Sensuki's Pillars of Eternity Beginner's Guide - UI, Controls and Mechanics

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hey guys it's hensuki and welcome to part two of my beginnner guide to pillars of Eternity this section of the guide will focus on how to play the game and interact with the user interface I will showcase the options menu basic controls different UI screens and demonstrate the general gameplay and mechanics and give a brief introduction to combat and adventuring I'm sorry it's been a long wait since the first part but this has taking quite a while to compile and I as a result I've missed much of the Cricket World Cup and I'm now two episodes behind on better call all before I begin I would like to thank everyone who watched my guide and spread it around uploaded it on Reddit liked it on YouTube or complimented me on the various pillars of Eternity communities I'm glad you liked it and I'm I hope this part is just as good so I'm going to load a save that I've got here okay so I've skipped the introductory dialogue um just to minimize spoilers currently I'm running the game in 1280x 720p but pillars of Eternity is best viewed at its source resolution of 1920x 1080 as everything in the game was designed for that resolution Obsidian used angui for their user interface and it does not have a very good scaling algorithm so the UI won't look anywhere near as good on any other resolution which is a shame before I get into the game play i' first like to talk about what you're seeing on the screen pills of Eternity uses a mix of 2D and 3D to present its characters and environment the environment as you can see behind um the characters here is actually a flat 2D image which was modeled in textured in 3D before being rendered into several layers of extremely high resolution 2D images there are several reasons why the environments look so good as you can see here on these arra pillars and the first is because the artists can theoretically use as many poly and tries as they like when building the scene and they only have to make it good from a single camera angle the second is because they're using multiple renders of the scene to simulate 3D Lighting on the 2D background I'm going to demonstrate this here with the characters and the fire now um I I'm pretty sure this fire is a um it's a visual effects or it has a visual effect and there's a light probe around the fire when I move as you can see with my or and wizard that I've got here when I move closer to the fire the character is illuminated in Orange but the the background is also being illuminated by the lighting as well as you can see on the ground and this game does have Dynamic 3D lighting um the third reason uh there's also they're also using um a shadow map and an ambient map and a lookup table for color grading and sharpness among other things the third reason is because they combine this 2D presentation with 3D objects such as 3d water 3D doors and containers and I'll showcase um the 3D water in in a second um you can see I think um that's probably a 2d container but there are 3D chests and stuff in the environment as well and the last the final reason why the environments um look look amazing is because um because it's say 2D image they can a 2d artist can touch up the images by hand in an image Suite such as Photoshop and paint in extra details into the scene and that was the method that was used in the ice wind d games I'm not actually sure if this area has any paintovers to it but if they are I think they're relatively minor the main HUD You by default uses three menus down the bottom the party bar on the bottom left just over here the main menu in the center and the combat log on the right there is a solid backing that can be turned on in the options menu for those who prefer more of an Infinity engine look to the user interface which I'll just demonstrate now so to to enable the solid HUD you go to the graphics options and tick solid HUD background and that brings up a solid HUD behind the elements there will also be a mod available shortly after a lease that allows you to customize the UI and I'll talk about that later so um I'm going to disable solid HUD for the moment characters can be selected by either clicking on their portrait in the party bar or clicking inside their selection Circle uh you can also use a marquee select which is a left click to hold and drag around the character um it make sure that you actually get their selection Circle in the Marquee select and this can also be used to select multiple characters of course um it's one of the weird things about this though is you can't unselect um all of your characters you always have to have one character selected right click issues a non-select movement command so that if you accidentally Mouse over something like a character here I press right click it'll just move the uh next to the character right click hold and drag also allows you to rotate your party formation indeed if you are uncomfortable with the left click control scheme in the game you can flip the buttons around in the options menu menu um so I'll show I'll show that off now so you go to controls and um I think it's in here somewhere yep so for formation rotate so these are all Mouse zero and you can you can unbind I think you can unbind these um but the right Mouse functionality is built all built into the formation rotate functionality so if you swap those around um I don't actually know if you can have all four of those things um bounce in Mouse one so I'm pretty sure that that's restricted and the game's kind of stuck in a left click format but um I prefer that because this is how the infinity engine games was um when multiple characters are selected their individual action bars are not visible um but you can use any of the party commands on the left side of the menu either by clicking on the icons such as attack um and you can also cancel the attack cursor by right clicking uh or um you can use the associated hot Keys which can be discovered by mousing over the icon so you can see there in the tool tip that the attack hot key is a the stop hot key or cancel hot key is X the select all hot key is backspace uh the formation key I think it formation is a submenu so that doesn't it has a hotkey but it's not showing in the tool tip the rest um I don't actually know if Camp is hot key I'd have to check the menu and stealth uses left Al or right Al and uh so with formations menu now what that is is it means you can make a custom formation so you click on the formations menu and it brings up this little formations box and the currently displayed formation will have um some green visual effects highlighting it and you can change the formations and there's also two custom formations so when you click on a custom formation I think you have to right click on the custom formation actually it brings up this custom formation menu and you can move your characters around in the different squares curent I'm not going to um so like you just you just move them like that so just just left click and drag to move them around and you can flip the um custom formations open I'm not going to bother using one of those I just prefer the default one um now with the what the stealth what the stealth function is is when you press left alt your characters go into a stealth stance and their models become partially um transparent and I'll I'll demonstrate stealth a bit later but that that's that's what stealth does it also makes you move a bit a bit slower there's also a sidebar on the side of the portrait which you can't see at the moment um that displays the icons of Buffs and debuffs neither neither of my characters car um currently have any so I'll show that later