Paladins Season 7 Banners Fall Meta Tier List! (Opinion)

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hey what's going on guys this is Andrew chicken and welcome back to another video today we're going to be making my first season 7 meta Champions tier list the last one we made was all the way back in the valor's end update for season 6 and uh oh boy it's a little bit outdated some characters got orbital stried down into D tier while other characters have risen up through the ranks we have a few new s tier characters A lot's changed and so it's time to make a new tier list now that I've reached Masters I feel like that's a comfortable spot where I can safely talk about the meta now but before we get started I want to talk about the format of this tier list because it's very important and I also want to give the disclaimer that this tier list is just my opinion of course I am not the end all Beall determiner of the meta in paladins and you are entitled to disagree if you want and I encourage you to comment down below what you agree with and what you disagree with all I ask is just that you keep it respectful there's always a handful of people who are just really salty and venomous in the comment section of a tier list they take it way too serious ly and they just they say some vile things don't be that guy it's not that serious it's just an opinion tier list on the internet all right so keep it respectful you're absolutely fine to disagree so now let's talk about the format of the tier list this is going to be from the perspective of Master's level ranked we're going to be assuming that you're good at the character I think that's a pretty reasonable assumption for a tier list and we're going to have five tiers this time s tier a b c and d tier in the last tier list I had separated a tier into A+ and aus minus tier but I'm not going to be doing that for this tier list because I think having one unified a tier just makes things a little bit easier to read and it just works better for this updated tier list but now it's very important to actually clarify what the tiers mean because there are some meanings behind it and you should pay attention to this because if you don't then you're going to be very confused why some characters are placed in certain tiers so pay attention D tier is for the characters that are absolute hot garbage and you should not play them and again this is coming from m level ranked so there will be a few characters that work better in the lower ranks like gold but this is not a tier list for gold this is a tier list for higher level ranked so yeah D tier just don't play these characters please just don't do it C tier and this is the one you need to pay attention to the most C tier is the tier for characters that can be very strong but they are very situational and Niche and so you don't want to pick them up all the time you need a specific team comp or or a specific environment for them to work properly and when they work they can be very very good it's just not all the time that you want to pick these characters B tier is for balanced as I always like to say it's for the characters that are pretty average right now you can pick them up you can do fine but they're certainly not the top performers a tier is for characters that are really strong right now and are all around very solid good options for you to pick up in ranked and then s tier is for the characters that are pick or ban priority they are the strongest characters in the game the the ones you should be focusing on either saving for your team or Banning outright so the enemy team can't have them and then one final note is that we do have an ordering sequence for the tiers so we're listing the classes in the order of tank flank damage and then support that doesn't mean that tank is better than support for example if tal is listed higher than Grover that doesn't mean tal is better than Grover they're in separate classes and so that distinction doesn't matter however the Champions within each class are ordered based on their strength so the character furthest to the left is the strongest and the character furthest to the right is the weakest so let's say I have tval ahead of KH tval would be better than KH in the thought process of this tier list but now with all those heavy disclaimers out of the way let's show you the previous Bor and tier list real quick you can pause the video if you want to look at this analyze it in detail this is kind of where we're coming from and what we're evolving from to see what the current season Sav deer list is like and now let's get started okay so up first we have the D tier this is the for characters that suck don't play them at least not in high level ranked starting off with the supports we have Sarah and jenos the two worst performing supports in the game right now sarus I is going to be the controversial one because you're going to have a lot of gold players being like Oh but sarus is so good she's fine for learning the support class and she certainly is a very reliable pick in those medium to low ranks but for a high competitive level of gameplay she just doesn't compete with the other supports because she spends tooo much time channeling her heel and channeling her movement ability and not really providing much value for the team apart from that she does have her stun she can do moderate amounts of damage and her ultimate is certainly pretty good but when you compare her to some of the stronger supports that we'll be looking at later she really just doesn't cut it and then next up we have Jos Jos is a character who historically has been about buffing his team up and supporting them with uh things that aren't necessarily healing but he doesn't do that anymore old luminary from from like multiple seasons ago is gone and while he was the best healer in the game uh during like the middle of season 6 he's been nerfed since then and now he's just a really bad healbot his heals are not competitive with many of the other better healers uh that we'll check out later on the tier list and then also he basically has no supportive capabilities like Buffs debuffs he does have crowd control in the form of his void grip but that's it and there are just better supports out there than Jos at the moment and if you want pockets well corvis does that better so there's basically no reason to pick genos right now now let's move on to the damage category we have four damage characters down here all of whom get completely outclass by basically every other damage character in the game starting with Omen this guy used to be an S tier and then they orbital striked him with a nuke and now he's in D tier they took away the two things that made him insanely powerful umber Lance and more more more and yeah they have reworked both of those things so umra Lance is a veritable throw pick now it Nerfs your fire rate and then it doesn't really give you that much of a range increase and then more more more doesn't do as much damage as it used to although I guess it is a little bit more consistent now but the main problem with Omen is his General consistency and range due to the fact that his shotgun has a ridiculous spread and is ridiculously inconsistent and it means that he loses poke battles even in medium and sometimes even close range if you're fighting a skinny or evasive Target so there's no reason to pick Omen right now do not ever pick him in ranked he is absolute trash and he desperately needs some sort of buff or some sort of rework to make him viable again next we have the two snipers they both are pretty bad uh they really got hurt