The Ultimate Rogue Build Guide for Pillars of Eternity in 2023

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what is up everyone renfail here I hope you're doing well today we're diving into pillars of Eternity once again with another gameplay guide for one of our favorite crpgs of all time if you've never played pillars of Eternity by Obsidian Entertainment you don't know what you're missing it's a really cool game with a unique and original rule set a unique and original world it's their own intellectual property their own setting it's not like fifth edition or a pathfind or anything like that it's their own unique series of everything and it's one of the most complex crpgs out there in terms of all the different mechanics that are going on in the game in terms of gameplay it's not just as simple as say armor class and resists there's a lot of stuff going on today we're going to be focused on creating a ultimate Rogue guide or ultimate rogue build for you I tend to play mine very Hands-On so the build we're going to be focused on is a very mechanical and melee build this is not something you're going to be able to auto play this is going to be something you're going to need to be on top of so if you're playing um at the normal difficulty or above this particular build is something you're going to need to be constantly paying attention to so you're not accidentally dying or getting into too much trouble you'll need to be worried about your flanking and positioning and everything else so if all that sounds fun to you we're going to dive into character creation right now and we're going to talk about how to create the character and then we're going to go through the level up process and show you what you want to take along the way to get sort of what I consider to be the ultimate build now if you've never watched one of my videos before this is the perfect time for me to remind you to like subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you never miss an update without further Ado let's jump into the character creation process now one of the first things we're going to do is pick our race and in this case we're going with the Orlan we're the smallest of the kith races although many cultures don't consider them to be civilized at all notable for their large ears two-tone skin and hair suit bodies or lens are commonly found in ear glenfath the ex-mithral planes and parts of the Deerwood they are known for their mental intensity and sharp senses um out of the Orland I like the perception bonus in particular resolve's not bad um but uh it's the perception that I really want to focus on uh but we're actually gonna go with a a hearth Orlin and that's because of the Minor Threat perk you get here it says when attacking any Target that is also being targeted by a teammate help Orleans convert some of their hits into crits this is very important for the combat perspective because the build that I'm going to be focused on is more about the mechanical uh Rogue someone who's really good at disarming traps and opening doors and chests and things of that nature so we want any bonus we can in terms of combat so we can overcome any of the deficits we might have for not picking a DPS primary build this will make sense as we get deeper into the character creation process so once we've selected the Hearth Orlin we're going to click next we're going to get into this we're going to go straight to Rogue then we're going to go next and we're going to go into I mean this is kind of up to you in terms of what do you want um blinding strike I mean some of this is going to depend just on whether or not you're going to be playing at like the normal difficulty or Beyond I would argue that crippling strike is not as cool as blinding strike the blinding strike inflicts extra damage and blinds the target so for me I always think this is a better ability so we're going to click blinding strike and then we're gonna do it next and here's where we have to pay attention because if you don't remember the overview I did with The Beginner's tip um video um you only get one chance for stats and that's here during character creation beyond character creation you're not going to get any additional stat bonuses as you level up your character which is something that's very common in say you know dragons desert of dragons games 5th edition games Pathfinder games you know every three or four levels you'll get additional stat that's not the case with pillars of Eternity um and everything in this game um it's all about whatever you start off with is what you get and then from there you level up so we're gonna go ahead and get these numbers where we want them and then I'll talk about why we want them in that particular order all right now that we've got our stats ironed out we're looking at 14 might 10 Constitution 16 decks 14 perception 14 and elect and 10 resolve now these are pretty good stats it's an overall rounded character we're not doing a min max version here where we're dropping a resolve down to two or anything like that I like a fairly robust character so we need a little bit of Might for our damaging combat and fortitude defense we need our perception kind of higher up or intellect pile up but also decks pretty high up as well and part of the stat organization part of picking your attributes and getting your points where you want them to is also going to be going through and looking excuse me at the various uh culture components I went with the adir because it gives me a plus one to resolve and then I went for background this doesn't really affect your stats per se but it does affect uh your bonuses and we you can go through here and look at all the different types I like The Drifter because it gives me a plus one to stealth and a plus one of mechanics and mechanics are very important for the opening of traps and things of that nature so once we've got those ironed out you can come into your um you know your facial stuff and the way you want your character to look and everything else and you'll finish character creation after this and now we're going to get into the leveling up process to dig into what does this character look like as we flesh it out build it out and get to the max level hey everyone renfail here with the uh commercial part of the video where I say hey if you like this don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you never miss an update and thanks to all of our supporters are here on YouTube and over on patreon our highest members are Guild Champions Crazy relative Remy D here on YouTube and don't forget if you want to support it's really easy you can do the memberships below the adventures Guild three different tiers there's also the super thing so on any uploaded video or