The GoXLR 2?? -- The AVerMedia Nexus

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this guy right here i bet you it dies this year huge thanks to for sponsoring this video more on their overlays and graphics later i don't know how many of you have signed an nda before they make me very sad they're important i get it but i would get tweets of people saying i finally got my go xlr and this is sitting in my room i mean to be fair i haven't tried this yet i haven't opened it it might not be good it might not replace the go xlr from what i've seen it might and when i say might the reason i say that is this looks like the absolute next generation go xlr in every reason except i'm concerned about the software i want to try it first before i go on knocking it so let's open this we've got the avermedia ax 310 or called the live streamer nexus they also released a dynamic microphone which is really cool that they did that uh we'll try this out we'll see how it compares but this this is what the video is really going to be about this is an xlr interface it's got a bunch of inputs and outputs just like the go xlr it also has if you haven't seen it yet maybe zoom in on this real quick has a touch screen on it like literally it's supposed to be a go xlr and a stream deck built into one if this is good oh i'm gonna be so happy let me grab a knife one second we're already starting to baby proof everything this isn't even a knife it's like a plastic box opener that works really well all right let's take a look here it is i think a little bit smaller than a go xlr so check this out they showed me this oh you want it flat you got it flat you want it a little bit more vertical magnets now it stands right up let's take a look at this i o what do we got in here it looks like all the exact same io as the other one we got power with xlr we have headphones line in line out console and usb oh and a switch built into it go accelerated to buy a separate switch that's kind of nice do you remember what i said in that video that we referenced in the beginning about how the device had to be so big because he had faders that took up half don't get me wrong i love faders but the fact that you're able to make a device smaller and also have six controls because now they're little turn knobs it just it is more forward thinking i'll miss the faders but this makes more sense plus you can click them i assume that'll work as like either a mute button or something programmable you have a touch screen right here which what it looks like from the deck that they sent me is is again like a touch screen stream deck although it looks like they haven't opened up the api for developers just yet that's on the roadmap though and then you have four programmable soft buttons i love the finish on this thing [Music] oh that's a good peel let's real quick let's unbox this microphone also oh that's a chunky boy the picture made it look very small oh this is thick i'm not gonna lie i really like this this is a sexy microphone like the red on the front that is sleek oh if you don't like the red you can swap it out with like a black chrome last thing i want to do before we jump into this and install the software is i want to hold it up next to a full-size go xlr let's see the size difference one second there you go what do you think about that this will save you some serious space on your desk not just because of how much smaller it is but this could again if the software is any good and i will be testing the software this could replace the go xlr and the stream deck could you imagine enough ogling at how it looks so far 10 out of 10. let's get to the important stuff i'm gonna test this out for a couple days we'll return i'm very confused about this device right now because i love every idea they put in here it just it feels like they didn't finish it like this is still not usable for most streamers let's talk about everything before we jump into this i'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video you know i'm owned tv they are say it with me your one stop shop for all your stream aesthetic needs whether it be overlays panels alerts animations whatever you need they've got it so if you and all your friends grab the insight series that you're looking at right now none of you are gonna have the exact same overlay because you can pick and choose the different pieces that you'd like if you'd like to make a smart move like many from the community have already done feel free to use the link in the description below and that link will support the channel so thank you also make sure you use code alpha at checkout it will give you 50 off your purchase all right let's dive into this let's talk about the things i like about this device the things i don't like and the one or two things that should have made them reconsider releasing this today because i am concerned let's start with the good the concept of this device is flawless like it takes the go xlr and it upgrades it in literally every single way instead of being able to control the volume of four different channels on the go xlr we now have six which by the way is exactly how many i use on my dual go xlr setup you trade out the faders which i know we all love but you trade them out for knobs which take up considerably less space on the front that leaves room for a touch screen stream deck on the front which is super flexible you can even have your chat window on here if you really want get rid of the dedicated voice changer and sampler on the go xlr which we all know they're fun but after two weeks you literally never use them anymore plus you can do all that stuff with software anyway which you can do with the touch screen or the four soft buttons over here they added the main thing that i've been wanting the go xlr to add for years now sub mixes which means your stream can hear different volumes than what you hear i literally asked the go xlr team to do that two years ago they said they were working on it they never did it so what we're left with is more audio control on the bottom and more flexible stream control on the top all on a smaller device but don't buy it yet because it's time we get into the bad which is the software and software is often a complaint about mine with avermedia but this was this is a whole different level it feels like it was either rushed or it