The Ultimate Introduction for Brand New English Learners

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want to speak real english from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at learning to carry a conversation is vital to mastery of any language even beginners can quickly learn conversational language well enough to carry on real conversations with native speakers of course beginners won't be able to carry a conversation the same way they could in their native language but just knowing a few tips like which questions to ask to keep a conversation going are all you need to speak and interact with real native speakers before we get to specific suggestions let's first take a closer look at how having real conversations in your target language is so vital to your mastery of the language communicating with other people is the very point of language and conversation comes easily in our native tongue for beginners or anyone learning a new language conversations aren't easy at all and even simple greetings can be intimidating and awkward nothing kills a conversation faster than long periods of awkward silence so you need practice and specific strategies to avoid them when you know what to say to keep a conversation going communication becomes much easier and you make a better impression on your listener nothing will help you learn to speak a language faster and truly master the language than having real conversations with native speakers conversations quickly expose you to slang cultural expressions and vocabulary that force you to absorb and assimilate information faster than any educational setting and that's a great thing but how can you possibly have real conversations with real people if you're just starting out here are three proven methods that even beginners can quickly use to learn conversational language to make a great impression and avoid awkward silences first ask questions to keep a conversation going for beginners and even more advanced speakers the key is to ask questions to keep a conversation going of course they can't be just random questions or else you may confuse the listener but by memorizing a few key questions and the appropriate time to use them you can easily carry a conversation with minimal vocabulary or experience and remember the more conversations you have the quicker you will learn and master the language second learn core vocabulary terms as quickly as possible you don't need to memorize thousands of words to learn conversational language in fact with just a couple hundred words you could have a very basic conversation and by learning maybe 1 000 to 2 000 words you could carry a conversation with a native speaker about current events order in restaurants and even get directions to help you get started with this check out our 2000 common words also known as our core list these 2000 words are all you need to learn to speak fluently and carry a conversation with a native speaker third study video or audio lessons that you can play and replay again and again if you want to know how to carry on a conversation then you need exposure to native speakers and the more the better studying video or audio lessons is ideal because they provide contextualized learning in your native language and you can play them again and again until you achieve mastery our instructors have created more than 2 500 video and audio lessons that you can play over and over and the best part is they don't just teach you vocabulary and grammar they are designed to help you learn to speak and teach you practical everyday topics like shopping ordering and more although it may seem intimidating for a beginner the truth is that it's very easy to learn conversational language just learn a few core vocabulary terms and which questions to ask to keep a conversation going our language learning program has the world's largest online collection of video and audio lessons by real instructors plus tons of advanced tools to help you learn to speak and carry on a conversation quickly just a little practice and exposure to real conversations or lessons is all it really takes so if you're ready to finally learn a new language the fast fun and easy way sign up for your free lifetime account by clicking on the link in the description signing up takes less than 30 seconds and you'll start speaking from your very first lesson if you enjoyed these tips hit the like button share the video with anyone who's trying to learn a new language and subscribe to our channel we release new videos every week i'll see you next time bye ten lines you need for introducing yourself so let's go hello it's nice to meet you hello it's nice to meet you you can only use this the first time that you meet someone if you say this to somebody after you have met them already you're going to seem either a like you've completely forgotten meeting them or be like you are a very strange person for saying it's nice to meet you again so when you use this the first time you can shake hands with someone and say hello it's nice to meet you my name is the next phrase is my name is blah blah in my case my name is alicia you can use this again when you're introducing yourself or if you need to re-introduce yourself you can use this pattern when you meet somebody at a party for example you can say my name is blah blah my name is barbara my name is stevens you can shorten this you can say my names my name's blah blah i'm from after you've said your name after you've shaken hands you can say i'm from the u.s i'm from japan i'm from turkey i'm from your mom's house i'm from i'm from a cave in southern europe i'm from your country or i'm from your city i'm from the future wow wow i have to go i live in i live in blah blah blah you can use your city you can use your country you can use even maybe if you live near a certain station you can use the name of the station where you live so for example i live in america it's fine i live in los angeles it's fine i live in new york is fine so your neighborhood is fine if someone says where do you live and you say i live in an apartment it's like what uh so please use your the region or the location where you live not the type of place where you live ima if you hear the question what do you do it's asking about your job in english people don't say what is your job that's not the question that we ask instead the question is what do you do and the correct response to that is i'm a or i'm and blah blah blah followed by your job title so if someone says what do you do you can say i'm a teacher what do you do i'm an engineer what do you do i'm a donut shop tester i'm years old when someone asks how old are you you can say i'm blah blah blah years old don't forget the s at the end of this if you like you can shorten this phrase to just i'm plus your age so i'm 65. i'm 13. whatever i'm this many sometimes children will say that how old are you they'll say i'm this many it's kind of cute first time you meet someone you might not ask how old are you if it's in a friendly case like a party after you've spoken to the person a little bit it's okay but just try to be sensitive to the context try to be sensitive to the people around you and if you sense that maybe there's a very large age gap between you it might be better just not to ask the question at all i enjoy many of my students say what is your hobby but that's not something that native speakers will say no native speakers say what is your hobby instead we ask what do you like to do or what do you do in your free time this is a much more natural question than what's your hobby the answer to this then is i enjoy or i like plus a noun phrase so for example what do you like to do i like listening to music or i enjoy listening to music what do you do in your free time i like watching movies what do you do in your free time i like baking cakes what do you do in your free time i enjoy tap dancing what do you do in your free time i enjoy making new friends oh one of my hobbies is one of my hobbies is blah blah blah with this one it's probably better to use a short easily or easy to understand hobby if you're explaining a hobby people are going to expect that it's going to be something that they know about like photography or cooking or dancing or swimming or whatever so try to pick something that will allow you to to continue the conversation that's why movies or cooking or books or you know sports are a good thing to share one of my hobbies is snowboarding i've been learning english for if you are learning english if you're studying english you can use this expression if someone asks you how long have you been studying english you can say i've been studying english for amount of time or i've been learning english or i've been practicing english or i've been speaking english for a certain amount of time i've been studying english since elementary school is also okay to use i've been studying english since i was in college just be careful four is used for a length of time and since is used for a specific point in time at which you started something so you can try and mix it up and use a few different expressions there so i've been learning english for a long time i'm still learning english you should do that too okay i'm learning english at this probably could be used in response to where did you learn english or where are you studying english or how are you studying english you can respond with i'm learning english at or i'm learning english at my school i'm learning english at my private teacher's house for example so a little bit of grammar in this sentence why do we use the progressive tense i'm learning english if you say i'm learning it sounds like you're still continuing your studies if you say i learned english and english class it sounds like you're finished like you're finished studying there's nothing else for you to study so you're done so it's it's much much more natural to actually use the progressive i'm learning or i'm studying when you're talking about your studies when you're talking about your hobbies than it is to say i learned or i studied 10 ways to say hello in english good morning good morning is the first thing you say to someone when you see them in the morning good morning sir would you like a cup of coffee good morning could i please get some orange juice good morning i'm still tired from the night before hello hello is the most common greeting you'll hear that and hi hello is a polite nice way to greet someone when you see them hello everyone says it you cannot go wrong saying hello hello can be used at any time of the day no matter whether it's morning or at night or at 4 00 am when you see someone you can say hello and it will still be appropriate long time no c long time no c it's not necessarily grammatically correct but it's a saying that we have hey long time no c what it means is that you haven't seen that person in a long time so it literally means long time no see long time no see is something you say to someone when you haven't seen them in a while hey john long time no see how are the wife and kids how have you been hey how have you been i haven't seen you in a long time how have you been is asking someone how they're doing and how they've been for the past however long if you haven't seen them in a while you might say hey long time no see how have you been how have you been that's past tense it implies that you haven't seen them in a while and you want to hear about how they are and how they've been for all of that time that you haven't seen them hey long time no see how have you been how are you how are you means how are you doing how are you feeling how is everything it's a standard thing that you might say to anyone even if you've seen them the day before you might see them today and say hey how are you how's it going hey how's it going how is it going is a more informal way to say how are you so how are you and how's it going they mean the same thing it's asking how you're doing how you are feeling is everything okay with you what's up what's up is another way of saying hey how's it going but this one is even more informal so you might say this to friends hey what's up and they'll say nothing just living my life you know day in and day out hey what's up hey what's up good afternoon good afternoon how are you would you like some lunch good afternoon is a polite way to greet someone in the afternoon so if you run into your boss you might say good afternoon it's very nice it's polite not a lot of people say it to their friends but it's it's a polite way to greet someone good evening good evening is a nice way to greet someone in the evening time you can only use this phrase in the evening because it's wishing someone a good evening it's saying hello at a certain time of day good evening would you like some dinner good evening have you eaten yet all of my examples involve food it seems it's nice to meet you it's nice to meet you this is something that's very common to say the first time that you meet someone you might shake their hand and say hi it's nice to meet you my name is bridget my name is it's telling that person that you are happy to be meeting them it's a pleasure to meet them hi it's nice to meet you in this lesson you're going to learn how to ask what someone's hobbies are without using the word hobbies you've probably seen the question do you have any hobbies or what are your hobbies in an english textbook before however native english speakers almost never