Sewing Some Autumn Clothes! (even tho it's still too HOT lol)

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It's starting to feel like fall, and I AM tempted to start decorating... but I've been holding off because you know..... You know what?? YOLOOO Hello!! Happy September! That means... Happy Halloween As a direct result of me loving the season of Autumn and Halloween So. Much. I think it's pretty clear that that drips down into my fashion sense I'm confident in saying that about 92 of my wardrobe is autumn colors.. So this week I am going to make some more! Round it off to even 95 percent.. In all honesty I don't quite even know what my style is anymore... I'd like to call this one Whiskey Grandpa... Tends to His Crops But I also don't think there's anything wrong with that I am a big advocate on wearing what you want to wear and if that is completely different day to day then, power to you And for me I suppose that means... 50 shades of... hobbit A couple days ago I went to a local antique store which I haven't been to since the start of all this A lot of my fabric stash comes from a specific seller in that store I don't know where they're coming up with these vintage fabrics but they have just some.... *chef's kiss* Prime *clap* cuts. And I will willingly admit, my fabric stash has been dwindling I B-lined RIGHT to this booth and I grabbed... *sigh* a lot of fabric So let me show you.. oh my god, oh GAH So yeah let's see So I've got three fabrics here, and then I've got more in this bag that my sister gave me a "A lady never discusses the size of her fabric stash" Except I just did And it's small. So let me go through these really quick this brown, gingham This... herringbone? Maybe? no? Is that completely wrong? These two which are the same Very autumny.. and last but not least, is this Here we go All together this cost me around eighty dollars, sounds steep but when you think about how much fabric I actually got.. it's not that bad Same kind of color palette.. In fact if I had to do a reenactment of the checking out process.... Those are all the same color NooOoO This one's YELLOW... I'm here to tell you that, no, these are not all the same color... *struggling* they're very different... I need to decide what I want to make this week Do you think these are all the same color? Good answer I think with my newfound love of pinafores mixed with my love of skirts, I want to make something that's a little bit a hybrid of those two I do have this pattern from McCall's, it is a vintage pattern from.... some point in time.. 1991 I think this is far too small for me but we can still make it work, and also dis bitch looks like me Now as far as fabrics for this, with this baby For the second item of clothing I think instead of a skirt which is definitely what I gravitate towards, I want to make a top.. which I don't often do and when i do it's usually a vest I'm going to try to challenge myself to make a blouse! And to do this I think i will probably end up hodge-podging a couple different patterns So very quickly let me show you the kind of overall design I'm thinking for that.. So for the top, I wanted to do something kind of timeless and almost Victorian-looking.. So I want a really fitted bodice and then of course puffy sleeves Now to actually pull this off I'm definitely going to have to frankenstein a couple things So my thinking is that I'm going to start with a pattern that you have probably already seen me use because I use it... a lot This baby To do this, very similar to my Lizzie Bennet dress I am probably going to extend it out, so I can do buttons instead of laces In addition to this I'm going to attempt to add some poofy sleeves.. I think i might end up using probably version A Cut the sleeve short so actually it will kind of look like.. this maybe I'm a big flan- Flan... I'm a big flan. I'm a big fan of three-quarter sleeves just because you know I feel like it gives you a lot more mobility This is iced coffee, I've got a lot of comments about people being confused as to what I was drinking, so yeah it's just coffee but also.. the elixir OF LIFE. *echo* So theoretically I should be able to Frankenstein these two patterns For this blouse I decided to go with this fabric So that is the plan for both of these garments I'm excited, I'm excited to make cute clothes... um Sir? Please remove your buttocks.. from my field of view *echo* That's WORSE So without further ado, let's bust into this pattern Alright... oh! Okay, I did not realize that one of them is a skirt.. one of them is actually pants.. SECRET pants! Let's do it, huh? Why not? We're gonna make some secret pants my friends.. Doesn't look too complicated here I think the best thing to do right now is just start cutting the pattern pieces out, and then figure out which ones I need Frodo.. *dun dun DUNNNN* Okay so I have cut out all the pattern pieces that I need.. This is the waist, or