Prepositions: By, For, and To - English Grammar for Beginners

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uh we're going to begin today with bi by talking about buy the preposition bye so i have a few different ways i'm going to speak a little more slowly now too so uh this uh i have a few different groups so a few different uses of the word buy first let's look at how we use buy to mean near so buy [Music] so this is how we use buy with a location all right i think youtube has joined us fantastic sorry for the technical issues youtube hi everybody okay your perfect time and perfect time in youtube so we're going to talk about buy we're just beginning okay so when we use buy it looks like this buy the desk or buy my house or buy your drink or buy a park so you'll notice in each of these we use by followed by a location so this can mean like a city yes or a place in your community it can also mean something that moves so for example here buy your drink or buy a park uh well parks don't move but like something that's not like this is the this is a good example buy your drink something that moves so we use by plus location to mean near so lots of people ask me so what's the difference between by the desk and near the desk really nothing in terms of meaning but to me near just sounds a little bit more formal okay we tend to use bi a little bit more in everyday speech so this is a one use of buy for today's lesson i want to focus a lot on these two uses of the preposition by so why why because many learners uh make mistakes with these two points right here with these two uses of five the first use of buy is to uh is sorry this one is with buy plus a point in time to express a deadline so a deadline means the point in time by which you have to finish something or something is going to complete so for example by tomorrow or by november or by 3 p.m or by spring by this time next year so these all express deadlines at some point in the future something is going to happen or something is going to finish the problem with this preposition for many learners is that many people like to use until we cannot use until in this way to create a deadline it's incorrect like until tomorrow we use until to talk about continuing actions that will stop at a certain point in time here we have we're marking a deadline we're not talking about a continuing action here so please keep this point in mind if you have questions or example sentences please send them in the chat and i will try to check in real time everyone saying hi great oh also if you have not already please make sure to like and share the video so others can find it we have all the technical issues fixed okay so this is uh the first use of buy i taught a lesson uh on you there's a youtube lesson available about by and until that i taught i'll put a link to that in the description the youtube description so you can check the differences after this lesson okay let's go to this next one this is the other point i really want to focus on uh for this week's lesson uh by plus some like data point for example number a number or a time period or percentage this is a percent mark we use by plus data point to express the amount of change so how much something changed this is really important uh we're going to see kind of the opposite sort sort of uh version later with a different preposition in today's lesson so let's look at these let's look at these three example sentences the price increased by 100 so the price increase by 100 means there was a base price for example the regular price was 10 then the price increased by 100 means the new price is 110 so this is showing how much something changed and this verb right here tells us what kind of change so the price increased by 100 let's compare this to this one the second one here support dropped by 30 support dropped by 30 percent this so dropped this dropped this is the past tense of the verb drop to drop to go down very suddenly yeah so support dropped by 30 so this buy tells us how much change there was so not 10 percent or 20 but 30 this tells us the degree the amount of the change okay uh finally life expectancy improved by five years life expectancy improved by five years so life expectancy means how long we expect to live so 80 years or 60 years or 70 years life expectancy improved so that means it went up it got better by five years so that means if life expectancy was 70 years it sorry the light life expectancy was 70 years it went up by five years so we use by to talk about the amount of change of something this is different from two which i'm going to talk about later okay some questions are coming uh zergio on youtube says dropped is similar to fallen uh yes just be careful of the grammar so support fell by 30 yes you can say fell or decreased like i said drop sounds like very suddenly like when you drop an object it's very sudden right so drop communicates that sudden uh feeling okay uh all right nadeur on facebook says the raw activity concentrate increased by two percent so you'll notice these are all past tense yeah so we tend to use this kind of change thing with future tense or past tense like to report something in the past or to predict something in the future so please keep your verbs in mind your verb tense okay i don't see other questions so i'll go to the last part for this uh common expressions with bi common expressions with five so uh these are not like uh rules necessarily like these but they are important uh things to know important phrases by the way by the way i think a lot of you know by the way it's just when something when a new idea that's related to that similar to your topic of conversation comes to your mind you can say by the way to introduce that like it's not the main topic but you want to bring it up you want to talk about something in your conversation or in an email by the way you can use that to introduce to change between your topics so if you're writing an email for example and your email is about a meeting you're like okay so the meeting is at 3 p.m today right by the way do you want to get lunch today so it's like it's something that's sort of not