Tips, Tricks and goals for Paladins Beginners

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what is going on ladies and gentlemen welcome back into another video today's video I wanted to do this video for quite a while so finally I decided to do it because somebody showed up in my chat surprising yes I stream mostly on the paladins game channel as you can see here we got here everybody dantius is saying hello right there and essentially uh the Dante is here started playing the game recently and he wanted some tips and tricks on how he can improve both in the game and how we can develop everything you know have more characters to go into competitive and so on we're skipping the literal Basics here I'm assuming that you already know what paladins is obviously okay and if I if I could put it in a simple way it's a first person hero shooter when it's a hero shooter it means that all characters have different abilities ultimates weapons and so on paladins has a lot of features that other games from the genre can also have but one of the strongest things that we have in paladins is their vgs system something that allows you to communicate with people by just simply learning some some little shortcuts and you don't have to type or use your microphone the entire time if you learn how to use this which is an absolute win in my opinion but before we get into that let's get into the first few things you need to do once you start the game for that same purpose I've created a brand new account and the account is right there The Vora one trick now notice I didn't do the tutorial um because I would have received gold that is the first thing you're going to be needing from now on your main goal is to get gold now if you don't know how you can achieve gold I actually have videos on my YouTube channel right in the front page you're going to find a little paladins tutorials playlist and on the first few videos you're gonna have this right how to make gold faster and this is the most updated one in fact I should bring it back up there but this is a video that will teach you how to make gold super super fast like the the fastest possible and because of getting this gold you will be able to purchase characters right so you can see here you're gonna start off with something similar to this now these Champions here that have these little wheels those are free rotation Champions you got like eight they constantly change every week so there is a chance you can play some Champions without having access to them so we start off with Tiberius saris Khan Lex Maeve which for some reason is in rotation I do not understand that one Furia and then Ash and then you have another a champions in rotation right which are the other ones over there we also have Victor forgot about that one sorry so your main goal is to literally unlock every champion because why because most of you are just amazed with the idea of having to play this game in a competitive mode with rank you have a rank you can be Diamond you can be Master it's fantastic right but my tip for you my first ever tip do not rush it alright take your sweet time the first thing I ever did on paladins when I started playing it in order to learn it was playing with every single Champion to level four back then now you can do it to level eight which is the last level that allows you to unlock the third Talent unlocks and Mastery level 8. now why am I telling you to play literally every Champion to level eight a lot of these Champions are very similar in a way right it could be their weapons it could be some of their abilities like for example some people will argue that dredge and Betty are very similar right uh although one has more Mobility than the other but you can see what I'm saying here there's a lot of similarities between some of the Champions but not every single one of them sorry every single one of them is still different in one way but when you come across these Champions on the enemy team you might be struggling you might be questioning how some people can do certain things and the best way to do that is by learning so playing every single Champion to level 8 will allow you to learn them how to play them how to counter them and not only that unlock all their talents so in case you need one specifically and finally uh also before we go into the final one I remember just now uh sometimes talents get reworked and you might say oh Talent level eight of Betty's garbage I don't want to play it imagine that it gets reworked from one patch to the other you might be like oh dude that new Talent is fantastic I want that well yeah but might as well already have it unlocked right there's no more season pass anymore so you're definitely gonna have to grind for it so again grab every single possible champion level it up all the way to level eight you learn how to play them you learn how to counter them you end up doing loadouts for the Champions which is our next thing you need to learn how to do loadouts guess what I got a minute for that it's right there how to create loadouts for every Champion you do not need to worry every single Champion you might be thinking oh I need a Loadout for that in this video I actually got you now it's not I'm not going to show you a Loadout for every Champion but I'm going to show you how you can actually achieve those loadouts that you're missing um if you also have like some questions about Basics basic stuff there is however two places where you can go I'm gonna be leaving these links in the description one it is the learn section of the paladins website where you can go and it will actually explain to you you know you have your Champions choose you with Champions you want all of them have different abilities they can be different classes healers tanks damages uh you also have different cars which you create the loadouts to amplify certain things uh maybe you you want movement speed maybe you want damage or more on one and ability maybe you want more ammo stuff like that and then you also have the talents which will be like a card but it's like the strongest card right and then you you mix and match talents with loadouts your your main loadouts already and then finally while in the game already uncontractual OverWatch you cannot switch Champions right so you're gonna have to play with what you have but there is a little bit of a Salvation there in case you're going up against a champion that it's really really obnoxious against you and you have no idea how to counter it go and learn the items from the item store I actually have a video on that but I forgot to add here in fact I might do one new because uh the one I did do was very long ago and therefore it's outdated so we're gonna try to bring that back and I'm gonna do that one video and put in that playlist as well so you can learn what every single one of the items do right you're a brand new a brand new player and you don't know what resilience does well guess what I'm gonna teach you but it's there's no better way to do that than actually reading right that's one thing that a lot of people fail at you can come in here read the talents you can come in here read the abilities you have the simple version or the advanced version you can come in here press the create Loadout press one card and then read all the cards and imagine what kind of mix and match combos you can do with all of this right you think of the talents you think of the cards and like I said the video of