The Ultimate Korean Bibimbap and Attractions in Jeonju (Day 7)

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The bibimbap action starts at 4:30

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/absurdpoet 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2016 🗫︎ replies
it is unbelievably pretty there's so many different ingredients in such a variety of different ingredients and not only the not only the bibimbap but the also the different bunch on the side dishes if I mixed it correctly I should have everything in this bite good morning everyone its mark Wiens with migration ology calm in Jeonju South Korea it is about 9 a.m. someone is coming here to pick us up and we are going to eat breakfast we drove over to a restaurant called some picture and this restaurant specializes in pop which is rice and soup and it's a famous dish here in Jeonju especially it's a soup made with bean sprouts you can see all those bean sprouts in the bottom there and then I think the sesame seeds a little bit of dried chilies and maybe some green onions and leeks Oh in the aroma of that steam I'm gonna mix it up look at that pig that beautiful raw yolk stir that up and you can see all of those tango e bean sprouts on there is rice at the bottom ok there's rice and mix it all within so this is like a one single bowl meal mix that up I'm just going to have to taste a little bit of that broth first before I taste anything oh yeah that is that is soothing it's a little bit salty and you can paste those toasted sesame seeds in there you know the taste of bean sprouts which are kind of that like watery almost celery like taste and extra to them yeah those are very tangley and the bean sprouts have a a little bit of a chewy texture to them another thing we got is called Moo tool and this is a drink which is made from broccoli and different spices like cinnamon and sugar and it's a it's something to drink and we got two different versions one of them is cold and one of them is hot oh yeah this one is definitely the cold one well that's like a that's like a cider oh it tastes like apple cider you can really taste the cinnamon in there and I think it I think it's made from broccoli but I don't really taste any broccoli let me try the hot one yeah same thing just hold one this one is the warm one I'm going to add some of this chili add a little bit to make it a little more spicy add a little bit of this chili water in here alright and then I love it with that extra piece of seaweed on top hmm we just finished with that breakfast it is a surprisingly very simple dish and the flavors are very simple in taste as well but it tasted really good and it's it's a great way to start the day because it's not too strong in flavor not not very spicy but just a soothing dish with eggs and rice and bean sprouts it is about 11:30 a.m. and we are on our way now to go have lunch and I think we're gonna do some attraction sightseeing here in downtown junju Palooza one of the Korean dishes that Ying and I always like to eat is bibimbap which is rice with a variety of different toppings all mixed up you'll find bibimbap all over Korea and all over the entire world at Korean restaurants but junju is actually the birthplace where you'll find the original bibimbap so for lunch today we're on our way walking to a restaurant that serves bibimbap this restaurant is located on the second floor maybe the third storey you come upstairs anyways and immediately as you step into this restaurant you can smell the sesame seeds in the sesame oil Bao this is one of the most well-known restaurants in junju for bibimbap and I'm getting a quick behind-the-scenes peek at the kitchen you come in this place you can just smell the aroma of the sizzling rice and especially that chili paste and all of the fresh ingredients they are making bibimbap by the mass quantity here they have like just a huge stack of brass-colored bowls and then he's adding in all the different vegetables and then at the precise time he adds in a yolk and then tops it with some sesame seeds it smells incredibly good we are about to eat bibimbap from the source and then this restaurant is also famous for their it's cup it's not really steamed egg but it's more of a baked egg in the earthenware pot and it's amazing she adds the egg mixture and then just stirs it up with a whisk and it just really puffs up it's just that delicate mixture with the whisk and she just continually stirs it with that high heat and the egg just pops up into a like a foamy cloud of egg I have never been so excited to eat a bimbo before in my life and they have a full public dining room but they also have a number of private rooms in the back here we got a private room we're gonna dine bibimbap in style the owner has brought out all of the different ingredients that go into baby Bop along with rice just this is an incredible display and colorful arrangement of different ingredients I don't even know if I can identify everything but definitely have some cucumbers some mushrooms some bean sprouts some carrots some other vegetables too chili pastes the egg has just come look at how fluffy that is and the steam is just pouring out of it you can actually hear whistling it is unbelievably pretty there's so many different ingredients in such a variety of different ingredients and not only the not only the bibimbap but also the different bunch on the side dishes all of the different little dishes there must be about at least a dozen different little side dishes one of the things that I've always been doing wrong is stirring my bibimbap with a spoon but you're actually supposed to just use your chopsticks I'm going to destroy this beautiful creation with my chopsticks and mix up everything there's rice you can see the layer of rice on the bottom and all of those ingredients bolli you want to really did all that chili paste all mixed into the rice and the ingredients okay I think I'm fully mixed and even though you mix with your chopsticks you eat with your spoon grab the spoon let me take a bite if I mixed it correctly I should have everything in this bite oh that's awesome the sesame seeds there are so many vegetables going on in here I got some bean sprouts that are nice and crisp I also got some kind of a chewy green vegetable in there it's nice and hot and fresh it's fragrant you can taste the chili and the sweetness from that chili paste hmm Wow I got a little bit of the