The ULTIMATE Skyrim Modded Combat Overhaul 2024 | Best Skyrim Combat Mods Ever Made!

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it's time for an updated combat overhaul and this time I will be showcasing the entire setup that I'm personally running giving Spotlight to all mods used and individually guiding you through it so you're able to fully replicate the entire setup you see in the background the main focus will be third person but without neglecting the first the setup will be flashy and in certain instances over the top but by utilizing different mods we'll attempt to balance things out as much as possible by introducing drawbacks to all actions performed a quick note about the goal of this overhaul you might say this looks nothing like Skyrim and that's because that's the intention I have over 6,000 hours in Skyrim have achieved everything there is to achieve and when I mod it I like to experiment and have fun with variety of features Additionally the combat overhaul will not aim for realism but rather fantasy based combat that emulates features found in action combat games like ghost toshima god of war and even Elden ring let's talk about why this setup is based on MCO or bfco these two Frameworks tie motion data to animations themselves meaning that the movement plays in unison with weapon move sets this is the feature that most modern RPGs utilize even games like Fallout 4 and Starfield so with MCO we will be introducing attack commitment and completely remove the disjointed at awkward movement during weapon animations a phenomenon known to the community as ice skating MCO will also allow us to take advantage of different Combos and perform different move sets and animations depending on how many normal and how many power attacks we use weapon specific animations are now a feature for All actors meaning that the move sets for a Greatsword will be different for battle axes but most importantly of all we will take advantage of a framework that the entire Community uses as a main base when implementing their move sets in the game whether by importing them from a different game or creating custom ones to summarize why MCO and what do we get from it we get a modern animation framework that connects weapon swings to actor's movement and adds attack commitment almost identical to how most modern RPGs do it a fully-fledged combo system to perform unique attacks with weapon specific animations for All actors in the game and the biggest Advantage being that it's a framework considered a foundational element for all animators in the community that create or import move sets for us to use thank you to raid for sponsoring this video a wellestablished crossplatform hero collecting RPG with over 4 million users 800 Champions and consistent monthly updates raid is celebrating the spring Hut event where you have a chance in winning a gaming console plus 10K value of Amazon gift cards simply download raid using my link or the QR code head to Spring hunt. enter your raid ID and start searching for items there are also Community weeks now multiple activities for all players and a 14-day loyalty program that gives you a free Legendary Chronicle adelin this top tier support hero can be obtained just by logging in for 7 days between April 11th and July 8th for me raid is the most fun due to its hero collecting element such a large roster of unique Champions allows for Endless Combos and synergies meaning that no team composition is the same the more Champs you collect the more fun the team comps you can assemble creating a diverse experience so make sure to click the link in the description or scan the QR code to get epic champion terial from High Elves a hero with the large arsenal of high power debuffs reaching level 25 will grant you epic recto drath a super strong support you definitely want in your collection and after you download the game via my link use the promo code spring hunt 24 to get additional silver and more lastly join my clan Black Rose Alliance as I'm looking to expand a roster of players willing to team up thank you to raid for being a long-standing supporter of the channel now that we talked about why let's get MCO set up we will need Oar a framework that replaces animations depending on conditions AMR a plugin that expands animation limitations of the engine and payload interpreter another plugin that allows for spellcast M move sets keep in mind this same installation principle applies for bfco if you opt into using it instead install all three plugins the same way you would any other mod and of course don't forget to activate make sure to have a dress Library installed beforehand as all three mods needed next go to MCO link provided below scroll down and find the latest version of the files download it and drag the zip file into the downloads tab of your mod manager installation menu will pop up name the files accordingly and then select disar experience as well as Elder Souls Locomotion click install and once again don't forget to activate the mod the mod is now active however since these Frameworks come with Behavior files we will need to generate them using either Nemesis or Pandora I have a guide on how to get nemesis set up in 2 minutes with Pandora coming soon open the animation framework tick attack discar experience and payload interpreter boxes and update engine generate files by launching the framework and that's it for showcase purposes let's install a move set and to fit the theme of this wful Katana character I have here will go with ER Katana moves set install it as you would any other mod name it accordingly and then activate you're not required to generate the behavior files and the animations for Ebony Blade and dragon Bane will turn from chaotic weapon swings to something more resembling a modern RPG also if you're using the latest versions of the game make sure to install MCO support for it to function properly and that's it MCO is now fully up and running and it's a good idea to go in game and test everything out it's also worth mentioning that as the development cycle of bfco continues it might eventually replace MCO as a whole and if that ever happens I will update the overhaul accordingly overhauling General third person Combat gameplay will be done by one of the greatest mods for this element of the game through directional movement this mod unlocks character's motion by enabling directional movement introduces a custom Target lock component with an animated reticle head tracking that subtly follows camera's Direction projectile support during Target lock all done entirely through sksc the mod's installation is pretty simple activate as you would any other mod run animation framework tick appropriate boxes and generate Behavior files true directional movement is also considered