Battlefield 2042 All Multiplayer Details Revealed

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hey guys my name is matsumio and today is finally the day battlefield 2042 has been revealed a lot of us have been waiting for this moment but what kind of caught me by surprise is that we also know a ridiculous amount of information about what we can be expecting from the multiplayer a lot more than i thought was going to be revealed and so to start things off because who wants a long-winded introduction battlefield 2042 is going to be massive not only because they are bumping up the player count to 128 players double the normal 64 that we're all accustomed to with this franchise but the maps are also going to be reflecting that larger player counts and it's not by like just a little bit some of these maps are gigantic you see this picture they were showing off in the presentation that i was lucky enough to attend that stadium there is going to be playable you're going to probably have an objective inside of it you see those skyscrapers that are way out in the distance yeah those skyscrapers are also part of the map they are really taking things to another level with this one thing i found very interesting though is that because of this larger size they're changing the way that conquest works slightly if you guys ever played a previous battlefield game you know that scattered around the map there are a bunch of objectives for you and your team to try to take once you capture a majority of them that is going to slowly whittle away at the enemy team's tickets and hopefully mean that you're going to win the round and that's still sort of the way that it works in battlefield 2042 but with some slight differences so now there are going to be sectors that you need to capture and in each sector there are going to be a cluster of smaller objectives now that stadium that i showed off that is probably going to feature a bunch of different objectives around it and once you capture all of them or the majority of them they weren't really clear on that i'm assuming it's going to be like the majority you will then control that little sector and then once you control the majority of the sectors around the map it's going to function like the previous battlefield game where you are going to will away at the enemy team's tickets and win the game now one thing they were really hammering home during this presentation is that they want battlefield 2042 to be a true sandbox experience not only by just giving you different tools to tackle different situations but also allowing you to play really however you want a really good example of this is how they're going to be changing the different classes so in previous battlefield games you guys all know there was like a medic an engineer a support player etc in this game though you're gonna be able to choose from a wide array of different specialists now the key distinction between the previous system and this new one is that these specialists are going to fit into those categories medic support recon but they're all going to have a unique gadget that is unique to them so there is a specialist who has a secondary weapon that allows them to heal people and revive people at a distance but it is unique to them solely there's going to be a specialist that has access to a grappling hook that gets them an incredible amount of maneuverability around the map another one can use a wingsuit there's going to be one that has access to a recon drone i think the best way of thinking about it is that you'll have your engineer classes but in them you'll have specialized characters so you'll still be able to technically play as an engineer but you'll have to choose one of them that is maybe really good at repairing or another one that's good at taking out vehicles from a distance now we're gonna have to wait and see what the specifics are on for all of these specialists but that was the idea that they were showing off during this little events now one thing i found very interesting is that they're also going to allow you complete freedom when it comes to choosing your secondary gadget and also your primary weapon in past battlefield games usually weapons were locked to a specific class but that is not going to be the case anymore if you want to use a certain weapon you're going to have every ability on all of the specialists if you're someone who wants to run around with just an smg on all of your classes go for it if you want to play as a medic but also have a secondary gadget that can take care of or at least deal with some vehicles that is also going to be an option now from a customization standpoint this sounds incredible this is really going to allow players the opportunity to tailor all of these different gadgets and weapons to their playstyle and that is really cool but another part of me sees this and gets a little concerned because it sounds like you're going to be able to create some characters that just don't have any weaknesses in past battlefield games you had to weigh the pros and cons of playing a certain class so if you were a recon or an engineer yeah you might be able to deal with a tank that rolls on up but you're not going to be able to revive or heal teammates that's the downside of that character but in battlefield 2042 if you want to those weaknesses are not going to be as obvious now we don't want to jump to conclusions because we don't have the full picture here we don't know what those secondary gadgets are and maybe they are going to truly feel secondary where they only have a small minimal effect but that was one small concern that i had when they did make this announcements speaking of customization though and probably one of the coolest things that they showed off is that you're now going to be able to change your loadouts on the fly in the middle of a match if you were just in an engagement at long range where you had a higher optics you could see at further distances or you just had attachments that allow you to excel at that long range but now you and your squad are moving into some buildings where you know things are going to get much more close and personal you can just quickly change out your optic you can change the detachment so maybe you have better hipfire accuracy you can literally do that on the fly you don't have to respawn and change your entire loadout to accomplish that that is incredible i think the reason why i like this so much is that because the maps are so large you're not going to be able to predict every single engagement that you're going to be in if you have a loadout that is only good for close range like in a previous battlefield you're kind of out of luck when you are forced to move into those longer range engagements but with this because you can dynamically change it on the fly it's going to give you a lot more flexibility another thing that's going to assist you and your squad to stay a little limber i have the best segways