NEW BoboVR Quest 3 Charging Dock: TESTING & REVIEW

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I love how the way they keep sending these things they just look like treasure when they show up in this silver wrapping let's complete our Bobo [Music] setup this is what I've been waiting for this is the bd3 charging dock this charges up to three Bobo VR new 10K mAh battery packs you do have to get your own power bricks so I did get this anchor 100 watt one guess we got to open that too now 100 Watts the max you can use for this thing supposedly it can do 30 WTS each charging through the bottom where can only do 15 watts each from the top this is a beastly power brick I don't remember what exactly I feel like it was like 40 bucks or something that was way too much it is Beefy though it feels it pop down two USB type C's and a type A let's check this thing out it says right there Max 100 watt tells you this is authentic this is real and it's powerful I'm glad now that I bought a black brick to go with this folks and crap we'll probably look at that later the dock itself pretty light not surprising they do send one of their sticky pads and now the sticky pad is actually Bobo VR branded the slip pad is pretty small although I guess when you look at this thing wow it's got like Vents and everything in it this is running a lot of power so it probably has to stay cool but the surface area that actually hits your desk is much smaller than the whole thing so this pad's just going to sit right in the middle of that nice screen on the front oo yeah it does not mess around with the magnets on there oh it can't quite can't quite do a throw in but you come anywhere near and it's going to bring itself right to the spot all right let me get an actual extension cord directly plugged into an outlet because we need to make sure we have the right amount of power going to this all right let's see what the screen tells us with our first plug in here lights up it looks just like the one on the side of the S3 Pro you're probably used to so if I pop just one on there it's telling me that one is charging okay so it you see it slowly juice up the 30 watts are near it looks like it's holding about 27 28 and then it shows you how much percentage is on there so what does it communicate if we add a second well it's it's turning up the power here so now I guess it's going to tell us total Watts that it's charging and both of them show they're flashing on themselves so now it's still communicating to us the front one is 7% but the Dock's using 56 Watts we put a third one on boy there's a lot of juice running to this thing this is kind of concerning to me so now it's telling us 14% is what the third one is you can see the little do lights up okay that is just the beginning I don't want those to get charged I'm actually going to redrain those we're going to take this the other Studio where I can set a camera on it for hours at a time we're going to run all three we're going to see what it takes see how fast it charges them we got a lot of testing to do we got to test how it's going to work now that we have all these to swap off what it's like if you accidentally plug this in something else what's it like if you use the stock one that comes with the power brick that comes with the quest cuz that's only 18 Watts like is this even worth it with that we'll be back with a whole lot of testing and reports for you we're back early it's only been 2 days so far and we ran into an issue the anchor power BR that I bought says it does 100 watts and yet so far we have not been able to get it to run up to 100 Watts even with three completely dead batteries so when you first put them all on it tells you how many watts it's juicing and this is the pattern I've seen so far I've got this plugged in directly to an outlet I brought over a 1,00 watt extension cord just to make sure it wasn't this and then I even plugged it directly into the wall when I did testing in my studio and same thing 69 70 was the most we're seeing with that one I went over to Amazon and next ate a bunch of different Power bricks so we can try some different ones and see if we can get this thing closer to 100 Watts because so far the 70 took about 3 hours to charge three from dead and we never got it above 70 and then of course as the batteries get more full it tapers down the wattage to slowly fill them the rest of the way so let's check out a few more of these and see if we can get some better results I got this Tobin one I mean some knockoff random piece of crap but I got it because it says it's 100 WS it doesn't have any USBC ports honestly I think the this is actually like a laptop charger is what this is but it's rated for 100 and it has its own cable so I was like okay this thing has to work okay that one seems to be peeking out at 8586 strangely working better than the anchor so maybe that anchor power brick I got is not going to end up being my final recommendation don't try this one at home I got a 128 watt one technically though this one like the anchor I don't believe comes with its own cable so we will be using a 100 watt rated cable still from Bobo So in theory we shouldn't see it go above 100 so far 86 is the number to beat interestingly that one's only running 61 to 62 I got one that doesn't even have a freaking brand name this one is also 100 Watts although I got even less faith in this one to be honest with you it really feels cheap in hand that one made a nice sparking sound hopefully that's a good thing back to the 100 wat Bobo cable top Port oh no [Music] well F okay 85 watts is what I've got to continue the testing