half of the waist.. So that's the front, side, back, there's the pockets These are the two panels, you've got the back and the front There's going to be two of each and then they will attach to create ~secret pants~ and of course, the sleepy baby So now that those are all cut out I am going to lay the fabric out and start pinning these pattern pieces to the fabric Okay so I'm not completely done yet but I have pinned most of the things down, so to solve my problem of this not being my size Go in before I cut and add just extra seam allowances here Obviously a normal person would do a mock-up but.... it's me One panel pinned, I need to do the second panel and then I need to put the strap on - SCRATCH THAT. I need to pin the... strap... Typical. By the way I did find my fabric scissors, finally... Good morning! Alright, so it is now day two I cut all the pieces out of the fabric, so that includes the waist sections Now for the waist sections I basically kept the pattern pieces the same on the top and bottom but I left a little bit of extra room on the sides Pinned them all briefly, together tried them on, even though there's only half of them Stretched well beyond what I needed them to do but I think with proper seam allowance when I put them together, they should fit pretty well and I would rather these pieces be too big than too small Instruct me!! So next step... Attach pant legs together and put some pockets in there, and then we start working on the waist Today is actually not 85 degrees out, so it's starting to feel like fall and I am tempted to start decorating but I've been holding off because, you know.. You know what? YOLO These pants... have broken me I literally followed every single instruction that it gave me.. and you know they didn't look right I put the pockets on, I sewed the pant legs together or what I THOUGHT were the pant legs, and then I turned it inside out and I got something that looks like this... *Man's Voice: what IS that?!* I don't understand I think this is somehow like sideways? Yeah, okay I think I understand what I did wrong I got a lot of work to do to fix this I think I went completely sideways with this, rather than it's supposed to be this way Remind me again why I don't particularly enjoy the process of sewing? That is why, because everything is super confusing... Okay I have got the waist, I'll pin this is the inside of it now I have just pressed these open so I'm going to put the zipper, facing the outside For the interfacing, I have a duplicate waist section here, pin it on the outside and then turn it inside out, but for now It's zipper time! And there we go! Not my best but... Soy-tainly.. Not my worst. Alright, so Obviously the pattern came with straps, but what I think I want to do just want to sew on a few buttons here and there because i recently just got some vintage suspenders, the fancy kind that have the actual button loops I'll probably do the hand sewing and hemming tonight, and then maybe tomorrow work on the buttons This took me pretty much all day because I messed up a few times.. But I'm getting pretty good at the seam ripper... so that's good I will see you tomorrow I realize it is incredibly dark in here.. "The pit of despaaaair" The skirt - well, secret pants are complete! So stinking cute and I'm so excited! You will see that in the reveal... This floor's so squeaky... *squeaks* For now I'm going to move on to our second project which is the blouse! I am going to use this pattern this pattern is pretty easy, it has my modifications for Lizzie on it right now, but I think I'll probably cut this back down The front piece, the side, the back, which you cut on the fold so that it folds out I'm going to make the bodice so that I have something to put the sleeves onto, so I suppose we can start doing that.. Side note I am now fully caught up with my favorite podcast "My Favorite Murder" I don't know what to do now... What do I listen to? Please leave your podcast suggestions down below because.. I'm overwhelmed Alright, let's get started Now I just have to pin them all together which I will do right ~now~ Wowwww. I'm going to try this on and make sure that it fits before I start sewing everything together I've stitched everything together it fits pretty darn well.. So what I think I'm going to do now probably the interfacing? Basically what I think I'm going to do is kind of trace the edges, make a strip of fabric to go along that.. I will sew it on top of the outside, and then turn inside out I will eventually be adding like a little band along the bottom, I believe Try to do that! I want to do the sleeves I don't remember where i put it.. Here? Nope. Where did you goooo? Okay version A, see what I need to cut out for that.. looks like there's only two parts to this, but now it's just a matter of finding it... Womp, womp... Okay Here we go... Here's my criticism of the sewing world, is that I wish