THIS IS BROKEN! - Double Dipping Damage Reduction With NYX! (Paladins 2024 Update)

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NYX just got a massive buff in the wild horde update and it's all thanks to the item that you would least expect I am of course talking about Arcane warding this item actually Buffs nycks in a massive way and if you watched my recent video explaining the difference between Arcane warding and armor plating then you'll kind of have an idea of what I'm talking about there it is and I have taken that looks promising that looks really promising I'm going to jump off the map I'm GNA jump off the map that'll tell me on the death card now an extra I took 368 damage from the Royal presence I converted the fire spit that does 900 damage down to just 368 you see Arcane warding makes it so you take 36% less damage from abilities and the key thing is it includes your own so what we can do with nyck is we can buy Arcane War warding and we can actually make it so we take 36% less damage from all the damage that is absorbed by a royal presence and the reason why this works is because well Royal presence takes all the incoming damage from enemies and converts it into ability damage because it's spreading that damage out over 4 seconds right so this will basically give us a bunch of damage reduction and turn Ro presence into a very tanky ability but the real awesome thing about this is that actually double dips so if we take damage from an enemy's ability like let's say a drogo's fire spit that will be reduced by 36% and then after it gets converted into Royal presence damage it'll be reduced by another 36% and the way the math works out leaves us with about 59% damage reduction versus abilities when we max out Arcane warning this is absolutely insane and it works the exact same same way with armor plating if we max out armor plating any incoming weapon damage will be reduced by 24% and then that will be reduced by another 36% when it gets converted into ability damage from Royal presence so if we max out both of these items with NYX and then use Royal presence we're looking at anywhere between 50 to 60% damage reduction that is insane so we're going to test this in a real match to see just how strong it really is the big thing with this build is that it does require a lot of ramp up right it requires a major credit investment cuz we've got to max out both Dr items to truly make the double dipping just as insane as possible so we're going to use this with a regular build we're going to grab show force and we're going to use my radius tank build this just has Max HP and Max radius of the poison Aura so that way we can be as tanky as possible and we can also apply the poison to as many people as possible this is good cuz it applies consistent damage pressure to the enemies it constantly keeps them in combat but it also makes us that we generate our ultimate faster because it's constantly doing damage to the enemies you know so yeah it's a pretty nice build we'll grab this and then we're actually going to start this match with horde because like I said we need a ton of credits and we're also going to be buying Kronos for the maximum up time on the Royal present and so we really just need every single credit that we can get we're going to rush hord three and then from there we should be able to ramp up the items a lot quicker the downside to doing it this way is of course that at the start of the match here I'm not actually taking advantage of the buff so it's going to be a bit harder for us but yeah let's head out here and let me throw this [ __ ] out hoay let me pop the Royal present sword just so we can get the poison going there we go and yeah we do have to be careful here because yeah like I said we have no damage reduction so yeah just want to play it a bit safe I'll throw that right there oh that got stuck on the wall okay he tried to hook me into the well I went into the uh the wall instead that's brilliant all right let's get a shield here I'm just going to continue to hold the point uh we got Talis over here [ __ ] misses because he actually she just teleported away okay let me just enforce my Royal presence on the center of this point and uh let's be careful here for a let me throw that out there got right heals let me throw a shield in the center point here I'm just being a point tank that's all I'm doing right now I'm letting Khan do his thing on the off tank job there we go got the Maka corvis is over there I can't really do anything to him right now but looks like we're going to cap you do they have overtime no they don't all right we got it perfect con can ab start pushing the payload let me pop the Royal presence here can't save the on Mighty unfortunate but I can throw the [ __ ] left and now look at that we have 740 credits actually lowkey kind of want to go back to spawn real quick so I'm not going to throw necessarily but I'll play ridiculously aggressive yeah thank you m there we go I should go back to spawn any second now never mind okay never mind you know what pop Royal presence let me walk at him let's see can they kill me can can they can they kill me no I'm alive can have the okay I guess I'm not going back to spawn to buy a hord then oh boy ah kind of sucks when you win too hard it doesn't it yeah okay uh let me pop around here and let me throw the [ __ ] up at them I'm still going to play ridiculously aggressive let's get a shield here and make a bunch of space okay drogas is Dead Oh no I got hooked and stunned you can't resist the ab oh no oh I died anyways hord three and now I can maximize my credit gain and I'm going to start buying Arcane warding I want to get hord online as soon as possible that's why I'm so okay with dying there right because the sooner we get that the faster we make our money