and like when you when you select a character the action bar will appear on the bottom bottom left of the screen above the portrait menu so as you can see and then all of the action bar elements have um some of them have submenus this is the weapon sets which displays the characters currently weapon sets and there's always uh there's always an unarmed weapon set that allows you to toggle your weapons off as well currently I've got a wizard so this is the wizard spells menu and uh you just Mouse over the wizard spells to bring up the submenu and that's how you select your spells and these here are other things that's one of wizard abilities and that's the Wizards groom W which I'll get into later this is kalicia who's a temporary NPC and she's a fighter so she's got um willing jeel weapons and because she's an NPC she also has a talk button and you can click on that talk button kind of like in plcape tourman to initiate dialogue with NPCs which is something that you couldn't do in um the Bowers gate games indeed there's a clock in the middle of the menu and that is us to show the time of day when you Mouse over it as you can see there um although currently it's obscured by the pause tool tip but it does bring up um the time of day so it says Day 2 hour 22 19 mapra I think it is I'm not sure what that month is you'd have to look it up on the pills of Eternity Wiki and then 2823 AI I think that's I can't actually remember what that stands for ano something ano or IAI or something like that or rocki um the the the clock also has a couple of other functions you can press on the clock to pause the game but that uh like in other games the pause function is M uh ma to the space bar and there's also two buttons on the left and right of the clock and these are used to speed up and slow down the game play so um you can you can press s for to slow the game down or D to speed it up as you can see there it slows down the Run speed and the slow speed is uh 66% of the default speed I think uh fast mode is double speed as you can see there um all these can re be remapped into the controls um fast mode cannot be used in combat but slow slow mode can be used in or out of combat um the left side of the menu contains all of the icons that take you into each of the individual UI screens which I'll be showing off a bit later on they are also intuitively hotkey and on the far right is the combat log which has tabs up the top to uh toggle the combat log and the dialogue window over here which also shows the loading screen tips and all ambient dialogue and stuff pastes it into the into the dialogue box over here you can also collapse the main menu and the combat log if you prefer a minimalistic UI I don't so I'm going to turn them back on now I'm going to showcase the inventory and to get into the inventory you either press the inventory button or press I so this is the inventory screen um your character 3D model is displayed in the center here with their currently equipped gear um you can have up to six party members and their individual in inventories are displayed here next to their portrait now um the the their individual inventories are part of the character on the data side so if you remove a character from the party their items in these slots will go with them um there are also several different equipment slots um that you can equip the character with various sorts of gear um there's the head slot which you can equip helmets and hats the cloak slot uh where you can equip necklaces and cloaks for some reason they decided to go with a single neck slot uh which is uh uncommon in most games you can equip a cloak and and an amulet this is the body armor slot this one holds gauntlets and gloves you get you can have two rings this is the boot slot this one here holds belts and gauntlets sorry belt belts and girdles this is the pet slot so you'll find a bunch of cosmetic pets in the game such as cats and dogs uh baby dragons and a couple of other things and when you equip those into the pet slot they'll they'll be like a 3D creature that appears on the ground uh it won't be selectable and it'll basically just follow you around it's just a meic thing this is a special slot for The Wizard and this is the Wizard's grimoire now um the Wizard's grimoire I explained in the first video it's where they store their spells and what happens is you right click on the Grim wire and it opens up this Grim wire screen and it it displays the the known wizard spells and these aren't the Spells these are the Spells stored in the Grim wire and these are the Spells the wizard knows now the wizard might know 10 spells but can only store four four spells in the grimoire so um there are six spell levels in pills of Eternity and a first level Wizards can gain access to first level spells now how you add and remove spells to the Grim wire is you just click on the icons to remove them over here and to add them back in you just click on them now when you Mouse over the spell it brings up the same tool tip as it does in the UI and there's also a um a description for each of the Spells as well and they they they become highlighted when they are um put into the grimoire to open the descriptions you just right click on the spell it brings up a description page and it tells you exactly what the Spells do now this uh this is a first level wizard spell it has an average casting speed which I think means it's got a 30 frame cast time but I'm not sure I think I think that's what it means the cast range is 6 m in ingame length the area of effect is 1.85 M radius now that's Modified by intellect and it this spell is a faux aooe which means it does not affect allies and it reduces enemy uh enemy will by 10 for 16.8 seconds which that's the modified duration by um the duration Modified by intellect and modifiers the the base value is always shown in Brackets and it inflicts the days deflection which you can Mouse over and it shows what that does so it reduces accuracy by 10 dexterity perception and intellect by two and reduces their movement speed by 15 %. and um the the wizard spells all have an inherent plus 10 accuracy because Wizards have worse space accuracy than well Wizards and Priests have worse space accuracy than all the other classes uh they're meant to be worse with weapons but their spells have the same accuracy ofli as weapon attack so I won't won't showcase all of the Spells um in this video because I'll do that in part three I just wanted to show off the Grim wire UI so I'm going to close that and go back to the inventory okay so next up is weapons now I'm pretty sure I summoned peeps of weapons into the stash yep I've got them all there so this is the characters weapon sets uh there is a maximum of four weapon sets all characters start with two weapon sets by default and you can uh you can buy a talent to unlock a third one and irelander Ma have a passive ability racial ability that I showed up in the F in the first video that gives you an extra one as well so to get the four slots you have to be in Islander M and you have to have the arms Bearer Talent which is a really good build for um using multiple guns so um weap weapons have a tool tip if you Mouse over them there it shows the name of the the type of the weapon underneath the name whether it is one-handed or two-handed and this matters because there are um talents that affect it there's a single weapon style talent and a two-handed weapon style Talent and it also means that if you have twoand a weapon equipped you can't have something in the off hand now this is a wizard imp Implement and the reason that it's two-handed is because um the wizard has the grimoire in the other hand while they cast it I think all all range weapons are considered