use the word hobbies when asking about them a much more natural way to ask the same question is what do you do for fun let's practice this question what do you do for fun what do you do for fun you can also ask what do you do in your free time what do you do in your free time so how would you answer this question let's look at how native speakers would do it the easiest way is to say i like to or just i like followed by what you like to do for example if you like watching movies you could say i like to watch movies or i like watching movies i like to watch movies or i like watching movies and if you like golf you could say i like to play golf or i like playing golf i like to play golf or i like playing golf you can emphasize how much you like your hobby by adding a word like really in front of like for example i really like watching movies on the other hand if you want to play down how much you like something you can say kind of for example i kind of like playing tennis now it's time for alicia's advice if you don't have any special hobbies or don't want to be specific a good way to reply is i like hanging out with my friends and stuff like that i like hanging out with my friends and stuff like that just use i like and add hanging out with my friends and then add and stuff like that in this lesson you're going to learn new more common ways to ask and answer the question how are you in english you've probably learned how are you and i'm fine in textbooks before but in the united states people will usually ask this question and answer it in a different way first let's review if someone says how are you you can say i'm fine i'm fine here are some other ways to answer pretty good this means about the same thing as i'm fine pretty good we also have not bad you can use this if you are feeling just okay or so-so not bad let's look at our question again how are you this is the most well-known way of asking how someone is you could use it when you want to be polite but now let's look at some different ways to ask how someone is these ways are more casual and much more common first hey how's it going hey how's it going you can answer this in many ways if you're feeling good you can say good good pretty good pretty good not bad not bad once more good pretty good not bad here's a tip even though these answers mean the same thing as i'm fine you can't answer how's it going with i'm fine it will sound a bit strange if you're not feeling good you can say not so good not so good not great not great or not so well not so well be careful if you say one of these the other person will usually ask why what's wrong to be polite then you will have to explain another casual but very common version of how are you is what's up what's up to reply use a cheerful voice as you say not much not much or nothing much nothing much this means you're free and able to chat since what's up is just another way of saying hello you can also reply with hey or hi now it's time for alicia's advice a lot of the time when we ask questions that mean how are you in english we're not actually asking about the other person's health we're only asking to be polite you should think of these questions as another way of saying hello a way for the conversation to get started instead of actual literal questions in fact when someone asks you what's up you don't even have to answer just say what's up in reply in this lesson you're going to learn how to ask what someone's job is in natural english of course you can just say what is your job this is correct english but it sounds too direct and awkward native english speakers almost never say this in a social situation instead they use a different question but before we master that we need to compare it to a very similar question what are you doing i'm presenting a video about english what do you do i'm an english teacher do you see the difference these two questions what are you doing and what do you do sounds similar but mean different things the first one is asking what you are doing right now this minute you answer it using an ing verb what are you doing i'm reading i'm watching tv while the second is actually a shortened version of what do you do for a living this is how we asked what is your job in natural english let's practice this question what do you do what do you do when native speakers of english ask this question it can come out very fast and sound more like what do you do in order to tell it apart from what are you doing just listen for the ing sound on the end of the question if it's not there then you're being asked what your job is so how would you answer this question just think of it as if the other person is asking you what is your job you could answer with i am plus your job i'm a teacher i'm a teacher or i'm an engineer if you want to learn more job names go to and check out the core word lists these cover job vocabulary and more and include a picture and audio to help you perfect your pronunciation you can also mention the place that you work at starting with i work at i work at a hospital i work at a hospital i work at a law firm i work at a law firm if you work for a big company that is well known you can say i work for and then the name i work for microsoft i work for microsoft i work for the new york times i work for the new york times now it's time for alicia's advice when you ask the question what do you do and the other person tells you their job it's polite to make some kind of positive comment about his or her job for example how interesting or that must be exciting or even oh really remember to sound sincere 10 different phrases that you can use to respond to the question how are you so let's go i'm great the first phrase is i'm great if someone says how are you you can say i'm great try to say i'm great with a kind of an upbeat voice um so something like how are you i'm great i'm feeling bad i'm feeling bad if you say i'm feeling bad the other person is probably if they're a friend of yours or a co-worker going to ask you why what happened so if you want to use i'm feeling bad make sure you have an explanation ready anyway somebody says how are you and you go i'm feeling bad maybe i went out for drinks last night with my co-workers oops i'm okay i'm okay i feel like this is one of those intonation practice ones i'm okay with that ah i'm okay it's like sort of upward intonation you're like cool but if if someone says how are you and you're like i'm okay they're like oh no what happened so you can use your intonation with i'm okay to make it a good thing or another good thing but either way it's not like a very super serious response thank you for asking yeah i imagine this would be in a more formal situation like if my friend said to me how are you and i was like thank you for asking they'd be like what i would say i'm fine or i'm doing well i'm doing great plus thank you for asking so how are you i'm doing very well thank you oh that's how i would use it and you the next one is and you like the least natural response to how are you is i'm fine thank you and you like just get out of put it just take it out of your head nobody says that i always say how about you that's a much more natural thing how are you how are you how are you can be a response again after you have given your answer to the question how are you i'm great how are you how are you i'm good how are you i'm great how are you i'm okay how are you how have you been recently how have you been recently this is only useful if you haven't seen the other person for a while i'm not bad i'm not bad i'm not bad how are you i'm not bad i'm not bad things could be worse i would probably do this i'm sleepy the next expression is i'm sleepy it's like so specific if someone said how are you i would probably say i'm okay but i'm a little sleepy i don't know that i would just say i'm sleepy unless it's a really good friend of mine it's a person close to you you can say i'm so tired i'm i would say i'm super tired or i'm really tired and i feel like that's a little bit more natural than just i'm sleepy i'm good one that i use a lot if someone says how are you i say i'm good uh that's just probably my go-to response yeah i'm good i'm good maybe i'll repeat it while smiling i'm good i'm good yeah thanks for asking great how are you first you'll see an image and hear a question next comes a short dialogue listen carefully and see if you can answer correctly we'll show you the answer at the end a man and a woman are talking how old is the man now [Music] your birthday is really soon isn't it yep it's the day after tomorrow how old are you going to be i'm turning 60. congratulations we should celebrate thank you very much it's kind of you to say how old is the man now a man and a woman are talking how old is the man now your birthday is really soon isn't it yep it's the day after tomorrow how old are you going to be i'm turning 60. congratulations we should celebrate thank you very much it's kind of you to say first you'll see an image and hear a question next comes a short dialogue listen carefully and see if you can answer correctly we'll show you the answer at the end a man and a woman are talking who lives with the man [Music] i'd like to introduce you to my family is there some time soon you could come over wow this is a big step could you tell me a bit more about your family before i meet them sure my father works in computers and his hobby is fishing my mother runs a restaurant and she's good at cooking they live nearby do you have any brothers and sisters yes i have an older sister and a younger brother my sister is married and is living abroad my brother is in law school over on the east coast it sounds like you have a nice family i'd love to meet them who lives with the man a man and a woman are talking who lives with the man i'd like to introduce you to my family is there some time soon you could come over wow this is a big step could you tell me a bit more about your family before i meet them sure my father works in computers and his hobby is fishing my mother runs a restaurant and she's good at cooking they live nearby do you have any brothers and sisters yes i have an older sister and a younger brother my sister is married and is living abroad my brother is in law school over on the east coast it sounds like you have a nice family i'd love to meet them hi everybody my name is alicia and welcome back to top words today's topic is 10 lines you need for introducing yourself so let's go hello it's nice to meet you hello it's nice to meet you you can only use this the first time that you meet someone if you say this to somebody after you have met them already you're going to seem either a like you've completely forgotten meeting them or be like you are a very strange person for saying it's nice to meet you again so when you use this the first time you can shake hands with someone and say hello it's nice to meet you my name is the next phrase is my name is blah blah in my case my name is alicia you can use this again when you're introducing yourself or if you need to re-introduce yourself you can use this pattern when you meet somebody at a party for example you can say my name is blah blah blah my name is barbara my name is stevens you can shorten this you can say my names my name's blah blah i'm from after you've said your name after you've shaken hands you can say i'm from the u.s i'm from japan i'm from turkey i'm from your mom's house i'm from i'm from a cave in southern europe i'm from your country or i'm from your city i'm from the future wow wow i have to go i live in i live in blah blah blah you can use your city you can use your country you can use even maybe if you live near a certain station you can use the name of the station where you live so for example i live in america it's fine i live in los angeles it's fine i live in new york is fine so your neighborhood is fine if someone says where do you live and you say i live in an apartment it's like what so please use your the region or the location where you live not the type of place where you live ima if you hear the question what do you do it's asking about your job in english people don't say what is your job that's not the question that we ask instead the question is what do you do and the correct response to that is i'm a or i'm and blah blah blah followed by your job title so if someone says what do you do you can say i'm a teacher what do you do i'm an engineer what do you do i'm a donut shop tester i'm years old when someone asks how old are you you can say i'm blah blah blah years old don't forget the s at the end of this if you like you can shorten this phrase to just i'm plus your age so i'm 65. i'm 13. whatever i'm this many sometimes children will say that how old are you they'll say i'm this many it's kind of cute first time you meet someone you might not ask how old are you if it's in a friendly case like a party after you've spoken to the person a little bit it's okay but just try to be sensitive to the context try to be sensitive to the people around you and if you sense that maybe there's a very large age gap between you it might be better just not to ask the question at all i enjoy many of my students say what is your hobby but that's not something that native speakers will say no native speakers say what is your hobby instead we ask what do you like to do or what do you do in your free time this is a much more natural question then what's your hobby the answer to this then is i