The BEST Combat Mods For SKYRIM in 2024 | Next-Gen Combat

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in today's video we will be looking at everything related to combat for the general structure of this video I will be looking at my personal selection of combat overhaul mods with a special emphasis on more responsive combat in both first and third person first off let's start with the core setup starting off with adx or attack daa experience for attack behaviors and animations this mod ensures that all the animations we will put on top of our combat setup like they're supposed to be and so that we're not teing around this is also the foundation for any other types of combat animations you might want to use on top of it since you don't have to strictly follow this animation setup which I'm using another important feature of mzo is that it finally removes the dreaded ice skating bug that has been around in the vanilla game for years now your movement is much more smoother and in general the mod changes how animations play out for your character giving you a lot more freedom and movability in instead of being locked to a certain grid which is you know common for Skyrim or was common however with this mod you're finally able to move around more freely and you're not boun to directional attacks anymore which makes this mod quite gamechanging actually our second mod I'm using Valhalla combat one of the main features of this mod is that it completely reworks the stamina system within the game in vanilla the stamina system had quite a major flaw in my opinion and it was the issue that lchs never used any stamina whatsoever with with Hala combat however every attack and move you make can cost you stamina forcing you to be more mindful of your attack Commitment if your character runs out of stamina you will enter an exhausted state in which you will not recover any stamina making it impossible for you to dodge or deal heavy attacks to your enemies adding another layer of difficulty to combat another main feature of this mod is the ability to perform time blocks on enemies which gives you the opportunity to regain any loss stamina and to also stagger your enemies giving you an advantage to incapacitate your foes another core mod which I suggest you use is oneclick Power Attack with this mod installed you can chain light and heavy attacks together the mod achieves this by mapping heavy attacks on a separate key on your keyboard or Mouse for convenience sake I would also recommend you get the MCM loader for this mod so you don't have to fiddle around with any I ey vals the mod also adds quite in convenient MCM menu from which you can change certain settings and also remap your heavy attack key the last core mod is called Precision but this mod does is fixing the r inaccurate reach and hit boxes of all the weapons in the game and therefore resulting in a more satisfying combat experience another feature which is included in this mod is weapon Trails which just makes your weapon swings look that much cooler it also features both hit stop and Camera Shake which adds a camera Shake effect to your character as well as the enemy that's attacking you all of these features mentioned can be adjusted via the integrated MCM menu giving you a lot of customizability and freedom to toggle features you like or don't like too much on or off with the core mods out of the way let's shift our Focus onto third person animations which is the bread and butter for a lot of comet setups one of my go-to animation replacers is e Skyrim's animation pack this animation pack adds animations that are more on the flashy side so they might not be for everyone however it is a good starting point especially if you like very fast-paced combat the animations replace all current weapon animations you have in your game and what comes with a nice installer too so you can pick and choose what kind of animations you want for your game if fast-paced combat is not up your alley and you prefer something more slow and tactical then I would suggest you give smooth animation catalog a go there are a lot of animations for you to choose from giving you a wi variety of options for the style you want to go for I also want to include bow combat into this list since bow combat is an aspect that is overlooked a lot of the time one of my favorite mods for enhancing bow combat is smooth bow rapid combo V3 this mod completely reworks the bow animations and even add dedicated dagger Dodge and unarmed animations specifically tied to this mod these animations are fully autonomous and do not conflict with any other animation mods which gives this mod a rather unique feeling in my opinion the next few mods which I want to showcase focus more on character movement and behavior which is a very important factor when it comes to combat first off we will start this section with the most important movement mod called true directional movement with this mod installed our character is now able to utilize 360° movement similar to most modern games that came out in the you know past few years this mod is a must have in my opinion because it makes the game feel so much more modern and you have free movement which is quite nice furthermore the mod also adds some nice new features like Target lock on which makes combat much more digestive another mod that we will need for our overhaul is a Dodge mod there are a number of those on the Nexus and which one you want to use is up to personal preference I personally use the ultimate Dodge mod and I use the dynamic Dodge mod for better roll and step Dodge animations what's also quite nice about the ultimate Dodge mod is it NPCs are now able to utilize Dodge as as as well which can be toggled on or off by the MCM menu this added ability makes combat a lot more challenging and is also great for expanding and closing the distance between an enemy making combat overall a bit more Tactical for movement animations I use a variety of them for normal walking and sprinting animations however I use ior movement animations this mod replaces all the walking and sprinting animations of the player character with the ones found in Assassin's Creed valy haa for sprinting animations I use smooth Dynamic Sprint animations which randomizes weapon movement and Sprint movement every time you press that shift key to Sprint lastly I use smooth smooth set which at its core reworks the equipping and unequipping animations of all the weapons within the game this model is perfect for some added immersion and it also enhances the transition from combat to non-combat Idol leading to a very smooth and seamless experience now let's move on to NPC combat the most obvious mod in this section will be scar this is especially important since it overhauls NPC combat quite a lot with scar installed NPCs