English Modal Verb in the Past: Could Have/Couldn't Have

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okay thank you's rolling hi everybody welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is alicia and in this week's live lesson we are going to talk about a modal verb in the past this week i'm going to focus on how to use could have and the negative form couldn't have we're going to practice using this to make statements and to make questions i'm also going to talk about some pronunciation points and also a couple of common questions people have with this grammar so i hope that everyone can find something new in today's lesson so as you join please make sure to send a message in the chat so that we can say hello to you also please make sure to like and share the video so that other people can find today's lesson uh while we wait as always a couple of quick announcements i will take away the lesson title there is this free banner free banner this banner at the bottom of the screen about free pdf lessons you can get a bunch of free vocabulary uh sheets to download these are a few examples i was just looking at this one this talking online one i thought this was really helpful for right now these are cheat sheets so basically a quick reference or a quick guide to a conversation topic this one is about talking online so vocabulary words and expressions you can use in this case common english internet vocabulary and common phrases to use so this is the one i was just looking at i thought this one was a nice one for these days so you can check this out and many many more i'll show you some more later there are a lot uh you can find this from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you are watching on facebook that's announcement number one announcement number two is as always if you have questions about anything related to english if you have grammar questions if you want to know the difference between some similar vocabulary words if you have culture related questions whatever you can send them to me here please send them to me for our english q a series called ask alicia this is a screenshot from the series so i will read your question and maybe choose to answer it so uh you can find these videos on the english class 101 youtube channel uh you can find just search for ask alicia there and you'll find it should be exciting all right so that is it for today's announcements uh i will come and say hello in the chat real quick uh youtube i see everybody there facebook i'm coming to look for you too great it looks like everybody's there youtube i'll say hi to you first elvin new conway hello krish wilbur hi cool vishnu hi wahab hi thank you very much for coming and on facebook uh i see lots of you on facebook hi hey mafia uh ismail hi sophia hi miguel hello stanley rasheed hi thanks everybody for joining us this week as i said this week we are going to talk about how to use a modal verb in the past i'm going to cover could have and couldn't have this week so everybody is here let's look now at today's lesson flow so again if you have not seen our live lessons recently i am broadcasting from home i'm using smaller white boards these days let's take a look at our lesson flow if i can push the button correctly there we go okay let's take a look at our lesson flow first i'm going to talk about could and could not have to make statements this is part one next i'm going to talk about how to make questions and kind of when we use these and last i'm going to do an f a q faq means frequently asked questions so i'm going to cover some common questions people have about this grammar okay so let's get into the first part of today's lesson then please i'm going to begin with this part once i find my marker i lost my marker okay let's talk first then about how to use this grammar to make statement statements so uh first let's quickly review how we make this grammar what do we do when we use could in the past for this for this lesson this is the basic way we form the grammar could plus have plus the past participle form of a verb so our subject will be over here somewhere so i could have he could have she could have and so on to make it negative we use not before have right here so what does this grammar do why should we use this grammar we use could have and could not have to express past possibility past possibility so that means we want to talk about something that happened or that did not happen in the past we just want to express it was possible or impossible so to imagine this imagine a timeline so here's the past here's now our lesson and then into the future so when we make a positive could have past participle verb statement it refers to something in the past that was possible that was possible but a key with this grammar point is we just want to talk about it so that means this thing it didn't happen it didn't happen but we just want to imagine that it was possible okay on the other hand when we make a negative could not have something it refers to something that was not possible in the past so again the opposite this thing did happen but we want to imagine a situation that is different from the past so a lot of people ask me like can i just change could and would can i use them in the same way the answer is no they communicate very very different ideas i made a modal verbs in the past lesson about wood so please check that out if you have questions about how to use wood i will put a link to it after the stream in the youtube description for this video so please check that out if you want to understand the differences so let's practice uh some positive and some negative statements and if you have one please send it in the chat i will try to check your answers live and give you some feedback