enjoy or i like plus a noun phrase so for example what do you like to do i like listening to music or i enjoy listening to music what do you do in your free time i like watching movies what do you do in your free time i like baking cakes what do you do in your free time i enjoy tap dancing what do you do in your free time i enjoy making new friends oh one of my hobbies is one of my hobbies is blah blah blah with this one it's probably better to use a short easily or easy to understand hobby if you're explaining a hobby people are going to expect that it's going to be something that they know about like photography or cooking or dancing or swimming or whatever so try to pick something that will allow you to to continue the conversation that's why movies or cooking or books or you know sports are a good thing to share one of my hobbies is snowboarding i've been learning english for if you are learning english if you're studying english you can use this expression if someone asks you how long have you been studying english you can say i've been studying english for amount of time or i've been learning english or i've been practicing english or i've been speaking english for a certain amount of time i've been studying english since elementary school is also okay to use i've been studying english since i was in college just be careful four is used for a length of time and since is used for a specific point in time at which you started something so you can try and mix it up and use a few different expressions there so i've been learning english for a long time i'm still learning english you should do that too okay i'm learning english at this probably could be used in response to where did you learn english or where are you studying english or how are you studying english you can respond with i'm learning english at or i'm learning english at my school i'm learning english at my private teacher's house for example so a little bit of grammar in this sentence why do we use the progressive tense i'm learning english if you say i'm learning it sounds like you're still continuing your studies if you say i learned english at it sounds like you're finished like you're finished studying there's nothing else for you to study so you're done so it's it's much much more natural to actually use the progressive i'm learning or i'm studying uh when you're talking about your studies when you're talking about your hobbies than it is to say i learned or i studied end and and and so those were 10 lines that you need to introduce yourself and to help give the other person a little bit of information and carry the conversation forward so please try them please go crazy with them make them your own thanks very much for joining us for this episode of top words and we'll see you again soon bye i'm from your neighbors dog house fish club club oh yes i like to go spelunking in north africa every summer [Music] welcome to english in three minutes the fastest easiest and most fun way to learn english hey everyone i'm alicia in this series we're going to learn some easy ways to ask and answer common questions in english it's really useful and it only takes three minutes in this lesson you're going to learn how to ask a really basic question in a polite but natural way how old are you in your english textbook one of the first lessons may have been how to ask someone's age by saying just how old are you however in many english language cultures asking an adult's age directly particularly a woman's age is not polite if you suddenly ask how old are you to someone you've just met they'll understand you but they might not be too happy about answering such a blunt and direct question so how do you find out someone's age without offending them you just add a magic phrase to the beginning of the question this phrase is do you mind me asking this is an incredibly useful phrase that you should definitely memorize it comes in handy whenever you want to ask a question that may be a little personal or come across as a little too direct native speakers of english use it all the time so the full question would be do you mind me asking how old you are be sure to pay attention to the word order of this sentence rather than do you mind me asking how old are you it's do you mind me asking how old you are the answer to this can be simple i'm 25 years old or just i'm 25 or it can be a little more detailed if you've just had a birthday you can say i've just turned 25 or if you're about to have a birthday you can say i'll turn 25 this month or i'll turn 25 in july it's more natural here not to give your exact birthday like july the 9th but just the month so again to turn this question back on the asker and find out his or her age all you have to do is use that other magic phrase we introduced in previous lessons how about you here it's okay not to worry about being polite since the other person asked you the question first now it's time for alicia's advice we mentioned that asking someone's age might not be polite but if you do decide to ask this question here's another tip some people like to reply with another question how old do you think i am be careful if you say an age that's older than the person's true age they might be very offended so it's always safer to say a number lower than what you actually think so if you think the person looks 40 say 35 and see how happy they look see you next time hi everybody welcome back to english topics my name is alicia and i'm joined by davey hi davey so today our topic is going to be how to start a conversation in english so both of us have tried to prepare a few tips uh that might help you as you try to start conversations in your english language studies so let's begin i'm gonna start first again i'll start i'll start okay okay go first we're giving tips on how to start a conversation i will start today my first tip very important trying to follow myself right now don't be shy very important tip uh this isn't really so much a language learning tip well it doesn't seem like a language learning tip but i think it really is because whenever you communicate in a second language or a foreign language it can be really nerve-racking it can make you very nervous and very anxious to try and do that especially if you're talking to someone for the first time and so the first thing is just to remind yourself that it's not a big deal and to not be shy and be confident and if you can maintain that attitude as you begin to talk to talk to someone it will be much easier i think i agree i agree or even like you say even if you are shy just pretend that you're not shy that's a good tip you know it's like even if you can just pretend just for a few minutes just to start the conversation or to continue a conversation a little bit it can be good even if you feel shy i agree and you might find too oftentimes people who would say that they are shy when they talk to someone in another language they can have a different personality it's a chance to have a different personality in a different language so if you tell yourself that too when you speak english when you speak another language you're more confident than you are when you speak your own language yeah that's true i've heard that before actually people who say that they feel like they're more outgoing when they speak english if that's the case maybe that's good for you also just in general another point about maybe not only starting conversations but continuing them um we're comfortable english language speakers are with interruptions to some point like you shouldn't always interrupt the other they are pretty comfortable with it see he just did it so we're we're kind of we're very comfortable with it so you don't need to wait for an invitation to speak in a conversation you can just join in or maybe agree with the person who's speaking or disagree with the person who's speaking as a way to join a conversation that's already in progress yeah nice one that's a good one okay i will share a tip mine are a little bit i don't know they're very dependent on maybe who you're talking to maybe what your relationship is so let's say for this one you are in a place where like a i don't know a restaurant or a bar or something and you don't know the person you'd like to speak to but maybe i don't know there's someone attractive you'd like to speak to or maybe you want to speak with the bartender or something so um maybe okay maybe this is better if you're trying to speak to a fellow customer so i have it's sort of small make a simple comment about something happening in the surroundings so this should be uh one a a simple comment at two something that the other person can clearly see and three something that you can agree on easily so for example if somebody uh has just walked by the restaurant wearing like a crazy hat i don't know you could say like oh did you see that guy something like that something that it's easy to agree on to initiate the conversation or maybe i don't know there's a tv in the bar like whoa did you see that play or something that maybe you can identify that you maybe shared with the other person during the time you've been in that space together so this should be a very simple comment don't make a weird comment here make it make it very very relaxed create a relaxed environment that the other person feels they can join in easily that's a very good tip i don't know i'm trying to think of maybe a time that i used this or maybe i wanted to make a comment like and there was another person that happened to be there and we had a moment where we agreed on something right but then the conversation didn't really continue yes so it's kind of a good way to test and see if that other person wants to speak to you too yes yeah that's a good point and it makes me think this isn't one of my tips this is an ex a free tip you're getting a free freebie tip now is i think uh everywhere they're they're flying around to be be patient wait for your opening too because you might want to talk to this person next to you but if you just butt in with a question out of nowhere it might seem very strange but if you wait and have have a moment wait for that guy with the funny hat to walk yeah and then you have your opening then you have an a natural point that you can enter the a conversation with someone yeah and i think so be patient totally and going back to your point about not being shy like don't be so focused on waiting for that moment that you just pick something really strange like if i like walked up to you i don't know me in a bar and i was like did you hear that noise like that's a really strange question maybe he did hear that noise but that's a really strange question um to introduce yourself yeah it's true this is actually all this this kind of relates to my second tip which is very similar to to your tip about making an a kind of comment was ask an indirect question and i noticed a lot of the comments your your tip was to make a comment but a lot of your comments the examples you gave were questions right and importantly i think that those questions should be kind of indirect questions for example if i'm standing at the bus stop and i want to start a conversation with someone else standing at the bus stop let's say it's very very hot but if i turn to that person and say do you think it's hot that's very strange but if i say something like oh it's pretty hot today right you know that's a little bit more casual a little bit more informal yeah um you don't want to scare people with these very direct questions that's true that's true and even even a question that's a great example do you think it's hot is a really weird question very strange question but but again keeping or giving people that opportunity to agree with you you're throwing a little opinion out there it's hot right oh yeah it's hot that's true that's a really really good one i totally agree or and i but i think for that exact same reason i've had some people come up to me and they tried to begin a conversation with how are you and i'm like yeah that's good yeah that's a that's a that's an introduction that you use for people that you already know yes um so don't try to start a conversation with how are you it sounds too familiar and it's a little confusing to the person strangers don't always want to tell you how they are that's true what if i'm bad i don't want to tell you what if i feel bad that day yeah so don't use how are you to introduce yourself nice one okay what do you have next um actually okay maybe this is somewhat related to the one you just um mentioned okay um i've got okay this is maybe in a like a party or a social event situation i have energetically introduced yourself and ask a question about where you are so this might be a little specific but if you go to a social event where you're there to meet people and to speak to people if you go up to someone and you just introduce yourself with a big smile and say hi my name is alicia have you ever been to one of these events before something like that can get the conversation started but again this is i feel like it's a tip that's good in a place where maybe everyone is there for a similar purpose if you do that like on to use your example at the bus station it's a little bit weird or if you're if you're just in public you pass someone on the street it's a little strange to just walk up and introduce someone energetically but if you're in a location where you have this chance there are a couple