crispy rice in that bite as well and then I got something a little bit fishy maybe like a dried fish in there oh also that egg yolk because it's a raw egg yolk that goes on top it just sort of just very lightly cooks but it mainly just sort of court coats all the rice in a in a rich sauce of egg yolk I'll put this onto the top of my rice going with some of the rice are there is there is there beef in the limb of a bone well okay so there is I didn't notice this at first but there's a little bit of meat ground beef inside of the bibimbap well who talked mm-hmm I love that egg it just disintegrates in your mouth yeah it's so so soft and spongy and fluffy and then it just sort of it makes your mouth water actually this is one of the bunch on it which is a jelly curd topped with some sort of a chili sauce looks like no that has the texture of jello it's actually quite a neutral taste but you can just change that chili sauce on there this is something I really want to try because I kept I've seen it in the market in Seoul since being here it's called tooltip in Korean and it's some kind of a sprout I don't know what the English name is I'm going to dip it into this chilli sauce a little bit hmm it's a little bit bitter it kind of tastes like lime peel I didn't even notice this little bowl of chilies sitting next to me I got to try that now that I see it these look like little chillies which are marinated in chili sauce and sesame seeds hmm it's sour pickled just a little bit spicy and then again you can taste that sweet chili sauce I've had bibimbap in many different Korean restaurants even outside of Korea and around the world but this bibimbap was just on the next level it's both like flavorful and delicate yet kind of kind of simple at the same time it's very simple dish but it's just the preparation of all the different ingredients and then just kind of combining them all together what makes it is what makes it spectacular we are taking an afternoon walk after that delicious lunch and going to do some site knit seeing now right here behind me is the Poonam moon gate which is the south gate of the city Gentoo is very well known for its hanok village which is an old village over a hundred years old right in the centre of the city and a lot of people come to genjou along with eating to explore the hanok village so we've just arrived to the hanok village area we're gonna walk around and explore and maybe get some more snacks we just stopped at a place to have a quick egg tart it is still hot and fresh and warm in my hand you can see that flaky pastry and that egg egg custard on the top oh that is rich in custardy on the center that egg tart what's really interesting about that egg tart as opposed to other two egg tarts that I've had is that the crust is almost like a roti as opposed to a flaky crumbly crust before we walk around more of hanok village we're gonna first take a little hike up the hill so we can get a whole view of the whole village from above feels good to get a little bit of exercise oh it's not too far but it's a nice wooden staircase up standing up here and getting a view from above you can immediately see the difference in the contrast between the old village and the modern buildings and you especially notice that because of the different styles of roofing we are stopping by now at a handmade paper factory this is a family-run paper factory and they've been making paper for over 25 years what I really like are the different colors they're making especially the blue that beautiful blue paper that is steaming right now she said I should add some decoration into the corner a little teddy bear I'm going to stick that into the corner here open it up now roll it - press it down I think this is the first time I've ever made paper success I've got a nice sheet of paper to take home I definitely need a lot of practice to become good as good as the auntie's who are making paper in there they are so fast and they just they just brush out those pieces of paper instantly we are just leisurely walking around the village it is very popular especially with Korean tourists and so Korean may Koreans come from all over Korea to come here and walk around and to dress up in the traditional clothing there are museums around here there are little places for food and restaurants and cafes and their guest houses it's a little bit touristy but at the same time it's really charming and a really really pleasant place to walk around one of the top things to do when you are at the hanok village is to get a hunk assume a traditional costume and dress up in it and then walk around and take photos and just leisurely stroll around so the time has come you and I are about to get some traditional costumes the mother here is picking out something that looks good on me I hope oh yeah hello look onion when he's hard to hit not bad cuz uh she really concentrated on choosing me the correct outfit to wear I guess I'm a purple kind of guy and then she she showed me how to put it on she put it on for me and we are getting ready to walk around Ying is still in the dressing room so let's see how young looks oh yeah maybe for free right you're beautiful alright kid we have the outfits for one hour we're gonna walk around and take as many photos as possible in one hour and actually these outfits are actually really comfortable are they made from silk I think mostly I think made from silk I gotta say my turquoise colored shoes match perfectly with this outfit one of the popular street food snacks is a skewer of octopus and I think from what I can see him making it the octopus is first steamed and then he literally like ignites it on fire and it goes up in a in a flames and then rushes on lots of different sauces and to make things even better there's a bunch of cheese on top of it you got to roll it around so you get all of that cheese on there and that is some seriously meaty octopus Wow this looks like one of those really messy drippy snacks or it is so you've got to be really careful to not get any Triplets of sauce on this costume I'm gonna lean over Wow that's actually incredible somehow that octopus and the cheese work so well together and that's like a sweet tangy barbecue sauce the octopus is also so tender that it literally almost has the same texture as melted mozzarella this is so messy and cheesy it's amazing Oh Wow who would have ever thought octopus and cheese worked so well together