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hello everyone today's video is going to be part one of my complete squad guide everything from the most newbie noob things to the most high-level tactical things this is pretty much the place and series where I'm going to be discussing all of it now for this first episode I'm gonna be talking about very basic UI elements and how to teach yourself squad I'm not gonna be jumping into any online match or getting to any special tips and tricks this is mainly for people that have never launched squad before so you'll probably end up learning something even if you are an existing player but this is gonna be pretty much how to get your feet wet with squad so we're at the main page right now this is pretty much the first thing that you see when you launch squad and we're gonna be going over the UI right now so on the main page you have owi news which is you know the latest cool thing that I realize doing you have the tabs up here at the top which are very important and then you have the first time in squad pre-deployment training now this is an extremely important tutorial this tutorial does a better job of teaching than I can for some aspects of the game I highly recommend that if you are brand new to squad you play this not only once but maybe even twice because you will learn so much in that 20 minute tutorial do everything read all the tricks and tips read all the charts it's incredibly in-depth and is a great tool for learning at the top here we have the server browser this is what you're gonna use to find normal games of squad now because there is a Halloween mod event right now we do have some modded servers showing up in this list for a space crew and the squad zombie mod but generally the server browser will show vanilla squad games that means general RAAS or invasion or quarrel whatever it is this is a very plain and easy way to jump into a server you can sort by players the server health which is basically the tick rate or how well the server is performing and then your ping so based off of generally players and ping is how you're gonna pick the server moving on to the custom browser this is used for mods private events private servers people who want to host their own stuff a lot of wacky crazy stuff going on in here you really don't need to be messing around with the custom browser unless you know why you're in there so don't worry about this if you're brand new to squad don't even need to look at it moving on to the training server or the training area of the main menu you have a couple tutorials and the ranges now once again please play the infantry tutorial this will teach you I'd say about 50 percent of what you need to learn on the squad the other 50% you either need to just learn by doing and learn by playing or by having other people teach you it's just that's how massive this game is don't worry at all about the pilot tutorial you can play the pilot tutorial and have fun with it but do not expect as a new player to be flying a helicopter you will get yelled at you'll get screamed that don't fly helicopters if you don't know how to play squad because aside from knowing how the game modes works and how to interact with other squad leaders and put-down fobs and do all this important stuff it's just too much information that you don't really need to know to get a good base experience of squad before moving on after you've played the infantry tutorial the next thing I highly recommend is going through the ranges and I'll show you how to operate the ranges after we go through this main menu settings but basically these ranges differ because the factions on them are different so this one if you want to try the British stuff and the militia stuff you pick this one the second one is US and Russia and the third one is US and insurgent so if you wanted to you know mess around with any of the factions you just pick the respective one and you go in there moving on to settings we're gonna quickly go through the settings because this isn't really supposed to be setting this video we're just gonna give you a couple tips and tricks going through here number one is increase your free-look sensitivity I highly recommend you do this so you can look around very fast and figure out what's going on around you moving on past that this is people ask me what my hold or toggles are I hold to lean and hold to free look so that's what's going on there as far as graphics go graphics settings a lot of people always ask me karma where your squad graphic settings honestly guys it's gonna depend on your rig I have a very expensive high tier rig so I'm able to run these settings at 60 plus frames but you might have lesser-quality rig or you know just a weaker rig you'll have to tweak around with this stuff now just for your information I do not touch any ini files I do not set pregame launch parameters I don't tweet with anything outside of this so I don't do anything funky you might have to do something funky did it to get a couple extra frames but I just run on the latest graphics drivers I just run on a are 9 3900 X and a 20 80 I and I just I just tweak this stuff I don't deal with anything else now I don't go to any config files it and mess around with that stuff the main things are to play your main resolution your your native resolution of your monitor to play it fullscreen because I think you do get a couple FPS out of full screen and then disable super sampling if you are not running on a high tier rig this will eat your frames don't use this this is bad also don't fully load textures just so