of nice little introductory questions you could use for events like i don't that's one that i would i've used like hi is this your first time here or um who do you know at this party yeah how did you find out about this event that sort of thing also similar kind of question in those situations is asking someone for help or for information because it lets that other person know that you're not a scary or threatening person in that situation either if you're asking for help you know can you can you tell me where the kitchen is i need to put this in the refrigerator something like that and then that shows the other person that you're not you're not an expert on this you're asking for their help and that kind of gives people uh an easy thing to engage you on an easy thing to talk about yeah absolutely for help can be a nice way too yeah that's a good point i think asking for help it also kind of puts you in a slightly vulnerable position it makes you seem a little bit like i need help so you know please take care of me it's a little bit interesting so that's a good tip too i think okay uh i think we're on to number three for you we are my last one is a very important one this comes at the end though is uh don't take it personally if the person doesn't want to talk a lot of times if you try and start a conversation with a stranger they don't always want to talk to you people try and talk stranger tries to talk to me i might be very busy i might have had a bad day i may not want to talk to them that doesn't mean that they're a bad person or they can't speak english or anything like that so if you have that experience you know my first tip was don't be shy you might be very nervous about starting a conversation with someone and then you work up the courage you go and you ask them a question and they don't want to talk to you that's okay don't take it personally it has nothing to do with you um you know you can find someone else to talk to that's true that's true and i think that's especially important because especially depending on the culture that you're from you might have heard like oh english speakers particularly americans are so friendly or so outgoing but but you know if a stranger tries to speak to me or to you maybe we're gonna ignore you on the street because we don't know who that person is or you know maybe like you say we've had a bad day or whatever it is there are so many reasons not to want to talk to a person that you don't know so don't be offended don't be sad don't be discouraged don't don't think that oh my my english is so bad this person didn't want to talk to me don't think that that it could be any any other reason why someone doesn't want to talk to you that's true that's true nice tip that's really important okay and we will move on maybe to my last one uh okay so for my last one this is maybe among people that you have some acquaintance with so maybe you're not super close to them but you've seen them before or maybe it's co-workers you're not super close to but anyway you'd like to make your relationship with those people deeper you can share a story about something you did recently something interesting a small short story don't tell a long 10 minute story about i don't know going shopping for milk on the weekend that's boring but something interesting that you did relatively recently that maybe they can find something of interest or something of value in so maybe you found a new restaurant that was good maybe you went to a concert and that was exciting maybe you met someone interesting so if there's something that you can share about yourself that the other person might find valuable that's a good way um to initiate conversation yeah so on that point if i can add another another free tip oh my gosh on on that note it made me think you spoke earlier about being vulnerable asking uh asking for help can show that you're vulnerable tell an embarrassing story that's good too don't don't brag don't talk about this great new car that you bought no one wants to hear that talk about how you you lost your car keys immediately after you bought your new car tell an embarrassing story tell something that will make the person laugh and will make you um be vulnerable and and look like a normal person that's true that's true like telling actually that's a good strategy it's called self-deprecation so making it means to make yourself look bad or to put yourself in a lower status a lower position and it can be very effective for making friends and like making people laugh uh i totally do this it's actually a lot of fun when you think about it like a story about something bad happening is oftentimes more interesting than a story about something good happening that's true um so all the best comedies are about terrible terrible happening yeah so if you have something like a little yeah like you lost your car keys or you had some kind of funny episode where maybe you don't look like the hero of the story that's a really good one to share have you had anything happen to you recently oh my gosh i probably have i lost my bag i just came back from traveling in europe and my bag got lost between dubai airport and tokyo airport and so my bag didn't uh arrive so i had to go two days without any of my clothes or anything um and then when i finally got my bag i was like yay i got it from the i got it from the delivery guy i was so happy i opened it up and like my sunscreen had exploded inside my bag i was like at least i have my objects i have my clothes and things and they won't get sunburned exactly now i won't sunburn any of my clothes so yeah so i mean it's like a small relatable oh that moped it's a small relatable story that maybe someone else can identify like oh that happened to me one time and then the conversation rolls from there so nice tip nice tip okay are you out of are you out of free tips are those all your free tips that's all for today our conversation started today we can't continue this conversation that's a different subject all right well we'll finish there for today thanks very much for joining us for this episode of english topics davey thanks very much for joining us thank you for having me uh if you liked this video please make sure to hit the like button and subscribe to our channel as well also if you want to find more content like this please make sure to check us out at if you have any ideas for how to start a conversation that you use please make sure to leave it in a comment too so we can check it out thanks very much for watching this episode and we'll see you again soon bye bye hi everybody my name is alicia and today we're going to be talking about the top 25 english phrases so let's get started the first phrase is hello hello of course is used as a greeting you can greet your friends you can greet your co-workers your family with this phrase just by saying hello hey hi what's up hello sup yo pretty much any time of day you can use hello hello the next phrase is good morning good morning is used as a greeting in the morning you can kind of feel when morning ends for you good morning is nice and polite or even just morning with your close friends or close co-workers the next phrase is good night good night is fine we don't use this to greet other people we use it when we're saying goodbye to other people at night family members particularly mothers and fathers to say good night to their children before they put them to bed you can say it to your friend in a text message or in an email if you've been talking for a while good night so the next word to talk about is goodbye uh use it when you say goodbye to your friends when you leave your friends goodbye bye of course take care have a nice day peace out that's another way to say goodbye okay the next phrase is i'm plus your name of course this is a way to introduce yourself you can use i'm in my case alicia i'm alicia to introduce yourself in any situation new friend i'm alicia okay the next phrase is what's your name what's your name is used to ask someone else what their name is so what is your name sounds a bit tried to use what's your name if you forget someone's name you can say sorry what's your name or sorry what's your name again next phrase is nice to meet you nice to meet you anytime you meet someone new nice to meet you is fine good to meet you is a little more casual great to meet you sounds very excited pleasure to meet you sounds like maybe a formal situation or a business context okay the next phrase is how are you how are you is it's just a friendly way to check in with the other person you can use it with friends your family your co-workers maybe even your boss to a certain degree uh how are you how are you doing the next phrase is i'm fine thanks and you uh if you saw english in three minutes we talked a lot about this phrase uh instead of i'm fine thank you and you say i'm good thanks how are you just shorten it make it a little bit more natural how are you good how are you great how are you not so good how are you okay and so on so when someone says how are you offer i usually say i'm good this week i blah blah blah give some information about what you've been up to maybe a hobby something that you did recently an event something interesting you saw whatever people want to make that connection with you and it's a good chance for you to continue speaking the next word is please please is a polite phrase used when you want something from someone else you can use this as a response when someone offers you something like in a restaurant for example would you like more water would you like something to drink oh please the next phrase is thank you thank you is used to express your appreciation you can use thank you with everybody the next phrase is you're welcome you're welcome when someone says thank you you can say you're welcome ah no biggie i use no biggie as in no biggie is short for no big problem the next word is yes yes of course yes means is any positive expression someone asks you a question and the answer is a positive answer you say yes yep uh-huh yeah no next i'm guessing i know it yep the next word is no no is a negative response to something when you have to give a negative answer so as you can probably guess um the long form of no is negative i like to use nope it's very very casual not gonna happen my parents would use that with me to soften that a little bit if you want to show a negative response to something like let's go for dinner tonight what do you want to do like do you want to go out not really no i don't think so to soften it the next word is okay okay this word comes from copy editors okay when they had to check a manuscript um they had to label the manuscript all clear ac but because they were copy editors and they have a very very sick sense of humor they thought they would mark it okay for all clear to make a joke because o and k do not start all and clear but it caught on among everybody in the world anyway okay uh is used to agree with somebody else well it can be used actually to express a positive or kind of a slight negative i feel transitioning in your conversation you can say okay now we're going to talk about blah blah blah okay the next phrase is excuse me excuse me it's used to get someone's attention in english when you don't know the other person for example in a store a supermarket maybe a stranger on the street you need to ask directions you can use excuse me you can use excuse me in the supermarket excuse me can you tell me where the hot sauce is if you've done something rude in public you can use excuse me i personally do not do rude things in public ever i'm sorry is the next word we're gonna talk about i'm sorry is used to apologize when you have made a mistake or someone you know has made a mistake and you're connected to it or you just feel bad you can use i'm sorry you made a mistake at work i'm sorry you forgot to feed your cat i'm sorry sorry about that you bump someone next to you oh sorry what time is it is the next phrase when you need to check what time it is what time is it when you ask someone else what time it is maybe you say this to yourself too check your watch check your phone check a clock pretty straightforward phrase there aren't really any short versions so that's an easy one where is that plus a location so you can use this for a building or a store we don't we're not going to use this where is the for a place a city name or a state name or a country name to do that you would need to remove the but where is the bank where is the post office you can use this to ask directions to ask for help in your house or at work where is the copy machine where is the file i need where is the blah blah blah where is the bathroom is perhaps a very important question to know the next one is may i use the restroom may i use the restroom as a polite and soft expression that you can use if you need to use the toilet you need to use the washroom when you're at someone's house for the very first time when you're in a place that you're that is new to you you can ask may i use the restroom more casually can i go to the bathroom to be very polite you can say may i go to the bathroom the next phrase is i would like to order something you can use this at a restaurant probably or in any situation where you need to place an order i'd like a pizza i'd like a beer can i get the check please this will be used at a restaurant when you've finished your meal and it's time to go can i get the check please in