back and yeah already we're going to have 12% damage reduction during this ability and uh if they hit me with ability damage like Victor's grenade that's going to be reduced by another 12% so 12% and then 12% there are diminishing returns that's why when we did the calculations earlier we're not exactly getting you know uh what is it 72% damage reduction I think it should be just doubling it right that's because we're reducing it by 36% on this case 12% one time and then we're taking that diminished value and reducing It Again by the same percent so yeah it's uh multiplicative but in that case being multiplicative actually means that there are diminishing of turns if it were just additive right stacking 36 on 36 it actually be a lot stronger right let me throw this out well I took a bunch of damage from the ultimate but sadly my Roy presence expired that's another thing where once I max out Arcane warding Victor's ultimate is going to do nothing to me cuz we're going to be reducing the damage by 60% as long as Royal presence is up spreading the damage out over 4 seconds and then if I'm Al on the point Ray is going to heal that up much faster it's a really cool combo honestly oh K's just dead all right let me put the shield down if they shoot it I should get some credits for shielding uh or at least get closer to the next R for it I'm just going to tank damage oh yeah look at me woohooo okay so we are about halfway to Arcane warding level three that is awesome and uh once we have that done then I'll start to get some armor plating or maybe if I feel the need to I'll get some Kronos but I am kind of leaning more towards armor plating next because a lot of their damage comes from weapon damage and so I want to double dip with that a lot Victor does a lot of sustained damage although he is playing shrapnel so that's going to hurt uh with Arcane boarding right uh but most of talis's damage also comes from his weap same actually for makoa and even corvis although hi nice but yeah Al corvus's stunning Visage will actually be ability damage as well so um you know they have a lot of weapon damage but the talents they choosing are actually meaning that they have a good split of ability damage as well and that is excellent for this play style that's exactly what I want let me pop this and I'm just going to take some damage on point here and you'll notice already how much tank you feel it is pretty awesome okay my abilities are down now though so I want to be careful uh that is where Kronos would be nice right I have my ultimate that's the only thing you know it will apply some damage reduction but what's like doubly or triple or quadruple I don't even know how many multiplication tables we're doing here but um uh one thing that's additionally really good about this is if we take too much purple damage we can cleanse it with the ultimate right so if somehow with 36% damage reduction and then double dipping they still you know turn my entire health bar purple My ultimate will instantly cleanse all that and then they're going to have to do all of that again which basically gives us a second life on top of our ridiculous damage reduction I mean it just gets crazier and crazier due to all the synergies NY has with her abilities and also keep in mind with the max health card we have 5,450 health so you know 60% damage reduction on top of that will be close to 10,000 effective hit points it's just it's absurd especially considering we have all all of this ability uh all of nix's abilities do a bunch of damage and also do a bunch of crowd control I should be dead right now by the way but that damage ruction saved me long enough that Ray can heal me now let's gok I'm going to still stand near the point and just wait for my ability to come back all right I can go in now me pop ability let's just go to town yeah we're chilling we're chilling bro we're chilling makoa you can't kill me don't be ridiculous okay maybe not you can hold on hold on hold Shield dance oh I have ra let's go you're yeah just stack this with a rail why the heck not seems perfectly reasonable totally fair and balanced for the enemy Team all right I got this back up let's see how it feels all right we do that but then we can cleanse it sun corvis in the process let's get a shield back here we lived that but I think I am finally going to fall here cuz my shield is down yeah okay but I can go back to spawn I can max out Arcane warding I think I will actually skip towards Kronos I think ability up time is more important for me here they're buying rer and really destroying my shield because we also have Con on the team and so yeah I actually really need to have my Royal presence back faster as a result of that Shield busting right so uh let's head back up here pop poison and let's just go to town let me [ __ ] you just cuz I can I actually they barely even focused me during all that so I'm actually going to walk it back cuz our DPS are down let's throw a shield here let's just run away oh crap the wall works out in my favor again yes this poor Turtle he just keeps getting really unlucky all right I pop this I'm chilling I'm chilling right now I'm so chilling I'm so chilling okay they filled up my bar with purple but um it would definitely be like overflowing with purple without the damage reduction sadly they I'm still dead we just we didn't really have a lot of presence out there right there with you know both our damage Champions being down and only just getting back to the fight right when I was out of all my abilities this definitely doesn't make NYX Immortal but it does make her ridiculously strong I mean if you really want to like compare this to other tank abilities right mother's Grace that is um get Nerf to 40% damage reduction I'm pretty sure it did used to be 50% though this will give