Turning Myself Into Gandalf (and feelin' saucy)

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Ready for some Middle Earth Acrobatic? *Terrific Feats of Athleticism* "oh my god" You ready to get weird? Hello! Coming at you with some more niche content that you probably didn't ask for.. The world is a weird place right now, are you tired of hearing me say that? I'm tired of saying it, BUT I do feel the need to justify my actions when it comes to videos like these... So admittedly I thought about making this video months and months ago. I bought all the supplies and i just never committed to doing it, and that is mostly because makeup transformations don't do too great on my channel... but you know what? Life is short, and if I want to dress as an old wizard .... I'm going to do it M'lady So today, I am turning myself into Gandalf You might have heard me say this before, but some of my favorite transformations are ones that are just super dramatic and render you unrecognizable. I-I just i just want to be an old man with a beard.... *sips* The way i'm dealing with my anxiety during all of this, is making some weird-ass content and I warned you on social media that I had plans to do some weird-ass content and you basically were all like "YES, GIB" So i'm not saying you brought this upon yourself but.... Eyhhh I'd like to formally apologize before i even begin. So these supplies were just sitting in my closet, waiting NOT to be touched, but i did get approached by a brand called Book of the Month, which i figured is kind of the perfect opportunity... .... to create a monster So before we get started, and to talk briefly about Book of the Month Here is Sponsor Rachel. *whoosh* Oh, hi Do you like reading? Do you also like books of which to read? How's that for a pitch? Today's video and today's transformation is brought to you by Book of the Month It is a subscription service, much like a lot of the ones you see out there today. Every month they have a choice of five books on their website and you choose one and they send it to you in a lovely little box And what I liked about the selections is that they seem to have a really diverse selection of genres Book of the Month is the fastest growing online book service in America, their mission is to help new and emerging authors while simultaneously letting you discover the books that you want to read. "You've Got Great Taste".... thank you A little box and a bookmark, we love a bookmark! Good stuff, I feel like it's a really exciting way to find new titles and new authors that you normally wouldn't think of It's risk-free, of course, you can skip months when you want you don't have to do every single month. Normally $14.99 per month but new members can get their first month for only $9.99 So for August the choices were: The Unraveling of Cassidy Holmes, The Space Between Worlds, The Night Swim, Atomic Love, and The Death of Vivek Oji Sorry if i pronounced that wrong So yes, if you did want to check out those books or check out book of the month in general head to bookofthemonth.com and you can use their August promo code to get your first month for 9.99! Thank you so much Book of the Month for sponsoring this video, and without further ado, Let's get back to it... *whoosh* Welcome back. So i'm going to show you all the materials that i got for this. First of all, this costume which i would say is a cheap-ass costume but.... unfortunately my friends.... *pained noises* 'Twas not. Spent a little more money on this than I would have liked... Officially licensed, which is nice you know it's not like some ripoff name for Gandalf like... *uncomfortable silence and crickets chirping* The Charcoal Magician .... Not sure that was the one... okay. So this comes with the tunic, the robe, the belt, the bag, and the hat Towel material?? I mean it's pretty heavy, so i would think that it's like at least decent quality.... not the best Which is how I live my life,so.. That is cheap looking, huh? Oh yeah... It's literally a towel. Garbage! Why do they charge so much for Halloween costumes? This is pure trash Before I get started on the actual makeup transformation, I will be doing some work on this. Put it up on my dress form and try at least to do SOME weathering. Oh... Gandalf the Lifeguard I did get a wig, which is downstairs which you will see later, I also got - I don't think you're ready for this - Um yep, I got a beard. This did not come with a mustache portion so I think what i'm going to do is probably cut off the sides and just kind of... you know what i'm saying... I, also, from the same site ordered eyebrows... they just gave me a mustache. It says "man eyebrows", I don't believe them. What a world it would be if mustaches could just double as eyebrows... Now in addition to all that I also got... *Poorly imitated Jaws Theme* I got a nose! I've never done a realistic fake nose before. Last time i did a fake nose was for Maks-o-Ween last year and my nose was running and you can't breathe out of your nose... So all the snot - I'm so sorry - all the snot just kind of comes out and like pools around the bottom... Absolutely miserable. So it looks like this at least I can kind of punch holes at the bottom and make it align with my actual nose. I'm nervous this isn't gonna look great but I also feel like who cares? Do it for the - For the "lulz" Art thou READY?? I don't think you are... So first things first, like i said we are going to weather