two-handed even pistols and blunder buses now as you can see uh the tool tip will show shows the attack speed of the weapon fast means it's a 20 frame animation the range is 10 m long um that's not the biggest range I think the biggest is 15 the interrupt uh which I will explain now I said I was going to do that in the last video inter interrupt is a complicated system for determining whether you minist stun an an opponent in combat in order to qualify for an interrupt you have to score um one of three attack resolutions which I should probably get into I'll get into the attack resolution system in combat but um you have to there's four attack resolutions in the game there's a Miss graze hit and critical hit now most people will probably be familiar with the uh the the M hit and critical hit Concepts but in pills of Eternity it uses uh a new um attack resolution called a graze which is basically a partial hit so on a Miss nothing happens on a hit it just does normal damage and duration on a graze it does um half damage in duration now that this has a um it's it's a special additive formulas for both um I think it's both duration and damage and I'll I'll get into those in a second and critical hits have um times 1.5 damage in duration so the the next bit underneath is damage now as you can see the scepter is a best of weapon now what that means is it attacks the defense the it attacks one of two defenses uh there's several different damage types in Pillars of Eternity and um armors have different damage resistances or damage reductions to different armor types so what what the seble do is it will attack the lowest type out of crush or slash and usually that's going to be um Crush because slash damage currently isn't very good and you can also see that it has two different damage numbers 11 to 17 and 9 to4 now what this means is that um the the base number shown in the brackets is the base damage of the weapon and the actual damage is the damage Modified by multipliers now currently my wizard has a high might so that I think um if I go into the character sheet which I'll show off in a second I've got 7 m which gives me plus 211% damage if I go back into the um into the tool tip here it it shows 11 to 17 so that's um 9 to4 * 1.21 or 9 to4 + 21% or whatever and then you can also right click on the weapon to bring up the item description page now this shows uh basically the same information and it has a description about the weapon um unique items in the game will have a written description so there'll be like a a law piece about the weapon underneath the stats now I think this would probably be a good time to go into to interrupt oh yeah I stopped I stopped talking about interrupt before I should have gone on about that okay so um in Pillars of Eternity what what happens when you score an interrupt is um you have to you have to it you can only qualify for an interrupt on grazes hits or crits um on a hit an an interrupt Will Roll uh 1 to 100 random number so it's like a d00 number or whatever and then it will add your character's interrupt score to that number which is an integer value and then um it will it will um subtract the enemy's concentration value from your interrupt Ro if that role is above 51 you score an interrupt if it's below 51 you don't and when you score a graze that the interrupt roll is reduced by 50 so that pretty much means that um by default if you don't have a very good interrupt score you're probably never going to score an interrupt on a graze if you roll a crit it increases the interrupt by 50 so that means that I think you have a 50% chance or something to score and interrupt on a crit by default without any modifiers to interrupt or anything like that this game also uses a special formula to calculate damage now this how damage uh most Dam added damage bonuses Works in pills of Eternity is they are percentile bonuses and the might bonus is a percentile bonus and the percentile bonuses are additive so what that means is when you have a um I think most percentile bonuses are displayed as a times number so it'll be like times 1.5 time 1.2 the only one that's shown as a percentage is the might value in the character sheet that's actually a it it's basically the same so um a simple example would be a critical hit which is a damage multiplier oftimes 1.5 and the might bonus which mine is currently uh 21% so that's uh times 1.21 now instead of uh being my say say i r 11 damage say that instead of being 11 * 1.5 * 1.21 you actually add the one the um the one as for base damage and you add the .5 and the. 21 together so it becomes 1+ 0.5 plus. 21 and there therefore the damage multiplier is 1.71 so that becomes um I think I said 17 I can't remember 17 * 1 1.71 that that's what my damage would be on a crit and then that damage would be reduced by damage reduction if the enemy had any damage reduction which usually they do and um you there's several damage multipliers in the game various special abilities have damage multipliers I think Rogues have a lot of abilities that do times 1.25 damage the Paladin's flames of devotion also does times 1.25 damage I think currently in the game it's 1.5 they they're going to be changing it or something like that I can't remember and weapons have quality um the enchantments as well so like a fine weapon does times 1.15 damage and all you do is you add all all of those multipliers are added together to form uh the correct multiplier okay so now we have um I'll go I'll go through and I'll show the the different weapons so I've got all of the weapons in the G uh the base weapons in the game in the stash so here we've got the Quarter Staff which is a two-handed weapon and it has um so two-handed weapons have a longer interrupt time actually that's something else I forgot to tell you about interrupts have a different length so when you interrupt someone by uh a Quarter Staff will interrupt them for 75 seconds and this the the length of the interrupt depends on how um how fast the weapon attacks and there's a couple of exceptions for that so the the the weapon that does the most interrupt is the Morning Star which is a two-handed weapon and that's it its special property is it has a long interrupt so it interrupts when it scores an interrupt it interrupts the enemy for one second which is pretty good two-handed weapons uh twoand M weapons such as quarter stares they interrupt for 0.75 seconds and all weapons in the game have a special property the morning stars is the long interrupt the quarter stars is the increased reach which means you can attack from behind another character the next weapon is the dagger the dagger is a fast weapon and uh fast weapons have an attack animation of 20 frames and fast weapons have a weak interrupt so they only um interrupt for. 35 seconds and the dagger is an accurate weapon so it gives plus five to accuracy the dagger also does slash damage the quar staff is a blunt weapon this still pretty intuitive the rap here is also a one-handed weapon and it is also an accurate weapon now the difference between a dagger and rapia is that rapia does pce damage so it's better against armor weaker to pierce next up we have the S sorry the esto the esto is kind of like a it's got a couple of different names I think another name for it is a tuck and it's basically a long thin two-handed Rapier uh the it is a two-handed weapon and it's special property is it bypasses five armor and that's this is one of the strongest weapons in the game next next up is the Hatchet which is a fast one-handed weapon and its special property is it is interfering so it adds plus five to deflection so if you're if you're building a tank character and you want to maximize your deflection use a hatchet next