The ULTIMATE Budget Keyboard Upgrade.

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oh it is buzz lighter to infinity and beyond oh that sounds so good this is sam he's incredibly happy because i just built him the keyboard of his dreams howdy hey i'm hypiotech and today we're going to be taking sam's keyboard to the next level so who is sam and why does he need a keyboard hi sam is one of my really good friends and you've probably seen him if you watch my climbing vlog also his keyboard is incredibly terrible and he really needs a new one so we're doing the ultimate first beginner build we're taking samuel from one of the grossest keyboards i've ever seen amazing like seriously he used this for nine years how did he get away with this and we're building him the buzz lightyear keyboard of his dreams as he loves buzz lightyear oh the stamp is incoming yeah he wants to buzz light your stamp so a buzz light your keyboard we will build if you don't know why somebody might spend 300 on a keyboard then i'll walk you through the whole building and keyboard process but first let's take a look at samuel's old board so hippie asked for me to send him a video of my keyboard because it is notorious for sounding amazing listen to that thing oh yeah hippia chiming in here that is not amazing that is a war crime oh man it's also absolutely filthy i think i've had this keyboard for like eight years nine years maybe ten years or so much dust and probably like cheez-it particles in there i don't even know yikes all right it's time to get him a new keyboard to infinity and beyond good hippos don't let hypeo's friends go without good keyboards well at least some of my friends i can't buy every friend of mine a keyboard that would be really expensive in this case i'm going to the archives baby and by the archives i mean my closet of doom that holds over 50 keyboards for this build we're going for a buzz lightyear theme as i previously mentioned and this silver idabo id87 hippo either bow shield by the way should do the trick now i know what you're gonna say buzz lightyear isn't silver he's white but this keyboard whenever it reflects light looks basically white so i'm calling that good enough now in order to get info on what sam might actually want in the keyboard i've been slowly probing him over discord chats like oh hey sam is this keyboard too big oh would you use a keyboard that looks like this sam what are the government launch codes you know standard stuff and ultimately i came to the conclusion that sam would want a tkl or tent keyless now this bad boy is not too big not too small it covers the home row etc now the idabel id 87 is not the best board and we'll talk about that a little bit more later but i think he'll be happy with it basically it's very hollow very pinky so i mean i'm freaking hypotex so yeehaw you bet we're gonna put something in it you guys thought you were gonna get an episode of this channel without a freaking manic episode no no no anyways i got her opened up with my wow stick wow link in description and this reveals the crux of this board idabow's og design leaves so much space like so much space and because of its flimsy bottom aluminum plate it basically just leads to pink city samuel's a gamer and he can't handle the pain so i've got a silicone weight that i poured i know it looks sus just like bear with me so you can check out my silent film in the top right where i did this this was actually a long long time ago but samuel likes weighted heavy boards so this will serve a dual function and if he ever gets lonely he can open it up and give it a little squish yeah this should help reduce some of the reverberations get rid of some of the ping and overall just make it better now this definitely wasn't the cleanest silicone poor job but i think overall it'll work the alternatives would be things like foam flex seal and i had pillows or something but in this case i want to go with silicone for a couple of reasons number one i had already done it number two it adds a lot more weight than something like foam which makes the board feel more premium even when it isn't and three uh it's suss or whatever yeah but i hope i can just get it closed because this thing is really really like oh that's a tight fit so i had to do a lot of fiddling and a lot of wow stick shillery but eventually with a hand screwdriver i was able to get it tight enough thanks little hippo i highly doubt sam will ever open this keyboard up so i think we'll be fine but check this out now it's time for the switches i didn't really want that to spill like that but whatever now sam has come over to my house a couple times and tried out most of my keyboards in that time i've also done more undercover prodding to figure out what he's liked and he seems to gravitate towards mid-spring weight linears saying things like yeah i like that this one doesn't click and all of that so in this case i've got the matcha linears from prevail key company and you can