so let's take a look at this sentence if i had studied i could have passed the test if i had studied i could have passed the test here we see a very common grammar pattern with this could have pattern with this could have structure it's very common to see these kinds of structures with an if statement so if something something something usually if plus this past perfect because we're talking about a past situation yeah or a past imaginary situation so it's very common to see an if i had something something i could have something something so this is a very common uh structure you can practice this one so what is happening in this sentence first here's our could have and past is the past participle form of the verb i could have passed the test if i had studied so what does this mean it means i did not study first i did not study but i want to imagine if i had if i had studied i could have passed the test that means in the past there was a past possibility of passing the test but i did not pass the test why probably because i didn't study so again we want to just imagine past possibility okay let's look at a negative sentence and then i'll come to the chat to try to check some of your examples okay so a negative sentence we could not have achieved our goals without our great team once more we could not have achieved our goals without our great team so this is a negative could not have achieved is the past participle form of achieve we could not have achieved our goals then what is happening here so we are expressing a negative yeah so that means achieved our goals this is the action the activity kind of we want to express that action in the past there was no possibility for it but we had a great team so this this without means if it's like saying if we had not had a great team if we had not had our great team we would not or we could not have achieved our goals so this without is like a short way a very short quick way of saying uh had not had or if we had not had very convenient this word so here is how we use it for a negative so this is a compliment to our team yeah okay great i will come for your example sentences now uh try to make an example sentence too uh silva says if i had studied with alicia before i could have had a better english level all right pretty good to make the last part i could have had maybe a better english level we might say i could have maybe achieved a higher english level uh i could have slept but instead i studied english good okay good good good oh jantani says if i had a good education i could have had a beautiful life so make sure when your verb is have and then the next verb is have as well could have had i could have had okay on facebook barrage says if i hadn't gone to the hospital oh i wouldn't now that's a wooden example sentence good we're practicing good today i wouldn't have had chronic pain it's correct though nice sentence uh let's see jose says we could not have assessed the facility without the audit checklist nice perfect and great vocabulary in that okay um what happened to your board i'm teaching from my house so okay um deepak on youtube says if i had enough money maybe if i had had because again we are talking about the past yeah if i had had enough money i could have purchased a netflix subscription for a year for a year great okay nice examples everybody let's look at two more longer examples i want to show some kind of natural long examples that use this grammar and then we'll go to part two so another positive sentence you could have come hiking with us if you had arrived in town earlier you could have come hiking with us if you had arrived in town earlier so what's happening here you could have come this is our could have structure the activity was hiking you could have come hiking with us here's our if again so a very common pattern if with this if you had arrived in town earlier earlier this point right here early year is it common a very common is rather is where i see a very common mistake in learners many learners say if you had arrived in town early early the reason this has to be this must be early year is because we are expressing earlier than the time you actually arrived earlier than the time you actually read so if i arrived in town at two o'clock p.m but uh in order to go hiking i had to arrive at 12 o'clock that's earlier than the time i actually arrived so we have to use the comparative form here if you could have come hiking with us if you had arrived in town earlier so this sentence just makes the if part last in the sentence you can switch it so if can come at the beginning okay one more negative example then we will go to part two our manager was in meetings all morning so she couldn't have had time to review the documents we sent again our manager was in meetings all morning so she couldn't have had time to review the documents we sent so what is happening in this sentence there's no if right what's going on so we're talking about this past condition where our manager was in meeting so in meetings means she was busy she was attending meetings all morning so she couldn't have had that means it was impossible she had time to review the documents we sent she couldn't have had time to review the documents we sent and again here i've used have and the next verb is also have but i have to use the past participle form of the verb so have had she couldn't have had time to review the documents we sent okay what else what are your example sentences uh i'm looking for your notifications uh says if i had learned a new language i could have spoken with new people great nice example sentence nice example sentence uh okay i think you guys have got it i think everybody's doing great with this grammar nicely done uh let's take a quick break and then