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hello and welcome to fridge cat if you in food and this is over you are this is definitely the show to be in the fridge today we never like to scramble it as wha get your coat we're going home with two chefs but first Big E versus 2-pack Clinton versus Trump Ali versus Frazier all massive battles in their own right but nothing compares nothing compares to Evers versus current [Music] I first met Ben in culinary school I first met James a little rugged Scottish guy he was furious above me but he was struggling a little bit so I was helping him out came knocking at the door looking for a chance and only say it's charity but we gave him one I basically come up with all the recipes that Ben takes credit for James he's come in he's kind of helps to pour in my role and actually I think she could pull him sous-chef he'd agree with that what who is the better chef me I mean we could argue about this until the cote de boeuf comes home but actually there's probably one way to settle it we've got to have an ultimate chef max what a day we have for you today ladies and gentlemen the two culinary juggernauts go head-to-head to prove themselves in the ultimate battle pike's gentlemen I want nothing but a fair square fight you will have 90 minutes to create what is in your opinion the ultimate sheffy dish if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen too many cooks will swirl the broth the weather first spills the milk will cry let's get it on this may not look like it but this is a poke the birth smoked bone marrow map drawing isn't really my forte cooking is and that's why I'm going to win this battle and the start by crossing supply toes in oil salt and pepper and bacon I'm going to the familiarity the kind of food people want to eat chicken chips and slaw with a twist it's gonna be a quail which we know is fiddly I'm gonna get rid of the bones and solve that problems a healthy Asian pear floor Lotus Chris I'm going to start with the stuffing for the quail that's shallots garlic ginger sweated off in a pan go nice and sweet for adding in smoky bacon good Christmas Barry Taylor with me I'm Michael cobblestone Barry how you feeling today I'm excited you know the least I'm looking for to see at least you have to offer okay I have just peel some potatoes on to boil that is for my crispy roast potatoes they're gonna be super crispy and then mash them is there any other as they're cooking it amazing other flavors going to my sausage meat stuffing it's going to be some dried figs but I've macerated them in sake so a fermented rice wine Japanese style good choice so I made some beef stock last night and I'm just reducing it down so it's a really sticky shoe now I'm going to move on to my mushroom puree shiitake mushrooms chester mushrooms porcini mushrooms shallot garlic and double cream and a little bit of sambal just add a little bit of spice sambar you either like my tea either that barrier it's a Southeast Asian hot sauce I mean if you were to seize dish on a menu would you choose it I just don't think you necessarily have to go and buy the most expensive cut of meat to impress with Chef battle you've got a player one pound fifty a pop right then do something with it but that's just a little chicken it's a Japanese quail so first of all the neck of the bird get rid of that secondly wings if you're not a chef maybe don't try this at home or get your butcher today and the crowd goes wild this is my bone marrow I'm going to roast this for 15-20 minutes until all the fat runs out and it's kind of like jelly and then that's gonna get through my match sounds behind if you take your time on it this is what you're left with a bird with a bag of skin but the only two bones are the legs and inside of the bag you stuff on me this Peter's cooler bag it's a bird bag and this is actually one of the most disgusting things I've ever filmed in my life well it's such a high level of detail James just seems to be making beef intercedes and I really like what's doing it looks a bit grim the stock that I'm making to make my sauce it's gonna have all the bones and quails plus a regular mirror bar I haven't got time to cook a stock without the pressure so brown off a little bit add in some wine a bit of water whack on the lid and cook under pressure for about 15 minutes now you promise me this isn't a bedroom it's not in sir kitchen time okay good my great squat load isn't it James go for the smokes milk there Michael there's a fine line between smoky deliciousness and an ashtray so he'll have to watch himself here oh my pressure cooker productive smoke okay so scooped up my baked potatoes put them in a pan with butter milk bone marrow and now I'm adding my smoke then one pound fifty a quail egg ball I'm keeping his 300 pound chef's knife here I'm not making a potato chicks are making lotus root crisps this has been peeled it's Natalie boiled in miso stock later on we'll slice into thin slices and deep fry to make them crispy at which point we'll toss them in seaweed salt quails eggs room temperature going into boiling water 90 seconds of you counting all I would have gradually let those in with a spoon or something I think every single one of those crackers so in it is probably going to use some stump and so we get a closer I'm almost surprised at how well it's going I'm not surprised because I'm great I've got my little baby quails eggs I've killed them they're now going to go into seasoned flour season two eggs and our panko bread crumbs from adding Japanese seven spice [Music] how are you going to cook that because it's thick so what I'm going to do I'm going to put it in the pan because