by the way is the fact that you are going to be able to call in a transport vehicle or really any vehicle wherever and whenever you want once you're done taking that sector instead of trying to look for a transport vehicle which could be halfway across the map you just call it in directly in front of you and then a couple seconds later it drops down in a parachute two feet away this is going to give you a lot more mobility to where you need to go this also extends to my understanding other more heavily fortified vehicles like tanks and so i think this is going to accomplish a couple of tasks the first one is just giving people more mobility on these larger maps but also meaning that you don't have to just sit at the spawn screen like in battlefield 5 or really battlefield 4 waiting for a vehicle to spawn i don't know about you but i always feel like i'm not engaging with the map because i'm trying to sit there going for a specific vehicle that my team needs waiting for that respawn now i'm assuming there are going to be some restrictions on how many vehicles you and your team can have i'm guessing like after five tanks you can't have any more it'd be a bit absurd if there was literally 64 of them on your side making their way around the map like that would be a bit ridiculous and so just like past battlefield games you can only have a certain amount but at least you can call them in wherever you are once they are available now another thing that dice is emphasizing is the return of levolution levolution was first introduced back in a battle before but we haven't seen much of that since then battlefield one and five just focused on more of your normal destruction but that is going to be changing with 2042 probably the most obvious one is the giant tornado that will sometimes appear on maps this tornado is going to change the way you play the game not only because it's going to allow you to interact with it if you so desire if you have a wingsuit you could just quite literally run at the tornado it will then lift you up and you can fly to where you want to go as absurd as that sounds uh but you can also have some quote-unquote battlefield moments in this in this event they described a scenario where a recon was taking shots at them and then that recon was no more because quite literally a car was dropped onto their head because of said tornado which admittedly sounds pretty amazing now i have no idea how annoying or how much this is going to impact the game because while it sounds awesome if this happens every single match or every other match and you're constantly having to deal with this tornado that just kind of rips through the city it could be cool but it could also just be a nuisance that you have to work around now we're gonna have to wait and see how all of that plays out now that isn't the only revolution that we can be expecting that giant rocket that's trying to take off well let's just say that it can go poorly and if it does the surrounding area is going to be impacted and changed dynamically there are also smaller things like being able to raise and lower bridges or different weather effects or being able to interact with cranes that are moving cargo from one ship over to another all of these things to try to make the world feel more alive very similar to what we had back in battlefield 4 but hopefully a little bit more advanced now the final few things i want to mention before we take off for today is that they wanted to emphasize is that there is going to be no battle royale at launch they did state that there is going to be a hazard zone which is a brand new battlefield game that is going to fit the battlefield formula but it is going to be more of a focus on squad-based gameplay now we have no idea what it is it kind of seems like maybe they're going for more of a competitive smaller action-oriented experience but that is one thing that we're gonna have to wait on they've also mentioned that there is going to also be a live service pretty much everyone probably saw this coming but the nice thing about it is that they already have a pretty decent road map where there are going to be four seasons with maps and new specialists and things like that and so hopefully this is going to be a lot better than the live service that we got for something like battlefield 5. one thing i know a lot of people might be a little bit wary about is what is going to happen with playstation 4 and the xbox one this game is going to be featured on those platforms they specifically stated that they are going to be focused on 64 players and not 128 which makes sense they're older systems they're older hardware and they're not clearly up to the standards to be able to handle not only the higher fidelity but also more people running around the map and so if you are on those platforms you are still going to have a game that is designed around those smaller player accounts i'm assuming even if you are on pc there's probably going to be some servers and some modes that are going to be only specifically made for 64 players so it's not like they're just going to shop or hopefully not just chop the map in half and then just say have at it they're going to be balancing it accordingly for that smaller player base in general though if you can't tell i am really liking the information and the reveal of battlefield 2042 i do have a couple of concerns don't get me wrong there are a few things that raise some eyebrows but overall the the setting sounds fantastic i'm loving that's going to be on larger scale customization seems like it's going to be through the roof it really seems like they're trying to make this a sandbox experience which i think is what the battlefield franchise does best and the fact that they're leaning into that makes me incredibly excited of course we are going to have to wait on actual gameplay to get a better idea of what the gameplay loop is going to be like when it finally does go live but i cannot wait to get my hands on battlefield 2042 uh yeah guys that is about it for today's video i hope you enjoyed this was a lot of information way more than i was expecting i was just kind of assuming there would be a trailer and that was it but to get like actual details on all the major changes of this game and what it's going to provide is very exciting and so do you like what you've seen so far were you expecting something different do you have some concerns give me your guys thoughts down below i do plan on obviously talking more about battlefield 2042 in the future and so stay tuned for that uh yeah guys until next time have a good one and take it easy [Music] you
Channel: Matimi0
Views: 168,168
Rating: 4.9360352 out of 5
Keywords: Battlefield 2042, bf2042, battlefield 6, bf6, battlefield 2042 trailer, bf2042 trailer, multiplayer, details, information, info, matimio, matimi0
Id: _SBD2zyaFH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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