BRAND NEW Meta Quest 3 Accessory: Facial Interface from RAZER

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Razer dropped their first round of quest 3 accessories they didn't offer to send it to us I didn't haven't even heard from them so I just went on Amazon and paid $70 for a facial interface let's see if it's worth it this does look similar to the facial interface that we tried for the Quest 2 they also dropped a head strap that looks identical to the Quest 2 one and I like how the one time I tried to ship something back to Amazon in the retail packaging they got really mad at me but it's okay for Razer to cover the retail packageing on this in labels and send it to me where I can barely get them off the package oh and of course they double taped it on me because they didn't put it in a box to make sure it stayed together open anyone have any good suggestions for a new unboxing knife I feel like I need to send this one or take it somewhere to get professionally sharpened so they are partnered up with ResMed ResMed is a medical company that creates devices like sleep apnea masks things that people have to wear all night every night and so the idea was with that kind of expertise they'd make something really comfortable to have something on your face all day if you're playing a VR it specializes a bit more in the strap and you can really see it in the strap but here in the facial interface it looks like it's also supposed to work with them and it's shiny if nothing else I remember they had their medical grade silicone on the previous version it feels like it's that and it's even got ResMed label inside so this thing is basically a joint partnership between Razer meta and ResMed reminder myself how it feels to have a fully 3D printed custom facial interface that's built just for my face ah it feels good and let's see the contrast personally if you're going up to $70 you could go 80 if you got one of these custom ones from obl if you use a discount code I think we have one brings it to 80 bucks so you're kind of in the range of that premium one so you're kind of like should I get this razor one or should I get something like that boy this thing looks so thick am I just not used to stock interfaces anymore we'll do some measurements but I feel like that thing is pushing it out from your face a wee bit further it's probably going to cost you some field of view oh boy that's said though short of my custom one I feel like this is the best fit on my face I felt yet it doesn't feel like it was designed specifically for my face but if you told me it was I would almost believe you jeez it's a little weird because the silicone on it it almost feels like you have a normal interface with a silicone cover cuz it constantly feels like it's moving around a little bit on there like most facial interfaces the padding is there the padding is set if you were to move the padding and let go it snaps back instantly this almost feels like if you push it down here it kind of like stays there it just feels like there's a lot of slack the padding is not full by any means but it does mean that the sides touch and they don't have any light bleed at all it does have some very light venting so that should help with fog the silicone feels very slippery like it feels more premium than your typical just silicone cover it just feels a little glossier feels like it might attract a little less hair although even since I've said that I can see lint already sticking to it I remember the Quest 2 one was kind of of sticky and that was not a big selling point for me I'm shocked at how good this fits personally my face I mean I compare this to my custom 3D printed one that even sticks to my face because it's such a perfect fit I will say so far I feel like they improved the design from The Quest 2 one quite a bit let's take a look at some other questions one two three four we're making sure it's completely snapped in BO is amazing the tiniest bit of plastic here can mess up this Dock and nothing will work with it after I'm going to declare it a works with meta do somewhat you need to make sure it's really snapped in hard here you have to feel it like click down cuz basically what's happening is this weird Ridge on this Edge right here needs to get caught completely up above that so it needs to almost lock into place above this Ridge and then it works where the first several times it was getting in the way for me but if you're careful and you're particular it does seem like you can get it you'll almost feel like you'll be doing it it doesn't feel like it's working and you'll push just right and you'll feel those two notches click into each other so it can work with the stock charging dock I am losing a significant field of view over my custom one and it looks like even over the stock interface we're probably losing some field of view with that height couple of their specs here they say it's crevice free surface basically meaning that you don't have to worry about it collecting sweat or objects inside of it the silicone doesn't have like nooks and crannies is basically what they're saying although if you're a heavy sweater there is like a pretty significant can nook and cranny all the way around the outside it's not the inside but if you were sweating over the top you could easily collect sweat and dust and stuff in this Ridge and that could get Icky over time like you might pull this back in 6 months and find all kinds of stuff in here which is kind of gross but it's not technically the part contacting your face the nose guard feels really good on my nose the light bleed is like there is none you do lose the extendability so the stock one for whether you're switching out with someone who has glasses and you want to be able to move the head set in and out doesn't come with a spacer for that doesn't have any sort of ability to adjust it it's all one solid piece of plastic well you can really see it right there how much difference there is and how close to your face this is getting and you can't get any closer so you are