hard by the season 7 item changes because both of them do exclusively weapon damage for the most part 99% of their damage comes from their weapon and because of that and the fact that armor plating is way stronger than Old Haven in terms of its scaling and its accessibility it means that these characters are now stuck with a very long time to kill because once you stack up armor plating and cause them to take more shots to kill you that drastically increases the time it takes them to kill you because they have such slow fire rates and so they really aren't super competitive these days they do have their quote unquote good maps like frog Isle and Fish Market but even on those Maps I feel like there are better options to play and they're also pretty ridiculously easy to dive by a lot of the really strong tanks and flanks that we have in the game right now so I just wouldn't waste my time personally with these snipers and so I'm putting them in D tier you could maybe justify putting them in C tier if you really are feeling generous but I just don't think they're worth your time and finally in the damage class we have Betty labomba this is another one kind of like Sarah where I feel like a lot of gold players will be questioning this because she is pretty good at just spamming and getting a lot of free damage but in the higher ranks it she struggles to get value because she's only good on certain Maps where you actually Force the enemies into tight spaces where they get hit by AOE Mobility really counters her as well she is absolutely destroyed by a lot of flanks in this game because she has slow arching projectiles and a lot of her other abilities her hail bombs or cluster bombs are very easily avoided if you just have some dashes or some flight or anything like that and especially when we look at some of the meta characters later on in the list you'll start to see why Betty kind of struggles against all of them because she's just not really equipped to deal with the type of characters that are meta right now and she's also received a hefty amount of Nerfs she used to be a lot better but they've nerfed uh fiery disposition really hard they've nerfed her damage in other ways and so she's just not feeling as well as she used to and I feel like nowadays she's just kind of a worse version of dredge and dredge himself is a niche character so we're putting Betty in D tier once again you can maybe justify putting her in C tier but I'm going to leave her in D tier for now and finally we get to the flank class we have Kumi and seven which hasn't really changed since last tier list uh Kumi got a rework and that's excellent but she's still struggling to compete versus other flanks right now I've only seen one player make her work which is kind of sad um but yeah she could receive a little bit of love I think the main thing that really hurts her is her inconsistency with her primary fire it's not the same as Omen she is more consistent than Omen honestly but she still has kind of finicky buggy stuff going on with her primary fire and I just don't really like that and I think it is holding her back quite significantly as well as the fact that her marking mechanic makes her pretty bad against some of the meta characters right now because they can cleanse her marks she doesn't do very good Shield damage and some Buffs don't work on her properly again due to the marking mechanics so she's got a few issues that need to be hammered out she has potential but I'm still going to leave her in D tier for now and then seven also just got hit with the Nerf Hammer a bunch and remains in D tier because I just don't like him okay now that's that's not fair he is genuinely struggling to compete on the same level as other flanks right now because well he does have high Mobility it's really better suited to some maps than others and his damage can still be good but he is simply very very very squishy and other characters especially some of the meta characters again uh just have favorable matchups against him and so he's not feeling super great but the character that you might be surprised to see in D tier if you looked at the last tier list is Caspian just like Omen Caspian got hit with an orbital strike Cannon and he died Caspian got just some massive overwhelming neres they buffed him to an extraordinary degree towards the end of season 6 they gave him the uh ability to carry his momentum on his Dash which everyone was asking for and that an excellent change but then they also Giga buffed his damage for some reason and then right after I published a tier list they ended up nerfing his damage quite substantially but then they also for some reason removed his wind condition which was his stun on rogue's Tempo and replaced it with a slow effectively kneecapping his ability to actually get anything done at this point there are characters who just do better damage than Caspian either in terms of just completely outperforming him and having higher numbers or being able to do so more consistently because they don't have to get as close as Caspian and then yeah the fact that he doesn't have his stun means that he's back to being in D tier he's only either been in s tier or D tier this character he's never had time to rest in the B tier it's very sad I kind of feel bad for him now let's move on to the C tier and it's very important that you heed my words this is a tier for situational characters that can still be very very good you're going to see especially in the support roster here some characters that might leave you scratching your head all three of these support characters are very good there you just don't pick them all the time you you pick them in Niche situations or you don't pick them at all but when they're picked in the right situation they easily are a tier in terms of their strength starting with Gro Gro is excellent for Broly type comps where you want a lot of teammates grouped up around his totems because his totems are absolutely phenomenal and he's also a character in the support class capable of dealing pretty decent amounts of damage too although he did get his damage somewhat nerfed with the removal of keywords he's still very powerful in that department compared to other supports it's just that due to the way he heals he's not reliable when you pick him in team comps that just aren't designed for him and he can also struggle versus blasters because if you destroy his totems then he's not able to heal anymore and so that can be a problem as well and another thing to consider is that Willow is meta right now I guess a bit of a spoiler alert for the S tier um and dead zone absolutely counters the totems put the totem down put the Dead Zone on top of it now the totem is useless it's as simple as that so yeah grock situational but when he's picked in the right situation he's very very strong the same can be said for Ry Ry is a character who is really map dependent she is a tier if not slightly low s tier on a map like bizaar where she is able to heal through walls and provide excellent support for her team and she's also excellent in double support comps because she provides a lot of utility and she provides an immense amount of ultimate charge which is really good for powering up her other support on the team like Gro for example grock has an excellent ult and Ray really Powers him up so yeah Ry is absolutely excellent but she struggles on maps like Timber Mill where she is not able to have teammates consistently in her ideal range um and yeah she also in some cases can struggled to solo support because she's not a healbot she doesn't have the highest