us 50% when we max out the items uh against weapon damage and 60% against ability damage and that is before did I cancel no I didn't okay but that is before getting the ability to cleanse all that damage with the ultimate and that is also with nx's Superior damage dealing skills and the fact that she spreads it out to damage over time and then can heal that back up much easier with her healer right so that's just like multiple sources of zag can be stronger than Mother's Grace the only thing she's lacking is CC immunity but then also let's compare that to yaroth right she's all about damage reduction she is the Dr character in Harden what does she get is it 50 60% damage reduction something like that but she can't move she can't attack and she's the largest character in the game I can walk around with that 60% damage reduction versus abilities and I'm just chilling I'm just I'm a okay and uh yeah again all the damage dealing skills survival skills on top of that it really is menacing and now we're in the late stages of this build we've just got armor plating two that's going to be 16% damage reduction and then that 16% damage reduction will be reduced by a further 36% damage reduction so double dipping on weapon damage now too and we have Kronos for maximum Royal presence up time the real deciding factor of winning this game at this point is not going to be if I can live or not is what it's going to be whether or not we can actually kill the enemies um faster than they can kill us right uh or more effectively should I say because my teammates don't have this same powerful damage reduction that I do oh no guys he hit me with barrage barely noticed it anyways let's punch Talis dros is popping off right now heck yeah throw that over there to try and help sadly he's dead let me get a shield here for KH uhoh TS please stop shoot me instead yeah yeah yeah shoot me instead shoot me instead it's fine it's fine we're chilling I'm just going to let re heal all that back my abilities are down now but that's okay we still have control at this point and I can get a shield down now that should buy enough time for my Royal presence to come back and then I have ults I'm just going to walk at him all right let's go let's just walk at him hi guys you can't kill me n boo boo they're not even getting my purple Health like filled up at all there wasn't even that much for me to cleanse and I just walked into the entire enemy team what the heck okay here take this okay he's gone and we should rule this point right now dros is doing an excellent job Leon came back and finished some kills I'll just stand here there's no way they can kill me on this point right now if they come back they don't even have touch life is so easy oh my God yeah this is insane now that we've ramped this up I mean I am amazed with how little purple health I'm getting it feels slightly weird to use my ult to cleanse the purple health because like I mean yeah it's helpful but just like it feels relatively like that's not that much purple Health okay now my bar is filled up now I'm taking a lot of damage now I kind of wish I had my ultimate is she going to heal me back up oh she's going to ult me okay there we go and we live that nice huge damage reduction and heals with the way all right I got the shield here we're just going to play it safe for a moment I've got my Royal presence back now oh but dros is dead I think I can still just go in here and make some space feed me in my purple Health hello Talis uh I'll throw that back there I can't really do anything about it right now let's get a shield down he's back and I'm going to have Royal presence again soon I really want to get Kronos 3 to Max this out please dump it on me is secure that was the smallest little bit of purple Health okay we need to be careful though we lost our Ray uh-oh I'm walking back through this corv I might by here apparently I killed him with the poison though okay getting huge value from the radius card that's why we run it yes um and now I can max out Kronos and guess what I am 300 credits way right now less than 300 credit way right now from maxing out this build and we are going to be the strongest Point tank Nix has ever been with all this damage reduction oh my gosh it is beautiful okay I've got this ready to go I suppose I charged up a bit early I thought they were a bit farther ahead um I guess I'm just going to be a massive distraction oh they got our droos again okay well let me cleanse all that real quick I think I'm up too far though I'm up too far for my own good got the shield down raise back oh my shield is dead I just died to Luna I really just died to Luna 30 seconds remain it was so close if I had more armor plating I might have lived that all right there we go armor plating maxed out we have officially maxed out the build let's see how tanky we are now back on this point they're having to do just so much damage to me and the thing is they don't realize how much damage they're having to do right because they still see just the diminished value from the regular number before it double they only see the single dip number but then I see the double dip number when I see how much damage I take for my Royal presence right so they don't even realize how hard it is to kill me I mean they certainly feel like something's a Miss but their damage numbers aren't telling them the full story and I think that's really neat okay she's going to miss that I'm just going to continue to hold on right now let me put the shield down just cuz I am so low raise back finally but it's a little bit too late Drogo with the triple kill though he gets three Ray just can't hold on that is so unfortunate our Dro is is really popping off man holy crap so it all comes down to this the final Point fight will this tank build be enough to