a very very casual situation you can just say check please that's fine the next phrase is see you soon see you soon is used with friends and family members perhaps when you expect to see them again soon after saying goodbye to them this is used at the end of the conversation you're going separate directions see you soon see ya is also good or just see you to make it a little more formal you can say i'll see you again soon make a full sentence out of it that way the next phrases see you later see you later it's very similar to see you soon but the point is with cu later is that you're probably going to meet that person again later on in the same day the last phrase is really really is a very useful word because you can use it to show you're interested in a conversation with upward intonation really really tell me more or to show that you're not so interested in the conversation with downward intonation really so there are many other words that you can use similar to really in this way like seriously or oh oh and so on so it's a really good practice for your intonation uh so those are 25 very common words uh and phrases in english if you liked this video if you like this topic um please subscribe um i'm sure there'll be a button here somewhere or a button here or wherever um but please be sure to subscribe to our channel because we're going to be doing more videos like this and we already have more videos like this so please be sure to check them out thanks very much for watching and we'll see you again soon bye really oh interesting uh-huh okay i see great fantastic unbelievable gratitude subjects what are we having for dinner tonight pizza affirmative a riff on that i am chris hardwick a man is reporting about his company's sales performance at a meeting which two charts is he using for his presentation [Music] please look at the handout the left chart shows our company's sales over the past three years and the sales forecast for the current year and the right chart shows the monthly breakdown in sales up to october of this year now please have a look at the left chart it shows that sales have been steadily increasing over the past three years and if we can keep increasing our sales the total sales for this year will show an increase over last year next please look at the right chart the red chart shows that the campaigns we ran in april and august were fairly effective i see but the sales decreased in may and september following the campaigns yes but this kind of decrease is unavoidable i expect the annual sales for this year will show an increase over last year if we can keep increasing our sales which two charts is he using for his presentation a man is reporting about his company's sales performance at a meeting which two charts is he using for his presentation please look at the handout the left chart shows our company's sales over the past three years and the sales forecast for the current year and the right chart shows the monthly breakdown in sales up to october of this year now please have a look at the left chart it shows that sales have been steadily increasing over the past three years and if we can keep increasing our sales the total sales for this year will show an increase over last year next please look at the right chart the right chart shows that the campaigns we ran in april and august were fairly effective i see but the sales decreased in may and september following the campaigns yes but this kind of decrease is unavoidable i expect the annual sales for this year will show an increase over last year if we can keep increasing our sales a man is joining a sports club and getting information on its policies what type of membership will he choose let me start by explaining our club's different membership options as described in this brochure regular members can use the gym in the pool at any time on any day of the week but we also offer early morning memberships where people can use the facilities only in the early morning and night memberships for people who only want to come in the evening what are the hours for early morning members early morning members can use the facilities from 6am to 10 am and night members can use them from 6 p.m to 11 p.m i see so early morning members can stop by and use the facilities on their way to work exactly the early morning type is popular among people with nine to five jobs and we also offer memberships just for the gym or just for the pool if you only want to use one of those i want to use both the gym and the pool i think i'll use the gym in the early morning before going to work on weekdays and then use the pool on the weekend do you have a membership that covers something like early mornings for the weekdays but all day on the weekend we're sorry but we don't offer a membership like that sir okay i don't think i can get up that early on the weekend so i'll choose this membership option what type of membership will he choose a man is joining a sports club and getting information on its policies what type of membership will he choose let me start by explaining our club's different membership options as described in this brochure regular members can use the gym in the pool at any time on any day of the week but we also offer early morning memberships where people can use the facilities only in the early morning and night memberships for people who only want to come in the evening what are the hours for early morning members early morning members can use the facilities from 6 a.m to 10 a.m and night members can use them from 6 p.m to 11 p.m i see so early morning members can stop by and use the facilities on their way to work exactly the early morning type is popular among people with nine to five jobs and we also offer memberships just for the gym or just for the pool if you only want to use one of those i want to use both the gym and the pool i think i'll use the gym in the early morning before going to work on weekdays and then use the pool on the weekend do you have a membership that covers something like early mornings for the weekdays but all day on the weekend we're sorry but we don't offer a membership like that sir okay i don't think i can get up that early on the weekend so i'll choose this membership option a woman is talking with a man who works for an outsourced printing company about a brochure for a new product when is the deadline for the first design draft for the brochure we decided to launch the new product on october 15th and we'd like to offer you the contract to make the brochure thank you so much we're definitely excited about helping you with this project so could you tell us a bit about the schedule when will you need everything by well considering the time needed for printing we'd like to get the brochures to the printing stage by the end of september so would it be possible for you to get us the first design draft by the middle of august well we'd like to give you three design options for the initial draft and then have you choose the one which best fits your concept then we'll make the final design based on your choice so it'll be very helpful if you could give us two more weeks to prepare for this stage hmm okay maybe one month will be enough time to choose one of the designs you've made and then decide on the final design alright we'll be counting on you you're in good hands our design team is the best thank you so much when is the deadline for the first design draft for the brochure a woman is talking with a man who works for an outsourced printing company about a brochure for a new product when is the deadline for the first design draft for the brochure we decided to launch the new product on october 15th and we'd like to offer you the contract to make the brochure thank you so much we're definitely excited about helping you with this project so could you tell us a bit about the schedule when will you need everything by well considering the time needed for printing we'd like to get the brochures to the printing stage by the end of september so would it be possible for you to get us the first design draft by the middle of august well we'd like to give you three design options for the initial draft and then have you choose the one which best fits your concept then we'll make the final design based on your choice so it'll be very helpful if you could give us two more weeks to prepare for this stage hmm okay maybe one month will be enough time to choose one of the designs you've made and then decide on the final design alright we'll be counting on you you're in good hands our design team is the best thank you so much a woman is calling on the phone to reserve tickets for a play which two seats did she get [Music] hello this is black friars playhouse can i help you i'd like to get two tickets for king lear at 5 30 this evening do you still have any tickets available we do have a few seats left but i'm sorry to say we don't have any next to each other if you don't mind though we can get you two seats separately okay we don't mind do you have any particular requests well do you have any aisle seats yes we have an aisle seat at the left side of the center section and to the right of it three seats over we have another free seat to the side okay then please book that aisle seat certainly how about the other one do you have any seats near the center the only center seats we have left are from the first row to the third row i'm not too crazy about having actors spit on me so this room is relatively small and i think you could enjoy the play even at the end of the row on the side is that so then i'll take the one you mentioned before on the left side which two seats did she get a woman is calling on the phone to reserve tickets for a play which two seats did she get hello this is blackfriar's playhouse can i help you i'd like to get two tickets for king lear at 5 30 this evening do you still have any tickets available we do have a few seats left but i'm sorry to say we don't have any next to each other if you don't mind though we can get you two seeds separately okay we don't mind do you have any particular requests well do you have any aisle seats yes we have an aisle seat at the left side of the center section and to the right of it three seats over we have another free seat to the side okay then please book that aisle seat certainly how about the other one do you have any seats near the center the only center seats we have left are from the first row to the third row i'm not too crazy about having actors spit on me so this room is relatively small and i think you could enjoy the play even at the end of the row on the side is that so then i'll take the one you mentioned before on the left side a man and a woman are talking about preparations for a presentation they'll be making tomorrow at their office what will the woman check after the conversation ends okay i think we're almost ready for the presentation tomorrow just a few more things the meeting will start at nine sharp so could you double check the meeting room today yep i've already checked the room okay great did you make sure the projector's working okay oh i was going to check the projector tomorrow morning when i have my laptop no we've got to get that checked today we won't have time to deal with it in the morning if there's a problem so make sure to check that projector today that's the most important thing okay will do and did you get the copies of those handouts ms tanaka is making them now let's see what else oh did you check the whiteboard yes i did sometimes the pens don't have enough ink left in them did you get a chance to check them not yet but i'll make sure to do that later yes please make sure to do that today what will the woman check after the conversation ends a man and a woman are talking about preparations for a presentation they'll be making tomorrow at their office what will the woman check after the conversation ends okay i think we're almost ready for the presentation tomorrow just a few more things the meeting will start at nine sharp so could you double check the meeting room today yep i've already checked the room okay great did you make sure the projector's working okay oh i was gonna check the projector tomorrow morning when i have my laptop no we've got to get that checked today we won't have time to deal with it in the morning if there's a problem so make sure to check that projector today that's the most important thing okay will do and did you get the copies of those handouts ms tanaka is making them now let's see what else oh did you check the whiteboard yes i did sometimes the pens don't have enough ink left in them did you get a chance to check them not yet but i'll make sure to do that later yes please make sure to do that today want to speak real english from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at hi everybody my name is alicia and today we're going to be talking about 10 of the hardest words to pronounce according to you guys so we collected some information from you on facebook thanks very much for sending in your ideas and these were the top 10 most difficult words for you to pronounce so let's get started absolutely absolutely absolutely might be tough to pronounce absolutely means 100 absolutely is uh an agreement phrase are you going to that music event next week absolutely yes 100 definitely absolutely loot like a loot l-u-t-e be grime the grime apparently means dirty i've never heard nor used this word before but perhaps it's difficult to