healing numbers uh and in today's meta in terms of the support class that can be a bit of a rough thing if you are a solo support but she is still absolutely excellent you just got to pick her in the right situation and then finally we have corvis corvis is the master of pockets he is excellent especially with if he has a TV VA on the team as well get that double pocket going uh and he's really good at enabling dive comps because his marks allow him to heal Flame very consistently no matter where they are on the map and he also provides other Buffs like movement speed and damage reduction that really help out but he struggles to heal tanks consistently and he gets Dove very easily so he does have his counterplay and he is pretty much used in those dive comps and those pocket comps or not at all right that's kind of the situational element when it comes to corvis now we have a few more characters that are a bit more straightforward dredge is well he's a blaster he's a spammer he's a Siege character and he's really good on Ice mines and maybe a few other Maps where uh it's super close quarters but otherwise you don't really pick this guy up that much and he's also in a lot of ways very weak to uh flanks because his primary fire is very very tough to hit on fast moving targets especially those that fly he does have hurl as an option for consistent damage but it doesn't apply cauterise and it does avoid armor plating because it is ability damage but if they buy Arcane warding for hurl then then all of a sudden it's pretty bad so dredge is very situational very Niche but I guess in the right situation he can be better than Betty so that's good mooji same sort of situation in the sense that she can be good on a map like jaguar Falls especially in the right team comp where you've got a decent amount of sustain and mooji is able to play against characters where she can consistently get burst damage but she does struggle in certain matchups like against Koga for example cuz he can cleanse her marks kind of similar to Kumi um and but yeah she can I would say be generally better than Kumi I kind of think of them as similar characters because they're both very tanky they both have marking mechanics and they both can be very bursty given the chance and then we have buck in the last tier list I placed buck in a tier that was a mistake I fully admit he is still a tier in terms of his strength when he's allowed to shine in the right situation going back to the idea of corvis and a dive comp right Buck is all about the dive he is all in or nothing when it comes to the dive and if he's allowed to dive successfully he's one of the most oppressive characters in the game however when he's shut down by anti-dive characters such as Ray Atlas torval Etc then he's useless and a detriment to your team and so he's very situational in the last tier list I mistakenly putting him put him in a tier just based off of his raw strength when he is good not considering that c tier is a better place for him because he is so situational so you only want to pick him in the right situation but when you do pick him in that situation he is busted and then finally we have the tanks ROM and yaroth ROM is actually up in C2 now from D tier cuz he's gotten some nice little Buffs recently especially to enforcer giving him that crowd control Immunity on his Dash very very nice and uh both yaroth and ROM are very similar tanks in terms of their kind of brawly slh Hit and Run style where they run in make space uh they're very good Duelists you never want to One V one these characters but they do have a lot of counter playay their movement abilities can be countered by cripples they're countered by percent base damage and just generally high damage and so they're not perfect characters but if you are good at them and you pick them in the right situation they can still be a very valuable asset to your team and it also really helps out when you have good team coordination because both of these tanks can really shine if your team is actually able to play around you and play with the uh I guess skills that you're using in the plays that you're making Now we move on to the B tier this is for the tier where the average characters are they're decently balanced they're nothing special but they're nothing terrible either let's start with the two support picks we have Pip and malamba malamba has recently gotten some pretty nice Buffs mainly to his mending Spirits which now heals twice as fast leading to him having more consistent and bursty healing output and that really really helps him out he's still not as much of a healbot as some of the other characters who can really pour healing into the team but he does have extra utility in the form of his high self- sustain his good damage output if he's in a duel anyways he still doesn't have like crazy high damage output but he is able to very consistently defend himself from flanks especially when you throw the stun into the picture and the fear as well he can be very difficult to dive in that sense if you are good at malamba he's a very high skill support and when he's played well he is a very valuable asset to the team but he's also not you know super good to the point of being an a tier or an S tier support and then we have pip pip is another really good support if you know how to play him he has very high healing output with combat medic and he can also have very high self sustain and it can have a really skill play style with mega potion although its consistency leaves a little bit to be desired his ultimate is also very very good although it does get countered by Unbound that's also something that really applies to Malon both of them get heavily countered by Unbound but Pips slow is also a little bit better in season 7 due to the crowd control item split where you have to buy Sentinel for the slow and nobody really buys Sentinel for the slow uh he so yeah he's generally a pretty solid support one of his biggest weaknesses has always been that he's super vulnerable to hit scans because he has a very large head and he also doesn't really have much in the way of a defensive ability on the same level as something like Slither where he actually gets some form of immunity he can have pretty decent self- sustain with his potion but that's just not the same as what some other supports can have and so he can be very vulnerable to Dives but he is still a very solid support next we get to the damage Ruster and oh boy there are a lot of damage champions in this class Tiberius and Cassie are both just kind of they're kind of nothing burgers in the damage class I would say in the sense that they're pretty mundane they're not bad characters not at all but they're not good characters either they're really just kind of there in my opinion they have decent damage output decent survivability decent Mobility but nothing really stands out about them in the current meta they just exist so in B tier they go and then next up we have Sati Sati is a very annoying character she gets on my nerves but uh she is definitely a very reasonably effective character uh she can kind of just Spam out some free damage with the coin if you want although that play style is fallen out of favor thanks to a Nerf I think a lot of people these days are playing window of opportunity which can be a very powerful anti-dive tool and a way to secure kills because you just pop someone up into the sky and it kind of acts like a pseudo rout because it cancels uh momentum it can really interrupt certain movement abilities and it allows Sati to land some very easy shots and potentially secure