the main topic but you want to ask anyway you want to introduce it anyway all right cool uh so the next two uh are actually kind of a pair a set this is a pattern you can follow it is day by day i chose here sorry i erased the y day by day or hour by hour or minute by minute or month by month whatever you can choose what period or uh yeah to put in this pattern this expresses a gradual change like day by day his english improved or hour by hour she got more and more nervous so it's saying something is gradually changing in this like time period so with each day or with each hour something gradually changes we can use day by day hour by hour this time by time pattern to do that finally stop by i have only stopped by here but we have lots and lots and lots and lots of phrasal verbs that use by someone on youtube just wrote can i say i saw someone passed by my house yes someone passed by my house so to stop by or to pass by or to drop by and so on these are phrasal verbs relating to movement so stop by means to quickly stop at a location just for a few minutes like stop by the store stop by your house and so on pass by means to pass something near it so in the facebook example to drop by again with drop sounds like you quickly go someplace and leave so buy is often used in these kinds of movement related phrasal verbs with these stop and drop go as well okay so this is our first preposition for today the preposition bye bye uh someone says what about by the time we use it in past perfect i think yeah yeah yeah so that's similar to this one right here by point in time like by the time i graduated i had something something something yes we can use uh buy and that way too so we use by to refer to points in time in these examples i talked about future examples when we express deadlines but yes we can use it to talk about uh past past points too all right so that's our first preposition for today how exciting all right uh i'm looking for your examples uh many of you are writing uh day by day blah blah blah blah yes that's correct that's correct janalis on youtube um i only stopped by to say hi to alicia that's funny okay how about standby yes standby means wait to wait or in the expression stand by someone like stand by me or stand by her it means support someone to show support for someone all right let's finish up by if you're just joining uh thanks very much for joining us today's topic is prepositions we're talking about prepositions by four and two in today's lesson uh i just talked about the preposition by now we're going to go to four also uh we had some technical difficulties earlier so i couldn't talk about it as much as i wanted to but there is free stuff as always for you from the links below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook so all of these uh yes i know i show them to you a lot but each of these vocabulary and expression pdfs to download they're about specific topics yes but inside each of these you'll find these prepositions used everywhere so here's an example uh this one's the around town conversation one for example here's one we're going to talk about later today how do i get to the and so on so there are if you download like i don't know several of these a group of these and look for today's prepositions i think that's a good way to practice studying how to use them naturally because it's kind of difficult to just try to keep the like a set you know two or by pattern in your head it's good to practice these naturally all right uh let's continue on i will show you today's lesson boards again now that we're all here uh today's lesson boards look like this we just talked about the preposition by now we're going to talk about the preposition four lastly today we will talk about two so we have lots to do let's continue to four part two today all right also if you have not please make sure to like and share the video so that other people can find today's lesson okay uh where is four there it is let's talk about the preposition four now when do we use the preposition four there are a few situations so four let's shift our brains to four uh four so we can use for to express a purpose to express a purpose so what does this mean we can use it in two really two main patterns first is 4 plus a verb in the ing form or this is hard to see isn't it 4 plus a noun phrase 4 plus a noun phrase so choose 1. you can't use both you cannot use both uh well in a couple specific cases i'll share with you so for in this way expresses a purpose like a reason for something so let's look at some examples what am i talking about what do i mean so for cooking so this is a verb in the ing form like for example i need this ingredient for cooking or i need this thing for cooking so we are expressing some like need or some purpose for an object or so on for lunch maybe you've heard this we can use this for meals and so on so i ate something for lunch so we can imagine that is meaning for the purpose of lunch yeah or for my homework i need to study this for my homework so expressing purpose again or for reference i included this because this is a really really good one uh that you will probably see i use this in my lessons a lot something for reference means something for you like extra for you to know for you to check later for reference for reference so for reference and then we give some extra information this is a very common pattern so keep an eye out for it i use this a lot actually for reference other examples for cleaning so this is that verb in the ing form another really common one is for fun for fun like uh i'm going to go to the beach for fun meaning for the purpose of fun so all of these express some kind of purpose we can use either pattern we cannot say for funing so please remember these two we cannot use them together we cannot mix them verb in the ing form cooking cleaning or a noun phrase a noun phrase so this expresses a purpose okay onward i don't see other questions sorry i said your name wrong on facebook says i need oil for cooking perfect nadoor says i will have a break for lunch perfect kuna says we do it we just do it for fun perfect perfect okay everybody is