pronounce big grime the door to my apartment was begrimed in the storm last week breakfast the next word is breakfast breakfast is hard to pronounce but that is the meaning of breakfast you're breaking the fast so a fast is a period of time without eating and to break means to just well in this case breaking something it doesn't refer to like crushing a thing but um stopping something to break the fast of the night in other words so you're fasting during the night you're not eating so you wake up in the morning you break the fast but we don't say breakfast we say breakfast in a sentence this morning for breakfast i ate a bowl of cereal with grapes and i had a coffee too colleague colleague yes colleague many of my students struggle with this they say colleague or they say call you or something because the spelling of this word is really really strange there's that g-u-e at the end or more commonly i feel it's just co-worker colleague sounds slightly more formal to me than co-worker somebody who you work with or somebody who you have a business relationship with in some sense could be a person from another company could be somebody from your own company anyone who you do business dealings with is your colleague can be your colleague in a sentence i'm going to a networking event with my colleagues next week miscellaneous that misc miscellaneous it's just the spelling i think maybe is confusing for this word miscellaneous miscellaneous just means other stuff or just other uncategorized stuff i keep a lot of miscellaneous items in a drawer in my house maybe they don't they don't really fit into one category like it's not kitchen things it's not clothing it's just sort of a mixture of of things miscellaneous things negotiation the next word is negotiation negotiation yeah there are two t's in this but neither t is a hard t they're both very soft that sound because they're followed by the i and another vowel that she a negotiation negotiation refers to a compromise uh between two people you're trying to make a decision and you negotiate in this case it's a noun form negotiation business negotiations continued for more than a month with this important deal realm realm i see why this one's hard it's that rome part little realm it's a weird word isn't it it's used to talk about just like the kind of a fantasy world as sort of the nuance of this phrase the realm uh in a sentence let us go to the realm where the elves live and eat their bread unfortunately the next word is unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately it just means too bad uh you can use this to to start bad news for example like unfortunately i can't come to work today because i'm sick or unfortunately i broke my arm at the basketball game last week or unfortunately my haircut is bad vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocab vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary just refers to the uh words in a language my vocabulary in my second language is really really low i need a bigger vocabulary so that i can express myself more clearly world world ah i see why this one's hard world world hard to pronounce that rld i think together is tough plus that w at the beginning as well it's such a short word but you have to say so many weird things at the same time whirled your tongue is going like this in a sentence i have traveled all over the world and the best food is in [Music] my stomach that's the end so those were 10 hard to pronounce words give them a try slowly at first and just kind of try to work up to saying it at a more natural speed if you like thank you so much for sharing your opinions with us on facebook and please make sure to subscribe to our channel so that you don't miss out on any of this fun information so thanks again for watching today and we'll see you again next time bye you don't need new shoes you need new feet a man and a woman are choosing a hotel which hotel are they going to choose [Music] we have to decide on the hotel for our trip next month okay let's check the internet the ocean hotel is near the beach it says 120 dollars a night per person and you get a buffet breakfast how about the pine hotel it's 80 a night i don't want to waste too much on accommodations hmm but the pine hotel is far from the beach and from downtown and it says you have to pay for wi-fi what about the sunrise hotel it usually costs 140 a night but now they're running a promotion and we can stay one night for ninety dollars it's between the beach and downtown plus it has free wi-fi sounds good oh wait it says the deal is for next week only oh i didn't see that so how about this place the royal hotel it's located in the middle of downtown and it costs 100 a night the room doesn't look so nice but they have free wi-fi okay let's book this hotel oh it's already fully booked shoot then i think the first one is best is it full no it's not great which hotel are they going to choose a man and a woman are choosing a hotel which hotel are they going to choose we have to decide on the hotel for our trip next month okay let's check the internet the ocean hotel is near the beach it says 120 a night per person and you get a buffet breakfast how about the pine hotel it's 80 a night i don't want to waste too much on accommodations hmm but the pine hotel is far from the beach and from downtown and it says you have to pay for wi-fi what about the sunrise hotel it usually costs 140 dollars a night but now they're running a promotion and we can stay one night for ninety dollars it's between the beach and downtown plus it has free wi-fi sounds good oh wait it says the deal is for next week only oh i didn't see that so how about this place the royal hotel it's located in the middle of downtown and it costs 100 a night the room doesn't look so nice but they have free wi-fi okay let's book this hotel oh it's already fully booked shoot then i think the first one is best is it full no it's not great a man and a woman are talking about the layout of a meeting room how are they going to arrange the tables [Music] let's move the tables for tomorrow's meeting all right shall we put all the tables in the center of the room so that everyone faces each other well there's going to be a group session first so let's separate the tables into four sections four people will be seated in each group okay and i'll put some pens and pads of paper on each table thank you and we'll have a short presentation at the beginning of the session so we need a projector here all right also we're going to use a whiteboard aren't we is it okay if i put the whiteboard next to the screen well how about putting the white board at the other end of the room that makes sense after the meeting we need to put everything back where it was in four rows of two tables per row how are they going to arrange the tables a man and a woman are talking about the layout of a meeting room how are they going to arrange the tables let's move the tables for tomorrow's meeting all right shall we put all the tables in the center of the room so that everyone faces each other well there's going to be a group session first so let's separate the tables into four sections four people will be seated in each group okay and i'll put some pens and pads of paper on each table thank you and we'll have a short presentation at the beginning of the session so we need a projector here all right also we're going to use a whiteboard aren't we is it okay if i put the whiteboard next to the screen well how about putting the whiteboard at the other end of the room that makes sense after the meeting we need to put everything back where it was in four rows of two tables per row man and a woman are talking about office supplies what will the man order [Music] every month you need to check our office supplies and order any items that are running low this time let's take a look at them together here's the checklist okay that sounds good well starting with the paper it looks like there's only one box left we use lots of paper every day so let's order two more boxes okay the printer is out of color ink should we order that we don't really print documents in color so we don't need to worry about that okay looks like these whiteboard markers are running out of ink right those need to be replaced we get a discount if we order them in sets of five so let's do that okay and while we're at it can we order a mouse sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn't that's probably because it's running out of batteries let's check the stock of batteries and order more if we don't have many left sure well we have three batteries here you can take two of these for your mouse but buy a six pack of batteries to replace them what will the man order a man and a woman are talking about office supplies what will the man order every month you need to check our office supplies and order any items that are running low this time let's take a look at them together here's the checklist okay that sounds good well starting with the paper it looks like there's only one box left we use lots of paper every day so let's order two more boxes okay the printer is out of color ink should we order that we don't really print documents in color so we don't need to worry about that okay looks like these white board markers are running out of ink right those need to be replaced we get a discount if we order them in sets of five so let's do that okay and while we're at it can we order a mouse sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn't that's probably because it's running out of batteries let's check the stock of batteries and order more if we don't have many left sure well we have three batteries here you can take two of these for your mouse but buy a six pack of batteries to replace them a woman is asking for directions to the airport at an information center how is she going to get to the airport [Music] excuse me i need to go to the airport would you tell me how to get there sure there are a few ways if you take bus number one it takes about one and a half hours to the airport it's the least expensive way bus number two is a non-stop bus it's more expensive and leaves once every hour but it only takes 50 minutes i see what about taxis there's a taxi stand in front of the building and they take about an hour but they use the expressway and charge extra for a lot of luggage so it's going to be a lot more expensive than the bus i guess that makes sense and i'd like to avoid paying too much you didn't by chance buy anything at shopping world while you were here they offer complimentary shuttle service to the airport for customers who make a purchase there wow i didn't know that i haven't bought anything yet but i was going to stop by and get some souvenirs there anyway then you can use that how is she going to get to the airport a woman is asking for directions to the airport at an information center how is she going to get to the airport excuse me i need to go to the airport would you tell me how to get there sure there are a few ways if you take bus number one it takes about one and a half hours to the airport it's the least expensive way bus number two is a non-stop bus it's more expensive and leaves once every hour but it only takes 50 minutes i see what about taxis there's a taxi stand in front of the building and they take about an hour but they use the expressway and charge extra for a lot of luggage so it's going to be a lot more expensive than the bus i guess that makes sense and i'd like to avoid paying too much you didn't by chance buy anything at shopping world while you were here they offer complimentary shuttle service to the airport for customers who make a purchase there wow i didn't know that i haven't bought anything yet but i was going to stop by and get some souvenirs there anyway then you can use that a woman and a supplier are talking on the phone what is the woman going to get for the sale [Music] i need you to deliver some more sweaters in time for the sale next month okay what do you need we need a thousand of the small red sweaters and 400 of the medium red sweaters and we also need 600 of the small green sweaters and 200 of the medium green sweaters by the end of this month red and green sweaters actually we're running low on green sweaters and we're waiting on some green yarn from our supplier we'll get you started with the red sweaters though no no no we need the red and green sweaters together so please just get as many green sweaters ready as you can okay i think we can get 200 of the green sweaters to you on time which size has higher priority the small ones take priority sorry for such short notice but we really need your help all right we'll do our best we'll get those green sweaters to you along with all the red sweaters you ordered what is the woman going to get for the sale a woman and a supplier are talking on the phone what is the woman going to get for the sale i need you to deliver some more sweaters in time for the sale next month okay what do you need we need a thousand of the small red sweaters and 400 of the medium red sweaters and we also need 600 of the small green sweaters and 200 of the medium green sweaters by the end of this month red and green sweaters actually we're running low on green sweaters and we're waiting on some green yarn from our supplier we'll get you started with the red sweaters though no no no we need the red and green sweaters together so please just get as many green sweaters ready as you