we have just stopped by at a place called grandmas best desserts and we're gonna try some hot bean soup which is a shaved ice dessert and this one is with shaved ice and then it is topped with a layer of red beans and mochi and then that black sprinkled powder is sesame I love that black sesame the red beans are quite sweet and have like that starchy bean texture to them and then that's a like a really sticky mochi rice little cake on top then they try just some of that ice all that sesame I love the sesame I think that ice is not really sweet most of the sweetness is coming from the beans but I love those shaved powder sesame seeds and then we also got this is like a drink made with cinnamon and jujube and I think some walnuts in there yeah very strong with the cinnamon the sad moment has come to give up the costume it's been good we stopped by for another very very popular snack it's filled up with young people and it's called a baguette for her let's see all that is in this little Bhagat burger wrapped in a brown paper bag Wow that is very saucy looking oh oh it's not even cut in half it's just hollowed out the bucket is hollowed out and then stuck I'm gonna kind of smush it down a little bit so I can get everything in one bite Wow that kind of tastes like like a fast-food hamburger got some minced beef in there the same type of lettuce that they use on like a Big Mac and then actually that tastes like Thousand Island dressing all stuffed in there that does taste remarkably similar to a fast-food burger we have just entered to the chunky Jong shrine which is one of the historical attractions here in the right in the hanok village this is a shrine for the king during the joseon dynasty and they didn't allow any photos inside of the shrine but there's a portrait of the king in the in the shrine we are at this place now and we are about to have an herbal Korean foot massage kind of foot bath it is hot water it feels fantastic but before I got into the foot bath I went on the computer and did this short survey answered a couple questions and that's sort of determined my kind of I think it's it has a lot to do with digestion and your body type and so after that they determined what type of herbs to put into my foot bath I got some kind of dark murky water we're also drinking some climbing mountain tea I'm loving these classes same pose this do that was a very enjoyable 30 minutes soaking my feet in that herbal bath my feet feel fantastic we are making one more stop for a snack which is a very famous place called env bakery they're very well known for their choco pies and just about every Korean who comes to the hanok village will buy a whole box of these choco pies it's kind of like a sandwich sandwich cookie oh and I think there's some cream in the middle it's like a crumbly cookie cake on both sides sandwiched and then there's some cream in the middle and it has a little bit of a cherry taste to it too maybe next up we are having an early dinner so we just come to a traditional-style restaurant call me young king good come on you know how you they specialize in stuff golfy which is minced meat and then fried on the griddle and it looked she brought it to our table it looked kind of like kind of like boneless ribs or like a big flat hamburger patty but in a big huge patty shape and now it is just sizzling and smelling incredibly good the rice is unique it is steamed in a lotus leaf I'm gonna unravel it oh yeah and the rice is filled with a variety of different beans and nuts and if you think Oh nuts okay I'm going to start with a piece of lettuce and then go in for one of the pieces of grilled meat they get into the lettuce and then there's also some mushrooms grilled mushrooms I'll put a piece of mushroom in there and then also I could not miss out on the garlic and then finally some of the pepper paste to complete it oh yes and just wrap this up and what I love about this is you eat it all in one bite and you get everything all together hmm it's like hamburger meat it's ground beef but it's a very coarse grind so you can taste like almost like little shards of steak with in there the garlic the pepper paste I loved it wrapped up in that leaf that is yet again a stunner of a Korean grilled meat dish I got to try some of this rice we are that rice is so herbal pasting from that leaf and those beans in there and it's very sticky glutinous and then you can just take a bite of the straight knee and then this is the dipping sauce for that it's a little bit of like vinegar and soy sauce it's amazing it's so good and just that that wonderful slightly tangy sauce and then it being grilled so that sauce just sort of caramelize --is onto the meat this is some green onion kimchi oh yeah those are nice and chewy just finished with dinner that was another wonderful meal I think I'm going to end the video for today here because we're just walking back to the hotel and gonna call it an early night I'm impressed with this hanok village it's it's really a nice place to walk around so many different foods to try and little snacks and lots of restaurants and overall it's just a really pleasant place to it it's charming is what you could call it but it's been great to just walk around today kind of an easy day just exploring junto is awesome and thank you all very much for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below and make sure you subscribe for lots more Korean food coming up soon oh okay we're taking an afternoon walk up after we're taking an afternoon walk after that delicious lunch doing it I can't speak because I'm so happy full of food right now and this is a bakery called PNB and they are very very famous for their choco choco bars chocolate cakes choco bar chuckle bar chuckle pie okay
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,350,619
Rating: 4.8871717 out of 5
Keywords: bibimbap, how to eat bibimbap, Korean bibimbap, Jeonju, things to do in Jeonju, tour of Jeonju, Jeonju attractions, Jeonju Hanok Village, 비빔밥, 교동 떡갈비, 가족회관, 삼백집, gukbap, Korean food, Korean travel vlog, atractions in Jeonju, what to do in Jeonju, best Korean food, Mark Wiens, tteokgalbi, jeonju tourism, jeonju hanok village blog, best bibimbap Jeonju, 전주시, Jeonbuk, things to do in Korea, Korean food blog, Korean travel blog, best bibimbap in Korea, Bibimbap Jeonju
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2016
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