this will increase your load times that's pretty much the only tips I can give you here everything else is going to be very specific to the rig that you're running moving onto audio the only things that I can say here that are really really really important are the voice controls now VoIP is voice over IP this is how you're gonna communicate with other players now you can see how important communication isn't squad for command volume which is what squad leaders are using and what you don't really need to worry about right now that set it to hundred percent that's how important it is for me to hear other squad leaders I have it cranked to 200 percent now squad is what you're gonna be using so I have that set at 175 which is a little louder than my local even locals bumped up to 150 that's how important it is in squad to hear other players you're gonna have mortars and rockets and grenades and explosions and gunfire and people talking over each other so it's gonna be extremely important that you're able to hear the commands they're being given and to be able to give other people information during these stressful times moving on to controls everything is pretty much default there are like three special things I would recommend the first one is of course inventory I swap my Ian's cute keys because it makes leaning easier for me that's a personal preference thing I personally believe that it makes leaning much easier and much snappier when you're trying to peak a corner it's gonna take a minute to learn if you not ever done that before but it's incredibly useful and I really really like this trick another thing that I did was for my command if you're a fire team leader or squad leader a lot of people ask me how I put down the markers without bringing up the wheel it's with the middle mouse button I bind that to my place attack order command and I think that's pretty much everything I want to talk about in here there's nothing else too important interface turn on all your tips if you're new to squad because you will need all that information I've played this game for 3,000 hours I don't need to see any of that anymore so I turn it all off world tags this is basically the name tags for players in game on your team I haven't turned off I do not recommend this if you're a new player turn this up even if you're a new player this will basically show you who's friendly and what their name is very important if you haven't learned the camos yet or if you don't know what the other players are gonna look like and then Matt marker scale I'll show you what that is later and that's pretty much everything here then you of course you have the credits now we're gonna be talking about the training ranges because I'm assuming and I'm hoping that you've played the infantry tutorial after this video so let's go into a range let's say we want to try the British and militia weapon range so we're gonna go in there now also thing a cool thing note is that when you're loading into the maps you're gonna get this screen that shows you all the key binds in the game as well as a couple tips and tricks so even when you're loading into games and especially if you have a slower computer boom you have research and learning material right in front of you alright so we are looking at the team selection screen this is the first screen that's gonna pop up when you join a server it's gonna show two teams the teams are on the layer the layer that you're playing on which is in the center and then some information about the game-mode underneath that because we are on a private range we don't have a actual game mode in the center or any information regarding that we just have the two teams so we're just gonna continue playing as the British and we're gonna be brought to the deploy screen now this screen is going to show what kits you can take where you can spawn the objectives the main map and all the other squads for example down here I'm gonna create a squad don't create a squad if you're new to squad just join a squad don't create you're gonna see a whole bunch of squads lifts listed on the left you're gonna join one now it's important to note that the name of the squad for example if I wanted to name my squad infantry right you know what squad you're getting into you're getting into the infantry squad you're going to be doing infantry stuff sometimes you'll have armor right and you'll you'll know that okay that's an armored squad generally for new players you're gonna want to be joining infantry squads or very basic squads they're just doing normal grunt stuff taking Flags shooting people and doing that you don't want to worry about flying you don't worry about doing logistics don't worry about getting into vehicles just focus on learning the basics as a rifleman which is the default class that you're playing with so after you picked the squad you then will end up picking a role now you can go and pick a role here or you can look at the role load up this is also another screen that you can use to pick your role at the top here we have command slash medic so or specialty role so you have the medics some roles when you click them will give you an option for example when you click a R or marksman you don't have an option of which kit specifically within that role you can take but if you take rifleman for example we have an option of three roles we have an iron sight rifleman we have a su set rifleman and we have an ACOG rifleman so same thing with the medic you some some classes just have options important to note now another important note to think about when you're taking roles