patterns had a little note saying.. on this paper is this, this, and this so that you don't have to unfold this gigantic thing just to find that the one piece that you need is not included Nope... Having a jolly ol' time Okay here are the two pieces, I won't need most of this, um this is the most important part If anything, I'll probably just use this tiny section Where it goes into the shoulder, you just gather the bottom and it forms a nice little poof Update! I have made little armbands right here Cut the sleeves out, joined them together, so right now they kind of look like - you know groovy 70's sleeves.. My next step is to gather this... nice little puff sleeves And then I will attach that end to the cuff, then we can go ahead and start attaching this to the shoulder hole of the vest Let's start gathering! Cute! Very poofy! Attach and such, it's gonna be a little tricky because if you can tell that is a little abnormal.. Normally it would be a lot more rounded, which I probably should have considered when I was cutting out the pattern but I will be doing it like... like so this blouse is actually going a lot smoother than I expected... don't smite me sewing gods! Of course... literally not three seconds after I hit the stop button, this happens Whyyyy Told you the sewing gods are like "oh, you say this project is going smoothly, EEHH???" I gotta work.. Just a PSA, even though it's autumn in your mind.. it is not autumn outside... I'm sweaty Sugar and spice candle ... oh... everything nice. Little wrap up! They are finally done, I am very excited to have two more things in my wardrobe that I will actually wear I find that I tend to wear the things that I make a lot more frequently than things that I don't make, now I don't know if that's just because I'm proud of myself.. or if - the whole reason I'm trying to get into making my own stuff is because, you can make it so specific to how you want it The split skirt, or secret pants as I like to call it, is my favorite They truly are secret *whispering* just between you and me Because no one else is gonna know their pants! I'm glad that I went with suspenders for that too, I think it really adds to it Now the shirt Definitely came out a little more saucy than I had planned... I don't have a whole lot of uh, low-cut shirts so I think it's good to have a range I kind of feel like i should be working in a tavern.. And/or a younger version of Winifred Sanderson, and I don't think the wig or the skirt helped with that... It is what it is Fitting a bodice to yourself is a lot more difficult than fitting a skirt That's something I'm still definitely teaching myself and still learning, I think it's definitely a case of trial and error I think the waist fits fine, the bust area fits pretty good I just wish that it was a little bit higher up The sleeves are a bit weird around the shoulders, it's not exactly what i pictured I think it's a little too long right here, I was picturing that the sleeve was going to be kind of like that See the difference? See what I'm saying? but I don't know, that's what the pattern had me do. So yeah, they're definitely a bit longer and a bit tight around here but other than that it's pretty comfy I just have to make sure not to like... HULK out of it I hope that you guys had fun, I just wanted to make cozy video um, it was very dark all of this week so I'm sorry for that but maybe, hopefully it adds to the coziness... That's what i'll keep telling myself If you're ever on the fence about wanting to start sewing your own clothes I highly recommend, it it's just such a, oh - WOW. It's not autumn I highly recommend it, it's very rewarding and I find it a fun challenge, each garment that I make warning more and more and you know, I'm sure if I were to make this same blouse five years from now it would look a whole lot different than it does now But that's kind of the whole process is learning what works and what doesn't work and problem solving That is it! I love you guys whether you're new or old to this channel, if you're new here and you feel like sticking, around feel free to subscribe i upload every Friday, we have fun here I hope you're ready for autumn content... and I will see you in my next video, byeeee! I looks like a horse... This is the content I bring to the world I'll just keep holding this pose.... it's fine I can't speak It's a choppa' Don't look at me... That's as far as i can go... wow Are you an ewok?? Oh man, classic It's so humid that the lens is fogging... why Trick-or-treat?? TRICK.
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 1,083,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autumn clothes, vintage style, sewing vlog, sewing, split skirt, blouse, rachel maksy, autumn, fall, fall fashion, autumn fashion, vintage autumn, outfit ideas
Id: PXvCVlrsGvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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