The ULTIMATE Advanced Vora Guide in Paladins - Season 7 (2024)

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Vora is one of the most popular champions in all of paladins with an agile stylish and unique play style Vora is one of the deadliest flanks in the game when pushed to the max in this video I'll be going over all the tips tricks and loadouts you need to master this champion before we get started why don't you make sure you're subscribed because this is the first of many new Champion guides I'll be making here on the channel and you won't want to miss out but anyways I'm Andrew chicken and this is how to play Vora in paladins [Music] P all right let's get started with an overview of vora's Kit vora's ability synergized together to form a very unique play style and it's important that you understand how they interact with each other first let's talk about vora's weapon the deadly Scythe this is a longrange projectile based weapon with a unique attack pattern similar to Champions like Zin and Nyx she starts off with a medium attack then does has two light attacks and then follows that up with a massive heavy attack each of these attacks will apply a damage overtime effect to the enemies kind of like a bleed this attack pattern with the damage overtime or do will apply 1,700 damage in around 1.7 seconds although it will take an additional 1.25 seconds for the dot to complete this makes VOR a rather average damage dealer but with more utility than most Champions she has incredible range a pseudo reveal thanks to the dot and the ability to clip and behind Corners with some careful aim her weapon also plays a key role in working with her passive ability whenever she hits an enemy Shield or Deployable she'll gain a Darkness stack which you can see on the center of your screen she can have up to five Darkness Stacks at once and whenever she uses her dark siphon or obliterate she'll consume these Darkness Stacks to heal for 100 healing per stack the stacks will also augment these abilities in a powerful way if five Stacks are consumed at once let's look at dark siphon first this ability is a special attack that can be woven in between her regular hits and it deals 200 damage on impact with a heavy 400 dot applied after if you hit an enemy it'll heal you for 300 health over 2 seconds on top of any healing you get from consuming Darkness Stacks this ability will also [ __ ] an enemy for 1 and 1/2 seconds if you use it at Max Stacks making it one of the most powerful abilities in her Arsenal obliterate is the other ability that gets augmented by Darkness stacks and it's a tool that can be used for blocking attacks and finishing off low HP Targets this has Vora do a short lunge forward gaining damage and crowd control immunity until she lands on the ground on impact it'll do 600 damage in an area around her and knock enemies back at Max Stacks this will do 900 damage instead and slow enemies hit by 30% even though this is primarily a defensive tool it's still considered a movement ability so watch out for cripples next let's talk about her tendril this ability propels her towards whatever terrain or enemy she targets and is best used at an angle on a tall object for maximum traversal this is the only ability besides her ultimate that is not affected by Darkness Stacks in any way speaking of her ultimate let's talk about harbinger's wrath this ability causes Vora to move faster and gain 40% damage reduction so she can chase down her Target once in melee range and to the left of the target she can slash them to stun them and deal a bunch of damage if they're below 66% HP they'll instantly be killed otherwise they'll take a massive burst of 1,00 damage this ability can be cast through Shields barriers and on CC immune targets although the stun obviously won't apply to that last case as you can see vor's abilities combined together to create an unconventional yet powerful flank play style instead of rushing down the enemies with the element of surprise Vora takes a more elegant approach she whittles enemies away from a distance building up Darkness stacks and getting them weak so she can close the distance and finish the kill with a powerful dark Sion or obliterate she uses her sustain to survive tough engagements and positions herself with her tendril to attack the enemies from unsuspecting angles Vora is at her strongest when she's able to plan out her attacks build up her stacks and trap a vulnerable Target to secure the kill now let's talk about her talents the talent you pick with Vora is situational and the choice is usually between these first two options unyielding pressure is her first and most popular Talent this Talent causes dark siphon to deal an additional 10% of a target's maximum HP as damage over time this is a major Boon to her DPS especially versus tanks it's very reliable and usually the best choice however Relentless presence can also be good in some situations this Talent gives Vora a second charge of her tendril which greatly boosts her ability to chase the vase of targets reposition and stay alive on maps where Mobility can shine like Timber Mill and serpent Beach this is an excellent choice vora's last Talent is deafening silence which is an apt name considering that's the sound you'll hear when you ask for good reason to pick this Talent deafening silence causes obliterate to silence all enemies hit for 2 and 1/2 seconds this sounds extremely powerful Until you realize what obliterate is designed for this ability is used to block attacks and finish enemies not start fights you don't want to engage with obliterate because it will leave you vulnerable to Future attacks and it also has a long recovery time meaning you can't even benefit from the full duration of the silence once the enemies buy Unbound this Talent becomes completely useless the other two talents are far more reliable so don't waste your time with deafening silence now that we know how vora's talents and abilities work let's learn how to make some builds before I show you my recommended builds for Vora let's go over a few cards that you should avoid false idol is by far the worst card in vora's entire deck this card provides just 25% increased movement speed and life steal for only 2 seconds when falling to low HP every everything about this card is bad from the scaling to the duration to the effects and you should never use it otherworldly