we'll continue to part two part two ah you can send your examples while i do our break real quick if you missed it earlier if you missed it earlier in the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you are watching on facebook a link there is a link to where you can download free vocabulary pdfs for example this one is at the supermarket this one says singing i know but this is about actually music the topic here is music so key like music vocabulary words and phrases like conversational phrases for music so these pdfs are to help you improve like uh key uh points of conversation key topics of conversation so these are just a couple i showed you this one earlier there's a bunch you can choose a bunch leisure activities so check these out you can get them um from the link below the video or above the video at englishclass101.com uh and work on your grammar should be good okay um we will continue on now so if you're just joining today's lesson is about a modal verb could we're practicing using could have and couldn't have in this week's lesson so if you have not already please make sure to like and share the video so that other people can find today's lesson alrighty so let's move on to part two i'm going to show you again today's lesson boards you can take a picture if you like so here we go could and could not have statements this was part one for today now i'm going to talk now i'm going to talk about part two part two is going to cover questions questions so i'm going to talk about yes no and information questions let's go all right some of you are asking me about the link for those pdfs i showed if you're watching on youtube check the description not the chat box check the description alrighty let's go to part two questions how to make questions with could it's kind of tricky i think so let's practice okay so could and could not have questions questions how do we make questions with this grammar i have one pattern listed here but actually there are two question structures inside it so we begin this question pattern with whq whq that means a wh question who what when where why how also so whq could plus subject plus have and past participle verb we can also use a negative here couldn't subject have past participle verb but an important note when we use the negative here this negative question pattern is usually used to make confirmation questions what does that mean a confirmation question that means when you want to ask someone is this right is that right we use this negative couldn't pattern that's usually what we use it we typically don't use this wh question plus the negative form we usually use this negative form to check something okay let's continue then i'm going to introduce a bunch of different examples of questions questions yes or no questions and information questions the first one this is one i included because you can use this question to get feedback feedback especially if you make a mistake you can use this at work you can use it at school as well the question is what could i have done better what could i have done better so this question there's a lot actually there's a lot of information in this question it's like saying i understand my performance was a little low or my performance was very low maybe at work or at school so you ask your co-worker or your boss or your teammate what could i have done better so that means in the past what choice or what different action should i have taken so what could i have done better than i did in other words so this is an example of a positive information question okay another one this is another very common one and this is a confirmation question you can use uh in many different situations here i chose this example you're late you're late couldn't you have texted couldn't you have texted so to text means to pick up your phone and send a text message to say i'm late i'm late i'm going to be late so you're late couldn't you have texted this means wasn't it possible for you to text me in other words but this is a very short and easy way to say it couldn't you have texted again you cannot change could for would in this example so you cannot use uh would here you're late couldn't you have texted you can use that and you can use a different verb too you're late couldn't you have called something like that so this is a very common negative question here's another one that you can use if you are maybe working in a team so maybe like doing research or looking at data data analysis or something so this is where could we have made a mistake where could we have made a mistake so again past and we're asking hmm it's kind of like again we're looking for feedback but in a group like uh did we do something wrong if so where is it possible it was here or here so again this is about this is like a group kind of feedback or a group discussion question where could we have made a mistake i don't know okay uh another one this is a good pattern for arguments for arguments uh let's see so how could i have known you got a new phone number you didn't tell me how could i have known you got a new phone number so that means how there was no possibility for me to know you got a new phone number how could i have known how was it possible for me to know you didn't tell me so you can change this part right here so how could i have known blah blah blah how could i have known uh you moved to a new apartment or how could i have known you cancelled uh the reservation so some kind of uh like key update you can put a key update here how could i have known you got a new phone number so this uh expresses kind of a frustrated feeling like i'm angry i didn't know some information but maybe the other person isn't very logical like they're mad you didn't call but you didn't know