is that some roles are restricted so if we go to the role loadout screen we will actually be able to see what roles are available to us in game and why for example right now because we are in the private range the availability for all these roles is infinite because they want you to be able to go and pick the role but in squad on a normal layer you will not have access to some roles if they're already taken in your squad for example you're never gonna see a squad with nine grenadiers because there's only one Grenadier squad per squad there's also three fire support roles in a squad that means out of the nine players in your squad only three will be able to pick one of these roles so the other six are gonna have to pick normal squad roles or command and support roles that's that's what's going on or I think support specialist roles I'm not really sure I can't remember how specialist roles that work but just be aware that of availability of these roles is dependent upon how many people are in your squad and what kits they have so that isn't really taught anywhere that's something that is very confusing to some players and then you will pick your spot so that's generally what goes on you pick your squad you pick your role and then you pick your spawn there's three kinds of spawns you have main base spawns which are the default main base correspond that you're gonna get for that layer you have fob spawns which are team built spawns for your entire team and you have rally points which are put down by your squad leader and are only used by your squad so those are the three types of spawns and you'll see them on this right map anything yellow is a spawn point because once again we're on the range we have access to all these spawn points that are yellow once we click on a spawn point we'll click confirm spawn it's very important then you click this button otherwise you're just gonna sit in the screen for minutes so make sure you click this you can also select it here or on the map actually so that's everything about this deploy page you sell the roll loadout page and then you can also see the team /gamemode that was the first page that we spawned into what else do we have we have a small chat box down here you can use to type blah blah blah blah if you hit tab you'll cycle through the different teams so you'll have broadcast which is only for admins you have all which will type to both teams team which you'll only top to your team admin once again only for admins uh what else very important stuff here there's a lot of information at the top you have the lifeblood of squad this is the core important features of squad or core important factors of squad which is time how much time is left in a match and tickets how many tickets are left in a match the team at the end of the game with the most tickets will win certain things will cause the team to lose more tickets or gain tickets and we'll talk about that later but for the purposes of this video because we are in a private range you have unlimited tickets because they want you to be able to die and spawn back in and look at all this stuff that's why you have 999,999 tickets it's a lot of tickets you know gonna run out of tickets and then you have unlimited time so you're not gonna run out of time but basically though these are the two things you're fighting against is making sure that you're not losing too many tickets and that you're not going to run out of time now we're looking at the other aspects on the UI here of the UI here we have the vehicles marker which will make more sense when we roll onto a normal layer we have the icon legend which will show you what the icons are if you have no idea what you're looking at on the map boom here you just scroll over right here and you can see what they all mean after that you have ticket values once but once again going back to losing and gaining tickets per game mode per map it's gonna differ but this will teach you what the ticket loss or games are for certain aspects of the game per game mode per map and then of course we have a couple important toggles here so this is your map toggles this is how you can customize this big map on your right toggle viewing spawns keep this always on otherwise if you turn it off it's it's gonna look like you have nowhere to spawn so make sure you keep that on toggle viewing Fabray di for example if I create a squad grab the squad leader kit and I put down a fob marker if I turn this off I can't see the build radius or the exclusion radius now as a new player this isn't that important but as an existing squad leader what this teaches you is everything in this small inner circle is where you can build next to the fob and then this outer circle means you cannot put a fob within this another friendly fob within this zone so a fob put placed here would be invalid because they're overlapping whereas if you put it just outside of the circle it would be valid because both circles are outside of each other fob supply points toggle I always have this on because if you're spawning into a fob you kind of want to know how much ammunition is there to see if if this fob that you're spawning on has ammunition to rearm so I keep that on toggle viewing other squad leaders orders this might be overwhelming as a new player you can toggle that off and then viewing toggle viewing player roles on the map as player icons turn this off this is information overload you have 40 people on your team if you keep this on you're gonna have so many map markers on the map it's gonna drive you nuts keep it off these three toggles very important