the kill and she's also got very solid hit scan damage output which is pretty nice so pretty solid damage character in beat here she goes next up we have Shaolin and ammani two very similar damage characters they pretty much have the exact same primary fire Fireballs arrows they're the same in my book and shin actually went down a tier from the last tier list and that's because of the new item shop armor pla encounters Shin really hard and compared to the way that Old Haven was back in the season 6 item shop armor plating just hurts Shin more these days and so he's less effective as a result he really struggles into comps that are super beefy with a lot of sustain a lot of tankiness and also damage characters that are able to buy armor plating and just take three sometimes four shots to kill from Shan and so he still can be a very powerful anti-dive and a very powerful anti flank character he's just not doing as well as he used to and then ammani on the flip side I think she was in D tier on the last tier list if I remember correctly she has gotten a lot of bug fixes and also some slight Buffs and that makes her much much better than she was when I last rank ton AER list and uh she still in some ways uh kind of struggles like shin because like I said her Fireball is the same as Shin arrows so armor plating does hurt but she also has Inferno Cannon and frost bomb Frost bomb is an excellent crowd control ability and Inferno Cannon does ability damage which is very nice in season 7 because ability damage doesn't get countered by armor plating and armor plating is the most popular item in the game so they're kind of on even footing right now I would say and I believe both of them are seeing decently similar win rates too if I recall correct so in B tier both of them go and then lastly we have Victor a very strong controller DPS if you're able to just use that aim assist and go but he is also I would argue one of the weaker uh controller DPS in the sense that he is very easy to dive by flanks he has no defensive ability and he has kind of a crappy movement ability it is consistent for traversal but it in some ways very much struggles to get him away from flanks who have superior mobility to him so the fact that he's very very easy to dive like that makes me want to put him in B tier instead of any higher next we have the flanks we have Zin who is the Cockroach of the flank class and Zen is another character who's kind of just there he's very consistent if you need to uh if you need a consistent flank but he doesn't stand out in any Department apart from his survivability his burst is pretty average his Mobility is pretty average he doesn't have vertical mobility apart from his ult his ult is also pretty average he's all right but he's no Allstar then we have LAX Lex has fallen uh decently he used to be pretty darn good especially on controller but then they absolutely gutted heroism and a while back they did also Nerf Discovery and I think I factored that into the previous tier list too if I remember the timeline correctly so yeah those Nerfs have made him much less Savory than he used to be he can still be a very good flank who can put out a good amount of damage if you're using uh controller am assist right but uh yeah he's not as good as he used to be and so B tier is the highest I can justify putting him then we have Vora and Ma two very cultured flanks Vora is pretty consistent in terms of her damage output she's got pretty solid mobility and uh yeah she's just feeling pretty good right now again not a super All-Star flank but she's playable if you're good at her she can be very good especially on a map like Timbermill where her Mobility really really does shine and then may is in a similar boat pretty consistent burst damage although she does get hampered pretty heavily by armor plating and uh yeah also pretty good Mobility to boost and decent survivability from some of her damage reduction cards so an all around very solid and balanced flank and finally we have our three tanks we have makoa inara and Terminus in B tier with Terminus seeing a slight improvement from the last tier list makoa let's start with him is a very strong tank because of his hook his Hook is one of the best abilities in the game I would say uh and if you can land it consistently and have consistent followup from your team it is very lethal and very deadly on top of that his half shell can be a very consistent form of barrier however the key problem that makoa faces is very similar to pip he has a giant head and not as much health as a lot of other tanks and not as much damage reduction either and a lot of hit scans are very very strong and that really does hurt makoa's consistency however he is still a very good tank most tanks in this game are just really freaking good right now the tank class is thriving as you'll see in a little bit and makoa's win rate is still very good fun fact there is no no tank right now with a win rate below 50% in Diamond level ranked yeah that's pretty crazy the lowest is makoa with a 52 to 53% win rate so he's still a good tank he's just comparatively less so compared to other tanks right now and ours in a similar boat in terms of uh being kind of a less sey tank than many of her other point tank counterparts because she received some pretty heavy Nerfs to Mother's Grace it used to be very very strong and made her one of the strongest tanks in the game but since then it's lost a fact in terms of its damage reduction and also its uh increased healing bonus and that means that she's less of a Powerhouse and an unkillable machine and so she yeah it's just in B tier again but Terminus is yeah kind of the real winner here at least in terms of the tanks we've covered so far because he's received a lot of very small Buffs over the past year and those have accumulated in him having one of the highest win rates out of all the tanks and a pretty decent pick rate too he has one of the most powerful barriers in the game in the form of his power siphon very consistent and very very powerful it can block an infinite amount of damage and he has pretty good up time on it now too considering the last few Buffs that they've given him and he's also a very tanky tank and well he can have good bursts too if you hit a bunch of decimation charges on somebody or kity charges whatever they're called um the one real problem that Terminus has always faced is that he is at the end of the day a melee tank and that makes him in some ways pretty situational although I still don't think he's situational enough to justify putting him in C tier because that power siphon is just so gosh darn strong and it can be really good in a lot of circumstances all right let's keep it going with the a tier the largest tier on this tier list we have quite a few characters here who are very very powerful and uh yeah this is where you can see that the tank class is thriving look at all those tanks oh my goodness let's get started with the supports though Lilith very very strong support capable of putting out some of the most healing in the game if you stack a full charge swarm or two and a hex on the same Target they basically don't die if they have rejuvenate or a barrier to cleanse C or any number of extra survival means on top of that she has the highest health pull out of any support and very good Mobility to boot it's a pretty solid vertical jump with a very low cool down and her ultimate also just empowers both the self-sustain and the mobility allowing her to really uh just stay alive very very consistently and also provide a lot of benefits to her team in terms of just