can okay i think we can get 200 of the green sweaters to you on time which size has higher priority the small ones take priority sorry for such short notice but we really need your help all right we'll do our best we'll get those green sweaters to you along with all the red sweaters you ordered want to speak real english from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at hi everybody my name is alicia and today we're going to be talking about 10 phrases that you always want to hear so let's begin you win the first phrase is you win you win if you hear the phrase you win it means you have won something you are probably going to receive something for free that's a very happy thing right you want to get free things congratulations you win a car yay here are the keys to your new car great thank you i brought you something special this is exciting to hear because it means this little something special is like oh i thought only a view so i brought you this i brought you something special really thank you i miss you i miss you i miss you it's nice you can use this with your friends your family members your partner whoever i miss you shows that you want to meet the other person probably you haven't you haven't seen them as much as you would like to so you can say i miss you i miss you call your husband or wife or boyfriend girlfriend whoever on the phone maybe you haven't seen them for a long time you can say i miss you i miss you too take a break i'll do the cleaning today take a break i'll do the cleaning today this means someone else is going to clean up your house for you or clean up something for you i would be very happy to hear this phrase right now because my apartment is a disaster because i'm only there to sleep so maybe you've had a long day at work or a long day doing something you come home and somebody else has offered to do this for you so take a break i'll do the cleaning today and you can reply really thank you so much i'm gonna relax the budget is unlimited the next phrase that you always want to hear is the budget is unlimited the budget is unlimited this could be a work this could be a budget a personal budget maybe but it just means there's no limit to the budget you can spend as much money as you want woohoo very exciting so let's see in a business context perhaps you have this new client who's going to give you a lot of money to build a new house or something maybe you're building houses that's your project your boss comes to you the budget for this project is unlimited really let's go crazy attention there'll be a bonus at the end of the month yeah this is a phrase that you probably are very excited to hear it means you are going to receive extra money from your job at the end of the month woohoo very exciting extra money maybe you'll hear this from your boss or your manager or maybe your co-worker at work or maybe you see it in an email there will be a bonus at the end of the month really i'm going to use mine to buy a new car really i'm going to use mine to go out on a date really i'm going to use mine to get a new fish you did a great job you did a great job you did a great job at something um you'll probably hear from well i don't know you could hear this from pretty much anybody anytime you've done a good job someone will congratulate you or tell you their opinion with this phrase you did a great job you finished a project at work and your boss says you did a great job nice thank you so much it was really fun or thank you just just say thank you you look great today you look great today the other person thinks that your physical appearance is nice today don't think about the today part you know just just just take the compliment oh really thank you so much you look great today oh thank you so much i got a new haircut thank you so much i i got enough sleep yeah you were right you were right this means that um something that you said in the past was correct and everybody likes to be correct i think i saw that movie that you recommended you were right it was really good oh good i'm glad you enjoyed it don't be like i know or yeah i knew i was right don't do that just say oh good i'm glad you're an excellent cook you're an excellent cook this is a nice compliment especially for someone who enjoys cooking if you say you're an excellent cook it means you enjoyed their food so let's see at a dinner party for example you're an excellent cook this food is delicious oh thank you so much i'm really glad you enjoyed it and that's the end so those are things that you want to hear so keep in mind it's nice for you to hear these things but other people also want to hear them too so compliment other people tell them that they are awesome if they are awesome tell them that they have good skills in whatever it is that they like to do people like to be complimented people want to be liked so write them a message or say something nice to them yes leave us a comment we have a great team of people doing all these amazing things so tell them how much you love them so thanks so much for joining us for this week's lesson we will see you again next time please make sure to subscribe if you have not already uh so that you don't miss out on any fun stuff thank you very much again for watching and we'll see you again soon bye i guess i don't really need to do that i'm so sorry amped all the time japanese bug battle a husband and a wife are looking at some floor plans which room are they going to see [Music] how about this one it's got a nice large living room hmm i like a big living room but i want the parking space let's see how about this one yeah that's nice should we go see this one wait a second isn't the closet a bit too small good point hmm there doesn't seem to be one that's perfect wait how about this one it's got everything we need doesn't it and the closet is pretty large too let's go see this one okay which room are they going to see a husband and a wife are looking at some floor plans which room are they going to see how about this one it's got a nice large living room hmm i like a big living room but i want the parking space let's see how about this one yeah that's nice should we go see this one wait a second isn't the closet a bit too small good point hmm there doesn't seem to be one that's perfect wait how about this one it's got everything we need doesn't it and the closet is pretty large too let's go see this one okay a man is making a reservation at a hotel which room is he going to stay in [Music] seaside hotel how may i help you hi i'd like to stay for one night on september 22nd certainly one night from september 22nd how many people two would you like a smoking or a non-smoking room sir non-smoking the only non-smoking room available on that day is a mountain view room is that okay well i was hoping for an ocean view room i'm sorry but the only ocean view room available on that day is a smoking room i see is there a non-smoking ocean view room available on september 23rd yes there is okay we'll stay on september 23rd which room is he going to stay in a man is making a reservation at a hotel which room is he going to stay in seaside hotel how may i help you hi i'd like to stay for one night on september 22nd certainly one night from september 22nd how many people two would you like a smoking or a non-smoking room sir non-smoking the only non-smoking room available on that day is a mountain view room is that okay well i was hoping for an ocean view room i'm sorry but the only ocean view room available on that day is a smoking room i see is there a non-smoking ocean view room available on september 23rd yes there is okay we'll stay on september 23rd a woman is talking to her hair stylist how would she like to change her hair [Music] hi may i help you hi i've got a three o'clock reservation for richie ah yes welcome miss richie please come this way what can i do for you today i'd like to change my hairstyle a little bit okay what length would you like about shoulder length alright and what about your bangs keep the bangs straight down or parted on the side to the side a bit which side maybe a little left from the middle got it we'll start with the shampoo so please come this way would she like to change her hair a woman is talking to her hair stylist how would she like to change her hair hi may i help you hi i've got a three o'clock reservation for richie ah yes welcome miss richie please come this way what can i do for you today i'd like to change my hairstyle a little bit okay what length would you like about shoulder length all right and what about your bangs keep the bangs straight down or part it on the side to the side a bit which side maybe a little left from the middle got it we'll start with the shampoo so please come this way a male and female student are looking at job advertisements which job is the female student going to apply for [Music] hey what do you think about this job the hourly pay is pretty high sure the pay looks great but could you really do a newspaper delivery route of course i'm good at riding bikes but i'm worried about waking up early what about this one the pay isn't as high but you can work two or three days a week and start working from the evening oh this one a supermarket cashier huh well it would be good to work after school this one for a coffee shop might be good too oh yeah i love that place and it's on my way to school not bad huh hmm which one should i apply to which too is it between the coffee shop and the newspaper delivery route yeah the pay for the newspaper route is really nice okay my mind's made up i guess i'll just have to get up early which job is the female student going to apply for a male and female student are looking at job advertisements which job is the female student going to apply for hey what do you think about this job the hourly pay is pretty high sure the pay looks great but could you really do a newspaper delivery route of course i'm good at riding bikes but i'm worried about waking up early what about this one the pay isn't as high but you can work two or three days a week and start working from the evening oh this one a supermarket cashier huh well it would be good to work after school this one for a coffee shop might be good too oh yeah i love that place and it's on my way to school not bad huh hmm which one should i apply to which too is it between the coffee shop and the newspaper delivery route yeah the pay for the newspaper route is really nice okay my mind's made up i guess i'll just have to get up early a woman is trying on a dress and talking to a shop clerk which dress is she going to buy [Music] it looks very nice on you and it fits perfectly yeah it fits but i usually wear plain colors i'm not used to this kind of a pattern well i think you look great yeah still it would take some courage for me to actually wear this what about this dress then the pattern is much more reserved so it won't feel as flashy you're right let me try that one on go right ahead what do you think ma'am this one suits me much more than the last do you have a long-sleeved version with this design yes we do thanks i'll buy that which dress is she going to buy a woman is trying on a dress and talking to a shop clerk which dress is she going to buy it looks very nice on you and it fits perfectly yeah it fits but i usually wear plain colors i'm not used to this kind of a pattern well i think you look great yeah still it would take some courage for me to actually wear this what about this dress then the pattern is much more reserved so it won't feel as flashy you're right let me try that one on go right ahead what do you think ma'am this one suits me much more than the last do you have a long-sleeved version with this design yes we do thanks i'll buy that a woman is ordering a birthday cake which cake is she going to order [Music] excuse me i'd like to order a birthday cake for my daughter great could you tell me what kind of cake you're looking for my daughter likes chocolate so i think a chocolate cream cake would be good and can you put strawberries on it absolutely we have round and square cakes which one would you prefer hmm a round one please okay how old is your daughter going to be she'll be 12. okay then we'll get 12 candles ready do you want to write a message yes please write happy birthday all right do you want that written in pink if so we'll put it on a white plate otherwise we can write it in white and put it on a pink plate please write it in pink and put it on a white plate which cake is she going to order a woman is ordering a birthday cake which cake is she going to order excuse me i'd like to order a birthday cake for my daughter great could you tell me what kind of cake you're looking for my daughter likes chocolate so i think a chocolate cream cake would be good and can you put strawberries on it absolutely we have round and square cakes which one would you prefer hmm a round one please okay how old is your daughter going to be she'll be 12. okay then we'll get 12 candles ready do you want to write a message yes please write happy birthday all right do you want that written in pink if so we'll put it on a white plate otherwise we can write it in white and put it on a pink plate please write it in pink and put it on a white plate a man and a woman are discussing plans for their upcoming move when are they going to move i think we should decide on the moving date and call a moving company sounds good i was just looking at some moving companies i don't