it's thick it will never really overcook so I'm going to put it on a medium heat with butter get lots of caramelization because I can cook it like ten minutes in the pan ten minutes in the oven dunk pressure-release just science so in total how much you reckon this dishes cost you this cut of beef was around 20 pounds you really don't want to be getting that wrong D and no you do not want to get this around one pound fifty a quail be my stock has reduced now I'm going to add in three flavors miso honey and soy to season it so I'm going to make my slaw from peeled carrot cucumber daikon and pear plus I'm making a dressing from yuzu juice sesame oil and rice wine vinegar what matters is the precision some great acres they're absolutely blinding takers there is one minute remaining one minute welcome to the new bar area while those guys plate up we thought we'd get super nerdy in a new feature we like to call level up and today we're talking scrambled eggs level up is all about taking some really basic dishes and with a few tips and tricks that really easy to apply we take them up to the next level because the three of us aren't chefs we're normal first thing Chuck some butter in a pan and heat it up until it's nice and foamy boom handful of spring onions go in and we're just going to heat those up that was first twist that's going to transform these second cracking eggs into a bowl first whisking them up this is what's going to give your scrambled eggs a lovely texture and a great rich deep color use a spatula to combine your eggs and once it starts coating the bottom bring the pan off the heat stir it combine all the eggs get it back on the heat and repeat once you've got a lovely lumpy creamy mixture you want to throw in a tablespoon of crème fraiche to stop the cooking process and now's the time to add in a pinch of salt and pepper got a toast it down there that's booyah serve on some toast and if you fancy it throw in some sriracha and they go that is my way of leveling up scrambled eggs [Music] cool see what you think should we go Shrek the eggs mmm-hmm it tastes cleaner that fresh heaven it needs that spice I've got to be honest me i've got slightly distracted by my beer halfway through your recipe where can I get the full recipe for this you can find the whole of this recipe on Saudi food calm let's say scrambled eggs leveled up we've dumped it down is it now time to go back to the chefs and pick it up again this yeah don't do that 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 gentlemen step away from the counter step away from your blades that is it you can do nothing more it must be time to bring on the sexy you chef's it's comfort time the pressure is now building because it's time to critique your dishes you've done very well so far but calm annoyingly calm the Ben joy go first so I'm going to carve the quail so the beauty of this is it looks like a whole bird but you carve through that sausage meat filling is something else okay now in contrast visually they jump to the plate it's jumping out of the plane at you I can't fault the mesh whatsoever the same with the preparing that is so meeting for such a stupid little bird boys we need to make a decision you're either going to pick up and sinker a t-shirt or an uber squad t-shirt the good news is there's three of us so one way or another we're going to get majority we've decided you can turn around now know it sounds weird I feel like I tasted the technique in Ben's James I thought at times you may have gone a little bit overboard oh I won't it feels quite sad that we have to have a loser but the loser was James if you disagree with our choice then you can comment below give us abuse but also we put a poll on YouTube so you can vote for yourself I think that was a very good chef ultimate battle and I think that maybe there should be some more in the future how they got this far and not mentioned in fact this is a family show because we've been doing the brand-new show rather than talking about projects well if you like episode 1 of the new fridge cam show then let us know by giving us a life also comment down below and let us know what you thought if you've got any cooking questions or great a banter for us write them down below we read all of your comments and we reply to as many as we can and it goes without saying but I am going to say anyway subscribe because if you subscribe to us then we will make you hungry well that fridge cam had everything it had actually a fake referees outfit yeah yeah see quite convincing is it they also have all the nicest and kindest battles of all time it was really lovely welcome to Ella prior new show of course and a brand new show will see your Wednesday as we do three things with apples it's not what you think goodbye oh hey this is our after tape hey we done it firstly first of some [Applause] dude was wrong oh yeah you were you were wrong I'm very sorry so how deep into your hands do we go well we went the decidedly set of questions oh all I can say is I show the content to my top drawer Oh
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,143,406
Rating: 4.9670806 out of 5
Keywords: SORTED, SORTEDfood, FridgeCam, The FridgeCam Show, cooking, food, funny, recipe, eggs, breakfast, easy recipes, battle, ultimate battle, ultimate chefs battle, chef vs chef, funny video, Team Currie, Ebbers Squad, cote de boeuf, chicken, quail, how to cook, how to, debone, debone quail, mushroom puree, mashed potatoes, asian cooking, classic dishes, classic, classic meals, James Currie, ben ebbrell, steak
Id: _U1WMoBCs-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2016
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