Sewing Autumn Clothes! *& pretending it's not 1000 degrees outside*

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- In this house, we praise pumpkins (holy music) and Brendan Fraser, (vintage music) Dare I? (vintage music) (recorder poorly playing) (laughs manically) I'm the pumpkin queen. I'm not gonna lie to you, these make me a little nervous, please don't catch my books on fire. All I'm saying is that Bo Burnham, he made some valid points. ♪ Tiny pumpkins ♪ Hello. I feel like it's been a while since I've just made some clothing that I'm just gonna wear, hopefully on a normal basis. I get something out of it as well as hopefully providing some sustenance for you. (bell dings) Enjoy. So I feel like it's kind of a yearly tradition for me at this point to start making autumn clothes that I'm gonna wear, even though it's still too hot. Come on, Yasmin, come on. What about- This paper towel roll, you want it? You have to come up here for it. Oh yeah, well that didn't work. So I feel like I just admitted to having just literal trash on my floor. I'm not positive what I want to make this week. I'm trying to think of what I've really been liking to wear lately and it's kind of all over the board, a fusion of eras and decades. But I do find over the summer, I definitely dress a little bit more Edwardian, romantic, basically anything that I can sweat in and it's not super noticeable. Once autumn rolls around, I can kind of bring out those layers, so I can sort of transform into my studious pumpkin with a little bit of Victorian thrown in there. I've really been enjoying, wearing stays and sort of like corset vests. I think it would probably cause actual Victorians to fetch their smelling salts if they saw people wearing underwear as outerwear, but I think it looks cute and it's great for cleavage. And then the second item, I'm not quite sure, maybe a Pinafore dress of some kind, really fricking lazy lately. And just if I can throw on the comfiest dress, that's what I gravitate towards. I almost never put together an outfit like this lately. I mean, it's also been Satan's butthole temperature outside. Before we head to thrift store, I'm gonna go check my pattern stash and see if there's anything that I wanna use. Mmm, oh no. (vintage music) Hey, I know a fun game, let's play, "I just had this pattern out last week and I can't find it." Hi Abby. Ah-hah. I have used this a couple of times before, I usually go with this one. And I think this time I'm gonna go this one. All right, what do I have for vintage-y patterns. That's cute. This is cute. You say fast and easy, but I don't believe you. Hah? I don't understand. (dramatic music) Just because this intrigues me, we're gonna do it. It may look cool, it may look really, really dumb. (sighs) I'm gonna ignore the fact that I'm already kind of warm in this sweater and I'm gonna show you the thrift store sequence. Sally ho. I just want to wear cute clothes but the weather is still too (beep) hot. (dog toy squeaking) (vintage music) (car door closes) So glad I'm outta there. Oh my God, it was so crowded. Ya'll gon' make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here. But I only ended up getting one thing. These bedsheets. I think they're bedsheets, I don't know, but there were a few items I seriously considered purchasing. (brass instrumental music) Let's make a whole dress out of camo sheets. "Where is she? I don't see her." I'm gonna go to Joanne's and get some fabric for the edging and such. Admittedly probably a fall themed item or two. Treat yourself, 'kay, let's go. (vintage music) (quiet cackling) (vintage music) Welcome back to my gourd altar. In this house, we praise pumpkins (holy music) and Brendan Fraser. At the thrift store, as you saw, I only got one thing, which is fine. I don't need new materials for everything I make. It was not until I was in the Starbucks drive through getting a pumpkin cream cold brew, which I highly recommend, it is the nectar of the gods, that I realized this is not this material all the way through. It is a sham. I'm hoping, I mean there's a lot of this sort of trim. It goes all the way around and it's king size, so. There should be enough fabric here to make something nice. My concern is that it's not gonna be tall enough for my pattern piece. We might have to get a little clever. Hopefully we don't have to do that. So I have that material now let's journey down to the center of my fabric stash. What fabric we're gonna make the second piece out of. (blowing) (blowing) (blowing) (blowing) (blowing) Goddammit. (blowing) All