WISH vs TEMU Budget Gaming Setup Challenge!

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now what's this pile of garbage doing in the test bro that's my wish gaming setup oh dude my bad and we're gonna be facing it off against the Teemu gaming setup that you all know and love and really enjoyed which setup is gonna be the best and where should you buy your gaming setup we're about to find out but first they were from today's sponsor today's video is brought to you by our friends at Microcenter if you haven't visited Micro Center yet you definitely need to and cash in on their new customer deal where you can save 25 off all processors in store only Microcenter is our favorite place to go and buy PC Hardware in person and we never leave empty-handed if you love PC hardware and haven't shopped at a Micro Center yet you are definitely missing out they are expanding to 25 stores nationwide with the Indianapolis location having its grand opening on July 23rd with more on the Horizon by 2025. it is also back to school month at Microcenter with deals on all the tech you need for back to school shopping from keyboards and mice to laptops and pre-built computers you can cash in on some great Savings in store at Microcenter today check the links down below to learn more and big thanks to our friends at Micro Center for sponsoring today's video all right now we're on to the wish setup and we're gonna open this thing up and put it together I'm a little bit scared but yeah this one was actually a little bit less than our Teemu setup and they were both a little bit over 200 bucks Matt tried his best to keep the pricing close but hey you only get so many options I'm like oh my God those are oh it is a design and they've really stood out on wish because they had that blue color scheme you know that wish is just all known for even though they've kind of changed they're like a like a teal color now but this gaming headset you want to guess how much this gaming headset was I just want to hear a guess well I I mean based on the total price I'm gonna have to say like 20 bucks eight dollars dude this this is so you poke this early Pokemon it's so satisfying it's satisfying but like there's not much there you wanna you wanna cop a feel yeah like it's it's like a stress toy it's a stress toy you get this gaudy little thing so this is a like a 3.5 millimeter and it's a combined Jack so if you want to have a separate one for your mic to actually work then you're gonna have to have both of these and then yeah it's one of these where I think there's probably gonna be some blue LEDs that you have to power with the separate USB I hate that I was trying to see if the laptop was still in here but you know we'll just see what it looks like when we put everything together we gotta take our time here but yeah they really wasted no money on the packaging yeah and the thing that this this probably came from overseas I would think and it made it it made it I'm surprised will it work will the mic be good we'll find out we're gonna move on to this other bag which is very wish theme which I think means this all I mean obviously came from one location maybe one like shipping filament from wish he's gonna wear that for the rest of this now you can't move the mic you can't move it it's just right there you gotta go all right over here these are none for children like they don't fit on your ear no this is this is awful this is the worst headset I've ever worn so all right we'll come back to this a mouse and oh and wow there's three things in here all right this is probably the mouse pad it's a super standard the the mouse pad we pay 16 for by the way it looks really good but it's very small very small but the print's nice a lot of times these cheaper ones you know like the print will almost look like they stole a picture of Google Images it's not nearly as good as the desk pads over at PC Bros attack you could buy toasty Bros themes ones ones like this and a bunch of other ones and they're all the way a little bit more just just kidding they're a little bit more premium than that but go to PC Bros today yeah I mean I'm liking it it's gonna be I hope we got a small keyboard a gaming mouse so we have like a mm710 or like a glorious Modelo kind of I already know that's gonna be awful just looking at it it's yeah I mean it's almost like heavier than normal like they put all these holes in it but then they add like lead weights to it which is the price of that 15. 