Beating Path of the Damned on Pillars of Eternity | Best Classes and Techniques

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hello everyone it's malexia and I am here with a pillars of Eternity video today I want to go over some of the best classes to use in path of the damn difficulty which I've been doing on my broadcast for quite a while now and I think I have a pretty good idea this is one of the most frequently asked questions so I wanted to go through this and also just a really brief description of all the classes for everybody so we're going to start with Barbarian and Barbarian is your kind of off tank damage dealer there is no barbarian in the game so if you choose Barbarian as your main class you won't get another MPC that will take that spot up so it's usually a good starting class also a lot of the abilities you gain later in the game are melee range so this being a barbarian as a main class is complemented well by the game so barbarians they can deal a huge amount of damage uh they can dual wield they they are generally just uh big damage dealers and they can also act as off tanks Cipher is kind of a Rog likee class and has a lot of really awesome abilities and they are basically able to handle everything a rogue can do but they also have spells some of their spells allow domination of targets some of them allow knockdowns and uh on top of that they can also do damage and I found the best way to build ciphers is from range um Fighters your basic tank and also can be speced into Dam damage dealers but I find their role as a tank is the best and Paladin is a little bit of a Healer and a little bit of a tank they can off tank and also deal damage so there's a lot of different ways you can build a paladin one of the stronger classes in the game they also have a battle res later on which is really useful for harder difficulty Ranger is the ranged class of the game they get a pet who can act as an off tank and um a lot of people have some issues with Rangers they say they don't do as much damage as other classes I found that when they're built right they are pretty good and they can definitely be used as a range damage dealer in exchange for any other DPS class they're quite well wizard wizard is not liked in this game a lot of people don't like Wizard and that's because they start off pretty weak but later on Wizards get really strong and their spells are very very good and they can affect whole lines of enemies so this is just just like D and D you get a lot of AOE you have a lot of classes that are um a lot of encounters that are affected by AOE Wizards actually Excel very well at that and um I think they're a pretty essential part of any party a chanter is a weird little class they can be played from range or melee they can act sort of as off tanks but I had a real problem with this on path of the Damned and I couldn't get my Channer to off tank very well they would always go down too quickly they cast spells as they chant versus over time so their spells replenish during combat and their spells are pretty strong they can be summons or Buffs for your party or debuffs and some of them can outright do knockdowns and damage so they do they are effective but I find Channer to be one of the weaker classes in the game Druid I'm a little bit torn on this class they're strong they have a lot of wizard-like spells but they also do a little bit of everything they do a little bit of priest stuff a little bit of wizard stuff a little bit of their own Druid thing a lot of damage over time and debuffs and I found that their spells are pretty good they can be cast pretty often and they are very useful for encounters I would probably personally prefer a wizard over a druid but that's just preference I think that you can still do really well with either class monk is another one of the off tank classes but can also deal damage they are predominantly damage dealers but if you use build one right you can also do tank so very good class I haven't experimented too much with it it's probably what I know the least about um but I know other people have had a lot of effect in this with it priest is a class that Buffs your party debuffs the enemy and has just incredible applications in my opinion the all-around best class in the game priest is awesome they they have so many good spells that affect the fight often in ways that you wouldn't suspect really great class we'll get back to that Rogue is at first I played with a rogue through path of the dam for a while long time and I like the damage they deal with two weapons but once I got used to the cipher I didn't think Rogue was as useful you can they have some cool abilities but I don't think that they come into their own like they do in D and D in this game so Rogue is um we'll talk a little bit more like Rogue as when we structure the path of the damn classes so what I'm going to tell you now is what I think is the most powerful classes for path of the dam and the most part the most powerful party composition starting with the first which is you need a main tank for path of the Damned you're going to have a lot of situations where a huge encounter is rushing at you you're going to need to be able to engage as as many targets as possible so as a fighter you can build uh a lot of deflection and a lot of resistances I recommend by level 9 definitely get the mental Fortress ability on fighter uh just to be able to resist charms and dominates is one of the most difficult parts of this game is dealing with people that can charm and your fighter is going to be your tank uh even on path the Damned I my guy never goes down I I almost can't remember an encounter where he goes down uh they have crazy amounts of endurance when they're built right so just build them with heavy armor and get a pure tank in there and that's your first class I think pretty much has to be fighter you can you can do a main tank Paladin uh or maybe even a monk if you want to be fun with it maybe even a druid if you want to be really fun with it but I I would definitely recommend a fighter for any kind of like normal path of damn playthrough um if you're not doing anything special I think that's a that's one of the core classes uh secondly you'll need to choose an off tank so your off tank can be one of three classes I think either a barbarian if you want your off tank to do more damage or a monk or my favorite and recommended one is a paladin paladins have a lot of utility heals and they can also be equipped with two-handed weapons and deal a ton of damage they also have a ability called flames of devotion I think which is an ability activated on a weapon and when you hit with a two-hander and you cleave it does so much damage so it is Paladin is really good they can also heal other party members in a clutch so I love Paladin for my off tank they deal they do the damage they need but they also have enough endurance that they can tank a lot of the tough fights so what I usually do is I'll