right, fabric stash. A little bit more disheveled since the last time you probably saw it. (chuckles) We definitely want something autumn-y. Oh boy, she's thick. Oh yeah. Can you feel it? (holy music) This is the one. (vintage music) This is what happens when you have Sir Destructo as your dog. (bell dings) And also a husband. Woah, timber. I may or may not have just watched Steve's 25th anniversary message from Blue's Clues. So basically if you need me from about now till 4:35 this afternoon, I will be sobbing at the club. I do need to cut out what I need for this corset pattern. Get off. What? A white woman's Instagram. - [Narrator] One eternity later. - All right, all three pieces cut out. Part of the reason I love this pattern so much is that, it's like super freaking simple and you only need three pieces. Now what I need to do is figure out if I can make this work. So what I'll probably do, because it is a little bit gathered here, I'll probably just separate these two. I think the back is gonna have to be horizontal. Tsk. Let's get to work. (vintage music) Okay, so as I suspected, is a little too long, darn it. I know. So I think I will have to do this horizontally. It is what it is. I also got a fun, new thing. (chuckles) Yes. Are you wondering if I'm gonna painstakingly transfer all of my needles? You bet your patootie I am. Here we go. (vintage music) So unfortunately, after folding the fabric over and placing it on the fold, it was still too big. So we had to go diagonal. (vintage music) Alrighty, so I cut out all the pattern pieces and then pined them together. Two identical pieces here. One of these is gonna be the lining and one of them is gonna be the outer layer, I don't really have a preference. It's gonna be whatever came out looking better. Time to sew. (vintage music) So we started putting the bias tape that I had purchased on but it was on little too thick, so I went out and got a little bit thinner. (vintage music) Also, this is what happens when you sew too close to Frodo's dinner time. And then spent the night hand stitching this because much like the apple in the Andy Milonakis theme song. - I hate myself. (vintage music) (rain pattering) It's so fricking dark in here. ♪ Very superstitious ♪ Wow, all right. No horseplay you. Are you broken now? No, okay. (sighs) Now to act like I just walked in here and you just happened to be recording, ready? Good morning. Actually, it's more like afternoon. I got a slow start this morning because somebody was being so dang snuggly. (lighthearted music) I'm not sure how I feel about my outfit this morning. If I had to describe this outfit, it would probably be seventies dad. ("Superstition") Wooh, these pants always make me look thick. I like it. 'Kay. Oh, hello neighbors. So today we have all day to sew, I'm very excited about it. Corset is pretty much done, I just have to pop some holes in there and then embroider the holes, could do grommets, but I just, I like the way that embroidered holes look, I'm gonna move on to that wrap dress because it intrigues me. I have my autumn-y material, basically I'm just gonna open this pattern and try to decipher it. But first I'm gonna make myself another cup of coffee. Maybe check the stocks. "How you doing champ?" (vintage music) (groans) (toy pig squeaks) Come gimme a kiss. Mwah. - [Husband] What'd you say? - So people know you exist. - [Husband] Aww. - Gotcha, you're a cryptid. Thanks. - [Husband] Lemme know if they're hot enough. - Hot. (softly screams) - [Husband] I'll take that as a yes. - Pop open a cold one. All right, got some sustenance. So it looks like there's only three pieces to this, the front, the upper back. And then the gigantic skirt piece, which is like a half a circle skirt. Tried reading the pattern a few steps ahead. I might as well have been reading ancient Atlantean because I have no idea what it was trying to tell me to do. Basically ya just gotta jump in, cut these pieces out of their paper prisons, stitch some darts. All right well, I'm gonna throw on some true crime podcast and we're gonna get to work. (vintage music) ♪ And ♪ ♪ When I fall asleep at night ♪ ♪ You just slip into all my dreams ♪ ♪ So I ♪ ♪ Think of no other one ♪ ♪ Ever since I begun thinking of you ♪ (lighthearted music) (vintage music) And it was time to use my handy-dandy grommet kit and grommet log and I made some holes. Holes, why is that such a hard word for my mouth to say? I ended up hand embroidering these holes just 'cause I think it looks a lot nicer and then we're done. (vintage