was made by an intern because things like the faders don't even line up with your cursor when you're dragging them try fine-tuning your audio when every time you click a fader it automatically jumps six decibels to the right it's super unresponsive the metering moves at like two frames a second so you never actually get a c where it peaks which makes it completely useless the routing table on the go xlr which is a super powerful input output tool is reduced down to a single drop down menu they even ruined some of the good ideas i was excited about that i mentioned before like submixes instead of doing something really intuitive like say elgato where you have your headphone mix and your broadcast mix right next to each other and when you get it where you want it you can lock them together so you can adjust them both with a single movement they place the entire mixes one on top of the other so for example with your microphone your headphone mixes all the way up here your audience mixes all the way down here and you can't link them together so if you want to do a dual mix and you want to turn down your music you have to turn it down one at a time on each of them and then turn them both back up and you better remember where you set both of them before they even made some really weird aesthetic choices like look at the border surrounding the knobs you see how the bottom corners have a smaller turn radius than the top corners and then the corner right above that is even smaller than both of those and these are even just the most notable ones like there are some other software problems like for example it doesn't scale on higher resolution screens i'm like squinting to work on this software but here's the important thing software can be fixed none of these things are deal breakers because in a couple months from now maybe avermedia fixes all these problems sends you an update and it's all fixed and by the way avermedia i've consulted on a number of software projects before i have a software development company senpai tech if you'd have me we'd love to make this amazing software the real problem with this device is internal audio components most mics that streamers use won't work on this let me try to break this down really simply you're all going to be audio pros after the next two minutes when you talk into a microphone the signal that comes out of the back is so quiet it's almost inaudible it's what's called mic level signal which is why every single audio interface has something called a preamp or a pre-amplifier it boosts the mic level audio to line level audio which is what we hear and different microphones need different amounts of boost or gain every microphone has a different output for example the sm7b is known for being an extremely quiet microphone it requires 60 decibels of gain which is why the focusrite scarlett doesn't work very well for that microphone because it can only add 55 decibels of gain and i believe the previous generations can only do 50. don't quote me on that though that's why the go xlr has so much power because it can actually do 72 decibels of gain we've done videos on this channel where we plugged an sm7b directly into both the go xlr and the go xlr mini and they both powered it with headroom to spare the live streamer nexus only has 42 decibels of gain and of those 42 only 32 of them are actual hardware gain from the preamp the other two are just digital gain done at the converter that means almost any dynamic mic which is what most streamers use won't be able to be powered by that thing the sm7b requires 60 db the re20 requires 56 db i plugged in the road pod mic and turned it all the way up and couldn't get the meter to get halfway up the scale it's so quiet that when we turned it up there was just so much hiss and noise it was unusable on top of that there's actually one more problem that gain fader you see you notice it only gives you 10 db of gain from top to bottom that's because that's controlling the converter gain the digital gain at the end you can't even turn down the actual preamp if you want this means your microphone needs to fall between 32 db of gain or 42 db of gain otherwise it's useless we plugged in a blue spark which is a notoriously loud microphone and even with that gain turned all the way down it was still too loud and was clipping the entire time i've never seen an interface work this way before if you go into the go xlr you notice you can turn it all the way up to 72 db of gain or all the way down to zero and this means that a lot of people buying this device are gonna plug in their microphone and it's just not gonna work i think this has potential to be my favorite streaming device on the market it just needs to fix two things first overhaul of the entire software it's not easy but it's doable second the audio components inside this thing need to be replaced otherwise it's useless that was just a huge corner cut on this device and it's super disappointing oh and if you'd like to hear my thoughts on the microphone uh looks really cool it's also not great there's almost zero pop filter built into the front of this i can actually see the capsule through the grill here and also there's zero shock mount built into it either i was hearing my breath and tapping on the desk louder than i was hearing my own voice which for a dynamic mic where you need to be this close to it it just it's not usable anyway guys sorry to get your hopes up with this one i would love to see avermedia fix this up and make this an amazing product because it does have so much potential if you have any additional questions that you think i missed i stream on youtube now i left twitch about a month ago feel free to subscribe to that channel and jump into my live streams i stream every monday wednesday friday link down below make sure you hit the like button if you enjoyed the video and as always happy streaming
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Views: 141,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, beginner, setup, widget, graphics, audio, review, camera, mic, pc, lights, lighting, webcam, elgato, starting, new, algorithm, learning, start, make, videos, first, gear, lens, GoXLR, Streamdeck, deck, Avermedia, Nexus, live
Id: I0K87lz6EWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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