actually secure us the game well I think as long as I play reasonably smartly and I make sure we're protecting the ray we should be good you notice most of the time when I'm dying it's because I I'm uh I'm being foolishly aggressive or Ray is dead because no matter how much damage reduction you have if you have no sustained to heal it back up you're still going to die right so we need this Ray she is pivotal and you can imagine by the way uh this Ray is doing an excellent job uh I just want to say that but at the end of the day Ray is not a super huge healbot can you imagine if this was paired with someone like Ying or Lilith yeah nigh unkillable and we don't even need re cuz hey guess what n has that as a passive just on the point I get increased healing so we're chilling let me just walk over here I feel like they're not doing a good job of focusing me we're just going to take out the Vic makoa's dead he still has his ultimate I think right I don't know pretty sure he does I'm going to act like he does just because yeah that's the safest thing to assume and I live that on 169 HP I would be dead right now if I didn't have this build all right let's just heal upor thank you Ray no it's fine it's fine it's fine I've got my slow ready all right we've got makoa over here yeah I challenge makoa I challenge makoa I'm going to stand right in your face I'm going to stand right in your face we pop this corv teleported right into it he's going to use his Al though oh I am going to die here oh crap we lost most of our team there that's actually really bad Talis is going for the chase I think his ultimate canceled yeah he didn't Target anybody okay that's good we need to keep these guys alive really spread out right now KH gets a kill but he trades for it but that is their tank down that's huge all right I'm going to just walk I'm walking here yes I will be the unyielding pressure that will not relent until it is destroyed I will make space for my team and they clean up the kills who's contesting right now someone's still contesting where are they I don't see them oh maka's here all right oh he just tal just wiped Leon he's back here all right let's punch him in the face my Royal presence is down let's get the shield on point to help protect the team as well dros goes in on the Talis gets the kill nice we throw this slow Maka should die here he is looking so low there we go he's dead I've got my Royal presence back I'm just going to walk in their faces I don't care that you stun me I don't even need REO cuz I'm just so tanky die Vic yes and that is O just barely a victory that Talis I feel so bad for that guy that was a brilliant play but just a fraction of a second too late oh my goodness gracious what a riveting end to that match anyways let's take a look at the stats here I actually went negative and I died more than KH that's kind of the interesting thing here I think part of that can be chalked up to my positioning because I was intentionally playing very aggressively there so yeah a bit of maybe a mishap on my end our raid did amazing 109 uh 198,000 healing that is excellent again I have to propose though what if we had like a really good healbot you know a proper heal bot Ray is a utility character but you know someone who just puts gobs of feeling on the point I wonder how that would have felt that sounds pretty insane we were also able to do 113,000 damage there which is uh pretty much tying the top damage on our team that's uh in part thanks to the poison radius card giving us that increased application but also even though Nicks the impact of the damage might not feel that you know significant sometimes it's just really consistent damage you know you have the punches you have the poison you have the slow all of that's working together to ultimately give you a bunch of um you know assists and uh just a lot of uh consistent pressure on the enemies and that actually also reflects in our assist count if we're comparing between me and KH right now we both got the same amount of killing blows I died a little bit more again partly thanks to my positioning the fact that I was playing so arrogantly and aggressively there but look at the difference in assists that's another great thing about Nicks and that poison or a man and you know what those extra eliminations lead to extra credits which is another great way to help ramp up this build so yeah I really like this Loadout in particular and I think it's definitely worth buying Arcane warning on Knicks you don't necessarily have to go all in on all of this double dipping and damage reduction and just craziness like I did that match you could potentially tone it back a bit maybe just by Arcane warding and Kronos and then go for reu or go for nimble or something like that right but the key point is that if you do buy Arcane warding it will give you 36% damage reduction on your Royal present and it will double dip on any ability damage that they deal to you and uh that is a very cool Synergy and a very cool new sort of tech that Nicks can do that for any Nix Mains out there it's definitely worth looking into but yeah that's going to do it for today's video make sure to drop a like And subscribe I will see you guys next time peace out
Channel: AndrewChicken
Views: 19,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew, chicken, andrewchicken, andrew chicken, paladins, paladins gameplay, paladins update, paladins nyx, nyx paladins, paladins nyx gameplay, paladins nyx build, paladins nyx best build, paladins nyx 2024, paladins new items, paladins new item store, paladins item store rework, paladins 2024, paladins wild hoard, paladins season 7, paladins year 7, paladins nyx show of force
Id: -OZHJljp2NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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