crushing it very nice ooh guillermo has a great question on youtube guillermo says what's the difference between i bought this pan for cooking and i bought this pan to cook there's no difference they're both fine uh i bought i would say though like and when i say there's no difference i mean they communicate the same idea uh i think i bought this pan for cooking sounds like generally more natural your second pattern i bought this pan to cook is it sounds like uh we're going to hear the end of that i bought this pan to cook fish or i bought this pan to cook rice something like that i feel like that's maybe a situation we would use the second pattern but they communicate the same idea all right let's go to the second part of four here this one is 4 plus a length of time a length of time not a point in time a length of time this expresses the duration of an action or condition the duration of an action or condition that means how long did something happen or how long did a condition happen or continue for example for two hours for three months for a week for 10 years for a second for 30 minutes all of these are lengths of time please note these hours months years and minutes these are plural yeah for a week yes this is one week but it's still a length of time right seven days same thing here for a second it's still a length of time so please remember uh please keep in mind your countable and your uncountable nouns here so uh this expression for a second you might hear this when someone wants your attention very very briefly like hey can i talk to you for a second it doesn't mean literally one second it means very quickly can i talk to you for a second you might also hear can i talk to you for a sec can i talk to you for a sec which means for a very short period of time okay uh so some questions are coming in evelyn says my class is for two hours is it correct that is not correct unfortunately no so when we talk about the duration of an action or condition we often use this to like to like i said before to make a report so we're talking about uh something that has finished or something uh that come that's coming up for example so i studied for two hours is correct uh in your example sentence my class is two hours long so in that case we're talking about like a statement of fact yeah so this is a pattern we often see with a present perfect and past perfect tense also with a future tense as well too okay um some other examples are coming in uh ditros i hope i said your name right on facebook says i learned english for two years very nice very nice um okay i don't see others yet many of you are talking about your english study experience then let's finish four wow time went quick let's finish this with a few common expressions about four so the first one here is for a while you might have seen this i've had some seen some questions about this actually so for a while what does for a while mean like it follows this pattern but what's a while for a while means an unspecified duration that means we don't know how long so like let's go shopping for a while or let's uh let's relax for a while it means we don't have a plan for how long just let's do it and then we'll decide when to change or when to stop okay another one that's very common for now for now so what does that mean for now that's not a duration now is not a duration right for now is what you use when you don't want to make like a final decision about something so for example you go to a cafe and you want to eat but you haven't decided yet so you say for now a coffee for now just a coffee which means at this time just at this time a coffee so for now sounds like in the future you want to do something else or something else is going to happen but at this point just this so for now just a coffee for now just the preposition four we're not going to talk about the others now okay uh quickly then these last ones i included a few phrasal verbs uh that i talk about a lot actually on this channel so to go for a meal like to go for lunch to go for dinner to go for a drink as well is okay means to go out in order to have that to go out to eat breakfast to go out to eat lunch to go out to eat dinner so that means not eating at your home so to go for a meal to look for to look for we use this to mean uh to search like to look for a new apartment or to look for a new job so to search is what look for means what's the difference between look for in search look for is more commonly used in everyday conversation finally to work for to work for so this means to be employed to be employed at a company so to work for apple to work for google means to be employed at apple to be employed at google it's just another way to say that we use work for in everyday conversation employed you might see on like contracts and official documents and so on all right time has gone quick so i'm gonna finish four with that point okay uh raquel says i work for my husband's company perfect perfect uh alexander has a question on facebook look for can be used for something and someone yes look for so i'm looking for my friend or i'm looking for my mom or i'm looking for my coffee you can use it for people and for objects yes thanks for that question uh okay i'm looking for your questions but i don't see any i see lots of great example sentences though someone says i'm looking for a second chance good or i'm looking for a lesson very nice okay we need to continue to the last preposition today because uh time's going quick i'll show you again uh some free stuff real quick you can get i'll show you another preposition example uh we were talking about food weren't we we're talking about cooking and food so uh let's see where's a good one there are lots of them oh my gosh it's noisy so i'll show you a couple more of these and you can choose whichever topic you like here's a nice one there's a lot uh about hobbies i feel like i haven't shown you this one in a while this one's about music you can check this out some phrases on the back uh here's one we're about to talk about this preposition right here do you want to go to karaoke so nice little segue nice little transition so pick