a foundational component for any combat setup as it separates the player character from the camera and allows for freedom of movement it greatly complements MCO in its move sets by assisting with positioning and Target acquisition this overhaul will utilize vanilla style drawn movement retaining the feat features of TDM while also being able to Face Forward while dodging even without the target lock all other settings that mod offers are entirely optional I have covered this mod few times in the past so going into great detail is unnecessary but it's still considered an absolute must have for all setups regardless of your play style time to add weapon colliders to attacks performed by All actors in the world space and ACH achiev this by installing personally one of the most favorite mods ever made Precision we have to go in detail as this combat overhaul heavily adjust the features introduced by this mod by changing the slider values for majority of them to achieve the desired outcome so let's start with weapon Trails a purely visual feature that adds visible trails to all weapon attacks entirely controlled by the user on top of that you can also add different textures to it to achieve transparent or colored appearance these are the values that this overhaul uses while opting for transparent textures one of the most important parts of precision as a mod are its physics based features every attack will now be physically accurate as a collider is being created for a given duration and attached to the weapon which then collides with other actors in the world space with Precision next the mod also allows for lower body eye frames during jumping which enables the player to perform cool evasive maneuvers and avoid weapon collision by pressing the jump hotkey there are also hit stop and Camera Shake features that this overhaul heavily adjusts which keeps them noticeable enough to provide satisfying time slow and a camera Shake during hits but subdued enough to not disrupt regular gameplay when paired up with flashy weapon Trails weapon collisions feel impactful and provide satisfying feedback with each strike due to the way these weapon colliders are implemented they will collide with everything they physically touch so logically another feature of the mod are sweeping attacks where you can hit multiple Targets in one swing I like to lower this value from unlimited to three without and five with a perk Precision also comes with hit based reaction for many actors in the world space but this overhaul keeps those values at the minimum mainly because of a Poise and a stagger system we will add later and stacking them with a Precision hit reactions can look odd in some scenarios lastly Precision offers recoil to attacks intended to punish bad positioning I dislike this feature in Elden ring and I hate it even more here spare yourself the headache and disable it as Skyrim interior cells are not designed with this feature in mind when installing choose TK Dodge in an installation menu activate and once again tick appropriate box and run animation framework let's talk dodging the choices are TK Dodge a very customizable Dodge mod require a bit of a setup but offers variety of Dodge animations and dmco a behavioral Dodge mod that allows for both step Dodge and a Dodge roll depending on the key input precisions installation menu Choice made it obvious which Dodge Mode this overhaul us it mainly because its incredible responsiveness a variety of Dodge animations made for TK Dodge specifically and also because it offers firstperson Dodge as well let's set it up download TK Dodge SC and only keep the meshes folder as you can see in the background then install TK Dodge re normally as you would any other mod activate both and as a standard by this point open up the animation framework scroll down find TK Dodge box ticket and run the framework I personally use Dynamic Dodge for heavy armor themed characters and 2B Dodge for acrobatic [Music] ones there's another cool advantage of DK Dodge for example I have one Dodge animation set up when wielding an Axe and completely different one when wielding a battle axe as far as balancing is concerned this overhaul sets 20 stamina cost per Dodge and3 second iframe duration now is the time to completely overhaul resource management for both player and other actors in the world space while also introducing value to well timed action input we will of course achieve this with Valhalla combat which this overhaul also heavily adjusts firstly Valhalla introduces stamina caused to all light attacks discouraging spammy gameplay in return however the stamina regeneration for All actors has been increased five times additionally every successful light attack will now regen percentage base stamina amount timed parries and blocks have been introduced so raise defenses just before hits land are rewarded with deflection and stamina return same goes for arrows using Magicka as a primary resource to deflect them back Poise meter is introduced and when broken opens up actors for execution due to how rewarding the timed Parry is this combat overhaul lowers a Time window to perform a Parry to .1 seconds in return the time block has been increased to a third of a second the idea is to encourage timed input as you can see on the keyboard overlay pairing an attack is incredibly rewarding and even if you're under a lot of pressure you can turn a tide of a battle to your favor with a single timed Parry since it completely refills your stamina so making that timed window narrow is a appropriate as far as stamina values are concerned they're mostly fine however you might want to lower region rate to three if you run perk and racial overhauls the idea is to pair Valhalla with a stagger mod we will add later this will make time parry and blocks your essential defenses as mindlessly holding a block key will not defend against Power attacks encouraging you to learn when to raise your defenses before we add more combat changes let's make the action input a little bit easier more importantly add an ability to perform power attacks with a separate hotkey instead of holding the left click oneclick Power Attack is the mod and the setup is a bit tricky but I'll walk you through it first make sure to have Sky UI and MCM Helper and then install dual wheel pairing and oneclick Power Attack the installation process is the same as any other mod and like always do not forget to activate next go in game and open oneclick Power Attack MCM set the power attack in my case right click set a modifier key and tick modifier only on first attack disable block during attack change the left hand hot key to be anything else other than a right click then enter the MCA menu for do whe pairing and set a hotkey of your preference match it in valhalla's MCM and