want to pay a lot of money definitely this company here will give us a discount of 10 if we book at least one month before the moving day one month before then we have to move after december 15th in order to get the discount yep and there's an additional discount if we book on a weekday a weekday well i have a meeting that monday morning and the exhibition is on tuesday and wednesday so friday would be good because we could then organize the new place over the weekend yeah but wait a second they say fifteen percent off monday to thursday and five percent off on friday well what do you want to do let's go for the biggest discount i'll be done with the exhibition by then anyway when are they going to move a man and a woman are discussing plans for their upcoming move when are they going to move i think we should decide on the moving date and call a moving company sounds good i was just looking at some moving companies i don't want to pay a lot of money definitely this company here will give us a discount of 10 percent if we book at least one month before the moving day one month before then we have to move after december 15th in order to get the discount yep and there's an additional discount if we book on a weekday a weekday well i have a meeting that monday morning and the exhibition is on tuesday and wednesday so friday would be good because we could then organize the new place over the weekend yeah but wait a second they say fifteen percent off monday to thursday and five percent off on friday well what do you want to do let's go for the biggest discount i'll be done with the exhibition by then anyway hi everybody and welcome back to top words my name is alicia and today we're going to talk about 10 words for talking about sleep let's go to wake up the first word is to wake up to wake up is to open your eyes probably in your bed or the place where you are sleeping to wake up is to uh to become conscious to become awake every day you wake up uh presumably hopefully in a sentence i woke up three times last night to get up to get out of bed all right the next word is to get up or to get out of bed so that means to physically move your body from your bed out of bed to stand up from your bed to get out of your bed we say to get up or to get out of bed in a sentence i got up at eight o'clock this morning to snooze the next word is to snooze so we have to snooze and alarm and also to snooze so to snooze means to take a short sleep to have a short sleeping time or to snooze an alarm is when your alarm goes off in the morning you have a button most alarm clocks have some button you can press so the alarm will turn on again in like five or ten minutes or something so to snooze an alarm is to like to ask your alarm to wake you up again a few minutes later that's uh to snooze so we have to snooze an alarm and two snooze meaning like a short light sleep in a sentence i always snooze my alarm at least once that is usually true to over sleep the next word is to over sleep to over sleep means to sleep too much or to sleep late uh actually no it doesn't mean to sleep late to sleep late means just to sleep until a late time in the day oversleep means sleeping beyond the time you wanted to get up so for example if my alarm is set for 8 o'clock but i wake up at nine o'clock i overslept i slept beyond my wake-up time so we can use oversleep to talk about times when you sleep too much you sleep more than your body needs you to so maybe your body needs depending on the person like six to nine hours or so but if you sleep like 14 hours we can say that's over sleeping you're sleeping too much that's the nuance here in a sentence i overslept on my first day of work nap the next word is nap nap is a short sleep so a nap is maybe 30 minutes one hour just a short sleep a short rest so a lot of people will take a nap in the afternoon for example or maybe children actually take naps for example in preschool or when they're very very young they have an afternoon nap a short sleep like yeah just like an hour or so i imagine in a sentence i love naps actually i do like naps i don't like naps because when i take a nap it becomes asleep it's always like i wake up four hours later and i'm like okay well i've destroyed my sleep schedule dream the next word is dream dream so dreams are those those visions those images you see those maybe experiences it seems like you have when you are asleep in a sentence i always have weird dreams nightmare so the next word is nightmare nightmare is a word which means bad dream or scary dream negative dream so children maybe have nightmares a lot they wake up crying or they're really upset by nightmares monsters terrifying things happening and so on in a sentence do you ever have nightmares to go to bed the next word is to go to bed so before we talked about to get up or to get out of bed this is the opposite to go to bed means to get in your bed uh to to try to go to sleep to go to bed in a sentence i usually go to bed fairly late to hit the hay to hit the sack the next expression is kind of a s i don't know a slang expression uh we have to hit the hay and to hit the sack these both mean to go to bed um they both mean to try to fall asleep but we just use them in more casual situations the image here of hit the hay is with your body hitting hay like laying down in hay i believe historically because uh hay was used to stuff um things that people slept on so that's why we have this expression to hit the hay with your body same thing for to hit the sack so a sack full of something soft to sleep on uh is where this expression comes from in a sentence i think i'm gonna hit the hay to fall asleep the next expression it is to fall asleep to fall asleep you're in bed and you finally you lose consciousness you you stop being aware you are asleep in that moment we say you fall asleep in a sentence it takes me a long time to fall asleep all right hi everyone i'm christine from in this video we'll be talking about 10 phrases to help you in an emergency let's begin help use this phrase when you need help or when you want someone to rescue you in case of an emergency dial 9-1-1 in the united states the phone number you can dial in case of an emergency is 9-1-1 for police also dial 9-1-1 the number is the same for calling the police it's easy to remember call the police please use this phrase when you need someone to call the police please state the nature of your emergency this is what the 911 call center or an officer will say to ask for more details about your emergency i need a doctor use this phrase when you are not feeling very well and want to get medical help i need an ambulance use this phrase when you need an ambulance to come and take you to the hospital there's a fire this is a very simple way to catch people's attention in case of a fire after saying this you need to explain what happened and where the fire is i want to report a crime use this phrase when you want to report a crime that has happened to you or someone else my location is when you call for help through the phone you'll need to say where you are start your explanation with this phrase hi everyone it's christine welcome back to another episode of top words today we'll be talking about 10 reasons to start learning a language let's go it's a beautiful language every language has specific characteristics and some people like the way certain languages sound some languages might sound better to you than others my family comes from a place where the language is spoken for many people their cultural heritage is very important to them if your family speaks another language you might not be able to talk to some of your relatives or fully understand your background so many people try to learn the language of the place they've descended from i love the culture and the people who speak the language if you're really interested in a specific country and its culture this can be a great reason to learn a language it's also shown that being interested in a culture motivates language learners to work harder and get better results i just love learning languages some people learn because they have to and some people just learn because they find it interesting learning a language takes time and effort and some people love the challenge the language is useful for my job gaining new skills is important for many professionals being able to speak another language can potentially help your business make more money and maybe even get you a promotion i live in a country that speaks the language living in a country and not being able to speak the language can be hard learning the language of the place you live can help you make friends get a job and have an easier life i want to open my mind and become more international for many people feeling connected to other cultures and broadening their horizons is especially important learning a new language can change how you interact with the world i want to understand my favorite songs movies and tv shows if you're really into a culture learning that culture's language can help you enjoy even more learning a new language can add depth to your appreciation of a culture i love traveling people who have been bitten by the travel bug but traveling to a place where you don't know the language can be hard for example if you can speak spanish there are so many different countries you can visit it's part of my university studies most universities require you to take language class for a few semesters to graduate but it doesn't have to feel like work learning a language for university can open great opportunities in the future vamos hi everybody welcome back to top words my name is alicia and today we're going to be talking about 10 gamer speak words i am excited about this one let's go first word is achievement achievement is used when you have completed a mission in some games there's a very famous phrase that says like achievement unlocked good feeling beta beta it's for something that's not quite finished but that's maybe in like a testing phase you could hear like the beta release of something or like the beta test version of blah blah blah for example i am beta testing a running game right now that is true next is boss if you've ever played a video game probably you know about a boss battle you've been playing through a level at the end of that level there's a boss that you have to fight it's kind of interesting now thinking about it how we use boss for the main challenger that you have to defeat in a video game level but we also use it for like our managers at work so um the next word is role-playing game role-playing game is commonly abbreviated commonly shortened to rpg this is a very popular style of game a role playing game meaning you play a role role playing games have evolved over years now you can play for example mmo rpgs massively multiplayer online role playing games i have been playing role playing games since i was like 11 and my brother convinced me to play final fantasy vii the next word is checkpoint you might also hear save point you save your game and then you continue on in the game and then if you die you go back and you respawn you come back to life from that checkpoint i feel like checkpoint is used more in like a racing game but save point is used more in an rpg the next one is noob n-o-o-b i love the word noob mostly to talk about myself actually when i've made like a really stupid decision noob means rookie it means someone who is inexperienced at something you can use noob in a game if you find someone who's just joined the game they're a brand new player they are a noob they don't know anything farming let's talk about farming in gaming terms it means you're trying to collect a certain item it has like kind of a reputation for being a bit boring because you're just killing like the same creature over and over again npc npc means non-playable character there are other characters within the game that move the story forward but that you cannot play as you cannot become that character but you interact with them i have to talk to an npc in order to move this quest forward next is camper a camper is someone who is waiting for a creature to spawn so a person who's waiting for the monster to appear is called the camper you can use camping as a verb too to talk about that like i'm camping this monster really people camp other players i suppose so depending on the kind of game you're playing mmo is a massively multiplayer online game means you can play online with a lot of different people essentially want to speed up your language learning take your very first lesson with us you'll start speaking in minutes and master real conversations sign up for your free lifetime account just click the link in the description
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 79,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EnglishClass101, Tutorial, english, how to, learn, English culture, English Language (Interest), learn english, vocabulary, survival phrases, important, Word (Literature Subject), words, top, compilation, ask, teacher, made easy, beginner, english lesson, best of, write, read, speak, english basics, basics, continuous play, long play, auto play, autoplay, speak english, native speaker, english native, english guide, introduction to english
Id: -NCN2c2-ruw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 51sec (7371 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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