for the next couple days it's supposed to use a 100 watt charger because it's supposed to max out at 30 is what each can take in the bottom 30 WTS a piece 90 total they give you 100 wat cable and supposedly with a 100 watt brick then you should be able to see it near 90 so far the only one that has come close and I'm guessing that is 85 I mean 86 that's close enough that I'd say it's probably maxing out this Tobin one is what I'm going to be doing the next round of testing on to see how long it took to charge we found with the anchor in the correct port with it running 69 to 70 took about 3 hours next round is going to be with this one near the max of 90 ws and then we'll be back with all of our final thoughts after a long week of some very sleepless nights I have spent multiple multiple times recharging this dock learning everything about it and the really tricky part of about them so to save weight on these the reason they're not as heavy as two of the old batteries one thing they took out was the output USBC bit so it used to be with the old batteries if you were in a pinch you could take one of them you could plug in the USBC USBC to your phone and you could charge your phone from them these no longer have that which meant if I wanted to fully drain one of these where I could have just plugged into something before I was now running them all three hours at a time so I spent a lot of time in VR games this week to be able to run this thing through multiple Cycles Worth It ultimately the Tobin one was the winner it was the only one that ever got near 90 Watts usually 855 86 is what it would run at two hours three dead batteries charge all three of them in 2 hours which is fast especially considering it takes 3 hours to drain one even if you're doing like mixed reality on the headset frankly I'll mention like the anchor charging brick it would work for most people cuz most of you don't need three batteries to charge up in 2 hours like this would be if I had two quests running constantly and I needed this one dock to charge all of them it could do it but ultim I mean you can even run some of your ones you really shouldn't this is a Quest 2 10 watt brick and we're charging all three off of 8 or n Watts but if you're someone who's going to leave this dock sitting somewhere for days and run it that way technically they'll charge up slowly over time some people might argue that they'll actually make your batteries last longer cuz they're really slow charging if you happen to have a quest pro charger which is adaptive up to 45 Watts you see it running at about 32 to 36 total off that but ultimately if you want the best highest fastest one apparently a 100 wat laptop charger is what it's taking for me to get that result screen on here relays different things obviously watts is what we've been talking about a lot but it also tells you which battery is the closest to being full with the indicator light and then it gives you the exact percentage it's at so it switches back and forth between telling you that and the total watts of use so the idea there is that if you're like oh man my battery's dying and I need to grab another one and the three are charging and one of them is closer you grab that one swap it out so right now when the batteries are the closest to dead you're going to see the highest watts the fastest charging and then you'll see it taper down which was actually kind of helpful sometimes for me in testing I don't think the average user is going to really need that but like I had a podcast that I had to do at 5:30 I could see that it was down to like seven watts of charging at the time and so I knew they were all close they all had their fourth light blinking and it was like the minute I needed to be on they all got done I was able to unplug it switch my camera back and so it kind of helps you to be able to see but for the most part especially since I've had the old docs forever you know that you just have the batteries there you know they might be there overnight they might be there for days they're usually always ready you're not like sitting waiting on one to play so that's where ultimately I like the dock I'm going to be using it it's going to have all my batteries charged I will miss the functionality being able to charge other stuff through the USBC you could have that option it's kind of a janky way to do it but you could do this unplug this and plug this into whatever you want to charge something USBC still so there's a way around it or if you have one of the upgrade kits like I do I could literally just not install this on a headset and have this sitting around to do that exact function it's kind of necessary but I know Nat uses those battery packs to charge her phone all the time doc does its job it's 40 bucks without a battery technically last I checked there was still that 5% pre-order code I'll leave that in a link in the description down below the price seems good but it doesn't include a battery like the old one did so I am going to say as one of the cons I do feel like I wish there was a bundle for a little bit better of a price with the dock in a battery that may be coming but I feel like a lot of people out there who have the S3 Pro they have one battery and they're like oh do I spend 80 bucks on a battery in a dock or do I just buy another battery and always charge it through the top they're probably going to opt for that the dock is convenient I like the way it looks I like the way it works but I think that it's going to prevent some people from buying it because of that another thing $40 doesn't seem like too much for it but I feel like