this baby, so let's give it a shot. I'll be honest i'm pretty nervous about this, don't know if you've noticed but me and Sir Ian Mckellen don't share a lot of facial features... so let's see what we can do. Alright well things are about to get really attractive, so prepare thyself.. *snap* I warned you. Why is it my neighbors are always out on their front lawn when i'm doing videos like this? Also i feel a little bit like Voldemort in this tunic, I don't think the hair net quite helps. *Voldemort impression* Haaarryy... Pottah. Alright, back to business So I've got my basic tool kit here, which is my normal makeup, some contour makeup, some pros-aide.. and so it begins Thankfully most of my face and neck is going to be covered with beard, which is awesome because my skin's awful right now. So i suppose that's my beauty hack If your skin is acting up just throw a big ol' beard on it! I suppose I can start with like wrinkles.. *singsong* Don't look at me neighbors. Looking good... hey Beebee *smooch* You wanna see my fireworks? Please child, don't look in my window *sings to tune of 'Come to My Window'* Don't loook in my winnnddow! Why am I so scary? Why do i look like Palpatine? Something something, dark side Best I've ever looked. Help. Let's do some brows here. He ain't got time to get them groomed, He's got shit to do This was a bad idea... Everything's fine, everything's fine, we're gonna fix it Look a little bit like Gandalf and Diseased right now but uh... Let's add the nose. I didn't promise greatness here folks, I just promised adequacy... should be the tagline of my channel. Oh I don't like that, oh it feels weird *whispers to self* I look great... Alright, Mr. Gandalf let's see what does your nose look like? I looks like Squidward... Ahh..... ffffffffffffudge That's not right. Please don't look in here... Bulbous... enough.... for you? *wink* Let's see if we can fix this a little - oops Can I like, stuff this? All the other wizards are going to tease me: "Gandalf stuffs his nooooose" What have I done? Getting somewhere.... nice and bulbous. Not great I'm gonna try to add some liquid latex around the edges. Oh that smells awful Why did you let me do this? Pardon me, I'm going to powder my nose I have regrets. I am so sorry Sir Ian Mckellen, this is not what your nose looks like. It's not even attached. Cute. I'm gonna cut off the very edges, lil choppy-choppy Serious question, do you think i am making Peter Jackson proud? *Listens* thank you. Is this gonna affect my mic? Okay and then the mustache.. Glorious, okay Gotta make those cheekbones pop. What happened?? I'm now teaching you how to voluminize your beard, you don't want that beard to be see-through folks. hmm Oh.. I was gonna trim this but look how beautiful! Come at me Saruman.. I'm gonna trim it just a little play "they're taking the hobbits to isengard" *some random song plays* This-this is not what I wanted *"They're Taking The Hobbits to Isengard" plays* "Oh hi, is Rachel home?" "Have you shown Nick yet?" No, let's go show Nick No comment? Just the Ushje? "Frodo, can't I be speechless? how pretty you look?" You think so? Well... YOu, shall NOT, PASSSS. I'm over-heating... How does this look, good? No, FRODO. I will not trifle with such GAMES! We should get some video- oh my god, oh my GOD FRODOOO *sings* Casual Tuesdays.. When I squint like this? "Fly, you FOOLS!" Well, this was this. I'll be completely honest it came out better than I thought it would I wanted to do the thing, and i did the thing and here we are. I'm so happy This sure was a journey, and a journey that for 88.3% of the time - ehhh More like 96.4, I thought it was going to be a gigantic failure. Very much adequate.. I feel great, honestly. I feel confident Um, okay yeah so from far away.. it looks good. Up close? not so much This hair kind of makes me feel like Thirst Trap Gandalf Would come with me to Mordor? I'm so sorry Sir Ian McKellen The only thing that was gonna make me happy this week was making some weird-ass content and so this is what that was. If you're still here, congratulations Thank you Book of the Month for sponsoring this video, I will have everything you need to know down in the description, and of course use the code! And that is it, I love you - no it's a Gandalf voice *horrible Gandalf impression* I love you whether you're new or old to this channel if you feel like sticking around, I upload every Friday, we have fun here. and i will see you in my next video, byeeee! am i just like radiating? translucent.... To talk about so -messup- to talk briefly Alright then keep your secrets.. "It's lovely to see you Gandalf" *sortof singing "Firework" by Katy Perry"* Fireeework! No, how does that song go? Show us a little leg Gandalf! Welcome to Burlesque! YeeaaHHhh Get Intoooo Ittttt Bilbo baggins i'm not trying to rob you, i am so scary My little makeshift microphone, beep beep! *Latex peeling* *tommy gags* What a gross noise that was.. "Bye bye boys, have fun storming the castle!"
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 319,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: makeup tutorial, gandalf, lord of the rings, lotr, lord of the rings cosplay, gandalf costume, gandalf cosplay, sir ian mckellen, makeup transformation, cosplayer, costumer, costube, costuber, middle earth, rachel maksy
Id: osWYsuuUVww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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