up these uh all these are for free from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you are watching on facebook so i'll show you again our boards for today very quickly this is what we are talking about in today's lesson i just talked about by we just finished four now lastly we are going to talk about two hooray very exciting so let's get to it let's get to it oh my gosh okay uh if you have not as well please do make sure to like and share the video so other people can find today's lesson that would be awesome all right onward two the preposition two many uses oh my gosh look at them all so let's talk about them let's talk about two two plus a destination a destination marks movement movement so i just said let's go to the last part so the last part is my destination so destination means your final goal like the final place you want to move yeah for example go to bed so your bed is the destination or drive to the store that's your destination mail to him so you'll notice destination a destination can be a person this is when we are like sending something or mailing something yeah so the verb is important to use right we can also use it with go like go to him or go to her which means to move to that person past tense example went to canada went to canada send to me or wave to her i included this example sentence because i want to talk about a very interesting preposition choice that you can use and the native speakers use all the time to communicate an interesting little nuance wave to her wave to her so that means you see your friend on the street and you wave to your friend so it's like you send her a wave kind of that's sort of the feeling yeah you go like this your friend also waves they see you and they wave but sometimes you'll see someone use at instead of two why is that so like this wave at her you might also hear different verbs like talk at someone instead of talk to someone it's like what does that mean the difference here between at and two is when we use at in a case like this like wave at her it's like we don't expect the other person to respond or maybe the other person doesn't realize we're waving or talking or it's just it's just a one-way situation to communicate that we change the preposition here to at so wave at her or like to talk at someone it just sounds like the other person isn't listening really so you might hear this preposition changing to that okay so an interesting little point uh okay onward walk to school is another one the final point i want to talk about is this i have it marked with an x so that means please don't do this two there two there for example uh i went to there or i go to there every day we do not use to with there because there is not a destination it's not a specific location all of these bed canada school the store it's a specific place there is not so we do not use to there with these patterns okay on to the next part because time is going quickly two plus limit expresses a maximum or a minimum oh my gosh time's going quick but this is important if you watch the beginning of this lesson i talked about by this is used in the same position as buy but it communicates a different idea two plus limit the price increased to 100 that means the price increased the new price is 100 that's the new top price the new like maximum another example efficiency dropped to 20 so this is not the amount of change it's talking about the new level the new final position of something efficiency dropped to 20 efficiency the books were stacked to the roof that means until the roof the books were stacked so we're expressing some kind of limit a maximum or like a new minimum we use 2 plus our limit in this case data points or a physical limit like the roof is the frame of the video so we use two to express these ideas in this way okay real quick because oh my gosh i have no time the last two points for two to show a relationship as in this is important to me or please respond to her message please respond to her message so this use of two shows a relationship between uh things the final point for today hopefully an easy one is to show time and time periods like i work 9 2 five from nine two five or the movie is eight to nine thirty or it's ten to three it's a quarter to one so these express times are time and time period related expression that we use to with wow that was a lot uh and i hope that it was all okay i have to finish uh or else the team the remote team will get very upset with me so uh we'll finish there for today's lesson as i said uh i have taught about many of these topics before on the channel so i will share some links in the youtube description i can't change the facebook one so if you're watching on facebook please visit englishclass101 i will put some links in the description so you can check and review after this live stream uh and next week's lesson i'll be back next week of course too uh if you're new yeah i broadcast we broadcast once every week uh you can set a notification to make sure you always watch next week i'm going to talk about basic and reduced adverb clauses september is going to be a month of writing practice lessons i've decided so basic and reduced adverb clauses for example while i was teaching this lesson versus while teaching this lesson so what is that like how do we do that how do we make them smaller we're going to talk about this next week so please join me alright i have to finish there i am very late so thank you very much for liking and sharing the video check out your free stuff from the link below or above the video yeah thanks for your cool example sentences for sharing all that good stuff enjoy the rest of your week and i will see you again next time bye
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 76,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, english, learning english, englishclass101, english grammar, english lessons, free english, english vocabulary, english phrases, how to learn english, speaking english, free lessons, english prepositions, by, for, to
Id: iCuAv-K2HPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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