the main complaint I get about the S3 Pro people keep saying over engineered like they're saying oh this screen wasn't necessary the whole thing has become a little heavy a little bulky because of everything they added people don't use the fan so they feel like they're paying too much because it wasn't all things they wanted there might be some people that kind of say the same thing about this dock like do you need to know what Watts a dock is charging at do you need to know the exact percentage the batteries at especially when the batteries have the four lights on there that show you oh well it's somewhere between 75 and 100 or it's somewhere between 25 and 50 I feel like that over engineered phrase might make its way over to this dock as well and then of course the fact you got to find your own power brick and the fact that I had this much of a struggle to find one that gave me the max charging will also probably land in cons for most people cuz it's kind of annoying I end up with a laptop charger of all things and when it comes down to it when I put it in my home somewhere and I'm not constantly waiting on batteries I might just use the anchor Breck in their cable cuz I trust the Anchor Brand a little bit more I trust their cable more this is working I shouldn't knock it too much but I don't know this brand name and I'm already worried enough with all the electronics I have in my house about some surge protector blowing up or something for the pros I mean first of all I'm going to say I'm using it from now on I like the convenience I like the look of it especially CU I'm going to put this on my entertainment center and I think it'll look nice being in there with those slot I'll have this on one side and the old bobos on the other cuz I still use those two the screen does make it look like it's something technologically cool and advanced so I think it adds to that effect even if it may not be something you hardly ever need to look at three batteries does mean the possibility of running two Quest 3s simultaneously with unlimited battery we're going to find out more when we go and install this so there will be a review coming on this soon but we need to install that on our old M3 or even on the S3 Mini are the options to make all that work I've had unlimited play time I've never had to worry about it and the nice thing too what really happens is like let's say you finish a play session you don't think about the fact that this battery was nearly dead your headset was about dead you just left it sitting there any other battery strap you'd be like crap this is completely dead I have to wait for the this to charge I got to wait for the headset to charge so I can play with this you literally even if this thing's at 0% you just swap on a new battery and you're good to play and that's the convenience the doc gives you that matters to me for that but I'm not going to say this isn't a cheap investment I mean you're talking 90 for the strap if You' buy the dock you're up to 30 and then you buy two more batters I mean you're pushing over $200 altogether if you want this full setup that I'm rocking so it is not cheap but with the quest 3 being $500 I feel like people are a little more willing to invest more money in it there'll be links to everything from Bobo VR if you want anything from them I will be continuing of course to review other headstraps other companies telling you how those work and my thoughts on them I know a lot of you have been waiting on the Kiwi one but I'm trying to figure out everything about it cuz it's giving me some trouble I'm trying to figure out exactly why so I can give you a good answer on that uh and then if it's solved or Not by using their charging dock with it because it seems to be but that's for another video there will be links down below there was also a teaser dropped by Bobo this morning there is more products coming this next quarter and in the picture you can try to pick out and see if you can tell what they're there I think on the screen it'll be pretty easy to at least find a couple of them so more is coming from them more reviews are coming from them about us we'll have this one and then we're going to do a test with both the quests once that's installed get back to you with all of that so once again the absolute hugest thing you to all of you it's because of all of you that we get to do all these cool tests all these we get to learn all the stuff about it I am realizing that I need to invest in some more electrical testing equipment though because I really wanted to have some other cables that we could like see the Watts and stuff running so if any of you out there are electricians and you have some recommendations of what it takes to really put these things through their full paces I'd be interested to know it's something I'm learning too but let me know your thoughts in the comments thank you so much for being here I'll see you in another reality [Music] oh
Channel: JayBratt
Views: 13,692
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Keywords: quest 3, quest 3 price, quest 3 vs quest 2, quest 3 accessories, quest 3 games, quest 3 release date, quest 3 review, quest 3 vs quest pro, quest 3 lite, quest 3 sale, meta quest 3, quest 2 games, quest 2 controllers, quest 2 price, quest 2 vr, quest 2 accessories, vr, virtual reality, apple vision pro, quest 3 release, quest 2, meta quest 3 review, free quest 3 games, free quest 3, quest 2 update, oculus quest 2, quest 3 news, quest 3 battery, oculus quest 3
Id: mxjQBSboPh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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