tether is another card you should avoid using because it's objectively worse than what may come it provides less effective hit points and comes with a lengthy internal cooldown if the enemies have reer this card will be even worse unified in purpose is another survival card that may seem good but it's actually not it provides just 10% damage reduction for up to 5 seconds but you know it provides more than 10% % effective HP permanently the health card the only time you should use unified in purpose is if you're stacking it with the health card but even then there are usually better cards to build for ruthless elegance and deadly dance are also completely pointless the effects they give just aren't good enough to be worth running over other options the other two obliterate cards are less Savory than other options in her deck and should only be used if you have an extremely specific goal in mind var's builds are primarily focused on survival and ability management because of this the builds I'm about to recommend can be used with any talent and should be picked on a situational basis the first build is a standard cool down HP build this build is focused on two things health and cool down reduction the combination of dance with fate and a change of faith will provide 5.4 seconds of cooldown reduction and new purpose will give 200 extra hit points to work with sharpen resolve and Crimson Ascent are two really good fillers that you'll see pop up a lot through these builds this build is good on maps where Mobility can shine or if you enjoy a heavily movement focused play style it's made with Relentless presence in mind but can just as easily be used with unyielding pressure If you prefer the second build is focused around self- sustain in this build we have sharpened resolve and a broken path at level four to boost the healing from her abilities these cards will cause Vora to heal for 1,200 Health every time she uses dark siphon at Max Stacks which is more than bux recovery without the need to stop shooting this is paired with new purpose at level four for the extra health and dance with fade at level two for some slight cooldown reduction this build is tailored around unyielding pressure and is used when you're going to be brawling with the enemies and it's also a great pick if you don't trust your healer and need a bit more autonomy I also have a modified version of this build that drops a broken path in place of the Moz Embrace this grants Vora a consistent 22% movement speed bonus as long as she's hitting anything with her Scythe including Shields and deployables this is a fun Loadout to play if you want a nice balance between sustain and Mobility without needing to use your tend rol and it's particularly good if you're on a map that doesn't allow the tendril to shine now let's talk about the items you'll want to pair with these builds there are a few really good items on Vora Chief among them being Kronos Kronos is a major Boon to her survivability damage and Mobility because it gives her more ability uptime you'll want to buy this item in most of your matches then there are your standard situational items such as Unbound and armor plating these are always good to buy at your discretion depending on what the situation calls for if you're up against a lot of cripples Unbound is especially helpful Nimble is also really nice on Vora especially when paired with the movement Speed Build from earlier meditation can also be a good buy if you have a bad healer or you're just spending a lot of time in the backline Out Of Reach of your support kill to heal used to be a good item on Vora but since the rework to blood bath in season 7 it's not worth picking up anymore it's simply too expensive and too ineffective at the time of writing to be worthwhile on Vora if you want a small Boost after getting a kill consider buying Sentinel or lethality instead and while life rip got a massive buff in season 7 it's also hard to justify on Vora it's certainly a consistent form of sustain because Vora can often safely poke enemies from a distance but you have to keep in mind that vora's DPS is on the medium to low end for a flank life rip and similar items like wrecker and Trigger scent scale best on Champions with high DPS and Vora is not one of those Champions life rip also struggles more than other sources have sustained because of this simple fact if you're shooting at an enemy they're usually shooting back and applying ceriz in the process late game ciz will decimate life rip making it much less effective than damage reduction or extra Health that's not to say you shouldn't ever buy these items but rather that you should give them some thought before buying out of all of these items wrecker can still be very beneficial when against certain Champions like tval and if you can poke enemies without getting hit back life rip can still be helpful don't dis count these items outright but don't prioritize them either unless the situation calls for it anyways now it's finally time to talk about Advanced gameplay tips understanding vora's core gameplay Loop and the proper usage of her abilities is Paramount to becoming a strong Vora player first I want to talk about how you can improve at hitting shots with Vora vora's weapon is a projectile meaning you need to lead your shots at longer ranges and this is pretty much impossible to actually practice in the shooting range what I recommend recommend to improve at this apart from just playing a bunch of Vora in casuals is to find a buddy who will play with you in a custom match and have them strafe around while you try and hit them at different ranges that way you can get comfortable with knowing how far you need to lead your shots at different ranges the general strategy with Vora is to whittle away a target from a distance and build up Darkness Stacks before closing in with a tendril and securing the kill she excels at putting constant pressure on the enemies with her long range and big projectiles and she can safely play from the backline until she sees an opening on a vulnerable Target she's also great at taking off angles with her tendril and hitting targets where they least expect it and when she needs to she can be very effective at Rushing down a Target as long as she hits them with dark siphon at Max Stacks however you must remember that it's very risky to dive someone without Darkness Stacks