find all of the stuff at the links down in the description these have been lubed with crytox 205 g0 and essentially they're just any jwk recolor what does that mean uh they're a switch that's pretty good that's what that means coming in at around 60 for all of these switches it was a little bit expensive but i think it'll be worth it i was gonna go with some more like buzz lightyear theming but i feel like the green stem on these works pretty well and sam will literally never take the keycaps off like i don't even think he'll know how no offense sam i know you're watching this but this should give the board a decent sound profile although it might end up being just a little bit loud because this board is hot swap if sam ever does decide that he doesn't like these switches he can swap them out with whatever he wants without having to break out soldering gear i find that to be a massive perk if you're building a beginner a keyboard especially because this hobby is so subjective that they might even change their mind in like 10 minutes next we had to do the buzz lightyear part of the build because remember sam likes buzz lightyear yes buzz light your stamp or whatever so i've had something up my sleeve for a while now and i actually started this project a couple months ago i realized wasd keyboards has the perfect colors to create a buzz lightyear theme and they let you do one of one keycap sets originally i wanted to do this as a commission for sam so i had shown him these keycaps before just as like a haha you could build a keyboard it would be great and he was like no that sounds dumb but we'll change his mind anyways i made these keycaps on wasd keyboards they are not a sponsor of this video or an affiliate and also they didn't really approve of the buzz lightyear design i just kind of snuck that through but uh that was kind of the crucial part to tie this whole thing into buzz lightyear so sorry wasd keyboards please don't get mad at me sorry disney please don't sue me also if you're at home don't do this yourself i would never make a keycap set that was unlicensed but in this case i think it's okay because it's a one-off it's more of like a hobbyist thing than a commercial thing anyways they arrived after only a week or two which was really crazy anyways back to the good stuff there's a keycap puller that sam might need at some point and all of the keycaps came packaged in these little individual baggies which i thought was very helpful i think it definitely beats the chaos of like a gmk tray because they were sorted per row which i thought was nice so these are abs keycaps but they are not double shot and they came in right around 70 us dollars for a tkl set meaning that it had no supporting for other kidding this made them just a bit expensive and they're also really not the best quality like i'd kind of compare them to something that you'd pick up on a pre-built board but you know what their buzz light your colors like that's that was kind of our whole point here here's a bit of a comparison on the left you have the wasd in the center you have pbt octopus which is double shot and on the right you have the gmk future funk gmk future funk is abs and you can tell it's just overall better quality plastic but buzz lightyear over quality let's go so for the modifiers i went with buzz lightyear purple for the alphas i went with white because buzz lightyear just got white on them and purple legends and then for the accents i went with green i wish i could have squeezed just a tinge more green in here but i think overall it pulls off the buzz light your vibe very well and this is really what sells it at least for samuel as i got the buzz lightyear star command and put it on a keycap sorry i mean this is um muzz uh blight beer yeah muzz blight beer please don't sue me disney this is not a commercial endeavor this is just for fun this is a hobbyist thing anyways cue the b-roll with the keyboard built it was now time to prime and by prime i mean i had to wait to show sam so sam had some type of idea that i wanted to build him a keyboard but he didn't think i'd actually be doing it he had seen me tease these buzz lightyear keycaps but i never teased them the official ones i had in person just the pictures off of wasd so he was like this was a distant idea for him so after climbing one day i arranged for him to come over and i was prepared to show him the big surprise but first i had to set the scene and make it a little bit more star-themed and yeah this is kind of another self-shill moment this is my star desk mat that'll be launching on kinetic labs today or tomorrow depending on when you're watching this video this is a super awesome desk mat only 25 bucks it's custom star pixel art i know it's not really buzz lightyear but man it's pretty and i'm really proud of it i got the design custom made by eager sprout and then i'm selling these in partnership with kinetic labs as in stock items yeah right now look at the description it's