up is the flail the flail is also a fast weapon and it's special property is it converts 30% of grazes to hits now how this works is instead of converting 30% of the amount of the attack resolution it's actually a random 30% and um by default uh their attack resolution numbers um is if you roll zero I think if you roll between 1 and 15 it's a miss this is by default where accuracy minus deflection equals z I'll go into that calculations of that a bit later on Graz is a curve between roll of um 16 and 50 and so that that gives you that means that there is uh 35 points that can um where a Grace can be scored and so converting a graay to hit means that the 30% value is 30 30% of 35 um which I believe I think it is 10.5 so um that there's a 10.5% chance that this will proc next weapon up is a stiletto which is a fast one-handed weapon and like the EST it also bypasses 3dr but it bypasses a bit less because it attacks more often and um the cetto is a a piece piercing damage weapon which is also intuitive the club is um an accurate weapon and like the dagger and the Rapier it's kind of the same the only difference is it's a crushing weapon clubs are really good against opponents in male armor next up is the saber the saber is a normal speed weapon which has an um animation speed of 30 frame uh 30 frames per second or 1 SEC sorry 30 frames animation length of 30 frames so take uh the base animation spe is um 1 second long and it's um special property is it does higher base damage than all other weapons of its type so it does 12 to 18 instead of 11 to 16 I really like Sabers I think they're a good weapon the next next weapon is a crossbow the crossbow is a range weapon it has a range of 15 M and um it doesn't really have a special property just range weapon just have different reload times and different damages um and crossbows are not too bad at the moment I think uh the the damage ranges for range weapons is still being tweaked um but basically the cross the crossbow is like the second or third slowest um Range weapon that's good against opponents with high armor next up is the warbo the waro is the um excluding wizard implements it's it's slower than a um pistol or a blunder Bust or a crossbow but it's faster than a a hunting bow which is um the fastest bow currently War bows aren't very good I think their damage is being buffed a little bit I'm not sure next up is the arabus which is the most powerful range weapon in the game arabus is I think a um EI I think it's a matchlock firearm it is the slowest weapon in the game uh and it has the an interesting thing about Firearms is they have um some special properties Firearms are naturally inaccurate pistols and arabus have a minus5 um malice to accuracy and they also do less critical hit damage as you can see with the minus 0.3 crit damage so instead of doing 1.5 um times 1.5 crit damage is only times 1.2 but they do pretty good uh per hit damage and they bypass six armor next up is the blunder bus the blunder bus is an awesome weapon and it has a unique um mechanics where it fires eight individual shots Firearms also have a really weak interrupt they only they only interrupt for 0.05 seconds um so that's like a really small Min stun but they do cancel currently playing animations which is still valuable so what the blunderbus will do is it will fire eight projectiles at at minus 10 accuracy with a base damage of 6 to9 and it will also Bypass 4 Dr and the crit damage is also not as strong blunder buses are excellent on ciphers and Rogues next up is the wand which is an implement the implements can be used by any character but they're best with a wizard wand is a fast attacking Implement and all implements do best of damage type so uh the wand is does either P or Crush damage depending on which is the weaker um damage damage reduction score of the enemy next up is the rod which is kind of a weird one because it's like a slower Implement so it does it's like if if you're fighting an enemy with a bit higher armor um and you're using you have a wizard switch switch to the rod unless you've picked weapon focus with one of the other ones or something the rod also does um Pierce and slash damage next up is the hunting bow the hunting bow is the fastest firing bow in the game I think it's the same speed as the rod I can't actually remember um and currently the hunting bow uh it it goes pretty well it it's like one of the it's good a good range weapon if you're stacking attack speed bonuses because it flies quickly you'll benefit from the attack speed bonuses more often I think the chanter is um and the ranger can can stack attack speed bonuses um so that's a couple of characters that you can effectively use the hunting bow on next up is the pistol the pistol is um I think it's the third or fourth most powerful I can't remember if it's as I think it's a little bit weaker than a crossbow so like it's basically the same as the arabus it's got a bit a bit better of an interrupt um I'm not actually sure if that's a a bug or not I don't know that's interesting it's got a got a stronger interrupt I never actually knew that before so apparently if you shoots some with a pistol it interrupts him for a bit longer so it's it's basically just um a one-handed firearm same mechanics as an arubus does pretty good perit damage has an accuracy penalty bypasses six armor all that kind of stuff next up is the Warhammer uh the Warhammer is a a norm average speed one-handed weapon and it's um special properties it does best of type damage so it does either crush or Pierce next up is the spear the spear is one of my favorite weapons in the game it's a one-handed weapon and is it is the only average speed one-handed weapon that is accurate it also does Pierce damage which is not too bad next up is the sword the sword um is kind of similar to the Warhammer except it does um best of Slash and Pierce next up is the mace the mace is a good weapon it's a an average speed one-handed weapon and it bypasses 3D uh the battle axe is also an interesting weapon it does slash damage which is the weakest damage type in the game but it's good on characters that can score a lot of critical hits it adds plus 0.5 to the crit damage multiplier so instead of doing times 1.5 damage on crits it'll do times two damage which is pretty good next up is the great sword um the great sword is kind of like the sword it's basically just a two-handed sword and it has the same special property it does slash or Pierce damage I've already shown off the Morning Star next up is the Pollock the pox is another best of damage type does slash or crush and finally we have the Pike and the pike is like has pretty much the same as a Quarter Staff except it does Pierce damage next up we have the different armor types in the game of which there are eight well technically nine if you include clothing uh the weakest armor in the game is robe armor and it has a Dr of three and a it has a recovery penalty ofus 15% so it slows you down by 15% that's an additive formula like damage and I think because recovery speed it actually slowed in it's shown in percentage instead of like a times so if you have A- 15% and - 20% it becomes - 35% obviously um so that's the robe I think the next oh I've actually equipped that so double click to equip um what's the next one pad armor I think is next now what what you can see here is the uh the pad armor has Dr four and a recovery speed of minus 20% and it has different Dr types for different types of armor these are actually percentile um the these are percentages of the base value and this is not shown in the user interface which can be a bit confusing I'm considering writing a custom string um in a mod to correct all of those inconsistencies so it