10 bucks okay the main thing that we always look for in mice by the way that these always let us down is like honey what do you call it like ghosting or drag where you lift it up and it still tracks like a good Mouse you should better looked it up and as soon as you lift it it stops tracking oh dude this keyboard feels scary is it even in a box or is it just like just wrapped in a bag what why is this sorry to get off no it's literally wrapped in a bag shout out age they just took the Box they clearly wanted to say you know what it's cheaper to ship in a bag so we're taking out of its box and using the foam in a bag actually this one's not that bad is this the ak-33 um I mean does it have a model this is the oh yeah ak-33 that is my first keyboard that I sticker bombed that's insane I honestly didn't do that intentionally I just can't believe that that existed so flip out it probably didn't have USBC back then definitely not USBC back then it was definitely micro and then we do have mechanical switches that are blues and they're they're a jazz brand they're one of the kind of few like out there companies that kind of make their own switch somehow what do you guessed the price of this one I'm gonna guess that it was 30 bucks it's 33 okay yeah a little more Primo you know we get the detachable cable so that adds to it the steam is looking amazing guys by the way it's looking pretty good you wanna yeah we'll take the honors yeah let's go in let's open up the big ticket item so this is a 23.8 inch monitor now I remember the listing was really weird because I want to get Amara the same size as the Teemu one mainly because well I just wanted to be somewhat similar because we bought this 24 inch monitor and the 27 inch version was cheaper than the 24 inch version so we paid more for a smaller monitor why I don't know but that's what we ended up doing and this is already looking great like fabulous very very optimistic here on this all we get is 24 Monitor and Jonah Translate be doing all right there we go we got a little slash action right there and here we are wow that is a very less than Stellar looking stand oh thank you thank you for cleaning it up I appreciate that of course are you why is it like Chrome it's a chrome stand proprietary power brick all right so we've got LED monitor all white if you're watching this video I think this video is going Live while we're in Canada so hi from Canada we might be hugging Linus right now we could be hugging him or stalking him McAllister can you can I daydream us can you make us hug lines like this just seems so not secure as always lifted by the stand for durability testing there it goes It's Working lovely we have HDMI and VGA which is an interesting selection but you know we got that at least and this one look it looks premium I got to give them that so yeah this monitor is a 1080p 23 inch monitorable 23 Point inch monitor 75 Hertz and compared to the Teemo monitor which was a high refresh rate 10 if you display hopefully this will be better and the ghosting will be limited because it's not like a forced High refresh rate sometimes these 70 Hertz bars can be better than those really cheap high refresh rate monitors but we just got put this thing together and play some games on the switch setup and see can it come close to Teemu I don't know I'm having my doubts a little bit all right guys before we actually dive into testing this thing I just want to see what the RGB looks like and see if everything actually works it'd be pretty funny if this uh turns on and it's like absolutely busted these definitely go with that USB plugged in the mouse looks pretty decent okay the mouse looks not too bad prettiest RGB though it's kind of like more green I'm wondering if this is that is this it yeah I think I think we're working this is all white that's weird because there is an RGB version also who who puts a function up top I've never seen this that's such a weird layout man but why isn't it turning on that's concerning power oh wow look at that so far we're at 60 oh we go up to 74.97 baby wow can't be 75 but 74. well sometimes sometimes it's more worth having less refresh rate if it means you don't get ghosting because these these high refresh rate monitors from like AliExpress and teema and stuff when they're like 144 they get really bad ghosting it looks horrible let's play a game all right Gamers you might remember the team who set up the legendary setup itself and make Jackson turn into a robot and do the robot um yeah the setup right here was about 200 in like 30 dollars to get everything put together the 60 keyboard with RGB and a crazy color scheme but it has this cable that you can hear slapping around over here this mouse was the worst part of the setup and I'm ready to see that again here on top of this desk pad which I will say is definitely substantially bigger than the wish setup much better much better from what we've seen from you know boxing so far and the monitor which is high refresh rate but has some ghosting going on I don't even think I have it running at high refresh rate I'll be honest with it win we in we have double the refresh rate I'm gonna just doubled it oh we're in baby we're in but yeah the oh the ghosting is exactly what I remember it being it just it doesn't feel like high refresh rate it really doesn't and I might need to check the game to make sure that it actually swapped the high refresh rate but it just don't feel that good refresh rate well that's one reason why it wasn't even set to it so let's do this real quick it honestly doesn't look that much better it really doesn't it has a lot of like blur to it that I I hope the 75 Hertz monitor improves on because it's just not good it's just not good and this was