they had a new phone number so this is a good one for arguments how could i have known that okay one more question pattern uh this one who could have taken my coffee i thought i was the only person in the office today who could have taken my coffee so this is a good one to use when you are thinking by yourself you're thinking by yourself you're like what what happened who could have taken in this case so you can change this verb of course to match what you're wondering about like hmm who could have called me just now i don't know that phone number so you can change this verb of course for when you're wondering about something who could have done that action in this case who could have taken my coffee i thought i was the only person in the office so this is when your coffee just disappears strangely i don't know maybe it's happened to you okay so this is how we use could and could not have to make questions to make questions okay uh let's see i'm looking for your examples now rascal says how could i have known that you were in the usa very nice okay uh bhavna who could have eaten my pizza good who could have eaten eaten who could have eaten my pizza so make sure this eaten is the past participle verb form here past participle verb uh what could i have done to make up for my mistake very nice very nice uh other examples who could have stolen my keys very nice okay good good examples everybody on facebook i'm looking for your example um let's see raquel says can we say could plus present perfect uh in this grammar no we cannot say that like could uh has like he could has something or other no we cannot use a present perfect after this we need to use at half half so separate grammar points there okay others uh raquel says what could have happened with my cell phone very nice okay fantastic nice job with questions everybody great so i hope you found a useful pattern here this one again good for feedback this one good for when you're frustrated with someone's poor communication skills uh oh other examples are coming in now fantastic who could have stolen my book perfect okay how could i have known she was your girlfriend oh douglas very nice example kind of scandalous on facebook uh china says who could have taken my place very nice example uh asiyasuki says how could i have known you bought a house be careful you bought a house brought means bring to bring a house maybe not bring so how could i have known you bought a house okay roger how could i have known about modal verbs here by studying maybe yeah good example sentence uh who could have picked up my ball pen who could have picked up my ball pen stacy uh zaid says who could have taken my car oh very nice example sentence very nice example okay new on youtube says who could have sent messages to me i don't give my phone number to anyone good very very close so maybe a good practice point for many of you make sure you use the past participle verb form when you're making your questions here okay let's continue to the last part of today's lesson if you're just joining today's lesson is about modal verbs in the past we are focusing i'll show you the lesson title if you're just joining if you're just joining today's lesson focus is modal verbs in the past i'm talking about how to use could have and couldn't have so we're going to go to the final part of today's lesson uh real quick i will show you again a couple of vocabulary resources to help you uh in your studies you can pick one or a bunch i showed a few of these earlier this one uh these are all for free at englishclass101.com but you can download these pdfs to practice a specific vocabulary or a specific conversation this is travel i know but there's a list of vocabulary uh a list of phrases on the back uh basic phrases so these are really this one is really really good for beginners i think uh there's another good one for sports and exercise i know this is a topic that's important to me at this point in time so you can take a look uh at any of these you can download all of them there's a ton there's a bunch you can download for free business as always important for many of you i know so check it out from the link below the video the description if you are watching on youtube and check above the chat or above this video if you are watching this on facebook to get these all right so let's go to the last part of today's lesson uh also if you're just joining please make sure to like and share the video so other people can find today's lesson all right i'll show you today's lesson uh flow once more you can take a picture if you like means frequently asked questions frequently asked questions ah all right so let's go to that let me get this out of here all right faq what are your frequently asked questions so frequently asked questions things i notice you ask me about is frequently asked questions here first i want to talk about this use of could have and could not have i think many uh many people get kind of confused about how to use this with been could have been or could not have been when we use this grammar pattern with the verb be we can make a statement about a condition or we can also use it to create a passive sentence so i want to share a couple of examples because the grammar the grammar is the same as the grammar we talked about before we make the sentence in the same way but we follow the verb with some different information so we're following the verb with a condition or a status or like a job so for example if i had studied harder when i was a kid i could have been a doctor if i had studied harder when i was a kid i could have been a doctor so here could have been a doctor this is like a condition we can think of it like condition or a status my status could have been doctor so this means i am not