gives um I think it might be 5.25 crushing pce and then like three 3 something um maybe it's three 3 point 3.25 or something um burn and cro Dr uh what's number five I think hide armor is next yeah hide armor has a Dr of five as you can see the recovery speed goes up 5% every point of Dr and hi armor is strong against Pierce and freeze but weak against Cod um I think leather armor is next yep leather armor is good against slash and weak against corod lots of armors are weak against corod actually I think scale armor is next and I don't I think kicia has got some SC scale armor has a Dr of seven it's strong against slash and freeze and weak against Pierce and uh eight next up is breastplate breast play is strong against Pierce weak and slightly weak against burn or freeze so it's not not too bad against all armor types next up is uh male armor or chain maale it's really good against slash slashing weapons but it's terrible against Crush weapons and then we have brigandine armor which has a Dr of 10 brigandine is really good against crushing weapons and weak against corrode and finally we have plate male armor and plate armor is a special type of armor because um it is considered one step up from all the other armors um it has a Dr of 12 it's strong against slash and piece and really weak against shock damage so you won't actually find a pseud plate armor until you start finding fine versions of other armors okay so as you probably notice this is the stash screen and um what what the stash is it's like your bag of holding so once your inventory is full all of your items start going into your stash and you can also transfer items between um the stash and the party screen as well there's an option in in the game options called um I think it's disabled stash anywhere um and that what that does is it limits your stash uh the the availability of your stash to when you're resting and at Shops and um in your stronghold uh so that's completely optional it's automatically turned on on expert mode I like access dash anywhere and to move items to in from your stash you can click and drag between the different screens or you can press shift click I think I think um that works no it only works from the inventory so if you want to stash an item you can press shift click and it puts it in the stash but it doesn't work um shift clicking back for some reason so I might actually report that as a bug and get them to make it so that it does um put it back into your inventory or something I'm not sure but yeah you just drag and drop you can also drop the item on the stash button and that will put it in there as well um next up we have the um character sheet over here displays the health and endurance values and these are all tool tipped so you can Mouse over it and you get a pop up of what health and endurance is uh it shows the the this is the damage M uh of weapons modifi bow multipliers the accuracy of of characters and this is the armor stat sheet uh this is your camping supplies which I I'll talk about a bit later this is your party gold there's several different types of currency in the game but it's all converted into copper pieces so you might pick up like a a golden oblio or golden golden oreoli or something like that I can't remember o like a golden o and that will have like a value of 12 copper pieces or something um there's Al you can also highlight items here with the um so if you got if you got like it's same in the stash but if you want to highlight um different things in the inventory you can click on the item so I'll transfer a couple in and I'll show you how it works it's basically just filter so if you toggle a filter on it it like um makes the ones not of that type transparent and to to disable the filter you just untick it I think um now the the last thing is crafting and enchanting the crafting menu you just click on the crafting menu I think this menu is actually getting a workover but you can craft um food and what what food is is you can craft dishes from base food ingredients so like beer is an ingredient it gives plus one damage reduction for 300 seconds you can consume these in or out of combat and I think you can also consume them from the inventory and you can get different um basic ingredients and craft a recipe you need it to craft something you need all the basic ingredients and you also need some money as well you can also craft potions and you need uh different crafting ingredients which you'll find in the game world and those crafting ingredients will be stored in your sash under this tab here and I think for for a lot of crafting stuff you also need gems and I don't think they are stored in the stash the other menu That's relevant to the inventory is the enchant screen this screen is getting a complete remake in the day one patch and what it is it's it provides a way to upgrade your weapons um you can't there's lots of different properties for um magical items in the game but the enchanting menu only allows you access to certain things so if I go to enchant my scepter it'll allow me to upgrade the quality of the enchantment at a secondary um a secondary damage now the these have a special MTH um they're not actually a a dam a damage multiplier what happens when you roll damage in the game your total th this will be um 25% of your total damage and it will also face off against 25% of the Dr of the Dr of the Dr type that it's facing off against so if I um if I'm facing up against a line with four burn Dr um because it's plus 25% it will face off against one burn Dr so the the value if say I roll um 10 damage and the line has um four Dr but I'm bypassing the base Dr with an stto or something like that or a um like vulnerable attack something that bypasses Dr just for the um purposes of the demonstration so I roll 10 damage um this will give me 25% um of my 10 damage so it will be 2.5 damage but that will be reduced by one because the line's D burn Dr is four so it will be reduced by 1 Dr and my my proc damage will be 1.5 I I'll provide all the formulas for these in the description I think just to give people a bit of a hand the other property is slanging which gives you a damage an accuracy and a damage bonus against certain types and you can you can actually have bonuses against um the playable races as well okay so I'll move on to the next um screen which is the character record okay this is the character record here it shows your character portrait like the inventory screen does and it also shares the same stash sheet and up the top here it displays the portraits of all your characters as a little circle and you can either click on those or click these buttons here to toggle through them um it it shows your uh character name and as you can see I'm using special characters like I demonstrated in the first video it shows your class so like like first level wizard race background and experience the experience bar will fill up as you gain experience it shows the all of your attribute scores now all of these things have tool tips I think you have to click on uh the ones that aren't read so it brings up a description of those and these ones here are highlight so you can bring that up and it'll show a tool tip um now there are five I haven't showcased skills yet so I'll talk about those now there are five skills in pills of Eternity stealth Athletics LW mechanics and survival mechanics comes into play during exploring as it is used to find hidden compartments detect traps and pick locks in combat mechanics um is used to increase the accuracy of the traps that you lay and each character can have one trap set at a time and you can also um recover the traps that you place if you don't want to um leave it leave it there you do not have to have