grid line opacity you can actually turn it up or down depending on how you like it and then flag line I'll demonstrate in an actual map how that works you have map scale icon so boom they're huge or you can get pretty much rid of them I like running somewhere in 1.5 or one makes a lot makes it look good for me and that's pretty much everything that we have to talk about in this screen I know it's a lot but now we're finally gonna get into the game alright so we've selected a kit and we're gonna pick a spawn like I talked about we're gonna hit confirm and we're gonna spawn into the game now we're on the range on the range you have access to every gun every vehicle for that faction that you load it into going back remember we picked the militia and the British right so we have access to all the militia stuff and all the British stuff now to access kits what you're gonna have to do is go up to an ammo crate which are marked on the map by the three bullets right this is an ammo crate this is the British ammo crate this is the militia ammo crate hold F F is how you interact with a whole bunch of stuff it's how you get in vehicles and out of vehicles very important button in squad and you're gonna have access to the ammo crate now you can rearm so let's say a shot I'm gonna mag dump here it's gonna be very loud you can rearm stuff so now I'm missing one mag and let's also throw a grenade to demonstrate okay so now I'm missing two things for my original kit now to rearm one individually I'll click this and then rearm one item but to rearm everything let's say I was missing more stuff I would just click resupply all now this is important because depending on how much ammo is available you might only be able to reply some of your resupply some of your kit for example if you're running off of ammo bags you're not gonna be able to rearm your entire kit that'd be greedy and you're trying to share the ammo with your lats and with your grenadiers you might just want it to grab like 2 mags so it's just important to know how you grab that stuff also from the ammo crates especially on the training range you're gonna have the ability to switch kits to pretty much any kit of that faction so that's an important note is that you can also when you're in the range that's around with all this stuff now on the range you have access to all the vehicles and you have access to all the emplacements I'm gonna teach you a couple important things here now that will help you learn how to learn how to play squad now I know that was really weird but this is this video is all about helping you teach yourself because I could go through and teach you every single little bitty thing about every single gun every single emplacement but I just want you to be able to experience it to teach yourself and to get your hands on it and learn how to access the entire part of a game without going online so we're going to do something interesting here which is click shift P and that will bring you to the admin cam now you're only going to have access to this on the private range because you're not an admin on normal servers unless you are and I don't know why you're watching this video if you're an admin you should already know how to do all this but this is basically how you can fly around the map this is called admin cam this is how we catch cheaters this is how we you know just make sure everything on the server is going as it should so looking at this map we have all the vehicles in the back here we have a small CQB house on the range we have another CQB city we have helicopters if you want to fly around all the emplacements right so that's pretty much everything on the range you also have a really important diagram of where to shoot certain vehicles this is kind of advanced if you're planning on playing light anti-tank or heavy anti-tank or engaging vehicles you can learn the weak spots on enemy vehicles but this is the admin cam it's a very important tool especially when combined with this other tool called admin change map this will bring up every single map that you have installed so if you have mods it's also gonna bring up the modded map layers but if you're new to squad you won't have half of these maps because you'll only have the base game Maps so if I scroll down here and I use the arrow keys I can actually see all the maps and I'll be able to change to all of these different maps and all these different layers it's important to note to bring up this command screen the button to the left of your one that's called the tilde key you're gonna click that black bar comes up on the bottom so tilde key to enter this kind of command area you can also use this to respawn if you're stuck or glitched you can use this for a whole bunch of different things but the main tool that's so important and so powerful is admin change map and let's say we'll go to our Basra skirmish b1 it's gonna roll the map and bring you to that map okay so we're now on Al Basrah we're on a different layer and guess what you can actually go through every single map in the game on the offline mode so it's a really great way to learn the maps and to mess around with stuff on layers without actually having to jump into a live server so we're gonna spawn just like normal another important command that I'm gonna teach you now we're going to be in the staging phase now this is usually a phase that's used at the beginning of games for teams to kind of organize and for squad leaders to put a plan together because we're alone here we don't really need to worry about this so let's say I want to speed up the map I'm