The ULTIMATE Frodo (aka my dog, lol) Compilation

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[Music] [Music] finally this video has been by probably one of the most requested videos but I just kept putting it off because I knew that it was gonna be a lot of work and I am here to tell you affirmative so yeah yesterday I spent over eight hours going through all of my old videos I do not recommend I think a lot of youtubers and content careers in general and maybe even movie makers I don't know can confirm that once you put something out there you pretty much instantly forget about it it's almost amazing how quickly a video I put out is dead to me so this was a journey of self-reflection I feel like that viral series where someone's like I made this bot watch a thousand hours of the office and write a script except it was eight hours of footage of myself and instead of a humorous script I walked out of it with an identity crisis one you know excuse me how is it that the video about your brother is one of the only videos you come say hi to me before I over explain as I tend to do let's just get into the clips I'm gonna start from the way beginning of the channel and just go on up that timeline let's get to it [Music] you will do as I command [Music] no twas open broke mr. Frodo get down from there [Music] oh excuse me [Music] [Music] [Music] no he thought about it and I was like hmm Paget people and says thank you for 50,000 followers Thank You buzzer very much look like Ebenezer Scrooge [Music] [Music] [Music] Kabir by the be in the video oh yeah oh okay we were trying to teach him how to howl this morning and did not go very well speak Oh No [Music] thinks that sitting on me and rubbing his face on my hand and not letting me do any work fixes things and I don't have the heart to tell them no Frodo it doesn't beautiful words am I getting creepy huh oh he's so handsome he says your name on it and that honestly just makes me want to have a bandanna with my name written on it I'm making he's going on an adventure [Music] [Music] [Music] okay you puppies I swear I swear puppies look puppies you see them oh dadums haha [Music] we put the one ring on Frodo scholar the one ring to rule them all it is his burden here am i boring you [Music] look at them feet you cherub or just on edge you need a massage mama mama mama boy and then let it know there's nice little kisses they're tender you literally have a whole bin of other toys that are much quieter than this one is that sass sir now you're just being insubordinate do not slowly back away from this that's right you're an alcoholic oh thank you take you take you take you take you take you take you all right all right that's enough we just had a make-out session oh and you were stopping down hi yeah that's my earlobe what yeah mama Big Mama go wait mama you know Frodo it's a bit like I hit the record button and then to you that signals that you need to go get a toy is that what is that what's happening this is what you want right just think that maybe you know you found a toy that didn't have a squeaker we could compromise and work something out come on where's this come see mama come on photo come [Music] you look like a man that turned into a dog I swear we're gonna make it better yeah we need to do one of those makeover montages do you think [Music] [Music] well that's my like a hobbit nephron up do I look like your people hello sir Oh may I have this dance thank you oh that was lovely brief but lovely can you move [Music] oh so dainty ha ha I only get blessed for a few seconds when you take it away huh right Oh what are you eating what was that you look like a movie star whole story vinyl is that a good headrest sir was it being a dog mom I can't move ever again so see you guys later I bet that smells delicious oh that air is so pungent please Gib okay y'all good-bye-ee now I think for the most part I'm probably gonna use the same patterns for no okay I got a better idea how about [Music] you tell the people you know sometimes I get a little self-conscious that I just have a little money when other puppies have full tails but I've learned to accept myself living a life my right oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god Oh smell like Old Spice I take it you forgive me for dressing you up like Frodo Baggins yesterday [Music] Frodo boy I love you what a weird noise Frodo I love you Wow so here's the thing why decided to try something good boy Oh improv [Music] [Music] sit down or do you stay welcome back oh wow you're lounging I've been dressed so as you may have seen in the beginning of a video the strange journey into my older content was brought to you by Squarespace Squarespace is a website and a tool that helps you make your own websites gotta look up talking points cuz I'm bad it would man doing things I personally am still kind of chipping away at my own website I wanted to make a website where my costumes my props works in progress I want them all to live in one space I wanted a concise place that I could maybe send to clients that makes me sound more impressive than I am but conventions events one of the most intimidating parts of making a website was thinking about starting from scratch Squarespace made it really really easy for me just to drag-and-drop they have a ton of really really convenient pre-made layouts that you can choose from so I chose a layout that is very much meant for photos big gallery of a page where I can put all my costumes some of my favorite tools is the in website photo editor so you can upload a photo and if you don't think the crop looks good or you don't have to drag it into an external editor first it also has a really really nice feature where at any time when you're editing your website you can see what it will look like on mobile oh yeah that's Squarespace if you're looking to start your own website I highly suggest it if you did want to go check it out you can start with a free trial and if you are ready to take the next step you can use my URL which will be in the description for 10% off of your first website or domain that is it Thank You Squarespace for sponsoring this journey [Music] you almost fell off hey hey I feel like this is at the end of us screaming when the actor comes out and answers some questions ah you still do it we love you whether you're new or old to this channel if you're new here and you feel like sticking around feel free to subscribe I upload every Friday and we have fun here I will see you in my next video bye you [Music]
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 205,069
Rating: 4.988276 out of 5
Keywords: rachel maksy, frodo maksy, frodo the dog, frodo baggins, frodo complation, funny dog, funny dogs 2020
Id: CJjv6qp7uf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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