the raw healing that she's able to do and she gets a lot of extra kind of passive damage from the enemy sitting in her swarms and she can consist L just lob out a few shots here and there as well so she is a very very powerful support if you know how to play her there is a pretty steep skill requirement for Lilith compared to a lot of other supports right now but if you can pull it off she is excellent then we have Furia Furia is such a weird support because they keep changing her HZ evil Mojo is not happy with the support that's my uh that's my guess because they've changed her and reworked her so many times over the past year but she still persists as a pretty solid support solar blessing is the new meta now for Furia uh because cherish doesn't provide really any benefits anymore it used to provide much more consistent and Powerful single Target burst and better range on the right click which made it worth it over solar blessing and solar blessing also didn't used to have as many quality of life Buffs as it does now they've really enhanced solar blessing's ability to perform consistently it used to like a few years ago force you to just stand in one spot underneath the beam and it wasn't really really as reliable but now the effect lingers after you leave the beam if you're an ally on furia's team Furia can also self heal with the beam it's also the only way to stop the beam on a target for extra damage now there's just a lot of utility with solar blessing that really is shining right now in uh season 7 and she still has many of the benefits that she had previously she is one of the highest damage output supports and she also has one of the best ultimates in the game Bar None because she provides her entire team with a massive damage and movement speed bonus so Furia is still pretty good she's a bit shaky and I wouldn't be surprised if they rework her next update again uh but yeah we'll just uh keep an eye on her and uh yeah I guess through all the the crazy turmoil that's been happening with this character she's still pretty solid so yay the last a tier support is ya who is able to put out a very high amount of healing while also being able to provide some additional Buffs to her team in the form of damage reduction and movement speed which is very very good uh and she can also be a pretty tough to kill because when she's using Luna properly as kind of a bodyguard she has a stun and she also has the ability to have some pretty decent damage output when you combine her primary fire with the damage from the dog and so she's an all around very solid support right now uh but not quite as TI your material all right now let's talk about damage Champions as you can see here there are a few hit scans controller DPS yay Octavia and Vivian are kind of similar in that they don't have like a crazy high pick rate but they do definitely win games if you plug in that aim assist controller on PC in particular cuz they have very high hit scan DPS and they also have other ways of uh supporting the team either in Vivian's case being pretty tanky with her barrier or in octavia's case providing additional Buffs to her team with her passives so both of them can be pretty solid um and yeah our great choices if you do have the luxury of a assist then we have dros who is a very good damage Champion uh he does have quite a decent number of counters which can make him less reliable but the fact remains that he is still a very powerful damage character who's capable of dishing out gobs of damage he has a good ability damage split where if you buy armor plating for dros he still has good ability damage with his fire spits and also his execute completely ignores Dr entirely so that's also really good he has a very powerful ultimate when used properly and so he's just a damage dealing machine and he also has very good mobility and if you play him smartly you can also mitigate a lot of the hit skins that otherwise would counter a less experienced strogo player so he's all around a very solid option and then for the final damage champion in a tier we have Tyra still a very good damage Champion even after The Hunting Party Nerf and right now she is very consistent in terms of her ability to basically become a tank cuz her mercy kill build is just as good as it as it's always been but now you can combine it with the much stronger uh sustain items in the new item shop with you know buffed veteran buffed armor plating a life rip if you want to be like that cheaper Nimble as well really helps her out she really is a a massive uh I guess benefactor of these uh item changes that happened in season 7 so yeah very solid again very good damage output as well just an all around pretty good damage character and then we have three flanks before we get to the tanks we have Talis androxus and Eevee Talis has always been one of the strongest controller flanks and that's because he has very high damage output and very consistent survivability thanks to his portal which allows to play very aggressively and still survive because once he gets low he can just TP away so very very solid flank next we have Eevee one of the strongest flanks in the game on keyboard and mouse she's capable of some very impressive mobility and she does have very good bursts as well and her ultimate is one of the best ultimates in the flank class for locking down a kill because it cripples and slows enemies very hard to evade that if you were playing a character like I don't know sarus in D tier oh yeah um but she's not without her counterplay because of course anti-dive characters will counter her she is very squishy so characters like Shaolin will counter her even if she does buy some level of armor plating and also armor plating does hurt her pretty badly because she does do mostly weapon damage unless you're playing snow globe and you spam ults but even then the snow globe damage isn't really enough to make up for the fact that yeah armor plating just sucks man it's not fun to play against but despite that she is still really really good if you know how to play her and so she deserves her a to your ranking and finally we have we have androxus the most popular Flank In the game with the highest pick rate and the second highest ban rate out of all the flanks and a pretty solid win rate too he's all around a very high performer right now who is very good if you're good at him he's got that good consistent hit scan damage if you play defiant fist or Gods Slayer you have that extra ability damage which as we've mentioned so many times before is really good in today's meta thanks to armor plating he's also got very good mobility and his ultimate again is a damage so that kind of just got buffed in season 7 unless the enemies happen to buy Arcane warding for you so yeah all around a very consistent and high performing character and finally we have the tank class of which there are so many tanks are thriving in season 7 pretty much every tank is good if you know how to play them and I for one I'm super happy to see it I wish every other class was as balanced as the tank class right now like I said with makoa the lowest win rate in the tank class right now is a 52 to 53% there is no character in the tank class who has a sub 50 win rate it's just it it's it's so nice to see and yeah we're starting off here in the a tier with rockus who is basically a big flank so it kind of makes sense that he's next to the other flanks Ruckus is capable of doing very high damage output with his miniguns and his missiles and he also has some of the best controlled mobility in the tank class he has vertical mobility and he