gonna go admin slo-mo 5 we're now moving at five times normal speed so that we'll be able to let me move around faster that will speed up the timer for example I can't leave Maine right now because we are in the staging air but because I've sped up time I can even go admin slow out ten it's gonna be even faster and it will let me walk out a mane much quicker than waiting the ten minutes or however many minutes before the game will allow you to leave the main spawn so that's admin slo-mo so once again we have admin change map lets you change any map in the game with any layer and you have admin slo-mo we're gonna go admins slo-mo back down to one we're gonna go into command or not come in but admin came with shift P and boom look you can now fly around the map and learn the map without actually going on a live server how cool is that right you can access 99% of this game without going on an online server ok but now that we're in a server we're gonna actually go back and look at a couple of these things now we can see the objectives on the map because the training range doesn't have any of that and we can see what these actually do for example spawn toggle spawn if you have these disabled it's gonna look like you can't spawn in anywhere so make sure that you have that on otherwise it's gonna look like you can't spawn you can see what the grid flag line looks like if you have a decreased or increased I recommend having this at max because it will show you what flag you need to go to you after you know the respective flag has been captured or lost grid lines you know on or off however you want to use that yeah that's pretty much all of that now you might be looking here and seeing these red boxes which you didn't see before that's the restriction that was talking about you need a certain amount of players in your squad to access these kits and only a certain amount of these kits can be accessed but if you want to access all of them you do admin all kits available space one and that turns that on boom now you can use anything that's pretty much everything you need to know to get into all the maps to play with all the vehicles to play with all the weapons in any combination of their therefore so you can play on any map with any weapon and fly around learn the maps and do all that cool stuff so this is basically how you can teach yourself a lot of the information in squad the rest of squad is going to be learned through play and learning through practice because all this stuff you can memorize just from the range you can learn how much bullets you have where certain buildings are where the objective is all that cool stuff but the rest of this very very comprehensive guide is gonna go through the things that you can't learn on your own and the things that I've learned through trial and error or through you know the 3,000 hours that I've played we're gonna be going through all the kits all the vehicles my tips and tricks for them we're gonna be going through each map in my thoughts on those maps and how to play those maps we're gonna be going through squad leader information and guides and tutorials and how to squad leave better or my tips and tricks for squad leading how to roll out with vehicles a whole bunch different stuff how to play certain game modes it's it's gonna be a huge guide with multiple videos this is the first one so like and subscribe if you're interested on learning more squad let me know down in the comments what you'd like to see next in this comprehensive guide next we're probably gonna roll into actual kit load outs and how to play with each kit and the basic roles of each kit but you essentially know a lot about squad now and you have the ability to teach yourself more so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you have not bought squad yet I don't know why you're watching this video but if you have not bought squat yet head over to Karma Capcom you'll support the channel by purchasing your squad copy there so it's a really cool deal and yeah that's pretty much all I have for you guys today thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it I hope this guide helps you learn how to teach yourself how to play squad because that's very important to me I think that's very important as a teacher is how to enable the people that you're teaching how to teach themselves because you know I can only make one video or so so many videos but if you can actually harness the ability to teach yourself and define these tools and to use these tools to increase your knowledge and ability all for it did because that will make you a stronger person just all around is learning how to learn so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video leave a comment down below thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and a special thanks to my channel members if you want to support the channel and get up 20% off my whole game store check out that blue join button down below speaking of game store you can buy my favorite games and official at karma Capcom so check it out looking for more content to watch try our last video here or sub on the right for future uploads finally thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Karmakut
Views: 299,823
Rating: 4.9333558 out of 5
Keywords: karmakut, squad, squad gameplay, gameplay, squad guide, guide, squad guide series, beginner's guide, A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO SQUAD (Part 1: Before Your First Game), first game
Id: eihYL8DRtO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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