The Ultimate Touch OSC Guide - Pt 2 (Buttons, Faders, & Radio Buttons)

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all right we're back looking at touch osc and we're going to look at a few different tips and tricks with some of the buttons faders things like that to help out your workflow [Music] so if you watched the previous video you know i'm using a pc with an old ipad here fancy and this is going into my daw reaper so let's go ahead and fire it up and see what we can do okay so here we are in our touch osc editor we've already connected it as the server so our ipad also has a black screen on it let's go ahead and add a button up button here we go a little red button you should see this on your screen just wanted to make sure that this worked this was just a little simple test here and again if you need to do a test for your computer go ahead and you know pick a channel throw a cc in and let's see how it works on your daw okay so assuming you've got a button working here let's go ahead and try a different one let's get rid of this and we're going to add in a fader all right so the first thing i want to take a look at is the direction so here on orientation you know a lot of the time we see faders that are going up down so north to south or south to north let's go ahead and go east make this a little bit bigger of course we should see this on our ipad as well but what we're going to make is basically a scroll bar for our daw and let's change up our color here to blue awesome so this blue scroll bar let's make this active so we're gonna use channel one we'll just keep it there change this to constant and i'm gonna go ahead and put in 68. no real reason i'm just picking that for now now again on our ipad we should be able to see this of course it's not doing anything in our daw right now let's go ahead and take a look at our daw okay so here's our daw of course i'm recording my audio up here but what we want to look at is down here we're going to try and make this bar move us from left to right so let's go ahead into our action list and let's take a look at scrub now this may be something different in your daw this is just something that i know that works in reaper and what we made this is we look back in our editor here we're working with channel 1 cc68 so back in reaper here we're going to select transport scrub slash jog find control and cc relative let's go ahead and add and then when you touch the ipad it should automatically add that in so now let's take a look see what's going on here let's zoom in yeah and we're moving left to right now it's a little hot you can change some of that with your parameters but it's awesome if you zoom out here and you can see the nice thing about this scroll bar is here you have the end on one side and the beginning on another and it is relative so it's you're gonna be able to find your way through super nice all right so now let's add in something to control expression and vibrato so a lot of the times with the kind of spitfire or cinesamples or any vsts especially with the strings you want to control what's going on with the instrument so let's go ahead and add an x y let's make this a little bit bigger and like i said we're going to control two different parameters at the same time that way we don't have to have two faders that were moving up and down at the same time so let's go ahead and add a label here and on this side we're gonna do let's do expression so down here let's call this expression and then let's add another label let's make this one green and let's do vibrato for this one and again down here under values text default we'll add vibrato alrighty so now on our x y let's take a look so on the x x-axis we'll send a midi signal and then on the y-axis we'll send a midi signal so let's find another clean channel for me so we'll do channel one again this is going to go to constant and let's go 68 again and we want the scale to continue to be between 0 and 127 so then down here let's add another let's go ahead constant and let's keep it at 1 and then we'll do 69. again this isn't special this is just midi channels that i know are open for me in reaper so hopefully now on your ipad you can also see that we have uh our expression and our vibrato and we're able to move this around actually let's just to make it even clearer let's change this one more time to another color all right so let's go into reaper now and let's add an instrument fold this one up and let's add a violin we'll start and we'll do it with let's do with send samples or sorry spitfire audio all right so the first thing we're going to need to do is arm this track because right now if we move anything we do anything with our ipad nothing's really happening okay so let's arm the track and then we're going to select right now it's on input 1 as you can see let's change this over to all midi channels and here on our spitfire let's click expression right click this learn and then let's go back into this and we are going to put this on the y-axis right here so let's turn off the send from the x-axis so we don't confuse it let's go back and now again we're going to move the expression boom and it's locked in now all right so we moved it on our ipad we had selected learn midi and now it's there so let's do the same thing let's go back and turn off send from the wide channel because we don't want it to be confused turn it on from the x channel and then here in reaper let's do our vibrato right click learn and then on our ipad we're gonna touch the vibrato on the x-axis and there we go and again it's only moving the vibrato it's not moving our expression but if we wanted it to let's go back and turn it all on so we're going to add our send from y and then in reaper it should just work beautifully look at that so now when you're playing a note you don't have to move two different faders at the same time you can just move one which i personally find a lot nicer a lot easier a lot more honestly a lot more expressive now let's try it with another instrument let's get rid of this one let's do uh cinesamples let's do a strings and i'm taking this from the top i have patches already fixed up but we're going to do this from the beginning so this is just a regular legato and again let's just find where things are so we want dynamics let's do dynamics and speed on this one so back in our editor let's turn off our y-axis and of course these aren't exactly gonna meet what our labels are but this is just a test anyways so for dynamics let's do learn and move our x-axis all right back let's turn on the y-axis turn off the x and let's do speed all right and that is moving swell turn them both on back and reaper and there we go we can move both of them as you see here on the ipad it's just an up for one to the side for the other super simple obviously a little confusing to set it up but so nice to work with in your daw now if you close this out you are going to lose these so make sure that you save it as a new instrument okay so let's add here and let's do a radio now for what we're about to do this is fine we're just doing five of these that's cool let's go ahead and add a label here and this is going to be for let's do half on this one and copy paste that i'm gonna turn this into quarter copy paste that and let's turn this one into eight that's enough just to show kind of what it is that we're trying to do but what we're going to do is each time we select this it's going to change the size of the grid in reaper so in this encoder this is what we want this is the number steps if you wanted more you could add more but this is what we're doing for now now this is a little wonky if you know of a better method definitely reach out to me but this is the only way i was able to make this work all right so let's go over to our control and we're going to put this on channel 15 because i know it's open and we're going to go to a value and the value we're going to work between right now is one and two because again i know it's clean and then we're gonna go with property and what i've figured out is that the number of spots here is the number of properties so we're gonna go five all right so again this is 15 one and then we have five slots here so that should be pressure one two three four five and of course we see this on our ipad here and you can toggle these on and off so let's leave it on uh one of these empty ones and i'll show you why so let's go into reaper all right and let's pull up our action list and let's search for one half all right set to one half you can see i already have a shortcut in here so let's remove that we're going to add a new one and let's just go ahead and touch the half toggle and now that is 15 1. let's search for a quarter like i said i already have one let's change it up and now hit the second spot that quarter you can see that's 15 2. and take a guess what's going to happen when we do 8 1 8 hit the toggle for that cc3 awesome so now let's zoom in here if we were to hit that toggle half all right we're looking at a half note here we go quarter note changes it there eighth note changes it there i think this is super useful when you're working in the midi editor um but it's also nice when you're working with a big score and you want to see this stuff so again take a look at what i have up here we're going to half note boom quarter note eighth note now the reason we started with it on the fourth or fifth toggle is because you can't hit them twice so i'm on eighth if i hit 8th again nothing happens you know you have to switch it over for anything to happen so that's why when you're programming this if you start in the first if it's starting here you want to program the others first and then go back to that one otherwise it won't respond i think this will make working with your daw or any other engraving software much easier so enjoy that be sure to reach out in the comments below let me know if you found any other good tips and tricks to use touch osc there's a great community on facebook as well of people who make different templates and share those so check that out and be sure to like and subscribe this video to check out the next one thanks for watching [Music] foreign
Channel: Tim Corpus
Views: 710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaper, daw, audio production, touchosc, hexler, pc, android, ipad, apple, music engineer, spitfire audio, spitfire labs, cinesamples, midi, osc, finale, obs, production workflow, soundtrack, mixing, control surface, open sound control, producer, composing, composer, how to, tutorial, midi guide
Id: A0QNnSBnv-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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