because Vora heavily relies on her augmented abilities and self- sustain to win duels it's important to manage her Darkness decks properly and there are a few good tips to help out with that first you should remember that you can can build Darkness Stacks by hitting Shields and deployables not just players however you can't build Darkness Stacks from Terminus a siphon androxus as reversal or atlas's wall so bear that in mind also you can conserve Darkness Stacks between rounds so when the end of a round is approaching you should build up stacks and save them so that you can start the next round with a nice boost when you dive an enemy you should be very careful with your positioning and the usage of your tendril you should always use tendril at an angle like this to get the best traversal possible and use air strafing to your advantage by traveling in an arc around the enemy when dodging in the middle of a fight in a tight space this sadly isn't feasible but it can still be worth using tendril for a quick Dodge in one direction to keep the enemies on their toes ideally you only want to dive a Target who is alone distracted below full health or all of the above priority targets for Vora are the enemy flanks damage Champions and especially the support so pay close attention to them at all times you always want to read the situation before you go in so that you don't walk into an ambush no matter how good you think you are you cannot 1v5 the enemy team if they're all looking right at you you will always be most effective when you Blindside the enemy team while they're distracted by what your teammates are doing sometimes you can do what I like to call an Intel dive where you fly into the air but don't commit to a push instead Landing back at a safe spot this lets you gather Intel on where the enemies are if anyone is low and what everyone is focusing on this this tactic is more feasible with Relentless presence because you won't be using your only charge of tendril for this move you can also use tendril for its verticality to get close to a flying Target making it easier to deal damage to them you also shouldn't commit to an aggressive push against anti-dive characters unless you know you have the upper hand due to the element of surprise or because they're low Champions like tal shalin and makoa can be very deadly targets for Vora to dive because they have powerful abilities that stop flanks in their tracks even if you're not diving them directly you still want to be cognizant of where they are so you don't fall victim to their lethal attacks you also shouldn't overcommit to a push just because you're hungry for a kill if someone is able to evade you and fall back to their team following them is incredibly risky chasing them further may result in your death since they could be healed up by their support or kill you with help from their other teammates sometimes a kill simply isn't worth it and the space you've made by pushing the enemies back can still be incredibly valuable strength in numbers is also a real thing if you can you should team up with your off tank or another damage Champion when going after a Target such coordination goes a long way to winning games so try and communicate which targets you want to dive who you're grouping up with or who you want to come with you another tip to make you a better flanker is to pay Keen attention to the noises that the enemies make listen for the sound of key abilities such as movement abilities crowd control abilities and Powerful ultimates these sound effects let you keep track of where enemies are on the map and which abilities are down it's much easier to dive the backline if you know makoa's Hook is down and it's much easier to counter the enemy flank if you know which direction they're coming from one more tip for diving is that you always want to have an escape plan with Relentless presence this becomes a lot easier since you can usually use the second tendil to escape to a safer position with any other talent you have to be a lot more deliberate with your positioning and make sure that your obliterate is ready to cover any Retreat you make you also want to learn about the different map elements that you can tendril to that are effective rollouts spots such as smoke stacks and tree branches you should study the maximum tendril range and always position yourself so that you're close to a tall object that you can tendril to one of the worst mistakes you can make with Vora is playing too far away from any effective tendril spot than getting stuck and dying to practice this I recommend going into a custom game on each of the maps in paladins and experimenting with what map elements you can tendril to and how far away you need to be to reach them I recommend maxing out the cooldown reduction you get in the settings that way you can have as many tendrils as as you want just don't use Relentless presence because for some reason it bugs with this setting mastering tendal spots with Vora is extremely important and you should spend a lot of time studying where you can use this ability now once you're actively engaging with a Target there are many things you can do to stay alive and secure the kill first you almost always want to use dark siphon at Max Stacks the [ __ ] that comes from dark siphon is invaluable for locking down a kill if you're playing unyielding pressure the extra damage that comes from this ability also makes it a more valuable damage tool than obliterate at Max Stacks obliterate is a tool that should be used to block enemy attacks or finish off low HP targets it's not something you engage with you should be looking to time obliterate for when the enemies are using a heavy attack such as an ultimate or powerful ability many abilities in this game are telegraphed in some fashion so it's important to know who you're fighting and watch for the signs that a heavy attack is happening for example when fighting shalin you want to use obliterate to block one of his arrows because they do a ton of damage shaan has a slow rate of fire and clear indicators for when he's drawing his bow and has a shot fully charged if you obliterate right before he's going to fire his next shot you'll easily block it and likely win the duel from there you can also use obliterate to block ultimates not just for yourself but for your entire team for example if you see that King bomb is barreling