the mechanic skill to set traps it just makes the accuracy better to use mechanics in the environment you have to actually be in stealth mode and stealth is used for sneaking up to enemies and stealing from containers and I'm I'm going to demonstrate those okay so to press stealth mode you press the ALT key or you just press the icon and you move around and sometimes containers can belong to people so what the aim of how to steal something from someone is to go out of vision which I think I can't I don't know if I'm out of vision over here and then when you're out of vision you like sneak in and um see this red icon down here with the ey means that these people can see me when they can't see me my um there'll be no like I'll go over here and I'll show you the better part of that okay so now I can't be seen and the red circle uh ticks down and then it'll go yellow again and once the yellow screen uh ticks down that means that I'm not seen and no one is alerted to my presence the the yellow basically means that if you don't move away you're going to be seen so now I can stealth in closer to people and as you can see I got seen easily because I don't have good stealth but you can stealth and steal containers from people when you don't have the red icon above you so I'm going to steal those out of that container so yeah this is the loot UI so it brings up a popup you can move it around drag it around the screen there is a take all button and um you you just press that or you can individually drag and drop stuff in between the containers you can also click on the stash icon um to and then drag stuff into the stash or if I'll go back and I'll put the stuff back in here if you want to stash it you can also double click the stash icon and it puts them in the stash and I think you can do the same for the characters as well yeah so that that gives it to my inventory yes um now stealth is one of the only systems in the game that I don't actually know the raw math for but I showed uh I think each unit has a different alert level and a different detection level I think those are integers and they face off against your stealth score which is also an integer [Music] um okay so the next skill that I want to show off is Athletics and um I'll do that in a second um so as you can see Athletics is currently displaying a plus 0% Max fatigue and plus 0% combat fatigue and um Athletics is used in scripted interactions and stuff for um physically enduring things Athletics determines how long you can go before you need to rest uh once again like I'm not 100% sure what the minimum amount of time is before you get fatigued with zero Athletics but I know that combat makes you get fatigue faster and that's what that plus plus 0% combat fatigue gain means um there are two different levels of fatigue minor fatigue which gives you fair penalties to lots of your combat stats and skills and major fatigue which is a huge penal it's a huge penalty and it's really really dangerous to be in combat if you're in major fatigue you won't be able to hit anything um the Bold escape games didn't really have um super huge penalties for um being fatigued but the ice ice andale games did um I haven't played enough of the game to know what you can get away with when you fatigue but it's generally a good idea to rest when you fatigued um before I go on about the other skills I'll talk about the resting system when you rest in the wilderness you consume camping supplies which is uh this uh menu here and it also shows your camping supplies here and to to rest you actually click on that button or you press R um the number of camping supplies you can carry at once is limited by your difficulty setting easy difficulty is six normal is four and hard and path of the jamed is two you can kind of get around this uh limitation by resting when you find a camping supply because then you can just rest and then pick up the camping supply from the container that you found it in personally I would have preferred a um a campfire system like Knights of the Chalice um to the camping supply system that they have you can also rest at ins and through some dialogue sequences EG when someone lets you rest of their house or something like that which is like an option you would pick in dialogue oh yes I'd like to rest and then you go to the rest screen or whatever you can also rest at the stronghold um which you'll get access later on in the game the stronghold and the ins both offer special rooms that you can rest in uh ins you have to pay to rest and the stronghold is free resting and when you rest in these special rooms you get bonuses to attributes and skills which last until the next time you rest and the these um attribute and skill bonuses can be good for overcoming hardto pass attribute and skill checks so if you if you've got like a a middling skill and you you need to pass a check for a script and interaction or something you can like Chuck on different items that give you uh skill bonuses and go and rest at an end to get an extra bonus and then come back and complete the um the check okay so the next one is survival um in uh survival is check it's checked in um dialogue and scripted interactions for things related to survival of course there's a description about it which you can Mouse so but in combat survival discre increases the duration of your non potion consumables which is the food items that I showed before like beer eggs cheese and the dishes that you craft and currently that is a multiplicative bonus but I think that's a bug I'm not sure if it affects drugs um lore allows you to use Scrolls and Scrolls and pills of Eternity are wizard spells so you can have like a high LW fighter that can cast wizard spells from Scrolls below the skill set section is the ability and talents uh section and um these contain a list of the abilities and talents in alphabetic Corder and you can click on the names to view the description so this ability here is called Arcane assault it's two par en counter this is like a w the wizard starting ability and um I'll showcase this um a bit later on and I currently I don't have a talent you gain first gain a talent when you level up to level two there's also the active effect effect section of which I have none at the moment this section is really handy to check while pausing combat it is as it is the most accurate source of tracking passives modals Buffs and debuffs the tool tip in the HUD it um which is the one I spoke about down here is actually slightly unreliable at the moment compared to the active effect screen and the reason for that is um there's a couple of bugs with some of the Spells such as when you cast suppress Affliction it actually freezes a lot of the effects on the on the HUD but the the TRU I think it also does it in here too I'm not sure that bug has been reported and it may be fixed before release um now below the portra you you see that section that I talked about before on the right we have the character record um and this contains personal and party information um information about stats and it also so like you know this is just like the general stuff about your play through and this these like stats of the p so Kish is the um NPC that's been in the party the longest and then it'll have like who's defeated the most enemies who's done the most damage all that kind of stuff and this is the personal sheet um it shows the personal sheet for the currently selected character so as you can see the um it's just cuz I haven't actually been in combat yet it's just showing a different time and party okay so I'll move on to the next screen next up we have the journal screen and there's also this menu down the bottom here so you can click on these buttons or you can