also has very good traversal as well if he chooses to use his dashes in quick succession he's capable of navigating the map better than pretty much any other tank especially on maps that have a lot of vertical platforms like serpent Beach or Timber Mill and that combination of high mobility and high damage makes him a very lethal off tank especially when played in coordination with another flank a proper flank who's able to really supplement his damage output and keep Pace with him and uh yeah he's also got one of the best ults in the tank class for dishing out just crazy amounts of damage so all in all very good tank and then next up we have Ash Ash received a very nice B to slug shot where it now deals more damage so you lack the AOE but you now gain with slug shots the longest range in the tank class I'm pretty sure if not one of the longest ranges I guess and also a nice buff to your single Target damage output which makes her a very lethal tank and when you combine that with her good levels of crowd control and also her ultimate which can be a very nice Sun if you know how to use it and also provides immortality uh she can be a very oppressive tank who's very good at making space and be especially good on certain maps and in certain situations thanks to that range so yeah Ash very very solid next we have baric one of the better point tanks in the game he is capable of having a lot of defenses and also putting out a lot of damage kind of similar to Ash he has very very good range with the talent tinkering although not quite as good as Ash is but what he lacks in range compared to Ash he makes up for in damage having more damage per second than Ash dealing 600 damage with tinr so still very very good tank tank next we have NYX I just have to keep singing the Praises of all these tanks because there's almost nothing bad about them NYX has again very high damage output not nearly as good range as the last two tanks we covered but still very good consistent damage output she has that percent base damage on Royal presence she's very very tanky and has very good crowd control her slow field with uh what's it called the rift slash that is better in season 7 because nobody buys Sentinel and Sentinel is what you need to counter the slow so you can build for a slowing uh build with like extra slow strength and you can have a very very powerful slow and on top of that it's also a giant AOE [ __ ] with the rift SL Talent so that's pretty good as well her ultimate can be pretty decent for the stun although admittedly it's not the most consistent all in all she's just a Powerhouse of a tank with one of the highest win rates right now and then we move on to Aon who is really just a solid Dependable tank and almost every situation he's got powerful innate Dr he's got some of the best mobility in the tank class especially helped by the fact that it's vertical mobility as well so you can Traverse those High grounds on Timber Mill serpent Beach Etc he's also got very consistent burst damage he's got the walls he's just very very very very very very very consistent and that's what I like about his on he's consistent he's powerful he gets the job done and then finally at the top of a tier for the tank class we have Atlas one of the strongest tanks in the game if you can play him well he's another one of those characters who requires a big brain to use cuz you have to think in for D you have to think of where the enemies are going to be you have to time your rewinds you have to predict stuff he's not the most mechanically demanding but his ability demand in terms of skillfully placing his abilities is off the charts but if you can manage it well holy crap the value this guy gets he's got the barrier that with temporal divide can literally cut the map in half or if you want more consistent uptime on the barrier you can maintain a very very good uptime with some Kronos with the uh the car that reduces it by 5 seconds when you hit the rewind and the barrier blocks infinite damage so very very good his rewind gives him a second life and his rewind offensive rewinds his offensive crowd control is among the best crowd control in the game if you know how to use it he is immensely valuable as a tank and so he goes at the top of a tier and finally we have the S tier which is looking a bit crowded because a lot of Champions have been buffed to the point that they genuinely belong in s tier but of course we start with two familiar faces ying and Grover not much has really changed with the these two characters since the last teist I don't feel like I need to elaborate that much Ying is one of the most powerful heal bot in the game and now her ultimate allows her to cleanse crowd control on her teammates for one second when she pops it which actually makes her a very good counter to wellan who's later on in the S tier but also generally just a lot of crowd control abilities she can block now if she times her ultimate well enough making her just a very very valuable support in today's meta and then Grover is just a really consistent support he's got really good burst healing really consistent healing he's got really good Mobility with Vine Tech and also really good consistency on the vine thanks to his cooldown cards and then he has also got some of the best self- sustain in the support class because all of his healing is applied to himself he's got one of the best healing ultimates in the game and he does consistent damage throughout the match because well hey he doesn't have a channeled heal he just shoots once every second constantly throwing axes and helping out the team and his crippling throw is one of the easiest cripples to land in the game very consistent and he's just such a solid support and so he's the easiest stier of my life now let's talk about the damage Champions bomb King is the only familiar face up here bom King is just super consistent he's a very good carry character if you know how to play him because he does very good burst damage he has some of the best mobility in the damage class he can also be reasonably tanky with some cards and items and he's generally just an All-Star damage Champion I mean he's really good at tank busting he's really good at busting down DPS flanks as long as you're good at him and you also have good ping he is a very very good damage champion and I just recently published a guide on bomb King so if you want to learn all the best tips tricks and loadouts for this guy go watch that after you're done watching the T list next up we have Willow and let me check what what what placement was she in the previous list oh right d tier she kind of traded places with Omen and Caspian and that's because of a massive massive Mobility buff that she received where she finally has a new passive where she is able to float she can use her wings finally oh my gosh what that allows her to do is flutter up into the sky create her own high ground and kind of just float around like dros while blasting enemies from the sky with her also buffed blast flower which now does a pretty solid amount of damage and it's that combination of a blast flow buff and a Mobility buff that makes her very very good and it's also especially good this Mobility buff because it acts like an extension to her ultimate you can basically fly really high into the sky with your ultimate and then once it's over you still get several seconds of flight as you just slowly drift to the ground and so yeah she is really really nice right now she's got a very good win rate very good pick rate ban rate all of it she's a very solid damage character yeah Willow's made an excellent