all know I suck at the Cyber grind I'm at a measly wave 35. what if I just cheesed it the whole thing I don't even need to play I could just sit there and my Lord and Savior Aimbot just does all the work here we go it clears I never thought I'd see the day passed away of 35. I'm not there yet but I think it's safe to say that I'll get there well guys if you want to try this new uh and heavily working in progress mod you can try it down below I'm gonna try Okay hear me out here just uh to stay away for more of the mods but if you guys really like them and there's some mod you guys want me to try out uh I will do so but uh yeah that's that's all for today and uh yeah subscribe if you want to peace
Channel: Sillyaw
Views: 146,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, ultrakill gameplay, ultrakill game, ultrakill act 2, ultrakill ost, ultrakill review, ultrakill sfm, ultrakill memes, ultrakill gabriel, ultrakill mod, ultrakill act 3, ultrakill must die, ultrakill speedrun, ultrakill community, ultrakill v1, ultrakill ps5, ultrakill 2-s, ultrakill p-1, ultrakill lore, rata ultrakill, ultrakill mods, ultrakil, ultrakill weapons, trav guy ultrakill, ultrakill tips, ultrakill act 1, ultrakill guide, sillyaw ultrakill
Id: 6Gb2xGjFVe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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