going to be losing a bit of field of view with this no matter what where I use this custom one gives me the maximum possible field of view I'm going to go play with some games chest it out sweating it see what I can do but early thoughts 70 is still a lot of money but this definitely feels a lot closer to that value than we saw with the one for the Quest 2 so I'll be back shortly razor facial interface back for some final thoughts uh we'll start with cons field of view it is noticeably lower like even than the stock one but especially for me cuz I've been playing so much on this one it gives me the max I can get out of the headset my eyes are as close to the lenses as possible putting this on I was back to binocular vision felt like I was looking through two circles instead of feeling like it's you know as good as it can be decently big drawback there it is impervious to sweat but it does get really gross looking after a few sessions like if I was to hand this to someone to put on their face I feel like if I was that person I'd be a little nervous especially if you have anyone in here with makeup on like it really shows on something like this it might not show it's there still and it's probably disgusting that you put this cloth against your face but you don't notice it as much where this one it just looks kind of icky and the price 70 bucks is is not cheap but outside of that if I didn't have the custom OIC ones that I have this would actually potentially become my new interface short of the feel of you concerns which is kind of annoying so it honestly it might become my secondary Quest more for when I let other people use it but it is comfortable the silicone feels really nice it snaps in Secure you do lose the ability of someone with glasses but I feel like it's far enough back you can probably just get away with most people wearing their glasses with this because this is almost like having this thing like extended out so like you look at that now with this thing fully extended out you still are seeing that this one is a bit higher than this one so glasses could be accommodated just fine so especially if you wanted an interface you're someone who always wears glasses in the headset you wouldn't be adjusting this one back and forth so it would work there you notice with this that it's a different experience than with ones you're used to though because it is slipperier I was finding myself having to tighten headsets down further even with the elite I was thankful that it was as comfortable as it was but I really had to like push it into my face to keep everything secure especially once you start sweating this silicone just becomes super slippery so it forces you to have your head set really tight or at least really well adjusted depending on what strap you have and you'll also have a different experience with this interface depending on what kind of head strap you use if you using the stock head strap the stock interface and you thought this was scratchy this is going to feel like a night and day difference if you're using an elite strap even it's going to feel pretty night and day where if you're using the Bobo VR like I do that doesn't rely on this thing being sucked onto your face so hard so it still feels comfortable it feels good but you can leave the pressure off and with that it there's no light bleed whatso ever I was really impressed by that with it the vents seem to do their job I didn't notice any fogging even when I was getting really sweaty I like that about it unfortunately with the Bobo VR in the fan with the one I usually use the vents are up here air will actually flow somewhat through those vents with this the vents are off to the sides more so I didn't notice I still felt the Bobble VR air on my forehead but it didn't like blow into the headset which I've gotten used to this and has become a really nice feature of this one the only question outside of this I suppose is if you were looking at the meta silicone interface that's just like this but with silicone versus this the metal one is still quite a bit cheaper than this one and I would say it's close it keeps the adjustability of the original so this may not be worth that much more money but I think any of you who buy this out there unlike the last one you'll actually feel pretty good about your purchase so I will leave a couple links in the description I'll leave a link to my favorite one with I think there's a discount code that'll get this down to 80 bucks free so it's close in price I will leave a link to this one if you're interested in it it is actually a good product and like I said if I didn't have this this would at least be staying on one of my quests if you really are looking for silicone I'll maybe leave a couple other cheaper versions or at least maybe even the metal one since it's this is now the new premium price overall I feel like this was a big improvement over the Quest 2 Razer one I don't know that the head strap is going to be that much better but hopefully we'll have that here for you soon to check out too but let me know in the comments down below what are you wanting to see more of what are you hoping for there's plenty of accessories out there to keep trying and I know I owe you one about charging docks that I still haven't quite finished but uh hey we'll get there thanks for being here with me today and I'll see you in another reality it [Music]
Channel: JayBratt
Views: 20,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quest 3, quest 3 price, quest 3 vs quest 2, quest 3 accessories, quest 3 games, quest 3 release date, quest 3 review, quest 3 vs quest pro, quest 3 lite, quest 3 sale, meta quest 3, quest 2 games, quest 2 controllers, quest 2 price, quest 2 vr, quest 2 accessories, vr, virtual reality, quest 3 release, quest 2, free quest 3 games, free quest 3, quest 2 update, oculus quest 2, quest 3 news, quest 3 razer, quest 3 razer interface, quest 3 razer accessories
Id: Qa__vGRPn1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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