YouTube short that you find there's also of course the super chats and stickers that you can do on any live stream or Premiere and the patreon page if you want to dive into the fantasy world that I have with my brother and my wife which is a tabletop game a point-click adventure game and a fantasy book series all are great ways to keep this channel going and me going full time thanks again for those of you who support let's get back to the video that you're watching now all right now we're getting into the actual leveling up process of the character now we're going to take this guy all the way through the leveling from level two up and we're going to talk about what you're going to put your points into as you go up through the game so I always want to make sure that my mechanics are maxed because that is the number one most important aspect to this particular build is having him be the master of mechanics which is the uh disarming of traps the unlocking of doors the unlocking of chests um number one most important thing so always max out your mechanics if you can any points you have left dump into stealth level two that's what we got we can go to the next one we're gonna get backstab here um dramatically increases Damage Done from stealth or invisibility you may use melee range weapons but must be within two meters of the target so pay attention to this because this is what I was getting into about the manual manipulation of this character in combat it requires a lot of Hands-On if you're going to be getting the most out of the backstab damage [Music] all right next level we're gonna go into this and say I want to bump up my mechanics again I've got some points left over let's go ahead and drop those into stealth I've got one point left over we're gonna carry it over to the next level now from here we can look at additional abilities um recklessness salt I mean these are all things you can look at I think that I'm always going to be a better fan of passive abilities rather than active abilities because there are things that don't require you to toggle them during combat so we're gonna go with dirty fighting which converts 10 of your hits to crits [Music] once again mechanics first stealth next all right now we've got e these two here um because I'm looking at Shadow Beyond which is uh that vicious fighting is modifying dirty fighting from 10 of hits converted to crits uh this gives you more bonuses so we're gonna click pick vicious fighting and go next once again bump your mechanics up all right now we go into what do we got here deep wounds and these are kind of up to you but I'm gonna go with deep wounds [Music] oh I can't take the mechanics up this level so we're gonna do one rank of stealth shadowing Beyond we'll just take it because that's what we've got okay coordinate positioning only works um with one nearby Target um I'm always going to look at something that for me I think repost is probably going to be the better option for DPS um but that's just a personal preference adaptivation is also very good but I'm going to go with post all right now at level eight we're being prompted to to pick a talent here um I think that uh there are a variety of options you can go through here this is really going to be up to you um I'm as a general rule I like the two weapon style here because it gives you the 20 dual wield attack speed which is very important when you're dual wielding so that's my choice but you have other choices if you want to in venom strike is also a good option um if you want to do additional damage with poisons but I'm going straight up uh uh the two weapon Style I liked it do a wheeled bonus all right level 10 here we have a whole bunch of options um greatly hinder withering strike Adept evasion escaped really I don't care about blending strength we're gonna go with the depth of Asian right now I'm gonna hold off on this one because I want to get I want to get more points next level Savage attack that's a modal uh I want to make sure there's nothing else in here before I choose interrupting blows yeah this is a good one because it can disk it can interrupt spellcasters so interrupting blows is a good option to pick and then here we get into death blows which is totally what we're taking uh makes your sneak attack more effective when the target is afflicted by two or more conditions that allow a sneak attack so again this is all about the manual maneuvering and adjustments to make sure that you've got the effects on the target before you hit them with sneak attack and then finally we get to the last ding here which is gonna take us up to uh level 12. and this is not a bad one to choose from but we're going to look in here I want um the bloody Slaughter is not bad all attacks at enemies of low endurance convert some hits to crits and those crits to uh more damage I think this is a great one to choose so we're going to click next and we have automatically wrapped up the level 12 Rogue so that's what it looks like to create our Orlin Rogue based heavily on the mechanics and dual wielding of daggers this is not a ranged build this is a Hands-On build that you're going to need to pay attention to maneuvering him throughout combat and everything else leveling him up with your party we don't have a lot of stealth so this is not a character they're going to be sending ahead to stealth a lot but he does have the perception and the mechanics necessary and you'll come across the traps it'll be fine you'll get all the traps you need to be able to get all the doors you want you'll be able to unlock all the chests you want and get the most out of your gameplay so hopefully you enjoyed this video let me know your thoughts below if you've played pillars of attorney before or if this is your first time playing through and if this guide is helpful to you in any way don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you never miss an update as we continue to cover more pillars of Eternity and other games as well check out the playlist and I'll see everybody in the next video Until then stay safe and happy gaming
Channel: Renfail
Views: 6,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pillars of eternity, pillars of eternity gameplay, pillars of eternity walkthrough, pillars of eternity live gameplay, obsidian, obsidian entertainment, let's play, lets play, pillars of eternity classes, pillars of eternity races and classes, pillars of eternity races ranked, pillars of eternity (video game), pillars of eternity classes ranked, pillars of eternity classes explained, pillars of eternity rogue build, pillars of eternity rogue guide, pillars of eternity rogue
Id: 8mRJs6OfNDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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