press the hot Keys um the general section contains um four sections quests Journal encyclopedia and notes the quest screen tracks individual quests in the game um which I believe there are close to 100 quests in total and most being completely optional now doing quests and pillars of Eternity is how you get most of your experience so like to to level up you have to actually do quests um there are three types of quests in the game main quests um which is the part of the main story line which I assume all must be resolved in some manner quests which are optional side quests in the game a quest equivalent um from the infinity engine games might be solve the um Bridge District skin murders from bg2 and tasks are kind of like mind quests and the equivalent of a task from um the infinite engine games might be Roger C troll from bg2 by default quests have explicit objectives which are just um you showed in red text with a plus um these can be disabled in the options menu if you prefer bg1 style Quest tracking which I'll show a bit later um actually no I'll do that now I'll go to okay so you go to game options and then um I think it's detail Quest updates no it might be that one you can just say yeah Quest update and detail Quest updates I think those are the two options there and there's one down there okay yeah there we go so removes the explicit objective and just it just has a Boulders gate one style um Quest objective so it's up to you uh which which one you prefer you can just toggle those back on and off at any time you wish as long as you not don't have expert mode enabled um now the journal section which is something I spoke about in the first part of the video and it contains your biography which is automatically written um as you progress through the game and choices you make in the game affect what is said in your biography um as you can see the beginning of my journal has been started based on the background choice that I chose for this character and I'll give an example of how dialogue choices can affect your Journal um a bit later on in the guide the cyclopedia contains information about many things in the game it has eight sections bestiary which contains information about the monsters you fight now I haven't fought any monsters so it doesn't have any entries um the bestiary is automatically filled up when you fight monsters every time you kill a new creature it will be added to the bestiary creatures do Grant some XP when you kill them but only until you've unlocked their um only until you've fully unlocked their best area entry so um it'll take a certain amount of creatures to fully uh unlock all the stats for that creature and once you've unlocked all the stats for the creature you don't gain experience from fighting those creatures anymore um now in in combat when you Mouse over an enemy there'll be a tool tip that appears in the top left of the screen that displays information from the bestiary I'll demonstrate that a bit later not every creature is H homogeneous and there are um special versions of different creatures or like boss or NPC versions and they'll have different stats to the base creature so if you have information about the best base creature in the bestiary these values will be shown with a gray uh in gray with a question mark and um when you Mouse over the special creature and the values will change depending on what attacks it or you makes in combat and these values of special creatures are not stored in the bester and neither are values for um playable races um afflictions and injuries are negative status effects afflictions are mostly inflicted through ability spells and secondary attacks and our type of Affliction is blinded which reduces accuracy by 25 and reduces perception by four and movement speed by two which is an integer and reflex and deflection by 20 and that's pretty nasty um status effect or Affliction but it doesn't actually disable you um uh injuries are occur in scripted interactions and I'll I think one of those is a concussion yep and these occur um inscripted interactions when you fail a check for a physically demanding task um I won't go through all of these you can um you can look at those yourself when you play the game I'd rather give um in-game demonstrations at the moment next up we have um there's also the note section I think you can write your own notes so you can create a new one enter the title rle copter and then you can type in your stuff then press enter and it adds the note I don't know if you can actually delete notes though I don't I don't know if you can so that's a note next up we have the area map and this is the um the area map will Wilderness Maps dungeon maps and hostile Maps will have a black fog War so as you can see um most of the map is black um but but the explored area is um I can actually see the the map in the area map cities and town Maps will all have gray fog of War gray fog of war is um like what I'm mousing over here if you can see up the top of the screen it's just a bit darker and you can't actually see the units um visible uh in that in that section anyone who's played isometric um like mobas or RTS games or whatever will understand that concept pretty easily um the area map can be toggled into the world map by clicking this button I'm not going to click that now for spoiler purposes cuz it um spoils the locations of various things in the map in the current um the current version and um one of the ways you can travel in the game um is say you want to say you want to travel across the map you can just double click in the area map and then just press it that that's really fast so like if I want to travel here I just double click and click um the next menu I can't show off which is the stronghold menu um because of swallow purposes um due to the limitations of the pr the Press um version of the game we're not allowed to show content past a certain level and the stronghold is part of that content um but basically later on in the game you'll gain access to the stronghold which is a castle in the game that is kind of its own strategical miname you'll have to repair it and invest money in it to and to manage it as well but it is an optional mini game you don't have to actually do anything with it managing the stronghold I think takes a little bit of influence from Crusader Kings to and I'll include a link in the video description to the stronghold Wiki entry finally we have the game options menu this is the menu screen where you can save or load this is the game option screen you can change the difficulty it will and there's also several um game options that you can have here and there there's lots of different choices in pills of Eternity about what you want to disable this is the one I talked about for don't restrict stash so when I turn that off I won't actually be able to access my stash so if I go in here I can't actually put the any any items in my inventory I have to be in town so I can turn that back on this one um show personality and reputation this is for the stat sheet when you turn that off it won't show um it won't show those reputation things I don't actually think it'll show anything I think that's what it does um oh no that's the dialogue one so that that will show um the personality and reputation stuff in dialogue so uh that's not related to the um reputation stuff in the inventory main companions before death is having this on disables perade death um and I talked about that in the first video show relative defenses is basically a tool tip thing when like I talked about before when you hover over a enemy in combat it'll show a tool tip up in the right corner of the screen and that will have uh the stats from the best siary uh this this option