put my fighter and my Paladin in the front and I'll try to create a bottleneck and whenever all the enemies rush in they'll just grab aggro and the rest of my guys will deal damage from from um behind so we're at fighter and Paladin and the third class I would recommend is priest this is pretty much non-negotiable you can run a path of the damn party without a priest but it's like why this is such a strong class and needs to be in every composition the Buffs are too damn good they are really great damage dealers too and I think they they have some of the best damage spells in the game which are their pillar spells which U uh crush and knock down and crushing damage almost always does huge amounts of damage on all kinds of targets but their spells are just too good they have all kinds of great heals um amazing utility can cast all the time and they have a lot of anade abilities you can use every fight which have which deal damage to opponents buff you and heal you and and debuff other opponents so amazing class include a priest in your party no matter what you do now you'll need a rogue like class so I recommend Cipher you can choose Cipher Ranger or Rogue for this but I have no there's no real reason to choose Ranger or Rogue and I'll kind of get to that why in a minute Cipher has so many abilities that can control a fight and provide utility for your team particularly at really high levels they can do AOE knockdowns and they're so useful in very difficult encounters like if you're in Oda which is a dungeon that's super hard to deal with Cipher is like invaluable there and so what you want to do is you want to level a cipher up and you want to have that Cipher be specked in mechanics so take a little bit in stealth but most of your points should be in mechanics and your Cipher is going to be able to act just as good as any other Rogue and Wizard and if you want to get a lot of focus on a cipher which means ciphers use an ability called Focus which is every time you damage a Target you get a little bit of focus back which then Powers your spells you should use a gun because that gets you a lot of focus back as you deal a huge amount of damage uh every every shot so I use gun Cipher in the back and that also functions as my rogue and they deal they just are so good so I would not take a rogue or a ranger having played both Rogue can do more damage than a cipher overall and you can use a rogue tactically to take out casters but I find that because of their very low endurance they're probably played better from the back line so there's Rogues are just sort of um not a critical class in the game when you can build the mechanic skill find traps and and other Treasures on um on the cipher so that would be my recommendation fighter Paladin Cipher and now and priest so that brings us to four so now you have two choices for damage dealing and utility in my opinion these should both be Caster classes so if I could redo it I think I'd probably do a wizard and a druid but I actually in my path of dam party have two wizards and I like it a lot Druid provides a little bit more utility than that so you could do Wiz uh wizard Druid or even two Druids depending on your your player preference but uh I'll talk a little bit about wizard for a second because this this class gets a lot of bad rap in P in uh or pillars of Eternity on path of the Damned wizard is super good later coming around like level five or six they start to really come into their own particular with like fireballs and you can kind of you have a lot of debuffs that can lower damage reduction for enemies this ends up being really strong in uh later fights because you can debuff your the entire party and then start aoeing and it gets to the point where their level eight and level 9 spells are crazy strong like they can they can debuff entire AOE groups and then they can just uh drop them all to the ground terrify them make them all run around and then kill everybody with aoe's so wizard really comes into its own I'd say if you're trying to play a wizard be patient it takes a little while especially on path of the dam it's going to be really annoying but once that guy becomes a a part of your party you'll be glad he did and then for The Last Quest I would if you don't want another wizard I would take Druid and Druid just has a lot of utility they can be used to heal a little bit they can be used to do a lot of damage a lot of dots that compliment Wizards and Priests very well so having a Drew in your party sort of flushes it out so the uh the grand the grand total the the Dream Team for path of the Damned is fighter Paladin Cipher priest Wizard and Druid those would be my recommendations for a path of the damed party if you want a little bit in terms of tactics definitely look for bottlenecks everywhere try to set up your party in the smallest CH uh choke that you can and pull with your Cipher and have all the enemies rush into your fighter in your Paladin they should be able to get all the aggro make sure to take the talents to get the plus one enemies engaged and there are a couple items in the game that also get the plus one enemies engaged so if you can get that for both your Paladin and your tank they should be able to handle everything and then your Wizards and your Druid and your Cipher rain death from from the back line the only problem you're ever going to run into with that kind of composition is charms charms suck but even Cipher can redin your targets and you can get your charm you can basically charm your Charmed guy and get them back and and then on top of that your priest can also buff against charms and dominates as well so that that also covers that issue and other than that I really haven't come into many encounters that have caused me a lot of difficulty on path of dam so just be patient remember the chokes and uh play those classes um you'll the builds are pretty straightforward not not much to talk about there in terms of attributes and things like that just build them recommended or even I even just use the NPC characters there's no real specific way you you need to get into that unless you want to min max and that'll be your playthrough through path of the Damned so that's the video hope it helps and I'll see you guys on my live broadcast for some pillars of Eternity thanks a lot for watching and I hope to see you again next time please subscribe if you like the content thanks so much
Channel: Mylixia
Views: 211,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pillars Of Eternity (Video Game), Video Game (Industry), mylixia, mylixiatv, gaming, pc gaming, game reviews, pillars of eternity reviews, path of the damned, path of the damned playthrough, let's play pillars of eternity, let's play pillars, Role-playing Game (Game Genre), isometric, RPG, isometic CRPG, Obsidian Entertainment (Video Game Developer)
Id: HwJb8HrmAAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2015
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