comeback and I definitely recommend playing her anyways next we have Leon who yeah she fell out of the metaph for a little bit but she's back oh my gosh they gave her some very powerful Buffs at the start of the season and have since toned them down a little bit but she's still very strong they buffed her base damage up to 425 they buffed her health up to 2100 I think and that leads to her having very strong burst once again and also very consistent tank busting pressure compared to what she used to have because when you increase the base damage of her rifle like what they did it thereby makes Precision a lot better because Precision is a percent based buff that's applied on top of the base damage right so Precision just proportionally got a lot stronger and it actually makes her a very consistent tank Buster as long as you don't have to face against Shields because Precision doesn't stack against Shields because I don't know it's a stupid game rule honestly I don't like it but uh yeah she's very good against DPS and she's also pretty good against tanks right now and that Health buff also made her less of a push over when it comes to being Dove and so she's just really good right now and also really consistent because she's a hit scan and she also has that auto aim so very very good damage character the most banned character in the game right now fun fact she's actually banned more than torva I can't believe it but um yeah definitely play Leon if you get the chance if she's not banned oh boy now we have some flanks to talk about vatu is well once again a familiar face he is the strongest Flank In the game if you are good at him on keyboard and mouse and that's because he has very powerful damage reduction some of the best mobility in the game I would argue the best tactical Mobility in the game seven has the best mobility in the game for traversal but vatu has the best mobility in the game for tactically dodging shots ambushing enemies and controlling who he picks fights with and that ability is very powerful and he also has very good damage very very solid burst combo and also keep in mind the shadow bombs and the ultimate both are ability damag so he's got a nice ability damage split too and of course the ultimate is very consistent in terms of it's uptime one of the quickest ults to build in the game and it's very good at securing kills because it's an 800 damage stun you can combo with his other abilities and very quickly get a kill so vatu has always been a very good flank and that remains the case in season 7 and then we have two controller flanks oh boy they nerfed a assist too by the way I've heard some a uh some controller players say that they don't even feel it so yeah there we go but yeah Sky he's up here in s tier what the heck well smok and daggers is back on the menu that's why she is an S here smok and daggers got buff of a lifetime in the most recent update it now allows Sky to be invisible again which is huge and I'm very happy that's the case I've been asking for that for a very long time pretty much ever since it got removed but they also buffed the healing output and one thing that I think everyone overlooked is that in between the time when they initially removed the invisibility from smoke and daggers and then added it back Sky got a second charge of smoke bomb meaning that you can really have consistent powerful uptime on the smoke bomb and that means a lot of healing for your team and also a lot of movement speed for your team because she has the card dissipate I believe it's called that gives 40% movement speed while you're in the smoke bomb which is even better than grocs movement speed card and everyone knows how good GRS movement speed card is so it's a very very very very powerful Talent right now and that's coupled with the fact that sky has very good Close Quarters damage uh she has the poison bolts for consistent damage versus tanky tar targets and yeah she is just she's feeling really good she had a bit of a shaky start to the season due to the illuminate change but she has since recovered from that and she's feeling very good once again and then finally we have Koga oh my goodness probably the best controller flank if you're just looking for a really Dependable uh flank who's good at surviving and also good at damage output they recently buffed adrenaline junkie back to the previous levels of energy generation that it had with the cost that you can no longer build that energy versus Shields but I don't think that really affected him that much because just look at his win rate oh boy he's he's really good really really good and the dashes allow him to have very consistent survivability because they cleanse cauter eyes as well as any other negative status effects like marks from some of the lower tier characters uh stuff like Ty's Hunter Mark uh raise Spirit link Etc and that is insanely valuable for him to have especially with such high uptime because he's able to generate energy quickly with adrenaline junkie and he has three charges of the dash just by default so that's really good but on top of that they also a while back buffed the claws so that they pierce through targets allowing him to have really good AOE damage now which yeah is a pretty cool buff but it's also pretty darn strong so yeah if you're in a crowded hallway and you've got a bunch of deployables and other stuff to chew through Koga is actually a really good quote unquote Blaster now and uh if you play a hybrid build with Koga you can kind of just get the best of both worlds Koga is just really fantastic right now so he goes into the top of s tier for the flank category and then finally we have the tanks this is probably the most clear-cut uh portion of the S tier that I can possibly imagine because well not much has changed except for Fernando he's here now so that's pretty cool uh and I guess we'll start with Fernando because he is the one who got changed the most Fernando got the old effect of Aegis put into Base Kit yeah it's very very very strong and uh if you don't know what that means basically by default previously Fernando had a 12 second cool down on the shield which made it very inconsistent when you were playing as Scorch or formidable uh Scorch had plenty of benefits in terms of its damage output and its extra ultimate charge rate because of the increased damage output but it was limited by the fact that the shield was much less consistent you had to run toing barrier at five to get consistent cooldown reduction on it and even then it wasn't as good as Aegis AIS allowed him to change that shield into a resource meter that you can toggle on and off at will and it just passively regenerates when it's not active and so by putting that into Base Kit all of a sudden now Scorch does incredible amounts of damage incredible amounts of ultimate charge and you have the consistency of the ages Shield allowing him to be very aggressive and still block a ton of stuff for his team and that buff Sky rocketed him into s tier because Fernando has always had one of the best ultimates in the game make everyone in a giant circle around him Immortal for 4 seconds I mean come on that is busted and Scorch with Aegis and base kit allows him to build that ultimate insanely quickly if you go watch some of my Fernando games that I have uploaded on the channel you see that often times in the first point fight I am the first one to build my ultimate on my team which is crazy cuz Fernando is supposed to have pretty low ultimate charge to compensate for the fact that his ultimate is busted so yeah it kind of broke him and it also allowed him