how to do loadouts is there so go and check it out so things that you can modify on Champions talents load outs and then items inside of the game so you can very very the gameplay a lot not only to your advantage but also to sometimes get a more fun gameplay out and by playing the exact same Champion right which is fantastic so you have this section here of the uh learn which then allows you you go here into certain sections like choose your Champion it shows you all the Champions you can go and select and see what every single one of them does or for example the basics on the item store is sharp right here they have this one here which was done a while ago I believe uh then have the game modes you got the account linkings you got for example how to play like a pro customize your loadouts some more advanced stuff talents the vgs system that I told you and some more stuff like for example to ranked but again like I said do not go into rank until you have all the Champions and until you have them all a level eight not only will you get muscle memory to all the different champions and you might even learn some new tactics for your main Champion the champion you're going to love more right then you're also going to have every single one of these Champions available because the difference between casual which will be modes like for example like this um let me just select here the region you got modes like Siege which is a point in the middle of the map you try to capture it the team that captures it at payload spawns and now you gotta push it the enemy team has to defend it the first team to get four points you get points from capping defending attacking uh pushing the bullet a pillow to the other side the first thing to forget Four Points wins the onslaught I literally 10 damp that match with just a section in the middle of the map where you have to stand to collect more points obviously you still get points for kills and then you got the payload which is literally two rounds the team that pushes the payload the furthest wins Siege remixed which is a old old Siege mode that doesn't exist anymore but they still kept the same mechanics of the normal Siege so it's easier for you where you have to still go into a specific point that will be selected there's three different in the maps the maps are huge and then you have to cap them push the payload steel to the enemy side and you're the first team to get four points wins you then have the rank section which is what a lot of people want to go but once you try to you in there it says You must be level higher than 50 15 and on at least 18 Champions the reason why they need to own 18 Champions is because there's 10 picks and if 8 bands and the chance that you might run out of choices if you're the literal last pick because this is by turns it's pretty high so you want to have all the champions in my opinion at least because you might want to trade with somebody okay that is one of the hugest tactics in ranked and once you get in there you'll see the people will start asking can you save me this can you save me that or uh does anybody want to save and you save the character for somebody else and then they switch with you because in rank you can actually switch characters it goes by rounds first somebody Bands then somebody picks then it's your turn then you pick for somebody or pick for yourself and then in the final section you trade whether you want or you know whether you already had it planned or maybe you just prefer it that way stuff like that and to have every single champion and have them all level eight with all talents unlocked possibly already some loadouts in every single one of the Champions you're ready to go right you won't have any problems you won't be like oh I don't have cards and loadouts for Io and I picked her by accident and nobody switched with me listen you don't gotta worry about it all right this way of getting all Champions level 8 and get them all with talents and loadouts and such and learning them a little bit how to play them how to counter them will be your best guide in this game okay you would time you will get practice if you are scared of going into casuals you can go into Bots although my my honest opinion is go into casuals because even though you might have a bad experience it is still better than playing with bad spots are too predictable they will not be the same in competitive they will not be the same in casual sometimes casuals can be even easier because players can sometimes be very unpredictable and they might be standing there still do nothing so stuff like that can happen um but like I said you can come in here in case you're having a hard time just testing out a champion for the first time and now brings me into the very important section which is the shooting range and the shooting range you will be able to test every single Champion for free all right you do not have to own them then you can also select all their talents for free and then recently they added an extra thing which you can edit loadouts while on the shooting range which means you don't have to constantly go back and forth and back and forth you can go in there grab one of the three the default loadouts that every Champion has and then switch it to your tasting you know you just go in there oh let's try and load out here and you try it on the bus that are there on the shooting range it's absolutely fantastic it will definitely help you a lot I guarantee you you will be spending a lot of time on the shooting range it will be your best friend when it comes to testing things that you don't own or the things you might want to try for the first time Customs is the last section this does not give you any XP whatsoever gold where it helps you in missions so if you want to have some fun or check out Maps then yeah sure this is the place to go uh you have some modifiers to make some fun game modes but in my opinion stick to this one here first and obviously the shooting range and if I didn't say this yet you can do the tutorial immediately to get some gold I already said this before uh I already have the video on how to you can get gold one of the sections I talk about this which is the achievements and one of the achievements that gives you a lot of gold is the tutorial itself once you do the tutorial I think it gives you a total of there you go well trained completed patterns tutorial you do the tutorial you get immediately XP for your account and then 25 000 gold I don't know why they put XP for 40 000 XP but you know there will be bugs it's completely normal don't let it affect you and since we're talking about not letting it affect you let's talk about it one of the things you're going to be facing a lot it is unfortunately toxicity you will be playing bad because you're brand new to the game and you know it you know it you know you're gonna be bad and people are going to be mean to you but there are tools that will allow you to overcome this okay first of all you can try to ignore them don't answer back I guarantee you the worst thing you can do is try to answer back to anybody all right do you mind me thinking nah man I I'm I'm cool I'm I'll be careful with my words even saying something is like plain as oh your mom could definitely get you banned so my honest opinion just maybe don't answer right if they start complaining about you if you're doing something that it's worthy being banned for like jumping off the map on purpose then obviously