the majority of the budget but the peripherals are not bad minus the mouse that is clearly doing some drifting here that I am not a fan of oh goodness we're back at shoot house baby we're gonna get some kills at least making me somewhat of a gamer right oh we got snipers you know what I'm gonna be a sniper that's the trend here is we we only snipe and the snipe is really slow oh he done God no oh team who doesn't make you better Gamers ladies and gentlemen just doesn't if you're bad you're just bad there's just so many times where like my my mouse is just like flicking me across the screen and I lift it up it's like please don't do that I bet that felt pretty good I bet that felt good yeah sticky fluid I just flipped the spawns huh yeah let's go oh they're all dead okay oh and and I'm dead but yeah that was a little revisit of Teemu it's a contender I'll give you that it's a contender the monitor ain't gray and the mouse ain't great um but we're gonna try wish and see if they have anything redeeming okay so I I have the whole the whole crew is surrounding me because McAllister hates that I use snipers so I have four minutes to get what is it three kills hey there McAllister stopping in to defend himself I said I don't like when Jackson Snipes in Battlefield I have been telling him he should switch the assault class because it makes the gameplay look more fun and he refuses to do it so this time I came with the pressure three kills in five minutes so I fart spray the room that's the stakes just so you know and he still continues to use the sniper in every game now as I swear he's just doing it to piss me off oh yeah you don't have to fart spray me I'll just switch weapons [Music] see I I would talk more but I'm scared okay you know I don't want to fail what the imagine using the saw rifle oh there's one I'm just saying bro let me see some people and I'll make Daddy proud let him cook on they suck because it's so difficult to hit them and they don't want shots oh please oh that was it oh no oh you know what if he did get a double kill whoa okay buddy you're gonna distract me oh there's one run away back to the problem at hand how's the headset okay so like it gives me sound so like I can't really complain like that much but it's very uncomfy I will say that much so eight dollars you're saying pretty uncomfy yeah oh yeah I mean we'll rate bugs though it's it's not bad it reminds me one of the headsets you go with the free t-shirt from like or a t-shirt from like JCPenney like the pressure we put on them here we're really just lighting it up yeah the mouse is really my least favorite part it's it's weird because maybe it's just this game but yeah normally it's a lot worse when I because I I am a mouse lifter I definitely enjoy lifting my mouse up to kind of reposition I don't have a lot of room on this mouse pad I guess that's another kind of complaint is this mouse pad's a little small oh my God I smell it oh God it's leaking but they won all right oh yeah but I how that compares to the team of setup we need to talk about that let's do it uh why did he do this all right guys we just had an epic showdown between Teemu and wish and we are ready to talk about the results and I'm just gonna say off the bat I think the team we set up looks a little bit nicer but is it really more functional yeah the wish setup has a better monitor in my opinion it was a much better gaming experience overall the headset is something else significantly cheaper but it is kind of wild looking and um I would say keyboard and mouse minus the mouse I would say this is what we'll do here right so this this mouse goes you just need to like swap stuff you know this goes here and I think swap monitors and they're kind of even I guess but I don't know I'm gonna give the win to wish just based on functionality but you know what you all decide in the comment section down below which one do you like the most and would you buy a gaming setup for me to team or a wish if so check those links down below but yeah let us know what you think of The Showdown and let us know if there's any other showdowns you want to see here on the channel so as always we hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did check out our other two YouTube channels on all storytwist.tv toasty Bros and don't forget to like comment and subscribe and we'll see you guys in our next one goodbye now if you want to buy either one of these setups they will be for sale at our shop in Louisville Kentucky PC Bros and if you want to buy a gaming PC online we got you covered too PC Bros I take gaming pieces gaming laptops and so much more use code toasty Bros 2 and check out and you'll save two percent your next purchase see you guys later
Channel: Toasty Bros
Views: 233,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toastybros, cheap gaming setup, budget gaming setup, temu gaming setup, gaming setup from wish, gaming setup from temu, wish gaming setup, best gaming setup on a budget, wish vs temu
Id: KkNr2ms2lls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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