towards your team you can walk in front of it and obliterate to tank it and ruin the alt you can also use obliterate to cleanse certain crowd control effects after they've already been applied to you like Maes blind for hard CC like stuns and cripples though you'll have to block them before they hit you building up good reflexes and game sense to use obliterate with this level of skill will take time but it's absolutely worth practicing to practice using obliterate I recommend playing a bunch of casual matches and trying to find situations where you can actively use obliterate to block an enemy's attack study each Champion to see which abilities you should focus on blocking and then practice using your obliterate versus those attacks in real matches another important skill to master is proper usage of her ultimate vora's ultimate is primarily used for executing high priority targets however even though her ultimate grants her a massive movement speed boost it can still be hard to chase down targets when they use their movement abilities to reliably secure kills with her ultimate you can tendril into the sky and cast her ultimate midair then you'll land right on top of the enemy and can easily execute them from there her ultimate can still be incredibly useful even if you don't execute anybody one popular strategy is to use her ultimate for its damage reduction and crowd immunity in a move called Armageddon Retreats it can also be valuable to Simply use it as an opener if your team is paying attention if you attack a full health squishy Target like a flank or support in front of your team it will make the enemy extremely vulnerable to any follow-up damage from your team just note that this won't work as well if the enemies have Unbound now I know that I just gave you a lot of information to take in so let's make it easier to digest by doing some real in-game analysis we're going to take a look at a clip where I used a combination of these tips to win my team the game in this clip I start the team fight on the right side of the map so I can build up Darkness stacks and track the enemy team I'm able to hear androxus dashing above the monument and that means he wants to ult my team so I use my tendril to fly up into the sky and take the fight to him this serves two purposes it allows me to easily deal a bunch of damage to him and it also forces his attention onto me instead of my other teammates because of this I get him to waste his entire ultimate on me which I can easily block with a well time obliterate my darkness Stacks healing back up as he drifts away to his team partially because of his failed attack and partially because my off tank is causing havoc in his backline I'm able to take advantage of this distraction and lay Chase finishing him off with a flurry of hits now you'll notice I've used my tendril here in a very deliberate manner I know I'm going to kill this androxus because he's vulnerable so I'm actually using this tendal to dive past him and flank the rest of his team because they're distracted by my yaroth this allows me to easily finish off the low HP stricks before turning my attention to baric and ravaging him with my ultimate I obliterate here because I heard toal attacking and wanted to catch my bearings but I quickly realized that he was vulnerable as well so I tendril back and dog piled him alongside my team from this point on what matters is safely zoning out the enemies this means getting them off their horses and potentially killing them while trying to stay alive myself at this point Ray is respawning and I can hear her cheeky voice line playing as she's on her way to the fight she doesn't realize how deep in the backline I am and is focused on getting to a forward position instead of watching up for flanks I know she's distracted and alone so I tendril up to the bridge and quickly cut her down this is a huge Advantage for us as now they won't have any healing for the rest of the fight at this point I actually made a bit of a mistake you see I got over zealous and used my obliterate as a finisher when I should have saved the ability for the angry DPS that are now chasing me I probably shouldn't have survived this but I did anyways my strafing was too much for this androxus and I also received a well-timed astral Mark for my genos I used my tendril for a quick Dodge and force him to retreat now that he's gone I turn my attention to stricks you'll notice that I wait behind the corner here for a second because I know he's going to shoot at me and I use the wall to block the shot the dot is letting me track him through the wall allowing for an easy followup shot that takes him out with a full health bar I'm now able to lay a Chase to the slippery androxus except I don't need to because we've won the game this clip is a good example of how you can use all of the tips I've given to dominate your matches as Vora with a combination of good game sense and a strong understanding of vora's Kit you can cut through the enemy team like a scythe through butter one St closer but anyways that's going to do it for this Advanced guide on how to play Vora in paladins if you found this video to be helpful then please drop a like And subscribe to stay up toate on all upcoming guides also comment down below what tip helped you improve the most lastly if you want to support this channel consider checking out my Nexus over at nexus. andrewchicken there you can buy crystals DLC and more stuff that you probably going to buy anyways and support this channel in the process it's officially affiliated with evil Mojo and is a great way to support your favorite creators thank you guys so much for watching I will see you all next time peace [Music] out [Music]
Channel: AndrewChicken
Views: 13,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew, chicken, andrewchicken, andrew chicken, paladins, paladins gameplay, paladins update, paladins vora, paladins vora guide, paladins guide, paladins vora best build, paladins vora relentless presence, paladins vora unyielding pressure, paladins vora build, paladins vora builds, vora, vora paladins, paladins 2024, paladins season 7, paladins year 7, paladins vora pro gameplay, paladins pro vora, paladins new items, paladins new item store, paladins item store rework
Id: cApk0VpODc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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