if you untick that turns that off I think it turns the whole tool tip off actually area of effect highlighting I'll display a bit later um but that's actually really useful actually no I'll do it now um no I don't want to save my changes okay so what area of effect highlighting is is um when you click an area of effect it basically shows what it's going to hit so like when you have that off I think it doesn't actually show those circles and um like I spoke about in the first video the inner circle is the base area and the yellow circle is the uh EXT the bonus area of effect from intellect and other bonuses and that is foe only the the outside so if I did a damage spell and cast it there I wouldn't damage I would damage enemies in the yellow circle but not my party members I think if I turn that off it doesn't show it no so you see how I can't see it anymore so that's more like an um a vanilla Infinity engine experience and also as you can see there um when I'm moving the cursor you see those little feet that show up on the on the cursor that that indicates that I have to move to cast a spell at that point Arcane assault doesn't do anything outside of combat because it only attacks enemies next one is detailed Quest updates which I just showed before unqualified interaction um turns off stuff in dialogue I'll probably uh talk about that later but basically like if if you don't have enough um a high enough stat stats or skills to to unlock an option it will actually remove that option from the dialogue rather than showing it in the infinity engine games that that was the default setting but in pills of Eternity when you don't have enough um like strength uh sorry might to meet a might check in dialogue it will show the option but it will it will show like M requirement not met and it won't won't actually show what the option says unticking that will remove that option from the dialogue combat tool tips removes the um tool tip up in the top corner of this top corner of the screen um show qualifiers um that will that will show the um it will show stuff that unlocks conversation I think it's very similar to un unqualified um interactions they're like very similar I'm not actually sure what both of those do um but they're basically related to hiding stuff in dialogue and showing game tool tips is a beginner thing so if you're like new to this style of game and new to the mechanics if you tick that it will show tool tips in the game um I'm not going to I'm not going to turn those on because I'm I'm telling you about the game developer commentary uh when you have that on will that actually do anything when you first load into an area it will start playing an audio track from one of the developers and they'll tell you about about the level like how they designed it or something like that this is the language option section um Quest update I've showed before screen Edge scrolling is basically just disabling the mouse scrolling disable Party Movement stop on engagement I'll talk about later and disable auto attack is um there's Auto attack in the game and disable auto attack will disable it won't fully disable it but it will disable it for a couple of instances tool tip delay um increases or decreases the time for Tool tips to be shown like when I Mouse over my character shows the Tilted down here it will increase or decrease the time for that to show um and the scroll speed is The Edge scroll speed next up we have the controls which I've shown before and um I don't really need to show I'll showcase the actual controls in the game a bit later on this is the auto pause section which may uh be very important or it's like something that you really like or something that you ignore I'm the kind of person that hates Auto pa um I like doing all of my things manually so I'm not going I never use any of this stuff but basically what what you can do is you can set a bunch of um options for the that makes the game automatically pause so like when your character dies pause the game when your character is hit at any stage in combat it will pause the game when your character is targeted by an enemy when your character takes damage when your characters are below a certain amount of endurance engag in melee that kind of stuff um it basically allows you to control the combat a bit easier Auto slow um turns it basically when combat begins it automatically puts it into slow mode this option here um pauses the combat after a certain amount of time so if you set this to 6 seconds it will pause the combat in every 6 seconds in real game time this is the graphic settings uh it's got some fairly basic stuff like vertical sync full screen hide selection circles basically just just hides those um hide offscreen pointers is something that I have disabled at the moment cuz I don't like it and that but what you do is it shows an offscreen pointer when your characters off the screen I don't like those because um they're different from the infinity engine games font lies is um it shows like a connection between a couple of the uh letters like s and t and F and something else I like those on because they look cool color blind mode changes the colors of selection circles and the health bars to make it easier for people with color color blindness or color deficiencies to see um the selection Circles of stuff in combat cuz um I think some people can't see can't tell the difference between different shades of green and a bunch of other things and the blue selection circles are um Med medically or scientifically proven for them to actually be able to see quite well and all of the um color blind settings have been t uh uh rigorously tested I think um obsidian actually have a few colorine people in the development team um Gibbs is basically when you when a character dies to your critical hit it plays like blood splatter like H their their body turns into chunks and flies all over the screen solid HUD background I showed before cage cursor is because I'm playing in Window mode at the moment it it um keeps the mouse inside the game so let it like um I'm trying to move my mouse outside the window it won't let me because I've got cage cursor on big heads is like a just a funny it's like if if you remember like Donkey Kong or golden eye or something like that that's pretty much what it is it makes everyone's heads really big it's just like a a a LOL thing I don't I don't really find it that humorous but I'm glad it made it into the game and show party endurance numbers as health is what you can see on the on the portrait there just shows their endurance number as a as a number in down the bottom you can you can turn that off I like it on font scale and gammer are pretty self-explanatory and finally we have the sound menu um I think later on down the track they'll be adding in some extra sliders and they'll be adding in a couple of they'll be adding in like a slider to turn on how often voice plays currently effects volume is like it h it covers all things such as UI um in-game effects and ambient effects and hopefully they'll split that into three sliders eventually okay because I'm taking so long I'm going to split the guide here and in the next part of um the guide I'm going to go into the hot keys and the mechanics and gameplay um so I'm going to cut the video here and then go straight into the next section um so uh thanks for watching guys and I'll put I'll start recording the next one immediately
Channel: Enverxis
Views: 70,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pillars Of Eternity (Video Game)
Id: GaCeUrG7Bc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 7sec (4027 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2015
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