to be one of the best uh damage champions in the game as I like to call him you can do a ton of damage with Scorch if you line up the Fireballs properly and that extra ability damage burst from Scorch makes him a very consistent killer in the season 7 meta with the item shop even though his flame Lance is technically the lowest DPS weapon in the game yeah it's just crazy how this character works man so he's got a super simple kit he's super Dependable he can be a good main tank he can be a good off tank he's just really good so play him before he gets nerfed again is what I'm trying to tell you and then of course we have our two pretty much constants and S at this point KH and tal uh I put slightly below Fernando and that's because due to the fact that Ying is also meta right now and her ultimate got changed to have that one second of CC immunity that that actually really hurts Khan because now if you play Khan versus Ying Ying is able to Pop R after KH somebody and completely save them making one of the best ultimates in the game all of a sudden one of the worst and so KH still s here regardless but yeah I figured Fernando's a bit more consistent in the ultimate category and so I put him one tier above Khan but yeah KH has the highest damage output in the tank class with storm of bullets in terms of just raw weapon damage especially if you hit head shot it is disgusting he has a shield which allows him to cleanse ciz and negative status effects and that allows him to get very good consistency out of his battle shot which is a massive burst heal that also gives him complete damage immunity he also has a stun on his Dash admittedly not the best mobility in the tank class but that stun can be very good for locking down kills if your team is paying attention and again obviously his ultimate is one of the best in the game I mean come on you can pick up an enemy from pretty much anywhere on the map hold them and just have your team shoot them and kill them it's a guaranteed kill if you do it right or if you want to save some time you can throw them off the map if you have the opportunity to so KH is an excellent tank all around very good team player very lethal tank and very good at confirming kills for his team and then tald let's rattle down the list of everything that's good about torvald let's see okay very high damage output very good range one of the best crowd control abilities in the game for locking down kills really high self sustain that also stops the enemies from generating ultimate charge and credits and he has the ability to pocket teammates giving them basically the ability to tank one extra shot from the enemies and possibly also heal them a little bit and possibly also give them some ammo and movement speed if you're feeling quirky like that and due to the way that his heal card and his cooldown reset card Works means that if you pocket somebody and then they get a kill you get an elimination and you get that pocket back faster you get that nullify back back faster you get that recharge back faster the only bad thing about Toral is that he doesn't have a movement ability but even then Eldridge speed is a card it gives him pretty much what 50% movement speed at level five for 4 seconds you just pop recharge and you zoom and it also can't be crippled because it's a movement speed card activated on an ability that's not a movement ability and this character got nerfed too he got some pretty massive Nerfs to the protection and it it doesn't really matter like yeah the protection is worse now objectively it's worse but it's still so good it's just Toral is just like a perfect off tank he is so insanely valuable uh that he is the second most banned character in the game after Leon right now and uh yeah he's also got the highest win rate out of any tank one of the highest win rates in the game period really good pick rate he's just phenomenal you pocket a good flank and you have the good s tier you know DPS up here right uh and yeah you nullify whoever they're shooting at and you just win you just win it's tvod baby he's disgusting and uh yeah what a way to wrap up the tier list so um yeah that is the full season 7 tier list at least for the start of season 7 here and uh yeah I'd love to hear your thoughts on it in the comments section down below what do you agree with what do you disagree with please let me know and of course keep it respectful remember just just an opinion tier list it's okay if you disagree you don't have to berate me I'm not going to berate you keep it civil all right don't don't be that guy who's nasty you don't want to be the nasty guy you just make a fool of yourself um but yeah uh I think honestly it's pretty interesting to see how the meta has changed some characters got orbital stried into irrelevance while other characters have gotten some massive Buffs and the S tier is now more crowded than it used to be and I feel like in general the game is slowly trending towards being more balanced I mean look at the tank class every tank is viable for the most part Ramen yag are a bit sketched they're a bit more situational but every tank is good for the most part no tank has a sub 50 win rate that can't be said for any other class so that's really awesome and the fact that they are starting to buff some damage characters is really good because the damage class has been suffering for a while statistically in terms of the win rate pick rate it's the worst performing uh many of the characters I put in D tier have sub 50 win rates uh in terms of the damage class so if we could really see some love towards those weaker damage characters that would really uh pull up the balance and make the balance Tighter and make you know more characters viable that would be good um and in general yeah I'm quite happy with the The Meta right now like there are some impressive things there are some s tier things obviously Tor Vault exists but yeah I don't feel like there's anything that's ridiculously annoying and oppressive at the same time compared to meta's past where curse revolver androxus was meta seven meta please let us never return to a seven meta not fun not fun at all or God forbid releases on let's not do that okay so um yeah that's my overall verdict on the meta and uh yeah if you enjoyed this video make sure to drop a like subscribe turn on notifications so you never miss an upload for me check out the twitch Channel check out the Discord server Linked In the description down below and if you want to support the Channel please go on over to the Nexus to make your next Crystal purchase nexus. e/ andrewchicken is the place to go you can buy crystals the season pack DLC and more and a portion of the proceeds go to supporting the channel it's officially affiliated with evil Mojo and yeah I'd really appreciate it if you would check it out with all that being said thank you guys for watching I will see you all next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: AndrewChicken
Views: 20,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew, chicken, andrewchicken, andrew chicken, paladins, paladins gameplay, paladins update, paladins tier list, paladins tierlist, tier list, tierlist, paladins season 7, paladins meta, paladins year 7, paladins 2024, paladins banners fall, paladins torvald, paladins ying, paladins fernando, paladins lian, paladins willo, paladins khan, paladins meta list, paladins best champion, paladins best build
Id: fvT9mxYlYs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 58sec (3298 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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