music) (camera rolling) (folk music) (vintage music) Hi. Okay, so I'm gonna do separate wrap-ups, separate wrap-ups, for the two things that I made. It just breaks up the monotonous camera shots of me trying to be graceful. Okay, so first one is done. Okay, I'm biased because I freaking love medieval corsets type things that just go over dresses. Already in concept, I love it. I really, really love this pattern. Luckily for me, it fits me almost perfectly. Though, a lot of taking in and modifying and stuff and I feel like that's rare for me with patterns. As far as the colors and stuff and the material, excited about how it came out. For a while there, I wasn't quite sure I was gonna like the bedsheet material mixed with such harsh brown trim. It was starting to look a little Gilderoy Lockhart goes to a disco club in the seventies. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The buttonholes and the ribbons and stuff, I think it definitely came together a bit more, very hobbit-y, which you know I love. Has very, let's bake this bread energy. I do have to wear a different bra with it underneath because of course. (sighs) Now that this is complete, let's move on to the other dress. (camera rolling) (folk music) (vintage music) I'm number two. I have a few feelings about this dress. My first feeling is that it is totally unique. The way you put it on is wild. Let me see if I can. So you put it over like a big poncho, has a loop and a button on the front section, goes in back. 'Kay, so that is secure. This comes around, snaps and there you go. Wild. So that aspect of it, I thought was really stinking cool. 'Cause I wasn't sure what I was sewing the entire time. And this one, I think needs a little bit of work. Don't find the upper body that flattering on me. I have pretty broad shoulders. So anything that goes past my shoulders, (grunts) you know? I don't like when there's just wide open, blank chest area. I like for there to be something going on, take this down, maybe make it like a sweetheart neck line and then also take in the shoulders a little bit. It's kind of shifting to one side, weird. I don't know why it's doing that, I think it's because this isn't quite even because of the snaps, the bottom half is very stinking cute. I have no complaints about the actual skirt, I think the skirt part is cute and I always love outerskirts that go over like a base layer. I've always thought that was cool. Got some nice swoosh. But yeah. I don't know, I really enjoy just sitting down and figuring out how to make things. I love doing these videos, but I also like, don't want them to be too repetitive. So I don't know, let me know if you're getting tired of this kind of format. That is it. I hope you all are having a lovely September so far. I know it's not quite as cool as us autumn souls would like, but it's coming. It better be. I have some fun projects planned for the rest of September. And once October hits, fall to the wall baby. I love you, whether you're new or old to this- Why am I so fidgety? I'm like a five-year old. I discovered that I can't stand still. I found that out when I was waiting one time for an order from Starbucks, standing there, like, without even realizing I'm doing it. Always gotta be in motion baby. Another fun fact you didn't need to know about me. That is it, I love you whether you're new or old to this channel, if you're new here and you feel like sticking around, feel free to subscribe. I upload almost every Friday and we have fun here and I will see you in my next video, bye. (lighthearted music) (vintage music) (stutters) (stutters) The things that I make are gonna be- Wow. ♪ Fuzzy comfy socks ♪ Oh no, I blew out the candle was my nostrils. Hello baby, baby. Who's baby? Baby. ♪ A white woman's Instagram ♪ A white woman's Instagram. Thought I smelled burning, we're okay. Cummerbond. Why did I always think it was cumberbund? D, it's nuts. (mouthing guitar sounds) Thank you. My acapella troop performs every Wednesday night. ("Superstitious") (coughs) (blowing) Smells like birthday candles. (vintage music)
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 530,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autumn clothes, autumn fashion, vintage fashion, vintage sewing, sewing vlog, diy sewing, recycling fashion, slow fashion, fall fashion, cozy sewing, corset pattern, 1950s pattern, 1950s fashion, medieval fashion, hobbit fashion, hobbit sewing
Id: lp-3uQxVZ_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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