that's it with these steps we have essentially separated blocking action away from a right hand transferring it to a mod while not messing up the left hand hotkey in a process what we achieve is a much more userfriendly power attack input and will not have to worry about key maps overlapping speaking of blocking let's add recently showcased maxu block overhaul this addition is completely behavioral and it basically introduces recoil animations every time an actor blocks an incoming hit animations are varied and they cycle between light recoils to complete displacement animations when paired up with dynamic block hit introduces some cinematic looking blocking animations that play based on stamina or how forceful the attack was it might seem that this mod is incompatible with Valhalla combat but you don't have to worry about that as they do completely separate things in fact they play alongside each other extremely well and all animations added by maxu blocking will also be performed during time block and time paries this results in very satisfying gameplay with potent feedback in forms of camera shakes blocking animations and sound effects all provided by Precision maxu blocking and Valhalla in unison let's add a mod that many will consider controversial mainly due to how old it is but most likely because majority have forgotten about its existence the mod is called mortal enemies now I can already hear some Veterans of the community questioning this choice but stay with me and allow me to demonstrate here's an enemy Power Attack without mortal enemies [Music] and here is that same Power Attack with mortal enemies so yeah apparently even with all the mods we added enemy AI still has a baked in turn rate forcing them to aggressively face the player at all costs which in some instances looks very odd here's a side-by-side comparison and the most egregious example will be sprinting attacks I mean look at that that just looks silly mortal enemies adjust that insane turn rate to a reasonable amount and I would use this chance to ask the animators of the community to consider including sprinting attacks from a perk in their move set I know kemolay does this as you can see in the footage and it would be nice to make this a standard so NPCs that use the perk would stop using vanilla attacks but yeah other than that mortal enemies is straightforward plug and playay and honestly hasn't left my mod list ever since impa Sakira [Music] overhaul all right time for us to add Elden stagger a plugin that comes in is a part of Elden Arts with this plugin predators and large creatures will pose a great Threat by knocking down the player launching them in the air or simply flattening them into the ground this is purely based on specific attacks so the more you fight these creatures the more you will learn which specific attacks pose the greatest threat thus learning to properly manage defenses provided by previous mods to support this plugin we will add modern stagger lock a behavioral mod that adds stagger to both light and power attacks heavily punishing improperly man defenses and Dodges this is one of those pcks that many will dislike but like anything in this overhaul it is completely optional the installation is the same as most mods added today add to mod manager activate open the animation framework find appropriate boxes to tick and generate Behavior files next we will add scar a mod that teaches all humanoid AI to utilize all MCO attacks and apply heavy pressure on the player keep in mind that scar is only necessary for MCO as bfco framework does not need it throughout this video you probably noticed heads flying off left and right and that's because of a simple beheading mod probably one of the most seamless Gore mods ever made implemented extremely well and allowing for simple beheading as long as you strike upper parts of your enemies for a Gore CAU by Magic I still use frozen electrocuted combustion covered previously on this channel it allows for a brutal dismemberment using shock attacks freezing enemies in place with ice and smoldering them with fire all presented an amazing looking aftermath effect now what about the first person I already made a video about it recently and it's still up to date the question is whether you can use the two overhauls together yes with MCO first person patch you can now perform frontal side and back power attacks in first person while using MCO the only obvious drawback is that the two perspectives will not match but if you don't care about that and you just want to utilize Best of Both Worlds and swap perspective depending on your mood with this patch you can now do so free of any incompatibilities as far as archery is concerned bow rapid combo needs to be mentioned I've covered this mod in detail two videos ago and it changes archery gameplay by allowing the player to perform cool acrobatic attacks inspired by Ranger class from Black Desert online note that most attack s by this mod will be done with leftand hotkey which we changed in our previous oneclick Power Attack segment the camera used in this video is my own smooth cam preset Synergy this preset was originally inspired by hellblade especially for more close-up angles but the preset is highly modular and most gameplay recorded here used four zoom out increments and all sliders have been individually adjusted to cover all gameplay elements if you want to replicate the entire combat setup including a mod list and a plugin order that will be on my Discord server the reason I'm doing it this way is because every time I want to make updates for example potentially swapping from Nemesis to Pandora or from MCO to bfco I can simply do it in one place without having to make a new video also being present on a Discord server enables us to assist you should you find yourself encountering issues other than that make sure to endorse the authors whose mods we showcase today and consider subscribing if you like mod content if you want to support me links are in the description patreon Twitter but I'll C to rambling for now thank you for watching and I will see you in the next video take care [Music]
Channel: Syn Gaming
Views: 57,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, Mods, Top 5 Mods, Top Mods 2020, Nexus Mods, Mod Showcase, Mod Overview, Elder Scrolls, ES5, Best Mods, Skyrim Mods, Mod Organizer 2, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, SKSE, ENB, Vortex, 4K Textures, Next Gen Graphics, RPG, Elder Scrolls Redfall, Skyrim Special Edition Mods, Best Skyrim Combat, Skyrim Combat Mods 2024, Skyrim Combat, Next Gen Combat, Modern RPG Combat, Elden Ring, Ghost Of Tsushima, Heavy Burns, Sgt. Gimlinho, Mern
Id: FZU8g9aAtM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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