will use the same animations as the player NPCs now use these animations more effectively and naturally leading to a better and more engaging combat experience furthermore if you want to give NPCs different move sets then I would recommend you install the desert race in pack by Tim for some great looking animations and some much needed variety moving on from animations we mod it adds a bit more to the difficulty of combat especially when facing multiple enemies the mod combat paing Revolution or CPR for short is a mod that overhauls and improves the AI paing framework this makes sc's NPCs behave more closely to those in modern action RPGs now NPCs actually take a more Tactical and smarter approach to attacking you compared to just dogpiling you like idiots your camera is another important aspect of a modern combat overhaul so I would recommend you install the only camera mod you will ever need smooth cam with plenty of camera presets to choose from to customize your experience even further this mod is a must have for sure another big part that might not be that necessary for combat but is rather for enhancing the overall feel and immersion are combat effects I'd like to start off with weapon sounds and I think these play the biggest role when it comes to immersion one mod that a personal use in my setup is skyborn effects this mod adds Dark Souls inspires weapon sounds to weapon swings block sounds as well as hitting objects in my opinion these sounds are great and give a lot of your weapons a more meteor and heaviest sound moving on from weapon sounds we will be taking a look at some particle effects you enjoy ere exaggerated partical effects when two swords clash with each other well I certainly do with the mod simple block Sparks you certainly can get some of that sweet sweet dopamine release however if you want to improve on the brutality of combat I have a few Ms that might be worth your while Bloodshed is a perfect pick for the segment it all it does is just increase the blood splitter amount of the enemies a simple mod that will add quite a lot to your game play speaking of brutality if you ever wanted to bash someone's head in if the hard D work the mod Maximum Carnage has you covered the mod has a rather simple premise yet it adds so much to combat overall that for me it almost feels like it's part of the game now furthermore you can also tweak some settings in the edit MCM menu where you can turn off effects or some sound effects too all in all this mod certainly not a necessity however it's a really fun addition to the game an mod is a great addition to this segment is dynamic impact SL effects this mod adds various particle effects when hitting enemies the effect changes depending on the type of enemy you hit for example humanoid enemies will split up blood Undead enemies like ders or skeletons will release a cloud of dust and metal enemies like dma centurions will release a barrage of Sparks this makes combat feel a lot more impactful and dangerous and this mod works perfectly in tandem with the aforementioned Bloodshed mod to tie off this list I want to once again shift our Focus to an aspect of combat that gets overlooked quite a lot especially since third person animations are basically the mattera however for all your first person enjoyers out there I would recommend you install comprehensive firstperson animation overhaul that's a mouthful this mod adds or overhauls every single weapon animation in the game for the first person perspective and even adds new magic animations for magic users as well all in all this mod is great if you enjoy a more vanilla experience but without the clanky vanilla animations all right to basically you know finish this whole segment here's some quality of life mods which I want to include which can make combet a little bit more rounded I would say one mod I would highly recommend use is simply Balan and the reason being for being included into this showcase is because with many combat mods installed NPCs can become a bit overpowered however if simply balanced you can mitigate this issue and have a fighting chance against your enemies again speaking of balancing things another very important mod you should use is the scar limitation patch the reason being is that when you have scar installed NPCs will continuously attack you without stopping adding to increased difficulty and you dying a lot with this patch however NPCs can become aware that their stamina is zero and you can have a fighting stand against these enimes again another very important mod is the dual casting fix this is a mod that is actually critical to all combat mods including MCO blade and blond and so on and this basically fixes an arrow in the vanilla game where NPCs who have ranged abilities will you know spam magic attacks and range attack another great mod which I would highly recommend is the while block angle this mod is especially important if you like to play in first person it makes combat a bit more well a bit more connecting I guess that's the right word it just increases the block angle from which you can block attacks basically and lastly the nobs AI projectile mod is you know very vital to this mod list and I would recommend you get it as well since most mod or a lot of mods especially combat overhauls like MCO where enemies tend to spam magical attacks or range attacks a lot and you won't be able to dodge these and with the nobs a projectile mod you'll have a better chance at you know anticipating range attacks and you'll be able to survive a little bit longer I will also provide this spreadsheet in the video description from where you can get an overview of all the mods I used or covered in this video and I'll also add various uh bug fixes and patches which you can use for your setup specifically and there's also I will also add the requirements you will need to get this whole set up running so you're not missing out on anything so yeah and that sums it up for this video leave a like And subscribe to the channel and endorse any mods you enjoy with that being said I hope you enjoyed this video and and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Phantom Limbs
Views: 20,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim mods, best skyrim armor and weapon mods, skyrim weapon mods, best weapon mods, skyrim ae, amazing skyrim mods, must have skyrim mods 2023, skyrim se, skyrim hot mods, hottest skyrim armor mods, coolest skyrim weapon mods, skyrim modded armor sets, Skyrim Combat, Combat Overhaul, Skyrim mods 2024, Skyrim Combat Mods 2024, Hottest Skyrim Mods 2024, Best mods 2024, Best combat mods, Combat Overhaul 2024, Skyrim 2024, Skyrim Next Gen, Skyrim Next Gen Combat, Mods
Id: P-sEro-DCiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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