a doctor but i want to imagine the possibility in the past so we can do that by using bin here let's look at a negative example of this this is a conversation so person a says was that risa risa was that risa person b says no that couldn't have been risa she's working from home today no that couldn't have been risa she's working from home today so this expresses that it's not possible that that person is risa so when you use a person's name here of course it's it's kind of strange to imagine it's like a condition or something like that uh so it's uh it's it's okay to use a person's name here when you're talking when you're asking like is that so-and-so or is that so-and-so so couldn't have been risa okay finally one more example another coffee stealing example my coffee's gone says person a my coffee's gone and b hmm could it have been taken by someone else could it have been taken by someone else so this is a passive structure yeah could it have been taken by someone else or by someone is also okay so we can use this bin taken to create those passive structures as well this will create yes an even more uh what should i say an even deeper uh more complex sentence okay so this is how we use bin i wanted to cover that the final point for today is an easy one uh one that everyone can consider pronunciation point so could have could have and couldn't have i in this lesson i have been using very clear pronunciation to focus on today's grammar point however in everyday speech we don't say could have and could not have or couldn't have in everyday speech could have sounds like coulda coulda and couldn't have sounds like couldn't note this is for spoken english only it's not used in writing we do not use kuda and kudna in writing this is for your spoken english only so a couple i'll read a couple examples so i could have been a doctor at native speed sounds like i could have been a doctor i could have been a doctor or that couldn't have been risa sounds like no that couldn't have been risa no that couldn't have been risa so couldn't couldn't have been in this case or could have been sounds like could have been could have been so the key difference is this could this comes in with the negative form couldn't have sounds like couldn't couldn't so you might think oh my gosh coulda and couldn't sound so different but there's a different rhythm there coulda couldn't so listen for this uh in your listening practice that little sound creates the negative form in everyday speech okay uh we'll finish there wow that was great that was a lot but i think we got it um i'm looking now in the chat for your questions nice example sentences today everybody great work with that some questions are coming in how do i spell architecture if you have a spelling question i would suggest using google but your spelling is good just remove one c there uh where can i get free pdf lessons check the link below the video if you are watching on youtube you are youtube a person if you're watching on facebook check the link above the video to get those you need your name and email address uh nura says so questions statements like who could have uh don't have subjects after could right yes that's correct that's correct so i introduced in the question part of today's lesson i introduced this one this question pattern um but yes when you where was your question uh when you're asking like these kind of wondering style questions who could have blah blah yeah you don't have to uh you don't need to put a subject right here you're kind of wondering who did this thing but you don't always have to have that that's correct okay other questions i don't see any uh some other examples are coming in um all right that looks good to me so i'll end there for this week thank you as always for joining me live it was very fun a lot of good fun uh i'm gonna show you the next lesson's details i'll be back next week as always next week uh next week oh my gosh august 12th that reminds me this week's lesson is our three year anniversary of live streams wow time flies can you believe it so next week we'll be back august 12th wednesday august 12th at 10 pm eastern standard time 15 phrasal verbs for work and for school hooray phrasal verbs everybody always asks me for help about phrasal verbs so i'm going to cover 15 phrasal verbs that you can use at your job or that you can use at school i hope that these are helpful for you right now uh ah anna lucia thank you so much for your support in the youtube chat that is awesome super cool um so this will be next week please join me live or watch at your convenience you can set a notification on our channel or on youtube or on facebook to make sure you can join us live also some of you on facebook were asking about a youtube channel yes we do have a youtube channel where you can check all of our lessons it is youtube.com just search for english class 101 to find us so i will say goodbye there please make sure to check out uh the free stuff that you can get from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you are watching on facebook this is all free stuff to practice conversational phrases and vocabulary i will say goodbye so thanks so much for liking and sharing this lesson enjoy the rest of your week enjoy the rest of your day and i will see you again soon bye
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 41,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: englishclass101.com, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, basic phrases, basic english phrases, conditional statements in english, conditional in english
Id: _jbVi-yENoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 24sec (2244 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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