he'll report you and you'll get banned but if you're just playing the game you're just not playing according to his expectations then let him cry about it ain't gonna ban you for reporting you so let him talk all right just keep playing learn the game keep going for it eventually you will get it all right so my first few tips take a look into those those videos so you can know how to achieve more gold how do you can level your Champions faster uh how some of the basics are I will do the video on the items which will also help you you can also check that out later and another thing you can do is also check out the channel over time I'm already starting this new series of simple guides with certain champions for example I just did one with Lilith where I teach you how to play with Lilith and then on the second part of the video I teach you how to put these things in practice into gameplay all right and I'm gonna be trying to do this with every single champion on 2023 let's see if I can actually achieve it and you know you might want to take a look into it so essentially what I'm saying is keep it cool play do everything possible there is to be done so you can get a lot of gold get every Champion available to you and then put them all in level eight create loadouts for everything and only then you should be ready to go into competitive and have fun there okay if you don't want to go competitive I don't judge you please just just play the game normally play casually play with your friends you can play in a five stack okay invite your friends invite your family play the game it's free to play get everybody on board go and have some fun all right and just learn it slowly all right just practice learn it read it one of the most important things in this game is reading it sometimes there'll be typos sometimes there'll be stuff that it's poorly written but still a lot of the information is hidden in the details of the abilities the items the talents the cards everything needs to be read so you understand what you're missing I guarantee you this will help you a lot so go into those games try it out uh there is a current bug that I'm just gonna say this real quick you'll see this little zero to two on top of this mode and this mode so as you can see there it gives you gold if you play two of these modes right but unfortunately it doesn't say on top of Siege remix and payload it's not because I already played it it's because it's bugged it's still there so so my advice is play these two first you know get that gold 300 600 and then play these two as well they both also give you 300 so another 600 1200 gold just straight away from playing and then you can go into the shooting range this is also another thing that I already not shooting range sorry training Tab and this is something I already explained on the video of how to make Golds um like I said I'm gonna put these two pages there on the description of the video this is one final one that I wanted to show you which um the our current Community manager has decided to add a new returning and new players guide so you will have a lot more information here that you might be missing all right you definitely want to learn it uh oh and for the main tips of the game I almost forgot about this like what am I doing stick together to your team don't play solo don't play the hero this is a team based game play it together with your team learn to compromise a little bit maybe you have to play support maybe you have to play tank um just play together with your team try to help them and they will help you back and try not to be toxic all right you will enjoy this game a thousand times more if you just keep it like that if you just keep it you know fun uh don't stress about it if you started to stress about the game then just have a little break go play something else that it's not multiplayer maybe like a history game or maybe just go outside and try to figure out what the color of grass is and that's it folks okay there's not a lot more I will be leaving in the description a little pinned comment uh with some more information that might come across my mind after and if anybody who's watching this video thinks that there's information that it should definitely be transmitted into new players as well please by all means go there all right the classes like that's easy to understand you got damages these guys eyes are definitely the Champions that have to do damage to Shields to tanks into everything else just destroy everything possibly flanks are the ones with high Mobility that have to go and finish off kills still don't go by yourself try to play it with your team all right don't be the hero tanks now this might come as a shock to you but there's different different sections of Tanks there's the off tank which is the offensive one and there's the point tank which usually is the main tank that people just think that they should be sitting on point it's not they fight over the control of the point they fight over also pushing the enemy team back you might actually play point tank and not even touch that point once by just standing in front of it and pushing it the enemy team back and giving your team space so somebody else can cap it a support a DPS a sniper something somebody else can cap it while you're just creating distance right you can be playing with two tanks in one team and both of you will just defending each side it'll be fantastic you'll see what I'm talking about and then you've obviously have the supports the ones that heal right there will be ones that are more for the aggressive side than the actual healing side and then they'll be hybrids with time you learn and there's definitely tutorials on my channel for a lot of these Champions you can just go in there you literally can just go there on my YouTube channel right you go here my channel yes this is in Portuguese Portuguese and once you're here you go into this little magnifying glass let's say you want a video about Furia boom you just type Fury here how to play fury in 2023 oh no that's the rise of Fury sorry that's the game no that's not that that champion sorry this one here is a little uh Loadout that I created for her it's pretty good you cannot you guys can give it a try uh there's other videos here a little bit older that you can also check for example for Fury about their lure that's one of the things I also cover a lot there's a lot of lore in this game uh they're constantly trying to improve it and make it even more rich and I'm also covering that all of the time you can then for example let's say Voda my main champion who knows how to play damage Vora lore tips and tricks video new Vora Lord Chronicles you know vorta that I can see I guess I also dot EXE videos they're also very very fun so yeah I don't think there's anything I should be missing here all right check out the the channel check out these two links will be in the description and uh like I said I'll be creating the video of the items and a bit as well and then uploading it and putting it up on that playlist as well so there you go ladies and gentlemen that's pretty much it I hope you enjoy paladins and I hope you share it with your friends and uh good luck out there all right bye
Channel: Kreepers
Views: 4,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kreepers, kreepersyt, play, game, video
Id: 0rjRCqILwmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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