in stock that means no group by waiting time baby you could get it right now let's go i mean sorry not sorry for the shilling i'm proud of my projects and i gotta pay for these builds that i'm building for my friends you know hey you know what maybe i'll build more keyboards for my fans pretty soon so if you want that make sure you leave a comment and get subscribed because you bet i'm not giving a keyboard to someone that isn't subscribed so with the star theme set it was finally time to bring in sam show him off the keyboard and hit him with the big surprise i'm worried that he won't like it but i i hope he will hey sam i have something to show you what's there i have to sit down i'm sitting sitting and pooping i was gonna say another word what the heck is it have a box for you okay i'll take the bar and then you must open the box does it suppose what huh what i said is this buzz lightyear but i don't know if that's trademarked it is buzz lighter oh oh my god oh i don't know how this chair works but that sounds so good okay he likes it which is good but now he wants to share a fun fact or something that's weird my first tattoo or my second tattoo is going to be can you zoom in on that oh yeah it's going to be this as possibly a buzz like your stamp what what possessed you to buy this keyboard so i was like all right samuel has the worst keyboard ever i'll have you take a picture of it i'll put up on screen probably i was like literally the worst keyboard yeah which sounds like toothpaste in a grinder so i don't know what's the worst keyboard sound is it mine was toby's worse have you heard mine my spacebar the other day it's actually making a squeaking noise i'm not joking i was playing risk of rain too and every time you have to jump quite a lot in that game and i was like squeak squeak squeak every time but now i was like let's make sam the craziest buzz lightyear keyboard it's incredible it is incredible the patina the shine the green um is it already lubed up are these like the switches yeah it's incredible yeah but now it was time for a keyboard right of passage taking off a keycap i've never taken oh yeah anything off that's a keycap i'm saving for marriage do i do side this way or this way so vertical it doesn't really matter honestly you just and you just you press or just grab your first key cap pull yank look at [Music] why are you put on your first key there we go whoa got white lights yeah oh the tram snap is incoming so what do you think of your buzz lightyear keyboard i'm i'm blown away is it your dream honestly so every time hipio has posted these keycaps i'm like oh how much of the keycaps and he's like oh it's like 60 dollars and the board is like a hundred dollars and i'm like so i've always stuck with my squeaky space bar because if it broke don't fix it but i've never used this before and now that i have and maybe we just do like maybe we just get like one more one oh but once i'm using suppose like you're into infinity and beyond [Laughter] maybe just like put the ones where i was doing good in here and did you did you just stop while i was actually going first that would kill me no you're good so how much would you pay for this i would probably pay like i would say like a little over three hundred dollars for this keyboard just because of this to be honest like for me you know me honestly that space bar that is like my squeaky space bar this one sounds incredible for me it's all about the aesthetic this one has the aesthetic so yeah probably like 300. okay well guess what it's free it feels good daddy confused taking care of sam yes thank you so much on it okay let's read it can we yeah it's free if you're gonna give it to me oh yeah if you papa papi hippo take care of sam so i wasn't sure when i came up here if this was going to be mine but i saw it and i got really excited and i didn't want to assume but now that it is mine thank you so much i will definitely be using this board um until this one goes squeak squeak squeak when it goes to space we did it we did it we did it read it today check out cadelli music on spotify dropping what day is that september september 17th it's got some good songs good tracks um i think that's it for me i'm sam i've been in the one video about a cabin yeah you could just like take it and run like right now yeah okay bye
Channel: Hipyo Tech
Views: 878,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyboard, mechanical keyboard, mechanical, switch, switch review, novel keys, keys, gateron, kalih, sound test, switch sound test, keyboard sound test, keyboard asmr, asmr, typing asmr, mech keyboard, aesthetic, wholesome, reddit, id80, panda, alpacas, krytox 205, krytox, type, test, keyboard mod, keyboard asmr mod, TKL keyboard, red, 65%, 60%, RGB 65%, taehatypes, :3ildcat, 3ildcat, tech, MKBHD, Linus tech tips, Taeha Types, Tech Review, Banggood Review
Id: qsN8no6TSJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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